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# Basic OS Architecture:

1. Hardware
2. Kernel
3. Shell
4. Applications /Utilities

# Command Shell Basics:

→Text based application for viewing, handling and manipulating, files on your
→Other names: cmd, CLI, prompt, console, terminal
→Use to Kernel interface
→Interface to use operating system services
→Read from input devices such as kyboards or from files
→The shell gets tarted when the user logs in or start the terminal

# Windows Commnad Line:

→Windows has two command shells: The Command Shell and PowerShell
→Officially called Windows Command Processor, but also sometimes referred to as
the the commnd shell or cmd prompt or cmd.exe
→Sometimes called DOS prompt incorrectly
→Powershell was designed to extend the capabilities of the command shell to run
Powershell command called cmdlets
→You can run windows Commands and powershell cmdlets in powershell, but the
command shell can only run windows commands and not Powershell cmdlets.

# Linux Command Line:

→Kali Linuc uses the Bourne Again or Bash Shell, created for use in the GNU, as a
successor to the Bourne Shell
→Bash can also read and execute commands from afile, called a shell script.
→Bash command syntax includes ideas drawn from the Korn shell (ksh) and C shell
such as command line editing, command history

#Linux File System:

/bin: contains user executable files.
/boot: contains the static bootloader and kernel executable
/dev: contains the device files for every hardware device attached to the system
/etc: contains the local system configuration files for the host computer
/home: Home directory storage for user files. Each user has a subdirectory in/home
/lib: Contains shared library files that required to boot the system.
/media: A place to mount external removable media devices such as USB thumb drives
that may be connected to the host.
/mnt: A temporary mountpoint for regular file system
/root: It is home directory for the root user.
/tmp: Used by the operating system and many programs to store temporary files.
/usr: Sherable, read-only files, including executables binaries and libraries,
man files and other types of documentation.


1. FAT 32 (File Allocation Table):
→Increases the number of bits used to address clusters and reduces the size of each
→Supports larger disks (up to 2 terabytes) and better storage efficiency, 4 GB max
file size

2. NTFS (New Technology File System):

→Windows NT operating system uses for storing and retrieving files on a Hard Disk
→Linux and BSD have a free and Open source NTFS driver
→macOS comes with read only support for NTFS
→16TB max file size, 4KB cluster size
3. Ext4 (Extended File System 4)
→Ext4 support file-based encryption
→File content, filenames, and symbolic link targets are all encrypted
→Being used bt Linux Kernel

# Linux User Administration

A. Ownership of Files:
1. User:
→A user is the owner of the file
→the person who created the file

2. Group:
→A user group can contain multiple users
→All users belonging to a group will have the same access permission to the file

3. Others:
→Everybody else
→Neither created the file, nor the belongs to a usergroup who could own the file

B. Permission of Files
1. Read
2. Write

C. Changing File Permissions

1. Absolute (Numeric) mode
→ 0 for no permission
→ 1 for execute
→ 2 for write
→ 4 for read

2. Symbolic Mode(for all 3 User types)

→ + for adding permission
→ - for removing permission
→ = sets and overrides permissions

→ u user /owner
→ g group
→ o other
→ a all

### Windows DOS shell Command ###

Run CMD as administrator
1. cd = Change directory
for example: step1: cd D:
step2: D:
2. dir = Directory
3. mkdir = make directory
4. rddir = removed directory
5. echo = to write a file with making file (Redirect)
for example
→ echo Prasad Karekar > sample.txt
and you want to write on same file and you don't want overwrite on it then
→ echo Hello World >> sample.txt
6. type <file name with extension> = to view what is inside file
7. copy = to copy file
8. <command>/? = help of any command
9. move = to move file = to find all command
11.systeminfo = to view system information = to check target is available or not (use ICMP)
13.ipconfig = to check all network information
14.arp -a = to display ARP table
15.getmac = to find mac address
16.tracert = to check path from machine to destinaton (use ICMP)
17.netstat = to check working network process
18telnet =
19.ftp<ip address> = file transfer protocol

### Linux Command ###

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