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Jai Maa Saraswati

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Complete Notes for Class-X According to New Syllabus – 2020-21
1. What is Evolution? Experiment of Miller and Urey: They provided an
Ans: Evolution: The process by which complex forms of lives experimental proof of the theory of abiogenesis. They
organs or organ systems have modified from simpler forms created a laboratory condition similar to probable early
due to changes in genetic composition through ages, is Earth.
known as evolution. Observation: Miller identified a variety of organic molecules
2. Explain with a flow chart the steps of origin of life on like some amino acid (Alanine, glycine etc.), long chain
earth. carbohydrates, formaldehyde etc. in the formed samples.
Ans: Steps of origin of life on earth: Evolution has involve Inference: From the above observation, Miller concluded
gradual transformation from simple, unicellular, that organic molecules might have been synthesized
underdeveloped form to complex multicellular, well abiotically in early earth probably by the energy of high
differentiated forms of plants and animals. Major voltage electric current of thundershower and other
evolutionary events can be explained with schematic external source of energy like solar radiation etc.
diagram as follows - Therefore, “The theory of abiogenesis of origin of life has
Finally man has been evolved been proved experimentally”.
↑ 4. Discuss the basic structures of heart in different groups
Four-limbed vertebrates moved on land of vertebrate animals as evidence of organic evolution. Or,
↑ Substantiate evolution with the help of morphological
Plants evolved, Creating new habitats evidence.
↑ Ans: Evolution of heart in vertebrates: If we compare hearts
Fish like vertebrates evolved of a fish, a frog, a lizard and a mammal, we find that there is
↑ a basic pattern.
Origin of multicellular organisms  The heart a fish is two chambered and respiration
↑ takes place by gills. Through the heart of fish only
Photosynthetic bacteria begin to release oxygen into the deoxygenated blood flows. This is suitable for
atmosphere aquatic environment.
↑  In amphibian the heart is three chambered. Here in
Origin of unicellular life in water the ventricle the oxygenated and deoxygenated
↑ blood get mixed.
Origin of life in water  In reptiles heart is made up of two separate auricles
↑ and two incompletely separated ventricles.
Formation of earth  In birds and mammals the heart is completely four
chambered and deoxygenated and oxygenated) is
3. Briefly explain Miller’s and Urey’s experiment to prove kept completely separated.
chemical origin of life on earth.  This proves that in vertebrates the structure of the
Ans: Theory of abiogenesis or chemical origin of life: The heart has been gradually complicated and advanced
formation of complex organic molecules from simple from a common origin in response to the changed
inorganic molecules, through chemical reactions in the environment.
oceanic water during early history of earth is known as 5. What do you mean by homologous organs? Explain how
chemical evolution. the homology of forelimbs in vertebrates give support in
favour of evolution.

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Ans : Homologous organs : Homologous organs are those the animal was like a fox. It was 11” high at the shoulders
which have similar origin but are different in shape, size and with short head and neck. The forelimb was with 4 complete
functions. finger and on splint of first finger whereas hind limb was the
Homology of forelimbs in vertebrates: When we examine three functional fingers.
the forelimbs of vertebrates, they appear to differ widely ii) Mesohippus: It was evolved from Eohippus. The size of
from one another. the animal was like that of present day sheep about 24” at
 In the horse they are required for locomotion on the shoulders. Forelimbs with three fingers and one splint of
land. last finger whereas hind limb had three fingers where
 In birds they are modified into wings for flying. middle finger was longest and supported most body weight.
 In the Whales the forelimbs are modified into iii) Merychippus: This was evolved from Mesohippus about
flipper for swimming in water. 40” high at shoulders, with longer neck. Both forelimb and
 In man they are modified for grasping objects. hind limb had three finger where middle finger was longest
But on examination, these different types of forelimbs and supported entire body weight.
clearly indicate that they are all same in nature and are built iv) Pliohippus: This was evolved from Merychippus. It was
in the same fundamental plan. They all consist of Humerus, nearly 50” high at the shoulders. Both forelimb and hindlimb
Radius-ulna, Carpals, Metacarpals and Phalanges. had strong complete finger. Thus Pliohippus might be
6. What do you mean by analogous organs? Write in brief considered as first one toed horse.
the analogous organs of animals. v) Equus: This is modern horse that was evolved from
Ans: Analogous organs: Analogous organs are those which Pliohippus . It is about 60’ high at the shoulders with a long
have dissimilar origin and are similar in function. head and neck .Each forelimb and hind limb has one very
Analogous organs in animals: strong complete finger with two splints.
Analogy of wings- Both the dragon fly and the bird can fly Therefore the line of progression of evolution of horse is-
but wings of insects have extended body without any Eohippus Mesohippus  Merychippus  Pliohippus 
skeleton, but the wings of a bird have external feather Equus
covering an internal skeleton support. 10. What are the different weaknesses (Demerits) of
These analogous organ and their origin is different but have Lamarckism ?
the same function. Ans: Lamarck failed at the following points:-
Thus two widely separated animal- a vertebrate and an i) There are number of cases where evolution proceeded
invertebrate possess wings and are adapted to their flying not only without any increase in size but rather through a
habit. reduction in size.
7. What is vestigial organ? Write in brief vestigial organs of ii) The characters acquired by the organism due to use and
man. disuse are never inherited in the offspring.
Ans: Vestigial organs: Vestigial organs are those which were iii) Lamarckism provided no sufficient experimental ground
once well developed and functional in the ancestor but have to account for the origin of new species.
been rendered functionless due to disuse in recent times. 11. Explain the Struggle of existence and Variation in the
Vestigial organs in man: In man there are more than light of Darwin's theory.
hundred vestigial organs. The most important are Ans: Struggle of existence: A competition takes place
vermiform appendix, nictitating membrane, muscle of between the individuals for food and space. This is called
pinna, mammary gland of the male, segmented muscle of struggle for existence.
the abdomen, coccyx at the end of the vertebral column, Usually of three types of struggle found in nature –
sharp canine, third molar teeth etc. (i) Intraspecific struggle- It is the struggle for food and space
8. What is missing link? Give examples of missing link from between the organisms of their own kinds.
animals and plants. (ii) Inter specific struggle- it is the struggle for food and
Ans : Missing link: The organisms which were the space between individual of different species.
connecting link between two groups but they are not living (iii) Environmental struggle- It is the struggle against
at present are known as Missing Link. physical and other factors of the environment.
Example of missing link : Archaeopteryx is a good example Variation: Variation is a rule of nature. No two individual
of fossil representing the intermediate form. It possess plants and animals are exactly the same and they vary from
characters of reptiles (teeth in beak) and birds (wings). This each other. It has been observed that slight variations occur
fossil of flightless water bird acts as a missing link between in all parts of the organism. These variations are the primary
reptiles and birds. cause for which children do not resemble exactly their
9. What is fossil? Explain with an example how do fossil parents.
acts as evidence in favour of organic evolution. Some plants and animals possess beneficial
Ans: Fossil: Remains of organism of remote past in the variation which help them to survive in nature. Those who
sedimentary rocks as casts or moulds are termed as fossils. do not possess beneficial variations gradually disappear.
Fossil of a horse as an evidence of Organic Evolution: According to Darwin, the beneficial variation are
i) Eohippus: First Fossil of horse is named as Eohippus (Dawn transmitted to the next generation.
horse) that was discovered from North America. The size of

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12. What do you mean by natural selection? What are the mammalian) striking similarity is observed among the
demerits of Darwin's theory? embryos as follows:
Ans: Natural selection: According to Darwin, the individuals (i) Similar external branchial grooves in the pharyngeal
which could adapt themselves with the environmental region.
conditions were successful in struggle for existence. They (ii) Presence of a series of internal paired gill pouches.
survived and propagated their variations to the next (iii) Presence of segmental myotomes in the tail like
generation. The others with unsuitable variation perished. structure.
It means nature selects only those groups of It proves that they all are evolved from one species.
individuals which can withstand all the adverse conditions of 16. Explain convergent and divergent evolution examples
environment and provide them with food, shelter and other and compare them.
necessities. Ans: Convergent evolution: It is the process where different
Demerits: (i) Darwin could not explain the origin of groups of organism independently evolve analogous
variations. structure having similar functions to adapt in similar
(ii) Darwin's theory of natural selection is unidirectional. environment. Analogous structures are the result of
(iii) Origin of organs cannot be explained through natural convergent evolution.
selection. Example- In aquatic environment, so many animals such as
(iv) Darwinian natural selection cannot account for the invertebrates (eg; prawn), so many fishes, Amphibia (eg;
degeneration of organs. Toad and frog ), Reptile (eg; crocodile, turtle), Birds (eg;
(v) In fact, although natural selection selects favourable duck) , Mammals (eg; whale, dolphin) etc. Any aquatic
mutations, it does not explain origin of species. animal must have common function of swimming, steering
13. What is the relation between evolution and and balancing. All these animals have developed different
adaptation? structure to serve those common functions.
Ans: Relationship between Evolution and Adaptation:- Divergent evolution: It is the process where similar groups
(i) The relation between evolution and adaptation is very of organism develop different functional structures to adapt
close and important. First there are adaptive changes in a in different environment. Homologous structure are the
species and then evolution by minor and major steps lead to result of divergent evolution.
the formation of a new species. Actually, it is impossible to Example: The fore limb of man, tiger, whale and bat have
separate one from other. same basic structural plan —i.e. Same type of bones,
(ii) When the changes due to adaptation in an organism muscles etc. But In man, hands are used for various function
become stable giving rise to stable genotype by mutation, as well grasping, in tiger for running as well as catching the
there is evolution of a new species. Thus it may be said that prey, in whale the forelimbs is modified into flipper or
adaptation is the cause and evolution is the effect. paddler for swimming, in bat it is modified into patagium
14. What is meant by ‘Inheritance of acquired character’ ? (wing) for flight.
What is meant by ‘Survival of the fittest’?
Ans: Inheritance of acquired character: According to Difference between Convergent and Divergent evolution:
Lamarck, characters acquired by an organism during lifetime Convergent Evolution Divergent Evolution
is transmitted to its offsprings through heredity. Moreover,
1. Analogous organs result 1. Homologous organs
the characters are inherited by the offspring who in their
turn, acquire characters and transmit to the next into convergent evolution. result into divergent
generation. evolution
As a result the cumulative effect of characters 2. Different groups of 2. Same group of organism
gradually give rise to a new species after a few generations. organism show similar exhibit different adaptive
But this concept of Lamarck is most disputed. adaptive modification. modification or radiation.
Survival of the fittest: According to Darwin, the individuals
which can adapt themselves with the environmental 4.B ADAPTATION
conditions are successful in struggle for existence. They 1. What is adaptation?
survived and propagated their variations to the next Ans. The changes of the living body which help them in the
generation. The others with unsuitable variation perished. survival in a newly changed environment is known as
This is called Survival of the fittest. adaptation.
15. Briefly explain comparative embryology as evidence of 2.What is the role of swim bladder in fishes?
evolution. Ans. Swim bladder is the hydrostatic organ and is in the
Ans: Evidence from comparative embryology: Embryology dorsal portion of the body cavity under the vertebral
deals with the embryonic developmental stages since zygote column. The sac is thin walled, elongated in shape, and filled
till birth of the young one. These evidence are based on with gases.
competitive study of the embryos of various animals. If a
Fishes can live freely at different depths in water by
comparative study is made with embryos of different
varying the volume of air in this sac. When the air bladder is
vertebrates (Such as fish, amphibia, reptilian, aves and

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filled with gases, buoyancy increases, body becomes lighter (iii) Water conservation: There are thick leaves with leaf
in weight and the fish floats up. hair, waxy cuticle to prevent water loss by transpiration so
On the contrary, when gases go out of air that salt concentration is maintained in dilute form.
bladder, buoyancy decrease, body becomes heavier in 8. Explain camel’s ability to withstand extreme water loss
weight and the fish sinks down. in desert climate. Briefly explain the specialty of shape of
3. What is the aim of Adaptation? RBC in camel.
Ans. By adaptation the organism, plant or animal, possess Ans.(i) Tolerance of fluid loss: Camels can loss up to 25%
features of structure and function that enable it to make the their body fluid without showing any sign of dehydration.
best of the conditions under which it lives. This provides an extra tolerance against long term water
5. Write the adaptive features of pigeon related to flight. storage.
Or Explain adaptation of a bird with example. (ii) Body temperature and sweating: Camel can regulate
Ans. Adaptation of Pigeon: body temperature in a very special way. Their body
(i) Body shape: To minimize the resistance of air the body of temperature ranges from 340 C at dawn up to a steady
pigeon becomes spindle shape. increase to 400 C by sunset and cool off at night again.
(ii) Body covering (Feather): To help in flight almost all parts Sweating will occur beyond 400 C temperature. This
of the body are covered by the feathers. type of usual tolerance in extreme heat help them to
(iii) Bones (Body weight) : To keep the body light the bones preserve approximately 5 liters of water per day.
of pigeon are light and pneumatic due to spongy nature. (iii) Role of kidney : Kidney decreases glomerular filtration
(iv) Muscle : For lashing the wings the flight muscle are rate and can reabsorb water tremendously. After
present. The important flight muscles are pectoralis major reabsorption, the urine becomes as thick as syrup and has
and pectoralis minor. twice the salt content of seawater.
(v) Wings (Modification of forelimbs) : Wings are the organs *Specialty of shape of RBC in camel : RBC of camel is
of flight in pigeon. The forelimbs are modified into wings. nucleated, oval in shape (found in no other mammal) which
*(vi) Air Sacs : Small lungs of pigeon are supplemented by resist clumping in extreme water loss.
the thin walled are called sir sacs. They are nine, which Amazingly, camels can drink up to 150 to 200 litres of water
contain warm air. This air makes the body light and also at once. Drinking so much of water in such a short time could
supply oxygen during increasing respiration at the time of be a problem that may induce water intoxication and severe
flight. osmotic problem. The oval shape of camel’s RBC and their
6. What are the adaptation observed in Xerophytes ability to swell up to double its volume can adjust the
(Cactus) ? situation. Water is absorbed very slowly through their
Ans. Adaptive characters of Cactus : stomach and intestine, allowing time for equilibrium.
(i) Roots: Usually long to penetrate deep into the soil. Roots 9. Explain significance behavioral adaptive feature of
are large, thick, hard and woody. Roots hairs and root caps chimpanzee.
are well developed. Ans. Behavioural adaptive features in chimpanzees:
(ii) Stems : Aerial, sometimes modified to form phylloclade. (i) Termites are favourite food of chimpanzees. They take a
The stem becomes flat, fleshy, green and is covered by twig of a tree, remove the leaves from the twig. Then they
spines. It stores water and food. Stems are generally use the stick like a fishing rod to fish the termites.
covered by wax or hairs like substances to restrict loss of (ii) Chimpanzee also can crack open nuts using pieces of
water by transpiration. wood in a hammer and anvil technique.
*(iii) Leaves: Leaves are usually small, fleshy and leathery (iii) It has been also observed that chimpanzee eats leaves
and are often modified into spines to check the loss of of medicinal plants when infected with certain parasites.
water. 10. Briefly explain the process of communication in honey
7. Briefly explain mechanism of salt adaptation in Sundari. bee.
Ans. Mechanism of salt adaptation in Sundari: Ans. Based on the way she is dancing and the duration of
(i) Salt Exclusion : They have significantly impermeable roots her dance, other bees are able to leave the hive and quickly
that are highly suberized which prevent entry of sodium locate the food source.
salts. It has been shown that approximately 90% of salt has The worker bees perform two types of dances for
been excluded at the roots by special enzymatic mechanism. communication :
(ii) Salt secretion : Most of the salts that enter the roots is (i) Round dance is performed when a newly
transported with water through the xylem to leaves. discovered food source is close to the hive.
Sometimes structure like salt gland eliminate excess salts by (ii) Waggle dance is performed for long distance
active transportation with the help of special enzyme source. Distance is directly correlated with the

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duration of waggling dance. Closer the distant 25. Which organs is responsible for maintaining buoyancy
higher the frequency and vice versa. of Rohu fish?
MCQ AND SHORT QUESTION:- Ans. Swim bladder.
1. Who is known as father of evolution? 26. How many chambers are there in a swim bladder?
Ans. Charles Robert Darwin. Ans. Two.
2. Give an example of Homologous organ. 27. The blood capillaries present in swim bladder is known
Ans. Flippers of Whale , Forelimbs of horse and hands of as-
man, wings of birds, wings of Bat. Ans. Red gland.
3. Give an example of analogous organ. 28. Which organ absorb the gas of swim bladder?
Ans. Wings of birds and Wings of insects. Ans. Red gland.
4. Choose odd one- Wings of pigeon, Wings of butterfly, 29. Which organ is known as hydrostatic organ of rohu
Forelimbs of horse, Wings of bat. fish?
5. Which was the first nucleic acid on the Earth? Ans. Swim bladder.
Ans. RNA. 30. How many air-sacs are present in pigeon?
6. Name a hydrocarbon which was present in the primitive Ans. 9.
Earth. 31. What helps the bird to fly in a low oxygen areas or at
Ans. Methane (CH4). high altitude?
7. Which group of animals have venous heart ? Ans. Airsac.
Ans. Fish. 32. In which organism double respiration occurs?
8. Give an example of living fossil. Ans. Birds.
Ans. Sphendon. 33. Name a halophyte.
9. Complete the relation- Ans. Sundari.
Coacervate : A.I Oparin : : Microsphere : Sidney fox 34. Which tree is known as looking glass tree?
10. In which book did Lamarck published concept of Ans. Sundari.
organic evolution? 35. What is present in the hump of camel?
Ans. Philosophie zoologique. Ans. Concentrated fat.
11. In which book did Darwin published his concept of 36. What is the characteristic of RBC of camel?
evolution? Ans. RBC of camel is nucleated and oval in shape.
Ans. In the Origin of Species by means of natural selection. 37. What does resist clumping in camel during
12. Give an example of vestigial organ in human? dehydration?
Ans. Vermiform appendix, nictitating membrane, body hair, Ans. Oval shape of RBC.
Coccyx. 38. How much water can a camel drink at a time?
14. Which gas was absent in the primitive atmosphere? Ans. Up to 200 liter or 25 gallon.
Ans. Oxygen. 39. When the food source is closed to the honeybees
15. The branch of science which deals with study of fossils perform-
is known as- Ans. Round dance.
Ans. Paleontology. 40. When the food source is at a long distance the Honey
16. Where did the life originate from Earth? Bees perform-
Ans. In ocean water. Ans. Waggle dance.
17. Name the connecting link between reptiles and 41. Which organ is not present in pigeon to make the body
mammals? lightweight?
Ans. Platypus. Ans. Right ovary.
18. Name the connecting link between reptiles and birds? 42. What is present in pigeon’s eye for sharp vision?
Ans. Archaeopteryx. Ans. Pectin.
19. Whose heart carries only deoxygenated blood? 43. The leaves of cactus are transformed into-
Ans. Fish. Ans. Spine or thorn.
20. Give an example of missing link? 44. The fleshy leaves like structure of cactus is known as-
Ans. Archaeopteryx. Ans. Modified stem or phylloclade.
21. Name the first form of horse ? 45. Chimpanzees can crack a nut by using the technique of-
Ans. Eohippus. Ans. Hammer and anvil.
22. What is the modern name of horse? 46. Who first discovered the language of Bee Dance?
Ans. Equus. Ans. Karl Von Frisch.
23. How many fins are present in Rohu fish? 47. In which plant shrunken stomata is present?
Ans. 7. Ans. In cactus.
24. Which fins are paired in rohu fish? 48. In which plant viviparous germination is observed?
Ans. Pectoral and pelvic. Ans. Sundari and Risophora.
49. What is the adaptive feature of leaves of Sundari?

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Ans. The leaves of Sundari are thick and salt storage is Ans. Struggle between snakes and owls for capturing rats for
present in them. eating.
50. In which animal water sacs are present in the body? 2. Determine the term related to the theory of Lamarck-
Ans. Camel. Ans. Inheritance of acquired characters.
51. The stem of cactus and the leaves of Sundari are 3. Identify the animal who communicates information with
covered with a waxy matter known as – other member of its own group through its specific dancing
Ans. Cuticle. pattern regarding the source of food -
52. Chimpanzees are observed to eat_____when infected Ans. Honeybee
with certain parasites. 4. Coacervate was the aggregate of some large colloidal
Ans. Leaves of some medicinal plants. molecule during the early phase of origin of life.
53. Which bee dance is more complex? MP-2020
Ans. Waggle dance. 1. Parthenium is an exotic species in our country. Other
54. Along with the shape of dance the distance of food is indigenous species cannot survive in search places where
also indicated by – it grows. This establishes one of the postulates of Darwin’s
Ans. The duration of waggle dance. theory. Identify the postulate-
MP-2017 Ans. Interspecific struggle.
1. The feature of analogous organs is- 2. Miller and Urey in their experiments were able to
Ans. Different in origin but functions are same. synthesize some preliminary constituents necessary for
2. Which of the following absorbs the gas of bladder in the creation of life. Identify the ones which were amino
bony fishes- acid among them-
Ans. Retia mirabilia. Ans. Glycine , Alanine.
3. The earliest ancestor in the evolution of horse is 3. Decide for which of the following purpose Bees
Ans. Eohippus. demonstrate waggle dance.
4. The fundamental tenet of the evolutionary theory of Ans. Inform other worker Bees about the direction and the
Darwin is the process of natural selection. [True] distance of the source of food from the beehive.
5. Mention one morphological adaptation of cactus to 4. The hoof of modern horse in the transformation of the
prevent transpiration. digit number 3 of their ancestors.
Ans. Leaves are modified to spine. 5. The leaf of cactus is modified into spine for the reduction
MP-2018 of the rate of filtration. [True]
1. Which of the following is the intraspecific struggle for For 100% Result study text book also. There are many more
the same food- to prepare for Madhyamik Exam.
Ans. Struggle among the members of Rohu fish in ponds.
2. Which of the following changes did not occur during the Note:
course of evolution of horse?
Ans. Increase in the length and thickness of all digit in limbs.
3. According to the opinion of the scientist, the pre biotic There may be some typing errors. Try
environment of the earth that led to the origin of life was
to deal with them and notify me about
Ans. Hot dilute soup in the sea water. that.
4. Homologues organ evolve due to divergent evolution.
5. In Lamarck’s opinion organism can acquire any particular “It is good to be Good. Share this
inheritable physical trait according to their need. [True]
6. Mention one adaptation of Sundari plant for Salt notes with your friends too.”
Ans. Salt gland is located on both surface of leaf. Keep Learning ! Keep Growing !
1. Identify which of the following indicates interspecific

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