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ME 2001-002 Eigenvalue Homework, Worked Example April 7, 2008

1. Engineers and scientists use mass-spring models to gain insight into the dynamics of structures under
the influence of disturbances such as earthquakes. The figure below shows such a representation for a
three-story building. Assume m1 = 12000, m2 = 10000, m3 = 8000 kg and k1 = 3000, k2 = 2400,
k3 = 1800 kN/m.

For this case, the analysis is limited to horizontal motion of the structure, Using the same approach as
shown in class, force balances can be developed for this system as
k1 + k2 k2
− ω 2 X1 − X2 = 0 (1)
m1 m1
k2 k2 + k3 k3
− X1 + − ω 2 X2 − X3 = 0 (2)
m2 m2 m2
k3 k3
− X2 + − ω 2 X3 = 0 (3)
m3 m3
Determine the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for this system. Graphically represent the modes of vibration
for the structure by displaying the amplitude versus height for each of the eigenvectors. Normalize the
amplitudes so that the displacement of the third floor is 1.

Listing 1: Matlab program to solve problem

clear all
close all

m1 =12000;
m2 =10000;
m3 =8000;
k1 =3000;
k2 =2400;
k3 =1800;
A =[( k1 + k2 )/ m1 - k2 / m1 0 ; - k2 / m2 ( k2 + k3 )/ m2 - k3 / m2 ; 0 - k3 / m3 k3 / m3 ];
[V , D ]= eig ( A );

omega = diag ( D ).^0.5

modes = V ;
modes (: ,1)= modes (: ,1)/ modes (3 ,1);
modes (: ,2)= modes (: ,2)/ modes (3 ,2);
modes (: ,3)= modes (: ,3)/ modes (3 ,3);

figure (1);
ME 2001-002 Eigenvalue Homework, Worked Example April 7, 2008

ω=0.84 rad/s ω=0.58 rad/s ω=0.24 rad/s

3 3 3

2.5 2.5 2.5

2 2 2

1.5 1.5 1.5

1 1 1

0.5 0.5 0.5

0 0 0
−4 −2 0 2 −1 0 1 0 0.5 1
Relative Displacement Relative Displacement Relative Displacement

Figure 1: Figure Window

subplot (1 ,3 ,1);
plot ([0; modes (: ,1)] ,0:3 , ’bo - ’ );
ylabel ( ’ Floor ’ );
xlabel ( ’ Relative Displacement ’ );
mytitle = sprintf ( ’ \\ omega =%.2 f rad / s ’ , omega (1));
title ( mytitle )
subplot (1 ,3 ,2);
plot ([0; modes (: ,2)] ,0:3 , ’bo - ’ );
xlabel ( ’ Relative Displacement ’ );
mytitle = sprintf ( ’ \\ omega =%.2 f rad / s ’ , omega (2));
title ( mytitle )
subplot (1 ,3 ,3);
plot ([0; modes (: ,3)] ,0:3 , ’bo - ’ );
xlabel ( ’ Relative Displacement ’ );
mytitle = sprintf ( ’ \\ omega =%.2 f rad / s ’ , omega (3));
title ( mytitle )

Screen output:

omega =


modes =

1.6934 -0.9207 0.3801

-2.1049 -0.5088 0.7470
1.0000 1.0000 1.0000

Page 2

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