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Chigorodo, November 4th 2023

Edilberto: Welcoming parents, students and introducing the hostess.

Welcoming Reflection and prayer by Melissa Sanchez Cuesta and Laura Camila
Alvarez Cartagena.
Program hosted by Valentina Pereira Martinez and Daniel Gonzalez Correa.

VP: 1st. Colombian National Anthem. Please stand up.

VP: 2nd. Antioquia´s Anthem. Please stand up

DG: “That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you’ve

understood all your life, but in a new way.” Doris Lessing

DG: 3rd. Introducing the Main Board:

Mr. Jaider Álvarez Gómez, Top Headed Manager.

Mrs. Adriana Franco, Academical Secretary.

Mrs. Lina Gallon, Administrative Top Headed

Mr. Edilberto Espitia Galvis, English Teacher

VP: “The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you.”
B.B. King
VP: 4th. Opening words by our top headed manager Mr. Jaider Álvarez

DG: “You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling

over.” — Richard Branson

DG: 5th. Sing alone by Mileth Narvaez Gómez….

VP: “Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes

life meaningful” --- Joshua Marine.

VP: 6th. Acknowledgment words by Jholman Charriz Córdoba and Alison

Ramirez Arias.

DG: “One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-

confidence is preparation”. ARTHUR ASHE.

DG: 7th. Role Play. “The flirting Secretary” by María Clara Ramírez, Sebastián

Palacios Peña, Vladimir Viloria López, Juan David Marín Rivas, Iván Pino

Durango and María José Arango Ríos.

VP: 8th. Singing time by Santiago Escobar…………..

VP: 9th. Poem by Navis Patricia Silgado Garcia………

DG: 10th. Farewell words by Ulda Paz Cuesta and Alejandra Montoya Rivera.

E: 11th. Handout Certificate Act Reading by our academical secretary Adriana


E: 12th .Students´ Oath by……

E: 13th. Handout Certificate.

E: 14th. Toss and snack time.

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