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Newfields Write-up

● What is my image of an educator and how did it come to be defined?- Share what your
image of an educator is and how did the speaker assist you in your thinking?

I believe that an educator is not just someone who is a teacher in a traditional classroom.
Since going to Newfields, my eyes have opened up to the many opportunities and
possibilities that someone wanting to go into education can do. Many of the speakers
are planners, tour guides, or even do behind the scenes work for Newfields.

● What is my image of learning and how did it come to be defined?-Share what your
image of learning is and how did the speaker add to your learning?

I think that learning is the gaining of knowledge about a certain subject. It needs
someone that wants to know more and is willing to do the work to get there.

● Is there a difference between being schooled and education? Share your thinking of
this and your continued learning from the speaker.

I do believe there is a difference in being schooled vs education. I think that being

schooled has a more negative connotation to it, and education is more positive. For
example, someone who is schooled seems to be someone that is not interested in
learning, whereas someone participating in education wants to learn and become more

● What is the role of a Butler prepared educator and how did it come to be defined?
Share your thoughts on this and how the speaker added to your thinking of it.

The role of a Butler prepared educator is somene that is well versed in how to teach,
communicate, and collaborate effectively with students, parents, and other educators.

● Do I know and understand the impact of my own educational beliefs on myself and on
others?-share your thoughts and how the speaker assisted you in this thinking

Yes I understand the impact of my own educational beliefs. I understand that not all
teachers and educators will teach and educate the same way I do, and I have to realize
that there is no one, right way to do it.

● What might my place and my role be as an educator?-share your thoughts on this and
how the speaker assisted you in this thinking

My role as an educator will be in an elementay school as an occupational therapist. I do

not want to be a teacher, but I still want to work with kids and help them to be as
independent as possible.
● How do I document my ever-evolving answers to these questions so my thinking is
visible to myself and to others over time?
I will keep word documents of my experiences and writeups so I can call upon them any time I or
someone else needs them.

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