Persuasion Effect 1

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Anne Andrus

Hana Jabr

English 2010

25 October 2023

Who Needs Help?

I recently talked with a close friend, who is a member of the LDS church. He has devoted

most of his life to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and loves his faith. However,

he had some complaints he wanted to share with me about some of the culture within the church,

specifically here in the state of Utah.

The first thing that he talked to me about was the secrecy that he feels lies deep within the

culture here in Salt Lake County and Utah county. He told me that there is a lot that seems

“hidden”, and he wishes that the Mormon church would be more open with its devoted members.

I learned that oftentimes, children who grow up in the LDS church don’t fully understand

the church's teachings and goals. I remember being a kid in the LDS church and not fully

comprehending many of the lessons. I think that this can be harmful later in life because so many
of the teachings have good intent, and can later be mis-interprited.

My good friend has struggled with mental health in the past, and has explored many ways

to go about receiving help. He shared his frustration with his mental health in relation to the

church, and the lack of attention around the issue. He told me that nobody in the community

really knows what to do, or how to approach mental health.

The biggest frustration for my friend around mental health was the bishop. The bishop

helps members of the LDS church with many things, he is like a leader. The bishop is called

upon to help with finances, reports, and records. However, the bishop's main role is to help

members of the church with their struggles. Any struggles?

The bishops that are called upon in the many wards across the globe to serve the Church

of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, are unfortunately not mental health professionals. Although

these bishops mean well, and want to help members who are struggling… they are simply not

qualified. Most often, they advise members to “have faith and pray”.
My friend wishes that the church would open up more about a lot of normal issues that

people experience. He feels that the LDS church often feels very “hush hush”. He is sure that

many other members wish that the church would be a little more authentic and confident in their

teachings, and progress. Positive changes should be made.

Mental health should be taken more seriously in the LDS church, and specifically mental

health in women should be addressed as well. Women often feel called upon to bear children and

serve their family. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but I believe that women should

be provided more resources from the Church. Along with more options.
My dear friend strongly believes that if the Mormon church was more truthful, they

would be more trustworthy. Members of the LDS church should be able to trust authority figures

within their faith, to care for their well-being, as it is promised. LDS bishops and other authority

figures should be given more resources and more training in order to help members with their

mental health.
The goal of my friend and I is to help members of the LDS church see in a different

perspective. To show members where there may be room for improvement. Everyone struggles

with their mental health, and a person's faith should be a safe space for them to explore solutions.
“20 Funny Comics Mormons Will Understand All Too Well.” LDS Living, LDS Living, 23

Sept. 2021,

“Fun Stop.” Homepage - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1 Jan. 2020,

Riess, Jana. “Mormon Women and Depression, Revisited.” Religion News Service, 5 July


“Bishop.” Newsroom.Churchofjesuschrist.Org, 3 May 2011,


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