Coronavirus Change Agent Project

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Change Agent Case Analysis: Covid 19 and Bel Air Middle School 1

Change Agent Case Analysis: Covid 19 and Bel Air Middle School

Brooke Monroe

Towson University
Change Agent Case Analysis: Covid 19 and Bel Air Middle School 2

Executive Summary

Bel Air Middle School is located in Bel Air, Maryland. The school consists of one

building that is populated by 1,354 students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. The current teacher

population at Bel Air Middle School is 74, with 3 administrators and 1 principal. The school is

the original building that was constructed in 1960. The building has aged over the years and

plans for a new building are currently being discussed by the county. The student population at

Bel Air Middle School consists of the following races/ethnicities: 73.3% White, 8% African

American, 7% Hispanic, 6.7% Asian, 4.7% multiracial, and 0.3% Hawaii/Pacific Islander. The

gender breakdown at BAMS is 49.5% female and 50.5% male. 16.2% of students qualify for

Free and Reduced Meals (FARMS). Less than 5% of the population are ELL students. According

to the most recent (2022) MSDE school report card, Bel Air Middle School is at the 78th

percentile. 25.2% of students were proficient in Mathematics, 63.2% of students were proficient

in English Language Arts, and 57.6% of students were proficient in science. 78.7% of students

are not chronically absent and 98.1% of students felt that they had access to a well-rounded

curriculum (“Maryland State”, 2022).

There is a wide range of technology experience at Bel Air Middle School. Many older

staff members have struggled with the transition to incorporating technology in their classrooms.

The older staff members are more resistant to this change in instruction. We also have many

young staff members who have extensive experience with using technology in the classroom.

Our younger staff have helped pave the way for incorporating more technology in our

instruction. They have taken on leadership roles within the school to help our staff members feel

more comfortable and more knowledgeable in incorporating technology into instruction. Most of

our staff are willing to learn about new technologies and how we can incorporate them in the
Change Agent Case Analysis: Covid 19 and Bel Air Middle School 3

classroom. Our county has done a great job of providing professional development for staff in

instructional technology.

All staff have been provided with laptops and all students have a Chromebook.

Additionally, most classrooms in the school have Boxlights, which are interactive displays that

are designed to help students learn more effectively and enhance learning in the classroom. All

students have a school email address that can be used to contact teachers. Bel Air Middle School

uses the learning management system Canvas where students can complete online lessons,

assignments, and assessments. All students and parents have access to an online gradebook

called Home Access Center where teachers post student grades. Bel Air Middle School uses

Microsoft Office 365 which includes a wide range of technological tools such as Microsoft

Outlook, Teams, OneDrive, OneNote, and SharePoint.


The first announcement from our school system was on February 26, 2020. The

Superintendent of Harford County Public Schools, Sean Bulson, sent out a message to the school

community stating that the school system and Harford County Health Department were fielding

many questions from parents and residents about the coronavirus outbreak in China and

subsequent positive cases in the United States. In his message, the Superintendent shared that the

school system was working closely together and receiving guidance from the Harford County

Health Department, the Maryland Department of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control. At

the time of this message, there were no confirmed cases of coronavirus in Maryland. But he did

share that the school system had a pandemic response plan that was being prepared. The next

message we received was on March 8, 2020, after the governor of Maryland declared a state of

emergency in response to the first positive cases of coronavirus in the state of Maryland
Change Agent Case Analysis: Covid 19 and Bel Air Middle School 4

(Fulginiti et al., 2022). This message from the Superintendent was to reassure the school

community that the school system was continuing close and frequent conversations with the

Harford County Health Department. On March 10th, the school system canceled all out-of-state

field trips and staff school or business-related travel after Governor Hogan canceled all out-of-

state travel for state employees. On March 12th, the Maryland State Superintendent announced

that all public schools in Maryland would close for two weeks starting March 16 until at least

March 27. Shortly following the press conference, Superintendent Bulson sent out a message to

the community to share the news that was just released from the governor. In his message, Dr.

Bulson stated the students would be bringing home instructional materials to be completed

during the system-wide school closure.

On the evening of March 12th, HCPS teachers and staff received an email from the

county providing guidelines about student work for the two weeks that we would not be in

school. The email provided a list of the materials that students should take home from school the

next day. The email also shared that during those two weeks, no new content would be delivered

to students and no technology would be required to complete the work. Our principal emailed us

shortly after with a detailed plan for school the next day. Students would follow a regular school

schedule and go back to homeroom at the end of the day to retrieve their take-home learning

experiences. Students were to complete the take-home learning materials and would be graded

for completion of these materials. Our principal also created a schedule for students to clean out

their lockers during the school day. At the end of the day, teachers cleaned up their classrooms

and took home their laptops and any other materials that we might need if schools stayed closed

longer than the anticipated date. During the two-week closure, teachers and staff were not

allowed to work and we would continue to receive our normal paychecks.

Change Agent Case Analysis: Covid 19 and Bel Air Middle School 5

At the time, our school system was not equipped to deliver comprehensive online

instruction to students. Most schools in the county did not have one to one devices for students

and none of our curriculum or content was available in an online format. HCPS sent out a survey

to school families to determine information about access to technology for the households of

students and staff members to determine how instruction may be delivered. Families who

completed the survey and needed a device were provided with an HCPS Chromebook.

Unfortunately, there were not enough Chromebooks for the families in need. On March 25th, the

State Superintendent of schools closed all Maryland public schools through April 24th. The

following day, HCPS staff and school families received a message from Superintendent Bulson

sharing that the county had developed another set of learning experiences for families to use for

the next two weeks. The resources were available on the HCPS website to access electronically.

Families could either print the materials at home or travel to meal sites throughout the county to

receive paper copies of the learning materials. During this time, teachers were instructed to reach

out to students and families to identify the best ways to be in touch during the closure.

The principal of Bel Air Middle School began to hold weekly virtual faculty meetings

using Microsoft Teams. She did an excellent job of communicating new information to us and

helping to guide us through the unknown. Teachers were informed we would begin providing

weekly content for students beginning after spring break. Teachers were to upload content online

for students by 12:00 pm every Tuesday. Students would need to submit the work to the teacher

by the following Monday. Teachers were to provide approximately 90 minutes of classwork per

week which could be completed in two 45-minute sessions or one 90-minute session. Teachers

would be required to hold instructional office hours every day between 12:00 pm and 3:00 pm.

This time was for students to be able to reach out to teachers with any questions or additional
Change Agent Case Analysis: Covid 19 and Bel Air Middle School 6

support for learning. The weekly assignments were graded using a pass, fail, or incomplete

process. Students who did not have access to technology at home would be mailed weekly

assignments and learning experiences.

Teachers began creating lessons and distributing online materials using the learning

management system, Its Learning. It was up to the teachers which technology and tools they

would like to use for these online lessons. Teachers relied heavily on one another to learn how to

use the learning management system since the county was not providing professional

development on best ways to create and distribute content to students. The Physical Education

teachers created videos that students could watch. We also used many online videos to teach

content. Students filled in a weekly log using Microsoft Word and uploaded their documents to

Its Learning. Because of our lack of experience with online tools and our learning management

system, the content we created was simple and was not necessarily innovative. The technology

that we used sufficed for the time being because at that point in time, we were just trying to get

through until the end of the school year. There was no official virtual learning plan in place from

the county and it was difficult to keep students accountable for the work.

I believe that Harford County Public Schools and my school administration provided

effective communication and updates regarding coronavirus, the shutting down of schools, and

plans for online learning. The county contacted staff, students, and school families through

emails, phone calls, and video messages with updates. Our principal constantly communicated

with staff members through email and virtual faculty meetings. She provided as much

information as she could and answered any questions or concerns from staff. She sent out weekly

updates to students and families as well. She was truly a leader for her staff during a very

difficult time and truly cared for each one of us. There were many staff members in my school
Change Agent Case Analysis: Covid 19 and Bel Air Middle School 7

that stepped up to be leaders by taking the initiative to teach others how to upload and share

content to the learning management system. Our department leader and other Physical Education

teachers in the county also stepped up to help create Physical Education lessons for our students.

The switch to virtual learning was a team effort and I am grateful for the many individuals who

stepped up to guide us and take the initiative to begin the process of creating digital content for


During this time, I communicated mostly with the seven other members of my Physical

Education department. We texted and emailed each other daily and met virtually using Microsoft

Teams. We worked as a team to get through the difficulty of online learning. I enjoyed meeting

virtually with them because we were able to share funny stories, vent to one another, and check

in with each other. I also communicated with a few other Physical Education teachers within the

county to ask for ideas and resources. I communicated through email with many parents of

students. Parents were heavily involved in the learning process, so I received many emails from

parents who were helping their children stay on track with their assignments.


Amidst the difficulty of transitioning to online learning, there were a few things that went

well. The administrators, school leaders, teachers, and staff members came together as a team to

endure one of the most difficult school years of their lifetime. Without the support of one

another, school systems would have failed in their endeavors to further student learning for the

remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. Teachers and staff relied on each other to use new

technologies to create and publish content for students to access in an online format. No formal

training was provided, leaving teachers and staff to figure things out on their own. Teachers

shared resources and lessons with one another, and certain individuals stepped up to become
Change Agent Case Analysis: Covid 19 and Bel Air Middle School 8

experts in the area of instructional technology so that they could help those who had little

experience in this area. The use of Microsoft Teams was beneficial so that teachers and staff

could meet virtually to discuss plans for instruction as well as connect with one another.

Harford County Public Schools spent a great deal of time and effort developing a plan to

reach out to every single student and family in the county to ensure that all students would have

access to instruction for the remainder of the school year. The school system sent out surveys

and used the information from those surveys to determine which direction they should go. The

school system had teachers call and email every family to discuss how things were going, if they

had a device at home, and if they had access to the internet at home. Because students in the

county did not have one to one devices, this was the first major step to begin the process of

transitioning to online learning.

The biggest challenge that our school system faced was the lack of accessibility to

technology due to a shortage of devices and lack of internet at home. We were not able to fully

transition to virtual learning with synchronous classes because of this. Many students and

families were trying to access learning materials on their smartphones and iPads, which made it

difficult for these students to complete their work. Families with multiple students had to share

one device at home, making it difficult to contribute the time needed to complete their

assignments. Libraries and other public places with internet connection were closed, leaving

families without internet completely stranded. The school system placed hot spots throughout the

county where students could connect their devices to the internet. However, students had to be

transported to these locations and sit in their vehicle while they completed their work on a

device. Many students didn’t have transportation due to both parents working.
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Another major challenge that teachers and staff faced was a lack of training for online

learning and instruction. There wasn’t enough time or resources for the school system to create

professional development to help teachers create online learning materials, upload content, create

assessments using the learning management system, or learn how to use various technology

tools. Teachers were left to figure these things out on their own, which was stressful and time-


Students and parents faced their own set of challenges at home trying to navigate the

transition to online learning. Many students needed help from adults to understand how to access

content online, submit assignments, or use various technology tools. Parents were not always

available to help their children, leaving many students to figure things out on their own. Many

parents were also forced to work from home during Covid, which placed even more stress on

families. Some parents did not keep their children accountable for any online assignments for

various reasons, allowing their children to fail classes.

In the future, school systems need to have a plan in place if virtual learning were to be

required again for all students. Additionally, schools should continue to improve technology,

especially student devices and teacher devices. Schools need to stay updated with the latest

technology to improve instruction and lessen the workload for teachers. School systems also

need to allow teachers to use a variety of digital tools to be used in instruction. My school system

limits teachers as to what digital tools we can use with students. Schools need to improve

internet connection because it is now necessary to have reliable internet connection for student

learning. Finally, school systems need to continue to educate teachers in instructional technology

through professional development.

Change Agent Case Analysis: Covid 19 and Bel Air Middle School 10

My school system has come a long way since March of 2020. Secondary students now

have one to one devices, which has completely transformed the way that instruction is delivered

to students. The school system spent an enormous amount of time uploading the K-12

curriculum into a digital format for teachers to access online. The school system changed the

learning management system from Its Learning to Canvas, which is more user-friendly and

provides a wide range of capabilities to enhance learning and assessments. Canvas also makes

grading easier and faster for teachers. Teachers can share resources with one another, allowing

individuals to learn from one another and enhance the curriculum. Harford County Public

Schools has provided extensive professional development sessions on incorporating technology

into instruction. Teachers have had many opportunities to engage with new online learning tools

and increase their expertise with technology. Many of the professional development sessions

have been offered in an online format, which is more accessible. The school system has

encouraged the use of digital tools by making the tools available for staff and students. Students

have become more engaged in learning because teachers are now creating instructional materials

that require collaboration and creativity. Technology in our school has also made learning more

individualized to meet the needs of many student learning styles. Our school now uses

videoconferencing for IEP meetings, which makes it easier for parents and educators to ensure

that students’ specific needs will be met.

Harford County Public Schools also created a new school, Swan Creek, which provides

an engaging and flexible personalized educational experience for students. The eLearning

Blended Virtual Program is available to students in Grades 1 through 12. Students that

participate in the eLearning Program attend scheduled synchronous instruction with their

teachers 5 days a week in a virtual learning environment. The In-Person Blended Virtual
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Program is available to students in Grades 6 through 12. Students that participate in this program

are placed into one of two learning cohorts and attend classes in person two days per week.

Professionally, I feel that the change that has taken place over the past three and a half

years has been for the better. The shift has required me to use innovation and creativity in my

instruction, which has made me a better teacher and has improved my instruction for students. I

also feel that I have had to spend less time creating content for students and grading assessments,

which has decreased my levels of stress at work. Covid-19 has made me appreciate being able to

build relationships with students. It opened my eyes to the extremely difficult situations that

some of our students face, which has made me more compassionate and understanding towards

students. It has also given me a new appreciation for the simple ability to go into work and be

with my students and colleagues. My experience with online instruction also inspired me to

begin the Instructional Technology Program at Towson University. I knew that I would like to

increase my knowledge of incorporating technology into my instruction and learning how to do

that most effectively. I also have an interest in teaching remotely now that I have become a


Personally, Covid-19 has made me more resilient and adaptive to change. Before Covid, I

really struggled with any type of change. I like to plan ahead and have control of situations.

Covid was a time of uncertainty and rapid change. Every week during remote learning, we

seemed to deal with some type of change in plans as teachers. It seemed like everything was out

of my control and I had to learn to deal with these emotions and be flexible. The pandemic also

gave me a new appreciation for human connection and even allowed me to connect better with

my friends from across the country. A friend in Arizona started hosting virtual Bible studies once
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a week and it seemed like every week more and more women were joining us. I was able to

make new friends that I have been able to stay connected with even now.

My husband and I got married in October of 2019, just a few months before Covid-19.

We didn’t have any children at the time. We both ended up working from home for almost a

year. We were able to spend a lot of quality time with one another and find creative ways to have

fun since most businesses were shut down. We also spent a lot of time with our immediate and

extended families and grew closer with them because of the pandemic. Covid-19 made me

realize that family is one of the most important things in life and brought to light even more how

we should cherish our families. Although Coronavirus had many negative outcomes, it taught me

many positive lessons that I will carry on throughout the rest of my life.
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Fulginiti, J., Lucas, T., & Ng, G. (2022, January 4) 2020 Timeline: Coronavirus in Maryland.

WBAL TV 11. Retrieved September 15, 2023, from


Maryland State Department of Education. Bel Air Middle 2021-2022 School Report Card [Fact

sheet]. 2022 Maryland School Report Card. Retrieved September 15, 2023, from


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