Month 1

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Month 1: Foundations and Diagnostic Test

Week 1-2: Diagnostic Test and Foundation

Day 1-2:

Take a diagnostic test to identify strengths and weaknesses.

Begin studying foundational content for quant and verbal.

Day 3-7:

Review basic math concepts and grammar rules.

Complete practice problems in each area to reinforce learning.

Week 3-4: Quantitative Foundations

Day 1-14:

Focus on building a strong foundation in quant.

Study topics like algebra, geometry, and number properties.

Week 5-6: Verbal Foundations

Day 15-28:

Shift focus to verbal skills.

Study topics like sentence correction, critical reasoning, and reading comprehension.

Month 2: Intensive Practice and Advanced Concepts

Week 1-2: Intensive Quantitative Practice

Day 29-42:
Engage in targeted practice sets and quizzes for quant.

Identify and work on specific weaknesses.

Week 3-4: Intensive Verbal Practice

Day 43-56:

Focus on verbal practice sets and quizzes.

Pay special attention to challenging question types.

Week 5-6: Integrated Reasoning and AWA

Day 57-70:

Begin practicing Integrated Reasoning and Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA).

Review strategies and sample essays for AWA.

Month 3: Refinement and Full-Length Practice

Week 1-2: Comprehensive Review

Day 71-84:

Review all major topics in quant and verbal.

Reinforce concepts through targeted practice.

Week 3: Full-Length Practice Tests and Analysis

Day 85-91:

Take full-length practice tests under timed conditions.

Analyze performance, identify weak areas, and review mistakes.

Week 4: Final Review and Test Day Preparation

Day 92-98:
Final review of key concepts.

Focus on time management and test-day strategies.

Week 4: Rest and Relaxation

Day 99-100:

Take a couple of days off from intense studying to relax and recharge.

Review only light materials to keep concepts fresh.

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