Art 10

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CCH - Q1 2023

Course Vision
These are the 4 pillars upon which I intend to shape my teaching practice around.
Regardless of the subject, I strongly believe that these pillars should inspire
everything you do. They become especially important when considering the
implications of art education in the lives of students.

To allow my students to learn by doing, becoming fully engaged and
immersed in their learning experience.
It is my aim as an art educator to allow my students to engage authentically with the world
around them, without fear of judgment or failure. In doing so, students are able to create
meaningful, aesthetic experiences that spark inquiry, interest, and creativity.

To offer my students endless opportunities with new and innovative
resources and knowledge that will enhance their learning
It is my aim to ensure that students are exposed to a diverse range of media and techniques. At
times, when interacting with material, it feels right. People are often drawn to one particular
media but it is my job as an art educator to expose students to alternative expressive resources
and to push them outside of their comfort zones.

To promote the development of the wonders of creativity in student
learning experiences.
Imagination is integral in art production, product, and process. Without imagination, the possibilities
of critical thinking and reflection-based practices become limited to rational considerations, limiting
expression and the freedom to confront and challenge perceived normalities within society.

To encourage my students to shoot for the moon and be the best they
can be in all that they do, inside and outside of their learning
My aim as an art educator is to promote growth, inside and outside of my classroom. If I do
anything as an educator, I want to inspire students to be the best they can be, regardless of their
background and environment. I aim to build self-confidence in my students and support them in
fulfilling their individual goals.
Foundational Skills
Engage and Persist
This topic refers to the attitudes and dispositions of which students hold throughout the
duration of this course. This relates to a willingness to be present in learning activities and
a drive to overcome problems that arise throughout the design and creation process. It also
relates to helping students develop a sense of self-efficacy and confidence in realms beyond
the art classroom.

This topic refers to the opportunities provided to students to share their ideas, beliefs, and
to explore difficult topics one may encounter in the world around them. This relates to
one's ability to have conversations about complex topics. conversations related to their
planning, and critiques throughout the creation process. This set of skills is to help students
find their voice, both orally and through their original artworks.

This topic refers to a student's ability to look beyond seeing. Following the process of
critical inquiry in the arts, students will observe, analyze, discuss, and interpret historical
artworks, as well as that of their peers and their own. Paired with intentional discussion,
observation requires students to look closley and apply how their understanding of the
elements of design influence the impact and meaning of art.

This topic refers to a student's ability to engage introspectively in relation to the
discoveries, questions, and obstacles that arise throughout the course. This set of skills
requires students to look inward and be attentive to how choices and intentions influence the
overall harmony and meaning of an artwork. In addition, it allows students to explore how
their choices relate to who they are and what they are trying to communicate, alongside
its aesthetic effectiveness.

Stretch and Explore

This topic refers to a student's desire to explore beyond the structured learning activities
covered throughout the course. This relates to students' ability to identify sources of interest
and continue to pursue that line of inquiry. Stretch and explore correlates with the
imagination and curiosity fostered through authentic learning experiences that coincide
with the goals and interests of students in this course.
Guiding Resources
Hetland, L., Music, L., & Perkins, D. N. (2013). Studio thinking 2: The real
benefits of visual arts education. Teachers College Press.

Ocirvk, O, et al. (1994) Art Fundamental Theory & Practice: Seventh

Edition. Brown & Benchmark Publishers.

Ragans, R.(1988) Arttalk. Glencoe Publishing Company.

Vieth, K. (1999) From Ordinary to Extraordinary: Art & Design Problem

Solving. Davis Publications, Inc.
Learning Activity Pool

BWG Interior/Exterior
Blind Contour: Exercise, Portrait
Element Mini Stations
Meanogram ( Still-Life Around School)
Repeated Shape Collage
John Hall Box
Grid Cropped Composition (Still-Life)-
Popcorn Abstract
Gesture + Contour Figures
Open Composition (Outdoor Scene?)
Perspective Drawing
Transformation Drawing


Coil Pot Color Charts

Slab Container Color Scheme: One Scene/Two Moods,
Pinch Figure Warhol, Art Room Tools
Soda Cans Lino Prints
Plaster Masks Stencils
Found Items Self Portrait: Collection of Playing Cards
You Diptych
Cardboard Open (5 Elements)


Learning Portfolio: A collection of student drawings, self-critiques, and questions that arise
throughout the course. This is a growing document of student learning and inquiry.

Capstone Project: In this student-led inquiry project, students have the freedom of choice over the form,
content, and subject matter used to create an original artwork. The goal of this project is for students to
demonstrate what they have learned and what they will take away from the course. (Planning, Execution,
Reflection Writing)
* * D I S C L A I M E R * *




Long Range Planning


DATES Sept 6-14 Sept 19-27 Sept 29-Oct 9 Oct 11-19 Oct 24-31


Record B
Investigate A
Compositions 1 Art + Eval A
Record A
A Composition 2
Impact of Organization 2 Communicate A B
Investigate B Source of
Images A/B B Transformation Relationships 2
OUTCOMES Component 1 B Images A
Sources of Impact of Through Time A/B
Component 2 A Relationships 1
Images B Images A A Organization 1
Source of A
Commuicate B
Images A Organization 2

Blind Contour
Sculpture How Educational
Elements + Gestural Draw Color Theory Vocabulary
To Framework +
Principles Framing/Grid Charts Media +
TEACHING/ Glazing Project
Design Techniques Color Scheme Techniques
LEARNING Procedures Expectations
Techniques Observational Lino or Playing Studio Thinking
ACTIVITIES Clay Pots **Mainly
‘Elements Skills Card - TBD Skill
(pinch/slab) Student-led
Stations ‘Perspective Open Comp Development
Soda Can Inquiry

Contour/Gesture Guiding Resource

Elements Pinch/Coil Color Theory
How-To Reflection Booklets
Vid/ppt How-To Resources
RESOURCES Framing/View Questions Vocab Books
Composition 101 Glazing 101 Material
Finder 101 Reflection Critique Guiding
Tonal How-To Kiln + Firing Procedures
Grid 101 Checklist Questions


Design Quiz
Drawing Quiz Sculpture Quiz Color Theiry
BWG Planning Observation Observation
FORMATIVE Blind/Gestural Clay Firing Quiz
Element Discussions Discussions
Studies Results Color Charts

Cropped Comps Soda Can Open Comp Execution
Perspective Learning
SUMMATIVE Tonal Rendering Clay Pots Color Scheme Planning
Popcorn Portfolio
Open Comp Clay Figures Lino Prints Process
Course at a Glance
Sept 19 - Intro + Sept 29 - Intro +
Sept 6 -Unit Intro + Oct 11 - Intro +
Expectations, Blind Expectations, Color Oct 24 - Intro +
Expectations, BWG Expectations, Sculpture
Contour + Gestural Theory ppt, Color Expectations
Project Intro 101, Slab Pots Intro
Figures Charts

Sept 7 - Elements Mini Sept 20 -Meanogram, Oct 25 - Planning,

Oct 2 - Color Scheme Oct 12 - Slab Pots
Lesson + Stations John Hall Intro Capatone

Sept 8 - Design Quiz Sept 21 - Meanogram, Oct 3 - Color Scheme,

Oct 13 - Coil Pots Oct 26 - Capstone
(F), BWG John Hall Box Lino Intro

Sept 11 - Advertising Sept 22 - Popcorn Oct 16 - Glazing, Oct 27 - Capstone,

Oct 4 - Lino Prints
Tonal Rendering Abstract Clay Figures Intro Reflection Intro

Sept 25 - Popcorn
Sept 12 - Grid Oct 5 - Open Comp Oct 30 - Capstone,
Abstract, Perspective Oct 17 - Clay Figures
Composition Still-Life Intro Reflection
Building Intro

Sept 13 - Grid Oct 31 - Gallery Walk

Sept 26 - Perspective Oct 6 - Open Comp Oct 18 - Soda Can
Composition + Celebration

Sept 14 - Open Nov 1 - Quarterly

Sept 27- Perspective Oct 9 - Open Comp Oct 19 - Soda Can
Composition Clean Up


Sept 15 Sept 18 - Opening Mass @ 930am

Sept 28 Sept 29 - Orange Shirt Day

Oct 10 Oct 5 - P/T/S Conferences

Oct 20 Oct 23 - Division PD Day

Nov 1 - Last Day Q1

Unit 1: Design Unit Rationale
As the Alberta Program of Study allows art educators a lot of freedom in
the development of curriculum, I aim to create a program that supports the
development, wellness, and interests of the students that enter the classroom.

Preconceived notions about art and the quality of production tends to limit
students' willingness to take risks, explore, and commit to the process.
Throughout my previous practicum experiences, I have come to realize that
many skills that I possess, that aid in how I approach and navigate the
world around me, are often taken for granted. This first unit in the Art 10
Q1 course will ultimately form the foundations for how students will approach
and engage with solving design problems throughout the duration of this

In this unit, students will learn about and engage with the elements and
principles of art, 14 categories that influence the effectiveness and aesthetic
compositions of all artworks. The gaining of this foundational knowledge will
help to better support students as they begin to branch out from teacher-
structured projects to pursue subjects that appeal to their personal interests.
A strong understanding of these elements will provide students with
vocabulary and techniques to be attentive to as they navigate their individual
learning journeys.

Alongside the elements, I aim to establish a strong sense of community

within this unit, providing ample opportunities to engage with their peers.
As art is just as much a collective experience as it is an individual
experience, especially within the confines of the art classroom, the
relationships created within the learning environment impact the comfort levels
of students and their willingness to take risks. By the end of this unit,
students should feel comfortable exploring and discussing potentially complex
topics that are of relevance and importance to their lives, without fear of
judgment or prosecution from those that share and occupy the learning
Lesson 1: Unit Introduction + BWG Project Intro

This lesson serves as an introduction to the unit, its expectations, and the projects to come. This presentation will be accompanied by the unit rubric,
a learning portfolio checklist, and additional resources to support students in their learning throughout the unit. Prior to engaging with the design
elements, I will introduce and get students working on the BWG project where students will use a limit of grey, black, and white paper to create
an interior and exterior composition.

Students will begin by sketching their intended composition, exploring the perspectives that will be required to consider when creating their
compositions. If there is time, Students will begin exploring how the value of the paper will create the illusion of a three-dimensional space.

Lesson 2: Elements + Stations

This lesson serves to teach students about the elements of art. The teacher will lead students through a presentation concerning the
elements and relevant vocabulary and knowledge, upon which students will take notes. Students will become familiar with the elements
and how they impact the harmony within a given composition.

After the completion of the presentation, students will participate in exploratory stations for each element. This serves to get students
working with materials and activities that get engage students' understanding of the elements in application. Students will later discuss
their findings with their peers in a group discussion after the stations are complete.

Lesson 3: Design Quiz + BWG Project

Lesson Students will begin the class by taking a formative quiz based on the foundational knowledge covered in the
to the elements of art. The quiz is structured as a select true/false question, a matching section (vocabulary
and a few short response questions. This quiz is developed to inform the teacher about where students may
last class in relation
to its definition),
be lacking

understanding of the elements. This helps the teacher to better support students throughout the rest of this unit and beyond.

Students will use the rest of the class to work on developing their BWG interior and exterior compositions. Students will use
black, grey, and white paper to create the illusion of a three-dimensional space. Students will focus on line, shape, space, and
value to complete these compositions. The element stations from the previous class should help provide students with a novel
understanding of considerations relevant to solving the provided design problems that may arise.

Lesson 4: Tonal Rendering

The teacher will lead students through a brief minilesson regarding value, light sources, and tonal
rendering. This is to provide students with the required knowledge to complete the tonal rendering

NOTES: Each lesson In this project, students will select an advertisement that appeals to them within their rendering

format is subject to abilities. Students will then copy the advertisement at a 1:1 scale ratio, focusing on a greyscale, tonal
rendering technique. Students will use charcoal or graphite to complete the assignment to as to hone in

change when I learn on the considerations of value.

the intentions of my
Lesson 5: Grid 101
students for the
In this lesson, students will learn how to grid an image and structure a corresponding grid to translate
course the composition. The teacher will lead students through a brief demo and exercise activity to practice this

Once the demo is completed, students will select an image and create a corresponding grid. Students will
then translate the image and work on developing the composition using varying textures in each section of
the grid, making for a dynamic exploration of line and texture.

6 Lesson 6: Gridded Composition Work Period + Open Composition Intro

In this lesson, students will use this class to develop their gridded compositions, applying their knowledge of line and texture. Students will
manage their time throughout the class, taking breaks as needed. The teacher will circle, observe, and engage with students as they work on
their compositions.

Near the end of the class, the teacher will introduce the parameters for the open composition assignment. Students have free reign over the
form, content, subject matter, and media used to develop their compositions. The one stipulation is that students use the elements covered in
this unit in their artworks.

7 Lesson 7: Open Composition Work Period

Students will use this class to work on developing their choice of compositions using the elements of art. Students will manage their time
throughout the class, taking breaks as needed. The teacher will circle, observe, and engage with students as they continue to work on their
Alberta Program of Study
Investigate B: Tactile qualities of surfaces can be rendered through controlled use of line.
Component 1 B: Positive and negative space are essential to the description of two- and three-dimensional forms.
Component 2 A: Compositions use positioning and grouping of subjects for different meaning and emphasis.

Investigate A: A change in drawing techniques can express a different point of view about the same subject matter.
Art + Eval A: Discussing the components of composition is part of learning to talk about art.
Composition 2 B: Unity is achieved by controlling the elements of a composition within the picture plane.
Relationships 2 A: Describing and discussing media and techniques used in one's own works will develop vocabulary.
Relationships B: Describing and discussing components of design are part of the process of analyzing one's own work.
Transformations Through Time B: Technology has an affect on materials used in image making.

Statement of Inquiry/Unit Question

What are the elements of art?
How can you create the elements within a composition?
How do the elements used impact a composition?

Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3

Intro + Expectations Element Stations BWG
Teacher-led ppt Design Quiz (F)
Elements ppt
Vocab Overview BWG Work Time
Elements Mini
BWG Intro Tonal Rendering
Work Time Intro

Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6

Tonal Rendering Grid Comp Grid Comp

Advertising Copy
Grid 101 Work Time

Lesson 7 - Open Comp

Students‘ Choice of Subject + Media

Lesson 1: Unit Intro + BWG

Attendance + School This activity is to read the memos from the school, take attendance,
Memos and engage in gratitude to start the day.

Students will participate in a teacher-led ice breaker activity to get

students engaging with each other. These brief activities are to get
Ice Breaker Activity
students focused and talking prior to zoning in on the course content
for the day. It also aims to help build community amongst students.

In this teacher-led PPT, the teacher will tell students the

expectations and setup of the unit to come. This will be paired with
a learning portfolio checklist, the unit rubric, and any other relevant
Design Intro information.

This is to inform students of what is to come in the next week of


The teacher will follow the PPT and introduce the expectations and
process of this project.

In this project, students will have access to black, white, and grey
colored paper to create an interior and exterior scene. Students will
BWG Intro be expected to sketch out a composition for each design prior to
executing their compositions.

Students will use colored paper to create the illusion of a three-

dimensional space via a two-dimensional media resource. Students will
focus on value, shape, line, and space to create their pieces.

Students will use this time to work independently on the assigned

project. At this time, the teacher will circle briefly and observe
students' progress and be available for any questions or concerns that
Work Time may arise.
Discussions with students

Students will manage their time to work on the project, with the
option of connecting with their peers throughout this process.

Students will use this time to reset the classroom, follow clean up
procedures (cleaning up their desks, returning materials to the
Clean Up appropriate location, ect), and prepare for their next class. Students
may also use this time to work on the required learning portfolio
Lesson 2: Elements Stations

Attendance + School This activity is to read the memos from the school, take attendance, and
Memos engage in gratitude to start the day.

Students will participate in a teacher-led ice breaker activity to get students

engaging with each other. These brief activities are to get students focused
Ice Breaker Activity
and talking prior to zoning in on the course content for the day. It also
aims to help build community amongst students.

In this teacher-led minilesson, students will learn about the elements of art
and how they are relevant to design problems and the formation of

Students will be instructed to take notes from the presentation to refer back Observation
to throughout the course when needed. Students will be provided with a Notes taken by students
Elements PPT
graphic organizer in which to take notes, to provide students with a (learning portfolio
structured way of extracting information. **This information will be required requirement)
to take a short formative Design Quiz to assess their understanding of the
elements prior to jumping into immersive art projects**


In this station activity, students will engage in short learning activities to

get students working with and thinking about the elements discussed in the
PPT. Students will be grouped equally as there are stations to make for
increased accessibility to each station.

Students will spend 20-25min at each station exploring the materials and
techniques offered by each element. After the completion of each station,
students will jot down questions and discoveries from each station. **This
will be important for contributing to the group discussion.
Elements Stations STATIONS:
Station Productions
Line: Exploring measure, type, and direction
Shape: Animal Abstraction
Color: Exploring Pantones
Value: Value Scale
Texture: Grid Line Quality Exploration

**This station work should help students in their understanding in creating

their BWG compositions.

Students will engage in a teacher-led discussion to share their points of

interest that arose in the exploration of each station. Students will discuss,
firstly in their small groups then into a whole group discussion, questions
Debrief and wonders relevant to their experiences with each station. Student participation

**Students will be encouraged to use the Wonder Box after this discussion,
so as to inform me about questions or interests stemming from this activity.
Lesson 3: Design Quiz + BWG

Attendance + School This activity is to read the memos from the school, take
Memos attendance, and engage in gratitude to start the day.

Students will participate in a teacher-led ice breaker activity

to get students engaging with each other. These brief
Ice Breaker Activity activities are to get students focused and talking prior to
zoning in on the course content for the day. It also aims to
help build community amongst students.

Students will take a formative design quiz to assess students'

understanding of the elements discussed and explored in the
previous class. This will assess matching vocabulary to
elements, a few short answer questions, and a section of
true/false questions relevant to the foundational knowledge
Design Quiz required to move forward in this course. Formative

This assessment is mainly to inform the teacher where

students' understanding is lacking as well as inform the
teacher where scaffolding and support is needed moving

Students will use this time to work independently on the

assigned project. At this time, the teacher will circle briefly
and observe students' progress and be available for any
questions or concerns that may arise.
BWG Work Time
Discussions with students
Students will manage their time to work on the project, with
the option of connecting with their peers throughout this
Lesson 4: Tonal Rendering

Attendance + School This activity is to read the memos from the school, take
Memos attendance, and engage in gratitude to start the day.

The teacher will follow the PPT and introduce the expectations
and process of this project.

In this project, students will choose an advertisement that

appeals to them and copy the composition, focusing on the
Tonal Rendering Intro value of the advertisement.

Students will translate the advertisement on a greyscale at a

1:1 ratio. Students will use graphite or charcoal to complete
this process, mainly as these mediums will restrict students
considerations to value (removing color from the equation).

Students will use this time to work independently on the

assigned project. At this time, the teacher will circle briefly
and observe students' progress and be available for any
questions or concerns that may arise. Observations
Work Time Discussions with
Students will manage their time to work on the project, with Students
the option of connecting with their peers throughout this
Lesson 5:

Attendance + School This activity is to read the memos from the school, take
Memos attendance, and engage in gratitude to start the day.

The teacher will lead students through a small presentation

and demonstration of how to grid an image and how to scale
up the grid to match your desired composition size. (So as to
avoid distortion in creating compositions) Formative
Grid 101
Students will practice this technique by applying the gridding
technique to a small-scale photograph (provided by the
teacher) and then setting up a slightly larger grid.

The teacher will follow the PPT and introduce the expectations
and process of this project.

In this project, students will grid a chosen photograph and

translate the image to a scale up from a 1 to 2 ratio.
Grid Compositions Intro Students will use rulers to complete this step, using tape
(suggested) to ground their supports.

Students will then fill the grid with varying textures to create
an engaging composition, true to the contours of the selected

Students will use this time to work independently on the

assigned project. At this time, the teacher will circle briefly
and observe students' progress and be available for any
questions or concerns that may arise. Observations
Work Time Discussions with
Students will manage their time to work on the project, with Students
the option of connecting with their peers throughout this

The teacher will lead students through a guided discussion as

to how the initial stages of the gridded composition went. The
Class Discussion Students participation
teacher will provide students with prompts if students are
lacking direction in the conversation.
Lesson 6: Grid Work Time


Attendance + School This activity is to read the memos from the school, take
Memos attendance, and engage in gratitude to start the day.

Students will use this time to work independently on the

assigned project. At this time, the teacher will circle briefly
and observe students' progress and be available for any
questions or concerns that may arise. Observation
Work Time Discussions with
Students will manage their time to work on the project, with students
the option of connecting with their peers throughout this

The teacher will follow the PPT and introduce the expectations
and process of this project.

In this project, students will have the choice of form, content,

Open Composition Intro and subject matter of their composition. The only requirement
is that students use the elements covered in this course. A
standard size will be established, however students are free to
work at a larger size if it is feasible, and if it is required
for the intentions of the artist and their subject matter.
Lesson 7: Open Composition Work Time

Attendance + School This activity is to read the memos from the school, take
Memos attendance, and engage in gratitude to start the day.

The teacher will use this time to check-in with each individual
student to monitor and inquire about how they are enjoying
and feeling about the course at this point. This serves to
Student Check-Ins
provide the teacher with feedback as to whether or not the
curricular and activity design are meeting students intentions
and goals for the course.

Students will use this time to work independently on the

assigned project. At this time, the teacher will circle briefly
and observe students' progress and be available for any
questions or concerns that may arise.
Work Time
Discussions with students
Students will manage their time to work on the project, with
the option of connecting with their peers throughout this

Students will complete a survey provided by the teacher

regarding their feelings around this unit. Questions will concern
the learning activities, quality of knowledge gained, enjoyment
of the course, and the efficiency of the course deliver.
Student Survey Self-Assessment
This serves to inform the teacher as to how students are
doing, how they feel about their own work, and what they
are getting from the class. This will better help the teacher
prepare for the next unit.
Buffer Day

Attendance + School This activity is to read the memos from the school, take
Memos attendance, and engage in gratitude to start the day.

Students will use this time to work on outstanding projects

that have yet to be completed in the design unit.

Students will use this time to work independently on the

assigned project. At this time, the teacher will circle briefly
and observe students' progress and be available for any
Design Unit Work Time
questions or concerns that may arise.

Students will manage their time to work on the project, with

the option of connecting with their peers throughout this

In this teacher-led PPT, the teacher will tell students the

expectations and setup of the unit to come. This will be paired
with a learning portfolio checklist, the unit rubric, and any
other relevant information.
Unit 2 Intro: Drawing

This is to inform students of what is to come in the next

week of classes.

Students will use this time to work independently on the

assigned learning portfolio requirements that remain outstanding.
At this time, the teacher will circle briefly and observe
students' progress and be available for any questions or
concerns that may arise.

Learning Portfolio Students will manage their time to work on the assigned
submissions, with the option of connecting with their peers
throughout this process.

**Students can refer to the portfolio checklist to guide what

they are expected to complete.
Lesson Plan
Grade: 10 Subject: Art Date: Sept 5

Topic: Community Building Lesson:

Attendance + School Memos [5-10 min]
Sharing Important Dates [5 min]
Classroom Setup (Wonder Box, Lucky Stars, Resources) [10 min]
Teacher Introduction ppt [5-10 min]
Course Outline + Required Materials List [30 min]
Name Tag Activity + Student Survey (Who Are You) [30-45 min]
Class Expectations (Snowball Group Discussion) [30 min]
Ice Breaker Activities (TBD once I get class size) [30-45 min]

Objectivities Assessment

TQS 1 - Fostering Effective Relationships
TQS 3 - Demonstrating a Professional Body
of Knowledge
TQS 4 - Establishing Inclusive Learning
Environments Modifications

Course Outlines
Class Survey
Intro ppt
Ice Breaker How To’s
Name Tags + Explanation
Loose paper
Lesson Plan
Grade: 10 Subject: Art Date: Sept 6

Topic: Design Unit Intro Lesson: Intro + BWG

Soft Start + Talking to Students
Attendance + School Memos
Design Intro ppt (Teacher-led)
BWG Intro
Work Time

Objectivities Assessment

Investigate C
Articulate and Evaluate A
Compositions 1 A
Compositions 1 B
Compositions 2 B Modifications

Lesson Plan
Grade: 10 Subject: Art Date: Sept 7

Topic: Elements of Art Lesson:

Attendance + School Memos
Ice Breaker Activity
Elements ppt (Teacher-led)
Elements Mini Stations
Debrief Discussion (Whole Class)

Objectivities Assessment
Group Discussion
Investigate B
Articulate and Evaluate A Station Products
Compositions 1 A
Compositions 1 B
Compositions 2 A
Relationships 2 A Modifications
Relationships 2 B

Elements PPT
Mini Station Materials:
Mini Station Instructions
Notes graphic organizer
Debrief prompts
Lesson Plan
Grade: 10 Subject: Art Date: Sept 8

Topic: BWG Lesson: Work Period


Attendance + School Memos

Ice Breaker Activity
Design Quiz
Work Time (Independent)

Objectivities Assessment
Discussions with students
Investigate C Design Quiz
Articulate and Evaluate A
Compositions 1 A
Compositions 1 B
Compositions 2 B


Design Quiz

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