Measuring Financial and Economic Risk With Fred SE

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PAGE ONE Economics Data Primer

Measuring Financial and

Economic Risk with FRED®
Diego Mendez-Carbajo, Ph.D., Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Coupon payment: The monthly or annual interest “In order to effectively monitor market developments and systemic risks, it is
payment that the bondholder receives from crucial that regulators across jurisdictions and countries share data on a con-
the bond’s issue date until the bond matures. sistent and regular basis.”
Default: The failure to promptly pay interest or —Janet L. Yellen1
principal when due.
Face value: The value printed on the face of a
stock, bond, or other financial instrument or
Index: A number used to represent the change in
value of a magnitude (frequently a price level) FRED® (Federal Reserve Economic Data) provides access to a wide range
between a base date and a different date. An of time-series data. Several of those series signal stress levels in financial
index typically has a value of 100 on the base
date. markets and the probability of economic recession. This article describes
Maturity (of bonds): The period during which a indexes of financial and economic recession risk to new data users and
bond makes coupon payments. At maturity, can serve as a reference to advanced data users.
the face value of the bond is paid. Maturity
may be expressed as years, months, or weeks.
Option: A contract to buy or sell a specific finan- Introduction
cial product, known as the underlying instru- The data on economic and financial conditions accessible through FRED®
ment, at a pre-specified price.
Recession: A period of declining real income and
come from many sources, for example, federal government departments
rising unemployment; significant decline in such as the U.S. Treasury and private corporations such as Moody’s Investors
general economic activity extending over a Service. FRED® presents the data produced by organizations and individuals
period of time.
“as is”—that is, exactly as provided by the source. The Federal Reserve Bank
Spread: The difference in value between two prices,
interest rates, or yields. of St. Louis transforms some of those data into indexes and spreads. This
Stylized fact: An economic phenomenon consis- article provides a description of several of these indicators of economic
tently described by data but not systematically and financial conditions, their interpretation, and their construction.
defined by theory.
Time series: A collection of observations of data
obtained through repeated measurements over Financial Risk
All buyers of bonds are exposed to some degree of default risk. Default is
Treasuries: The collective name for the bills, bonds,
and notes issued by the U.S. Treasury on behalf
the failure to promptly pay interest or principal on a bond when due. There
of the federal government. are several ways to measure market participants’ subjective assessment of
Unemployment rate: The percentage of the labor default risk.
force that is willing and able to work, does not
currently have a job, and is actively looking for
employment. Financial Risk Measured as a Difference Between Yields
Volatility: Sudden or large change in the price of The difference between the yields of bonds with different risk characteris-
an asset.
tics—a risk spread—varies with the perceived default risk of each bond. A
Yield: The average return from owning a bond.
Yield depends on the price paid for the bond, bond’s yield, or return to maturity, depends on its price, coupon payments,
its coupon payments, and the time to maturity. and time to maturity. Bonds are bought and sold at different prices after
Yield curve: A graph that shows the yields of they are issued. Because a bond’s maturity, coupon payments, and face
bonds with different maturity dates.

Data Primer: September 2020 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis |
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Figure 1
The TED Spread

SOURCE: FRED®, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;, accessed May 29, 2020.

value are fixed, the price and yield are inversely related. The TED spread has always been positive because banks
When demand for a bond is high, the price rises and the are riskier borrowers than the U.S. Treasury. A change in
yield falls. that perception is unlikely to occur. Note that the latest
value of the series accessible in FRED® is not up to date,
The U.S. Treasury issues bonds on behalf of the federal
because the LIBOR data are released with a one-week
government, and these bonds are also known as
delay due to an agreement with the source.
Treasuries. Treasuries are considered to have extremely
low risk of default and tend to attract risk-averse investors. The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis creates the TED
spread series from data reported by ICE (Intercontinental
The FRED® graph in Figure 1 shows the “TED spread,”
Exchange) Benchmark Administration Limited (IBA) and
that is, the spread between the 3-month London Interbank
the U.S. Treasury.
Offered Rate (LIBOR) and the yield on the 3-month
Treasury bill. The 3-month LIBOR is the interest rate at Learn more: “TED on FRED®”; https://fredblog.stlouis-
which major banks lend to each other in the London (Federal Reserve Bank of
market for a period of three months. A Treasury bill is a St. Louis FRED® Blog, July 7, 2016).
Treasury bond maturing in three months.
PAGE ONE Economics®: Data Primer Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis | 3

Figure 2
Moody’s Seasoned Baa Corporate Bond Yield Relative to Yield on 10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity

SOURCE: FRED®, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;, accessed May 29, 2020.

Figure 3
ICE BofA U.S. High-Yield Index Option-Adjusted Spread

SOURCE: FRED®, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;, accessed May 29, 2020.

The FRED® graphs in Figure 2 and Figure 3 show the dif- assigned by Moody’s Investors Service to bonds with
ference in yield between corporate bonds with some moderate default risk.
default risk and Treasury bonds of comparable maturities.
The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis creates the Baa-
Figure 2 shows the Baa-Treasury spread; that is, the Treasury spread series from data on these bonds reported
spread on Moody’s Seasoned Baa Corporate Bonds and by Moody’s Investors Service and the U.S. Treasury,
10-Year Treasury constant maturity bonds. Baa is a rating respectively.
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Figure 3 shows the options-adjusted “high-yield” Treasury bond issuers imply a higher probability that some firms
spread; that is, the spread on an options-­adjusted spread may fail to make interest payments on their debt. Not
index of high-yield bonds and Treasury bond yields. An surprisingly, because lower-rated bonds offer higher
option-adjusted spread index is the measurement of yields, their spreads tend to be larger.
the difference in yield between a corporate bond that
ICE Data Indices creates the ICE BofA U.S. High-Yield Index
includes an option and a Treasury bond. An option is a
Option-Adjusted Spread with data from multiple sources
contract to buy or sell a specific financial product, known
and the U.S. Treasury.
as the underlying instrument, at a pre-specified price.
“High-yield” is a rating assigned by ICE BofA (Bank of Learn more: “The Corporate Bond Credit Spread
America) to bonds with high default risk (and thus rela- Puzzle”;
tively lower ratings). lications/economic letter/2008/march/corpo-
rate-bond-credit-spread/ (Christensen, Jens. Federal
Figure 2 and Figure 3 illustrate that default risk tends to
Reserve Bank of San Francisco Economic Letter, March 14,
rise before and during recessions. At those times, slower
economic growth and weaker growth of earnings by

Figure 4

SOURCE: FRED®, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;, accessed May 29, 2020.

Financial Risk Measured as an Index Rising values signify increasing financial market stress,
Another way to measure financial risk is through an while falling values signify declining financial market
index that summarizes market conditions such as price stress. The Chicago Board Options Exchange produces
volatility, investors’ uncertainty, or indicators of default the VIX with a formula based on stock option prices.
risk. Learn more: “Financial Conditions Indexes”;
The FRED® graph in Figure 4 shows the Chicago Board
Options Exchange Volatility Index® (VIX). This popular ic-synopses/2017/11/03/financial-conditions-indexes/
index uses S&P 500® index option prices to measure (Reinbold, Brian and Restrepo-Echavarria, Paulina.
market expectations of near-term volatility. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic Synopses,
2017, No. 17).
PAGE ONE Economics®: Data Primer Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis | 5

Figure 5
St. Louis Fed Financial Stress Index

SOURCE: FRED®, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;, accessed May 29, 2020.

The FRED® graph in Figure 5 shows the St. Louis Fed market stress, while values above zero suggest above-­
Financial Stress Index. This index measures the degree average financial market stress. The Federal Reserve
of financial stress in the markets and is constructed from Bank of St. Louis calculates the index using data reported
18 weekly data series: seven interest rate series, six yield by multiple organizations.
spreads, and five other indicators. Each of these variables
Learn more: “Disentangling Diverse Measures: A Survey
captures some aspect of financial stress. Accordingly, as
of Financial Stress Indexes”; https://research.stlouisfed.
the level of financial stress in the economy changes,
these data series are likely to move together.
The index is constructed so that its average value is (Kliesen, Kevin; Owyang, Michael T. and Vermann, E.
zero, which represents normal financial market conditions. Katarina. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review,
Values below zero suggest below-average financial September/October 2012, 94(5), pp. 369-97).
PAGE ONE Economics®: Data Primer Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis | 6

Figure 6
Real-Time Sahm Rule Recession Indicator

SOURCE: FRED®, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;, accessed May 29, 2020.

Economic Recession Risk This indicator is based on “real-time” data, that is, the
Economic activity undergoes periodic but irregular busi- unemployment rate (and the recent history of unemploy-
ness cycles. The alternating periods of economic expan- ment rates) available in a given month. The BLS regularly
sion and contraction impact the production of goods reports the monthly unemployment rate a week after the
and services, employment, and price levels. Contractions month is over. The source of the Sahm Rule Recession
in economic activity are called recessions. Economic Indicator is the economist Claudia Sahm, who creates
researchers have proposed several indexes to identify the index using BLS data.
the start of a recession. Learn more: “FRED® Adds Sahm Rule Recession Indicators”;
The FRED® graph in Figure 6 shows the Sahm Rule
Recession Indicator. This index has signaled the start of news/fred-adds-sahm-rule-recession-indicators (Federal
a recession when the three-month moving average of Reserve Bank of St. Louis Research News, n.d.).
the national unemployment rate reported by the Bureau
of Labor statistics (BLS) has risen by 0.50 percentage
points or more relative to its low during the previous 12
PAGE ONE Economics®: Data Primer Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis | 7

Figure 7

SOURCE: FRED®, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;, accessed May 29, 2020.

The FRED® graph in Figure 7 shows the Weekly Economic The WEI is scaled to a four-quarter GDP (gross domestic
Index (WEI), which is composed of 10 weekly economic product) growth rate: For example, if the WEI reads –2
indicators: Redbook same-store sales; the Rasmussen percent for an entire quarter, one would expect GDP
Consumer Index; new claims for unemployment insur- that quarter to be 2 percent lower than a year ago. The
ance; continued claims for unemployment insurance; economists Daniel J. Lewis, Karel Mertens, and James H.
adjusted income/employment tax withholdings (from Stock produce the series from data reported by multiple
Booth Financial Consulting); railroad traffic originated organizations.
(from the Association of American Railroads); the
Learn more: “FRED® Adds Weekly Economic Index from
American Staffing Association Staffing Index; steel pro-
Daniel Lewis, Karel Mertens, and James Stock”; https://
duction; wholesale sales of gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel;
and the weekly average U.S. electricity load (with remain-
ing data supplied by Haver Analytics). The year-over-year
james-stock/ (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Research
percentage changes in these series are combined into a
News, April 20, 2020).
single index of weekly economic activity—the WEI.
PAGE ONE Economics®: Data Primer Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis | 8

Figure 8
Yield on 10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Minus Yield on 2-Year Treasury Constant Maturity

SOURCE: FRED®, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;, accessed May 29, 2020.

Figure 9
Yield on 10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Minus Yield on 3-Month Treasury Constant Maturity

SOURCE: FRED®, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;, accessed May 29, 2020.

The Inverted Yield Curve as the “slope of the yield curve.” The yield curve is a
An economic phenomenon consistently described by graph that shows the yields of bonds with different matu-
data but not systematically defined by theory is called a rity dates. The value of that slope can be approximated
“stylized fact.” Historically, the values of some financial by calculating the “term premium” between bonds with
indicators have reliably predicted changes in broad different maturity dates, that is, the difference in yield
economic conditions. One of those indicators is known between bonds of different maturities.
PAGE ONE Economics®: Data Primer Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis | 9

The FRED® graph in Figure 8 shows the difference in Summary

yield between Treasuries maturing in 10 years and Several FRED® time series signal stress levels in financial
Treasuries maturing in 2 years. Because longer-maturity markets and probabilities of economic recession. This
bonds usually offer higher yields than shorter-maturity article has described those series, their interpretations,
bonds, the line is usually above the horizontal axis at and their sources. n
zero. When the yield curve inverts, the 2-year yield is
greater than the 10-year yield and the term premium Learn more: Check the latest values of the time series
becomes negative. Historically, such an inversion has described above in the following FRED® Dashboard:
predicted a recession in about a year. The graph also
illustrates the correlation between the inverted yield
curve and the onset of economic recessions (the shaded Note
areas) in the United States. 1 Yellen, Janet. “Interconnectedness and Systemic Risk: Lessons from the Financial
Crisis and Policy Implications.” Speech at the American Economic Association/
The FRED® graph in Figure 9 shows a similar phenomenon American Finance Association Joint Luncheon, San Diego, CA, January 4, 2013;
by comparing the difference between Treasuries matur-

ing in 10 years and 3 months.

Additional Resources
The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis calculates the differ- Famiglietti, Matthew, and Garriga, Carlos. “Predicting the Yield Curve Inversions
ences in these bond yields based on data reported by that Predict Recessions: Part 1.” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic
Synopses, 2019, No. 9;
the U.S. Treasury.
Learn more: “Should We Fear the Inverted Yield Curve”;
Guidolin, Massimo, and Tam, Yu Man. “Is the Financial Crisis Over? A Yield Spread Perspective.” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic Synopses, 2009, No. 40;
curve (Mendez-Carbajo, Diego. Federal Reserve Bank of
Martin, Fernando. “Economic Realities and Consequences of the COVID-19
St. Louis Page One Economics®, December 2019). Pandemic—Part I: Financial Markets and Monetary Policy.” Federal Reserve Bank
of St. Louis Economic Synopses, 2020, No. 10;
Mizrach, Bruce, and Neely, Christopher J. “Secondary Market Corporate Credit
Facility Supports Main Street.” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic
Synopses, 2020, No. 17;
Mizrach, Bruce, and Neely, Christopher J. “Fed Intervention in the To-Be-
Announced Market for Mortgage-Backed Securities.” Federal Reserve Bank of St.
Louis Economic Synopses, 2020, No. 19;
Neely, Christopher J. “Using Implied Volatility to Measure Uncertainty About
Interest Rates.” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, May/June 2005, 87(3),
pp. 407-25;

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© 2020, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect official positions of the Federal Reserve Bank
of St. Louis or the Federal Reserve System.

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