Skill-Lab PW 2. 05112023

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Skill-Lab Assignment PW II -70 Marks

A Campaign for Generating Awareness about “Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Development.”

Conceptualize a campaign initiated by a students’ organization revolving around Environmental Conservation and Sustainable

Development. It needs to have a vision, a broad agenda, and various activities meant to do justice to the vision. The campaign intends to

communicate with and sensitize the peer group, i.e., Undergraduate Students. The office bearers of the students’ organization are required

to ensure the involvement of the student community in meaningful activities and informative events organized by them in the future. The

activities and events planned as part of the campaign are for communicating the messages of conservation and sustainability. The events

should inculcate habits/behaviours supporting the vision of the campaign in the participants.

Keeping this background in mind, prepare any One of the following:

1. An Event Announcement

The event announcement should also serve the purpose of being an information brochure about the students’ organization. The

announcement invites the students to participate in an activity (Eg: A conference for presenting papers on important aspects of

environmental conservation and sustainable development, a concerted effort to plant trees, cleaning the riverside, an informative visit

to/stay at a tribal settlement in the forest, a street play, a photography/art exhibition, or a themed film/literary festival) that is part of the


To give the students some background information, the event announcement should briefly talk about the students’ organization and

give an overview of the work that they have been doing. It should provide general information about the organization, and mention its
vision, and action plan. The announcement about the event that the organization is going to conduct should be the main part of the.

document. The event announcement is meant to encourage the students to participate in the event and to join the students’ organization.

The document can be aesthetically designed and should have the following components:

 Introductory information about the students’ organization that works in the area of environmental conservation and sustainable

development (give it a name) and the vision statement of the campaign in general (Max 150 words)

 The complete and concrete information about the general plan of action; this would include the nature and justification for

organizing certain kinds of events: try to show how these events translate the vision into reality (Maximum 150 words)

 Announcement about the event that is planned for now. Suggest that the event is part of a larger agenda. Give concrete details

(what, where, when, why, who and how) and write a brief description (200 words)

Use the AIDA (Attention/ Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action) method to write about the event planned so that students

are encouraged to contribute/ volunteer and participate.


2. Imagine the event took place successfully and many students participated in it and also wanted to join the organization as members.

Using the inverted pyramid method, write a brief report for your college magazine about the event. (Maximum 600 words). The

report should also provide information about the organization, the nature of its work, and the vision in general

The announcement or report about the event should adhere to the 7cs of Communication. ([Factually] correct, clear,

concise, concrete, complete, coherent, and courteous).

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