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Qnol) a) Program: Civil Engineering | sel) a) Sujeet: Br. Int vodvettos. 40 Earth Solution: quake Chygineering (GeG4S4eT) | the tvin types 4, peatte are be Stem Y Wormal fault L) Reverse fevit. | 2) Seike - clip yault U) oblique - slip fault S) Hidden fav - 6) inactive fadlt- 2) Active fave. Wave are as fellow: level: Bachelor Veurl Semester: 1a Oate: 2074-78 Registration no: @25 Boitne ss THINS Page nor 1/13 The diffesen ces between body wave and Cvrface rade BU BYR- | Oody wave Sutface wave Tt ty fivat kind of wave that {save ls throvgh (ateriey of earth: TH i's second 4ype Yuwve that travels through only crust They are of r'gh J tequeng. They ave of lowe frequinty, Body waves arrives facter Sut fate wave arrives Slower Tt cavses less damage- Cody waves ave of two typesiePrinary and Secondary Waves. The major causes af domaye is susface weve Suifpue waves ave oy two Kinds love waves and Vay letyhurave. Scanned with CamScanner Progrum: Civil Engineering | Subjects An intsoduction 40 Earth queke Engineering (OF GULUCT) level: Bachelor Yeus lsemester: (1 | Rute: 20 FF- F- WF Registration No-. O3s-3-2-O2b YN Lolb the various philosophies Of Lakhqueke vesstand design are as follows. \) The code ensure thal Structure poses Gt leat minimum strength] Rou non 3PUlS to Page no:2 /13 A) vEsist minoa Eorthqveke , without clumage 6) vesid modemte Easthaveke without Significand Structural dar age thovgn Some non-stuetvrwl | damage. | 6) sesist major curthqualee without collaple | 2) Sinte, the design of SAsuctore is not economics! yor all the kinds of eusthqukeé and pores appeni- Ne on structure during earthqvake are nigher thon designed (pe civied on tHe code - 5°) The gup betwee the actvol and designed lateral pertes ts narrowed down by providing the ductility 1m the structyve and additional wcesered strength in ctrvetore Qer And above the designed strength: | 2) Pe designed lateral Fontes cpecigied inthe code chould be Lonsidered in each of the two oxthogonal directions fer structure which) has lateral load secisting inthe twe orthogonal dive ction only, the deugned Jateral forte thall be considered Glong one disection at a time bot not in both direction simultaneously. | 4) Fatthqveke generated vertical inesh'al fortes Gre not to be censidered in design) Unless jt is not significont. Verticalacelesution should be | Scanned with CamScanner 7 ee eee considered in structure | Program: Cwil Enyinee sin Enginceving (6 FG4SYEL) level: @ache lor Yeaslsemester: © (a Oute: 2099-3-1F Registration no-: O35°3-) “Ob TY Lolé Rotrnos 4 HUS Paye no-:3 /!3 In which stabilidy Us Cviter'a gor desigh S) Me code speipies | the design Criteria | for dhe slovetvre | chanding on pack oF Jism coil which do rot Uquifics or slide de te oss of strength during gq round vibration: Ono.2 a) ae) e » solution: 3 Pt) Here ke stiffness, hay ms mats Ce dum ping cofeff- From figure, Pls grlt) felt age —W Where, Pct) = apphed fore. ge = damping fore 456A) eSHtilfness gore fe Cte Inestul forces Arlen C4) 4 cl = cue) fs Ct) = kudt) mic + cdlt)+ kudt)> Pety—l[i) equation This equation if called equitbrtem of motion. with lavye spon dhoje| subsecd: An intredetion fo Earth quake Scanned with CamScanner qt) Enginee sin: Subject: An introduction to Earth qualce Engineering (@EGUEUCT) level: Gachelor Year| femerter: IL Date: 209% 7-7 Registration nd-> O26 2016 Rollno: IIIS Pa geno 4/3 -3- 2-024, qed t | yet) =k uciyen | > | fee = Coa) “(t) | Responte of strture: D free undemped free worstion mo lad levltJ=-a0 —UY Now | Talcing tiv! golution, ult) = est — liv Ult\ = Per s 9 substituting velvey into eqnLil) from lv) mse yp ketcg eM lms tk)z0 | Sinw, est 40 som tlero | or) Se Ely o wr eit om ss Fi Scanned with CamScanner vl: C844 2) Progsem: Civil Engineering S0b/ech An intreguction to Futth | cenit quake Engineering (BFGYSY Cr) Spe -tw | level: Ouchelor Yearhenester 0! Or Dale: 2049-P-1E Vet) =U, C) 4 Us C4)| Resrstvatinare.s 02s-I-2- OLEH =f pitt 2 LAA Endy | Bete ag Ay esr lt) Page no. 5/13 B, clwt rApe-ivé. wher, Ay and Ay are avbitary constord. | from Coler4s gorruls, } -f . th in Coins ein tE7* jlinn 7 et* 27 v L Voinacedete-i6 Ltosw> eth pei els font istvn Seite -itinnd Lan: Then, Ulte A Lioswt tisinw4) FA, Clout -/' Sinwt) or, wld) =(DitAy) losut + GrAr) isinwd ULI ED Lowt Bsin wt —W for inittal Zendibon, | At £20, vy cor) u@-zA At t20, dv du_ =fhw = U Lo) a lt) udt)= veocoswt tL L9) Sin Wis w Scanned with CamScanner Program: Civil Eg ineering Subject: An introduction +0 Eusth quake Engineeriag (BEG4S4 CT) level: Gachelow Veurlsemester: ICT @~ tan" [ U lo) | U lo). | Oader 1079-39-17 | Registration no, OS-372~ 016 1H de16 Rollno-: APIs Pageno. 6/13 | , blo) Te fur | | k—__y | Tr 2b) Solution Hew» Natural que quency) eae kis lpootin. PIES kis 2500 Mam. « ley 7 2SooMIn. : keys kes 7k gr NLeoMn- bad ku % Keg Mee en Verte Mes lovey support © Kyeqqenatendt = Ket fe xv ertert*s” kveqau. = S05-6)- sev eagivatents Ende t ke = 26 0% sine, es Scanned with CamScanner Program. Civil Engines sin ws Log Subject 1 An intr oluctton B Casth > yKe > Quake gineering (@eG4suct) aan ne. | level Gacheloy = UI rede | ee temesters ITD And, Date: 109-7-19 ws fe Revilvation pas 0 3s-3-1-D2 4- poe 2016 | Rettno: 37115 | And, Page not +/ 19 ; keqay ep ead. Vkeqe 2 1 + porbr 3600 keqv: > 652-30 | Wwe knor, " 2 . _ e020 ) L43-4B) a on m2 0.34 kg: g-tl= 2-31 94M: = otYdsec- e gfechve wb-~- Ost® Seal dnd time pened T? FZ Scanned with CamScanner [onosa) Sheavaulls: — |Pregram: he Subjects An intvodection to Furth | | Sheers wall are quuke Engincersing (GEG 4S4 cr) especially designed level: Gecheloy | Year| Semester! DE |r | Struetryl wall if - Dates Lore FIP | Cooperuted In building Registration noe. 015-3-1 “O64 | 2016 ‘fo reisist 4 lateral Retina: SFIS | fones thal are prody-\Pasene: 2713 _ Ced tn dthe plane ofthe walle Mdue'to wind ; barthgvuke, and other Fortes - Rey are usvalh Provided tn the tall bvildtny and have tobe fornd advantages Ta ot diny total Collar | $e ofthe bui king under ceiric fowes . fhe design of these wall( for Sésmit force require Specio! consideration as they should be Safe under vepeated load: Shee Ne Yarioy | topes of shear walle ave 43 follows. | a) lovpled sheay wall | b) in fille Shear walls. | €) column shear wall 2) Core type shear wall eC) Shear thew Vall 4) ordinary groment cheas wall | 4) Ductile moment shear eull- C) Sesmiz Loining. | Somi-Sesmit Denahon nay be tethed as | geographic delirrination of the area having | dipyerend potential gor herordeus effect qaom future earth quuke. Sesmic 2onation can | Ge done at any céole, regional, local, ivil Engineesing Scanned with CamScanner etc. the term Doinlyy Pega: Ci Mexaloee eg 7 ; Subject: An introduction b pope len purare thaate cagncerng Coronet) eter that] tevel: Bachelor chavarlerire the harord YeurlSemestex: I 1mm have of Conctant yolue| Oates 207° 2° (¥ | In each 2one» AS tere poe No, 015-3-1-O264) SOSmic onet's vegion| Colino- IFS of seemic Aeverd , mm ae here tecmic activity remains fairly fhe cesmic Done vg on the basis of | uty ocvoused int ponation i's se pay atec | and number. FEY moit important for | Eengineex to be prouvdhd Sesmic map be fore any Construchon. Phe Sesmic Lonoh'on ave done in Various level as $e macyo Zonatioh, mitso onationh und Nono lehatior - constant, tron ts dene by e€4ch con the past Sesrte ath | he yegioh. The seemie with vartous colour d) lowes of C4tth Quake: | An eathquake 1 chaking and WN bratron Of theeasth cout Earth avuke can happen | due to Vaytous weu Lons- that Cov be | Watural and Cometimes artifictal: | fhe Variow causes of earth quulce ave a fallous: \) volcanic ek upton: When the %o Iten love tries to Come sutface it is called Volcano. During the evption of Voleano, the prescuvie Molten lava tries to efect on Surface bg Scanned with CamScanner Uplifting and dyustin Program: Civil Engineerin Oxi ginal Qarth croct Subject! An introduction to Dusiny euch activily Eurthgouke Engineertay (OF6 YS) the coking 0 level: Buchelor ra okey J J} veusIsementers SZ | IE occouts as & Bes) Dade: 202>- 9-1¥ Earth Gualee. Registration no. 01S -3-b- 26 - lols L) moment dveto | Rolin T2H5 Page no: (0/13 Plate tectonic? | —* Bo | Our easth as Voytous plate ftectonre Just beneath dhe crust: Pere are ? Mayor plates and various minor plates These tectonic plates are always movin to tool the immente heat Of dhe core of eayth. During movement o lale teckome. the heabies one gtsts inside and ugha one gloat: oY some times move bide by Side. Du sing this movement he strain eneryy Stored is veleaied. to Cauie the eavthgegke in curface 2) man made eorthqvoke: the earthgwke are generated ark ficially by run dosing mininys bom bar ding during nucleay test, ete: The notral euithqueke has mayor energy veleased than artiflecal earvthqua ke- b) ductile detailing of bean. fhe ductile detwiltrry of beum i done as chown in figure below: Scanned with CamScanner Progtam: Civil Enyinéerin | Subject: An introduction fo Furth quake Engineering (at6 usuct) level: Bachelo¥ Vearlsemester: U7! Tt Oude: 2079 9-1P Registration no: 36-32" CLF” Lolb Rolino-+ a Page no: N/1D ria] Baws for guiilenght Ary 4op urd bolton = TT sen Ee | sna 1 # sa 7 wat of bean. 2 Die of longidud nal Vo ops pacing L dja and 4, Scanned with CamScanner a long Program: Civil Engincerta ion: Subuelt Bn inteodutton 40 Curth lene tice quuke Engineering LACG Ysuct) | Here, levels dache lor Year Isemester: IZ 1a | For center ef mysg - aii | ¥ < loowk Joxloxls J Regictsedion ng. 0 16-3-2- O264F- - oH ole Ree VOR MENON | cine s amis | love kJoxlo =[oon | Payeno/B ¥ 6x4 | alS-1}m. | | Ye £000 yJox loxs = Looe 6x4 (34) | (0v0x Sox (o- (00 | K 6x4 = Sn. Determination 6 center rigidly: t (ees clo todkel4 +k yo [Set Osketk = 17-Dr. F a isle 4K lo F/2EKO IskEthik Z Shbn. MOM) o CIDQIAH LEIP 2 Llbn- Cy 76-66 SE OSbn. From sboun 40 ¥-divecton. \) Diveck Cheat force, goks x EL: Ski Scanned with CamScanner ‘| Program: Cwil Enginee sing Now, ; _ Subject: An intsed action to Furth Fizik soo | quake engineering @EGUSUCE) Etosetl tk level: Bachelor | Yeas semesters: EIU Date: Lo7>-F- Registration no. 026-3-l-OL b49- 2016 = 166.67kwWL) Fr 70S vce Eto cht k = 9) kW) Fy = Lsk k soo Reling.. SFIS Payeno-. 13 113 ak = UWokM) | Now, My > S00xKén 2600 2-162 LO’ OKs, (yy tovple effect; wall kil rife Jureyt 1 LM [Pay pase | Beezek | 20-51 (u) | 1 [O-Sk}I33] 1 bork | S-S44K 2-43(v) > _ [tsk [nga] 14-90) 140.99] 32. 46 (WY) 4 Ss t-su]44g] 6:6 5% | 24-09 | 1 UJ WDIICG [b-bMK |39- OH 11. Fa (> £ hive fm, total pores, = bD-K F, 7166-62 43051 2 199-16) Fy 2837 4)-G> 862 Fy 2250 a-33-46lr) = 226-Cul) Fy > Weed Coe h-r4d) Scanned with CamScanner

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