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I. Hình thức thi: Vấn đáp

1. Thời gian:
5 phút / 1 thí sinh
2. Quy trình:
Thí sinh vào phòng thi theo danh sách, bốc thăm đề và có thời gian 5 phút chuẩn bị.
Mỗi thí sinh trải qua 2 phần thi:
- Phần 1: Thí sinh tự nói chủ đề đã bốc thăm trong vòng 1-1,5 phút. Giám khảo hỏi thêm 1 câu
ngắn liên quan đến chủ đề thí sinh vừa trình bày. Thời gian cho phần 1 là 2 phút).
- Phần 2: Thí sinh trả lời các câu hỏi của giám thị liên quan đến 2-3 chủ đề, mỗi chủ đề 2-3 câu
hỏi, thời gian cho phần 2 là 3 phút).
3. Đánh giá:
Thí sinh được đánh giá thang điểm 10 (Phần 1: 5 điểm, Phần 2: 5 điểm) theo 4 tiêu chí:
Tiêu chí 1: Fluency (Thí sinh nói được đúng chủ đề trong thời gian cho phép, có thể nghe và đáp
lại câu hỏi, có khả năng phát triển ý cho câu trả lời dài hơn)
Tiêu chí 2: Pronunciation (Thí sinh phát âm chuẩn, rõ ràng, có ngữ điệu)
Tiêu chí 3: Grammar (Thí sinh sử dụng linh hoạt các cấu trúc ngữ pháp)
Tiêu chí 4: Vocabulary (Thí sinh sử dụng từ vựng đa dạng theo chủ đề được hỏi, ngôn ngữ nói
phù hợp)

PART 1: (5 points)

TEST No. 01

PART 1: (5 points) Talk about the following topic for 1-2 minutes:
“Describe a family member you love most.”
You should say:
- What he/she looks like (mô tả ngoại hình)
- What he/she is like (tính cách)
- What he/she likes doing (sở thích)
- What you often do together (thường làm gì cùng nhau)
- Why you love him/her (tại sao yêu quý người đó)

TEST No. 02

PART 1: (5 points) Talk about the following topic for 1-2 minutes:
“Describe a friend you love most.”
You should say:
- What he/she looks like
- What he/she is like
- How long you have known him/her
- What you often do together
- Why you love him/her

TEST No. 03

PART 1: (5 points) Talk about the following topic for 1-2 minutes:
“Describe your last holiday”
You should say:
- Where and when you went
- Who you went with
- What you did during the holiday
- How the weather was
- Why you liked it
TEST No. 04

PART 1: (5 points) Talk about the following topic for 1-2 minutes:
“Describe your hometown.”
You should say:
- Where it is
- What the weather is like
- What it is famous for
- How the people are
- Why you like / don’t like it

TEST No. 05

PART 1: (5 points) Talk about the following topic for 1-2 minutes:
“Describe the plans for your next birthday party”
You should say:
- Where you are going to hold the party
- Who you will invite
- What you will buy
- What everybody will do during the party
- How you think the party will be

TEST No. 06

PART 1: (5 points) Talk about the following topic for 1-2 minutes:
“Describe the place where you live.”
You should say:
- Where you live
- What the weather is like
- How the traffic is
- What it is famous for
- Why you like / don’t like it
TEST No. 07

PART 1: (5 points) Talk about the following topic for 1-2 minutes:
“Describe the plans for your next holiday”
You should say:
- Where and when you are going to go
- Who you will go with
- How you will get there
- What you plan to do during the holiday
- How you think the holiday will be

TEST No. 08

PART 1: (5 points) Talk about the following topic for 1-2 minutes:
“Describe your favourite place”
You should say:
- Where the place is
- What the weather is like
- How the traffic is
- What it is famous for
- Why you like it

PART 2: (5 points) Answer the examiner’s questions

1. Home and family

Do you get on well with other members of your family?
Do you like travelling with your family? Why?
What factor is the most important for a happy family?
How much time do you spend with your family?
Who are you closest to in your family?
2. Free time
What do you often do in your spare time?
How often do you play sports?
What are you interested doing at the weekend?
When do you have the most free time?
How much time do you spend with your Facebook everyday?
3. Future jobs and plans
What job would you like to do in the future?
Why do you want this job?
What are you going to do after finishing university?
Do you want to have an interesting job or a high-paid job?
When are you going to get married?
4. Music
Who is your most favourite singer? Why?
What music do young people like in Vietnam?
In your opinion, what’s the biggest benefit of music?
How often do you go to a music show?
5. Studies
What’s your major at university?
What year are you in?
Do you like studying at the library? Why?
What’s your biggest problem in your study now?
6. Friends
Do you have many friends?
How often do you hang out with your friends?
What topics do you and your friends often talk about?
What kind of people do you want to make friends with?
7. Shopping
Do you often shop in big supermarkets or shopping malls? Why?
What do you often buy when you go shopping?
What’s your opinion about online shopping?
What’s the benefit of shopping?
8. Holidays
What do you often do when you are on holiday?
Where are you going to for your next holiday?
Why do you want to travel there?
What country would you like to visit?
9. Experiences
Have you ever travelled abroad?
Have you ever made your parents sad?
Have you ever made a big mistake? What can you learn from your mistake?
Have you ever spoken to a foreigner?
Have you ever broken your promise? What can you learn from it?
10. Food and drinks
What do you often have for breakfast? Why?
How often do you eat fast food?
What are the bad impacts of alcoholic drinks like beer and wine?
Do you prefer eating out? Why?
What kinds of food do you think are good for health?

- What he/she looks like

- What he/she is like
- How long you have known him/her
- What you often do together
- Why you love him/her

Talk about the following topic for 1-2 minutes:

“Describe your last holiday”
You should say:
- Where and when you went
- Who you went with
- What you did during the holiday
- How the weather was
- Why you liked it

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