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Kl ar __ 1 Ta a M A= time! ~ Fa 3 3 J Oo 5 Noob 2 kt 5 TAL TA 8 a sl ° a oe : Oo : Cin ns +t - _ 6 ; oe 2 = 3 3 - vy Tae (Ale Pk 3 20 ° JEENEETSTORE.COM ~ 8 Conwentrah Of reac ranks _dtreregual time infervo)_worwtitule wa HP. ; Hme ° 4+ 2k ; a 4 Liuk ae conc: (Aly TAI, _ rai’ fal, Graphical Representation’ . x, : rae | etal? -din. kl ~ > ve k (faa _ i - Px > x Pa = TAT. om ~ [A, 5! _ . 7 > _ 2 ; a OM a JEENEETSTORE.COM * ce eee — £ / Cc - Easels Reactions involving mor than me c - reactant. _* _ Cc - Conditions: re ¢ - 4. Only Pwo reackmls sare considered - ©} - - “2: Ovder with Teipeat 4 each reaclowr ist “C é __ %. @ Stoichiomerric coefficenr of each | a _ Acactank ore Sore: @ | oe | _ —_@ | - - eo ~ CO A+B a > Produch € [er ang’ 3 ~d fal. 1 _ ¢ conten PIO _kfaltaT — [ei - e efecto or 8 ome - 2 e — : -e - S oO = 6 G Cc | 22 JEENEETSTORE.COM 2 -d TA) = ratte) - oe k [al [B] Hb bb piojajolallea ow [Al = a-x -d{al 2 ax _ oe ae ar at — Heme a oT du =k (a) (bY _ i . 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COM “ a ee = om “Now, ‘the moleculey Moving with KE wareater Cc or egal tp Ea can be determined Cc __through Max weil Equation c = - o£ _ Law | c € y oe 5 Pole Frockip Of rrolecul es Ea ke ag i _ 2) Orientation “Bowrier /Sferic Factor - Probability of Proper Uatsrigeeio) _* SOrientations a - oe weap FS Pe" Pater NK 5 3 <= eR — ete ———_—— - =e Tae - a A> Boma c—D oO Ea= 2OkT Ea=40ky _ c a £ - => [Kae Kape)_ ~ —_ ee oe > ThGatme fa wen wi BeNOL Teron the ie Tie ne taken previoutly as ates | of forward cond back wor both De vicreaue » Jb — — & apeqem —* Now) thecher faterattey the imcrease in temp 2 mu 2 greater tha _wtetvot ik oe piewoush became, k: yale sDnskovnt ee eteael and the LONcentralion , [PI ond [A] wah _ _ Leen inntrat im endoctherake ond exo the vmie - Tx” respectively « 51 JEENEETSTORE.COM > — Ternpe rature Coefficient: arr 5 ~The ratio of Tati pyuteefs oF S00K Ord 9 — BIOK is mown a3 -ternperodure eS oO. Q Moe Kaw 0 Rxn coordina les: et JEENEETSTORE.COM 51 _ Radio Achuity Sponttneous | disintegration. ef nuclei of ene_ element into other is alled Rodioachwiy. ~cTheories about nuclear sratalty * a Meson Theor + oO Fre nucleus corisin Sf protons Sala DP php jalalofo eo between tae. protons 2 a here exit “qmother foice_which i is _ter-med OA thenucleayr -porce ie which ts _ pera % The chucleus to remain C > 7 407 alt Pocitiw Meson “omd “reiltrons fe a nulleon™ which hos presence 2lectos take rept Anive Jorces _ o —> Nudeuy fowe act gra Ahorr ome Lor clistemee) JEENEETSTORE.COM 7 . Oo = Binding Enegy Comepts S _ _ 0 A Tne WOK of Nucleus cambe oO nd im the Pllonwmne two fo am the Pp ming wow, Sum oF tinal is equivalent othe “energy whic’ mainte He nucleus, _ By aHuciae mai nkaieu the rwclewu, 2 —— “Tamu = 421M _ * ~ _ Co Fe. . _ BE < > ~hudeon [ROM oO oo t. “Radicachtwhy. _O —_ Fusion | 7, P esaey "4 ° a a ae ~ c 50 56) Co Markk 0° 2 JEENEETSTORE. COM “8 “3 0d amd Eyen Concepr No: of néutrorn Noofptotons stable f ry PPPPPPPRISIe~p 20 Teptopes 2 Even _ Even _ 165 - - Even odd _ Odd Even / Odd Ode a ‘ BZ pat = Magic Numbers : a = \ _ He 0 ca Sn Pb . 2 a 20 50 S82 the oto pes Sait atomic mui nbers near Gbour these nwallles shave Stable x0 Fopes- c 5 tO? 7 c Node: Post Biarruth _slemun ev No Stable Isotope - : aN? a JEENEETSTORE.COM x Ib eny <4 the Kobope musk ibe wi table _ phate (excepr Hydrogen): FG DIO WIGlolo « E us Romge Of stability yan ebrrwd 2 _ > _isote pu. o Z - =o} 2 Upto atom no-20_, p raleo fora shable i ° ° EO 1 — 2 — — > 56 ww w JEENEETSTORE. COM 68 nz (n\ - Te Ae ate LL ncieasing neutron _or decreasing ptotons: O 4 nitro emiAsion Artificial Fadioaulinily ___Note Position ancl pr povticle ase onfi paride eof each, ather 2 wo snore sable JEENEETSTORE.COM 6 wo . 8 ts M8 7 Oo + Gre Fru vadiachinn dis! op aat™ C ; a a oe, oe - Oo - - a — O — = 1g. QO sole Ae Tt a Y [Bremizxion] Sane} ” = _ - ~ _ _ 2 in Al ny. 6 (0 . e Pp Vp Jakble ~ - am — —s os Here, Boers Anker plas: e e an - ~ @ e — 7 7 _ = . = LE — > Kipioacwne De nieqamen Sees: 27 y Heries (46) 5 JEENEETSTORE.COM 57 3 Actinium series (4n+%) ’ 7 | 235 - Tol ph a 4p Note that the parenr nuclei Pol, Ace" “_ 4: Neptuniuan Series (4041) a eS aT A = 20% — RadliaacHve Dis inFegr € fit order iglebee Pani oN 9, Rte sf disintegration oS , ~dN =a are LY decay constant e PEA dec S omitant 14 Indlepen dent- of woh, physical stale and other _ ope properly. —_______§ _ JEENEETSTORE.COM 8 (-an\ an = o ; Hence, a oo “oO A= 1p Ne = I gnte = 1 ow, ° eM = => wise and Ny= bet 6 OP wi dei grated in ‘ee second 1600 yr. 5 ° 6:02.91 ja Greet, 2200 J a 6C ———— SSS SS JEENEETSTORE.COM 59 Y a — ° Since, AR<<7 | 1 5 - — 4 c Hence, we Nod l- (eat 2 NAr ¢ a : c Tug, = S82 fr 7 - Lc 22¢ 1600 ZEax DEKE XED & _ . fe [xa 2 stn] _ “ 1 we < > ‘ Hence, when ar <<1_,or the te J r 4 Tn 3 - _ Achvity dN Su ate 4 % ; — UniF= Sdps= sec- _ =P ec" oo = ee . oY + IReequerel (Bq;) = ep * N 4) + ACuve {ci = opTmo"dps - mee —. —_— JEENEETSTORE.COM 5 = « oO + Find the mou OF Rn Paving set ro Oo > — Racha = adage : Q —_ ~ a ~ OQ — _ : oO Sols __ A= In2 . & Sedays eh : 6 . oO WA dW a e _¢ OW qe a -AN 2 5-7x10™ nuclei s-1 @ ar — a _~@ _ =P BX” ole sd — oe - ; 022%? 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OE Hence, 3 Cexroon Dating’ Used for Fossil $$ 4a eatin © ve Yaw ora appr ond mately ‘ \n_ nature » me ee — og oT — pisinlegralion of ¢ : - ae “a ae _ s pang of 8 Ne wR of CY: : eon No nt aoe tp 65 JEENEETSTORE.COM oO =e Q 14) oS adler The aS inaheyaend tedy 8 ChE ar OG Thus - iy : oO oN tt of 0 . A CO Vppssi _ OQ : JEENEETSTORE. COM _ 6 S:_Spallaion Reachoris Oo oO Hign Spee projecties with 400 MeV oO bombarded on a wing smaller _ 4 L C peu + He —— ce ", 14,0 + 1609 ° nucle: - 7 4. Fiasion ReacHons ; inis areackon in which Ahan a mucleus 1s broken clown by a glow or trermal neutron (energy about oo4ev) into two felatvely Ame Nuclei andemission of neutrons with large “armounr enerors. z00 Mey & 5: FuMor regi¥ions : ae ——-_— v “Probable Reaction ap aregen Bomb c —_ H? 41H? het + 24-9 MeV i at 5 © nn JEENEETSTORE.COM 66 _ Elechochemishy _ ec This chapter maindy deat. with _ o Gi) Conversion of Premical energy into 9 electiica) erergia( electric cuvrent) . 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