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ee CU ge Reading and Use of English CE cco cen Follow the exam instructions, using the advice to help you. For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, Cor D) best fits each gap. There is an example atthe beginning (0), Example: (TR Understaning teaver meaning ot tho tet makes easier to choose the © Ateepouter B putupwith G missouton D standuptor __somrwunds tiene CLs aD Planes can make it rain LUvng not to an akport has always meant having to (0) the nose of planes landing nd taking of. Now it sears that 1) recdents aloo have "th word gpe wih bad weather, according to a 2). pubiisex study ‘rstenes? ‘The scientists looked at satalita (9). of louds above airports, and also 2078 hese adverts citen studied computer models ofthe way clouds behave. What they found was that 2s 1 plane feo through @ vary ool! cloud, the aie behind expands ar! then cous Sasant rapidly. Tis sudden crop in temperature, (8). win apa the Hole formed in the cloud where the plane has passed through, can ierease tha cng wih TaD (6). ofan or snow on the ground, 0 en ney tntnocaseofmejrarpons, winnuncredsotfighseveyday.tiscanhaveasigiicant gamer fume pace ~~ 0f weather pattems upto 100 Kllmetres away. The researchers point BD crewmen 1A neighbouring B close © local surounced Scare a 2 A lately B recently lastly D freshly anjoctves. 3A Imaoes B figuas © aspects D portraits 4A totaly Bextemey —¢ entroty D perectly 5A jones B attaches © composed D combined © A fowcasts ——B cortainies © chances, opportunities 7 A recut B inence © consequence impression 8A counts B unsure © unlcaly improbable eating and Use of Ente | Ore Sew Reading and Use of English Part 2 EE cin pn 1 Quickly read he ance without ling a any gens. What isthe writer's main Paeer cere 2 Fallow tho exam instrustions, ving the advice to help you rye. For questions 8-16, ead the text below and think of the word which best fts each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example atthe beginning (0) Exampte: [0] [o[F| | ea ate |] Cycling makes financial sense rom Bae eee pees ae B) the eviooneria impact oo |= EE Pe eae yt ec ne pralie rary ot. at tr the bons ecg er tes. Not (0) pong howe, ever op aT “ ‘nk about how much neney bey wea ave by ovichng tom ie oor aeaitiah, Cars ceot lotto by and 1) citer majrivestnntssuchashouses, 2250 pmeematen areas 2. oar, cand or ‘oo upewy senna (a ae Bln, by cont er 1) epeetepucaerinon, ( cae {0 not require tic and are easy to pask. And if alot more poopie ook Up eying, the government could spordlss ofthe nations resources on roads, which at present ‘thelr taxes telp pay for (16) they drve on them or at 46 conunaton snes (GT some ansers mayne Ta msn iota tess yu can, You Resaing and Use of English Part 2 ‘Tost 2 Exam procte | 7 zx Ose CUT gy Reading and Use of English Part 3 CD cio 00 11 Quickly rea the tte and the text in the exam task 3 Follow the exam intructions, For each of 17-24, below. What iat about? ‘study the gap, the sentence Its in and the word in capitals 2 Lookat the example (0) and answer these questions + What kind of word fs “oediet’? + What kind of word is needed and what sufi aed to form? ‘+ What other change is mad anc why? For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals atthe end of some of the lines to form 2 word that fits in the gap in the same line. There isan example at the beginning (0) TT Yen) he ten aes, es tecomolte__(TReverbor 1 seme conte espe te wor not text to make sure everthing makes sense 1 the eo, 0 work Ot what Kn wor ou a oo TT” en font you need to make charges) o ALL he words {eg-nown, part Incas, Dat eae any unchorgsd \Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet. s-TTTTTTT) cxamp: [0] [FIR[ETS[I ‘Too many emails 27 Mink ofa compound ward that oe Some years ag, there were (0) that erat PREDICT [aad ‘woud soon be roplacd as the most common means of aaeunnte cosine communication by social (¥7) ste, work le esa Shee then, however, the number of ems sent fas coun sar increase (18) to the point that he volume STEADY 20 au eae aban pa an receved ona daly basis has become (18) for stress (Sa ac 28 ke sur you ci tm coe it 12 ocr yah tale For some users, ime stuston has become so Haye ce teva eo) that hey regularly dlte al he emails BEAR sain oag they receive without eve boeing to read thr, which 24 eke care sp ean. rater (21) to say the least. A less externa RISK. ecaure le to inetall software that sorts incoming mal Into dierent estegores. By doing this, promotion from 2a) ‘rganisations, for instance, go info @ COMMERCE ‘separate folder from messages ariving from friends oF fempoyers, (23) 1s to s9@ which emals are ABLE ‘mere important then others. Not at of us, though, may be 0 koon to lt software make euch (24) fore, DECIDE Reading and Use of Engoh Part 3 Peewee tire Reading and Use of English Part 4 1 Study the frst sentence in questions 25-20 below. For [ay Dar we the whole serene cn your ar sheet feachaartence, underine he words you thik you wil thems wars. rave to change. hasbeen done sn example. CF" When ov shed, rae is etc aah SF ren tone ou av wer Hare yo a 2 Fallow te exam instructions Shes for te st sears yur Dow seats? For questions 25-20, complete the second sentence go that it has a similar meaning tothe fr sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0). (© Everyone expects tha the Ohmpic champion wil win the next race, to, EXPECTED a a ene ot ‘The Olympic champion nnn inthe next 868,00. Rererer tat (ea Fm) count os example: [o[isewecoto en cou eb oe ‘Write only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet. ‘The gap can be filed by the words ‘is expected to’ so you vite: 25 Vitake you tothe station if you're racy’ my brther sai, 25 minora ps at can : Eemetines De vet ike My brother sais no" take me 1 he BON ee acy. —_a6Whet retire car we 26. My bike neadsrepaiting again. ee cer 27 wnat reposton Tinad: ana onetime goer with are" 27 The fim sald profs had fallen on account of the recession, ‘Goce pare ane FALL 29080 eo passe vero The fi Blam nt 8 0'C. forms. 20 Taino cutotie poet 28 Sigourney regretted spending o much nthe shops eevee one wisHED Sigourney, leas in the shops, 28, People betiove that poum was witlen about these beaut hits. Have That poor written about these beautiful hil {30 Without your hep, | wouldn't have fished the jb. BEEN | would have fished the jb your help Reading and Use of Engen Part 4 DEES LEC Reading and Use of English Part 5 << CRED eon 4. Look tthe exam instructions below, What kind of texte. magazine articles i? PETE sh rermanon 2 Read the text quickly 41 Whera ie sat? 2 Wha ie mainly bout? 8 What the main purpose oftho toxt? Te ‘Otherwise you maybe misled he wrong ans {8 Follow the exam instructions, using the advice 10 help you. ‘You are going to read an article about studying abroad for a year. For questions 31-36 on page 77, choose the answer (A. B, C of D) which you think fts best according to the text. == Alot can happen in a year abroad Like many students before her studying abroad het a profound afc on Sarah Morrison [As sat staring outa California spectacular Big Sut coastline |e fortunate to havea str who had persuaded meto spend a year of my degree abroad. seems that there are not enough olde bling explaining just how easy ts to take partin an international ceachange. While most universes offer worldwide exchanges, where students swap places with other rom all over the word fora semester ora yest duting their degree, he number and quality on offer, together with the cost and time spent abroad vary dramatically. ‘A deciding factor for men choosing to study atthe Univesity of Edinburgh was the facie offered more ‘than 230 exchange places 2t overseas universes inthe US Canad, Australia, New Zealand, Indi, China, South Korea pan, Singaporeand South Ameria Dspace stil oun ein ped aero yasometingo roe th mos of mynd ingore enbracng ath thanking he bagsto lee ya had become ht hme foe myers ice Fis cached lint me woo |e appled spn iy a Une 76 | Test2 Exam practice California, Berkley — never guessing thar this would affect almost every future decision lwould make. From thestart of your exchange, you are aware thatthe time you haven your new countrys imited and not to be wasted, Your experience i shaped bya predetermined starcand end, which immediatly increases the significance ofthe time in becween, From the fist week arived, started to workat The Daily Coliforior, Berkley student newspaper I moved from an inzernational house with more than 600 students from allover the world intoa co-operative house where 60 of usshared responsibilty for management ofthe building, I met people from Caleuta, Cairo and Chil and lam tha holding on toany stereotypes! might Rave about Americans would be about as useful as assuring chatll European people lived on fas. ‘The grades | earned at Betkoley didi actualy count ‘towards my degree clasfiation ac Edinburgh. However, | sue uncer a Pitzer Prize-winning poe, signed up for studenc ed seminars and tookan Afican American literature cas that shaped my dssertaon in Edinburgh \Whether Iwas leaming about contemporary poets on tour ofan Francico or reporting onthe President's Reading and Use of Englch Part 5 speech in San Francisco forthe next daySnewspapet, loa, and grants are available at many istcutions for ry stay there enabled me to return to Edinburgh with students going on an exchange. anincreased sense ofavarenessabout what wanted 434g parcin an exchange may not appedl to Feet oem ny Ene Biers dear all students. You have to research the options Wile the expense mighe Seem liken intial barrier independently, apply alms a year before you go te incematonal exchanges. in realicy they can actually awayand bé aware ofthe grades requiedin the frst savea student money. Visas heathinsuranceand year to qualify fora place on one. Even so, Edinburgh’ | fine 64 fights to the chosen country willavero be bought, international exchange officer Helen Leitch say buta student wll usally only be charged25 to 0 hada pound for everytime that students cold met per cent of their home university's annual fs. A was the best experience of theilif | would bea very student traveling abroad i entiled roa larger student wealthy woman ined” 31. One reason Sarah became a student a Enough University was that (Hf Unde th hoy wo nino [A sho cou frst study abroad and then move to Edinburgh. sm, Thea leak for extension in BB hoc sister had previously studied at Edinburgh ‘etext hat moan th came othe (© she could do part of her studes ata sultable university abroad. aoacaae 1D. most of the students at Edinburgh spend a year at an overseas university 32. How ci Sarah foc! when she wont to Borkeloy? ‘A She was poao0d to ind the people were exactly as she hod expected Sho lnew she wanted to make the most of er say thor. Sto want to gota job rather than begin studying mediately, She began to wish her tay tere could be aie shox ‘33 Wat does Saran fel she achieved at Barkley? ‘A Sho formed a clearer ea of what her ong erm ame ware. B She ook the ie steps towards becoming a ieachor 24 Lok an een hat Sho devoiopadher post ring silssgrfcanty ‘mone toe 1D Sho cured that she woud grecuat witha rst-class deme. 132 Look ner netson esas el wr ty [34 What dows Sarah say aut the cost ofan international niversty exchange? _—_—ah ai sto abroad {A Asastudent you can get reduced rates or helh surance. 133 Foun on a fig ater BB Yourtos may be ci by ha for avery year of your course steht Beni. tear be cheaper overal than studying in your own county. eee eee 1 Taking cheap fight abroad can save you alot of money. Saragoph aries! conan 5 What does ‘one! eer tonne 64? ‘Frit ceretionne ZA. an intrratorcl octane en pat of einikerty otren ir tooo B aresearch degree at a university in notre country pibereran © auniversity course that is paid for by the government ee eee the rst year of a unity course your own county 8 Vihat does Helen Leitch suggest inthe inal paragraph? ‘A. Studonts who do intorational exchanges oftan go onto becomes extromey rch BB Most students who've done an interational exchange believe it was highly wortwhde. Only students from ich famies can afford to do an intemational exchange She shoul be pall afar higher salary for organising international exchanges. Reading and Use of Engh Part 5 ‘est 2 Bam practice | 77 PSP Esc ee Reading and Use of English ‘Acton pln 1) Look tthe exam instructions the tile andthe introduction to the text in tales below. What kind of text (@29 fiction, advertsament ii? 2 Fallow the exam insrution, using the advice to help you, ‘You are going to read an article in which a television news producer talks about his work. Si sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-G on page 79 the one which fits each ‘gap (87-42), There Is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. FBT Ateryou ili ll he gaps, rac trove he {ne lngingenetacen he main to and he Sentorcn trom MG? Working as a TV news producer Rob Colehas produced TV nes or decades nw working on anything from international celebrities aloha confit He Shares the ene of his considerable experience the instr, abs ime behind the cameras has eon with age changes in the way news is reported — from atime when everyone bought local sewspapers, through the birth of 24 be ‘work lke on 8 day-to-day basis? ling ews, nd now the Internet. But what isthe Rob's always worked in foreign news, so his foes is viously on news from around the wor. As you can Imaging there's lot of that. Rob comes near having checked his phone, social media and Iistened toss many rows progeamacs ashe cou. [JT ning the foreign section ike «neverending contest ~ constantly try get his journal’ news preconted ahead of the “TV station's other seston (Once you havea storys then « mato of making sre tha wherever the journalist, the report comes into the blling~throogh satelite, Interact o other routes and itis ady torsn on siron tine. [3B nothing ike getting «note fom the produer at eother network songratulating cn job wll done. The low point, om the other hand are much les pleasant: "Te had alleges badly injured? So how can you become a news produce? Says Rebs ‘We loads of applications. BH] | Don'ebe puto; | people in this busines admire peopl who don’ give up ay, for obvious reasons? 78 | Test2 Exam practice ‘ou nee tobe heen to learn and ofcourse, ake areal inerest in eutent firs "You have tobe absesod with news, constantly following i Even if you'e a creative producer, doing graphics, you stl have tocar about what's ing on in the world, Als, some peopte tink abou gong | ico the moda just boeuse I sounds exciting, That would ‘be mistake; you have to sally want to doth jobs Lacks involved to, ofcourse. [JO emery Rive ot yc tot nest ow yar They wi aay ne seca ri olor en penile eerbering ee wat il ngs ithe win wc ces tv, When stared nT i row toed cm a separ, pdr cpr, soul yn end emetic oe pt iting oven BI] Now eee at te epeter sen Citas mre eevee ae i the waton taal ity ay ‘efor long there willbe a crew of just one, shooting al ‘heir own storia on a smaripone then editing and ‘icing that material before sending it w head oe, where ‘tends up going straight on aie. Actually, | this has already started to happen. The cedanology wil ust {et quicker and quicker aad smallr and smaller Use of Enten Part 6 ‘A You might write to just the right person at the right time. 1B Turning the device around and pressing the lve app button also enables live broadcasting F into the same programme. © They would be loaded down with equipment ‘and some of ther would be inked by cable, 6 D__ With this information, before any stories In those days It was possible to start a career Innews without even going to unversty: you went straight into training on a local paper. ‘Making sure it does so maters, especially civen the friendly competition with other TV Networks: ‘beating the other networks’ is a real highiight. | always endeavour to reply, but from my own ‘experience too many people don't get back ‘actually come in, he then decides on the to you, 50 its best to keep trying. ‘news priorities ofthe day. cn ur you chose ae of 8-6, {0 keep edie rouse wle Tar TIT Undernereterace and inking expressions, vocal Inks and Ino the mn et and Reding and Use of Engish Part 6 Test 2 exam practice | 79 POPres curity Reading and Use of English Part 7 CE censor a 41 Look atthe exam instructions below and tho tile and layout ofthe text on page 81 41) What kind of txts #7 How mary parts in? 2 What is the tonic? Wr are the pope? ‘2 What kind of information must you find? 2. Follow the exam instructions, using the advice to help you. You are going to read a magazine article about adults who have met an old schoo! fiend again through social media. For questions 48-62, choose from the people (A-E). The people may be chosen more than hich person ts susod at te er ere nwa? zi mieten sss nat ths ie te ends wit 7 ono sean | er ee reek erent an creas ctewina br Se ery ae ford agit * cone 26 cat a croai sextape Sana nv sir = ere oe 46 Look for a phrase thet means Plea Sai racoe te weld now nt Sie again? a 47 Look for a way of expressing Sarva ceeee rr crict wih ber nd your apo? a 4 cpa a in ve vcontety mare wiehe shovaediotkitenied fa fa oan? fear ow are! told her friend she was sad to hear what had happened to zx) $0 Think of another way of saying 1 ~ mee for ce Teg saseupioed et how hi hr fends appears had Sova asrstonoe or ai eee cia admits she wrongly predicted her friend would never have a Se ere res 80 | Tost 2 Exam practice sing and Uso of English Part 7 Fi Friends again Five people talk about the school friends they have met up with again thanks to soeial media webstes. A Nadia Hassan D- Maite Sve [Aug weVe benlongin deen courte fora ong wat delied when ofa tld me she as sch god tine Isha have made mow on eflto stay jb. Somehow aay new set dowel. though est touch wih Aira becuz we Nay goon wel ogee, __cnfesthat ack then she was thea eon oul ne ven hough wevequte eet people Farinas, mpd beconngan erm bese se mas pty much mor abit than her and en nso tat_——_—hapekss at mats Bt when she pened on yap 2am whee she led has two chin sites cen ar hoe yen amped by how mate contstniesye. nd stows is get istered) she send an old ad ina she might be aig coment wthour ove nes—and weve oye thing up amine one fers we meu pin Ve fond with each thes ne =| dont mlnowhebeinthe my taling amor sus tide omy ce wih funge weave enough common ep te etenship——_praation now a possibly, one E Yentin 3 Iulia Nowak When eed my este hing wa yng | Thefsshing at stuckine wes ut Naaastllecked contac med’ este fora secon nein Inch hse a hd en ys exe nie some Some Fé shays own tht one way or anther we athe pepe inthe tenes spc these who ween inn ech the at ome pi, ease hare ad seus peal isuesto dei th ig that shen we kf xchool wl both gone do the sae tine Shel sein on spor whch nt sate tile uve, What had been prepsed but she eis soci ever wsand suppose fe, tough, wa the res tht se had to tert ‘ete que alten that eyes. na she was on ofthe arses ovingo penal pebles. expressed fatale tows of when he iexofcntacingmy omy sony bt he sured reset coed ad clasmats cruel tone, an yea you can do that evenly ade and tat sc then she’s bee working nkies0 iy ihe you coud etch ith then in aeiing Which of cores erty what, © Olivia Morgan ear cmpyistaeetre natbatene Back na cola vy ta Men bth ote nasne tenon stuhirgo| sof kit gated (Remeber mayb as fe ot ate that she would end up doing a job that didn't require net tested. ‘ualcatons, New ittums out she wee on to orally well 2cademicaly and fo two jens was a Philosphy leur at 2 top university. Theater mistake | made was beng rer cautious about esponding when she fist goin touch with reel last autumn, when in fc 8 Son 3 wesw each csher on the sven we started chting sin a if tht tn year gap had never sed, think we both qu ele that we wou evr let anythig ke that happen asin Reading and Use of Englch Part 7 Test2 Exam practice | 8 ——————— PEPE ree Listening Part 1 CR er rmaton CER cron en 11 Read the rst two lines of questions 1-8 below: For each one, arewor these questions where possible. 41. Whatis the situation? [Gib Read the question ana ry to age te stun. 2 Wilyou hear one female, one male, © two speakers? ws eto We i We How 2 _Whatis the focus of the question in the second line? (CHBT Rerertee tat ou san change yur ied about ‘Example: question 1: language function AGRE an aro while you stn for testo the 3. FID Fotiow tne exam instruction, using the advice to help you ‘You will hear people talking in eight cifferent situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answor (A,Bore) 11 You near part a conversation In a watch repair sop. Whats the man doing? “ua ston oe ond [A rotusing to accept the watch for repair ete crossing an anne encouraging the customer to buy a watch 2st foron expression nes asec 8 © acising the customer to have the watch mended elsewhere sat 2 Yousre on attain and you hear a woman leaving a massage on an answering machine. fous onthe speakers ‘nm oii, a tat Wty fhe caling? er pole [A to.rrange ali rom te station eet to change the time of hor evering meal Sunjee not other mates © tofine out bus imes rom the station the steak may rt Stik or wos re ‘8 You har a talent show judge commenting on a performance she has ust seen, Pan pats of Gand mat does she tink ofthe man's performance? Bieiehe aie A He lake confidence. ree BB He chose the wrong song Imig be se fr each of He has a weak singing voice, 7 uton or wat toy arse 4 You hear the begining of talk ina community centre. ‘ey, ot wrt Wnt wil the tak be about? oe ‘ston or atone wy A ooal history Seok Care wre BB tvansport problems © modeen agouture 94 | Test 2 Exam practice stoning Part 4 ‘Yeu hear a man taking about saving money. He wants to buy A amotorycl, B abicycle, © ace. You hear 8 woman taking about a concert being cancelled What does she think about thie? [A- Shols glad t wil not ake place. BB It should be re-rranged fora lator date. (© She chould have been told sooner. ‘You heara man and woman taking about a flat they are considering renting ‘What do they both tke about I? A these B tholow rent © me tune You heara women talking about her tabiet computer. How does she feel about it? [A She finde something about t annoying She wants to gota more powerful moda. {© She spends too much time using Test 2 Exam practice os Perec niy Listening Part 2 CEE mr rrermaton CEE cron pon 1 ad the xan nections bln 5 4 iain ofc (as? ao we one ane 2 nats nto? Eine wccrnowe 3 ow ea? oe “ For each gap, what kind of information (0.9.2 ver, 2 day of he week) (TP {do you need to ten for? Thar it aay plant of ine verte down the missin words. 2 {FBI ation ne exam irsiructons, using the aie thao you [You wil need to play ths recording twice ‘You will hear a man called Merkus Fischer talking about mconcske, atractional Asian bakery product. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. Mooncake Markus was staying (9) When he fest ied mooneake. Marhus's favourite kind af meoneake has afiling made of (10) Markus ays that he kes to have (14) ith mooncake. Meoncake s popuiar dug the Moon Festival, which ist year was eld (12) “The mooncake Marcus was given during the festival had te shape ofa (19). on the tp, Markus was surprised to learn that mooncake i rarely mad (14). in china “The people Markus wae staying wth received mooncake from their (15) : z HH hos family gave Maras amooncake that ha a slighty (¥6). avout Marks was od that, many years ag, poople ed mooneakes sand (17) noone ¥0 0G he. ‘Aiter people had read what was written on the mooncake, they (16). t "Fiat Undertine the key words in each question, Advice. Se ono wc an pane at ness TE oir sas ie er a 10 He mentions vartety of fiir. Liston carefully forthe correct one. TT We cleat, 50st yu can os your £14. fr an eee ht rane Wh ry moot Seeee on eee ener 13 Toke care when other designs on mooncakes are mentioned. (i separ ans vant coe 14 stn someting exci toe re as, i W250 (ng gurl. vor tense) er cera sass anand 116 Make sure ou cont case he wrong aver 17 Tink of otra Syren: 18 Fecis on what was writen 0 op ee ca, ot ne. 96 | Tost2 Exam practice Ustening Part 2 | Peres cubic Listening Part 3 CE est rromacion CE ection ian “Tar Remeber that too of sntoncs AH 41 Look atthe exam instuctons and sentences AH. ere 1 Whatie the tope ofthe five rocorings? 2 What information do you need to isten for? Se peel nares EE ant wot tout unerstanng 2 FID Follow tne exam nstractions, using the ecvce to help you, [YOU will ned to play this recording twice,] ‘You will hear five short extracts in which people talk about deciding to take up now intorest, For questions 19-28, choose from the lst (A-H) the reason each speaker gives for deciding to take up their new interest. Use the letters only once. There are three extra lettors which you do not need to use. to help other people ‘to make some money to pass the time Speaker 1 [ [91 Speaker 2 [20 Speaker totry towin a prize vers | _i f ‘Speaker 4[ [22 to.overcome a fear Speakers [ [2B A B c D_ tomeet new people E F G toga 4 ‘tomake a change trom their work TE Wena hecho soe ‘hat ove mistake ay hae to ATIGBBEoD onera sere, bt wich one doe tars hes. nin spearheads mit ney? ‘Be cart - one pala ie hs erase for ot bing intersted in the att. wo spssters menten meting now pole, but ont ane had thi 8 ne man aim. Two spears tak stout wnnne competion But ws hat 2 mato reason? Tek ef ter epressios fr overcome! and Yer (Toaespeokere ak abut Ding retin ut wae at tera purse? 1H Make sur he spakers reason forking it up no ner poo. LUstoning Part 3 ‘est 2 Exam practice | 97 eee conic Listening Part 4 CE si iornaion CET toroan 1) Bak ear aon 1 Wate econ fg om00 2 watson? 3 Who wiyou ee? TBI Oot eoose an ansver ust because you hear the sare wera o: rae (at Foccacn aueston, wat rt ihe TH Soekar tees aking abet bore ‘you decide on your arse. 2. FED Follow the exam instructions, using the advice to help you. [You will ned to play this recording twice.) ‘You will hear an interview with a woman called Adriana Moret, who works as a wildlife photographer. For questions 24-80, choose the best answer (A, B or C). 224. Wy dd Adana want to become a wife photographer? A. Sho enjoyed traveling to remote locations, B She was very good at taking photos. (© Sho wae intrested in animal behaviour 25 Why according to Aciana, ok atier nowadaye to tearm now to protograph animals? [A Tha necessary equipment is cheaper than it used tobe B It's possble to lear wiaite photography onine © Cheap international travel means mere species can be photographed, 28 Why cc Aerana fool uncomfortable while she was trying to take photos of birds? A. Ste was notable to sit down. B Her foot wore geting wet She was being bien by insects 27 How did Actiana fel when she was tying to photograph the crocodie? ‘A. afld that might ty to atack her worried she may not get the photo she wanted incrasingly bored with waiting to take the picture 28 Actiana nas ait never taken photos of A atiger in nda Ba snow leoperd in Chin © polar boarin Russia ot Test 2 exam practice 29. iat cisadvantage does Adriana say her work has? 'A. She sometimes feos lonely when she is working abroad. BB She doasn't soe her family as often 2s she would ete © Sheslways has to go where the agency tls he. 90. Aiana believes itis becoming harder to got work as ‘2 wid photographer because [A so many photos of wie are avalabie on the Internet thers alot of competition for jobs in wife ‘hotograpty. © people are becoming ees Interested in wii, (Tyme et sur, mace te mos oy, Chess tm The on the second Istnig 26 Whi no atA-C does she ay wer ote rele? 27 Wat th fo ofthe quastin? Wc ofthe actos ina-Cconeroes Wis? 28 ni 0 tesa antral had ho otreod photographed? 29 choose the oe at 2 proba farina, at fr ner — 30 non a4 des Adriana say nt ve and whi does mat? stoning Part

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