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Art Education Lesson Plan with the OSF Standards

Your Whole Self, Portrait

Title of the lesson

Painting I (non-grade specific, but students will probably be 10-

Grade Level 12)

Mixed media, Painting, Portraiture

Area of Study

Students will create a self portrait that connects to their identity.

Students will utilize the Principles of Design into their artwork.
Students will learn how to utilize art to express themselves and
explore their identity.
Students will continue exploring different mediums and how they
VAHSPA.CR.1 Visualize and generate ideas for creating works
of art.
c. Identify artistic voice in a range of contemporary and traditional
VAHSPA.CR.2 Choose from a range of materials and methods of
traditional and contemporary artistic practices to plan and create
works of art.
a. Use sketchbook/journal to research, explore, and invent
artistic approaches to connect and express visual ideas.
b. Critique in-process works individually and collaboratively.
c. Experiment and investigate the properties of various painting
media (e.g. watercolor, acrylic, tempera, oil).
VAHSPA.CR.6 Keep an ongoing visual and verbal record to
explore and develop works of art.
a. Self-assess and write reflections on work, idea generation,
and skills progress.
b. Reflect and analyze work through self-assessment and

VAHSPA.PR.1 Plan, prepare, and present works of art for

exhibition in school, virtual environment, and/or portfolio
a. Exhibit works of art with written supporting statement(s) that
communicates context and/or intent of the works of art or

VAHSPA.RE.1 Reflect on the context of personal works of art in

relation to community, culture, and the world.
a. Consider the influences on works of art from a wide range of
contemporary and
traditional works through discussion and/or written response.
b. Investigate and discuss how the issues of time, place, and/or
culture are reflected in works of art.

VAHSPA.CN.2 Develop life skills through the study and

production of art (e.g.
collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, communication).
a. Collaborate in large and small groups with peers and
community to examine, discuss, and
plan projects.
b. Use creativity and imagination in planning and development of
c. Use critical thinking and problem solving strategies to conceive
of and develop ideas.
d. Communicate meaning and ideas through a variety of means
including visual
representations, technology, and performance.
Demonstrations – Teacher will demonstrate techniques and
clean up on a class wide and individual basis.
Project-Based Learning – Students will participate in a hands-on
project to learn new skills or techniques.
Chunking – Project and lessons will be split into concise sections
that the project length will not be overwhelming to students.
Teaching Strategies
Individualized Instruction – Teacher will assess individuals’ skills
and help those who are struggling and challenge those who are
very skilled.
Universal design for learning (UDL) - the needs and abilities of all
learners will be considered and met during every aspect of the
(For the project) Watercolor, Acrylic, Tempera, Ink, Gouache,
pencils, paper
Materials (For sketchbook pages) paper, glue, pens, watercolor, markers,
collage materials, or anything from around the classroom

Photoshop, InDesign, phones, computers, printers, Microsoft

Tools/Technology Word

Gridding, Photoshop, InDesign


Students will write a reflection on their artwork as well as a self

analysis in the final aspect of their project. They will also write out
Language Support
definitions and things they identify with as a sketchbook activity.
They are encouraged to take notes and brainstorm ideas as well.

To introduce the project, we will create a sketchbook page that

has to do with identity. This also serves as a good break
between projects. Some of the prompts I would give them are:
• Are there any colors you identify with?
• Are there any patterns you identify with?
• Are there any objects, animals, or symbols that you
identify with?
• What parts of your culture mean the most to you?
• What things symbolize the people you really care about?
• What are characteristics of places you find safe (colors,
Introduction sounds, objects)?
The sketchbook page must be filled completely, and students
must you 2 or more materials.

Next, we will introduce gridding. Students will find three portraits

on the Internet, use Photoshop to crop & grid them, and print
them in three different scales. They will print one smaller than the
paper they are working on, one the same size, and one bigger.
This allows them to practice drawing portraits on different scales.
They will only be doing line drawings for the practice. They must
also create a sketchbook spread with these drawings and printed
photos to keep these practices for the future.
Next, the project will be introduced. We will discuss the Firelei
Baez and how they use mixed wet media to make their artworks.
Students will be given requirements for the project:
Must include: 2 different wet media (watercolor, gouache, ink,
acrylic, tempera), cohesive color pallet,
Students must choose at least 3 of the following (the chosen
things must relate to their identity sketchbook page):
People in your life (or symbols of them)
Favorite places
Cultural connection

Students will take pictures of themselves with the back camera of

their phone. This is because it will be better quality and a more
accurate representation of them. They can do this in or outside of
Students will then utilize Photoshop to crop and grid their portrait.
Their portrait must be at least on a paper that is 12x12, therefore
the printed gridded photograph will have to be the same size or
smaller than the paper they are using (anything bigger would use
too much paper). Students will choose what kind of paper is best
for the materials with want to use and cut it to the size they need.
Next, they will grid their paper and start work on the sketch.
During the sketch they will add any symbols, objects, patterns,
etc. they choose to include.

Students will be given 2 weeks to draw and paint their portraits.

During this time, they will be given in-progress critique by the
instructor and their peers.
For the final aspect of the project is to take a picture and edit it in
Photoshop. They will also utilize InDesign to create an artist
statement page. This will include a written aspect reflecting on
their artwork, the materials they used, what they learned, and
how they included their culture and/or identity in their artwork.
They must fill the whole page and it must tie into their artwork.
Instruction wise, students will be given videos, handouts, and
offered individualized instruction for how to use InDesign.

Students will also participate in a critique at the end of the

InDesign aspect of their project. They will present their page to
the class and then other students will comment on it. They will be
given prompts to help guide the critique. Each student must
engage 3 times during the critique time.

Accommodations/Differentiations for Special Needs

The ADHD student will be given frequent reminders to stay on

task if necessary. They will also be given videos, printed, and
digital resources to help them stay on task and process the
information. They will be allowed to utilize music, headphones, or
any other technology they need to help them focus (as long as it
does not distract them). They will also be offered a silent space
to work. Finally, students can have an extension to any part of
the process if they need it.
Verbal and visual instructions will be provided including
demonstrations and visual references for vocabulary and
examples of the project. Additionally, there will be time set aside
Students who have
in class for students to ask questions. Students will be able to
use Word and any spelling/grammatical issues for their reflection.
They will also be given extra time for written aspects of the
project if needed.
ESL students will be given a lot of visual imagery in
presentations as well as demos. They will also be offered video
resources for editing software and camera settings in English or
their first language if needed. ESL students are encouraged, but
not expected to verbally engage in the critique aspect of the
project. They are also encouraged to write their reflection in
English and encouraged to use word to help with
grammatical/spelling mistakes.
For the advanced students there are multiple ways to make the
project more engaging for them. They can choose to do their
Students need extra project on a bigger paper, they can include more elements in
accommodations their drawing, they can use more materials, or they can do a
more difficult pose for their portrait.

Criteria Ratings
5 4 3 2 1
Experimentation Shows obvious Shows evidence Shows evidence Shows modest Shows very little
decision-making of decision- of decision- decision-making evidence of
that Involves making that making and and evidence of investigation,
highly successful involves evidence of experimentation experimentation,
experimentation successful experimentation and for risk and/or risk-
and /or risk experimentation and/or risk taking that is taking
and /or risk taking that is not always
taking in many not always successful
places successful

Principles of Clearly uses the Clearly uses the Shows basic use Limited Shows no
Design principles of principles of of the principles evidence of the evidence of
design to create design to create of design, principles of understanding
an innovative a successful missing some design in the principles of
and engaging composition elements to be relation to design in relation
composition completely composition to composition
assessments Technical Skills Technical Technical Demonstrates Shows minimal Shows little
competence is competence is good technical use of media technical
consistently strong: competence range and/or proficiency with
evident: Materials and and use of technical skills materials and
Materials and media are used media: Limited are lacking techniques
media are used well to express range in the use
in a broad range ideas of medium
to effectively
express ideas
Student Voice Clearly shows Shows a strong Student’s Student’s Little or no
the student’s sense of the “voice” is “voice” is evidence of
“voice” with student’s discernible: minimal, ideas student’s
original Ideas “voice”: Ideas Some evidence are unoriginal “voice”: artwork
and/or are mostly of new or is directly copied
complexity original and/or modified ideas from another’s
given to simple complex work
This will be the rubric for the painting
Will be graded out of 20 points.
The sketchbook pages will be used to monitor the creativity of students
and how well they understand the class/concepts of the units.

The final InDesign spread will be used to assess how well students
Formative understood the analysis part of the unit, as well as how well they can
assessments articulate their own ideas and processes.

The teacher will compile project assessments for each class and assess
students’ understanding of the vocabulary and concepts and identify any
failure to communicate concepts properly. The teacher will also compile
Plans to written reflections to see how well students understood and connected to
analyze the the theme of the project. The teacher will also take notes on the art itself
data and use and what skills students may need to work on. These evaluations will be
the results used to build the next projects as well as reflect on past projects and the
flow/progress of the classes.

Communication Strategies

• Verbal and written instructions (both printed and digital versions of written
• In-class demonstrations
• Check-in with each student during the process
• Guided help
• Discussions on etiquette and clean up skills during project if necessary
• Videos and step-by step instructions for editing software
• Post best artworks in the hall
• Discussions with ESL teacher about best practices
• Discussions with councilors about emotional/behavioral issues if necessary
• Provide parents with students rubric evaluation for project
• Provide parents with updated grades through the grading system
• Send project home with students after it is done being displayed at school, or
after it is graded
• Discuss any behavioral problems with parents, teachers, and councilors if
something comes up

Artworks referenced:
Firelei Baez, “Fragrant with dawn and dew”
Firelei Baez, “A place of respite”


Gridding - dividing an image into a series of smaller, more manageable sections using a

Project Rubric
Criteria Ratings
5 4 3 2 1
Experimentation Shows obvious Shows evidence of Shows evidence of Shows modest Shows very little
decision-making decision-making decision-making decision-making evidence of
that Involves highly that involves and evidence of and evidence of investigation,
successful successful experimentation experimentation experimentation
experimentation experimentation with materials and with materials and with materials and
and /or risk taking and /or risk taking concepts and/or risk concepts that is not concepts, and/or
with materials and taking that is not always successful risk-taking
with materials and
concepts always successful

Principles of Design Clearly uses the Clearly uses the Shows basic use of Limited evidence of Shows no evidence
principles of design principles of design the principles of the principles of of understanding the
to create an to create a design, missing design in relation to principles of design
innovative and successful some elements to composition in relation to
engaging composition be completely composition
composition successful

Technical Skills Technical Technical Demonstrates good Shows minimal use Shows little technical
competence in competence in technical of media range proficiency with
painting materials is painting materials is competence in and/or technical painting materials
consistently strong: Materials painting materials skills in painting and techniques
evident: Materials and media are used and use of media: materials are
and media are used well to express Limited range in the lacking
in a broad range to ideas use of medium
effectively express
Student Voice Clearly shows the Shows a strong Student’s “voice” is Student’s “voice” is Little or no evidence
student’s “voice” sense of the discernible: Some minimal, ideas are of student’s “voice”:
with original Ideas student’s “voice”: evidence of new or unoriginal artwork is directly
and/or complexity Ideas are mostly modified ideas copied from
given to simple original and/or another’s work
ideas complex


Farrington, C. A., et al. (2019, June). Arts education and social-emotional learning outcomes
among K-12 students. UChicago Consortium on School Research.

This report discusses the relationship between art education and social-emotional
learning in K-12 schools. I specifically looked at a case study example they gave about a Graffiti
and Identity project in an elementary school classroom. The teacher recognized that the Latino
students in the classrooms had a hard time the previous year because of immigration issues,
and they needed a place to feel safe in their identity. They chose a word or statement that
reflected something they were feeling. This allowed them to have a voice and feel more
comfortable opening and exploring their identity further. This text is an important example of
how intercultural lessons can help to encourage students to explore themselves and their
identity in a safe space. This lesson plan is focused on identity, but rooted in an artist that
explores multi-cultural themes. This is like the elementary school project in the report. It
focuses on something important to multiple cultural identities and connecting it to one’s own

Evaluation Rubric

Evaluation Elements OSF Standards CACMA Elements

1. Content
Instructional planning 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10

2. Alignment
Objectives and standards 1
3. Objectives

Procedures (introduction, process,

1, 3 4. Procedures

5. Engagement
Professional teaching strategies 3, 7, 8, 9
6. Communication

5. Engagement
Communication strategies 7, 8, 9, 10
6. Communication
Technology 3, 4, 10, 11

Accommodations/differentiations for
4 7. Modification
students’ needs

Assessments 5, 6 8. Assessments

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