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Professional Summary:

 More than 5+ years of experience as a QA Test Engineer using Manual & Automation Testing.
 Extensive Knowledge of Quality Assurance standards, methodologies and strategies with better understanding of Software
Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
 Experienced in SQA (Software Quality Assurance) including Manual and Automated testing with tools such as Selenium
RC/WebDriver/IDE/Grid, HP Quick Test Professional and JUnit/TestNG, Load Runner, Quality Center, JMeter, JIRA, SOAPUI
and Version One.
 Slike Module driven, Data driven and Hybrid framework.
 Specialized in user requirement analysis, documenting test plans, execution of test cases to verify application functionality
against business requirements, by using Selenium RC, WebDriver.
 Expert in performing Data driven & Key word driven testing using Mercury Tools (Win Runner and QTP).
 Experience in creating Test Plans, writing and executing Test Cases, Manual Testing, and automated Test Execution.
 Extensive experience in GUI, Regression, Functional, Integration, System, User Acceptance (UAT), Sanity, Performance,
Stress, Reliability, compatibility, Cross Browser, Security and Database Testing.
 Work experience in using the Test director/ Quality Center to manage the software testing process and ClearCase for
tracking the process and sharing the files.
 Experience in Functional Testing, Data Driven Testing, Load Testing and Validating WSDL using SOAPUI tool.
 Well versed in different management scenarios like Change Control, Quality Assurance, Defect Tracking, System
Integration, and Task Scheduling.
 Experience in C++, CGI/Perl, Java, HTML, Java Scripts, Oracle, SQL, PL/SQL, MySQL, MS Access, Ajax, CSS.
 Demonstrated ability to work on Work Flow Diagrams, Entity Relationship Diagrams, and Data Flow Diagrams.
 Extensive experience working with Databases such as Oracle, SQL Server and MS-Access.
 Experienced with Data Structures, Hashes or trees, binary trees.
 Experience with testing on UNIX and multiple MS Windows environments.
 Excellent interpersonal skills, proven team player with an analytical bent to problem solving and delivering under high
stress environment.
 Good analytical and communication skills and ability to work independently with minimal supervision and also perform as
part of a team.
 Developed test plans and test cases for features and functionalities.
 Developed and execute test scripts for API testing.

Technical Skills:
Testing Tools Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, Selenium web driver, Quality Center 10.0, QTP, JUnit, TestNG, Eclipse
Bug Reporting Tool BugZilla
Languages Core Java, C, Java Script, VB Script, ASP, Shell Scripting
Web Technology IIS, HTML, XML, Web Intelligence, SVG
Operating System Windows, UNIX, Linux
RDBMS SQL Server, MySQL, MS-Access, Oracle 9i
Other Tools VMware, MS-Word, Excel, MS-Access, Power Point, Putty.

Professional Summary:

Client: Wells Fargo, Remote US Sep 2020 – Present

Role: Sr. QA Automation Engineer

Description: This system manages small business rewards accounts and regular rewards account Wells Fargo customers.
Information handled by the system includes account balance, percentage to different categories and once customers
enrolled then doing make sure they will get perfect categories bonus whatever they selected. Verify Customers can view
their billing and payment transaction history including reward bonus with selected categories name.
 Participated in planning and developing test strategies and plans for Functional and Performance tests.
 Designed and developed automation frame work using Java, Selenium web driver, JUnit, Maven, Ant, SVN.
 Performed backend testing by writing complex SQL Queries using Oracle TOAD.
 Performed Web Services testing using SoapUI.
 Created scripts using Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, GRID and setup with Jenkins to run after deployment is done.
 Participate in documenting Automated Test Strategy and assist the Testing Team with on-going Automated Test
 Used Agile programming techniques, such as test-driven development, continuous integration and testing, and story-
based iterative development to build better software
 Interpret application architectures and identify areas for automation.
 Creation of Test Data needed for testing.
 Develop and execute application software testing such as functional, integration, and regression testing to ensure the
quality of the features.
 Create test plan, test cases, test scripts to support specific software testing objectives, and assist team in creation, review,
and finalization of agile stories and story acceptance criteria.
 Reviews and give value added input on the Product Requirement Documents created by project Manager.
 Configured Selenium and GRID scripts on Virtual machines.
 Created common methods useful for different customers testing using Hybrid framework.
 Performed multi browser testing to check application can work on IE, Firefox and Chrome browsers.
 Prepare TestNG XML, build XML to work for automation scripts and run them in remote systems.
 Define and track quality assurance metrics such as defects, defect counts, test results and test status using JIRA defect
tracking system.
 Create and maintain the Selenium scripts for automation.
 Perform Integration testing functional testing regression testing and End to End testing of the new releases in Workplace

Environment: Java, JavaScript, Selenium RC/Web driver, TestNG, SVN, Web Services, SoapUI, Agile Scrum, Rally,
HTML, REST, JBehave, Jenkins, WSDL, Oracle, SQL, Windows.

Client: Allstate Insurance, Northbrook, Illinois Feb 2019 – Sep 2020

Role: QA Engineer
Description: The application provides online information regarding premiums, claims and other benefits of insurance policy
to the customers such as Auto Insurance, Home Insurance, Life insurance, etc. The data is stored in an Oracle Database from
which it is extracted in different forms to the user at the front end, the same process holds good when data is fed to the
data bank by proper validation techniques.
 Interacted with managers, developers in daily standup meetings and discuss about the User Stories and have a clear view
of the requirement before testing the application.
 Participated and contributed to strategic QA planning.
 Experienced in Agile/Scrum Methodology.
 Performed Automation for regression using Selenium.
 Used Firebug and Fire path to write automated test scripts using XPATH.
 Created test data using Selenium, Java , Java Scripts and provided frame work for creating test data for the application.
 Used JUnit framework and wrote automation scripts using selenium for Regression testing.
 Experience in Test Automation, Scripts Preparation and execution within the framework.
 Written precise set of both simple and complex test cases to ensure they cover entire project functionalities and deliver
flawless product to customer.
 Good exposure in Database testing using Selenium.
 Executing SQL queries to view successful transaction for data validation.
 Devised work around when there were show stoppers/issues and ensured that testing completed within the deadline,
Retest/Close the defects, fixed by the developers.
 Performed validation of the test cases to ensure that all the requirements were being adequately met.

Environment: Selenium, JAVA, HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript 6, Quality Center, SOAP UI

Client: QA NINJAS TECHNOLOGIES, Ahmedabad, India Dec 2016 – Dec 2018

Role: QA Tester
Description: QA NINJAS TECHNOLOGIES is committed to providing quality voice, internet, and video solutions to benefit
residential, business and government customers across the country. They are deeply entrenched in local 14-state western
and mid-western service.
This project is for their intranet website i.e. testing the functionality of the online shopping module. It involved searching for
mobile phones and its related accessories. Add the product to shopping cart, create the purchase order and send it to the
warehousing department.
 Responsibilities:
 Designed and Created Test Cases using Test Director.
 Performed checking the user profiles and their login scripts.
 Checked the basic functionality by manual testing.
 Recorded the test cases using Automation tool, Win runner for web based application and checked the functionality
of the application.
 Modified the Test Scripts accordingly when we record the applications.
 Performed User Acceptance Testing (UAT), interacted with users for execution of test cases in UAT.
 Involved in examining the severity and priority of the Defects and Test Results Reporting.
 Performed Functional, System, Integration, Upgrade, Portability and Regression Testing under various browsers.
 Verified the data from backend by running the SQL queries.

 Environment: WinRunner, Test Director, Java, HTML, JavaScript, Oracle, JSP, XML and SQL Server.

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