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Strategies to improve customer satisfaction.

Austin LeVesque

Customer Relations MAN/4162

June 13 2023

Professor Dr. Pryor


Strategies to improve customer satisfaction

Nowadays, customer service can be seen from a strategic perspective and not only as an

annex in the organizational structure of the company. Customers are in essence the reason why

businesses exist and therefore, establishing a lasting relationship with as many customers as

possible is an aspiration of every company. In this sense, many companies have made a

fundamental shift in their organizations and have dedicated themselves to cultivating a customer-

centric organizational culture.

Those who are responsible for dealing directly with customers must possess fundamental

skills among which are "active listening, empathy, problem-solving, and communication"

(Shields; 2021). It is not a matter of simply giving a mechanical or standardized response but

rather being able to "show empathy and think critically to solve problems creatively" (Shields;


In the video entitled How I stole great customer service - with pride! by Lisa Ekström, it is

possible to see several strategies suggested to achieve success in customer service, among which

are: being positively motivated, being open to innovation, imitation and taking risks when

necessary, and actively listening to both the customer and your team.

Motivation is essential to undertake any action, as Ekström points out, the work in a

customer service department involves facing sometimes the mistakes made by the company and

that is not always an easy task. In this sense, it is necessary to start from an approach where it is

possible to appreciate and take advantage of the positive experiences of the company, not only as

a promotion strategy but also to raise the morale of the work team.

On the other hand, it is also necessary to consider in depth the way customer relationships

are established. If the results are not as expected, the strategy used should be radically changed.

In this sense, it is suggested to use creative and innovative strategies, or to study which methods

have been successful in other organizations, and think about how these experiences could be

adapted to the company. Finally, a key element in customer service is active listening. The best

ideas often come from the people who are directly involved, i.e., the employees in charge of

handling each case and the customers themselves. As Ekström points out, it is necessary to listen

and understand the stories and experiences of customers, because they will be multipliers of that

experience with other people.


Shields, K. (2021). Customer Centric Strategy retrieved June 12 2023 from


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