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Gn. Solution: [rogsum: cil En gince nn Subject: Applied socloleg y go ms The tesm Cast is derived, loss one * . ped fiom a lata word ‘taste! Se eee en which means breed) | Page no.:2 Ill vace and complen 4 Dele: 1039° 6-2) heviditury qualities” Tt | Reghution no.’ b35-3-2 - Is closed and heiva rehial orbye-re16 in the society & Hinds | @oltne Jas The caste sysdem helps +0 detesmine outup- ation, dese, fodd, ete i¥6es pective qualificabon or intrest. Dn Nepalese hinde Seciely cast cycterm is divided 17 cociety 4s" Your Bayne and 96 Cost ‘ ; Aacsodiny to faudun and Manda, P Cast 1s a closed clase! Also, C-H- Cooley define s ‘hen a class is strictly hen'délavy we ray call it clast! thu, Wwe can define Cast as codel $4sderm whivh determines the catys of Person by birth, occupation, marriage, Cte, determined by code af conduct of Aladu yelgion. Cast isa one ofthe most im portant fede gor stratification of Nepalese goclety. Tt has been c¥ea ting gone inegualldy in Society of Wepalese culture. Tt nas been | detesminiyny the individ val ov group vole Fesponsi bili ties, otwpationrs, social relation ship etc, 69 bisth which ase higher and lower Lt is based op birth and Sometimes masrivges. Et ha been creatin Progrem: Givil Engineering | differents tron and eye sete eae? lity amony the members vetseneter! B10 of Society. T+ has bcen aed ee eggs Creating various 19265 | gino tits in ous Society, bg birth | Page n0-% tH ee ghes positions and come are lower. Tt has ferred hetesagiaily in society and detevmines the rights and Oblig ation of jndtuidval and gxoup: Despite of rnosduniration in present $eciély cast cyders enists ond helps to weale the inequltty) although Vatfous Plograms and Social infossotion provided by the Mational teote tele iston and mediag, Me Brahmin from up per cot hag been manimum inpolved 6n higher level dieicion praking then lowers cut and janajati peoples 4 %on national bevel 40 sreull village society: Thus, theve is inequality and Aeutipre- ation of society in Nepelese society dve to cast sq iter. Ono-3) Solutven’ Proymum: Civil Engineering Subject: Applied Sodelegy the oni'yinal ly sdovcture CeGUgOMs ye] ers fo constevitionr ret eee /eayl semester: 2 | ZIT ov axtange ment of pasts Date: podP-k- 23 But in sociology social | Registration no : 015- 2-) yucture refers to the o264f- ols Lomplen network of Soual velatton DIpy | which ave treated among homan beings, by interac tron, stolus and pattem of ociets Tt focuses how component fort of System work im yelation 40 24th others and whole. Tt deals with elemenh of sariety. like a Quildiny cosists of SY stematye aptangenent of foundatran, beams, Columns and stubs) Society alvo forms with cy stematie arrangement oY family, Caste, ethmit yrorp yel’yian, festive!) ctc-ie So, Social ¢truct Ut is groups, bry antrations, that constitute society. Radediff Broun has defined Social struetvyé al an avrangerront of pes cons In selationship, inctitutte nall§ defined oY lohtolled or regu lated - Similarly, py. Shephard ddefines Sociu! ctu- tuye as pattan af souul velation ship among indisidval OF groups. Inu we cun Conclude, Nt eleryents of Society. fhe diperence between Gottal Control and coctel Stuceréew b give as below ; Soul chuture as sgstene tie antunye rent of difftie- Progmm: Civil Engineering | Subject: Applied Sovoley GEGYIONMS | level: Gachelox | | YearlSemester! DIY | Oates 207%- 6-23 Registration N0%03S~ I-)- O2rb4¥- 1016 Rolino.. 3106 Page no U4s]1 Sovial tiv cture Tt is extemal puttan Of sevitly- focial cystem- Lt iy infernal aspecl of Society. Main @lements are orvoup and Organization. Main elements are be hid, Sanchon ond knowledge, Booup is the main part of structure: Endividval is pain part of Syslttn- Tt is means to seubh ends of Society. Tt is end s of Cowety. r4e velatively ¢tatic Lt th relatively genible Tt ts chepe and sive g Sociely It is fonchondl aspect Of Soclety Ono.4) Solvtion: Proysum: Civil Enyinecrtng | | subject: Applied sociology ; 2FG UgoM Nepal isa multicultal, [lect cacevori * multi. Lingvistic, mob — | Yeurltemedes: TD OT and moltiethinie country. Dates 207% 6- 24 TH has extended fron | Registration 07038-3-2- himalayan to extreme | Rolino.. 37U5 hot ayea of texvi vegion.|_Casene’ silt Recxod ing to histor'cal Census of doll 4D, Nepal has alltogethes $4 ethinre grup and more than 123 Unquiste gyoup have been living. All of them has therrown Souo-culbml identity. In kathmondy the rrayor ethinic group is Neway. Similarty) there are othes ethinic groups on difffercal Parl of country as Cas) linguy tameng, Guruny, Sherpa) ete. They ave classiped as below; ON baris 4 geographical xeyion WD Hirmali etninic group 2) hilly efhiaic group 3) tevdel ethinre gyoup. on basis of lengua ge ) End o- Aryan s peaking 3) Tibedo-Berrmun speaking on bast of orlyin 1) Tadeo We palese V) Tibeto- Meprlese 3) Tnde gintous DI have Shei own - Cul | Program: Civil Eng) neesin and pructyes- Gut alot | suet Blom : themave related ircocio- | level: Oaheloy cultsal, Political, techno- eee ee teal parameters Rey stration no!, O35-3-2 n Courdry of Weprlesg. | - 0r848 -Lole Soviet, there is peaceful | Gayees. 5 ry yelationship between all — ethinic group. they have been Cooperytie and equally yvespect cath other with their ethinic pride and identity. Te bring peaceand harnony in Mepe nation, 1g chet celebrate different peat ond festival equallg We can find majorly following rater ve la b'omship wreny LHAINIL gYOUpS » the 4 are ytly tedon basis 4 yelr gious tolerant. V) They depend one another for technology and inf vans uae develop met 3) they are gelajed wn barr Ff Locio- econo- mic -deyelopne ot and Psycholeyical nth u) Good governance and promotion of deme- Cray Wo another batis of inteevele tons mig etc- Progtam: Civil Engincertn Subject: Applied soctoloyy ONG-S) Solution: AEG YIOMS level: Gachelor Tn general, we Onders-| Year! Senester: IZ 120 tend | Date: 2079-6 -23 4 ech noloy y means Resatration no%. 095-3-2- methods ; Ideas tools ond Conn ole Rone: 29105 techiniques Fhad ave Page no: 311 Applied te golue humron "he pre blems. S415 the by predut o UMragn civiliratten that Cover the totality of meunsand deviles, that has helped human beings to survive ond 4d at hinaceld Wr till the date. The eaduan! Cement of techviolegg helps to make Simpl: iey and @akiey lige. We find generally feo types Of technology in hummen hirstory ) indb genious technology 1) app wopriate technology. prdigem ous technoloyy are those that are bued on tradi fiona! local people Lnowledye aud techiniques. Ths osvtCome of Cxperlenes and unknown history, passing peneveben by gentrations like sawmill, Pantghata) ete pyro priake technology 1S those whith ove Suttuble, aueptuble or covveet tn parhedlar Sovicty| hey ave cheap, propitable and easily avally ble In Sociedy. Tt tsrrideray for mo tdemand indége Niovs £oltety - Same wks has Said appropricke | sobets Bel setter technology as 4 ‘technoleg\ tevel avelox gy with honmen fece! Yeas! Semester! TZ! CI technology are a) fellows: I) Hepls te bung sustain ab te Leveleprocn. 1) Hep-Helps to bring pros pen'ty ) progress, in Society by cronomis growth praovrie, et: 3) Makes people more prodntie and treaty U) Helps to prderve patra) enviromental and elasysten. Makes people Use local roaterral pC bill jenowledze, and help develop -Capreily of local people. 5) Gives mantrn benifits Jor thebenipitie. ~ yley- 2) Helps to fulfill tecal people peeds ond tampa ter life. ¥) Helps to develop self yelianie and local prodution,e4c- Thus, the Use of indiyenrousand appropriate technology develop win Lomrunidy +ftnd ha) in diginious and approprioeuase noel | Progsam: Civil Fag incering g Which helps to bnn pale eee j eg istva tion Mo-: 02S- 3-2 Custainoble developmen. eee fe venwus vole oy Rollno : 3 +15 | important yole jn |heseazecte tae Engineering h sects, Apple lommunity deve loproen, Bee ee rec doo ined | level: Buchel ov 210.8) Soluten - Yeur semester: 11 2 Degininy from Socioleys ASU a 7 Pageno.: 9 [Ml it fy de vied fiom | Regictretion no.: 02S 3-2- Socio ox Societys! 02647-2016 meaning ' Rollno.. 34S Sociely and ‘tegos' meanny study or scieme. Tt to subject maths uth Stdy Of society or Sciente of ¢ aciety. Tt gives visions tnovledye a bout Lowe! evolution, socrul Gita bility +o Sociol change The hydro power 1's alo q develop ment work ie. dope bg the people forthe changesagud progress to be don, on 4he Cociety. The developer Of hydsopowes inthe constrittan to desiyn ure Von'ous tb Enyinetss jn toled f ¥en? the civil) elechttaly nechened) ete. tre developmeat work Of hydropower con LE dy) voyiow “Changes IP the Socte tg: Ane the varrovs Uses of socislogital enbwledze in the hy drepower ef develpment of epal are as fellows: 1) engineer ts a developnent worker, sh polity maker, planner ; yescarchery ete. Who built s different infsottructires prom for | | Progrem: Civil ving (develepment of hydropoues| ae “hyped cotiuley 4 | such as Yood, dams, ete. | |) ok bts? ms | Souiolegg helps the | vemfennter: TEI Engincen to construct | Bett dian agiont-at- od | the Inform ation about ° qole Infrustvuctye to be Wganeupoult vised) locetion, that ~ | doesnt dotusditurhy Society, c4e- | 2) TH helps to understand engineers to unders.| tand enact sociyl problemi and provide Solutton and make him yemliticand optimistic: during the Construction of hy dropower. 3) Engincen can we op propriate and in dry eniou technolegy gor the hydtopouer developnen} | Llonorspally with helps of 'gwal people. | 4) The Sectotogical wnowle dye helps the Pexpert about pre blery and solutions fer the tlah betuccn entyHtig. society | and Society afters the Contr tion of hydo- Power devt opment. $) SO¢ielog ica) hnow|dedge Aelps to feyfill | | the vequirenents of floral Society people i depike 7 disterbing thew ovlyinal Sotidy b4 twnyte uctich of hydtopowrr. 6) An enginers hove to contact with operator yether than sing technology Se Sociological lenowledye Azlps ergincert te lawn the way of commvnitstion and Pes form work efficient 7) +t hele to devetep | ere tea te cldoy trans pavanty to toca! ware sans people about the hydo- level: Cachelor Yeurl semester: WZ | ST Power develop rnenty. pate: 2097-6 -L3 Buy, by the various |e otear tae achvites to be done eee ave the counes df knowk- paces ily Ase from soctoloy y as above men toned, thet helps the developrent of worn hydwpower to ab her sraethly during and ayte construtron with Ceo-bperuhen Louth. Soy Sociology study con be helpful th development of hydropower.

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