17 Aust 2021 Akisibozancumle

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1) (I) The skin is a vital organ that forms a protective

barrier against pathogens and injuries from the
environment. (II) This organ is the body's largest
organ; covering the entire outside of the body, it is
about 2 mm thick and weighs approximately six
pounds. (III) It shields the body against heat, light,
injury, and infection. (IV) For instance, when the
skin is exposed to extreme levels of sunlight, the
sufferer is advised to see a physician . (V) The skin
also helps regulate body temperature, gathers
sensory information from the environment, stores
water, fat, and vitamin D, and plays a role in the
immune system protecting us from disease.


2) (I) While sometimes used interchangeably, there are

actually many differences between marketing and
advertising. (II) As the world turned to the 21st
century, marketing strategies have evolved to
account for the rise of the internet and e-commerce.
(III) With the transition to life and commerce online,
digital marketing transformed the way business
communication works with their clients. (IV) New
messaging platforms, such as social media, enable
a two-way communication between business and
client. (V) From a marketing standpoint, specifically,
internet technology has made it much easier to
gather information on customer behaviors, needs,
wants, etc.


3) (I) Calling Latin dead language is a matter of

semantics, that is meaning. (II) There are those who
would suggest Latin is dead even if it is still the
language of a science. (III) In essence, the main
reason behind Latin’s popularity is because it was
the official language of the Roman Empire. (IV)
Others argue that because there are routine
updates to Latin published by the Roman Catholic
Church, it is still alive and developing. (V) However,
Latin is no longer used, on a daily basis, by the vast
majority of people outside of specific religious
settings, where tradition dictates its use.


4) (I) The fact that wars give rise to intensive

propaganda campaigns has made many persons
suppose that propaganda is something new and
modern. (II) Forms of propaganda may stretch from
pollical to ideological even to entrepreneur causes.
(III) The word itself came into common use as late
as 1914, when World War I began. (IV) The truth is,
however, that propaganda is not new and modern.
(V) Nobody would make the mistake of assuming
that it is new if, from early times, efforts to mobilize
attitudes and opinions had actually been called


5) (I) If you think your kids are safe from bullying when
they are at home, think again. (II) They could be
prone to cyberbullying which is a form of
harassment using electronic means. (III) Such sort
of bullying has become increasingly common
among teenagers, as the digital sphere has
expanded, and technology has advanced. (IV)
Victims of cyberbullying may also experience lower
self-esteem, increased suicidal ideation, and various
negative emotional responses. (IV) As far as
experts are concerned, cyberbullying may be the
most fearsome of all as it includes video and voice
recording that are intended to embarrass kids.

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