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22/11/23, 16:34 styles [Zotero Documentation]

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Citation Styles
Zotero ships with several popular citation styles for creating citations and bibliographies, and over 8,100
additional styles can be found in the Zotero Style Repository. All these styles are written in the Citation
Style Language [] (CSL), a format also supported by Mendeley, Papers, and many
other programs.

Installing Additional Styles

Zotero Style Repository

You can install styles from the Zotero Style Repository by clicking on the “Get additional styles…” option
in the Zotero Style Manager (in the Cite pane of Zotero preferences). Search for the style you want and
click the style title to install it into Zotero. You can also visit the Zotero Style Repository webpage in
Firefox or Chrome with the Zotero Connector plugin installed to install styles directly into Zotero.

The repository allows you to search by style name, and filter by style type and academic field of study.
By checking the box “Show only unique styles”, duplicate styles that share the exact same format are
hidden (e.g. for the journal-specific styles “Nature”, “Nature Biotechnology”, “Nature Chemistry”, etc.,
only the independent “Nature” style is shown).

Alternative Installation Methods

You can also install CSL styles (with a “.csl” extension) from local files on your computer (e.g., styles
that you edit yourself or that you download from another website). In the Zotero Style Manager, click
the '+' button, then find the style file on your computer.

Managing and Editing Styles

You can remove installed styles by clicking the '-' button in the Zotero Style Manager. From this tab, you
can also preview style output for the selected items in Zotero and edit installed styles.

Reporting Style Errors

If a CSL style doesn’t give the expected output, first make sure that you are running the latest (stable)
version of Zotero, and have the most recent version of the style installed from the Zotero Style
Repository. Once you have made sure that the style deviates from the style guide, instructions for
authors, or published examples, report the error to the Zotero forums. For your post, use the title “Style 1/3
22/11/23, 16:34 styles [Zotero Documentation]
Error: [Name of style]”, and give a link to, or excerpt from, the style guide that shows that the CSL
style is wrong. You can also try to edit the style yourself.

Requesting New Styles

If you can't find the style you're looking for in the Zotero Style Repository, feel free to request a style
[]. When requesting styles, please
provide formatted references for the Campbell/Pedersen article and the Mares chapter listed on the
linked page. Please also provide a link to a free-to-access article using the style (if available). You can
also try to create the style yourself.

Still have questions? Check the following FAQ entries, or, if these don’t answer your question, use the
Zotero forums:

Can I use Zotero in one language and create bibliographies in another?

Does Zotero support label/authorship trigraph styles, like [ddb98]?

DOI format in APA style

How can subsequent occurences of the same author replaced by a fixed term/symbol?

How do I get titles to show up in sentence case in bibliographies?

How do I prevent title casing of non-English titles in bibliographies?

How do I use rich text formatting, like italics and sub/superscript, in titles?

How do you cite a secondary source in Zotero?

How does Zotero parse things in the name fields?

I need to use Chicago style. Which of the three versions that come with Zotero should I use?

I'm the publisher/editor of a journal. What can I do to have Zotero support our style?

Journal Abbreviations

Missing Italics (or Italics-Only) in Word Bibliographies

References appear in the wrong font in Word/LibreOffice

Standard Citation Styles

What are these DOIs doing in my bibliography?

What is the official Harvard style?

Why do some citations include first names or initials, and how can I prevent this from happening?

Why isn't the first letter of a subtitle in uppercase in bibliographies?

−Table of Contents
styles.txt · Last modified: 2017/12/18 16:52 by bwiernik

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Zotero is a project of the Corporation for Digital Scholarship, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the
development of software and services for researchers and cultural heritage institutions, and is
developed by a global community. 3/3

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