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Code of Ethics

As a volunteer at an organization, you are expected to abide by certain standards set by the organization.
Oftentimes there are gray areas and each individual must have a firm understanding of their own morals,
ethics, and standards in order to make the right decision. Having a well-thought-out code of ethics is also a
critical component of growing up, as it will shape the steps you take as you navigate life.

Choose 5 major ethics/values that you find most important -- here is a good list to start your thinking. This is a
set of moral principles that guide you as a person, things that you believe critical to your own success and
well-being as well as the well-being of society as a whole.

Please address each of the following with one paragraph for each, and leave the questions above each
response. This is not an essay, so it won’t follow the traditional 5-paragraph structure.

What are the five values that you find most important and why?
trust worthiness because if you cannot trust a person how can you accomplish anything in life. reliability
because if you cannot rely on someone to be there for you then they're not a good friend. avoiding bad faith/
excuses, no one wants to hear excuses for something that you did just to be a man and own up to your
mistakes. loyalty, if one is not loyal to a company how can they trust you with information. respect, always have
respect for others because if you don’t respect them they won’t respect you.

What influences (i.e. parents, religion, society, etc.) have helped form your view of ethics and morals?
mostly my parents, this is because i was raised to follow this code of ethics in a way. I was taught to respect
your elders and not give excuses for mistakes. i've also noticed with time how annoying it is when you make
plans with someone and they flake on you so i do my best to be there when i make plans

How do you expect those values to impact your choices throughout life? Predict some possible
challenges you may face, considering your goals after high school, and how your values will shape
your decisions in response to those challenges.
One challenge I have faced is making plans then forgetting about them and making plans on top of those.
Typically when I do this I try my best to either reschedule or fit it in that day. because nobody likes a flake, and i
do want to be the person that is seen as one.

Define civic virtue and what makes a “good citizen” in our society. Why is it important to have civic
virtue and what are the benefits to society?
civic virtue is what our society defines as a good person. In our society I believe that currently a good person is
someone who accepts all and is outgoing. someone who is always there and does extra without being asked.

Describe a specific example of an ethical dilemma that you have experienced and how you handled it.
This can be something you are proud of or something that you regret. Reflect on your choices, your
reasoning, and what you would do differently in the future.
One time I didn't wanna go to my dads but I didn't want to be with my mom so i flipped a coin. i was only 7 or 8
and that was the best solution I could think of.

Why is it important for each individual to have a code of ethics?

so we can define what a good person is in our own eyes. versus listening to what others say about a person.
What has this assignment taught you?
It has taught me what to look for in people. and to judge them off their personality more than their actions

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