Answer Key B and D Exam Iii Dec 5TH Chem 102

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Exam III B

CHM 102 Introduction to Chemistry Fall 2019

Dr. Mamoun M. Bader

Dr. Mohammad Zourob Dec. 5th, 2019

Student Name:______________ _____________ Section # and Instructor_____________

Student ID #:_____________________________ Exam Version:__B/D____


1) Closed book exam. No books, notes, scrap paper, or personal devices are permitted.
2) Write your name, Section, and student ID number.
3) Use only pencil to complete your answers on the given scantron sheet.
4) Read each question carefully. Some problems are easier than others; work those first.
Exam II Version B Page 2 of 11
1. For the chemical reaction system described by the diagram below, which statement is true?

If the Ea for the forward reaction is 25 kJ/mol and the enthalpy of reaction is –95 kJ/mol, what is E a
for the reverse reaction?
A. 25 kJ/mol
B. 70 kJ/mol
C. 95 kJ/mol
D. 120 kJ/mol
E. –70 kJ/mol

2. The Arrhenius equation is k = Ae–Ea/RT. The slope of a plot of ln k vs. 1/T is equal to
A. –Ea /R
B. k
C. Ea
D. –k
E. A

3. The half-life for a first order reaction is 27 min. How long will it take for 4 half-lives to occur?

A) 53,000 min C) 260 min

B) 108 min D) Not enough information given E) 81 min

4.The reaction A + 2B products has the rate law, rate = k[A][B]3. If the concentration of B is doubled
while that of A is unchanged, by what factor will the rate of reaction increase?

A) 2 B) 4 C) 6 D) 8 E) 9

5. Concerning the rate law, Rate = k[A][B], what are appropriate units for the rate constant k?
A. s-1
B. M-1s-1
C. M-2s-1
D. M/s
E. M2/s
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6. Consider the two gaseous equilibria:

The values of the equilibrium constants K1 and K2 are related by

A. K2 = K12
B. K22 = K1
C. K2 = 1/K12
D. K2 = 1/K1
E. none of these.

7. Which is the correct equilibrium constant expression for the following reaction?
Fe2O3 (s) + 3H2 (g) 2Fe (s) + 3H2O (g)
A. Kc = [Fe2O3] [H2] / [Fe]2[H2O]3

B. Kc = [H2] / [H2O]
C. Kc = [H2O]3 / [H2]3
D. Kc = [Fe]2[H2O]3 / [Fe2O3] [H2]3
E. Kc = [Fe] [H2O] / [Fe2O3] [H2]

8. A reaction with an equilibrium constant Kc = 1.5 x 1021 would consist of which of the following at
A. approximately equal reactants and products
B. some reactants and products with reactants slightly favored
C. some reactants and products with products slightly favored
D. essentially all reactants
E. essentially all products

9. For the overall chemical reaction shown below, which one of the following statements can be
rightly assumed?
2H2S(g) + O2(g) 2S(s) + 2H2O(l)
A. The reaction is third-order overall.
B. The reaction is second-order overall.
C. The rate law is, rate = k[H2S]2 [O2].
D. The rate law is, rate = k[H2S] [O2].
E. The rate law cannot be determined from the information given.
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10. The graphs below all refer to the same reaction. What is the order of this reaction?

A. zero order
B. first order
C. second order
D. unable to predict

11. Which of the following phase changes is exothermic?

A. Sublimation
B. Condensation
C. Melting
D. Vaporization

12. For the following reaction at equilibrium, which gives a change that will shift the position of
equilibrium to favor formation of more products?
2NOBr(g) 2NO(g) + Br2(g), Hºrxn = 30 kJ/mol

A. Increase the total pressure by decreasing the volume.

B. Add more NO.
C. Remove NO.
D. Lower the temperature.
E. Remove NOBr selectively.

13. For the following reaction at equilibrium in a reaction vessel, which change will cause the Br 2
concentration to decrease?
2NOBr(g) 2NO(g) + Br2(g), Hºrxn= 30 kJ/mol
A. Compress the gas mixture into a smaller volume.
B. Remove some NO.
C. Add more NOBr.
D. Increase the temperature.
E. Add a catalyst
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14. The reaction 2SO3(g) 2SO2(g) + O2(g) is endothermic. If the temperature is increased,
A. more SO3 will be produced.
B. Kc will decrease.
C. no change will occur in Kc .
D. the pressure will decrease.
E. Kc will increase.

15. Nitrogen pentoxide decomposes by a first-order process yielding N 2O4 and oxygen.
2N2O5 2N2O4 + O2
At a given temperature, the half-life of N2O5 is 0.90 hr. What is the first-order rate constant for
N2O5 decomposition?
A. 0.17 hr–1
B. 0.37 hr–1
C. 0.77 hr–1
D. 0.57 hr–1
E. None of the above

16. With respect to the figure below, which choice correctly identifies all the numbered positions?

A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
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17. The rate constant for a certain first-order reaction is 0.40/min. What is the initial rate in
mole/L·min, if the initial concentration of the compound involved is 0.50 mol/L?
A. 0.20
B. 0.40
C. 0.60
D. 0.80
E. None of the above

18. Use the graph of vapor pressure to determine the normal boiling point of CHCl3.

A. 19 C
B. 52 C
C. 60 C
D. 64 C
E. 70 C

19. Acetic acid has a heat of fusion of 10.8 kJ/mol and a heat of vaporization of 24.3 kJ/mol. What is
the expected value for the heat of sublimation of acetic acid?
A. 35.1 kJ/mol
B. –13.5 kJ/mol
C. +13.5 kJ/mol
D. –35.1 kJ/mol
E. Not enough information is given to answer the question.
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20. The vapor pressure of a liquid in a closed container depends upon
A. the amount of liquid.
B. the surface area of the liquid.
C. the volume of the container.
D. the temperature.
E. none of the above.

21. Indicate all the types of intermolecular forces of attraction in SO2(l).

A. Dispersion and Dipole-dipole
B. Dipole-dipole and Ionic
C. Ion-dipole and Hydrogen bonding
D. Hydrogen bonding and Dispersion
E. Dispersion

22. Indicate all the types of intermolecular forces of attraction in CH3OH(l).

A. Dispersion and Dipole-dipole
B. Dipole-dipole and Ionic
C. Ion-dipole and Hydrogen bonding
D. Hydrogen bonding and Dispersion
E. Dispersion

23. Which of the following would be expected to have the lowest vapor pressure at room
A. ethanol, bp = 78 C
B. methanol, bp = 65 C
C. water, bp = 100 C
D. acetone, bp = 56 C

24. The boiling points of propanol (CH3CH2CH2OH) and pentanol (CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2OH) are 97 C
and 137 C, respectively. The boiling point of butanol (CH3CH2CH2CH2OH) is predicted to be:
A. < 97 C
B. > 137 C
C. > 97 C and < 137 C
D. 97 C
E. 137 C
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25. Which one of the following substances is expected to have the highest boiling point?
A. Br2
B. Cl2
C. F2
D. I2

26. The number of atoms in a body-centered cubic unit cell is

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 8

27. Vanadium crystallizes in a body-centered cubic lattice, and the length of the edge of a unit cell is
305 pm. What is the density of V?
A. 5.96 10–30 g/cm3
B. 2.98 10–6 g/cm3
C. 2.98 g/cm3
D. 5.96 g/cm3
E. 11.9 g/cm3
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NA = 6.022 x 1023 mol-1 ˚F = 9/5 (˚C – 32)

PV = nRT 1 atm = 760 mmHg

R = 0.0821L·atm/K·mol, or 8.314 J/K·mol

ln [A]t = -kt + ln [A]o t1/2 = ln 2/k

1/[A]t = kt + 1/[A]o t1/2 = 1/k[A]o

k A e( E a / RT )

∆S˚= ∑ nS˚(product) - ∑ nS˚(reactant) ∆G = ∆H -T∆S

∆G = ∆G˚ -RT ln Q ∆G˚= -RT ln K

1proton = 1.007825 amu 1neutron = 1.008665 amu

1 kg = 6.022 x 1026 amu 1 J = kg m2/s2

C= Speed of light = c = 3 x 10 m/s

E=h h= 6.63 x 10-34 J.s

1 pm=10 -12m
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