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Dorrin Rouzbahani
Dr. Ross Bullen


23 October 2023

Two decades ago, the computer revolution was the latest technological advancement. Now,

we are facing the emergence of AI, which is a new form of automation that promises to

revolutionize multiple industries. As the leader of the next technological revolution, AI is

poised to transform the way we work and live, just as computers did twenty years agoThe

first technological revolution brought about a significant amount of change, much of which

involved the automation of manual labor. While many jobs were lost in the initial stages of

this revolution, new industries emerged that replaced some of these jobs with new forms of

computerized work. However, with the rise of AI, the question now is whether this

technology will follow the same path. Will we see a repeat of the past, with many jobs being

lost to the power of AI, or do we need to take steps to ensure that we are not laid off due to

the emergence of this new technology? But in my point of view, too many works will be

disappeared and in the near future I think too many of them just need a few people to give a

prompt to the AI engine. In my view, we are likely to see a significant number of jobs

disappear as AI becomes more prevalent. With the power of AI, it may only take a few

people to prompt the engine to perform tasks that previously required entire teams of

workers. In this essay, we will explore the potential impact of AI on the job market and

discuss possible ways to address any negative consequences that may arise.
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The article makes a compelling argument about the saturation of AI-generated content. An

increasing number of companies are venturing into the AI space, resulting in the creation of

new roles for individuals with coding and development skills to help build AI models.

Netflix, for instance, recently advertised for a product manager for its "machine-learning

platform," which garnered a lot of attention. It's evident that as AI continues to evolve, new

roles will emerge, and individuals with the necessary skills will be in high demand. However,

it's important to acknowledge the negative impact AI has had on certain job roles. The first

jobs to be affected by AI were writers and actors, with some even going on strike over the

impact it had on their work. And now, AI-powered reporter roles are being advertised. While

AI can certainly bring about innovation and personalization. The UK's NewsQuest group

even advertised an "AI-powered reporter" role, where the new recruit would work alongside

an AI system to ensuring “all content produced meets legal and ethical standards” while also

being required to “meet and exceed page view targets”. Another area where AI has had a

significant impact on job roles is customer service and sales. With the development of AI-

powered chatbots and virtual assistants, many companies are now using these technologies to

interact with customers and handle sales inquiries. While this may seem like a positive

development for companies, it has also resulted in many people losing their jobs as AI is able

to perform these tasks efficiently and without the need for a salary or benefits. This has raised

concerns about the future of work and the potential impact of AI on employment. As the job

market continues to evolve, it's becoming increasingly clear that there are two types of jobs in

high demand: coding AI models and prompting. The former involves developing and refining

complex algorithms that can process vast amounts of data and make accurate predictions or

recommendations. The latter involves writing prompts or queries that can help users get the

most out of AI engines, by providing clear and concise instructions that the system can

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I believe many of us have experienced the impact of automation in our professions, and as an

architect, I am particularly concerned about the potential impact of AI. While AI has the

potential to make certain tasks easier and more efficient, it also has the potential to replace

human workers. However, it is important to note that this is not a new phenomenon. The

introduction of Autocad and later Revit in the field of architecture also led to job

displacement, but it also created new opportunities and job roles. Today, AI is faster and even

cheaper, making it easier to generate a good 3D-model with a good render. However, in the

past, creating a map by hand was common practice. With the introduction of computers,

specifically Autocad, designing maps became much easier. While it did result in job

displacement, it also created new opportunities. Similarly, the introduction of Revit created

new jobs and opportunities in the field of architecture. While AI may change the nature of the

work architects do, it may also create new job opportunities and specialties. It is important to

approach AI with a balanced perspective and focus on how it can be used to enhance and

complement human skills and abilities rather than replace them entirely. It is true that AI can

complete some tasks faster and cheaper, but it cannot replace the creativity and critical

thinking skills that architects bring to the table.

I believe that the jobs created by AI may not have a long lifespan. For instance, self-driving

companies have hired "test drivers" for their autonomous vehicles. Ironically, these jobs may

lead to a large number of drivers losing their jobs. Last year there was a report about Amazon

workers in UK warehouses being required to sort items in a specific manner so that AI could

recognize it. This led to the creation of new job positions for the purpose of sorting items in

the new styles, but unfortunately, many people were laid off because AI had replaced them. It

seems that humans are now being asked to act like robots in order to train robots that could

potentially replace them in the future.

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