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Дюкін Олександр, ФК-203

Ex. 371

1. He seems to read a lot.

2. He seems to be reading now.
3. He seems to have been reading since morning.
4. He seems to have read all the books in the library.
5. We expect to be back in two days.
6. He expected to be helped by the teacher.
7. The children seem to have been playing since morning.
8. I am glad to have done all the homework yesterday.
9. She seems to have been working on this problem ever since she came here.
10. I am sorry to have broken your pen.
11. I want to take you to the concert.
12. I want to be taken to the concert by my father.
13. She hoped to help her friends.
14. She hoped to be helped by her friends.
15. I hope to see you soon.

Ex. 372
1. They seemed to be quarreling: I could hear angry voices from behind the door.
2. They are supposed to have been working at the problem for the last two
3. The only sound to be heard was the snoring of grandfather in the bedroom.
4. Her ring was believed to have been lost until she happened to find it during the
general cleaning. It turned out to have dropped between the sofa and the wall.
5. They seemed to have been waiting for ages.
6. I hate to bother you, but the students are still waiting to give books for their
7. He seized every opportunity to appear in public: he was so anxious to talk
8. Is there anything else to be told her? I believe she deserves to know the state
of her sick brother.
9. He began writing books not because he wanted to earn a living. He wanted to
read and not to forget.
10. I consider myself lucky to have been to that famous exhibition and to have
seen so many wonderful paintings.
11. He seems to know French very well: he is said to have spent his youth in
12. The enemy army was reported to have overthrown the defense lines and to
be advancing towards the suburbs of the city.
13. The woman pretended to be reading and not to hear the bell.
14. You seem to be looking for trouble.
15. It seemed to have been snowing heavily since early morning: the ground was
covered with a deep layer of snow.

Ex. 6, p. 37

Translate Ukrainian words in the following sentences into English.

1. Ukraine’s natural gas exports increased from 181.6 billion cubic meters in 1998
to 182.5 billion cubic meters in 1999.
2. There was a dramatic increase in oil prices after 1973 all over the world.
3. Inflation can occur under a number of conditions.
4. Comparing 1999 and 1998, real investment in Ukraine increased by 1.0
5. Inflation becomes stagflation while economic growth decreases, but inflation
continues to grow.
6. In 1999, Ukrainian’s exports of oil products decreased by 2.4 million, and
exports of fuel oil increased by 1.0 percent.
7. Income per capita decreased in Italy in January 1999 compared with December
8. An inflation is characterized by the increase in price within a certain period of
9. It is important to increase capital investment in production if we want to
reduce the production cost.
10. In the 1980s, the gross national product (GNP) per person continued to
increase in all groups of countries.
11. The production figures decreased every three months.
12. High inflation caused a decrease in consumption.
13. A lot of problems arose when engineers started the construction of the plant.
14. The government increased teacher’s salaries twice last year, and there was a
total increase by 30 percent by the end of the year.
15. The reduction in the usage of energy-intensive operations in the production
line may greatly increase the quantity of goods produced.

Ex. 7, p. 38

Write one word in each gap to complete the sentences. Translate the sentences
into Ukrainian

1. If the price of the inputs decreases, producers are willing to produce more of a
product, thereby shifting the supply curve to the right.
2. Productivity should also increase if workers decide to work harder or more
3. When production costs go down, the producer is usually able to produce more
goods and services at all possible prices in the market.
4. If resource prices increase, then production cost is higher and the sellers are
inclined to offer less of the good for sale.
5. The decision to sell a good today depends on expectations of future prices.
6. When the government establishes new regulations, the cost of production can
change, causing a decrease in supply.
7. However, if some suppliers leave the market, fewer products are offered for
sale at all possible prices.
8. In the real world, firms are entering and leaving individual markets all the time.
9. Changes in technology can also affect the number of sellers.
10. A decline in demand means producers can sell less of a good.

1. Якщо ціна на входи зменшується, виробники готові виробляти більше
продукції, тим самим зміщуючи криву пропозиції вправо.
2. Продуктивність також повинна збільшитися, якщо робітники вирішать
працювати наполегливіше чи ефективніше.
3. Коли витрати на виробництво знижуються, виробник зазвичай може
виробляти більше товарів та послуг за всіма можливими цінами на ринку.
4. Якщо ціни на ресурси зростають, то витрати на виробництво вищі, і
продавці схильні пропонувати менше товару на продаж.
5. Рішення про продаж товару сьогодні залежить від очікувань майбутніх цін.
6. Коли уряд встановлює нові регуляції, витрати на виробництво можуть
змінюватися, що призводить до зменшення пропозиції.
7. Однак, якщо деякі постачальники залишають ринок, менше товарів
пропонується на продаж за всіма можливими цінами.
8. У реальному світі фірми постійно входять і виходять з окремих ринків.
9. Зміни в технологіях також можуть впливати на кількість продавців.
10. Зменшення попиту означає, що виробники можуть продавати менше

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