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Advanced Web Designing

SOP 1: Creation of website using HTML5

Coding :


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Company Profile</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="author" content="Physical tags">
<h1 align="center">Tata Sons Private Limited</h1>
<p>Tata company or enterprise operates independently under the guidance and
supervision of its own Board of Directors.</p>
<b>Governance Philosophy</b><br><br>
<i>Tata code of Conduct</i><br><br>
<u>Tata Business Excellence Model</u><br><br>
<h3>Image of Tata Industries</h3>
<img src="D:\lok manya junior college\SOP_2021\tata.jpeg" width="200" height="250"><br><br>
<a href="D:\lokmanya junior college \SOP_2020\page2.html">Second Page</a>


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Enrollment Form</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="author" content="Enrollment form">
<h1 align="center">Enrollment Form</h1>
<form name="f1">
Enter Your Name:
<input type="text" name="t1"><br> <br>
Enter Your Email ID: <input type="email" name="emailid><br><br><input type="submit" name="submitbtn"
<a href="D:\lokmanya junior college\SOP_2021\index.html">First Page</a>

SOP 2: Creation of webpage using HTML and CSS code to design a web page as the layout displayed


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> Tourist Places</title>
<header style="background-color:skyblue;height:100Pt">
<h1 align="center">Tourist Places</h1>
<h3>Tourist places in Pune</h3>
<li>Kelkar Museum</li>
<li>Sinhgad fort</li>
SOP3: Create a website using HTML and CSS code to design a web pages as follows


<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><title>Traveller Information Form</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="external.css">
<h1 align="center">Traveller Information Form</h1>
<form name="f1">
Enter the Traveller name
<input type="text" name="Tname"><br><br>
Select Date of Travel
<input type="date" name="Tdate"><br><br>
Enter Telephone Number
<input type="tel" name="phone" ><br><br>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">
<a href="D:\lokmanya junior college\SOP_2021\sop3_page2.html">
<img src="D:\lokmanya junior college\SOP_2021\SUBMIT-BUTTON.png" width="150"></a>



<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><title>Information about Transporter</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="external.css">
<h1 align="center">Information about Transporter</h1>
<li>Name of Transporter-Air Asia</li>
<li>Time-09.30 am</li>
<li>Seat no-B39</li>
<li>Destination- Delhi</li>
</ul><a href="D:\lokmanya junior college\SOP_2021\sop3_page1.html">Connect First Page </a>


SOP4: Creation of website using HTML5 and CSS.

Create a webpage as given layout use <nav>, <header>, <footer>, <aside>, <article> with CSS.



<!DOCTYPE html>
Local and National News

<a href="">HOME</a>
<a href="">ARCHIVES</a>
<a href="">ABOUT</a>
<h3>Be a News Reporter</h3>
If you see news happening- Send us a text.</aside>
<article>Local News</article>
<h4>Fire fighters rescue man from building this is local news1</h4>
(reporter name,date)<br>
This is the fighter details text. This is the story of fighter<br>
This is the detail of rescue man. This is the story of how he rescued<br>
<h4>New library to be built this is local new2</h4>
(reporter name,date)<br>
This is the story text.This is the story text.<br>
This is the story text.This is the story text.<br>
<article><b>National News</b></article>
<h4>Snow strom is making travel difficult</h4>
(reporter name,date)<br>
This is the story of Snow strom. This is the story of distroial of storm<br>
This is the story part continued. This is the story text continued<br>
<h4>Thousands are without power</h4>
(reporter name,date)<br>
This is the story of not having power. This is the story text continued<br>
This is the story bad effect. This is the story about destroyed of economy<br>
<footer> Footer Information </footer>

SOP 5: Use of Audio on web pages using html5


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Single Audio with Controls</title>
<h1 align="center">Single Audio with Controls</h1>
<audio controls autoplay loop="-1">
<source src="D:\lokmanya junior college\SOP_2021\Airwolf.mp3" type="audio/mp3">


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Multiple Audio with controls</title>
<h1 align="center">Multiple Audio with controls</h1>
<h2>The text between the audio tags will only be displayed in browsers that do not support the audio
<h3>List of sound files formats</h3>
<audio controls autoplay>
<source src="D:\lokmanya junior college\SOP_2021\audio_ogg.ogg" type="audio/ogg">
<source src="D:\lokmanya junior college\SOP_2021\Airwolf.mp3" type="audio/mp3">
<source src="D:\lokmanya junior college\SOP_2021\dog_1081.mp4" type="audio/mp4">
Your browser does not support the audio elements


SOP 6 : Use of video on web pages using html5.

Coding :


<title>Single Video File on Web Page with controls</title></head>
<h1 align="center">Single Video File on Web Page with controls</h1>
<video src="D:\lokmanya junior college\SOP_2021\horse.webm" controls width="150"
height="150" loop="-1" autoplay>




<title>Multiple Video File on Web Page with controls</title></head>
<h1 align="center">Multiple Video File on Web Page with controls</h1>
<h2>The text between the video tags will only be displayed in browsers that do not support the
video element.</h2>
<h3>List of video files formats</h3>
<video width="100" height="100" controls autoplay>
<source src="D:\lokmanya junior college\SOP_2021\dog_1081.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<source src="D:\lokmanya junior college\SOP_2021\video_ogg.ogg" type="video/ogg">
<source src="D:\lokmanya junior college\SOP_2021\horse.webm" type="video/webM">


SOP 7: Navigation on an image using Client side image Mapping in web page using html5.

Coding :

<title>Client Side Image Mapping </title>
<h1 align="center">Client Side Image Mapping</h1>
<img src="D:\Kavita Desktop Files\HTMLPrograms\shine.jpg" alt="computer image" width=600
<map name="imagemap">
<area shape="rect" coords="51,44,342,156" href="">
<area shape="poly" coords="431,88,431,265,532,265" href="">
<area shape="circle" coords="221,219,90" href="">

2. Digital Marketing
SOP 8: with the help of SEO tool which is freely available optimize the website and write down
the following findings. Ask the teacher/examiner to provide URL of the website to be optimized.

1) Name of the website you are optimizing.


2) Whether the site has Title Tag?

 NO

3) Whether the site has Header Tags? If yes, which tags are there?

4) Whether the image used has Alt Attributes?

 NO

5) What is the comment about usability?

SOP 9: Assume that you are appointed as a Digital Marketing Expert for a company name as XYZ
Marketing Private Ltd. They have a website hosted on a web server. Suggest your client changes
needed in the website to improve the speed of website and also make him aware about

1. Total numbers of recommended improvements are?

 9

2. Mention grades given for the following points

i) SEO – C-
ii) Usability – A+

iii) Performance – A+
iv) Security – A+

3. Check for broken links and images.

 Not present

4. Whether the website has links with the social media? If yes, Give name of social media.
 Yes
 Facebook, Twitter, YouTube

3. Computerised Accounting with GST

SOP 10 : Mr. Ravindrakumar started business by the name M/S Bitwise Trading Company in the
year 2019

Solution :

Step I : Company Creation

Company Info=> Create Company

i) Create a new company in the name of M/s Bitwise Trading Company with the
given details; financial year begins on 1/04/2019.
ii) After creation of a company, Go to Features => Company Features => Accounting
Features => Maintain Accounts with inventory => Type Yes

Step II: Creation of Ledger

Two ledgers are created by tally i.e. Cash and Profit & Loss A/c.

To create given Ledgers =>

Masters => Account Info => Ledger => Single Ledger => Create

While creating a ledger, name of the ledger along with appropriate group should be selected from the
list of groups.

Ledger Under Group

Capital A/c Capital Account
Bank of India A/c Bank Account
Salary A/c Indirect Expenses
Purchase A/c Purchase Accounts
Sharada Steel works A/c Sundry Creditors
Sales A/c Sales Accounts
Machinery A/c Fixed Asset
Interest Received A/c Indirect Income

To view the list of created ledger : Account Info => Ledger =>Single Ledger => Display

Step III: Voucher Entries

To pass voucher entries from Gateway of Tally => Transactions => Accounting vouchers => Select
appropriate voucher and pass all the entries.

Analysis of Transactions

Date 2019 Voucher Type Particular Debit Amt. Credit Amt.

1 April Receipt F6 Dr. Cash 5,00,000
Cr. Capital A/c 5,00,000
1 April Purchase F9 Dr. Purchases A/c 20,000
Cr. Sharada steel works A/c 20,000
2 May Payment F5 Dr. Salary A/c 5,000
Cr. Ban k of Ind ia A/c 5,000
1 June Contra F4 Dr. Ban k of Ind ia A/c 50,000
Cr. Cash A/c 50,000
2 June Sales F8 Dr. Cash A/c 25,500
Cr. Sales A/c 25,500
2 July Purchases F9 Dr. Machinery A/c 10,000
Cr. Cash A/c 10,000
2 Dec Receipt F6 Dr. Ban k of Ind ia A/c 2,000
Cr. In terest Received A/c 2,000

Step IV: To view various Reports

Step IV: To view various Reports

i) To view Trial Balance => Display => Trial Balance

ii) To view profit and Loss A/c => Reports => Profit & Loss A/c
iii) To view Balance Sheet => Reports => Balance Sheet
iv) To view Day Book => Display => Day Book => Detailed (Alt + F1)

4. Database Concepts using LibreOffice Base

SOP 11 : Create a table student with fieldname- rollno, studname, class, div, city, dob etc.
Insert minimum 8 records.
Create a form based on student table.

(i) Steps for Creating a Database :

(a) Click on Start -> All Programs -> L ibre Office Base
(b) Database wizard window appears, select Save and Proceed -> Click on F inish button ,
select proper location where you wish to save the database with appropriate name,
database will be created.
(ii) Steps for Creating a Table :
(a) To create a table, click on Create table in design view -> Table design window appears,
in that window set fieldname, datatype as follows:

Fieldname DataType Description

Rollno Number[NUMERIC] Rollno of student (Primary Key)
Studname Text[VARCHAR] Name of student
Class Text[VARCHAR] Class of student
Div Text[VARCHAR] Division of student
City Text[VARCHAR] City of student
Dob Date[DATE] Date of birth of student

(b) To assign primary key to rollno field, right click on the small button present on the left
side of the fieldname and select Primary key option.

(b) To Save click on Save button or press CTRL+S, give table name as student and click
on OK button, table will be saved.
(iii) Steps for inserting records in a table :
For inserting records in a table, double click on the table in which data is to be inserted, a
window will appear on the screen, type data under each field and complete all the records.

(iv) Steps for Creating a Form :

(a) From left pane click on Form object.
(b) From right pane click on Use wizard to create a form, wizard window appears.
(c) Shift fields from Available Fields list to fields in form list by clicking on arrow button
then click on Next button.
(d) Click on Next button.
(e) Select any one arrangement for main form for placing the controls and Click on
Next button.
(f) Click On Next button.
(g) Select style for the form and Click on Next button.
(h) Type name of the form and Click on Finish button.
(i) To add new record Click on new record icon present on Navigation toolbar, fill record
and Click on save record icon. Click On close button to close form window.
SOP 12: Create a table employee with fields names- empid, empname, empdept, empqual,
empjoindate, empsal etc.
Insert minimum 8 records.
Create queries to display records from the employee table.

1. Where employee qualification is “MBA”

2. Where employee department is “Accounts.”
3. Where employee salary ->70000
4. Where employee name is “Mr. Suhas Kale”

Steps :

(i) Steps for Creating a Database :

(a) Click on Start -> All Programs -> Libre Office -> Libre Office Base.

(b) Database Wizard window appears, select Save and Proceed -> Click on Finish button, select
proper location where you wish to save the database with appropriate name and database will
be created.

(ii) Steps for Creating a Table :

(a) To create a table, Click on Create table in design view ->Table design window appears, in that
window set fieldname, datatype as follows:

Fieldname DataType Description

Empid Number[NUMERIC] ID of Employee (Primary Key)
Empname Text[VARCHAR] Name of Employee
Empdept Text[VARCHAR] Department of Employee
Empqual Text[VARCHAR] Qualification of Employee
Empjoindate Date[DATE] Join Date of Employee
Empsal Number[NUMERIC] Salary of Employee
(b) To assign primary key to emp id field, right Click on the small button present on the left side
of the fieldname and select primary key option.
(c) To save Click on save button or press CTRL+S, give table name as employee and Click on OK
button, table will be saved.

(iii) Steps for inserting records in a table :

For inserting records in a table, double click on the table in which data is to be inserted, a
window will appear on the screen, type data under each field and complete all the records.

(iv) Steps for Creating query :

 Click on Queries object and in right pane Click on Create Query is Design View option.
 From Add table window select table and Click on Add button and Click on close.
 Select all the fields one by one by Clicking on field’s columns.

(a) To display records where employee qualification is “MBA”. In Criterion type “MBA” and Click on
Run query icon or press
F5 function key.
(b) To display records where employee department is “Accounts”. In Criterion type “Accounts” and
Click on Run query icon or press
F5 function key.
(c) To display records where employee salary is ->70000. In Criterion type ->70000 and Click on Run
query icon or press
F5 function key.
(d) To display records where employee name is “Mr. Suhas kale”. In Criterion type “Mr. Suhas
kale” and Click on Run query icon or press
F5 function key.

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