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Unit Plan

Subject: ELA 9
Unit Focus: “Overcoming Technology”
Dates: December 4, 2023 - December 22, 2023

Intern: Stephanie Hedges

Teacher Mentor: Justin Clark

Table of Contents

I. Overview……………………………………………………………………………… 2

II. Rationale……………………………………………………………………………… 2

III. Objectives/Learner Outcomes……………………………………………………… 2

IV. Assessment and Evaluation………………………………………………………... 4

V. Key Teaching and Learning Activities …………………………………………….. 7

VI. Resources……………………………………………………………………………. 7

VII. Planning for Diversity……………………………………………………………….. 7

VIII. Calendar……………………………………………………………………………… 8

I. Overview:

This unit will explore various texts to explore the conflict of character versus technology.
In a world with increasing dependence on technology and the rise of AI, it is important to explore
the themes and questions regarding this issue. Supplemental texts will also explore the question
of whether or not technology is helping or hindering us individually or as a society..

II. Rationale:

Students will benefit from exploring this theme as the world becomes increasingly
dependent on technology. Several movements have been driven and communicated through
technology use. While technology can help and benefit society in multiple ways, during this unit,
we will discuss both the benefits and limitations of technology. Not one person can escape some
form of technology in their life, and this unit will explore how various characters were able to
overcome or work through the rise of technology.

III. Focused Objectives/Learner Outcomes:

● 1.1.2 Experiment with language and forms

○ Develop and extend understanding by expressing and responding to ideas on the
same topic, in a variety of forms of oral, print and other media texts.
● 1.2.2 Combine ideas
○ Examine and re-examine ideas, information and experiences from different points
of view to find patterns and see relationships.
● 2.2.3 Appreciate the artistry of texts
○ discuss how techniques, such as irony, symbolism, perspective and proportion,
communicate meaning and enhance effect in oral, print and other media texts
○ discuss character development in terms of consistency of behaviour and
plausibility of change
○ describe how theme, dominant impression and mood are developed and
sustained through choices in language use and the interrelationship of plot,
setting and character
○ identify features that define particular oral, print and other media texts; discuss
differences in style and their effects on content and audience impression
● 2.3.1 Understand forms and genres
○ explain the relationships between purposes and characteristics of various forms
and genres of oral, print and other media texts
○ evaluate the effectiveness of different types of media texts for presenting ideas
and information
● 2.3.2 Understand techniques and elements
○ compare the development of character, plot and theme in two oral, print or other
media texts

○ evaluate the effectiveness of oral, print and other media texts, considering the
believability of plot and setting, the credibility of characters, and the development
and resolution of conflict
○ compare a main character in one text to the main character in another text from a
different era, genre or medium
○ identify ways that a change in narrator might affect the overall meaning of oral,
print and other media texts
○ summarize the content of media texts, and suggest alternative treatments
● 3.3.1 Organize information
○ organize ideas and information by developing and selecting appropriate
categories and organizational structures
○ balance all sections of oral, print and other media texts and ensure sentences,
paragraphs and key ideas are linked throughout
○ develop coherence by relating all key ideas to the overall purpose of the oral,
print or other media text
● 4.1.2 Revise and edit
○ revise to ensure effective introductions, consistent points of view, effective
transitions between ideas and appropriate conclusions
○ revise to enhance effective transitions between ideas and maintain a consistent
organizational pattern
○ revise to combine narration, description and exposition effectively
● 4.3.4: Demonstrate attentive listening and viewing
○ follow the train of thought, and evaluate the credibility of the presenter and the
evidence provided
○ provide feedback that encourages the presenter and audience to consider other
ideas and additional information
IV. Assessment and Evaluation:

Learning Assessments

Title Collaborative Peer Feedback Class Short story Individual Personal Recording
Analysis Discussion & Conference Journal

Type F F F S F S S

1.1.2 X X X X X

1.2.2 X X X

2.2.3 X X

2.3.1 X X X X X X

2.3.2 X X

3.3.1 X X X X

4.1.2 X X X

4.3.4 X X X X X X

Assessment Brief Description Formative/ Outcomes ELA Strand

Tool Summative

Collaborative This is an opportunity for F 1.2.2 Speaking

Analysis groups of students to 2.2.3 Writing
discuss themes and deeper 2.3.1 Listening
meanings of text with me. 2.3.2
This will be an informal 3.3.1
verbal conversation where 4.3.4
the students tell me what
they understood from the
text. Students will have a
chance to prepare
beforehand with their

Peer Feedback Students will be F 1.2.2 Reading

encouraged to gather peer 2.3.1 Writing
feedback from a classmate 4.1.2 Listening
on one of their projects in 4.3.4
their portfolio work. This
peer feedback should be
considered in edits and

Class Class discussions will F 1.1.2 Speaking

Discussion and center on the themes and 1.2.2 Reading
Think/pair/share figurative language from 2.2.3 Writing
the texts we read in class. 2.3.1
This will be for students to 2.3.2
gain a better understanding 4.3.4
of the texts.

Short story Students are encouraged S 1.1.2 Writing

to complete a short story to 2.3.1 Reading
fulfill their portfolio 3.3.1
objectives. We will be 4.1.2
analyzing the plot elements
of “The Pedestrian” to help
them identify necessary
parts of a plot.

Individual Students are encouraged F 1.2.2 Speaking

Conference to sign up for an individual 4.1.2 Listening
conference with me to go 4.3.4
over their independent
progress in their portfolio

Personal Journal One option for students’ S 1.1.2 Writing

portfolio work is to create a 2.3.1 Reading
personal journal as we 3.3.1
read about the effects of 4.1.2
technology on society.
They may record their own
thoughts on how
technology has affected

Recording Another option students S 1.1.2 Representing

can choose from is to 2.3.1 Listening
create a recording 3.3.1
responding about a text 4.1.2
where they discuss the
effectiveness of the various
texts we explored.

V. Key Teaching and Learning Activities:

● Cloze reading
● Think/Pair/Share and Class Discussions
● Group work
● Viewing
● Individual Journal Writing
● Collaborative analysis

VI. Resources:

● Mitchells versus the Machines

● “The Pedestrian”, Ray Bradbury
● “In the Year 2525”
● “Technology Takes Over”, poem
● “Technology Takeover”, poem
● The Gods Must Be Crazy opening scene

VII. Planning for Diversity:

This unit will explore perspectives on internal struggles from Indigenous, Canadian,
American, and European authors using many text forms such as a novel, animated shorts,
songs, poetry, and paintings. Hearing about different struggles and challenges from different
backgrounds allows students to better connect and understand the world around them. The
diversity chosen will help students develop empathy towards.
The portfolio system implemented in the classroom allows students to choose which
medium or form to present their final projects in. This method is designed to allow students to
show what they have learned in a manner that best suits their abilities and knowledge.
VIII. Calendar

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

4. Introduction 5. No Class 6. Gods Must be Crazy 7. Technology Takeover 8. No Class

Resources: Resources: Resources:

- “In the year 2525” - “The Gods Must be - Technology Takeover
Crazy” opening scene
Opening: Opening:
- Vocabulary Opening: - Vocabulary
- Vocabulary
Lesson: Lesson:
- “In the year 2525” Lesson: - Technology Takeover
- Portfolio Work - “The Gods Must be - Portfolio Work
Crazy” opening scene
Closing: - Portfolio Work Closing:
- How many of these things - When do you know if
are true? What do you Closing: technology is too much?
think will happen in 100 - In what ways does
years? technology make life Assessments:
harder? - Portfolio Work
- Portfolio Work Assessments:
- Portfolio Work

11. Mitchells vs. The 12. No Class 13. Mitchells vs. The 14. Mitchells vs. The 15. Mitchells vs. The
Machines Machines Machines Machines

Resources: Resources: Resources: Resources:

- Mitchells vs. The - Mitchells vs. The - Mitchells vs. The - Mitchells vs. The
Machines Machines Machines Machines

Opening: Opening: Opening: Opening:

- Vocabulary - Vocabulary - Vocabulary - Vocabulary

Lesson: Lesson: Lesson: Lesson:

- Mitchells vs. The - Mitchells vs. The - Mitchells vs. The - Mitchells vs. The
Machines Machines Machines Machines
- Portfolio Work - Portfolio Work - Collaborative Analysis - Collaborative Analysis
- Portfolio Work - Portfolio Work
Closing: Closing:
- How can we apply this to - What is the director and Closing: Closing:
our life? writer saying about - What is the director and - What is the director and
technology? writer saying about writer saying about
Assessments: technology? technology?
- Portfolio Work Assessments:
- Portfolio Work Assessments: Assessments:
- Collaborative Analysis - Collaborative Analysis
- Portfolio Work - Portfolio Work

18. The Pedestrian 19. No Class 20. The Pedestrian 21. The Pedestrian 22. No Class

Resources: Resources: Resources:

- The Pedestrian - The Pedestrian - The Pedestrian

Opening: Opening: Opening:

- Vocabulary - Vocabulary - Vocabulary
- Portfolio Work
Lesson: Lesson:
Lesson: - The Pedestrian - The Pedestrian
- The Pedestrian - Portfolio Work - Portfolio Work

Closing: Closing: Closing:

- Double check edsby - Double check edsby - Double check edsby

Assessments: Assessments: Assessments:

- Portfolio Work - Portfolio Work - Portfolio Work

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