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The c2- INDIAN MARITIME UNIVERSITY (A Central University, Government of India) End Semester Examination December 2019 DIPLOMA IN NAUTICAL SCIENCE (DNS) Semester: II NAVIGATION III: TERRESTRIAL, COASTAL & CELESTIAL NAVIGATION (UD11T4201) Date: 09-12-2019 Max Marks: 70 Time: 3 Hrs Pass Marks: 35, Note: Use BA Chart 2675 or INT 5049 (English Channel) for Chart work. Use of Selected pages of Nautical Almanac 2008, Norie’s Tables and Non- programmable type Scientific Calculator is permitted in the Exam Hall. Exam Centers to provide ‘Luminous Range Diagram’ and ‘Tide Curve Diagram ’ (from ATT 3) to candidates (if required) Draw Sketches wherever required. PART - A: TERRESTRIAL AND CELESTIAL NAVIGATION (Note: Q. No, 1 & 2 are compulsory. Answer any 2 out of remaining 3) 1) Define the following: (1x5 = 5 Marks) ‘a. Greenwich Hour Angle (GHA) d. First Point of Aries b. Prime Vertical Circle e. Vertex of a Great Circle c, True Zenith distance 2) On 30th April 2008 at GMT 13h 00m 52s, the sextant altitude of the Sun’s UL, east of the meridian, was observed to be 44° 13.4’ by a vessel in DR 00° 20’N; 060° 12/W. The index error of the sextant was 3.1’ off the arc and H.E. was 20 m, find the intercept and the direction of the LOP. (10 Marks) 3) a) With appropriate sketch explain Time Zones and the concept of advancing and retarding of hours and days at sea by Merchant ships. (5 Marks) b) On 1* May 2008 in DR 30°06'N, 179°45'W, the setting sun bore 285°(C) if the variation is 2°W, find the deviation for the ship's head. (5 Marks) 4) a) Calculate the LHA of star Dubhe (GMT-31% Aug 2008, 17h 22m 26s; Long: 150°00.0'E), (5 Marks) b) An observer in DR Longitude 150°E observed the sextant altitude of Pole Star as 50°45’ and the bearing as 005°(C), when the GMT was 30” Apr 17h 30m 30s, Calculate the deviation of the compass, direction of the LOP and a position through Which to draw it. (Given; HE=14m, IE=1.8' off the arc, Variation=1°E)(5 Marks) 5) Calculate the shortest distance from 32° 12'N 018°15’E to 05°40'N 034°20'W. Also calculate the course to be set at the commencement of the voyage. (10 Marks) PART ~B: CHART WORK (Note: Q. No. 6 is compulsory and carries 5 marks. Answer any 3 out of 4.) 6) a) Explain all types of Notice to Mariners (Weekly, Cumulative & Annual) with reference to the interval at which they are issued, their contents and use. (5 Marks) 7) At 1800 Hrs a vessel steering 030°(G), observed Casquets Lt. bearing 083°(G) and again at 1900 Hrs it bore 131°(G). The current was known to be setting 346°(T) at 2 knots throughout, Find the ship's position at 1900 Hrs and also estimate the Position at 2100 Hrs. (Ship's Speed 12 Knots, Gyro Error 3°H). (40 Marks) 8) At 1000 hrs a vessel while steering 065°(T) at 14 kn, observed Eddystone rocks Lt bearing north at a distance of 11 M, She maintained her course and speed and at 1130 hrs, she observed Start Point Lt. bearing 354°(T) at a distance of 8 M, if the wind is North westerly, force 7, cause a leeway of 5°. (a) Find the set, total drift and rate of drift during the above period. (b) From 1130 hrs. position, find CTS to pass Bill of Portland Lt. 10 M off to port, if the wind and current remained same, (c) At what time will the same light be abeam. (20 Marks) 9) Find the under-keel clearance (UKC), a vessel would have at 1430 hours on 2" March at a position off Singapore. The charted depth is 4m and maximum draft of the vessel is 4.5 m, Extract from the Tide Tables for the day is given below: (10 Marks) Date: 2 March _ | Place: Singapore Time Height 0014 27m 0603 08m | i209 ~(| SS. md 1830 0.6m 10) (a) Draw a neat sketch of a Preferred Channel to Port buoy in Region-A. (5 Marks) (b) With respect to passage planning explain: No go areas, clearing range, clearing bearing and wheel-over point. (5 Marks) seek INDIAN MARITIME UNIVERSITY (A Central University, Government of India) End Semester Examination Dec 2019 DIPLOMA IN NAUTICAL SCIENCE (DNS) Semester : II NAVIGATION ~ IV-ADVANCED BRIDGE EQUIPMENT, WATCH KEEPING AND METEOROLOGY (ub1174202) Date: 10-12-2019 Max Marks: 70 Time: 2 Hrs Pass Marks: 35 NOTE: Part- A : Question -1 is compulsory, and do any 03 questions. Total: Four questions from part - A Part ~ B : Question - 6 is compulsory, and do any two questions. Total : Three questions from part-B PART -A Q.1.a. What preparations need to be done by vessel, when she is navigating. in or near an area of restricted visibility. b, List 8 distress signals as per Annex- IV of Colregs [2X5=10 Marks] Q.2.a. What information is transmitted by an AIS ,as Dynamic Data and Static Data on a vessel making way. [2X5=10 Marks] b. Write full form /fill in the blanks : LRIT stands for . BNWAS stands for . ECDIS stands for . ECDIS uses charts for navigation. . Safety related data transmitted by AIS comprises of maximum of characters. wawne Q.3. a.List five preparations to be done on board a vessel prior departing from a port. b. What is a swing circle, List eight points for tasks to be performed by OOW, when keeping anchor watch. [2X5=10 Marks] Q.4. a.Explain Bridge Navigation & Watch Alert System(BNWAS). b.What are the different stages and Alerting sequences of BNWAS. [2X5=10 Marks] Q.5.a.What checks are required to be carried out prior trying out Engines, at the time of departure from port. b.List five circumstances under which Master should be called on the bridge. [2X5=10 Marks] PART-B Q.6. Out in open sea, a vessel estimated the wind to be the upper limit of force 7 (33 knots), by appearance of the sea surface. Her course was 076 degrees and speed, 17 knots. The funnel smoke was blowing towards 352 degrees . State what entry is to be made in the logbook regarding wind. [10 Marks] Q.7. (a) Write short notes on: [2X5=10 Marks] (i) Katabatic Winds (ii) Buys Ballot's law (b) Differentiate between: (i) Mist & Fog (il) Track and Path of a Tropical Revolving Storm. Q.8. Explain formation and classification of clouds. Write names of various types of clouds. [10 Marks] Q 9. Fill in the blanks : [10x1=10 Marks] 1.There are basic Isobaric Patterns. 2. the generic term for downslope winds flowing from high elevations of mountains, plateaus, and hills down their slopes to the valleys or planes below. 3. The is a zone of convergence at the thermal equator where the trade winds meet. 4. of the storm has a dia of 5-20km, is an area of low pressure and calm weather. 5. is the route over which the storm has already passed. 6. The formation of a front is called as, My is the decay or weakening of a frontal depression 8. An is the general movement of a body of sea water on a permanent, semi permanent or seasonal basis, 9A is caused due to difference in level or by differences in the density of water. 10. Face the true wind low pressure area will be on your in the northern hemisphere. SHERRIE INDIAN MARITIME UNIVERSITY (A Central University, Government of India) End Semester Examination Dec 2019 DIPLOMA IN NAUTICAL SCIENCE (DNS) Semester : 11 CARGO HANDLING STOWAGE & SEAMANSHIP II (UD11T4203) 11-12-2019 “Max Marks: 70 Time: 2 Hrs _ Pass Marks: 35 Q. No. 1 is compulsory and any 3 other Questions from PART A; Answer any 3 Questions from PART B; All Questions carry equal marks; Draw sketches wherever required PART- A: CARGO HANDLING AND STOWAGE (Answer Q. No. 1 and any 3 other Questions from this Section) Q1.State “True” or “False” (10 x 1 = 10 Marks) 1.Slop tanks are designated for collection of tank draining, tank washing and other oily mixture 2. Cocoa, coffee and tea are example of hygroscopic cargo. 3.IMDG dangerous goods are divided in 9 classes. 4.MSDS contains stowage factor of the cargo 5.Bill of lading is issued by shipper 6. Mate's receipt is the evidence of e ence of contract of affreightment. 7.TML (Transportable Moisture limit) is the maximum moisture content of a concentrate safe for carriage 8.Trimming means levelling of the cargo 9.Grain capacity is less than bale capacity 10.Cargo manifest is a list of all cargo on the ship at any time. Q2: Write short notes on the following (2*5=10 marks) a) Ship shore Safety check list b) Tanker Direct Pipe line system Q3: a) Describe marking on the containers (2*5=10 marks) b) List container lashing fitments. Q4: a) How to check weather tightness of the hatches? (2*5=10 marks) b) Write short notes 1)Hygroscopic cargo 2)Heavy density cargo Q5: a) Write down the hazards associated with carrying Oil cargoes (2*5=10 marks) b) What are all the duties of OOW on a cargo watch of a General Cargo vessel in a port? PART - B: SEAMANSHIP THEORY/ SAFE WORKING PRACTICES (Answer any 3 Question from this Section) 6.(a) Describe 3 Standard hand signals for Crane operation (b) Describe safety precautions to be taken while Anchoring (2*5=10 marks) 7.(a) Explain the following anchoring terms: i) Shortening-in ii) A cockbill position lil) Anchor Aweigh iv) Long Stay v) Short Stay (b) List safety precautions to be taken while repairing radar (2*5 =10 marks) 8. (a) Sketch and explain the bitter end securing arrangements of anchor cable. 4. (b) Give 5 examples where permit to work is reat (2*5 =10 marks) 9.Describe the safety precautions to take before: (a). Bunkering operations (b). What precautions you will take for pilot ladder rigging? (2*5 = 10marks) se INDIAN MARITIME UNIVERSITY (A Central University, Government of India) End Semester Examination Dec 2019 DIPLOMA IN NAUTICAL SCIENCE (DNS) Semester : II Ship Construction and Ship Stability ~ IT (uD11T4204) Date: 12-12-2019 ‘Max Marks: 70 Time: 2 Hrs Pass Marks: 35 Note:Part-A: Question no.1 is compulsory. Answer any 2 out of remaining Qt Q2 Q3 Q4 Qs 3 questions. Part~ B: Question no.5 and no.6 are compulsory. Answer any2 out of remaining 3 questions. All Questions carry equal marks. Use of non-Programmable Scientific Calculator and M.V. Hindship Stability particulars booklet are permitted Part A = Ship Construction Write Short Notes on the following: (5x2=10 marks) (i) Camber of deck (ii) Rise of floor (iii) Gross Tonnage (iv) Hogging (v) Pounding (a) Sketch and Label profile view of a typical double hull tanker showing pumproom, engine room, peak tanks, cargo tanks & ballast tanks. (b) Explain Shearing force and Bending Moments. (2x5=10 marks) (a) Explain “Panting” and list which parts of the Ship are affected, (b) Sketch a Sounding Pipe arrangement with Striker Plate. (2x5=10 marks) (a) Describe Shell expansion Plan (2x5=10 marks) (b) Describe Bilge Piping System of a Cargo Ship. Part - B Ship Stability Write Short notes on the following: (5x2=10 marks) (a) Centre of Buoyancy (b) _ Righting Lever (c) Metacentric height (d) Free Surface effect (e) Stiff vessel Qe Q7 Qs Qs M.V. “Hindship” floating in condition No.2, loads 400 tonnes of Cargo in No1TD and on the voyage consumes the entire oil in No.2 DB Tanks P&S, Calculate GM (solid & fluid). As change of displacement is negligible, assume FSC Constant. (10 marks) A vessel of 6000 t displacement, KG7.1m, loads a heavy lift weighting 150 t by her jumbo derrick, whose head is 16 m above the keel. If the weight is placed on the tween deck (KG 8m), find KG when the weight is hanging 1 m above the Tween deck. (10 marks) A quantity of grain estimated to be 100 t, shifts transversely by 12m and upwards by 1.5m, on a Ship of W 12000 t, GM 1.2m. Find the list caused. (10 marks) (a) Write Short Notes on “Righting Moment” (2x5=10 marks) (b) A Ship of 14000 t displacements is heeled by 8°, the moment of Statical Stability is 400 tm. If KG is 7.3m, find KM. INDIAN MARITIME UNIVERSITY (A Central University Government of India) End Semester Examinations December 2019 DIPLOMA IN NAUTICAL SCIENCE Semester-II Emergencies, Maritime Communication & Commercial Shipping Knowledge (UD11T4206) Date: 14.12.2019 Max Marks: 70 Time: 2 hrs Pass Marks: 35 Note: Question no. 1 is compulsory. Answer any 6 out of remaining 7 questions. All Questions carry equal Ql. Write if True or False (10 x 1 = 10 Marks) a) Abandon ship drills must be conducted every week b) Operation of emergency bilge pump is an essential task for each aril c) While donning breathing apparatus it is essential to test low pressure alarm d) Free fall Lifeboat has Fall preventer device (FPD) e) SOLAS deals with ILO conventions f) Port State Control (PSC) can detain ship for deficiencies g) Flag hooks are parts of ship's flags h) Inland ports do not have sea boundary i) Ship-owner employs agents for handling his affairs in the port 5) IMO means “Indian Maritime Organization” Q2. (2x5 = 10 Marks) a. Explain use of a Drill planner b, List tasks to be carried out during an emergency drill Qs. (2x5 = 10 Marks) a. Explain monthly maintenance to be carried out on FFA equipment b. Write single letter signals (Meaning) for the following flags 1 A 2 K 3. M 4. v 5, Zz a4. (2.x 5 = 10 Marks) a. What is a Flag State Inspection (FSI)? b. Write contents of a “Safety” message Page Lof2 Q7. oo Qs. (2x 5 = 10 Marks) Explain proper procedure to use a VHF set Write a note on Harbour (2x 5 = 10 Marks) . Locate following on a ship and list flags flown from them 1. Foremast 2. Mainmast . Write Morse code for the following B ae SE D L ° w (2 x5 = 10 Marks) . Explain relationship between Ship-owner and agents . Explain relationship between Shipper and Broker (2x 5 = 10 Marks) Describe launching procedure of free fall Life-boats . What is a “Fall preventer device” (FPD)? SAS AIO Page 2 of 2 INDIAN MARITIME UNIVERSITY (A Central University, Government of India) End Semester Exemination Dec 2019 DIPLOMA IN NAUTICAL SCIENCE (DNS) Semester : IT MARPOL & Marine Engineering Knowledge (UD11T4205) Date: 13-12-2019 Max Marks: 70 Time: 2 Hrs Pass Marks: 35 PART- A: MARPOL (Question No. 1 is compulsory. Answer any 1 out of remaining 2 Questions in this section) 1, Fill in the blanks: (10x1 = 10 Marks) a. The rate of discharge of oil in liters per hour at any instant divided by the speed of the ship in knots at the same instant is known as b. Noxious liquid substances under category A, which if discharged into the sea from tank cleaning or de-ballasting operations, would present a to either marine resources or human health. c. Any tank which is adjacent to the side shell plating is known as d. SMPEP stands for e. An certificate is issued, after survey in accordance with the provisions of regulations in MARPOL Annex IV. f, IMDG code states detailed requirements of Annex of MARPOL. g. Comminuted or ground garbage shall be capable of passing through a screen with openings no greater than mm. h, Every ship of gross tonnage and above, and every ship which is certified to carry persons or more, shall carry a garbage management plan which the crew shall follow. i, From January 1, 2020, the limit for sulfur in fuel oil used on board ships operating outside designated emission control areas will be reduced to__ percent m/m. j. The standard in the Ballast Water Management Convention requires ships to exchange their ballast water in open seas, away from coastal areas, at least 200 nautical miles from land and in water at least 200 meters deep. 2. (a) State the conditions under which Oily Mixtures from Machinery space of ships of 400 GT & above may be discharged into the sea outside special area. (5 Marks) (b) Write a short note on” Garbage Record Book”. (5 Marks) 3. (a) State the requirements and contents of a "PROCEDURES AND ARRANGEMENTS MANUAL" required under Annex-II of the MARPOL. (5 Marks) (b) Discuss the problems with early Anti-fouling paints and the requirements of the Anti-fouling paint convention in brief. (5 Marks) PART ~ B: MARINE ENGINEERING (Question No. 4 is compulsory. Answer any 4 out of remaining 5 Questions in this Part) 4, State True or False for the following statements (1x10=10 Marks) a. The part of the main engine which converts reciprocating motion to circular motion is known as crank shaft. b. The connecting rod connects the propeller with the piston. c. A-centrifugal pump is a self-priming pump. d. In the Fresh Water Generator sea water is made to boil at a temperature below 100°C. fe. Scavenging in IC Engines means the process of pushing exhaust gas out of the cylinder & drawing in fresh air or fuel/air mixture for the next cycle. f. One important property of Hydraulic oil is that they should be of high compressibility. g. Emergency Steering gear should be tried out once in at least 3 months. h. An exhaust gas boiler is also called an economizer. 1. In a refrigeration plant the function of the condenser is that of a heat exchanger. j. Water tube boilers are used for high pressure requirement. 5. (a) List 5 machineries or parts of them which can normally be found in the bottom platform of a ship's engine room. (5 Marks) (b) List any 5 mountings on a ship’s boiler and briefly state their functions. (5 Marks) 6. (a) State on board use (one each) of the following pumps in brief (one sentence) (4 Marks) Screw Pump. High Capacity Centrifugal Pump. Reciprocating piston pump. Gear Pump. (b) Draw a neat labeled diagram of a globe valve. (6 Marks) 7. (a) Explain briefly the operation of a 4 stroke diesel engine. (5 Marks) (b) State the principle of an evaporator type Fresh Water Generator. (5 marks) 8. (a) Draw a neat sketch of a 2 stage Oily Water Separator and label. (5 Marks) (b) What do you mean by right and left handed propellers? What do you mean by pitch of a propeller? (5 Marks) 9 (a) State Pascal’s and Bernoulli's Principle. (5 Marks) (b) List 5 points of comparison between hydraulic & pneumatic systems. (5 Marks) sae

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