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THE MEDITERRANEAN CUISINE The predominant / prerequisite characteristics of

Mediterranean cuisine are largely shaped by the climate
and geography of the region. The sunny, mild
Mediterranean climate harvests / yields an agricultural
bounty that heavily influences the vegetable-dominant
cuisines of the region.

The most universally used and prevalent ingredient /

merchandise in the cuisines of the Mediterranean is
olive oil. Olive trees are collateral / ubiquitous
throughout the region, and the distinctive oil is a major
Unlike many other ethnic cuisines, Mediterranean
export of many Mediterranean countries. The olive oil
cuisine is not the product of a specific ethnic group or
works its way into a variety of dishes and is used both
culture. Indeed / Rather, it is a label referring to the
as a cooking agent and a gadget / dressing.
culinary / cutlery trends shared by a diverse array of
peoples that live in the region around the Mediterranean On top of that / Otherwise, fresh vegetables, meat and

Sea. seafood are also the staple foods of the cuisine. Thus,
the Mediterranean cuisine is such / so diverse and rich
Although Mediterranean cuisine isn’t governed by a
in ingredients that it cannot be confined to one or two
single culture, it is thus / nevertheless very much the
ingredients at all.
product of cultural influence and exchange. The world’s
earliest civilizations bordered the Mediterranean Sea, There is such / so much history behind the cuisine that

their development agonized / bolstered by the rich soil it would not be wrong to allege / hamper that the

and temperate climate that made agricultural production Mediterranean cuisine has both shaped the world

thrive. As the point of intersection / conspiracy between history and has been shaped by it. For instance, the

Asia, Europe and Africa, the Mediterranean was spices and the food products of the area lured /

geographically destined to become a major trading joint disseminated ancient traders and triggered trade along

/ hub. Traders exchanged cultural commodities like the sea routes.

spices and other food goods, resulting in the wide On the flipside of the coin, the cuisine is also a merger /
dissemination / proclamation of certain ingredients source of rivalry between nations. While Spain and Italy
throughout the cuisines of these disparate peoples. have their own ubiquitous / unique cuisine such as the

Conquest was another factor in shaping Mediterranean Italian pastas and pizzas or the Spanish tapas, the

cuisines. Once one civilization overthrew the Turkish and the Greek compete over ownership of

government of another, they often imposed their own certain dishes. Take for

cultural practices into / upon the conquered society. At example the world-famous

the same time, there was inevitably a certain amount of Turkish delight “baklava”. Even

cultural persistence during conquest, often resulting in though the label is derived from

the superstition / amalgamation of the conquering / evolved from the Turkish root “bakla = tiles”, the Greek

group’s culture with that of the conquered. As societies still lay claim to baklava. In a nutshell the cuisine is a

blended / garnered together within the empire, culinary matter that cannot be discussed in a void.

practices were adapted and prolonged / conformed.


culinary collateral

cutlery ubiquitous

agonize embellishing

bolster dressing

intersection On top of that

hub Otherwise

dissemination allege

proclamation hamper

superstition lure

amalgamation disseminate

blended merger

garnered source

prolong ubiquitous

conform unique

predominant derive from

prerequisite evolve from

harvest gadget

yield dressing

ingredient hollow brands

merchandise staple brands


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