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A complete guide

to Virtual Onboarding
A definitive handbook to
Hiring & Onboarding
Remote Teams
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

04 07
What exactly is Virtual Implementing virtual
Onboarding?” Onboarding

18 21
Introducing Tools for
Pre-boarding Pre-boarding
& Onboarding


William R. Tracey, in "The Human Resources Glossary," defines
Human Resources as: "The people that staff and operate an
organization," as contrasted with the financial and material
resources of an organization. Therefore, we can consider that HR
is all about people.

Often in an organization, a great diversity of people coexist, each

being assigned with a definite task yet all the tasks accumulated
need to reach one final goal, company’s welfare. Thus, it’s quite
essential to acquire, understand, nourish and train this mass that
make up an organization properly following specific principles.

Although it may seem simple, HR is considered as one of the

most complex fields professionally, because HR is in fact an
expanding field and therefore, managers have to be all eyes and
ears for the latest approaches and tools encompassing HR.

What is HR? What are the best practices? How do you Onboard
employees? How to increase employee retention? This book will
guide you through all these and multiple other questions that
pop up in the mention of virtual Onboarding and HR.

Arpit Mishra
Co-Founder & CEO
Breaking misconceptions

Breaking Misconceptions
A recent study by Glassdoor found that great employee
Onboarding, can improve employee retention by 82% and
increase productivity by over 70%. Those are big numbers to
achieve even on regular days.

With the current scenario in which companies are forced to

The term
hire and onboardhuman
new candidates without meeting them face-
to-face, these numbers might seem a bit too far-fetched.
resources was
first coined
Some of you mightin
have some very valid concerns like:
the 1960s
Less control over the way they work
No way to set the culture
Employees can't bond with the new hires as well as they
used to
Very difficult to convey essential points without meeting face
to face

All of these will have a direct impact on overall productivity as


Except, it need not necessarily be so. Many companies have

managed to onboard new employees and bring them up to
speed with everything with the help of a well-planned virtual
onboarding process.

Read: Reference:
What Is a Human Resource? hu
What exactly is Virtual Onboarding?
So what exactly is Virtual
Onboarding is the process that you begin when an employee starts their first day
with your organisation. It's how you familiarise them with the various facets of
your company, and it can be wrapped up in a day, a week, or can stretch over
several months.

Virtual Onboarding is when you carry out this entire process online without
meeting the new employees face-to-face. The best way to carry this out is to
make the new hires feel like it's regular Onboarding—doing so requires a lot
more planning on your side, but going by the data mentioned, it's definitely
worth the effort.

A typical onboarding process covers the following

aspects of business:

One Paperwork

Two Clarity of role

Three Training

Four Culture
4 Aspects of any Onboarding
Four aspects of any
Your leave policy, healthcare coverage, asset policies, and data
security rules, etc. It's essential to ensure that your employees
understand all of these completely.

Clarity of role

Studies have shown that one of the main reasons for high turnover
rates is that employees feel there is no room for growth, or don't
create any impact at their workplace. So to keep up an excellent
retention rate, set expectations right from the get-go by sending
your new hires a 60 or 90-day career roadmap charting out what
exactly they will be working on and what targets to achieve
(quantified clearly).

Help the employee understand that they don't work in silos. To
give them a better perspective on how the company works,
demonstrations from other teams explaining their functions
make an impact. Training also helps build better inter-
departmental relationships.

When a new employee joins, they must be in line with your
company's culture. The easiest way to show them how things
work is to add them to the company intranet, where they can
observe how approachable managers are, the tone of
conversations, and how to open the company is to feedback.

They also need to understand the company's mission and vision

statement to align their goals better.
How to implement virtual

Implementing Virtual Onboarding

Onboarding—a step by step
While the recipe is almost similar when it comes to regular Onboarding and
virtual Onboarding, there are a few added ingredients to overcome specific

The term human

Though Onboarding new employees face-to-face is convenient, there are
simple ways towas
overcome the challenges that virtual Onboarding presents.
first coined in
the 1960s

Wordpress, the
15th most visited
website in the
world has 100%

" distributed teams

There are successful companies in the world that

have adapted remote work and made it an advantage.
These are companies with some of the lowest
employee attrition rates. So how do they do it? How
do they effectively train and induct new employees
and achieve maximum productivity?
Virtual Onboarding Steps
It's best to send them an online form requesting their
address, whether or not they have access to the internet, and
their laptop needs.

Delivering the Once the forms are collected, you need to assign one team
Hardware responsible for recording and dispatching the necessary
assets (portable wi-fi, laptops, adapters, and SIM cards).
The term human
Having one centralized team in charge will help streamline
resources was
and track this process a lot better.
first coined in
the 1960s

It doesn't just stop with hardware. Setting up their official
accounts, passwords, IDs, and installing communication
tools and other apps—there's a list of things usually done
with your system administrator giving them instructions in
Setup Account person.

But in this case, you can pre-install and set up their accounts
for them before you ship the hardware, or you could conduct
a video conference where you can walk them through the
process step-by-step.

Make sure to send them their login IDs at least a couple of

days before they start, and that the links do not expire before
the new employees can set up their accounts.
Virtual Onboarding Steps
In the case of remote work, individual policies like dress-
code may not be relevant. Barring those, send the new
employees PDF versions of your leave policy, healthcare
coverage, asset policies, and data security rules.
To ensure they have all the context required, talk them
through each document individually, and ensure that they
send all attachments with their digital signatures.
The term human,
was the social media app management company
first coined ina fully remote team, breaks down the paperwork and
the 1960sinformation into smaller portions and sends them to the new
employees through timed emails. This helps them avoid
information overload on the employees and prevent things
from being missed out.

Taking a well-planned approach, leaves room for fewer

errors and keeps the onboarding process, free from

" "We have a central Onboarding document where we

store all important links and a day-by-day checklist of
tasks and resources for each new hire to establish a
solid foundation on the team."
Leo Widrich
Virtual Onboarding Steps
As with the case of assigning one team responsible for
taking care of hardware requirements, it's best to have a
team responsible for giving each new employee as much
clarity on their role as possible. relies on two key
Role Clarity people to bring about this clarity: the new employee's
manager and their teammates or peers called a role buddy.

It's the manager's responsibility to provide a definite 30, 60,

The term human
or 90-day roadmap to the new employee with specific goals
resources andwas
targets. They need to communicate and help the new
first coined in with these goals and provide them with feedback
the 1960sregularly.

The role buddy can also pass on any feedback or vital

information from the manager to the new hire, and help
them out with any questions they might have.

Both the hiring manager and the role buddy are sent an
email detailing what they should do to successfully onboard
the new employee. Being this thorough, once again, reduces

" room for confusion for all parties involved.

Depending on how closely the role buddy and new

hire work, they'll talk once or twice a week via Zoom,
and this buddy is the go-to person for any task or role-
related questions, the new hire may have (generally
asked via Slack or email).
Leo Widrich

Virtual Onboarding Steps
Now more than ever, it's easy for new employees to feel out
of touch with the company they're joining—there may be no
"sense of belonging" because they don't know the people
behind the functions.
and You can follow the footsteps of Trello—depending on the
budget and feasibility—by meeting them in person and
Induction spending enough time with them to train them.
The term human
resources was
"If we hire you and we start the Onboarding process," says
first coined in
Ben McCormack, who heads their support team, "what we
the 1960s do first is spend one week with you in person. We either go
to you or — a lot of the time! — the candidate will want to get

" out of their town, so we'll take them to New York."

"When you join full-time, you'll do customer support

for for your rst two weeks and
spend a week in support annually, for ever more,
regardless of your position. We believe an early and
ongoing connection with the people who use our
products is irreplaceable."


Giving your new employees, a first-hand experience of how

different functions work, is a fantastic way to begin their journey
with you.

Collaborating with other functions helps the new employee, look

at things from different perspectives and also build relations with
other teams like Sales, Finance, and Customer Support.
Virtual Onboarding Steps
Regardless of remote work, getting the employee to blend
with your company culture, helps them feel at home (no pun
intended). While the new employee will gauge the
interactions and hierarchies within the organization and when
Culture you add them to the company intranet, setting them up with
a culture buddy, makes things easier. assigns a peer from a different team or

The term human
department for this purpose. They receive a detailed email
resources was their role as well.
first coined in
the 1960sThe culture buddy is in charge of familiarizing the new
employee with the company norms and being in touch with
the new hire once a week for six weeks, that can extend as
required later. One of the main advantages of this role is that
it can provide and collect valuable feedback from a fresh

Sending them a PDF of your company's mission and vision

statement, also helps them align their goals and better
identify with the company.

The 'Why' of virtual onboarding

The Why of Virtual Onboarding

All said and done, wouldn't it be easier to freeze
hiring and do with the existing workforce even
though you require new employees? Why do you
need to virtual onboard new employees?

With the current pandemic, it almost seems like
the world as we know it, may not be the same
again. Not in the wrong way—remote working
might become the new norm. Remote working has #1
proven to be much more cost-effective and even
results in increased productivity. A survey by CoSo Emergency
Cloud, reports that employees are 77% more
productive and are 52% less likely to take time off.

And with more employees happily working from

home, not only do you increase your retention rate,
but you also save a lot due to reduced real-estate
requirements. Aetna Inc, the US-based insurance
giant, shed 2.7 million square feet of office space
resulting in a cost-saving of $78 million per year.
Though your savings may not be on such a vast
scale, you stand to gain in any case.

Being prepared with everything you need for

remote work, including virtual hiring and
onboarding strategies, will help you with
unforeseen emergencies and keep up with the
emerging norm of working.

The 'Why' of virtual onboarding

The Why of Virtual Onboarding

Expanding your business also means you gain
customers who spread across various time zones. You

#2 could employ a night shift team, or you could work

employees over different time zones. Being from the
regions your customers are from might help them
understand and solve their issues better.
timezones For the sake of Onboarding them virtually, some bit of
2 to suit the timings of both parties
planning is required
involved (if the hiring manager works from a different
1 time zone).

When you do not limit by geography, your talent pool

automatically becomes more abundant. You no longer
have to let go of candidates who are unable to move #3
to the location of your office.
Diversity &
Remote working opportunities also increase the
number of people interested in working for you. A Inclusion
survey by AfterCollege found that 68% of millennials
would be more inclined to favor a prospective
company if remote work was an option.


The challenges of virtual

The Challenges of Virtual Onboarding

"Easier said than done" applies to almost everything worth doing. The same goes
for virtual Onboarding. You might read up about it and follow guidelines, but
every company is unique, so the chances are that you will have to tweak the
processes outlined, to suit your unique challenges.

Challenge 1

Keeping track of


Often, companies end up treating their employees like

children, need always to know what they're up to, how
m a n y b r e a k s t h e y t a k e , a n d s o o n . Tr u e , i t i s h a r d t o t r u s t
someone you can't see. But it's also true that you put in a
l o t o f e f f o r t i n t o h i r i n g t h e m . Yo u c h o s e t h e m b e c a u s e y o u
saw the potential in them. By not trusting them, you're not
trusting your own decisions.

Research shows that employees are much more productive

a n d h ave fewe r d i s t r a c t i o n s w h e n t h ey wo r k re m o te l y, a n d
evaluating a new employee based on their physical
location might be a wrong approach. A motivated
employee can be productive no matter where they are. So,
do your best to keep them challenged and show them that
you trust and value them. Sometimes, the solution can be
that simple.
Challenge 2

The Challenges of Virtual Onboarding

Spending time with the


Trust and productivity apart, the first few weeks are crucial for
new employees. It's essential to stay in touch with them and
make sure they have all the context they need. Once you get
them through these first weeks, they will do just fine.
It's a good idea to catch up with them at the end of every day
over a phone call or video chat for around 15-20 minutes, just
1 discussing their work, providing constructive feedback, and
encouraging them to be more open about their ideas. The
employee might be a highly self-motivated person, but
without feedback, growth can be slow.
Challenge 3

Inculcating culture and a

sense of unity

Simply put, culture is shared goals and values. A new

employee, with the help of a culture buddy, can speed up
on the company's vision, and it is somewhat established
during the hiring process.

A lot of cultures is learned with simple interactions that

aren't work-related. Host team video conferences once a
week to simply talk about hobbies and shared interests.
You could also follow the Automatic route (and a lot of
companies that have distributed teams) and have
company outings once or twice a year.

The Challenges of Virtual Onboarding

We get the whole company together once a year for
seven days so that Automatticians can create bonds that
in uence them all year long. So far we've done Grand
Meetups in San Francisco, California; La Paz, Mexico;
Oracle, Arizona; Breckenridge, Colorado; Mont-Sainte-
Anne, Québec; Seaside, Florida; Budapest, Hungary; San
Diego, California; Santa Cruz, California; Park City, Utah;
Whistler, Canada; and Orlando, Florida

1 Challenge 4

Lack of creativity and


The best ideas are often ones that have been discussed and
built upon by multiple people. Though, in this case, there
can be no brainstorming session with everyone in the same
room; technology really can replace the need for their
physical presence.

If the company culture encourages employees to voice out

their ideas, good or bad, then there will be no lack of
creativity—just a change in the way we share. Remember,
some of the best products in the world (including Microsoft)
are the result of ideas and contributions from remote teams.
Aren’t we forgetting something?

The term human
It looks was
like you've got the steps of your virtual Onboarding
process covered. in
first coined But Pre-boarding, regardless of remote working,
is athe
1960sprocess that will help you retain your new hires
even before they join you.

Often, there is a gap between the time they resign their current
position (if applicable) and join you. This time is cause for anxiety
for you as well as the candidate, and other companies might
approach them. So how do you make sure they don't get snatched

Pre-boarding is simply a process that you set in motion once the

candidate accepts your offer letter—it's a way to show them how
excited you are to have them on board and create a good

With a remote team, you can't show them around the office or take
them out for lunch with the team. But you can take some simple
steps to show that you value them.
6 Steps to Pre-boarding

Send them a welcome message

You can either do this via an email from the candidate's team or schedule a video
call to introduce the candidate to their manager and team. Welcome messages
bring a sense of belonging even before they've started working for you.

Include them to the routine

Adding them on CC to the regular work emails sent by their team, will give them an
idea of the sort of work they will be doing on a day-to-day basis once they join. It will
keep them invested in what they're going to do and can make them do more
research to be better prepared.

Give them a surprise

If it's possible to send them a welcome package, take advantage of it! There's no
better way to leave a positive and memorable first impression. A handwritten note
from their manager, a company-branded stationery kit, and a company t-shirt,
depends on your budget, but it's the effort that counts.
6 Steps to Pre-boarding

Send them their schedule

Give them the schedule for their first week, once they join—their training and
induction sessions, meetings set up with other teams, etc. to show them how
seriously you take their time and growth.

Help them help themselves

Set up a channel with other new employees where they can interact with each other.
They can clear each other's questions and can help each other overcome their "first-
day" jitters. This will also help the new employees build a good rapport with people
across teams.

Arrange for a round of introductions

A coffee break video call with teams, the new employee will be working with, can be
helpful for everyone involved. Spending some time with heads of other functions will
help the new employee feel appreciated and welcomed.
Tools for managing virtual pre-

Tools For Pre-boarding and Onboarding

boarding and Onboarding

You've got your work cut out for you. There are quite a few
steps you need to take to nail your virtual processes and
make sure the new employee is up to speed on everything.
Naturally, you will need to use several digital apps to aid
these steps. 2

1 The sort of tools you use, makes a big difference, and you
should be sure to choose tools that suit your company's style
of working, culture, as well as your budget.

For instance, companies like Automattic Inc don't use many

emails. They instead rely on internal blogs, chat rooms, and

They also use P2, an interior blog for fully threaded

conversations within the company. And more importantly,
they use the same tools when they are apart as well as when
they're working in person so that no one feels left out of

So it's all a matter of finding the right set of apps for your
The top apps in the market that

Top Apps for Pre-boarding & Onboarding

you can consider
When you're hiring and Onboarding new employees virtually,
there's a lot of planning that goes behind, making their work and
training easy. Apps like CakeHR or GoodHire, help streamline the
1 Onboarding process and keep track of employee shifts and
overtime work. These apps also integrate well with other business
apps like Slack , GSuite, and Zapier.

You can also consider apps that specialize in Onboarding and Pre-
boarding processes like BambooHR or Oplift, which help you
automatically send Onboarding tasks, upload checklists, add
welcome videos, scan, and upload necessary documents.

Since you will be planning and scheduling a lot of meetings for the
new employees, you can either rely on Google Calendar or
consider apps like Calendly or HubSpot. Both of these products
have a free trial period and free versions that you can use
depending on your team's size.
The top apps in the market that

Top Apps for Pre-boarding & Onboarding

you can consider
There are quite a few repetitive processes that you can automate for
better use of your time and ensure that no task gets left out.

1 You can use apps like Zapier, and Microsoft Flow to trigger emails and
follow up alerts automatically. These apps also integrate well with tools
like Slack, Trello, and Dropbox so, you can have automatic notifications
triggered and make sure no one misses essential messages.

In addition to this, you may also need apps that will help you provide
remote assistance to your employees to set up their accounts like
TeamViewer and Zoho Assist.

The top apps in the market that

Top Apps for Pre-boarding & Onboarding

you can consider
Since the team is spread across different regions and timezones,
investing in the right internal communication tool is a priority. You can
use email, with a risk of the message being overlooked or flooding the
1 inbox with too many. So it's better to consider a few more means of
internal communication.

Apps like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Chanty (Free plans available for all
three) can help with quick messaging, threads that are easy to keep
track of, and apps that integrate with a wide range of other business
apps that make your work a lot easier.

You will also need apps that you can use for video conferences. Apps like
Zoom, Skype, and GoToMeeting are good options that you can consider.
These will aid you with online meetings, presentations, and webinars for
all employees. There are free plans that are available for Zoom and

The top apps in the market that

Top Apps for Pre-boarding & Onboarding

you can consider
Time and file management
With new hires working remotely, it's a good idea to use apps that
track their tasks and progress.
Google Calendar is a simple tool that will help schedule and track
1 their training sessions. You can also use apps like Trello and Toggl
for monitoring how much time they have for their projects.

It's also effortless to lose track of time when you're working

remotely—it can lead to faster employee burnout if not kept in
check. Apps like Hubstaff and Harvest can help maintain
productivity and stick within regular work hours with timesheets
and monitoring capabilities.

Safe and simple ways of sharing files with all your employees are
crucial. Google Drive is the most popular file-sharing app, and there
are plenty of alternatives too.

Dropbox has free plans that can come in handy, and you can also
consider apps like Box and OneDrive for sharing your files on the

Project management tools are used for individual's work status and
their progress stage.
8 tips to better manage virtual

Tips to Manage Onboarding


Communicate way more than necessary

Communication is not a one-way street—it's something that
needs to seep down from all parts of the organisation and has
to be part of the culture.
If the new employees see their managers and the top
management communicating their thoughts often, and
checking in with other employees regularly, they will be more

Culture is a big part of the Onboarding process, and this step

certainly helps the new hires blend in better.

Increase trust within the organisation

But it starts with you—trusting the new employees with essential

tasks, helps them feel more productive and encourages them to
be more creative.

Micromanaging them or giving them too little to do in their first

few weeks might make them feel left out and idle, thus leading
them to lose interest in the company's shared vision.

You can also increase trust by encouraging more collaborative

teamwork and using the right tools within the organization.
8 tips to better manage virtual

Tips to Manage Onboarding


Hold them accountable

If you're trusting them more responsibly, it's natural to hold
them equally accountable for them.
1 The roadmaps you've set for them with quantifiable targets
should help them work towards that goal, but don't hesitate to
tweak the marks a little, depending on the new employee's
strengths and weaknesses.

Hold regular stand-up meetings to catch up on the progress of

work and share constructive feedback more often.

Watch out for employee burnout

It's easy to lose track of time when working from home. Contrary
to popular belief, employees end up working more at home than
at a shared workplace, simply because there's no concept of
leaving the office.

If left unchecked, this could lead to faster employee burnout.

Maintain proper work hours and avoid being too flexible with
them—find the right balance between a structured and flexible
approach to work life.
8 tips to better manage virtual

Tips to Manage Onboarding


Show your appreciation

Being away from their team and focusing on the tasks at hand—
working remotely can make employees feel isolated at times.
1 One way to remind them you are aware of their contributions is
finding the right way to reward them. Something as simple as a
company-wide email detailing the employee's achievement
helps them to be more motivated and perform better.

You can make this a weekly affair, picking one person from each
team, and hosting an "Employee of the week" program. Mix it up
now and then so that it doesn't become white noise.

See them often

Use video calls every chance you get—it helps teams connect
better, and this form of communication helps avoid
miscommunications when using emails or other types of written

Video calls is also an excellent way to check on your team and

their well-being.
8 tips to better manage virtual

Tips to Manage Onboarding


Form groups of common interest

A slack channel to discuss books or personal hobbies helps
employees bond across departments and increases the sense
of belonging.
Setting time aside for candid discussions and not limiting
everything to work, improves creativity and can be a refreshing
outlet for your employees.

Find the right people.

Last but not least, make sure you hire the right people for your

As talented as they may be, not everyone can work well in

distributed teams.

One way that Automattic overcomes this dilemma is through a

contractual project lasting between two to six weeks for candidates
that make it past the interview stage.

This helps them observe their working style and how well the
candidate can gel with the rest of the team.
A quick checklist for a smooth

Virtual Onboarding Checklist

virtual Onboarding process
Let's quickly run through the things you need to keep in mind
to create the best virtual Onboarding process for your remote

2 teams responsible for different

Figure out logistics and assign
aspects of the Onboarding process.
Choose the tools/bundles like Zoho Remotely to manage your
Onboarding process and distributed teams.

Distribute the information you're sending to the new employees


over days, to avoid information overload.

Provide regular feedback to your new employees, and tweak

your processes according to the feedback you get.

Plan and set tangible targets for the new hires, ensure that they
are satisfied with the work they're given.

Train the new employees with all aspects of your Organisation,

and how other departments function.

Communicate regularly and ensure that all new employees are

properly inducted into your company's culture.

Increase employee productivity with the help of apps like Trello

and HubSpot.
The Future of Virtual Onboarding
The future of virtual Onboarding

Industrialisation. Globalisation. Internet.

Humanity has come a long way since the invention of the wheel,
and all through the centuries, we've been figuring out ways to
make the world a closer, smaller place.
The internet's design had an unprecedented influence on how the
world functions, forever changing the corporate structures across
the globe.

With the increasing popularity of remote working culture among

millennials, as well as emergencies that have forced companies
to adapt to remote working,

The advantages of distributed teams are undeniable. Though

your employees are now further apart physically, technology
brings them closer than ever.

This also opens the talent pool a lot more, and designing an
effective virtual Onboarding process for them is crucial to make
the best use of their talents.

There will be plenty of new apps and technology that you can
use to improve this process—and if done right, your organisation
stands to grow and be part of the new future. After all, change is
the only constant thing.
Beamfox - The pre-boarding software
How Beamfox helps in pre-boarding
employees remotely.
Is your organisation planning to get a remote team on
board? Here’s how we can help

Workflow automation for candidate engagement

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Hyper personalized omnichannel candidate

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Candidate engagement analytics

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Understand the effectiveness by checking the engagement at
each step. Keep a track of where the candidate ghosted to re-
work on the engagement activities.
Beamfox - The pre-boarding software
Built-in templates by industry experts

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Forget about the manual meeting scheduling


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Now you can send meeting invitations to one or more candidates
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Chatbots to start qualified conversations

Create personalized conversational landing pages,
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