Treasure Chest of Fun and Fact v23 19

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Wh: Dear BACKTALK: Dan’t you think people who write to BACKTALK are crazy? Nelson Lange ... Rawena, Texas —t you think I'm going to answer that, you're crazy! Dear BACKTALK: I like TC very much so | would like to put my problem in it. My brother has over 30 dollars and | don't even have a dollar. He just finds it places. What can | do? Jean B.... Clintonville, Wisconsin —Follow your brother. Dear BACKTALK: Want to hear a neat poem? Even if you don't, I'm going to tell you one. It goes like thi Roses are red, Violets are blue. Most poems rhyme, But this one doesn't. I'll bet you a dollar you don’t print this. David Hoage ... San Antonio, Texas I'll bet you a dollar you don’t pay me that dollar. Dear BACKTALK: If someone asked you to spend the night in the head of the Statue of Liberty, what would you tell them? Lori Herman... Pittsburg, Kansas —I'd tell them | couldn't because | always get a cold in the head. Herman: I'm so glad I'm not a bird, Sherman; Why? Herman: Because | can't fly, Anthony Kropelunski Mineola, N.Y. Once there was a man from Mexico named Jose tho say). He saved his money for a trip to the United States. He had al- ways wanted to see a baseball game. Fi- naily he made it to the United States and went to the ballpark, But all the seats were sold, He explained to the guard at the park that he had come all the way from Mexico to see the game. The guard said that he cauld climb up to the top of the flagpole and watch the game from there. After the game Jose went back to Mexico and told everyone how wonderful the Americans were. He said that they were the most thoughtful people on earth. Sameone asked Jose why he said this. Jase answered, "Well, there | was, sitting on the flagpole just be- fore the game started. Suddenly there was some music and everyone stood up, turned and looked at me and they all sang “Jose, can you see?" Michael Foley... White Plains, N. ¥. Dear BACKTALK: Many people laugh at my name. It is Isabel van Flugenoff, But they also say | look like Doris Day because of my freckles. What do you think of that? Isabel van Flugenoff ... Illinois —Isabel, you may not betieve this but it's true. Doris Day's real name is Doris von Kappelhoft! Who knows, someday you may be a famous singer and call yourself Isabel Day. Once upon a time there was a greedy king who collected money for everything. He putall the money in a dungeon. His cas- tle, with the dungeon, was surrounded by a shallow river. In the river were monsters called “Yellow Fingers.” When the king died the people decided to get their money back. There was a legend that whoever tried to cross the river would be swallowed by the Yellow Fingers. A couple of men tried it and, sure enough, they were swallowed up. Finally a page boy tried it and made it safely across and got the money. The moral of this story is: Let yaur pages do the walk- ing through the Yellow Fingers, Tom Voss . .. Griffith, Indiana (More BACKTALK on inside JWEASURE CHEST of FUN and FAC Fe published every two we (Geantify rater furnished on request. Editar, James, Laradaa, Pint TREASURE CHEST ae th By 99! \TABA! '{ NOW LET'S SEE WHAT i MAKE THAT CURVE AND cof ‘ . M OF THE FYVE-LAP AACE. 4 TREASURE CHEST LF COOKIE WINS HE'LL IF THAT CAR WAS BE COCKIER THA EVER. BLACK I'D SWEAR, OH) WELL, & CAN'T STOP IT WAS MY.BROTHER'S. “THINGS NOW THIS CAR HANGS ON THE TRACK LIKE A BULL DOG, IF I CAN SPEED AROUND THE WIDE CURVE © COULD PASS COOKIE ON THAT TOP STRETCH Z'0 STILL Like To KNOW WHERE HE GoT THAT CAR LAND SO Quick, Too! TREASURE CHEST THATAWAY'! Now FOR THE LONG IF CHUCK CAN HOLD HIS: OWN Now HELL WIN, BUT WHAT WILL COOKIE SAY THEN 7 MAN | Z've PUT MYSELF IN A SPOT BUT TREASURE CHEST DON'T KNow. THAT |) THAT'S YOUR CAR) You've LET CHUCK Tae (7! THAT'S IT, ISN'T IT 2 srou bainteo it | x SmeLL RIGHT, COOKIE. T WAS WATCHING You GUYS EARLIER AND © SAW REAL SOUPED-UP CAR. THAT'S WHY Z_LETHIM BORROW MINE. THANKS, BROTHER] WHEN DID ‘YOU PAINT. “YOUR CAR 5 THE LAST TAG FE Saw tT UT IT WAS A E000 RAC! TREASURE CHEST Tr HEY, GUYS, LET'S PLAY FoLlow THE Leaper! - LET'S SEE How 8 TREASURE CHEST ch |PREENN! —s WW | CRRRNNN | = TREASURE CHEST NUMBER 12s! T6UESS HLL QUIT Now?! ent BASEBALL PITCHERS AVERAGE ABOUT 125 THROWS PER GAMES NOBODY CAN SAY GRAMP DIDN'T. TRY? ee Ws. Navy ven sa BROKE THE WORLD'S FREE-PIVING RECORD — (WITHOUT BREATHING APPARATUS), HE WENT DOWN 212 FEET WITHSTANDING 300,000 POUNDS | OF BODY PRESSURE. THIS BEAT THE 50 YEAR OLD RECORD BY |? FEET AND SEVEN INCHES! INT] YEARS OF ewiM Wine ) ws (COMPETITION, ADOLF ath = KEIFER COMPETEDIN age” 2 OVER 2,000 RACES _ fa pa LOSING ONLY TWO) oF THEW) f 10 TREASURE CHEST UW ated la WSU THE STORY OF GEORGE WASHINGTON CARVER_ BY HAZEL & HOWARD « JLLUSTRATED By FUE DINNAT WASHINGTON CARVER WAS IRL IN Tate WHEN A SIR, 5 AM GEORGE ee Vicamved Wecone ) THis) We DONT Take TO LEARN. GOT Tie. fh LOOKIN’ FOR A GREAT SCENTIST FROM ALABAMA WHEN HS TEN TREASURE CHEST 15 YES, GENTLEMEN, THESE IGT PROCUCTS, INGLUONG MILK, CORFEE, INK, meric GES, ALL CAME Feom | OF CARVER A GENIUS. HE MAKES (MARBLE OUT OF SAWDUST AND PAVING BLOCKS FROM COTTON, GEORGE WASHINGTON CARVER DIED 25 YEARS AGO. SUT HIS Betty’s cat flew around the corner of the house; Billy's was right behind. “Oh no,” Betty crled, “not again." She turned to Billy. “Billy Anderson, you'd better teach that cat of yours to behave like a cat.” Betty's cat climbed higher up the apple tree as Mitzie looked up at her. Billy won- dered why Mitzie wouldn't climb up the tree. He guessed she didn't like to climb. He also wondered where she learned to growl instead of meow. Why wouldn't she purr when he patted her?’And how come she loved dog food and tumed up her nose at cat food? “What a daffy cat,” he thought. “Shoo!” Betty yelled at Mitzie. “You stay away from my cat.” Mitzie-let out a final growl. When Betty's cat was rescued, Mitzie turned to other games. Billy took his eyes off-her for only a moment, and she was gone. He heard Mr. Johnson’s bull dog barking and went around to the front of the house. Just as he thought: Mitzie had stolen the dog's bone again. Billy chased her, but stie beat him to her hide- out under the front porch. “Came out here,” Billy demanded, “and bring that silly bone with you.” Mitzie dragged the bone out and reluctantly yielded it to Billy: "Bad dog... I mean cat!" Billy scolded. Billy returned the bone, and Mitzie dis- appeared. “Where now?" Billy wondered. He soon found out. Billy spun his head quickly at the squeal of brakes behind him. There was Mitzie, beside the car, growling up at the angry driver. "I thought she was going to run out in front of me,” the man told Billy. “No sir,” Billy explained. “She was just chasing the car.” ‘The man’s mouth dropped open. “A cat that chases cars?” “Yes sir,” said Billy as he picked up his impish cat, The man sat and stared until another car tooted its horn to make him move. Billy wondered what he was thinking. The Didn't | “Qwning a cat is enough work,” Billy explained to Mitzie, “but owning a delin- quent cat who thinks she’s a dog is three times as much trouble." He held her up and looked her in the eye. “Now you behave yourself or I'll lock you up.” Mitzie ran off te play—or something. At dinner time Billy whistled. “Wheet!” Cat Who Ag. Mitzie came running. He laughed as she approached, tongue hanging out like a pant- ing dog. “You crazy cat,” he murmured. “Come eat your dog food.” After dinner it was trick time. If Mitzie was going to spend her life pretending to. be a dog, she'd just have to learn to do dog tricks. It was slow going, for Mitzie wasn't as intelligent as a dog. Or at least itseemed that way attrick time. “Roll over,” Billy, said. Mitzie rolled over. “Beg,” and ie did as she was told. “Sing,” Billy conenanded and Mitzie let out an awful moan. “Oh, you can do better than that,” said Billy. But Mitzie was finished for the night. She couldn’t bark and she knew it, and it was humiliating to try. Billy let her out. Keeping or getting Mitzie out of trouble took most of Billy's free time and-his pa- tience was wearing thin. When she tried to bite the mailman, that was the last straw. “Come on, you canine cat, from now on I'm going:to treat you just like a dog.” Billy hauled her into the backyard and tied her to the drainpipe. “Twenty feet," he an- nounced. “That's all the freedom you've got. Now let's see how much mischief you can get into.” Mitzie examined her sur- roundings and sat down to show her dis- pleasure. Billy went inside. utes later Billy heard a high- ing outside. ‘ft can't bel” he said in astonishment, and he rushed out onto the back porch. He looked toward the drainpipe, but instead of Mitzie, the naigh- bor's Pekingese was attached to the leash. Mitzie saton the fence, a smug look on her face. “If you think I’m going to believe you did this, you're crazy," Billy exclaimed Mitzie seemed to grin. Mitzie, the incredible cat, lived eight more years and raised 10 litters of kittens, but even motherhood failed to improve her behavior, All of Mit ‘ittens acted like kittens and grew up to be normal cats. Sometimes Billy wondered if Mitzie was disappointed that none of her kittens wanted to be dogs—or if the kittens some- how were embarrassed by the odd way their mother acted at times. But most of all, Billy wondered, and still wonders today, how Mitzie managed to tie the Pekingese to the drainpipe. 20 TREASURE CHEST BLOSSOMS = IUILDERMESS | THE STORY VY OF JOHNNY APPLESZED TED TEMELERS PUSHING WES TWARD To atl > AOUES BY THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY THE FRONTIERS OUEST OF PHFTSBOIRCHL, PASTA Soh Spl ie MORRIE ST = BLOFEONG I Se in BERNESE Fah 300, MRACHAN TREASURE CHEST 21 FOR NEARY A YEAR, JONATHAN COLLECTS APPLE ATLAST His HEADS WESTWARD WITH A MAM RIDER « ‘SEEDS FROM Ci THROUGHOUT THE asin, SFING 3 WASHING THE SEEDS IN CEM JOHNNY CHAPMAN. MIND GLAD TO HAVE You,’ TET’ GOWITH Yau AS FAR” JSOUN FELLOW.ITS A AS ZANESVILLE = (DER MULE: i AND 1S ALL RIGHT Je ATLenst Pe STI BLASTED ! MY SEEDS. THEY TOO} HORSE, JOHNNY, TREASURE CHEST AND HE W’KES FRIGNDS OF THE LONELY SETTERS. | [ONCE AE GIVES Fi Ve HEARD OF 10U FOLKS CALL YOU APPLE SEED JOHNNY ,..08 1S. TH UOHNKY APPLESEED, 5 JONNA wa Your Be ALL Now. YouR’ PEOPLE WILE FING You IM SICK. 700 WEAK 1D GET UP, IT MUST BE THE reve TREASURE CHEST AYE LATE Yoo ORE wan WE FRIENDS. 1 AM, 19 [2 WARRIORS FOUND VOU IN THE FOREST? [a THEY WOULD HAVE KILLED YOU, IF THEY THIS, WE HAVE’ REARD IE APPLESEED « ZHATE WHITE WEN, But NOT ta: SOUN-NIE, TREASURE CHEST [ear NaTT ae aie TREASURE CHEST 25 ‘ORCHARD. STAY WITH US. INNY APPLESEED Gam seinem NED AT FE AMD. WAS BURIED NEAR FORT WAYNE, INDIANA, THE SIO se itd MG eee eee ee BUT THE BE st < Ale WELPED We ARE HAVING VIDeo TROUBLES THe FAULT 1S NOT {Baron WonRicutHoren, FAMOUS GERMAN PILOT OF WORLD WAR'T, SHOT. DOWN 80 ENEMY AIRCRAFT! Ba west PoINTS.OLD CHAPEL THERE IS A MEMORIAL PLAQUE TOTHE TRAITOR, BENEDICT ARNOLD! THE NAME HAS BEEN DELIBERATELY GOLIGED OUT AS AA SYMNBOL, OF MIG ACT OF TREA TREASURE CHEST WHO |S BURIED LS. % WAS NOT AMERI- CAN BORN: HE WAS BORN IN SCOTLAND. ONCE HE EVEN SERVED AS AN ADMIRAL IN THE RUSSIAN NAVY? EN FORMER GENERALS OF THE H.S ARMIES. HAVE BECOME PRESIDENTS OF OUR COUNTRY! CAN YOU NAME THEM? i CTSLVS SAWE S IOTAWL ATIVE ‘SAVE CAIOSITHLIT Z NOSBRIVH WITTE SI MOUNGSIG AHOIMG 01 _INVEOES SASSATNO HOSOVT Ma8C ‘WosiaeivH NIWVTN2a - aed ‘6 SDS NITANVS S NOLSNINSYM 294039" az TREASURE CHEST Fry Mer Yever By FE £, Crandall JLLUeTRATEP 2Y, Roya Qerewrenr VALUABLE PEARL, “GRUPER Nas NOT THIS WAT. 1? BETTER MAKE TT LOOK LIKE AN ACCIDENT | NOW FOR THE PEARL! WHEN HE COMES 1, LLL SAY my HORSE MBLED AND 2 PITCHED INTO HIM, Blast it! ave FEARCHEG HUA, Ani fe Boren HAVE Trl TREASURE CHEST 29 WIS HAT. HE MIGHT HAVE Bs ce UDER IS ABOUT To ADMIT Ce TLL DIE! corto 4 WAVE HELP RIGHT AWAY | BUT THERES RHO ONE BUT avy, AND T'VE KNOCKED HIM Our, On, my HEAD! GRUDER 7 GRUDER? 4 TREASURE CHEST WONDER WHERE GRUDER AND THE HORSES ARE? CAN'T MAKE IT BACK 7D CAMP ON FOOT. MY ONLY CHANCE 16 10 60 WEST AND PRAY I'GTRIKE THE GILA RIVER! TREASURE CHEST a BETTER WATER THE PINTO ‘BEFORE.-.EH, WHATS THISE FAST. THIS BOY NEEDS A POCTO! BETTER HEAD HAVEN’T SEEN FOR FORT YUMA ‘EM SINCE RE EARLY THis. Te a2 TREASURE CHEST WELL. WE FOUND AND bay's “\] DAYBREAK, RIDERS FROM SOMETHIN’ THIS TIME, AAT WAS ON THE IAP SEARCH “THE DEEERT. Bor tre nor cooDT EMER Ban Es mUST HAVE: ‘DROWNED | fio. I CANT Be- TRY NOT 1D THINK, TOO MUCH ABQUT IT. oa YF now, 30st now pip you alee we sore Tie ela Sven's YL ASK CAP IF NE SAW IT. HE'S THE MAN WHO PULLEP YOU OUT OF THE RIVER. TREASURE CHEST 33 L_SEWED IT In Wi HET-BAND, FIGURED. CAP! WILL YOU STEP iN NERE A ute Z THe BOY WANTS To SEE YOU. a ar to be concluded.) - COME WITH YOUR INVENTIONS EDIT O RESCENT WHICH Cuts EDITOR'S HAIR. FE 4S3HD> FaNsvIaL WI Did you hear about the cross-eyed school teacher? She couldn't control her pupils. Mary Folton .. . Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Why wouldn’t Frankenstein play baseball with Dracula? (Because Dracula wouldn't let Frankenstein use his bats.) Gary Stier... Louisville, Kentucky What word begins with P, ends with E and has a thousand letters? (Postoffice.) Donna Puda . .. Salamanca, N. Y. Dear BACKTALK: I love your magazine, but why don’t you have more BACKTALK? | have a tongue-twister for you. Here it is: Two tree toads tied together tried to trot to town twice. Mary Olthoff... Faribault, Minnesota —And I have a tongue twister for you: Askunk sat ona stump. The stump thunk the skunk stunk. The skunk thunk the stump stunk, Dear BACKTALK: | like reading TC very much. Everybody wants to see a picture of you, Why? Ed Porowski ... Cincinnati, OI —Why de people go to horror movies? Dear BACKTALK: | like TC. I think it’s great except for one thing—it’s too mushy. No name... New Bedford, Mass, —Stop reading it in the bathtub. Dear Editor: This is the second time | have ever written to you since | have been buying TREASURE CHEST. How old is Chuck White? In every issue of TC he looks the same. | would like you to answer my ques- tion. If you don’t, | won't buy TREASURE CHEST next year. You wouldn't like that would you? Joe Agerkis ... Wilkes-Barre, Pa. —No, | wouldn't, Joe. But you'd be sur: prised how many of you say that same thing in your letters. If ali of you stopped buying TC just because your letter wasn’t printed we would have ta stop publishing the maga- zine. You wouldn't like that, would you? Even if we used every page in the book for BACKTALK we still wouldn't have room enough for all the letters we get. But don't stop writing. Somebody's letter is going to get in, and it may be yours. Chuck White won't say exactly how old he is, only that he is younger than Little Orphan Annie and older than Charlie Brown. Dear BACKTALK: I like TC very much, but every time | go to read it someone else has it. So now | buy two copies instead of one. Teresa Bosetti ... Anderson, Calif. —Teresa, that’s the best solution to that problem I've ever heard. If alf af you would do that | could ask for a bigger cage next year. Dear Editor: Here's a puzzle ne one can get. Each square isa house. The triangles stand for utilities: electricity, gas and water. Can you connect each utility to each house with lines? You're not allowed to cross any of the utility lines. Gail Nadeau ... Lawrence, Mass. pee) ZX LS Ad —Okay, here's something for you to do while you're waiting for the next issue of TC. The answer will be in it. Write to: TC BACKTALK, 38 West Fifth Street, Dayton, Ohio 45402. THE TREASURE CHEST ‘RUMEER FINE! AUTOMATICALLY SHOWS ANY NUMBER IN THE SCANNING SCOPE (WELL, ALMOST AUTOMATICALLY.) LaASKA espe eer 2. USING ITS ELECTRONIC MEMORY BANK THE COLUMNS ABOVE. HE IS NOT TOTELLITTO THE NUMBER FINDER WILL FINP: THE NUMBER. SO YOU. NEXT HAVE HIM TELL YOU THE coloe ATTHE10P | | PRESS BUTTON A; TURN PIAL B TOIS; THROW Atl OF THE COLUMN IN WHICH His NUIABER APPEARS- SWITCHES TO YON'IN PANEL G; IGNORE FRAME D; (MOST NUMBERS APPEAR SEVERAL TIMES. SO HES 72. AND THE NUMBER MAY APPEAR IN THE SCANNING TELL YOU ALL THE COLORS UNDER WHICH IT APPEARS.) ‘SCOPE ATE. IF iT DOESNT, READ PANEL BELOW, CIF HE'S COLOR BLIND----YOUVE GOT TROUBLE.) (GF IT DOS, LET Us ENON) < 3. NOW TO REALLY FIND YOUR FRIENDS NUMBER, DO THIS? S6E THE NUMBERS IN THE JOP Row? ADD LIP ALL THOSE UNDER THE COLORS YOUR FRIEND MENTIONED. THEIF TOTAL WILL His NUMBER. FOR EXAMPLE: IF HE CHOOSE IB AND SAID IT APPEARED UNDER RED,GREEN, BLUE ORANGE, BROWN, YoU ADD |, 5, 4,6 AND 2, THEIR TOTAL IS 18, His NUMBER.

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