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Wireless Sensor Network in Oil & Gas Industry (WSN)

Wireless Sensor Network

Student Name: AlShima Alkharusi

Student Number: 18901175
Module Tutor: Dr. Sohail Razzaq
Literature Review.............................................................................................................................6
Role of WSN in oil & gas industries............................................................................................6
Wireless sensor protocols in oil and gas industry.........................................................................6
Challenges of WSN......................................................................................................................7
Applications of WSN....................................................................................................................8
Advantages of WSN.....................................................................................................................9
Disadvantages of WSN.................................................................................................................9
Analysis and Result........................................................................................................................11

The impact of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), equipped with sensing technology is enormous
on our planet's evolution underway globally today. With tremendous potential for application
across fields such as ITS (Intelligent Transport System), surveillance systems or even military
operations - recent years have seen these networks develop rapidly into hardy technological
structures worth mulling over carefully within each industry sector they present possible
opportunities within. An intricate network subsequent integration combines powerful sensing
capabilities to monitor/observe ambient environments which quicken data collection -
accumulated from multiple sensor nodes - about various parameters in real-time over long peri-
ods becomes invaluable tools equipping operational teams of renowned confidentiality to perform
their duties. With a view to understanding WSN usage better, including the challenges/costs
therein and the benefits, we present in this paper an extensive analysis to highlight their
significance across every application.

Wireless sensor networks have come a long way thanks to wireless communication systems that
are ever-evolving. The latest progress enables sensor node-based WSNs that utilize small-sized
but powerful sensors capable of collecting data at low costs and sharing it wirelessly without
needing comprehensive infrastructure support. This feature enables near-autonomous
functionality along with seamless data transfers within local networks once these nodes configure
themselves suitably. Nodes typically refer to straightforward monitoring tools operating on low-
tech designed hardware possessing environmental sensing capability alongside simple yet digital
signal transmission capacity.

Figure 1: Architecture of a typical WSN

Once collecting data locally, this information en-routes towards sinks or gateways subsequently
sent towards further connection across disparate IoT/WSN systems via the internet system-to-
system transfer as shown in Figure-1.
A plethora of integral components shapes these nodes. The power unit is essential considering its
contribution to uninterrupted operation while ADCs convert collected data into digital signals
suitable for further computational processing. Transceivers facilitate communication among
multiple nodes and their attachment points in the wireless network, whereas processors assist in
additional computing tasks as required.

Figure 2: Components of a sensor node

Effective battery life management serves a key attribute considering it's often deployed within
unattended applications subject to continual use or else automatic reactions contributing towards
cumulative energy consumption over time. Additionally, greater mobility adds complexity to
deployment considerations. Within the research workflow using Cooja as a virtual machine
player provides an essential tool for testing and experimentation with various use cases
successfully hosting multiple nodes within connected topologies.
Excellent mobility simulation requires open programming file creation with (x, y) coordinate
progression from positional files resulting in elaborately created layouts that may challenge even
the most experienced system manager or simulation specialist

Literature Review
In order to conduct a literature review, it is necessary to summarize and assess relevant research,
some of which may pertain to WSNs.

Role of WSN in Oil And Gas Industry

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) offer an innovative solution towards ensuring optimal safety
levels in the oil and gas industry. These networks promote efficient monitoring of pipelines'
health conditions, leak detection systems, and real-time machinery operations through remote
management resulting in minimized equipment breakdowns hence reduced downtimes associated
with maintenance or repairs.
Oil and gas industry companies face increasing regulatory compliance requirements as they
operate in an environment where environmental impact is key. The remote management
capability of WSNs greatly contributes to positive environmental outcomes by eliminating air
pollution or water contamination hence promoting sustainability objectives.
The WSN technology supports industries' commitment towards elevating work safety standards
by minimizing the dependency on physical workers stationed at specific locations. Remotely
located experts monitor machinery operations actively while maintaining prompt responses
towards potential hazards, minimizing accidents occurring within work environments.
WSN systems allow businesses to undertake preventive measures based on accurate data-driven
insights concerning machinery operations, promoting reliable production output activities while
enhancing workforce productivity levels. Consistent monitoring practices facilitate effective
alerts notifying personnel about possible risks leading to improved work safety standards while
complying with industrial regulations.
Akhondi et al.(2010) assert that investment in WSN presents considerable opportunities for
enhancing industries' production capacities while reducing costs incurred by companies within
cost-effective limits for reliable operational data collection regularly..

Wireless Sensor Protocols In Gas And Oil Industry


Challenges Of WSN
In the oil and gas industries various protocols are commonly used, including LoRa WAN,
Wireless HART, ISA100.11a and Zigbee. These protocols have many applications, such
as monitoring the status and security of activities through sensors that can detect potential
security breaches and hazards like fires and gas leaks. These measures are taken to make
oil and gas facilities less vulnerable to theft, vandalism, or other security breaches. It is
essential to prioritize employees' safety by implementing effective safeguards.

Operators can use sensors installed along pipelines to monitor oil and gas flow in real
time for more accurate data analysis. Additionally, these protocols have several other
applications such as energy storage, renewable energy production, environmental
sustainability in operations, equipment upkeep, transportation logistics of oil and gas
resources refining efficiency as well as exploration for oil. To transmit data from its
origin to its final destination efficiently a routing protocol is utilized that takes into
account network type criteria like channel characteristics performance metrics (Noman
Shabbir; Syed Rizwan Hassan 2017). Due to the potentially hazardous environments in
which these protocols must operate in oil & gas fields it is crucial that they be highly
reliable yet consume little power.

Wireless HART & ISA100.11a are two common industrial networks used in the
industry while LoRa WAN is considered the best protocol for remote monitoring
purposes. Some of the challenges currently facing WSN include node density limits
affecting communication accuracy with neighbors as well as increased resilience required
within SN protocols to prevent network failures after substantial node losses (Kingsley
Eghonghon Ukhurebor et al., 2020). To ensure conventional information collection
methods are supported by sensor networks, low production costs for individual sensors
are fundamental. As many deployment models treat these sensors as expendable
equipment, this becomes critical. The sensor nodes may contain various sensors
alongside other components such as translation settings for location-aware routing.
Adding more nodes into a network increases the cost incurred, system size and energy
usage thereby proving evidence of a structured sensor network system through various
techniques used like custom protocols that generate power.

One major aspect that lowers power consumption rates in WSNs is topic maintenance
Hence it’s essential because transport mechanisms usually involve wireless
communication via adjacent ISM bands among node devices; however, optical/infrared
communication is being utilized by a few due to impeccable operation reliability.

Frequently encountered challenges faced by WNSs have been cited inadequate power
supplies leading researchers towards developing hardware/software geared towards
prioritizing energy efficiency with proper data compression strategy implementation at its

Applications Of WSN
Wireless sensor networks have a broad range of uses thanks to the various types of
sensors available for implementation. A study by Dr. OP Gupta and Dr. Sita Saini (2017)
highlights the potential applications for seismic, magnetic, thermal, optical, infrared,
acoustic and radar sensors in monitoring weather patterns, vehicle movement data,
lightning strength measurements n soil composition analysis among others. In addition to
these functions WSNs can also track ambient noise level, object presence or absence,
mechanical stress on objects as well as various properties such as an object's speed size
and direction. Many industries benefit from these versatile tools.:
 The benefits of artificial intelligence have been established across multiple
domains such as industrial applications, disaster mitigation efforts, environmental
monitoring initiatives and reducing the likelihood of devastating events. In
particular, highly advanced intelligent structures like bridges that utilize AI-driven
systems allow for enhanced efficiency and performance without compromising on
safety measures for users or operators. Furthermore, healthcare stands to benefit
substantially from advances made possible with state-of-the-art technology
empowered by machine learning algorithms based on data analysis techniques.
Also incredibly useful, are the proactive solutions enabled by these sophisticated
algorithms to help ensure safer driving conditions for users along with enhanced
functionality for automobiles as well. In fact, military surveillance methods too
could be revolutionized by means involving intelligently enabled adversarial
networks competent in strategic assessments while incorporating innovative
machine learning techniques capable of optimizing various processes. Last but not
least, agriculture has increasingly explored AI as a tool, using technology in
sophisticated combinations to augment and innovate upon traditional farming
methods overall.

Figure 3: Applications of WSV

Advantages Of WSN
WSN has a number of benefits, according to research by P. Tiwari et al. (2015).
• New nodes or devices can be added at any moment because it is scalable.
• Because of its malleability, real barriers can be built.
A centralized monitoring system gives users access to all of the WSN nodes and is cordless, so
there are no cables or adapters to worry about. Between wired and wireless networks, there are
notable distinctions. From mining and healthcare to surveillance and agriculture, WSNs may have
a wide range of applications.
This benefits users and clients by allowing the network to be set up with little to no prior
infrastructure and allowing security measures to be customized to the unique characteristics of the
underlying wireless technology.

Disadvantages of WSN
According to Tiwari, P. et al. (2015), the following are some WSN disadvantages: Being wireless
makes it vulnerable to hacking; it was designed for low-speed applications and cannot support
high-speed communication; it is also prohibitively expensive, so not everyone can afford to use it.
• When one of the hubs in a star topology WSN goes down, the entire network falls down. Other
WSN-related considerations include bandwidth restrictions, node prices, deployment techniques,
software/hardware design restrictions, and more. Setting up a wireless network is more
challenging than one that uses cable.

The gas and oil industry’s potential to improve safety, efficiency and cost effectiveness has
garnered ample interest in leveraging wireless sensor networks (WSNs) to achieve these
objectives. This methodology presents a step by step guide for deploying WSNs in the oil and gas
sector with an emphasis on monitoring and control. Problem Statement: The oil and gas industry
faces challenges that can be resolved by implementing WSNs. Due to their dependable real time
monitoring capabilities they overcome challenges posed by remote or hazardous areas while
ensuring trustworthy communication via secure protocols. Overcoming power constraints
efficiently -WNS enabled optimal use of energy resources- provide scalability to integrate sensors
effectively into oil and gas infrastructure, which reduces incidents as well as lowers operational
expenses alongside preventive maintenance procedures resulting in raised productivity as well as
Selecting the Right Sensors: To monitor distinct parameters such as temperature, pressure
levels, fluid/gas pressure & moisture content; it is essential to choose different sensors. Several
sensors have Bluetooth or Wi Fi wireless connection protocols available for remote monitoring.
Network Topology for Efficiency: An optimal network design capable of transferring data
reliably must consider factors such as coverage area capacity; node location; data routing
channels; network redundancy before deciding on mesh topology styles versus star topology
styles/hybrids based on individual application needs- making effective use of available resources.
Wireless Communication Protocol Importance: For a Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)
optimal functionality; one must take data rate; energy consumption rates; latency time along with
reliability concerns into consideration before selecting the wireless communication protocol
suitable for your needs. In order to establish wireless communication within WSNs, Zigbee,
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and Wi Fi are prevalent protocols utilized on different occasions
according to their unique capabilities. Protocol selection plays an important role in optimizing
performance based on specific needs of each WSN.
An essential element toward ensuring secure communication is the deployment of firewalls that
serve as checkpoints between separate networks by preventing data transfer between them unless
approved through external measures like designated gateways. Such gateways have key
importance in communicating with entities positioned outside these firewalls while maintaining
network security measures.

Analysis and Results

Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are recognized across multiple applications like environmental
monitoring, healthcare, agriculture management; therefore, we have undertaken this study to
evaluate the architectural design approaches adopted by several networks along with effective
communication protocols utilized for enhanced energy-efficiency along with strict security
protocols implementation.
Typically composed of small sensors nodes comprising sensing and computational facilities as
well as their communication capabilities, these constituent nodes form an interconnected web that
coordinates data collection from diverse points within its environment transmitting information
back to a centralized hub node.
Network architecture varies depending upon application requirements deciphering their net
topology occurring either via simple star configurations or complex multi-hop architectures.
Communication protocols are critical aspect contributing towards optimized performance given
the challenging predicament starting from limited bandwidth resources coupled with low powered
supply. There exist several well-known protocols including Low-Power Wireless Personal Area
Network (Low PAN) and ZigBee providing better throughput rates without being too harsh on
limited power supplies deployed within these small grids.
Energy efficiency is a crucial element concerning sensors nodes with finite battery life underlying
WSNs- to enhance network lifetimes, multiple strategies have been put forth like Data
aggregation techniques and Sleep scheduling.
To counter security issues whenever WSNs deal with sensitive data transfer, numerous
cryptography algorithms and secure key management schemas have been launched.
To improve WSN performance, extensive research with regard to design approaches has already
been conducted. Achieving optimal energy management is essential for the sustained
functionality and success of Wireless Sensor Networks. To promote efficiency in routing
protocols many experts are turning to solutions like LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering
Hierarchy). This approach distributes leadership across various nodes and contributes to lower
power consumption overall. Additionally, ongoing research into cross layer optimization
techniques aims to streamline network processes and improve overall performance at multiple
protocol levels.

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have proven useful across diverse fields; notably for their
capacity to distribute large numbers of low-cost sensors throughout a given monitored region.
Each sensor node measures various physical parameters then conveying that information back-to-
a-centralized location (typically referred to as the base station or sink node).The most notable
merit owed towards WSN networks mainly derives from their ability to provide real-time
monitoring's inaccessible locations; leading them into broader range applications encompassing
security systems design, factory automation procedures and environmental monitoring efforts.
Conservationists, for example, have done an excellent job of utilizing the WSN technology to
collect valuable data on climate patterns and animal behavior in forests or wildlife areas –
providing crucial input into preserving ecosystems. However, there are still notable challenges
that need consideration when implementing these sensor networks.
One significant challenge arises due to energy consumption optimization concerning each sensor
node; battery power limitation within nodes. Employing techniques such as duty cycling and data
aggregation can increase Power efficiency over time while noticeably extending overall network
Another issue is related to the unstable network structure resulting from several nodes inability to
communicate with technical faults from different critically essential sensors, time-bound
environmental fluctuations and other unforeseen factors.
To address these combined concerns, adopting adaptable routing algorithms large scale
implementation would be a necessary approach for maximizing energy efficiency while ensuring
reliable data exchange under varying network conditions.
Research offers several routing protocols - LEACH, SPIN or AODV - that are adaptable
depending on different types of WSN infrastructure configurations consequential changes.

In conclusion, Various industries like healthcare, environmental monitoring & industrial
automation could gain significantly from deploying wireless sensor networks. The most
significant benefit of employing Wireless Sensor Networks is its capability of capturing far-off &
Up-to-the-minute Data which subsequently helps in better decision making & overall
enhancements in many tasks. Additionally, Wireless Sensor Networks are also an integral part of
the oil & gas sector where they provide better security measures, increase productivity levels
while overall costs reduce significantly. However, there are hurdles concerning battery life span
along with Digital Security-related discrepancies that need immediate mitigation while advancing
towards complete utilization potentiality for Wireless Sensor Networks. At present times though
it appears expected for WSNs to undergo multiple changes in the upcoming years for better

Wireless sensor networks may prove invaluable if integrated into oil and gas industry practices.
Significant investment into exploring this technology could yield valuable insights that could
positively influence operations. Guaranteeing safe commodity production requires active
collaboration among stakeholders including reverent authorities, service providers etc. Providing
an opportunity for information sharing across a wide spectrum can take place through
participation at specialized workshops or conferences on wireless sensor network improvements.
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