IE2 Unit 5 - Health & Fitness - Useful Vocabulary

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IE2 Unit 5 – Health & Fitness – Useful Vocabulary

1. Wellness (noun) - The state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.
• Example: - Many people engage in activities like yoga and meditation for overall
2. Nutrition (noun) - The process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and
• Example: - Proper nutrition is crucial for maintaining a balanced diet.
3. Endurance (noun) - The ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort.
• Example: - Marathon runners focus on building endurance through consistent training.
4. Hydration (noun) - The process of providing adequate fluids to the body for proper functioning.
• Example: - Athletes emphasize the importance of hydration during workouts.
5. Vitality (noun) - The state of being strong and active; energy.
• Example: - Regular exercise contributes to increased vitality and overall well-being.
6. Flexibility (noun) - The quality of bending easily without breaking; suppleness.
• Example: - Stretching exercises improve flexibility and reduce the risk of injury.
7. Well-being (noun) - The state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.
• Example: - Mental well-being is as important as physical health.
8. Cardiovascular (adjective) - Relating to the heart and blood vessels.
• Example: - Cardiovascular exercises, like jogging, benefit heart health.
9. Stamina (noun) - The ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort.
• Example: - Building stamina is essential for high-intensity workouts.
10. Aerobic exercise (noun) - Physical activity that increases the heart rate and enhances oxygen
• Example: - Dancing is an enjoyable form of aerobic exercise.
11. Resilience (noun) - The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
• Example: - Developing mental resilience is crucial for handling life's challenges.
12. Holistic (adjective) - Characterized by the treatment of the whole person, considering mental
and social factors, not just physical symptoms.
• Example: - Holistic health approaches address the interconnectedness of mind and
13. Immunity (noun) - The ability of the body to resist infection or disease.
• Example: - Adequate sleep and a balanced diet support a strong immune system.
14. Strength training (noun) - Exercises that focus on building muscular strength.
• Example: - Weightlifting is a common form of strength training.
15. Posture (noun) - The position in which someone holds their body while standing, sitting, or
performing tasks.
• Example: - Maintaining good posture is essential for spinal health.
16. Cognitive health (noun) - The well-being of cognitive functions, including memory and mental
• Example: - Brain exercises contribute to cognitive health.
17. Recovery (noun) - The process of returning to a normal state of health after illness or injury.
• Example: - Adequate rest is crucial for the recovery of tired muscles.
18. Physical fitness (noun) - The overall condition of one's body as a result of exercise and proper
• Example: - Regular physical activity is key to achieving and maintaining physical fitness.
19. Dietary supplement (noun) - A product taken orally to supplement one's diet and provide
essential nutrients.
• Example: - Some athletes use dietary supplements to meet their nutritional needs.
20. Holistic approach (noun) - A comprehensive strategy that considers all aspects of health,
including physical, mental, and social well-being.
• Example: - Integrating a holistic approach to health involves multiple lifestyle factors.
21. Regimen (noun) - A prescribed course of medical treatment, diet, or exercise for the promotion
or restoration of health.
• Example: - The fitness trainer designed a personalized exercise regimen for each client.
22. Moderation (noun) - The avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one's diet or lifestyle.
• Example: - Enjoying treats in moderation is part of a balanced approach to nutrition.
23. Mindfulness (noun) - The practice of being present and fully engaged in the current moment.
• Example: - Mindfulness meditation is known to reduce stress and improve mental well-
24. Interval training (noun) - A workout that alternates between periods of high-intensity exercise
and rest.
• Example: - Interval training is effective for improving cardiovascular fitness.
25. Holistic nutrition (noun) - A dietary approach that considers the whole person and focuses on
natural and unprocessed foods.
• Example: - Holistic nutrition emphasizes the importance of nutrient-dense foods.
26. Wellness program (noun) - A plan or initiative designed to promote and support overall health
and well-being.
• Example: - Many workplaces offer wellness programs to encourage employee health.
27. Metabolism (noun) - The chemical processes that occur within a living organism to maintain
• Example: - Regular exercise can boost metabolism and aid in weight management.
28. Personal trainer (noun) - A certified professional who guides individuals in achieving their
fitness goals.
• Example: - Hiring a personal trainer can provide personalized fitness guidance.
29. Mind-body connection (noun) - The relationship between mental and physical health.
• Example: - Practices like yoga emphasize the importance of the mind-body connection.
30. Rehabilitation (noun) - The process of restoring health or normal functioning after illness or
• Example: - Physical therapy plays a crucial role in the rehabilitation process.
Phrases & Idioms
31. Maintain a balanced diet - Consume a variety of foods to ensure proper nutrient intake.
• Example: - Including fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins in your meals helps maintain a
balanced diet.
32. Set realistic fitness goals - Establish achievable objectives to stay motivated in your fitness
• Example: - Instead of aiming for extreme weight loss, set realistic fitness goals like
walking 10,000 steps a day.
33. Prioritize mental well-being - Recognize the importance of mental health and incorporate
activities that promote mindfulness.
• Example: - Meditation and deep-breathing exercises are effective ways to prioritize
mental well-being.
34. Create a personalized workout routine - Tailor your exercise plan to meet your specific fitness
needs and preferences.
• Example: - Consulting with a fitness trainer can help you create a personalized workout
routine based on your goals.
35. Establish a healthy sleep routine - Develop consistent bedtime habits for improved sleep
• Example: - Switching off electronic devices an hour before bedtime can contribute to
establishing a healthy sleep routine.
36. Listen to your body - Pay attention to physical cues and adjust your workout or dietary choices
• Example: - If you feel fatigued, it's essential to listen to your body and take a rest day
from intense workouts.
37. Practice portion control - Be mindful of serving sizes to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.
• Example: - Using smaller plates is a practical way to practice portion control and avoid
38. Stay hydrated - Drink an adequate amount of water to support bodily functions and prevent
• Example: - Carrying a reusable water bottle is a convenient way to stay hydrated
throughout the day.
39. Engage in mindful eating - Practice being present and savoring each bite during meals for a
healthier relationship with food.
• Example: - Turning off the TV and focusing on the flavors while eating is a way to engage
in mindful eating.
40. Hit the gym (idiom) - To go to a fitness center or engage in a workout routine.
• Example: - After work, I usually hit the gym to stay in shape.
41. Run out of steam (idiom) - To become exhausted or lose energy, especially during physical
• Example: - After running for miles, I finally ran out of steam.
42. Burn the candle at both ends (idiom)- To work or stay awake for an extended period, often
resulting in exhaustion.
• Example: - Juggling two jobs, she was burning the candle at both ends.
43. On the mend (idiom) - In the process of recovering from illness or injury.
• Example: - He's been on the mend after a brief bout of flu.
44. Cutting corners (idiom) - Taking shortcuts or doing something in the easiest or quickest way,
often at the expense of quality.
• Example: - Skipping warm-up exercises is like cutting corners in your fitness routine.
45. On the home stretch (idiom) - In the final stages or last part of a process or activity.
• Example: - With just one more lap to go, the marathon runners are on the home stretch.
46. Feel under the weather (idiom) - To feel unwell or in poor health.
• Example: - I won't be joining the hike today; I'm feeling a bit under the weather.

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