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The 2020 Enterprise Law in Vietnam introduces new regulations aimed at protecting minority

shareholders in public companies. Therefore, this thesis will conduct a theoretical analysis of the
regulations related to the protection of minority shareholders in public companies, focusing on the new
points introduced by the 2020 Enterprise Law. In addition, the thesis will also analyze and evaluate the
status of the exercise of rights of minority shareholders in public companies in Vietnam. The analysis
above will clarify the remaining shortcomings in the regulations regarding the mechanism for protecting
minority shareholders in Vietnam. Minority shareholders are owners of a small percentage of shares in a
public company and often lack a voice and face pressure from majority shareholders. Most minority
shareholders are enjoying their rights in a very passive way. Therefore, the law needs to have regulations
to protect minority shareholders effectively, limiting them from being strongly influenced by majority
shareholders. Protecting minority shareholders is of significant importance in defending the legal rights
and interests of investors, which is a resource to attract investors and develop economy. Moreover, this
mechanism also play an importance role in ensuring a healthy and fair business environment as well as
the rigor of legal regulations.

KEYWORDS: Joint-stock company, public company, shareholders, minority shareholders, stocks.

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