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Indian Maritime University (A Central University, Govt of India) End Semester Examinations - June 2023 Programme Name: DNS Semester: _II__ Subject Code: _UD11T5203. Subject Name: __ CARGO HANDLING, STOWAGE & SEAMANSHIP II__ Date: 22.05.2023 Max Marks: 70 Duration: 03 Hrs Pass Marks: 35 Section A Multiple choice questions / Fill in the Blanks / True or False (10 x 1 mark = 10 Marks) 1, Tankscope is used to measure following gas A) Chlorine B) Ammonia C) Hydrocarbon D) Hydrogen 2. What is standard length of a container A) 20 feet B) 30feet C) 25feet D) 22feet 3. Which of the cargo may liquefy? A) Steel Plates B) Billets C) HRC D) pond coal 4, COSWP book is related to A) cargo work B) cargo operation C) safety related D) tanker 5. Which one is a part of windlass A) wire B) Rope C) Jib D) Gypsy 6. Length of one shackle of anchor chain is. 7. Applyinga___ is a temporary method of shortening the length of a Rope 8. BLU code is an acronym for 9. IMDG code has classes 10. A combination ladder is used for pilot operations for ships when the freeboard is more than meter Section B Answer the following briefly: (5 x 2 marks = 10 marks) 11. What is a submersible pump? 12. Write safety precautions in rigging gangway ladder 13. What are the hazards associated with high density bulk cargoes? 14, Explain briefly Stack weights 15. What is the meaning of term “Anchor aweigh".? Section C (Answer any 5 out of 7 Questions) 16. What is Positive Displacement Pump its Principle, Precautions & advantages? Give two examples. (10 marks) 17. (2x5 = 10 Marks) a) The main hazards related to a crude oil tanker ship are: b) Define following terms in anchor work (with sketch where applicable) 1. Brought up 2. A cockbill 3. Anchor aweigh 4. Foul hawse 5. Anchor dragging 18. (2x 5 = 10 Marks) 19. 20. 21. 22. a) Write a short note on cargo securing manual and its contents b) What are precautions to be taken during an entry into enclosed space? (2x 5 = 10 Marks) a) List any 5 lashing gears used for securing containers on deck? b) Name the tests used to check the water tight integrity of cargo hold Hatch Covers.? (2x 5 = 10 Marks) a) Explain use of ANY 5 types of slings. ) What do codes A, P, R mean in this check list? How will you keep cargo watch on general cargo vessel as duty officer? (10 Marks) (2x 5 = 10 Marks) a) Explain safe bunkering practices carried out on deck b) Describe different types of Ro-Ro ship and explain Ventilation requirement on Ro-Pax vessel Indian Maritime University (A Central University, Govt of India) End Semester Examinations ~ June 2023 Programme Name: DNS Semester: 2 Subject Code: UD11T5205 Subject Name: MARPOL & Marine Engineering Knowledge Date: 26.05.2023 Max Marks: 70 Duration: 03 Hrs Pass Marks: 35 General Instructions (i) All Sections (A, B & C) are to be attempted. (ii) Options, if any, are specified in respective section. Section A Ten MCQs/Fill in the Blanks of 01 Mark each - Choose the correct answer as applicable. 1. The regulation number for MARPOL Annex 6 for the control of NOx is (a) 12 (b) 15 (c) 14 (d) 13 2. A non-positive displacement pump is a. (Reciprocating pump; Gear pump; Centrifugal pump; Screw pump) 3. A ship's oil record book is held on board for a minimum of ____ years from the date of last entry. (2, 5, 3, 4) 4, Ballast Water Exchange must be carried out at a distance of from the nearest land. (12NM; SONM, 200NM, 3NM) 5. The compressed air stored in bottles on a ship Is at a pressure of (a) 7bar (b) 12bar — (c) 15bar — (d)._ 30bar 6. VOC stands for 7. UMS stands for . 8. MARPOL Annex ___ is meant for prevention of pollution by Garbage from ships. 9. Generator on ship's are having stroke engine, 10.The full form of SMPEP Section B Five Questions of 02 Marks each 11, What is the full form of SOPEP & PSSA? 12. State the difference between 2-stroke and 4-stroke diesel engines. 13. Short notes on Garbage Record Book. 14. What are the two main methods of producing freshwater from seawater used on board? 15. Define Sewage as per Annex IV of MARPOL. Section C Seven Questions of 10 Marks each of which any 05 questions to be answered. 16. List the contents of a ship's SOPEP Locker. 17. AA -What are the four categorization of noxious liquid substances? (5m) BB - Briefly explain P and A Manual (Annex 2). What are the harmful effects of NOx in the atmosphere? (5m) 18. List the different types of steering gears fitted on ships. What is follow-up and non-follow up? Explain. 19. As per Annex 3 what are the requirements for the packaging, marking, and labelling of containers carrying the harmful substances? 20. (a) List the uses of steam on a cargo ship. (Sm) (b) Sketch and Label a Water tube boiler. (5m) 21. Enumerate the sources of pollution by sewage from ships. 22. List the Dangers Associated With Hydraulic Systems. Indian Mari ime University (A Central University, Govt of India) End Semester Examinations - June 2023 Programme Name: DNS Semester: II Subject Code: UD11T5206 Subject Name: Emergencies, Maritime Communication and Commercial Shipping Knowledge Date: 29.05.2023 Max Marks: 70 Duration: 03 Hrs Pass Marks: 35 General Instructions (i) All Sections (A, B & C) are to be attempted. (ii) Options, if any, are specified in respective section. QP setters to specify the following as applicable:- (iii) Tables (Steam/Log/Nautical Almanac etc) that can be used. (iv) Chart Work Booklets to be used, (v) Any other tables/charts to be used. Section A Objective questions; Fill in the blank, objective types and True or False: (Marks 1x 10 = 10) Qt Q2. Q3. a4 Qs. 6. Q7. Qs. Qe. Qu Fly is the length of the flag, measured from the staff to the flag's outside edge. (T/F) Operation of emergency bilge pump is an essential task for each drill (T/F) External DSC Test Call is made on monthly basis. (T/F) SOLAS deals with ILO conventions. (T/F) How many line throwing apparatus (LTA) are there on bridge. a) Two - 2 b) Three-3 c) Four-4 d) Five-5 BIMCO stands for Ship-owner employs for handling ships affairs in the port. For the purpose of GMDSS, area that lies between 70 N to North Pole is called . . A light cotton or woollen cloth used for making flags 0. ILO stands for Short Questions: (Marks 2 x 5 = 10 Marks) Q11. Write a short note on EPIRB. Q12. Differentiate between Liner and Tramp trade. Q13. Write the meaning of the following: A. Tack line B. Halyard Q14. Describe shipboard Emergency preparedness? Q15. What are statutory requirements for Abandon ship drills? Section C Seven Questions of 10 Marks each of which any 05 questions to be answered. 16. a, Explain use of a Drill planner. b. List essential tasks to be carried out during an emergency drill. Q17. Draw the following flags and explain their meanings: aya b)Q c) U d)Y Q18. Explain the abbreviation and purpose of the following: a) IMO b) ILO c) IACS d) OCIMF Q19. a) Define Sea Area Ai, A2 and A3 as per GMDSS? b) Explain relationship between Shipper and Broker Q20. Explain the procedure for launching a Life-raft by; a) Manual launching of life-raft. b) Automatic launching of life-raft (float-free). Q21. What is a “Fall Preventer device” (FPD)? Explain the use of Fall Preventer Device (FPD) on a lifeboat? Q22. a) Write a note on types of ports. b) List all the FFA equipment carried on board ship. Indian Maritime University (A Central University, Govt. of India) End Semester Examinations ~ June 2023 Programme Name: DNS Semester: Second Subject Code: UD11T5201 Subject Name: NAVIGATION III: NAVIGATION & CHARTWORK Date: 31.05.2023 Max Marks: 70 Duration: 03 Hrs. Pass Marks: 35 eneral Instr‘ (i) __ All Sections (A, B & C) are to be attempted. All the questions are compulsory. (ii) Use BA Chart 2675 or INT 5049 (English Channel) for Chart work (ili) Norrie’s Tables, Nautical Almanac permitted. (iv) Non-programmable Scientific calculators permitted. (v)__ Exam Centres to provide ‘Luminous Range Diagram’ and ‘Tide Curve Diagram’ (from ATT 3) to candidates as applicable. Section A (Al i ce 01 Choose the correct answer (10 x 1 mark = 10 marks) 1. Inferior planets cannot come in with the Sun. a. Superior Conjunction c. Inferior Conjunction b. Opposition d. All of these 2. Unequal distribution of days & nights on earth is primarily due to a. Latitude of the place. ¢. Topography of the place b. Declination of the Sun. d. Both a) & b). 3. In the P2X triangle side PX or Polar Dist. is always a. 90°- Declination ¢, 90°+ or - Declination b. 90° Lat d. True Zenith Distance. 4. To know about the standard time of a Port an OOW should consult the a. ALRS Vol-3 cc. ALRS Vol-5 b. ALRS Vol-2 d. Ocean Passages of the World 5. Spring tides are experienced when the Sun and the Moon are in a. Conjunction ¢. Opposition b. Quadrature d. Both a) &c) 6. Three Mandatory sensor inputs to ECDIS are__ a. GPS, Echo sounder & Speed Log c. GPS, Gyro & BNWAS b. GPS, Gyro & Speed Log d. GPS, AIS & Gyro. 7. GHA Aries (+/-) Long (+/-) SHA Star will yield: a. GHA Star c. LHA Aries b. LHA Star d. Declination of Star 8. ENCs have 3 types of objects, they are__ a. Point, Line & Depth. d. Point, Line & Area. b. Line, Area & Depth. c, Area, Contour & Depth. 9. The earth is farthest to the sun at 2 . Perigee . Apogee Perihelion . Aphelion agg 10. Drying height is measured from a, Mean high water spring b. Mean sea level c. Chart datum d. Highest Astronomical tide jection B (All qu Answer the following questions. (5 x 2 mark: 110 Marks) 11.Calculate the GP in the following case: Celestial Body Sun Date 4" March 2008 and GMT 23h 14m 44s 12. Find the Longitude if GHA Sun= 345°24’ & LHA Sun= 00°00’. 13. Draw a figure on the plane of the Rational Horizon (Elevate Pole Diagram) with observer at 30°N. Complete the PZX triangle with a star having an approx. declination = 10°S and LHA=040° 14, Expand the Light Characteristics: L fl (G) 10s 21 m 15 M. 15. Define Amplitude of a celestial body. Section C (All questi mpulsoi Answer the following questions. (5 x 10 marks = 50 Marks) 16.Calculate the GC distance and Initial course from San Francisco (38°N, 123°W) to Tokyo Bay (35°N, 140°E) (10 Marks) 17. On 19% Jan 2008, PM at Ship in DR 40°16'S 175° 31’E, the sextant Altitude of the Sun's LL was 43°27.4’ when the GMT was 03h 48m 00s. If HE = 22m and the IE = 1.5’ ON the Arc, find the direction of the LOP and the Observed Longitude. (10 Marks) 18. a, On 5 March 2008 in Position 32°12'N, 178°16’E, the Rising Sun was found bearing 099° (G). Find the error of the Gyro Compass. (5mark) b. Explain the Monitoring stage of Passage planning ( 5 marks) 19. From a vessel steering 102° (T) at 0100 hrs. Pte de Barfleur Lt. bore 151° (1). One hour later i. at 0200 hrs, same light bore 242° (T). During the time the current was known to be setting 080° (T) at 3 knots. Find the ship's Position at 0200 hrs. and at 0100 hours ( Ship’s speed 12 knots). (10 Marks) 20. Find the height of tide off Singapore harbour at 1100 hours. On 21st June 2021. The following extracts from the tide tables for the date under reference are given below Extract from A.T.T. Zone Time -0730 (10 Marks) TIME 0123 0703 1302 1930 HEIGHT 2.7m 0.9m 2.9m 0.5m Sebo eepe re pbEE EE Indian Maritime University (A Central University, Govt. of India) End Semester Examinations - June 2023, Course: DNS Semester: Second Subject Code: (UD11T5202) Subject Name: Navigation IV: Advanced Bridge Equipment, Watch-Keeping and Meteorology Date: 02.06.2023 Max Marks: 70 Duration: 03 hrs. Pass Marks: 35 General Instructions (i) All Sections (A, B & C) are to be attempted. Choices if any will be mentioned in the respective section. (ii) Non-programmable Scientific calculators permitted. Section A Answer all the questions (10 X imark = 10 marks) id cho. ret 1, In Radar the purpose of gain control is amplification of weak echoes (True/False) 2, Range discrimination is the ability of the Radar to distinguish between two Targets on the same range but different bearings (True/False) 3. In GPS pseudo range arises because user clock is not synchronised with Satellite clock (True/False) 4. When services of Pilot is used in pilotage waters the responsibility for the Safety of the ship lies with Pilot only (True/False) 5. Every vessel which is directed to keep out of the way of another vessel is called the stand on vessel (True/False) 6. A calm central area of lowest pressure at the centre of a TRS Is called 7. Coriolis force is caused due to 8. A vessel at anchor uses which sound signal to give warning of her position to an approaching vessel? a. One short, one prolonged and one short blast b. Continuous ringing of the bell c. One prolonged, two short blasts d. Four or less short blasts 9. The day signal cylinder is used by a. A vessel not under command b. A vessel constrained by her draft c. A vessel aground d. A vessel engaged in mine clearance 10. Which of the following is not a ship reporting system? a. INSPIRES b. AMVER c. AUSREP d. FISHREP Section B Answer all the Questions Five Questions of 02 Marks each (5X 2 marks = 10 marks) Write short notes on the following: 11. DGPS 12. VOR 13. Composition of a Bridge team under different manning levels? 14, Radiation Fog 15. Buys Ballot’s law Section C Answer any five out of seven questions. (5 X 10 marks = 50 marks) 16. Explain the basic working of Marine Radar with block diagram (10 marks) 17. What are the three segments of GPS? Explain briefly the function of Each segment. (10 marks) 18. (a) List out the circumstances under which you must call the Master to Bridge during your Navigational watch keeping (5 marks) (b) Explain watch keeping in restricted visibility (5 marks) 19, List out the various Distress signals as described in Rule-37 and Annex IV of The Colreg’s (10 Marks) 20. Describe the four ways in which clouds are formed (10 Marks) ai. a. Explain Katabatic and Anabatic Winds (5 marks) b. State and describe the Warning signs of an Approaching TRS (5 marks) 22. a. What is the purpose of BNWAS? Explain the various stages of alerting. (5 marks) b, Compare and contrast AIS and LRIT (5 marks) SYebrieoiniokacecek Indian Maritime University (A Central University, Govt of India) End Semester Examinations ~ June 2023 Programme Name: DNS Semester: II Subject Code: UD115204 Subject Name: Ship Construction & Ship Stability - IZ Date: 24 June 2023 Max Marks: 70 Duration: 03 Hrs Pass Marks: 35 General instruction (i) All Sections (A, B & C) are to be attempted. (ii) Options, if any, are specified in respective section. (iii) Scientific Calculator is Permitted. (ii) Use of Hindship Hydro-static Particulars is permitted. Section A (10 x 1 mark = 10 Marks) Fill in the Blanks / MCQ 1. is the system of Framing used in vessels of relatively lesser length. 2. Centre of flotation is the centroid of the ships 3. Vertical Support member used to strengthen bulkheads are called — B . While finding Displacement of a ship from a ship's stability booklet is to be used: 5 Cyclic up and down movement of vessel along Vertical Axis is called = - KG of ship increases with __ a. Adding weight above on present KG b. Ballasting DB tank c. Moving weight in Transverse direction d. Moving weight in forward direction. 7. Hull Plating Strakes are generally lettered & numbered as __ a. Lettered from keel upwards and numbered from aft to forward b. Numbered from keel and lettered from aft to forward, c. Lettered from keel and numbered from forward to aft. d. Numbered from keel and lettered from forward to aft. 8. Beams are transverse girders which provide support to a. bulkheads b. — deckhouse structures c. decks d. vertical frames 9. Intact stability requirements are Initial GM or metacentric height of a cargo vessel should not be a. zero b. less than 0.15 m c. less than 0.50 m d. less than 0.30 m 10. Avessel having KG=7.85m,KM=7.90m,FSC=0.05m, vessel is at a. Neutral equilibrium b. Stable equilibrium c. Unstable equilibrium d. No equilibrium Section B Short Questions (5x 2 marks = 10 Marks) 11. Explain Free surface effect and correction. 12. List the contents of capacity Plan. 13. Explain moment of Statical stability. 14. Define Pounding. 15. What is Stiff vessel? Section C 16. M.V Hindship arrives at a port in water of RD 1.012 with Drafts F 6.15m, A 7.22m. Her Sailing draft in water of RD 1.025 was F 5.33m, A 5.98m. Calculate the weight of cargo discharged at that port if 100 tonnes of fuel and fresh water were consumed in the port. (10Marks) 17. Sketch and Label a Transverse view Double Hull Tanker (10 marks) 19, 20. Ps (2.x 5 = 10 Marks) Sketch and Label a Transversely framed double bottom construction Draw the standard steel sections used in ship building. (2x 5 = 10 Marks) . A ship of 4000 t displacement has KG 5.1 m, KB 2.1 m, KM 5.5 m. Find the moment of Statical stability when she heels 24°, assuming that she is wall sided. With suitable diagrams explain ‘Unstable Equilibrium’. (2x5 = 10 Marks) A vessel has a deep tank on the starboard side 10m long 8m wide which is partly full of vegetable oil of R.D 0.78. If displacement is 14000t, KM is 9.2m arid KG is 8.3m, find the fluid GM. A heavy lift derrick whose head is 20m above the keel, is to shift a locomotive weighing 300 tonnes from the UD (KG 8m) to the LH (KG 2m), if the displacement and the initial KG of the vessel were 12000 tonnes and 7.6m, find the KG of the vessel: (i) When the derrick has taken weight off the UD. (ii) After Shifting xxxx End of Paper xxxx

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