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Chapter 01 Communication in a Global Workplace


1. Communication barriers and ______ may cause the communication process to break
a. decoding
b. feedback
c. noise
d. channel direction

2. The process of communication includes all but which of the following:

a. coding.
b. transmitting.
c. decoding.
d. feedback.

3. To better compete and to reduce expenses, businesses have been flattening

management hierarchies. This means that frontline employees will be
a. making decisions and communicating more than ever before.
b. promoted very quickly and will be giving orders.
c. working with increased budgets but reduced staffs.
d. All of these choices are correct.

4. Every country has a unique culture, common heritage, joint experience, and shared
learning that
a. comes from an orderly system of government and laws.
b. shapes behavior and conditions reactions.
c. is regulated by a structured educational system.
d. results from Western values being spread throughout the world.

5. Despite attempts by employers to foster diversity, harmony and acceptance do not

follow automatically when people who are dissimilar work together.
a. True
b. False

6. In the communication process, feedback helps the receiver understand a message

encoded by the sender.
a. True
b. False

7. Most of us possess good listening skills since we listen at 25 percent efficiency.

a. True
b. False

8. Rachel is listening to an outsider who has been brought in to teach sales reps how to
improve their sales techniques. She can improve her comprehension by establishing
an open mind-set, listening for main points, taking selective notes, and
a. providing immediate feedback if she disagrees with the speaker or has an important point
to add.
b. judging ideas, not appearances.
c. filling in lag time by organizing in her mind the other tasks she must perform that day.
d. asking probing questions when as she hears something she doesn't understand.

9. Today's workers communicate less than ever before because information technology
and the Internet have greatly reduced the need for communication skills.
a. True
b. False

10. To minimize oral miscommunication among cross-cultural audiences, businesspeople

should use simple English, check frequently for comprehension, and
a. speak louder if the listener does not seem to understand.
b. accept blame for any misunderstandings.
c. help a speaker finish sentences and fill out ideas if that person is searching for the best
d. avoid smiling too much because this signals understanding and agreement.

11. As a new employee, you are listening to the manager explain a new procedure for
handling customer orders. You find it difficult to focus because you disagree totally
with the new plan. What type of barrier to effective listening are you experiencing?
a. Psychological barrier
b. Physical barrier
c. Language barrier
d. Cognitive barrier

12. When verbal and nonverbal messages conflict, receivers tend to put more faith in
verbal cues.
a. True
b. False

13. One cause of poor listening is that listeners can process thoughts more than three
times faster than speakers can say them.
a. True
b. False

14. Members of low-context cultures generally value independence and self-assertion

whereas members of high-context cultures may resist independence because it
fosters competition and confrontation instead of consensus.
a. True
b. False

15. Communication is defined as the transmission of information and meaning from one
individual or group to another.
a. True
b. False
16. Mr. Lee, who owns a mid-sized company, can capitalize on workforce diversity by
understanding the value of differences, not expecting conformity, creating zero
tolerance for bias, and
a. discouraging employee feedback, which can lead to disagreements and confrontations.
b. seeking common ground in shared experiences and mutual goals.
c. hiring people who are similar to himself.
d. establishing a standard company culture that everyone follows.

17. A survey conducted by the Malaysian government in 2005 revealed that

____________ were the main reasons for unemployment in Malaysia.
a. poor command of the English language and inadequate communication skills
b. poor command of the English language and poor dressing sense
c. lack of suitable infrastructure and poor general knowledge

18. Because people can transmit messages more rapidly, more often, and to greater
numbers of people than ever before, ______ skills are particularly important in
today's workplace.
a. technology
b. management
c. writing
d. cell phone

19. When you realize that a person's nonverbal cues contradict what the person is
saying, you should
a. rely on the spoken words, which will be more nearly accurate.
b. politely seek additional information.
c. avoid probing more deeply because doing so may cause awkwardness or
d. tell the speaker frankly that she or he is sending you mixed signals.

20. Believing in the superiority of one's own culture is known as stereotyping.

a. True
b. False

Chapter 01 Grammar/Mechanics Checkups

1. A huge number of ________ overwhelmed their two Web sites.

a. inquiries
b. inquirys

2. Banks are installing multilingual ATMs to serve ________.

a. customers'
b. customers

3. Some ________ are giving up land lines for cell phones.

a. companys
b. companies
4. Business is better on ________ than on ________.
a. Saturdays, Sundays
b. Saturday's, Sunday's

5. Frozen ________ fill the grocery's lockers at Thanksgiving.

a. turkies
b. turkeys

6. Only the ________ and the Sanchezes brought their entire families.
a. Bush's
b. Bushes

7. Both ________ instituted strict proofreading policies.

a. editors in chief
b. editor in chiefs

8. Luxury residential ________ are part of the architect's plan.

a. complexs
b. complexes

9. Voters in three ________ are likely to approve new gas taxes.

a. countys
b. counties

10. The instructor was surprised to find two ________ in one class.
a. Cassidy's
b. Cassidys

11. André sent digital photos of two ________ in France before we planned our trip.
a. valleys
b. vallies

12. Most companies have copies of statements showing their assets and ________.
a. liabilitys
b. liabilities

13. My flat-screen monitor makes it difficult to distinguish between ________.

a. o's and a's
b. os and as

14. Both of her sisters-in-law were ________ with high principles.

a. woman
b. women

Chapter 01 End-of-Chapter Review Quiz

1. Your clothing, grooming, and posture send an instant ______ message about you.
a. comprehensive
b. nonverbal
c. contextual
d. fashion
2. An active listener capitalizes on "lag" time. One way to do this is to
a. focus on what the speaker is wearing and whether the attire is appropriate.
b. mentally arrange your "to do" list so that you can use your time efficiently.
c. interrupt the speaker with questions whenever you don't understand a point.
d. review the speaker's points and anticipate what's coming next.
3. The communication process is more effective when senders discourage feedback,
which may consist of verbal and nonverbal responses from the receiver.
a. True
b. False
4. As a listener, you should NOT take notes because the note taking process interferes
with your focus on the speaker's total message.
a. False
b. True
5. Flattened management hierarchies, increased emphasis on teams, heightened global
competition, and innovative communication technologies are trends that result in less
and less need for workers to develop communication skills.
a. False
b. True
6. Clay is discussing a business deal with an Asian person. Although Clay uses simple
words and enunciates clearly, his Asian listener misunderstands what he is saying.
Clay should
a. accept blame for not making himself clear.
b. start again, speaking more slowly and loudly for better comprehension.
c. nod graciously and ask his listener to repeat as much of the conversation as
possible so that Clay can help with pronunciations and meanings.
d. stop talking and engage a translator.
7. Translating a message from its symbol form into meaning involves
a. encoding.
b. interpreting.
c. decoding.
d. networking.
8. A major problem in communicating any message verbally is that words have different
meanings for different people.
a. False
b. True
9. In the changing world of work, you will find increased emphasis on work teams. This
means that you will be
a. working only face-to-face with team members.
b. working inside cubicles with new rules of office etiquette and expectations for
c. gathering information, finding and sharing solutions, implementing
decisions, and managing conflict.
d. acting as your own boss, resulting in individual decision making with less need for
communication skills.
10. An American businessperson who says that all Asians are good at math and
computing is illustrating an example of
a. a cultural norm.
b. ethnocentrism.
c. stereotyping.
d. tolerance.
11. It is natural for people to believe in the superiority of their own culture. This belief is
called ethnocentrism.
a. True
b. False
12. To become an effective, active listener, you should
a. stop talking.
b. establish a receptive mind-set.
c. listen for main points.
d. All of these choices are correct.
13. Organizations that encourage diverse workforces experience more discrimination
lawsuits, more union clashes, and more government regulatory action.
a. True
b. False
14. Neil's company prides itself on building successful international partnerships and
clients. As president, Neil encourages an attitude of tolerance, which means
a. he encourages his employees to learn about the beliefs and practices that are
different from theirs.
b. he encourages his employees to practice empathy.
c. he encourages his employees to be nonjudgmental.
d. All of these choices are correct.
15. North Americans consider time a precious commodity to be conserved. This is an
important part of the cultural dimension of individualism.
a. True
b. False
16. "Soft skills" include the ability to communicate, work well with others, solve problems,
make ethical decisions, and appreciate diversity.
a. False
b. True
17. North Americans speak at about 125 words per minute, but the human brain can
process information at least three times that fast, thus allowing listeners to become
a. True
b. False
18. In the communication process, the medium over which a message is transmitted is
called the
a. channel.
b. station.
c. network.
d. source.
19. A poll of recruiters indicated that the skills most often sought in today's workplace are
a. organizational skills.
b. technology skills.
c. leadership skills.
d. oral and written communication skills.
20. Successful communicators recognize the power of nonverbal messages.
a. False
b. True
Chapter 02 Planning Business Messages

1. The writing process has three parts:

a. planning, composing, and revising.
b. designing, formatting, and proofreading.
c. planning, formatting, and typesetting

2. Which of the following represents inclusive and correct language?

a. Each homeowner must provide his own insurance.
b. Several firemen fought the blaze and received commendations.
c. Every student should receive their grades by January 1.
d. None of these choices are correct.

3. Many businesses today communicate with customers through live chat which means
that communication skills are not very important.
a. True
b. False

4. Business writing is
a. essentially the same as academic writing (essays and term papers).
b. harder than academic writing because business writing must be creative.
c. audience oriented, purposeful, persuasive, and economical.
d. purposeful, economical, and writer oriented.

5. Within many organizations, e-mail messages have replaced hard-copy memos

because e-mail is best for messages that require persuasion, permanence, or
a. True
b. False

6. Which of the following statements employ precise and vigorous language?

a. Our team has experienced a change in profits.
b. The meeting will take place as soon as possible
c. Sales for January indicated a 10 percent plunge in profits.
d. The team manager has decided to think about the problems.

7. Adapting a message to reflect audience benefits means that you must try to show
receivers how you're going to save them frustration or help them meet their goals.
a. True
b. False
8. In adapting your message to the audience, you should include words that are familiar
and meaningful to receivers such as "remuneration" and "obfuscate."
a. True
b. False

9. To sound conversational but professional, business writers should include

a. a formal and pretentious tone.
b. personalized expressions with IM abbreviations, sentence fragments, and slang.
c. a warm, conversational tone that avoids low-level diction.
d. legal terminology, long sentences, and third-person constructions.

10. Negative language sounds more forceful and conveys more information than positive
a. True
b. False

11. Whether your goal is to inform, persuade, or promote goodwill, the most powerful
words you can use are "I" and "we."
a. True
b. False

12. The job titles "letter carrier," "police officer," and "worker" represent inclusive
language because they include rather than exclude people.
a. True
b. False

13. The first phase of the writing process involves

a. asking the right questions to profile the writer.
b. shaping the message for the primary audience.
c. analyzing the audience to determine your purpose for writing.
d. analyzing the purpose, anticipating how the audience will react, and adapting the
message to the audience.

14. Which of the following best illustrates the "you" view recommended for business
a. You may not return items without a cash register receipt.
b. We have selected you to join the management trainee class.
c. You have been selected to join the management trainee class.
d. We have shipped your order, and it will arrive within five days

15. In business writing, length is more important than brevity. Longer messages are
better received than shorter ones.
a. True
b. False

16. The writing process involves three phases

a. that are roughly equal in the time devoted to each.
b. with the most time being spent on the last phase.
c. with the most time being spent on the first phase.
d. with the most time being spent on the middle phase.

17. Although most instant messages, e-mail messages, business letters, memos, and
reports replace conversation, they should not sound conversational. They should be
formal and professional.
a. True
b. False

18. Weak verbs and abstract nouns give receivers more information and keep them
a. True
b. False

19. Using plain English means that you should

a. shun pompous and pretentious language.
b. consistently use jargon to impress your readers.
c. use unfamiliar words.
d. never use big words.

20. Which of the following illustrates the most positive business writing?
a. Employees may not park in Lot A until construction is completed April 1.
b. Your order will be sent as soon as we receive your shoe size.
c. We are sorry that we must reject your application for credit at this time.
d. None of these choices represents good business writing.

Chapter 02 Grammar/Mechanics Checkups

1. I hoped Rhonda would call. Was it ________ who left the message?
a. she
b. her

2. Everyone on the men's soccer team must be fitted for ________ uniform.
a. his
b. their

3. Even instant messages sent between the manager and ________ will be revealed in
the court case.
a. he
b. him

4. Does anyone in the office know for ________ these CDs were ordered?
a. who
b. whom

5. It looks as if ________ is the only report that cites electronic sources correctly.
a. her's
b. hers

6. Thomas asked Matt and ________ to help him complete his report.
a. I
b. me
c. myself

7. My friend and ________ were also asked to work on Saturdays.

a. I
b. me
c. myself

8. Both printers were sent for repairs, but ________ will be returned shortly.
a. yours
b. your's

9. Give the budget figures to ________ asked for them.

a. whoever
b. whomever

10. Everyone except the broker and ________ claimed a share of the commission.
a. I
b. me
c. myself

11. No one knows that problem better than ________.

a. he
b. him
c. himself

12. Investment brochures and information were sent to ________ shareholders.

a. we
b. us

13. If any one of the female tourists has lost ________ scarf, she should see the driver.
a. their
b. her

14. Neither the glamour nor the excitement of the position had lost ________ appeal.
a. its
b. it's
c. their

15. Any new subscriber may cancel ________ subscription within the first month.
a. their
b. his or her
Chapter 02 End-of-Chapter Review Quiz
1. The following statement is an example of disability bias: Our prospective client is
confined to a wheelchair.
a. False
b. True
2. Writers should recognize the value of the "you" view and insert this second person
pronoun as much as possible into business messages so that the focus is totally on
the reader.
a. True
b. False
3. Which of the following best demonstrates the "you" view?
a. You did not apply in time, but we are still accepting applications for the
tuition reimbursement plan.
b. You can still apply to have your tuition completely reimbursed so that
you can continue your learning and expand your job skills.
c. The deadline for applying for tuition reimbursement has been extended
because few employees knew about it.
d. We need all applications immediately if employees wish to apply for tuition
4. Which of the following statements employ precise and vigorous language?
a. The board president plans to give his views on the project.
b. Revenues for this quarter indicated a huge change in profits.
c. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 3, at 3:00 p.m.
d. The research team will meet very soon.
5. Adapting a message to the receiver's needs means putting yourself in that person's
shoes. This skill is called "ethnocentrism."
a. True
b. False
6. Your goal as a business writer is to create messages with a warm, friendly tone that
still sounds professional.
a. True
b. False
7. To fully implement the "you" view, writers should
a. sterilize their writing and avoid any first-person pronouns.
b. delete phrases such as I'm happy or We're delighted.
c. emphasize second-person pronouns without overusing or misusing
d. focus on the reader and use "you" in most sentences.
8. The third phase of the writing process involves revising, proofreading, and evaluating
your message.
a. False
b. True.
9. Generally, you can avoid gender-biased language by leaving out the words man and
woman, by using plural nouns and pronouns, or by changing to a gender-free word.
a. True
b. False
10. In profiling the audience, writers are trying to determine how to tailor a message to a
particular reader because when most readers receive a message, they are thinking,
"What's in this for me?"
a. False
b. True
11. Which of the following represents the best business writing?
a. The computer training session cannot begin until after the winter holidays.
b. Employees may not sign up for vacations until a schedule is posted April 15.
c. We regret that employees may not use the Market Street entrance during May.
d. Employees may use the Market Street entrance once again beginning June
12. The words commensurate, materialize, and interrogate are familiar words that would
be appropriate in most business messages.
a. True
b. False
13. The second phase of the writing process involves
a. organizing and composing the message.
b. analyzing the purpose of the message and deciding what is to be
c. profiling the audience to be able to create receiver benefits.
d. organizing information, adapting it to the audience, and proofreading.
14. Business writers are encouraged to use plain English, which means
a. using only jargon.
b. using plain language and familiar words.
c. using only short words.
d. using high-sounding language and legalese.
15. Mei Yit must send a message to fellow employees. In choosing a communication
channel, she should consider the importance of the message, need for a permanent
record, cost of the channel, degree of formality desired, and the
a. time she should spend on all three phases of the writing process.
b. five stages of the communication process.
c. amount and speed of feedback and interactivity required.
d. research and organization of primary and secondary data.
16. Because business writing is different from academic writing, business communicators
can expect to spend more time ensuring proper length and developing creative ideas
that will impress readers.
a. False
b. True
17. Business writers should strive for a conversational and _______ tone.
a. professional
b. informal
c. formal
d. personal
18. Which of the following demonstrates inclusive language?
a. All executives and their wives may attend the conference banquet.
b. Each homeowner must engage his own insurance carrier.
c. All letter carriers must park their trucks legally when delivering mail.
d. Every mailman must park his truck legally when delivering mail.

19. Business communicators strive to produce messages that are audience oriented,
purposeful, persuasive, and
a. creative.
b. economical.
c. company oriented.
d. impressive.
20. Positive wording in a business message tells what is and what can be done rather
than what isn't and what can't be done.
a. False
b. True

Chapter 03 Composing Business Messages

1. Which of the following represents a sentence fragment?
a. Career advisors suggest that you dress for the job you want, not the one
you have.
b. When you have a job interview, what does your appearance say about
c. Although we have seen a gradual loosening of the rules surrounding
how we dress for work.
d. Business casual attire may sabotage your professional image.
2. The indirect strategy of message development works best when you
a. have a lot of information to deliver quickly.
b. are sending a short e-mail to a coworker.
c. are delivering good news that will be eagerly received.
d. must deliver bad news.
3. No smart businessperson would begin writing a message before
a. conducting an Internet search.
b. deciding how to format the message.
c. researching to collect needed information.
d. checking with the receiver to ensure that the message will be well-received.
4. Which of the following sentences illustrates passive voice?
a. The hiring manager gave each candidate a writing test.
b. Employers are usually looking for candidates with good communication
c. A communication skills test was given to every applicant for the job
d. College graduates with excellent writing skills earn more than three times
those with the worst writing skills.
5. Which of the following illustrates a comma splice?
a. Some employers offer full benefit packages, others do not.
b. Some employers offer full benefit packages; others do not.
c. Some employers offer full benefit packages, but others do not.
d. Some employers offer full benefit packages; however, others do not.
6. An example of a compound-complex sentence is Starbucks utilizes social media to
enhance sales.
a. True
b. False
7. A message is said to be frontloaded when the details, explanations, and background
precede the opening.
a. True
b. False
8. You can emphasize ideas stylistically by using
a. underlining.
b. tabulation.
c. vivid words.
d. italics.
9. When you expect the receiver of your message to be pleased, mildly interested, or
neutral, you should place the main idea
a. at the beginning of the message.
b. in the body where it can be supported with explanations and backgroun
c. in the closing where you can build up to it with sufficient explanation.
d. anywhere it seems to fit into your writing most logically and gracefully.
10. Many communication experts regard poor organization as the greatest failing of
business writers.
a. True
b. False
11. The following sentence illustrates a dangling modifier: To be sure to get a ticket, send
your check immediately.
a. True
b. False
12. Which of the following represents a compound sentence type?
a. Good writing skills are essential in today's business world.
b. Although the meeting began later than expected, it was productive.
c. Isaac's presentation was outstanding; it was obvious he was
d. Since the manager reviewed the report, we revised our initial plan, and we
made many improvements to it.
13. Emphasis in writing can be achieved primarily in two ways: mechanically and directly.
a. True
b. False
14. Which of the following is considered a formal research method?
a. Looking in the files
b. Talking to your boss
c. Brainstorming
d. Accessing data electronically
15. Business, technical, and professional people are exchanging fewer messages than
ever before.
a. True
b. False
16. The following sentence illustrates parallelism: My boss is quick-witted,
well-organized, and she is intelligent.
a. True
b. False
17. In passive-voice sentences, the doer of the action may be revealed or may be left
a. True
b. False
18. Typical business messages that could be developed indirectly include messages that
refuse requests, reject claims, and deny credit.
a. True
b. False
19. Before starting a message, business writers should organize their ideas using a
a. system of internal patterning.
b. scratch list or an outline.
c. comprehensive matrix.
d. table of contents or an index.
20. Fragments often begin with words such as although, if, and which.
a. True
b. False
Chapter 03 Grammar/Mechanics Checkups
1. A large group of our e-mail messages ________ recently blocked by spam filters.
a. was
b. were
2. Although Mark acts as if he ________ the manager, he doesn't know what to do
about the e-mail disruption dilemma.
a. was
b. were
3. If even one of my e-mail messages ________ blocked by spam controls, I am
a. is
b. are
4. Verizon, together with many other large ISPs, ________ singled out for using
overzealous spam blockers.
a. was
b. were
5. Neither the sender nor the receiver of blocked messages ________ what has
a. know
b. knows
6. A typical e-mail user has ________ several messages that were never delivered.
a. wrote
b. written
7. Time and energy ________ are required to follow up on e-mail messages.
a. is
b. are
8. Either the message or its attachment ________ triggered the spam-blocking
a. has
b. have
9. After many of its customers had ________ to complain about lost messages, one
company sued.
a. began
b. begun
10. If you could have ________ the number of nondelivery error messages, you would
have been upset also.
a. saw
b. seen
11. Ramon discovered that a lot of his legitimate e-mail had ________ to junk folders
that he never checked.
a. went
b. gone
12. Which of the following sentences illustrates consistency in subject, voice, and verb
a. When Mason sent an e-mail message, its delivery was expected.
b. When Mason sent an e-mail message, he expected it to be delivered.
13. Which of the following sentences illustrates consistency in subject, voice, and verb
a. All employees must wear photo identification; only then will you be
b. All employees must wear photo identification; only then will they be
14. Which of the following sentences illustrates consistency in subject, voice, and verb
a. First, check all computers for viruses; then, install a firewall.
b. First, check all computers for viruses; then, a firewall must be installed.
15. Which of the following sentences illustrates consistency in subject, voice, and verb
a. When Tina examined the computers, the spyware was discovered.
b. When Tina examined the computers, she discovered the spyware.

Chapter 03 End-of-Chapter Review Quiz

1. To avoid frustration and inaccurate messages, business writers should begin by
asking themselves questions such as What does the receiver need to know and
What is the receiver to do?
a. False
b. True
2. A message that is frontloaded saves the reader's time, sets a proper frame of mind,
and prevents frustration.
a. False
b. True
3. Which of the following represents a sentence fragment?
a. Although it is a complex process with the goal of making a target
group think that a product is the best of its kind and the one the group should
b. To be successful, you need to present yourself as a professional.
c. In the field of marketing, a crucial activity is "positioning."
d. People relate to others who are like them, and your appearance is an
important first step.
4. Most business writing should be in the active voice, as illustrated here: The check
was sent yesterday.
a. False
b. True
5. The following sentence illustrates a comma splice: Greg works the night shift, Gina
works the day shift.
a. False
b. True
6. In making an outline, define the main topic in the title and divide the topic into _____
main points.
a. two to four
b. four to six
c. five to eight
d. three to five
7. The following sentence illustrates a dangling modifier: Driving to work today, a terrible
accident tied up traffic.
a. False
b. True
8. You can emphasize ideas mechanically by
a. labeling the main idea.
b. italicizing important words.
c. using vivid words.
d. placing the important idea first or last in the sentence.
9. Parallelism is a skillful writing technique that involves balanced writing as illustrated
here: My new job is certainly exciting and a challenge.
a. True
b. False
10. Which of the following sentences avoids a dangling or misplaced modifier?
a. Despite being paralyzed from the chest down, doctors hoped that Kevin
would walk again.
b. To be reimbursed for your book costs and tuition, you must fill out
the enclosed form.
c. Angered by the slowness of the computer program, complaints were called
in by hundreds of unhappy users.
d. When collecting information for a new phone system, the Web proved to be
my best resource.
11. Our team worked well together; we were pleased with the presentation. This
sentence illustrates which of the following sentence types?
a. compound sentence.
b. simple sentence.
c. complex sentence.
d. compound-complex sentence.
12. Which of the following illustrates a comma-splice sentence?
a. Three candidates applied for the job; only one could be hired.
b. Three candidates applied for the job, only one could be hired.
c. Three candidates applied for the job, but only one could be hired.
d. Three candidates applied for the job; however, only one could be hired.
13. For sensitive messages many business writers use the indirect strategy because it
respects the feelings of the audience, encourages a fair hearing, and minimizes a
negative reaction.
a. False
b. True
14. Paragraphs with eight or fewer printed lines look inviting and readable.
a. True
b. False
15. Organized messages proceed free-form, jumping from one thought to another,
because this technique saves the writer's time.
a. False
b. True
16. Although mechanical techniques are occasionally appropriate to emphasize ideas in
written messages, more often a writer achieves emphasis stylistically.
a. False
b. True
17. Good sources of primary information are interviews, surveys, questionnaires, and
a. the Internet.
b. focus groups.
c. brainstorming.
d. company files.
18. Which of the following sentences illustrates active voice?
a. Students on campus were interviewed by a recruiter from Hewlett-Pack
b. A recruiter from Hewlett-Packard interviewed students on campus.

c. Few of today's candidates are being flown to company headquarters for

d. Some of the best job candidates were recommended by their instructors.
19. Good business writers conduct research
a. after they finish a message so that they can verify what they have written.

b. after starting a message so they have a better idea of where they are
c. exclusively on the Internet to have the latest data.
d. before beginning to write so that the information can shape the
20. If you are writing a message to a superior and the message carries bad news or
contains ideas that will require persuasion, the recommended organizational plan is
the _____ strategy.
a. direct
b. parallel
c. indirect
d. inclusive

Chapter 04 Revising Business Messages

1. Expressions such as enclosed please find and pursuant to your request represent
standard business language that trained writers strive to include in their messages.
a. True
b. False
2. Which of the following is not a technique to use in proofreading complex documents?
a. Print a copy, preferably double-spaced, and set it aside for at least
three days.
b. Allow adequate time to proofread carefully.
c. Be prepared to find errors.
d. Read the message at least twice—once for word meanings and once for
3. Which of the following sentences avoids clichés?
a. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, this network will perform exactly as promised

b. Brainstorming involves generating ideas quickly without thinking

about negatives.
c. All managers have been urged to think outside the box as we brainstorm
for new sales approaches.
d. First and foremost, we want ideas that creatively address techniques for
pushing our sales forward in this last quarter.
4. Which of the following sentences contains no jargon, slang, or clichés?
a. This introduction discusses various transmission networks, topologies, and
LAN protocols.
b. Plant networking operations totally bomb when transmissions are nearly all
c. An exception to the rule, however, occurs when we create smaller
d. When we introduce smart switches, information can be transmitted in
both directions.
5. Jargon, which is special terminology that is related to a particular activity or
profession, is acceptable to use within that profession.
a. True
b. False
6. Redundancies are used to achieve emphasis.
a. True
b. False
7. Which of the following sentences contains no fillers, repetitious words, or
a. There were two people who filled each management position when the
companies merged.
b. The survey referred back to the original contract, so it was absolutely
c. Because the housing development was small in size, we combined
together two teams to canvass the area.
d. Although several qualified candidates applied, the manager had
difficulty hiring someone to fill the open position.
8. Which of the following sentences avoids flabby expressions or long lead-ins?
a. Jennifer will in all probability be offered the position in the near future.
b. You will be interested to learn that we will begin offering cruises in April.
c. When the weather improves, we expect tourists to begin traveling
d. This is to inform you that our charter cruises to Alaska will resume May 1.
9. Buried verbs are those that are
a. needlessly transformed into adjectives.
b. converted to wordy noun expressions.
c. not specific or precise.
d. inconspicuous because they replace other parts of speech.
10. Significant design techniques to improve readability include appropriate use of white
space, margins, typefaces, numbered and bulleted lists, and headings for visual
a. True
b. False
11. Rather than wait to complete a document, smart writers proofread as they go so that
they catch spelling, grammar, and punctuation problems before it's too late.
a. True
b. False
12. Which of the following sentences does not include a buried verb?
a. After hearing complaints, the president promised to make an examination
of assignments.
b. He soon came to the conclusion that departmental assignments were
c. One manager offered a recommendation that we change the overtime
d. The president plans to announce a new schedule after consulting
with all managers.
13. Although concise messages require the writer to examine every sentence, the effort
is worthwhile because concise messages are easier to read and comprehend.
a. True
b. False
14. You may proofread and edit PDF (portable document format) files by using Adobe
Acrobat Software, which allows you to insert, replace, highlight, delete, and underline
material as well as add notes.
a. True
b. False
15. Proofreading involves ______ of a message.
a. enhancing the content and sentence structure
b. analyzing the purpose
c. profiling the audience
d. improving the grammar, spelling, punctuation, and mechanics
16. Although slang is composed of informal words, it is acceptable within some
businesses if writers need to show that they are savvy or "hip."
a. True
b. False
17. Clear writing creates meaningful images in the mind of the reader. Clear writing is
sparked by specific verbs, concrete nouns, and
a. vague wording.
b. buried verbs.
c. vivid adjectives.
d. lengthy descriptive phrases.
18. Revising and proofreading are essentially the same process.
a. True
b. False
19. The Plain Writing Movement requires the federal government to write documents in
simple, easy-to-understand language. This law encourages government workers to
avoid redundancies and wordy expressions, and
a. use active voice.
b. write short sentences and paragraphs.
c. use parallel phrasing.
d. All of these choices are correct.
Chapter 04 Grammar/Mechanics Checkups
1. Our ________ offices featured ________ equipment.
a. newly-redecorated, state-of-the-art
b. newly redecorated, state-of-the-art
c. newly redecorated, state-of-the-art-
d. newly-redecorated, state of the art
2. Contractors may submit only ________ expenses.
a. work related
b. work-related
c. work-related-
3. All applicants will be treated ________ in the hiring process.
a. equally
b. equal
4. Many applicants submitted ________ résumés by e-mail.
a. there
b. they're
c. their
5. Vice President Wilson said that we ________ five days to finish the proposal.
a. only had
b. had only
6. We tried to make a ________ comparison of the programs.
a. point-by-point
b. point by point
c. point-by-point-
7. Tyler and Joanna said that they're planning to start ________ own business next
a. there
b. they're
c. their
8. Trevor made a ________ decision regarding the equipment.
a. spur of the moment
b. spur-of-the-moment
c. spur-of-the-moment-
9. Not all decisions that are made on the ________ turn out badly.
a. spur of the moment
b. spur-of-the-moment
c. spur-of-the-moment-
10. The committee offered a ________ plan to revamp online registration.
a. well thought out
b. well-thought-out
c. well-thought-out-
11. You must complete a ________ form when you move.
a. change of address
b. change-of-address
c. change-of-address-
12. Each decision will be made on a ________ basis.
a. case by case
b. case-by-case
c. case-by-case-
13. I could be more efficient if my printer ________ my computer.
a. were more nearer
b. were nearer
14. If you reject her offer to help, Kristen will feel ________.
a. badly
b. bad
15. The truck's engine is running ________ after its tune-up.
a. smooth
b. smoothly
Chapter 04 End-of-Chapter Review Quiz
1. Which of the following sentences does not include a buried verb?
a. Unknown to many users, cell phones are capable of quietly tracking
the whereabouts of their owners.
b. The federal government made a requirement that cell phone carriers
provide location data.
c. Congress gave authorization for the use of two different systems to track
wireless calls.
d. Law enforcement agencies had a discussion about the use of cell phone
tracking systems.
2. Jargon is special terminology that
a. should never be used in business communication.
b. is acceptable and even necessary for accurate communication in
certain fields.
c. is confined to only a few fields.
d. is used only in geology.
3. Which of the following sentences contains no fillers or redundancies?
a. If you will refer back to the owner's letter, you will see that we have no
b. There are many qualified candidates who are better suited for the position

c. Nepotism is a fact of business life in privately owned companies.

d. It was the company owner who insisted on hiring his nephew.
4. Which of the following sentences contains no jargon, slang, or clichés?
a. We're trying to squeeze a little more wiggle room into the proposal
b. The proposal for the Centrex contract must be submitted to its board
by February 2.
c. Jeff asked me to complete the budget by January 15, which is easier said
than done.
d. Although my part of the proposal is good to go, we are totally whacked if
you can't pull off a low-ball budget.
5. If slang is fashionable and you have reason to believe that the receiver of a message
will understand it, you may use it in your messages.
a. False
b. True
6. Careful proofreaders check for problems in spelling, grammar, punctuation, names
and numbers, and
a. trite business phrases.
b. content.
c. format.
d. flabby expressions.
7. One should never use words such as "extremely" and "totally" in business writing as
they sound unbusinesslike.
a. False
b. True
8. Using phrases from the past such as "as per your request" and "enclosed please
find," makes you sound vigorous.
a. True
b. False
9. Headings are an effective tool for highlighting information and improving readability.
a. False
b. True
10. Frequently heard phrases such as "at this point in time" and "due to the fact that"
illustrate good writing techniques that save the writer's time.
a. False
b. True
11. In proofreading complex documents, you should
a. increase your reading speed so that you have time to read the document
several times.
b. rely on your computer's grammar, style, and spell checkers to find most of
the real errors.
c. print a copy, preferably double-spaced, and set it aside for a day.
d. read the document slowly on your computer screen, using the cursor to
reveal each line.
12. Frequent use of all caps is a recommended practice in business writing.
a. False
b. True
13. Which of the following sentences avoids flabby expressions?
a. Despite the fact that women make up 49.5 percent of the world's
population, they reportedly own only 1 percent of the world's wealth.
b. In spite of the fact that the glass ceiling is slowly disappearing, few women
hold executive positions in large companies.
c. Although women are underrepresented in all of the world's major
legislative bodies, they hold 32 percent of the positions in the Finland national
d. At the present time in the world, women work more than men, when both
paid employment and unpaid household tasks are accounted for.
14. Redundant expressions such as "each and every" or "continue on" add emphasis.
a. True
b. False
15. The safest way to proofread both routine and complex documents is to print a copy
because you're more likely to see errors and observe tone in printed material.
a. False
b. True
16. Buried verbs are those that are needlessly converted to wordy noun expressions
such as "we acquired the company" becoming "we made an acquisition of the
a. True
b. False
17. Revision involves ______ of a message.
a. profiling the audience
b. analyzing the purpose
c. correcting the grammar and mechanics
d. improving the content and sentence structure
18. Which of the following are techniques for making your lists look professional?
a. Numbered and bulleted lists.
b. Capitalization and punctuation.
c. Parallelism.
d. All of these choices are correct
19. A typeface defines the shape of text characters. For most business messages, you
should choose from serif or sans serif categories.
a. True
b. False
20. Which of the following sentences contains no long lead-ins or flabby expression?
a. The new parking lot will in all probability be ready for use by January 15.

b. This is to inform you that parking permits for the new lot will be available
January 1.
c. I am writing this letter because a member of the Human Resources
Department told me that a position in that department was opening up.
d. A new multilevel parking structure is being designed and should be
available within three years.

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