Design Briefs

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Section A Section D Design Briefs and Specifications

Section E
Design Brief Key Terms
Once you have identified a problem a design Problem A matter or situation which Design Specification
brief needs to be put together. This is a needs to be dealt with and
This is produced through the research
statement which will address how the product overcome
(primary and secondary). The information
you are designing will solve the problem. It Client/ Target The group of people you
included will give accurate details to make
Market want to sell the product too
will act as a point of reference for the client sure the product meets all the requirements
and designer (you). Cost An estimate of the price in
needed to solve the identified problem.
pounds to manufacture and
sell the product
Section B Function The purpose of the product

A design brief will usually include the following points: Aesthetics What the product looks like
Section F
Primary research To collect data directly rather
than from previously done
Cost Function Aesthetics research When writing your specification you
Secondary To collect data from a source should answer the following points:
research which has already been
researched by somebody else How will the product work?
Target Market/
Why the product is needed Client Durability The ability to withstand wear,
pressure or damage What materials will be used?
Section C Size A products overall
dimensions. Usually given in
How will the design be produced?
Your design brief should be detailed enough to help millimetres.
(Manufacturing techniques)
you guide the design process. It should not include Environment Relating ti the natural world
how the product will be produced but what is and the impact of human
How much will it cost to produce?
activity .
needed from the product
Manufacture To make a product using
machinery What are the safety requirements?

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