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Quality Standard 3: Teachers plan and deliver effective instruction and create an environment

that facilitates learning for their students.

● Element C: Teachers integrate and utilize appropriate available technology to engage

students in authentic learning experiences.

This artifact is a snap-shot of a math lesson that I taught using addition to solve a subtraction
equation. In this particular picture, I am using the smartboard to digitally illustrate how to hop on
a number line to reach your expected answer. Throughout this lesson, I used a variety of
technology to teach each aspect of the activity including the document camera, a math video, and
the smartboard. I also allowed students to come up to the smartboard to answer certain questions,
which helped to keep the students engaged in their learning experiences.

Technology is an important aspect in current education as everything is becoming digitalized and

electronic. Meaning that educators must adapt to using the sources of appropriate technology
within the classroom, which is something that I am learning to integrate into my teaching

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