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Semiotics of virtual reality as a communication process

Article in Behaviour and Information Technology · July 2016

DOI: 10.1080/0144929X.2016.1212092


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4 authors:

Barbara Rita Barricelli Davide Gadia

Università degli Studi di Brescia University of Milan


Alessandro Rizzi Daniele Marini

University of Milan University of Milan


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Behaviour & Information Technology

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Semiotics of virtual reality as a communication


B. R. Barricelli, D. Gadia, A. Rizzi & D. L. R. Marini

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Semiotics of virtual reality as a communication process

B. R. Barricelli, D. Gadia, A. Rizzi and D. L. R. Marini
Department of Computer Science, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy


The experience of immersive virtual reality (VR) can be considered as a communication process Received 19 January 2016
between human beings, mediated by computer systems, which uses visualisation and other Accepted 8 July 2016
sensory stimulation. In this paper, we analyse how VR characteristics can be explored using
semiotic theory and, with methods of generative semiotics, we explore aspects of narrative and Virtual reality; semiotics;
interaction in VR. We propose a semiotic analysis of VR communication focusing on syntax, communication
semantics and pragmatics and considering also some principles of generative semiotics. The
syntactic level is analysed as determined by the characteristics of the visual communication
adopted. The semantic of VR is related to the functional model chosen to realise the virtual
system. The pragmatic of VR is based on the human–computer interaction that changes the
Downloaded by [Barbara Rita Barricelli] at 23:34 25 July 2016

user’s role. We explore how these aspects can be characterised in the context of VR
communication design and what principles can be adopted for a VR application, and we present
an analysis and a classification of the iconic signs that are being used in VR. Moreover, we
present a framework that can be used to classify and describe different kinds of virtual reality
systems and to better understand communication in VR, and we use it to classify eight popular
systems for e-learning and collaboration.

1. Introduction
We recall that in the semiosis process we have differ-
Here, we aim at analysing virtual reality (VR) from the ent abstraction levels to consider, increasing from the
semiotics point of view, starting from the classic works lowest, the syntactic level, followed by the semantic
in the field. Central in Peirce’s studies is the relationship level and eventually the pragmatic level. Syntax is the
between the concept of virtuality and the concept of sign, set of rules that are to be applied to build or interpret
that is, something that once interpreted stands for some- sentences made of words chosen from a vocabulary.
thing other than itself. Peirce’s most quoted sentence is: While in natural or abstract languages the vocabulary
‘I do not say that we are ignorant of our states of mind. is made from literary symbols, in VR the symbols are
What I say is that the mind is virtual, not in a series of mainly based on visual elements, so we have to consider
moments, not capable of existing except in a space of a visual communication system, which is based on signs
time – nothing in so far as it is at any one moment ’ that are used to build a representation of the virtual
(1932, 248). From this position, Peirce draws that the world. Semantics is the study of the meaning of the
interpretant of a sign becomes itself a new sign (what elements of a vocabulary and their composition
Umberto Eco has defined ‘infinite semiosis’); so a sign (words, sentences, bodies of text). In VR, the semantic
‘is what it is by virtue of its possible later interpretations level of the communication process is constituted by
– i.e. virtually – so the mind itself is virtual’ (1932, 289). the choice of representation and rhetoric styles. Finally,
The centrality of the concept of virtuality in the semiosis pragmatics studies the influence that the context has on
process is particularly important if we consider the pro- the assignment of meaning. It is the pragmatic level
blem from a communication viewpoint. We move from that deals with the effects of the communication, binding
the assumption that VR can be considered as a com- the message, the sender and the receiver. VR, moreover,
munication process between different subjects (two per- is dynamic: its status can change in time on the basis of
sons or one person and a computer program), mediated some internal rules or mathematical models and on the
by a computer system, that uses visual communication as basis of the user interaction. Interactivity happens
the primary channel and as secondary channels other between the user and the VR system or can happen
sensory systems such as hearing and kinaesthetic between different users through VR interaction, in a
perception. kind of distributed, coordinated work. Both interactions

CONTACT B. R. Barricelli

© 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

can change some internal parameter of the VR represen- how the standard photographic imaging, a method we
tation changing the way it evolves. Considering for consider a realistic reproduction of reality, is in the mat-
example human–computer interaction (HCI), the ter of facts a distorted version of the light field of the
relationship between humans and computers is based scene (McCann and Rizzi 2011). It follows that our visual
on the given interaction rules; therefore, we can consider system does not need a perfect representation of the rea-
that the rules of the human–machine dialogue are part of lity: lower levels of visual sensation have embedded a
the pragmatic level (Sjöström and Goldkuhl 2003). mechanism according to which a scene to be interpreted
For more complex computer-mediated communi- as the real one has to be verisimile. This goes beyond
cation, such as VR, we present here a novel way to con- being faithful to the physical values of the reality to
sider the different abstraction levels, to identify rules and depict: the simulation has to be faithful to its spatial rep-
roles that they play. In a communication process, we resentation. The question is about how this recognition
search for the best solutions to achieve a given goal happens, and this problem has been already tackled by
and the rhetorical choices that can be consequently semiotics.
adopted. To achieve an effective communication, rheto- A communication process can occur in the presence
ric art is used to organise the discourse, adopting the best of a sender and a receiver that exchange messages
rhetorical figures (e.g. metaphor, allegory, oxymoron, through a communication channel, but it can also
hyperbola) that altogether should achieve the objective occur inthe absence of a sender. This is the case when
Downloaded by [Barbara Rita Barricelli] at 23:34 25 July 2016

to convince, persuade and induce people to do some- we observe the real world and give a meaning to the
thing or believe in something. In verbal and written objects and the events that happen around us. In VR
communication, as well as in cinema, television and applications, it is this last type of communication that
advertising, these aspects have been deeply investigated we have to consider mainly – for example, when the
and procedures are regularly adopted to steer communi- VR offers the basic functionality to explore (navigate) a
cation for entertainment, marketing and even politics. virtual world without or with only a few explicit infor-
In these fields, generative semiotics (Greimas 1983) has mation provided. The receiver of the message in this
produced important results, providing guidelines that case plays the most important role. In the language of
are currently adopted by communication experts. In semiotics, this is the case of pure signification, that is,
generative semiotics, it is the narrative structure that when a person receives a stimulus and the task is to inter-
implements the rhetoric efficacy of communication. pret and thus resolve the problem of assigning a meaning
In the field of VR, there is still significant research to to it. The signification process is strictly a cognitive pro-
do. Considering the specificity of this communication blem: associating signs to objects or events has been
medium, mainly experienced through vision and inter- approached by empiric philosophy as the way people
action, the main purpose of the rhetorical effort is to pro- form their knowledge and representation of the world.
vide the sensations of presence and immersivity in some The interpretation requires that the player has some pre-
artificial world, recurring frequently to the suspension of vious knowledge, the so-called encyclopaedia (Eco 1976),
disbelief. Presence and immersivity, on the other hand, or can build the required encyclopaedia during the
emerge from the recognition of the content being com- exploration of the VR world.
municated via the VR system: an object, or a system of The building of an encyclopaedia is not only a cultural
complex objects that are intrinsically virtual. A definition problem; research works in cognitive neurophysiology
of presence in virtual reality and immersive environment suggest that brain plasticity plays also a relevant role.
is given by North and North (2016) ‘how realistically As an example, we can cite the case of Neil Harbisson
participants respond to the environment as well as – a man born with achromatopsia, a congenital problem
their subjective sense of being in the place depicted by that causes inability to perceive any colours. To deal with
the Virtual Environment’. this problem, Neil started a project called Eyeborg in
For many years, the problem to solve for progressing which he wears a head-mounted colour sensor that
in the field of Computer Graphics has been the photore- transforms the colour acquired by the sensor into
alism, and this consequently applied to VR. Photoreal- sound frequencies transmitted to his earing system
ism is the ability of the simulation system to convey through the skull bone.1 The particularity of this case
details closer and closer to the real world. In the common is that Neil decided to permanently attach the eyeborg
opinion, an improvement in photorealism would be the to his head allowing his brain to build a brand new ency-
mandatory way to reach a higher level of recognition, clopaedia for him to have the sensation of colour. After
and as supposed consequence higher involvement some years, this has led to a change in the brain struc-
(Pharr and Humphreys 2010). Recent findings in the tures and functionalities (Alfaro et al. 2015). Eco
field of high dynamic range imaging have pointed out (1989) observes that the interpretation of a literary text

is the result of an active participation of the reader, who, (1976) and partly on the theory of the French school,
on the basis of expectations and previous experiences, in particular that of Greimas (1983). From there, we
can get different outcomes even unexpected by the explore the literature on semiotics, applied to narration
author. The presence of interactivity in VR is a specific in analogical and digital world.
example of an open work: the interacting user by explor- This paper is organised as follows. In Section 2, dedi-
ing the virtual world builds an encyclopaedia on the fly, cated to the literature review, we present and discuss how
and the final interpretation of the virtual experience can semiotics has been considered and applied so far in VR.
vary strongly from the intention of the VR author. In In Section 3, we present and discuss the semiotic analysis
many communication artefacts (e.g. literary, cinemato- of VR: how the syntactic level can be organised, what the
graphic, theatrical), to reduce the ambiguity of interpret- available languages are (in the most general meaning of
ation, the presence of a paratext (Genette 1997) can be language), the study of the level of iconicity2 that can
effective. The paratext is a collection of information be applied to any Computer Graphics application; the
not directly included in the artefact, like, in the case of semantic level, highlighting the importance of human
a book, the cover, the title, some comments in the back perception in the critical context of VR, where it is not
cover, or critics and comments published somewhere a real world that we perceive, but our senses are stimu-
else. The paratext helps a reader to catch the meaning lated by an artificial simulation; the pragmatics of VR
of the text, by providing side information that enriches communication, considering in particular the role of
Downloaded by [Barbara Rita Barricelli] at 23:34 25 July 2016

the reader’s encyclopaedia. An example on how paratex- narrative structure. In Section 4, a general framework
tual elements can be associated to an artefact are the of VR is presented allowing us to classify different VR
comments provided by people that have already experi- solutions from the viewpoint of their semiotic nature.
enced it and published their comments, for example, on Finally, Section 5 provides some examples of VR appli-
a social network. But such paratextual elements are not cations in the fields of collaboration and learning, and
always present in a VR application, so we have to inves- uses the framework to classify them.
tigate how the semiotic interpretation is organised, and
we need to explore the semiotic structure of VR. The
2. Semiotic studies of virtual reality: literature
high-level description of a communication process can
be explicit (pure communication with sender, channel
and receiver) or implicit (signification with only the Semiotics as a discipline to study the process of giving
channel, and the receiver). Such description needs to meaning to computer-based communication has been
be expanded to consider the nature of the channel and largely investigated in the field of HCI – for example,
in particular the nature of the signs that are adopted, de Souza et al. (2001), O’Neill (2008), and Valtolina, Bar-
from the viewpoint of their syntax and semantics. More- ricelli, and Dittrich (2011), while works on VR are quite
over, the overall organisation of the signs of a VR appli- few. At our knowledge, the following are the major works
cation has eventually to be considered from the on this research topic. Aruga et al. (2007) move from
pragmatic viewpoint to get a clear view of the coherence Kant’s theory of human understanding: the recognition
of the whole rhetorical solution chosen by the designers. of an ‘a priori’ of a VR arises from the projection into
In this paper, we will focus our study on the semiotic the brain of an image of an object. However, this theory
analysis of VR, exploring the nature and the syntax of VR is not sufficient to understand VR experience. Peirce’s
signs, their semantic content and pragmatic roles. To triadic description of the nature of sign (representamen,
restrict our investigation domain, we are considering in object, interpretant) is proposed as a more adequate
particular immersive VR, that is, systems where a person description of human understanding process without
is mainly stimulated visually (possibly with stereo view- the need of the ‘a priori’. The authors put their interest
ing) and the outside real-world stimuli are dimmed. in semiosis as the process of giving meaning to signs pro-
Immersive VR can also use other sensorial stimuli such ducing new signs in an unlimited chain. In VR, a real
as auditory, kinaesthetic or olfactory to improve the object is not present, we only have signs (representamen)
immersivity and presence (Bowman and McMahan that signify a virtual object; to interpret the stimuli of a
2007; Coelho et al. 2006). We will not further explore flight simulator, for example, the computer system
these aspects in VR, treated in a previous paper (Marini must produce the same psychological effects of a real air-
et al. 2011). craft. In other words, the notion of similarity and mim-
This research work stems both on a strong study of lit- esis is essential to give a meaning to a VR application.
erature review and state of the art and on long-time Belanger (2009) explores immersive VR with semiotic
experience in VR research and development. As to the theory. He underlines the importance of interactivity to
theoretical part, we rely on the semiotic theory of Eco involve the user that becomes active in the interpretation

process, thus recognising that the communication pro- domain improves with practice. Concluding this short
cess does not provide a meaning, rather the meaning is overview, it is worthwhile to underline why we are
the result of the active interaction of a user, as described mostly interested to VR rather on general semiotic
by Eco (1979). Moreover, Belanger clarifies that, differ- aspects of interaction or the web: this is because in
ently from other media, immersivity and presence high-level immersive VR (e.g. flight simulators), we
(through accurately controlled sensory stimulation) face successful representations of artificial worlds that
also contribute to hide the underlying technology from mimic the real ones and the interpretation and significa-
the users. Immersivity, moreover, has the capacity to tion process is the same as what we perform in the real
transport the user to a different world by making credible world. Thus, the study of semiosis could in future benefit
or believable the artificial world (see Marini et al. 2011 by using VR as a kind of artificial experimental
for the concept of verisimile – i.e. similar to the real environment.
thing). Considering the ability of VR to create emotions
in users, he also explores the concept of myth, but does
3. Semiotic analysis of virtual reality
not extend the study to the rhetoric of VR. Han (2011)
examines the semiotics of Second Life and describes As stated before, the aim of this paper is to explore the
the nature of the signs, identifies metaphors, connota- semiotics of VR as a communication process and there-
tion, and denotation characteristics and recognises fore to analyse it according to the three abstraction levels
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Second Life as a myth-building environment; her work that are typical in a communication process: syntactic,
is actually an example of semiotic analysis of a specific semantic and pragmatic. These three levels are in a strict
kind of VR application. Matusitz (2005) explores the relationship with what we consider the three main
notion of identity, space and deception of virtual worlds elements of a VR system: structure, model and inter-
from a semiotic viewpoint. He pinpoints that the cre- action as we defined them in Marini et al. (2011). By
ation of a personal identity in a virtual world is the result the structure, we mean the organisation into parts, the
of a semiotic process, which is contextually and histori- shape of the parts, the assembly of the parts, etc., what
cally contingent. In this sense, the type of communi- in general becomes the 3D geometric model of the equip-
cation that is established with the user through the VR ment, possibly enriched with a dynamic behaviour. By
communication is mainly a pure signification, where the function of the equipment, we mean the way each
the content can control and possibly deceive receivers part works, the way the assembly works or, better say,
of communication. how parts and assembly change as the time goes on or
Pujol (2006) proposes a semiotic analysis of VR by as an operator changes some part. By the underlying
exploring its syntax, semantics and pragmatics. In par- model, we mean what are the physical, chemical, in gen-
ticular, she focuses on the semiotics of images, and eral technical or scientific principles that rule the func-
studies the iconic character of image semiotics, expand- tion of the equipment.
ing the levels of iconicity proposed by Moles (1969),
including VR as a specific iconicity level. She does not
3.1. Structure: the syntactic level
consider the importance of the narrative character of
VR, while recognising the role of interactivity to the The structure of VR applications is grounded on visual-
determination of the pragmatic aspect. Nadin underlines isation and visual communication principles. Structure is
that ‘Technological artifacts of all kind – from games to also affected by the choice of rhetoric effects used to raise
VR labs in which new materials are considered – rely on desired emotions in users. Visual communication prin-
various types of semiotic entities, on representations in ciples applied to Computer Graphics allow us to identify
the first places, and their interpretation’ (Nadin 2012, how an effective visual language can be implemented in
19) . He identifies in ‘languages of interaction’ the critical VR. The structure can therefore be seen as the core of the
research point, and tends to merge VR with other Inter- syntax level. VR applications are commonly based on
net-based technologies. Lemke (1999) proposes an inter- visual representations of some scenes and/or objects –
esting view of semiotics of non-textual communication, real or created by the imagination of designers. The
in particular mathematics and geometry, that can be structure of such representations can be implemented
extended to VR. Besides signs and symbols of mathemat- using graphic solutions, e.g. schematic drawings, 3D geo-
ics and geometry, a topological semiotics has to be con- metric models perspective projection, images. Such a
sidered. The interpretation of topological semiotics large range of possible solutions offers to VR designers
depends on spatial cognition skills that can be developed a wide choice of signs. Signs can be iconic, indexical or
with interaction. We can observe that users’ spatial symbolic (Peirce 1932). Iconic signs can be images –
orientation in navigating a non-natural VR spatial and in this case there is an immediate similarity between

the sign and the referenced object – or can be pictures or classified in terms of the degree or level of iconicity.
diagrams – where similarity is linked to relations among The problem of iconicity has been also considered in
parts, or can be metaphors – where similarity is mediated the context of user interface design (see de Souza
by the mapping to a different context. This classification 1993), where the quality of an icon is linked to the diffi-
assumes the degree of similarity or resemblance as a cri- culty of decoding its symbolic value.
terion but it is unfortunately too simplistic. The notion of In VR, this problem has a different character, since
similarity of iconic sign has been criticised first by Eco icons contribute to get the immersion effect in a living
(see a discussion in Sonesson 1998) and we also have dis- experience, where the decoding of symbols is just a
cussed this problem in a previous paper (Marini et al. part of the whole task and can be affected by a possibly
2011). changing context with strong multisensorial stimuli,
In our view, similarity is related to the concept of rea- among which vision plays the major role. The visual rep-
lism. We propose that the similarity of an iconic sign has resentations are different from textual ones and are based
to be considered as the result of a choice by the designer on visual analogy; in other words, they are an allegory.
to make the sign believable, to make it verisimile, that is, An illustration corresponds to a process of denotation
‘similar to the real thing’. Being similar to the real thing based on displaying signs.
relies on the ability of the designer to capture the essen- In 1969 Moles devised a taxonomy for illustrations
tial elements of a representation, like in a caricature, and drawings in graphic design (specifically in the evalu-
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creating an illusion to the observer and inducing her/ ation of communicability of outdoor advertising), which
him to suspend his/ her disbelief. Besides the contri- is based on an iconicity scale from the most concrete to
bution of similarity, socio-historical conventions can the most abstract depiction. Later, in 1992, Anceschi
help in getting the meaning of a sign, especially for sym- adapted Moles’ taxonomy to the field of scientific illus-
bolic signs. We can have a degree of different abstrac- tration and chose to consider the seven most abstract
tions leading to representations that can be more or iconicity levels only. The Moles’ and Anceschi’s taxo-
less easily interpreted and that convey the verisimile nomies of iconicity levels aim at classifying the kind of
attribute. These different levels of abstractions can be allegories that are required to communicate the meaning

Figure 1. Examples of the 12 iconicity levels.


of the chosen signs. Selecting an iconicity level for an of the message should be able to act, e.g. construct-
illustration is therefore a specific rhetoric choice of the ing an object, or taking measures. An example is in
communication designer: a classification of iconicity Figure 1 (Level 6).
levels contributes to a better control over the rhetoric (7) Normalised constructive drawings. Also in this
in the VR communication process. case the purpose is operative: the observer should
To apply these seminal works for the field of iconic be able to get information relevant to do some-
analysis of VR, we developed a classification of iconicity thing, but the major difference is that the sign
of computer-generated images. The iconicity levels we language is formalised. In this representation,
considered are 12 (from highest to lowest level of iconi- standard symbols are extensively used to convey
city) and they are exemplified in Figure 1 and described information about the structure of an object or
as follows: a process. The emphasis of the representation is
on topological rather than on geometrical aspects:
(1) The object itself. In Figure 1 (Level 1), the example what is important is the function or the structure,
given for this level is a car. not the shape or the morphology, and larger free-
(2) 3D model, perspective photorealistic rendered into dom is left to the observer to do something from
a background context; a pot in Figure 1 (Level 2). the representation; for example, she could be a
(3) Retouched photography. This kind of represen- designer who is describing the structure or the
Downloaded by [Barbara Rita Barricelli] at 23:34 25 July 2016

tation derives from photography of a real scene process of a complex system (see Level 7 in
or from its painted version based on perspective Figure 1).
projection techniques. The purpose of the illus- (8) Flow diagrams. This term is used to denote a large
tration is to mimic a reality, also by means of illu- kind of diagrammatic representation, such as
sory effects. The purpose (pragmatics) of this organisation charts, block diagrams and process
illustration in a communication is simply to display diagrams. The purpose of these kinds of represen-
something, an object (like Level 3 in Figure 1) or a tations is to stimulate the understanding of cause–
process, the way of use is out of scope, being learn- effect relationships, time dependency, hierarchical
ing-to-know the major aim. dependency, etc. Figure 1 shows an example in
(4) Line drawing simplification. Examples of these Level 8.
kind are illustrations, where an expert graphic (9) Normalised symbols. The adoption of normalised
designer simplifies what s/he sees, guiding the symbols aims at providing simple and immediate
observer to the most relevant aspects of the object decoding, when their meaning has been learned,
or the process. Contouring and half toning are being strongly conventional. Traffic signs are an
the major techniques used to convey the third example for this level, depicted in Figure 1 (Level
dimension and the shape, masking or simply 9).
avoiding to display secondary aspects. The purpose (10) Logical diagrams. Here, the logical structure is the
of this representation is descriptive, since it puts major aspects. It can be implemented using nor-
emphasis to general morphology, while particulars malised or non-normalised symbols (see Level 10
are less important. One example is given in Figure in Figure 1).
1 (Level 4). Other examples of this kind are (11) Field diagrams. This kind of representation has no
caricatures. relationship to any structural, topological or mor-
(5) Anatomic view. The purpose of this illustration is phological property. The observer has to put to
to explain the structure, even the internal structure work his/ her imagination, since what is relevant
of an object. Specific techniques can be adopted like is how parts of a system are in some way related.
transparent through-view or exploded represen- Typical representations of this kind are Venn dia-
tation of the components (like in Level 5 of Figure gram of set theory, or a dendrogram to describe
1). They are largely used as a graphical solution for taxonomies. The object of the representation is a
assembling in technical manuals; so their major kind of underlying conceptual structure of a sys-
purpose is operative (learning the know-how). tem. Field diagrams are best suited to build a
(6) Constructive drawings, plane projections. This is deep knowledge of a system. Figure 1 (Level 11)
the typical case of technical drawings; also in this shows a diagram of this kind.
case the major purpose is operative. Measures (12) Perfect abstraction. In the last level, iconicity is
and scale are relevant, the graphic designer is free totally lost. Perfect abstraction works as an extreme
to choose the signs to be used, and s/he will try visual metaphor, the signs used to represent an
to adopt easily understandable signs; the receiver object; a process or a system has only a

conventional interpretation. Examples are histo- Laja Pujol, she recognised that this point needs a better
grams or statistical charts, where a visual metaphor analysis. Computer Graphics evolved from technical
drives from a real world to a world of conventional drawings to video games and computer animation for
symbols. In Figure 1 (Level 12), the example pre- entertainment. The driving force has been for a long
sents a perfect abstraction: train connections of a time the so-called quest for realism: try to create images
railway service. of scenes and objects indistinguishable from the real
In some aspects, the levels of iconicity can be con- Following a traditional classification (Foley et al.
sidered as visual rhetoric effects: abstract diagrams such 1990), and extending it with recent advancements in
as logical or flow charts are means to display what is not Computer Graphics techniques (Pharr and Humphreys
visible, to make visible the invisible, that is, the internal 2010), the likeliness3 ranges across different visualisation
structure of some complex object showing its logical or techniques that we propose in the following 10-level
functional structure. A given representation can also classification (see Figure 3):
take advantage from some manipulations, extending the
visual rhetoric tools. In Figure 2, examples on how to
make visible the invisible through cuts or transparencies (1) Photorealism with optics, photometric and col-
are presented. Other rhetoric effects can be obtained by ourimetric-based illumination models. Methods
Downloaded by [Barbara Rita Barricelli] at 23:34 25 July 2016

intermixing different iconicity levels. If we exploit the based on accurate computer simulation of light–
possibility of dynamical representations and interaction material interaction can produce photorealistic
in VR, another class of rhetorical effects can be obtained, images, that is, images that are hard to distinguish
for instance by compressing or dilating time, extending from a photograph of a real object or scene. Col-
the purpose of making the invisible visible. The adoption ourimetric- and physics-based models can be
of a mixture of different levels aims at maximising the approximated using image-based rendering tech-
expected outcome of the representation, that is, to obtain niques. Image-based rendering can also be con-
the desired pragmatic objective; for instance, in a single sidered as an augmented reality technique: the
representation, photorealistic techniques can be mixed light field properties of a scene are captured with
with some kind of simplification with field diagrams or a photograph and mapped to a geometric model,
perfect abstractions. An example of this mixture of levels bringing to a new or different virtual life the
can be observed in scientific visualisation of e.g. the fluid appearance of the scene. An example is given in
flow around an aircraft. The mixture of iconicity levels is Figure 3 (Level 1).
usually organised so that the highest iconic represen- (2) Impressionistic rendering. This technique is
tations are aimed at describing the context, while the low- mainly used in digital painting rather than in Com-
est iconic choices aim at driving the attention to the puter Graphics. It can be considered as a higher
desired content. We note that example C in Figure 2 is level of likeliness, given the possibility that a good
also an example of augmented reality, where VR represen- graphic designer can reach exceptional results.
tation is intermixed with real-world vision. Recent image-based rendering techniques can
The iconic-level classification has also been explored also be considered as an impressionistic approach,
by Pujol (2006) to characterise the system of signs used they are based on information taken directly from
in VR. In particular, she extends the levels including scene photographs or capture of the light field. See
VR itself as an iconic level, but we consider this view Figure 3 (Level 2) for an impressionistic rendering
as inappropriate. Following a direct discussion with example.

Figure 2. Example of rhetorical manipulations: (a) intermixed levels, 3D model and perfect abstraction to show the chemical process
simulation; (b) cut-through; (c) endoscopy.
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Figure 3. Examples of likeliness levels in computer-generated images.

(3) Global illumination models (interaction of light any point of the surface. See Figure 3 (Level 5)
among the surfaces of a scene, mirror reflections, for an example.
transparency etc.). Global illumination approxi- (6) Flat shading with simple illumination model. Faces
mates the equations of light–material interaction, of a shape are filled with colours or grey ; the value
allowing simulating transparency, mirroring effects (or shade) of the colour depends on the orientation
and some optical effects such as caustics. The chess of the face towards an imaginary light source pro-
example in Figure 3 (Level 3) well describes these jecting parallel light rays. It is very well suited to
kind of models. display the shape of the geometry as seen from a
(4) Local illumination models (finite and infinite light given viewpoint, without any ambiguity. The tea-
sources, point wise or extended light sources) with pot and ball depicted in Figure 3 (level 6) is an
real colour are a simpler equation approximation. example for this level.
Local illumination models allow us to simulate (7) Line drawing, hidden lines removed. To mask
shining effects and shadows like the ones present invisible lines, hidden line removal (like in Figure
in Figure 3 (Level 4). 3, Level 7) allows us to understand the front- and
(5) Smooth shading for curved shape, with simple illu- back-oriented parts of a complex geometry.
mination models and false or real colour. To dis- (8) Line drawing plane perspective (central and acci-
play curved surfaces, bilinear interpolation can be dental). Perspective projection allows us to rep-
adopted, or simply interpolating colour values resent the third dimension in a single drawing. It
computed on the basis of the simple illumination is derived from Renaissance painting methods,
model or by interpolating the surface normals in and formalised in projective geometry. Perspective

projection can have one (central perspective), two Level 1, the object itself, that we do not consider when
or three vanishing points (accidental perspective). analysing likeliness since the focus is on evaluating
In Computer Graphics, it is normally computed how verisimile (or believable) a representation of an
by simulating numerically the image formation in object is.
a pin-hole picture camera. The car line drawing
in Figure 3 (Level 8) is an example for this.
(9) 3D plane orthographic projections. To represent 3.2. Model: the semantic level
three-dimensional geometries, the principle of The model of the VR system is relative to the way the
multiple plane projections is adopted. Derived represented world (real or imaginary) is related to the
from projective geometry, it conveys information real one; this can be a formal representation of the
about the third dimension by using multiple pro- world, which depends on the desired level of accuracy,
jections on different planes, normally by ortho- from a kind of impressionistic level up to an accurate
graphic projections or plane parallel projection logic, mathematical, physical or chemical model.
like axonometric. Constructions are used as an The model is part of the semantic level; it incorporates
example in Figure 3 (Level 9). the meaning of a simulation system. When we associate
(10) 2D line drawing. A 2D line drawing is the typical semantics to the model of a VR system, we are consider-
representation of technical drawings or simple ing the whole behaviour, not the individual semantic of
Downloaded by [Barbara Rita Barricelli] at 23:34 25 July 2016

illustrations. It is normally adopted for represent- each sign.

ing plane geometry or to enrich a visual interface. The problem of semantics can be tackled from three
Another typical representation is a map like the main viewpoints (Chierchia 1997; Violi 1990): the philo-
one in Figure 3 (Level 10). sophical approach, where the objective is to establish
whether a sentence or an inference is true or false and
the truth values are decided on the ground of formal
This classification of likeliness levels in Computer logic methods; the psychological approach (cognitive
Graphics can be put in relationship with the iconicity semantics), which aims at understanding the mental pro-
levels we defined above, even if not with a one-to-one cesses that bring to the comprehension of the link
mapping. Figure 4 illustrates the relationships existing between messages and human experience, and studies
between the two classifications. the relationship between the conceptual content of a
The only level in the iconicity classification that does sign and the conceptual structure of human beings; the
not match with a level in the likeliness classification is strictly semiotic approach, which does not consider the

Figure 4. Relationships between the iconicity and the likeliness classifications we propose in this paper.

logical or psychological aspects, but is more depending . Mathematical : based on physics parameters necessary
on sociopragmatics aspects. Sociopragmatics considers to compute kinematics or dynamics (of points, rigid
the meaning of a message as bound to the cultural con- bodies, fluid, etc.).
text, the experience and the previous knowledge of the . Empirical : the physical behaviour is approximated by
receiver (Harlow 1990) and is defined by Eco as the ency- probabilistic or statistic methods or even by simple
clopaedia (1976). animation that approximates the evolution of some
In the context of VR, the semantic of a message event.
depends on the possibility that the user can build the . Impressionistic : in which the model is described only
necessary encyclopaedia by getting the knowledge of by a subset of its features, sketching in this way only
the virtual world from his/ her personal knowledge and some of its more important mechanisms, like in a car-
previous experience or through the progressive explora- icature, sufficient to give a meaningful depiction of the
tion of the virtual world. The semantic, as characterised system.
by the underlying model, can also be considered as oper- . Abstract, that is, based on a symbolic or logical rep-
ational, like in computer programming: the meaning of resentation of a behaviour.
the VR system depends on the operations that the system
and the user can perform.
It is a kind of operational semantics that describe We can recognise that this simple taxonomy can be
Downloaded by [Barbara Rita Barricelli] at 23:34 25 July 2016

how the simulation has to be interpreted. Consider as observed in video gaming. In the game industry, it has
an example a VR application to simulate an industrial been raised the issue of playability. For instance, a
chemical plant for maintenance training purpose. We video game of racing motorcycles can be based on an
can distinguish in this case two kinds of models: the accurate solution of the dynamics of two wheels motion,
physical model of the structure of the plant, which is but no player would be able to keep the vehicle in
based on the geometry, the structure and the properties dynamic equilibrium without a long training. This is
of the elements (we call it the physical model), and the due to the very different sensorial experience in real
physical–chemical model of the processes that the plant vehicles rather than in virtual game. In real vehicle driv-
implements (in the following we call it the process ing, the training is fed back to the human equilibrium
model). By the physical model of the structure, we subsystem, and the trainee gains its ability by trial and
mean therefore the general modelling of any VR error. Having gained this kind of experience, it is extre-
model of a real object or a complex system, indepen- mely difficult to control the position of a virtual vehicle
dently by its specific function; a model must have the by putting to work the real experience: no human equili-
basic characteristics of each component, based on its brium subsystem is stimulated and the only feedback
geometry. goes through vision and limited haptic perception by
Fundamentally, this modelling requires mass proper- moving a joystick or similar device. Games industry
ties necessary to compute mechanical dynamics, to has therefore developed techniques to approximate the
simulate for instance a fracture, the fall of an object, solution of the physics of motion dynamics to reach
the motion inertia, the effects of a collision to a given the goal of playability; so the dynamics of motion is
level of precision, etc. As an example of such a complex simply approximated, giving the impression of working
VR system, we can consider a flight simulator or the with a real two-wheel vehicle. Empirical approaches are
simulation of an industrial chemical plant as in the pro- also adopted to simulate other physical systems – such
ject VIRTHUALIS (Agadir and Marini 2010). The pro- as explosions, fire and smoke – by the so-called particle
cess model, on the other hand, can be interfaced to systems.
integrate – e.g. in a simulation of a chemical process A statistical description of the evolution of small par-
plant, a process simulator with the VR simulation. In ticles (simple shapes like small spheres or triangles rep-
another example, a racing car game, the process resented with suited colours) is programmed by
model can be the dynamics of car motion. The accuracy controlling few parameters such as life duration of a par-
of the process model depends on the scientific knowl- ticle, initial velocity, number of newborn particles per
edge of the real system to be simulated, and it is linked time unit, presence of perturbation fields such as gravita-
to the granularity of the modelling. The level of iconi- tion and wind. A large variety of natural effects can be
city of a chosen representation has to cope with the simulated, e.g. fire, smoke, explosion, water pipes rup-
accuracy and details of both the physical and the pro- tures, vapour or water emission under pressure. Due to
cess models. Therefore, the syntactic and the semantic the high complexity of the context of many video
levels are strictly related. Models can moreover be cate- games and other professional simulations, the impressio-
gorised as: nistic approach is often necessary. Exactly like

impressionistic painting, the degree of involvement and (Preece et al. 1994), ranging from command-based to
likeliness they raise can be very high. direct manipulation and more recently on the use of
The abstract approach can also be exemplified by specific tools that can capture human movement of
games: the game logic takes control of the evolution of hands and fingers and even whole body. Such devices (
the game on the basis of user interaction, but is very also called phidgets or physical widgets) can be very
rarely based on some mathematical representation of sophisticated, including powerful computational capa-
the game, rather on some artificial intelligence inspired bilities, which can enhance the interaction with the sur-
method. In this way, a player controlled by the system rounding real world, when used in augmented virtual
can behave like a living player who acts following a tactic reality applications. We cannot discuss this aspect in
and a strategy that mimics possible human tactics and this paper, since it goes beyond our scope.
strategy. In general, we assume that immersive VR systems
We also have to consider the way human beings can adopt direct manipulation paradigm as well as phidgets
receive the stimuli that encode the message: the human to make the user interaction as immediate as current
perception. Users of a VR system have their own cogni- technology allows. Interaction techniques and paradigms
tive framework and experience that can be far from being can be used in a mixed way, for instance a direct manipu-
common to each other. VR is not actual reality, where lation approach can make extensive use of widgets or
people have developed a behaviour based on their per- phidgets, or even natural language or body language.
Downloaded by [Barbara Rita Barricelli] at 23:34 25 July 2016

ception training: to interact with a VR world, a user In general, interaction is very demanding in terms of
needs to learn a new perceptual context, based on non- user understanding, and requires some training. The
natural stimulation processes that act on the sensory sys- concept of affordance proposed by Gibson (1979) and
tem in new and unexpected ways, conflicting sometimes further developed by Norman (1988) is the most suited
with the usual cognitive framework that, in turn, has solution to assess effective interaction. Affordance, that
grown up with years of experience in a real environment. is, the actionable properties between the world and an
actor, can be considered from the semiotics viewpoint:
in this case we can observe a situation where associating
3.3. Interaction: the pragmatic level
a meaning to the system of signs provided by the VR
Compared to traditional static drawing, in VR the rep- application is a typical pure signification problem,
resentation of the functions of a system has the advan- where previous knowledge and experience are the
tage provided by the dynamics, where a process elements of the user encyclopaedia. A specific rhetoric
evolution and the interaction can be realised by moving structure can be adopted, the metaphor, that simplifies
images and by animation. It is the interaction that user interpretation of the meaning of possible com-
implements the pragmatic level; moreover, it contributes mands, possible states of the system, etc. As discussed
to exploit the dynamic aspect of a VR system, which, on early in the paper, interaction is the pragmatic level of
the one side, depends on the underlying model and, on VR semiotic.
the other side, is controlled and steered by a user. In the theory of communication, pragmatics is the
It is by means of interaction that the VR user becomes discipline that explores the relationship between signs
an actor of the VR simulation, who plays the role and their meaning to be decoded by the participant to
assigned by the VR designer. The user experience the communication process, in particular solving poss-
becomes the participation to a storytelling that has ible ambiguities. Each human being has his/ her experi-
been put on stage by the designer like a theatre director, ence and during a communication act each participant
to stimulate emotions and to convey the desired message. has his/ her context, beliefs, knowledge, emotions and
The dynamics of a VR system is a function of a time vari- affections. In human communication, each act can be
able, and differently from a real world, in VR the time an assertion, an imperative command or a desire; nor-
can be dilated or compressed. This particular property mally in speech communication intonation or non-ver-
of VR is able at deeply affecting pragmatics by contribut- bal communication (e.g. expression of the face or
ing in the construction of a rhetoric artefact and to gestures) contributes to convey the characteristic of the
design the desired narrative effect. communication act. In VR, communication is between
The interaction aspect of a VR system depends on a a human being and a computer system, where verbal
user action and in this view the user becomes an actor communication is almost absent. VR can also be used
that takes active part on the virtual story. Before discuss- as the communication medium between two or more
ing deeper the semiotic aspect of the narrative nature of human beings. In this case, it is necessary to provide
VR interaction, we recall that HCI can be implemented clues for transmitting non-verbal information among
by adopting a wide variety of techniques and paradigms the participants.

The use of avatars can be a solution to provide a richer elements of the semiotic theory of narrative structures by
communication of a single user with a computer system, Greimas (1983) and Genette (1972), trying to recognise
as well as video capturing and transmission of facial some of its elements in VR systems. To better under-
expressions. The lack of this kind of information in a stand, we consider a VR application for training (e.g.
VR communication can be overcome with other flight simulation or industrial plant maintenance train-
means, like the richness of information conveyed by ing). The first element of a narrative structure is the
the visual and non-visual channels. An important aspect plot or storyline; it is the deep structure of the story
in pragmatic level is the emotional state of users because based on a given temporal and causal sequence. We
it directly affects their ability to decode information, and can consider the operational sequence for an aircraft
is influenced by experiences or common and/or shared takeoff as the plot. At a higher level, the trainee who,
feelings. Emotions represent also an outcome of the by changing the given sequence, creates unexpected out-
communication act. Some experiments demonstrated comes and a change in the takeoff story evolution can
that in VR, during simulations of critical tasks (e.g. con- modify the plot. Here, we see a difference from a
cerning security, maintenance or educational sessions), movie story: interactivity offers the opportunity to create
the subjects could feel emotions very similar to those a new story every time the VR application is run. Eco
that can be experienced in real episodes (Agadir and calls the storyline fabula, while a specific narrative
Marini 2010). expression is the plot (in Italian trama and intreccio)
Downloaded by [Barbara Rita Barricelli] at 23:34 25 July 2016

In a collaborative VR environment, in which different (1979).

users are remotely collaborating to the same task with the Another semiotic aspect of narrative structures is the
mediation of the VR application, the introduction of an focalisation: the focalisator is the person whose view-
emotional feedback in the communication can improve point is adopted to present the story. In general, there
performances of the simulation, for instance by changing are three kinds of focalisation: zero, when no person
conveniently the graphical representation of the users’ viewpoint is chosen and the storyteller knows all about
avatars, for example, mapping video-captured facial the inner thinking and psychology of all persons;
expression. In the literature, many examples prove that internal, when one of the persons of the story plays the
personalisation plays an important role in enhancing role of the storyteller, external when the viewpoint is
the quality of virtual collaborative experiences, especially objective, when no psychological aspects of any persons
those focused on learning (e.g. Dascalu et al. 2014, 2015). of the story are described, as in a thriller story. In VR, we
Emotions amplify the sensation of presence; so the prag- are generally faced with internal focalisation: the user of
matic level has to be coherently designed allowing the VR system is the focalisator.
emotions exchange among participants and between A VR application is based on some artificial world that
users and VR environment. To this aim, emotional is called a possible world, a concept deriving from the the-
stimuli and feedback must be under control, so that plan- ory of modal logic. Volli (2005) proposes four kinds of
ning an effective VR means, at the pragmatic level, to possible worlds: verisimili that can be easily conceived
design a kind of ‘storytelling’ defining the boundaries and could correspond to some real world, non-verisimili
and degrees of freedom in interaction among users and when a suspension of disbelief is needed, non-conceivable
with the VR environment. For example, a study (St-Jac- when some logical rule is broken (think, for instance, of
ques, Robillard, and Renaud 2008) has shown that Alice in Wonderland by L. Carrol), and impossible as a
anxiety increases the sense of presence in VR; so when drawing by Escher. In VR, we have the possibility to cre-
simulating a high-risk industrial site, at the pragmatic ate all four kinds of possible worlds, and the training
level we have to consider the different answers of the sys- example is that of a verisimile world, while the flying ava-
tem to a normal situation or to an accident, providing all tar in Second Life is an impossible world. It is interesting
the possible evolutions of the states of the system follow- to note that this classification can be extended also to
ing users’ reactions and emotions. Degrees of freedom, in video games.
turn, depend on the mathematical model implemented The semiotic theory of narrative structure of Greimas
at the syntactic level. Designing an ‘emotional’ VR is based on the actantial model that describes the roles
implies the analysis of the scope of the virtual simulation, that are played in a story, without considering the effec-
so that specific stimuli could be implemented and con- tive characters, since an actant can also correspond to no
trolled in the VR story to cause the desired emotional character at all, like the magic wand in a fantasy movie,
feedbacks in users. that plays the actantial role of a helper for the hero. Grei-
Storytelling has been extensively explored by semiotic mas derived this theory from the works by Propp (1958)
methods, and it is also studied in video-making for enter- and generalising his findings. In movie production, this
tainment and advertising (Vogler 2007). We recall some theory has been further extended for example by Vogler

(2007). In VR application, the user plays normally the The Structure axis is relative to the syntactic level,
actantial role of the hero, but it is difficult to explore dee- which ranges from symbolic to highly realistic (better
per this aspect without analysing specific VR appli- called likely). To identify a position in this axis, we
cations to identify helpers, opposers, senders, etc. It is need to consider the iconicity level and the likeliness
interesting to observe that the fundamental narrative level of Computer Graphics solution adopted as well:
sequence of a narrative structure, as proposed by Grei- the iconicity level helps in locating the position, while
mas, can be recognised in a ‘getting started’ sequence the likeliness level suggests possible Computer Graphics
of actions to learn how to use a VR interactive system. solution to obtain the desired iconicity.
First, the user is faced with the manipulation stage The Model axis is relative to the semantic level; it
where the user is assigned a goal, the competence stage ranges from mathematical to impressionistic. To identify
where the user acquires the ability to do the actions a position in this axis, we will consider the detail level of
necessary to reach the goal, the performance where the the underlying mathematical, physical or chemical
user does the actions needed and the sanction when model that rule the evolution of the VR world, or the
the user has obtained the goal and possibly a premium. presence of symbolic or logical model of the evolution.
The Interaction axis is relative to the pragmatic level;
it ranges from abstract to concrete, considering also the
narrative aspect of communication of the system. To
4. A framework to classify VR applications
Downloaded by [Barbara Rita Barricelli] at 23:34 25 July 2016

identify a position in this axis, we consider the inter-

As an outcome of our work, we propose a way to classify action approach and the interaction devices that exercise
different VR applications, based on the above-described different sensory systems.
semiotic analysis. The classification will allow us to The VR framework space is therefore organised in a
characterise semiotic content and characteristics, consid- three-dimensional space constituted by eight octants,
ering syntax, semantics and pragmatics. The framework shown in Figure 5 and described in what follows.
can help us to understand and maybe also design a VR
system to evaluate its ability to solve the given communi-
4.1. Octant 1 (1, 1, 1)
cation problem.
To build up the framework, we propose a three- This first octant corresponds to the combination of Con-
dimensional space, where the three axes represent the crete (Interaction), Likely (Structure) and Mathematical
range of variation of Structure (or syntax), Model (Model). Flight simulators are the best example to
(or semantic) and Interaction (or pragmatics describe this octant, in that they have concreteness of
representation). interaction and navigation, likely structure and

Figure 5. The VR framework is a three-dimensional space constituted by eight octants.


mathematical level for the modelling. In this case, the Nedel et al. (2016), where the authors discuss the design
narrative structure is very complex and is composed of and use of simulators to continuously assess capability
two phases. The first is when the briefing of the simu- for safe behaviour among workers.
lation is provided to the person by a trainer who
describes the evolution of the simulation with a zero
focalisation. The second phase is during the actual simu- 4.5. Octant 5 (1, 1, −1)
lation when we have internal focalisation, centred on the To the octant corresponds the combination of Concrete
person. The evolution of the second phase can also differ (Interaction), Likely (Structure) and Impressionistic
from the story told during the briefing. (Model). An example for this octant can be found in
some augmented reality applications. Here, the inter-
4.2. Octant 2 (−1, 1, 1) action required is quite low (limited to simple naviga-
tion), the structure is highly realistic and the model is
The octant is characterised by Abstract (Interaction), rather simple. From narrative point of view, the focalisa-
Likely (Structure) and Mathematical (Model). CAD/ tion is usually zero. Focalisation can also be external, for
CAM systems, for example, offer simple interaction instance in case of augmented surgery application.
based on keyboard and mouse use but permit to access
high likeliness and quite accurate modelling features.
4.6. Octant 6 (−1, 1, −1)
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The focalisation is internal.

The sixth octant combines Abstract (Interaction), Likely
4.3. Octant 3 (−1, −1, 1) (Structure) and Impressionistic (Model). As examples,
there is realistic simulation of car or home furniture con-
The third octant combines Abstract (Interaction), Sym-
figurators: the user is required to interact in a mostly
bolic (Structure) and Mathematical (Model). Scientific
symbolic way (selection of items from lists and naviga-
visualisation can exemplify this octant where interaction
tion to observe the final result), the structure is based
is low but can be increased providing steering tools for
on photorealism and this makes it highly likely, and
changing configuration parameters of the underlying
the model is impressionistic – for example, dynamics
mathematical model. The structure is symbolic and the
or kinematics are not in place. In this case, the focalisa-
model is very sophisticated. The narrative structure
tion is internal.
appears with an internal focalisation but it becomes
external in case the use is only for passive observation
with the steering tools limited to navigation. 4.7. Octant 7 (−1, −1, −1)
Octant 7 is the combination of Abstract (Interaction),
4.4. Octant 4 (1, −1, 1) Symbolic (Structure) and Impressionistic (Model). Sys-
Octant 4 is the combination of Concrete (Interaction), tems for museums virtual visits can be used as examples
Symbolic (Structure) and Mathematical (Model). Indus- for this octant. They uses multiple photographs, texture
trial plant simulators are the optimal example: the inter- mapped on virtual shapes to navigate into a scene or
action is slightly concrete (menu- and widget-based around an object. Their interaction is based on direct
interface, no sensory devices); the structure of represen- manipulation but with a low degree of immersivity; the
tation is more symbolic (iconicity level 3 constructive structure is rather symbolic; the model is impressionistic.
drawing, likeliness level 4 – mixed representation with The narrative structure is very low level: the user can
symbolic colour codes); the model is usually a very accu- simply explore the representation with a zero
rate physics or mathematical model. There is a low level focalisation.
of immersivity and also a limited narrative content but
focalisation can vary: (a) zero, in case of plant explora-
4.8. Octant 8 (1, −1, −1)
tion, (b) internal, if the simulation is used for training
(an example is presented in Agadir and Marini 2010) The last octant combines Concrete (Interaction), Sym-
and (c) external, if the user (typically the designer of bolic (Structure) and Impressionistic (Model). A good
the plant) uses the simulator to discover an existing pro- example for this octant are some sport video games
blem. This field of application of VR is growing and using natural interaction devices: concreteness of inter-
growing, thanks to the potentials that technology offers action based on the use of controllers (e.g. Wiimote), sym-
for simulating critical situations. A study on VR adop- bolic (low level) structure and impressionistic level of the
tion for Risk Perception Simulation is published in underlying model. The narrative structure can be very

rich, with a variety of actants and different focalisation. In 5.4. VIRTHUALIS: Octant 4
general, it can be said that focalisation is internal.
The VIRTHUALIS research project8 was aimed at eval-
uating human factors in risk assessment and evaluation
5. Classification of learning and collaboration during industrial processes. Specifically, a VR industrial
VR applications chemical plant simulator was developed to allow its
users to check the proposed solutions for the treatment
In what follows, we use the VR framework to classify of an emergency, like a fire or an explosion. The appli-
eight VR applications meant to be used for learning cation can be classified as a VR learning environment.
and collaboration. Table 1 shows each octants ’ charac- Its interaction is concrete, the structure is symbolic,
teristics and gives an example of application. and the model is mathematical; therefore, it can be
seen as positioned in Octant 4.
5.1. FlyInside FSX Plugin: Octant 1
With its concrete interaction, likely structure, and math- 5.5. MedicAR: Octant 5
ematical model, the FlyInside FSX Plugin for Microsoft
MedicAR9 is an example of augmented surgery appli-
Flight Simulator X4 brings flight simulation into virtual
cation that, thanks to the use of Google Glass, allows
reality, thanks to the use of Oculus Rift. This particular
us to improve the simulation and teaching of procedures
Downloaded by [Barbara Rita Barricelli] at 23:34 25 July 2016

VR application represents a significative example of

in surgery. This application makes extensive use of the
VR learning application that can also be extended to a
rhetorical manipulations ‘cut-through’ and ‘endoscopy’.
collaborative use and can be positioned in Octant 1.
It presents concrete interaction, likely structure and
impressionistic model and therefore belongs to appli-
5.2. Improov: Octant 2 cations in Octant 5. Given the primary importance of
VR applications in learning and collaboration for medi-
Improov5 is a software that supports CAD engineers in
cal practice, it is worth pointing out that recently many
collaborating through virtual reality. Among the features
systems have been developed to use immersivity (two
that it offers, there are online real-time collaboration and
notable examples are reported in Byrne et al. 2015 and
annotations. This makes the application an example of
Srivastava, Das, and Chaudhury 2014).
VR collaboration tool that can also be seen as a learning
tool, thanks to its peculiar features. This software is
characterised by an abstract interaction, a likely structure 5.6. Dollhouse VR: Octant 6
and a mathematical model that positions it into Octant 2.
Dollhouse VR10 is a VR system that allows experts in
architecture and interior design to design houses alter-
5.3. VMD into Reality Cube: Octant 3 nating top-down and internal views of the virtual spaces.
Visual Molecular Dynamics (VMD)6 is a system for mol- The application is collaborative and is meant to be used
ecular visualisation that displays, animates and analyses also for learning purposes. It offers an abstract inter-
large biomolecular systems using 3-D graphics and action, likely structure and impressionistic model and
built-in scripting. If ported into the Reality Cube, up to is therefore located in Octant 6.
five persons can be immersed in the VMD system and
interact with it .7 This VR application is an excellent
5.7. Etruscans@EXPO: Octant 7
example of learning VR tool. VMD stands in Octant 3
and therefore presents an abstract interaction, a symbolic During the Etruscans@EXPO exhibition11 that was held
structure and a mathematical model. in Milan (Italy) in 2015, the visitors had the possibility to

Table 1. The octants in the VR frameworks with examples of VR applications.

1 (1,1,1) Concrete Likely Mathematical FlyInside FSX Plugin
2 (−1,1,1) Abstract Likely Mathematical Improov
3 (−1,−1,1) Abstract Symbolic Mathematical VMD into Reality Cube
4 (1,−1,1) Concrete Symbolic Mathematical VIRHTUALIS
5 (1,1,−1) Concrete Likely Impressionistic MedicAR
6 (−1,1,−1) Abstract Likely Impressionistic Dollhouse VR
7 (−1,−1,−1) Abstract Symbolic Impressionistic Etruscans@EXPO
8 (1,−1,−1) Concrete Symbolic Impressionistic The Lab

explore a life-size replica of the Etruscan’s Tomb of the We finally showed eight different VR applications for
Deathbed, an Etruscan painted tomb, in augmented rea- learning and/or collaboration and we used the VR frame-
lity realised through the use of Google Glass. This appli- work for classifying them.
cation is an example in the field of VR for learning. Since The framework addresses the communication design
the interaction was abstract, the structure symbolic and in VR, stressing the importance of being conscious of
the model impressionistic, this application can be classi- how critical is an adequate design of the way communi-
fied as belonging Octant 7. cation is implemented. It represents both a tool for eval-
uating existing VR applications and for supporting
designers of VR systems in their decision-making pro-
5.8. The lab: Octant 8 cesses. To exploit the framework potentials, designers
and developers have to select the appropriate level of
The Lab12 is a suite of VR mini-games for HTC Vive, a
detail and likeliness in visualisation, interaction and
VR headset. The specific archery game represents a
modelling, choosing the appropriate sensory stimulation
case of virtual training for early learning in VR. This
systems, determining the necessary languages to be pro-
can be seen as an example of application in Octant 8,
posed to perform human–VR communication.
with concrete interaction, symbolic structure and
The need of this kind of classification is becoming of
impressionistic model.
relevant importance due to the current diffusion of con-
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sumer-oriented VR devices for interactive and immer-

sive visualisation. In fact, the entertainment industry is
6. Conclusion
increasingly including technological and technical sol-
We have presented a semiotic analysis of VR systems, utions typical of the VR field in order to produce a
based on some concepts of visual communication – new generation of products, such as immersive video
mainly iconicity level – and of interaction and modelling games, and 360W stereoscopic movies. In this novel con-
of dynamic evolution of the VR simulation. After a pres- text, the proposed framework can contribute in the
entation of the semiotic studies applied to VR, we have identification of the more effective approaches not only
introduced the three levels of analysis: syntactic, seman- in the VR field, but in all the possible applications
tic and pragmatic. For the syntactic level, we have pre- where VR technologies are currently considered as a
sented an adaptation of a theory on iconicity levels that potential communication media. The decreasing costs
considers also dynamics aspects and visual rhetoric and prices of VR technology, especially for gaming, is
effects. blurring the boundaries between entertainment and edu-
The discussion on the semantic level, that starts from cational use of VR tools. Serious games represent a viable
the concept of encyclopaedia, is based on the role of the delivery system for training activities and, like stated in
perceptual system that has to cope with a non-natural Zyda (2005), it might be worth investigating the possi-
world and on the functions provided by the underlying bility of incorporating all K-12 science and math edu-
models. The adopted modelling approach drives the cation in highly immersive, addictive games – moving
understanding of the system in terms of its functions from ‘first-person shooter’ to ‘first-person education’
and operations. games. Recently, this same trend has been confirmed in
The pragmatic level is strictly linked to user’s inter- Perry (2016), where the author explains how the future
action, which is strongly influenced also by the of VR will be focused more on meeting people, and
emotional involvement of users in VR tasks, who partici- thus collaborating, rather than on playing games.
pate to a specific narration. The structure of the storytell- As future works, we intend to use the VR framework
ing is therefore part of the pragmatic nature of a VR and its dimensions to design new usability evaluation
system, as well as the focalisation of the story and the methods specialised for VR applications. We aim at
nature of the represented virtual world. designing and testing two types of methods, one predic-
From this analysis, we obtain a framework where a tive to be adopted by usability and interaction experts as
specific VR application can be located in terms of par- tool in early design phases, and one that involves users.
ameters that allow us to identify the expressive power To maintain the connection with our Semiotic perspec-
of the communication solution provided by VR. At the tive on VR and communication, we intend to capitalise
same time, the framework allows us to identify the on the existing Semiotic Engineering evaluation methods
best-suited VR applications to get a specified communi- semiotic inspection method and communicability evalu-
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to implement visualisation, interaction and modelling of and to extend them to consider not only the act of inter-
the VR application. acting with a system in a specific time and technical

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