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ZARA SILVERSONG “Zaralee Araera” CR 20

Female juvenile song dragon sorcerer3/ eldritch master10

CG medium dragon (air)
Init +6; Senses blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., keen senses, superior low-light
vision; Listen +27, Spot +27; true seeing 15ft.
Languages Draconic, Common, Aragrakh; tongues (continuous)

AC 30, touch 9, flat-footed 29

(+13 natural; +2 Dex)
hp 198 (26 HD)
Immune electricity, paralysis, poison, sleep
SR 0
Fort +15, Ref +19, Will +26 (+28 vs enchantments)

Speed 30 ft
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +21; Grp +23
Atk Options
Combat Gear
Special Actions change shape (dragon); spell shield
Sorcerer Spells Known (unlimited/8/7/7/7/7/4) (CL 13th):
6th— Greater Dispel Magic, Heal
5th— Hidden Lodge, Telekinesis, Teleport
4th— Charm Monster, Divination, Greater Invisibility, Scrying
3rd— Analyze Portal, Major Image, Plant Growth, Protection vs Energy
2nd— Detect Thoughts, Knock, Pheremonal Enhancer, Protection from Arrows, Silence
1st— Comprehend Languages; Endure Elements, Identify, Mage Armor; Protection from Evil
0— Amanuensis, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Know Direction & Location, Mage
Hand, Mending, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 13th):
At will — detect magic
1/hour — darkness, light
2/day — blink, feather fall
1/day — scholar’s touch, calm emotions, stoneskin

Abilities Str 15, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 20
Feats Improved Initiative, Improved Flight, Multi-attack, Flyby Attack, Wingover,
Simple Weapon Proficiency, Eschew Materials; Combat Casting, Craft Wondrous
Item, Silent Spell; Alternate Form; Channel Charge; Hidden Strength
Skills Search +29, Spellcraft +35, Perform (Singing) +30, Concentration +25, Diplomacy
+16, Escape Artist +5, Intimidate +14, Knowledge (Geography) +10, Sense
Motive +15, Use Magic Device +25, Bluff +15, Disguise +7, Jump +18, Appraise
(Gemcutting) +6, Craft (Gemcutting) +5, Decipher Script +5, Gather Information
+7, Hide +5, Move Silently +5, Profession (Scribe) +5, Profession (Cook) +5,
Sleight of Hand +2, Swim +5, Tumble +2, Perform (Comedy) +30, Perform
(String Instruments) +30, Perform (Dance) +30, Perform (Oratory) +30,
Knowledge (Arcana) +25, Knowledge (Architecture & Engineering) +5,
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +5, Knowledge (History – the North) +10,
Knowledge (Local – Aglarond) +5, Knowledge (Nature) +17, Knowledge
(Nobility & Royalty) +5, Knowledge (Religion) +5, Knowledge (the Planes) +5,
Handle Animal +5, Heal +10, Ride +4, Survival +12, Use Rope +2, Forgery +5,
Profession (Herbalist) +5, Craft (Alchemy) +5, Appraise (Alchemy) +6, Craft
(Calligraphy) +5, Craft (Blacksmithing) +5, Appraise (Calligraphy) +6, Appraise
(Blacksmithing) +6
Possessions Boots of Elvenkind, Bracers of Armor +2, Ring of Protection +2, Wand:
Scorcher (16 charges)

Change Shape (Su) Song dragons can freely use an ability much like polymorph self to
assume human form. They always appear as human females, and each song
dragon has a unique human form that it assumes each time it changes shape. The
dragon’s Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores become human average (Str
10, Dex 11, Con 10), but its hit points are unaffected by this change. A song
dragon can employ its spells and special abilities—except its breath weapon—in
either form.
Changing from dragon to human form requires 2 rounds; reversing the change
takes only 1 round. During this time, the song dragon cannot move and can only
use its spells or breath weapon; other actions and attacks are impossible. The
change rends all known bonds, clothing, and other confinements, without harm to
the song dragon.

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