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The first Thanksgiving service known to be

held by Europeans in North America
occurred on May 27, 1578, in
Newfoundland, although earlier Church-
type services were probably held by
Spaniards in La Florida. However, for British
New England, some historians believe that
the Popham Colony in Maine conducted a
Thanksgiving service in 1607 (see Sources:
Greif, 208-209; Gould, and Hatch). In the
same year, Jamestown colonists gave
thanks for their safe arrival, and another
service was held in 1610 when a supply ship
arrived after a harsh winter. Berkley
Hundred settlers held a Thanksgiving
service in accordance with their charter which stated that the day of their arrival in Virginia
should be observed yearly as a day of Thanksgiving, but within a few years an Indian uprising
ended further services (Dabney). Thus British colonists held several Thanksgiving services in
America before the Pilgrim's celebration in 1621.


As we gather this Thanksgiving, we wish the hearts of all people, Native and non-Native, are
filled with hope and healing. Together, let's pledge to dismantle the physical, economic,
educational, psychological, and spiritual barriers that divide and oppress us.

Thanksgiving and Native American Heritage Day allow us to reflect on our collective history
and celebrate the beauty, strength, and resilience of the Native tribes of North America.

 We remember the generosity of the Wampanoag tribe to the European settlers.

 We remember the hundreds of thousands of Native Americans who lost their lives
because of the ignorance and greed of colonists and the genocide experienced by
whole tribes.
 We remember the vibrant and resilient Native descendants, families, and communities
that persist to this day throughout the culture and the country.
 We give thanks to people like Sharice Davids and Interior Secretary Deb Haaland,
whose hard work and diligence helped place them in positions where the Native
American voice can be heard.
 Last but not least, we remember all of the friends and family of Native Hope who have
embraced our mission of healing and storytelling. We give thanks to you for your

- I am thanksful to have a family and enjoy being with them daily.

- I am also thanksful for having health and vitality.
- I am thanksful to have a job and be able to have economic stability.
- I am thanksful to be studying and soon obtain my bachelor's degree.

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