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The role of learning climate in building organizational resilience – A

study on Bangladesh
Part 1 Demographics
1. Which industry sector does your firm belong to? Please select from the list below.

• Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing • Bank, Financial and Insurance Services

• Mining • Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services
• Manufacturing • Professional, Scientific and Technical Services
• Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services • Administrative and Support Services
• Construction • Public Administration and Safety
• Wholesale Trade • Education and Training
• Retail Trade • Health Care and Social Assistance
• Accommodation and Food Services • Arts and Recreation Services
• Transport, Postal and Warehousing • Other Services (please specify) __________________
• Information Media and Telecommunications
2. How long have you been working for this organization? ____ Years____ Months
3. What is your role or job title in this organization? ______________________________
4. Biological Sex  Male  Female
5. Age

 18-25 years old  26-34 years old  35-44 years old  45-54 years old
 55-64 years old  65 and above

6. Highest level of education attainment

 No formal education  Primary school  High school  Diploma/Certificate

 University undergraduate  University post-graduate  PhD  Others

Part 2 Learning Climate

Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following
statements with respect to your learning climate in the organization during this Strongly Strongly
pandemic time. disagree Neutral agree
My organization has provided appealing educational facilities (resources) during this       
pandemic time.
My organization has provided sufficient resources to develop my competences during this       
pandemic time.
In my organization, one has received the trainings he/she needed during the pandemic time.       
In my organization, employees who continuously developed themselves professionally, were       
being rewarded during the pandemic time.
Employees got quickly promoted here, if they engaged in continuous professional       
development during the pandemic time.
In my organization, employees who have made effort to learn new things, earned appreciation       
and respect during the pandemic time.
In my organization, one is afraid to admit mistakes during this pandemic time.       
In my organization, employees do not dare to discuss mistakes during this pandemic time.       
In my organization, employees are anxious to openly discuss work-related problems during       
this pandemic time.
Part 3 Employee’s acquired knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics
Thinking about COVID-19 and its impact on your work in the organization, please
indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements with Strongly Strongly
respect to your work related development. disagree Neutral agree
I have developed new skills, which enable me to do my work more efficiently during this
pandemic time.
      
I have obtained new knowledge about how to conduct my work tasks better during this
pandemic time.
      
I have obtained new competences, which help me to achieve my work goals more accurately
during this pandemic time.
      
I have obtained new competences, which help me to function better at my work during this
pandemic time.
      

Part 4 Organizational resilience

Thinking about COVID-19 and its impact on your work at the organization, please Strongly Strongly
indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. disagree Neutral agree
This organisation has worked on creating awareness of the pandemic and the consequences of
the pandemic on the business.
      
This organisation analyses and assesses the impact of the pandemic on the business.       
Since the beginning of the pandemic, this organisation is trying to improve its disruption
prevention capabilities.
      
This organisation is currently engaged in contingency planning to prepare for potential future
disruptions due to the pandemic.
      
This organisation was able to quickly recognize that there is a threatening situation due to the
      
This organisation is able to gather and interpret information cues to gauge the magnitude,
location, and cause of the pandemic.
      
This organisation is able to quickly identify, formulate, and evaluate a set of possible
responses to the pandemic.
      
This organisation is able to quickly implement responses and restore business standards to
minimize business impact of the pandemic.
      
This organisation can quickly organize a formal response team of key personnel to find
solutions to business issues caused by the pandemic.
      
This organisation has an effective communication strategy internally and externally for
managing the impacts of the pandemic.
      
This organisation is very successful at dealing with crises, including addressing public
relations issues that can arise from this pandemic.
      
This organisation has taken immediate action to mitigate the effects of the pandemic despite
the short-term costs.
      

Part 5 Informal learning

Thinking about COVID-19 and its impact on your work at the organization, please
indicate to what extent you do the following activities to improve your learning in the Every
organization. Never Sometimes time
I reflect about how to improve my performance during the pandemic time.       
I experiment with new ways of performing my work during the pandemic time.       
I use trial and error strategies to learn and better perform during the pandemic time.       
I interact with a mentor to learn during the pandemic time.       
I interact with my supervisors to learn during the pandemic time.       
Thinking about COVID-19 and its impact on your work at the organization, please
indicate to what extent you do the following activities to improve your learning in the Every
organization. Never Sometimes time
I interact with my peers to learn during the pandemic time.       
I read professional magazines and vendor publications to learn.       
I search the Internet for job relevant information.       
I read management books to learn.       
Part 6 Social capital
Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with each statement that Strongly Strongly
applies to the employees of your organisation during this pandemic time disagree Neutral agree
In this organisation,       
….employees spend time together in social occasions with each other.       
…. employees maintain a close social relationship with each other.       
…. employees know each other at the personal level.       
…. employees communicate frequently with each other outside of their working relationship.       
…. employees know people from this organisation will always try to help each other out if       
they get into difficulties.
…. employees can always trust people from this organisation to lend them a hand if they need       
…. employees can always rely on people from this organisation to make their job easier.       
…. employees always agree on what is important at work.       
…. employees always share similar ambitions and vision at work.       
…. employees are always enthusiastic about pursing the collective goals and vision of this       


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