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Additional declarations on phytosanitary certificates for exports to the European Union as required in Article 71.2 of the
Plant Health Regulation ((EU)2016/2031). The list of plants, plant products and other objects, originating from third
countries, and the corresponding special requirements for their introduction into the Union territory is set out in Annex VII
of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072.

The phytosanitary requirements for import of plant products into The Netherlands are based on Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072. In case of alternative options for meeting import requirements as mentioned in annex
VII of (EU)2019/2072 ( Article 71.2 of the Plant Health Regulation ((EU)2016/2031)), details of the option used must
appear in the Additional Declaration box of the Phytosanitary Certificate accompanying the consignment. Reference must be
made to annex VII of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/2072 (including the relevant position), as well as the
required minimal additional declaration text as it should appear on the certificate (see bold text in the additional declaration
document). The same approach has to be followed for Additional Declarations mentioned in other Commission Implementing

NOTE: In Annex V and VII of (EU) 2019/2072 phytosanitary requirements without alternative options are also described.
These requirements have to be fulfilled although do not have to be mentioned in the Additional declaration box needed of
the Phytosanitary Certificate.

Page 1 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Overview of latest changes/additions
Version Date Content changed or added
6.36 11-10-2023 Changed Point 49, added Xylella host plants under others and herbaceous species
6.35 04-10-2023 Added point 10.3 (EU) 2023/1032 TOBRFV for seeds of Solanum lycopersicum, Capsicum spp
6.34 27-9-2023 Added bonsai derogation (EU) 2323/1310 Chamaecyparis, Juniperus, Pinus with origin South Korea

How to use these pages and annexes

Follow the flow chart to determine which tables to use; see separate annex on this webpage or tick ‘flow chart’ on the left
1. For details on ‘Plants for planting’, also check the specific pages and tables
2. Open the table for the specific product
3. Check whether the product is listed; if not, choose another table
4. Choose the origin, be as specific as possible
5. Definitions for ‘Origin’:

Origin Means
Third countries Any country outside the European Union

European countries EU-countries + Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canary
Islands, Faeroe Islands, Georgia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, North
Macedonia, Norway, Russia (only the following parts: Central Federal District (Tsentralny federalny
okrug), Northwestern Federal District (Severo-Zapadny federalny okrug), Southern Federal
District (Yuzhny federalny okrug), North Caucasian Federal District (Severo-Kavkazsky federalny
okrug) and Volga Federal District (Privolzhsky federalny okrug)), San Marino, Serbia, Switzerland,
Turkey and Ukraine
Non-European countries Any country outside Europe
… countries, other than A The requirement is not valid for country A. The requirement for country A is listed elsewhere
Countries recognized as being free from X The countries that are mentioned are officially recognized by the EU1 as being free from X
Areas recognized as being free from X The areas that are mentioned are officially recognized by the EU1 as being free from X
… countries where X is known to occur … This requirement depends on the pest status for organism X in the country of origin (to be
determined by the country of origin). If pest X is absent, this declaration does not need to be
present on the certificate at all. The requirement is shaded in yellow
The EU officially recognizes a number of countries, or areas within a country, as free from a specific organism. These countries and areas are
listed in the table. In those cases the additional declaration indicating the ‘country free from ...’ can only be used if the country is listed. The
same goes for areas: the additional declaration indicating the ‘area free from ...’ can only be used if the area is listed and mentioned on the
certificate. It is not obligated to choose the number that is communicated to the Commission

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Version 6.36
1) BOTH a) the full reference text (including the number) (see the column Required additional declaration full reference text, as it should
appear on the certificate) and b) the text (see column Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it should
appear on the certificate) should be mentioned on the certificate.
Example: in case choice is 28 a, the text should be:
“Consignment complies with Annex VII, point 28 a of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072: originate in a country free from
Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa.”

2) In the column Required additional declaration full reference text, as it should appear on the certificate, the different possible
declarations are shown, divided by ’or’; one of these declarations should be mentioned on the certificate (e.g. 25 a or 25 b)
3) In some cases more than one additional declaration applies (e.g. 25 a or 25 b or 25 c; as well as 28 a or 28 b).
Example: Cut flowers, Dianthus, origin third country
The certificate should read:
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point 25 a of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072: The plants originate in an
area free from Spodoptera eridania, Spodoptera frugiperda and Spodoptera litura.
or it should read:
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point 25 b of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072: No signs of Spodoptera
eridania, Spodoptera frugiperda and Spodoptera litura have been observed at the place of production since the beginning of the last
complete cycle of vegetation.
or it should read:
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point 25 c of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072: The plants have undergone
appropriate treatment to protect them from Spodoptera eridania, Spodoptera frugiperda and Spodoptera litura.
Besides this, the certificate should also read:
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point 28 a of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072: The cut flowers originate in
a country free from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa.
or it should read:
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point 28 b of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072: The cut flowers,
immediately prior to their export, have been officially inspected and found free from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa.
In the documentary check the emphasis is on the position (25 a, or 25 b, or 25 c; 28 a, or 28 b).

In case more than one declaration should be present, they can be listed as:
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point 25 b, and point 28 a of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072: No signs of
Spodoptera eridania, Spodoptera frugiperda and Spodoptera litura have been observed at the place of production since the beginning of
the last complete cycle of vegetation and The cut flowers originate in a country free from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa.

4) The essence of the content of the declaration is mentioned in the column tables ‘Remarks, content of the declaration’

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Version 6.36
5) List of synonyms

Listed Also correct …1 First indent

25.a 25.1 …2 Second indent
25.b 25.2 …3 Third indent
28.a 28 option 1 Ook Spaans, Portugees
28.b 28 option 2

12) Table of information provided by non-EU-countries on phytosanitary import requirements

for Xanthomonas citri pv. citri, Xanthomonas citri pv. aurantifolii, Cercospora angolensis, Grapholita packardi, Phyllosticta citricarpa,
Thaumatotibia leucotreta
in Capsicum, Citrus, Fortunella, Microcitrus, Naringi, Swinglea, Poncirus, Prunus persica, Punica granatum, Crataegus, Cydonia, Malus,
Prunus, Pyrus, Vaccinium
13) The scientific names of products and organisms mentioned on the certificate should be written conform the official notation.
14) Besides the official English notation (EU)2019/2072, the following notations are also accepted:
15) Text in SMALL CAPS and underlined: this is a link to a specified table in the document; use Ctrl+click
16) Yellow marked text: in this version added or changed
17) Yellow and double striked out text: in this version striked out, in next version deleted


Although this information has been compiled with the greatest possible care on the basis of the most recent legislation, the NVWA does not
guarantee the completeness, accuracy or topicality of the information. No rights can be derived from the information. NVWA does not accept any
liability for damage resulting from the use of the information.

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Version 6.36

Any type of plants for planting needs an Additional Declaration; for the genera and species listed below a table is available with the specifics; in any
other case of plants for planting check the table ”All Others”

Abobra Arbutus unedo Calicotome villosa Choisya

Acacia Archontophoenix cunninghamiana Callicarpa americana Cinnamomum camphora
Acanthosicyos Arctostaphylos Callistemon citrinus Cistus
Acer Artemisia Calluna vulgaris Citrus
Acer buergerianum Artocarpus chaplasha Camellia Citropsis
Acer macrophyllum Artocarpus heterophyllus Camellia oleifera Citrullus
Acer negundo Artocarpus integer Camellia semiserrata Clausena
Acer palmatum Asparagus Camellia sinensis Clematis cirrhosa
Acer paxii Asparagus acutifolius Canarium commune Coelorachis cylindrica
Acer pseudoplatanus Atalantia Capsicum Coccinia
Actinidia Athyrium filix-femina Capsicum annuum Cocculus laurifolius
Adenocarpus lainzii Azadirachta indica Carpinus Coffea
Adiantum aleuticum Baccharis halimifolia Carya Combretum kraussii
Adiantum jordanii Baccharis pilularis Casimiroa Conium maculatum
Aegle Baccharis salicifolia Cassia tora tora Convolvulus cneorum
Aeglopsis Baccharis salicina Castanea Coprosma repens
Aesculus Balsamocitrus Castanopsis Cornus
Aesculus californica Bauhinia variegata Castanospermum australe Cornus kousa
Aesculus hippocastanum Benincasa Catharanthus roseus Coronilla
Afraegle Betula Celtis sinensis Cortaderia
Ailanthus altissima Bidens pilosa Celtis occidentalis Corylus
Albizia falcate Bombax malabaricum Cenchrus Cotoneaster
Albizia julibrissin Bouteloua Cercidiphyllum Crataegus
Alectryon excelsus Brassica Cercidium floridum Crataegus cordata
Alnus Brachychiton discolor Cercidium sonorae Cuatresia
Alnus formosana Brachychiton populneus Cercis canadensis Cucurbita
Alnus rhombifolia Broussonetia papyrifera Cercis chinensis Cucumis
Amaranthus Broussonetia kazinoki Cercis occidentalis Cunninghamia lanceolata
Amaranthus retroflexus Browallia Cercis siliquastrum Cupaniopsis anacardioides
Ambrosia Brugmansia Cestrum Cyclantera
Amelanchier Bryonia Chaenomeles Cydonia
Ampelopsis arborea Buchloe Chamaecrista fasciculata Cynara scolymus
Ampelopsis brevipedunculata Caesalpinia japonica Cyperus eragrostis
Ampelopsis cordata Cajanus cajan Chenopodium album Cyphanthera
Amyris Calamagrostis Chionanthus Cyphomandra
Anthyllis hermanniae Calibrachoa Chionanthus virginicus Cytisus racemosus
Arbutus menziesii Calicotome spinosa Chitalpa tashkentensis Cytisus

Page 5 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Dalbergia Fatsia japonica Humulus scandens Lupinus villosus
Darcyanthus Ficus Hunzikeria Lycianthes
Datura Ficus carica Hyoscyamus Lycium
Deprea Ficus hispida Hystrix Lycopersicon
Digitaria Ficus infectoria Ilex aquifolium Maclura tricuspidata
Diospyros kaki Ficus retusa Ilex cornuta Magnolia
Diplocyclos palmatus Firmiana simplex Ilex vomitoria Magnolia grandiflora
Discopodium Fortunella Inga vera Magnolia virginiana
Dodonaea viscosa Fragaria Iochroma Mallotus paniculatus
Dombeya cacuminu Frangula alnus Iva annua Malus
Duboisia Frangula californica Jaborosa Malva parviflora
Dunalia Frangula purshiana Jacaranda mimosifolia Mandragora
Dyssochroma Fraxinus Jaltomata Markea
Ectozoma Fraxinus americana Juanulloa Medicago arborea
Encelia farinosa Fraxinus dipetala Juglans Medicago sativa
Ecballium Fraxinus latifolia Juglans mandshurica Melananthus
Echinocystis Fraxinus excelsior Juglans regia Melilotus
Echium plantagineum Fraxinus pennsylvanica Juniperus ashei Melissa
Enkianthus perulatus Genista Kalmia latifolia Melothria
Elaeagnus Ginkgo biloba Kedostris Merinthopodium
Elaeagnus angustifolia Gleditsia Koelreuteria Merrillia
Eremocitrus Gleditsia triacanthos Koelreuteria bipinnata Mespilus
Eremophila maculata Gleditsia japonica Lagenaria Metternichia
Erigeron Glyceria Lagerstroemia Metrosideros
Eriobotrya Glycosmis Lagerstroemia indica Metrosideros excelsa
Eriolarynx Grabwvskia Larix decidua Michelia doltsopa
Erythrina corallodendron Grammosolen Larix kaempferi Microcitrus
Erythrina coralloides Grevillea juniperina Larix x eurolepis Mimosa
Erythrina falcata Griselinia littoralis Larnax Mimosa bracaatinga
Erythrina fusca Gurania Latua Modiola caroliniana
Eriobotrya japonica Hakonechloa Lavandula Molinia
Erodium moschatum Hamamelis virginiana Laurus nobilis Momordica
Esenbeckia Hawkesiophyton Leptoglossis Morus
Eucalyptus ficifolia Hebe Leucothoe Morus alba
Euphorbia chamaecyse Helianthus Leucophysalis Murraya
Euphorbia terracina Helichrysum Ligustrum lucidum Musa
Euryops chrysanthemoides Heliotropium europaeum Limonia Myoporum insulare
Euryops pectinatus Hemerocallis Liquidambar styraciflua Myrtus communis
Exodeconus Heteranthia Lithocarpus densiflorus Nandina domestica
Fabiana Heteromelis arbutifolia Lonicera hispidula Naringi
Fagus Hevea brasiliensis Lonicera implexa Nectouxia
Fagus crenata Hibiscus Lonicera japonica Neoalsomitra
Fagus sylvatica Hovenia dulcis Luffa Neptunia lutea
Fallopia japonica Howea forsteriana Lupinus aridorum Nerium

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Version 6.36
Nerium oleander Platanus x hispánica Prunus simonii Salix
Nicandra Platanus mexicana Prunus spinoza Salix alba
Nicotiana Platanus occidentalis Prunus tomentosa Salix babylonica
Nicotiana glauca Platanus orientalis Prunus triloba Salix caprea
Nierembergia Platanus racemosa Przewalskia Salix gooddingii
Normania Platycarya strobilacea Pseudotsuga menziesii Salix laevigata
Nothocestrum Plowmania Psidium
Salix mucronata
Nothofagus obliqua Pluchea odorata Psoralea pinnata Salpichroa
Olea Podalyria calyptrata Pteridium aquilinum Salpiglossis
Olea europaea Polygala myrtifolia Pterocarya rhoifolia Salsola tragus of
Oryctes Polygala x grandiflora Pterocarya stenoptera kali subsp. tragus
Osmanthus heterophyllus Portulaca Punica granatum Salvia mellifera
Pamburus Populus Pyracantha Salvia officinalis
Panthacantha Populus fremontii Pyrus Salvia rosmarinus (syn.
Parrotia persica Populus nigra Quercus Rosmarinus officinalis)
Parthenocissus quinquefolia Populus trichocarpa Quercus agrifolia Sambucus
Paspalum dilatatum Prosopis articulata Quercus calliprinos Santolina chamaecyparissus
Parkinsonia aculeata Protium serratum Quercus chrysolepis Santolina magonica
Persea Protoschwenckia Quercus engelmannii Sapindus saponaria
Persea americana Prunus Quercus ithaburensis Sapium sebiferum
Perovskia abrotanoides Prunus amygdalus Quercus lobata Saracha
Petchoa Prunus armeniaca Quercus palustris Sassafras
Petunia Prunus blireiana Schima superba
Quercus robur
Phagnalon saxatile Prunus brigantina Schizanthus
Quercus suber
Phalaris Prunus cerasifera Schultesianthus
Phillyrea angustifolia Prunus cerasus Schwenckia
Phoenix reclinata Prunus cistena Scopolia
Phoenix roebelenii Prunus curdica Sechium
Ratibida columnifera
Photinia davidiana Prunus domestica subsp. domestica Senecio vulgaris
Photinia x fraseri Prunus domestica subsp. instititia Sequoia sempervirens
Phillyrea angustifolia Prunus domestica subsp. italica Sessea
Phillyrea latifolia Prunus dulcis Setaria magna
other than
Phrodos Prunus glandulosa Rhododendron simsii Severinia
Phlomis fruticosa Prunus holosericea Rhus Shorea robusta
Phyla nodiflora Prunus hortulana Robinia pseudoacacia Sicana
Physalis Prunus japonica Rosa Sicyos
Physochlaina Prunus laurocerasus Rosa californica Silybum
Pieris Prunus mandshurica Rosa canina Shibataea
Pithecellobium lobatum Prunus maritima Rosa x floribunda Sophora japonica
Pinus Prunus mume Rosa gymnocarpa Solandra
Pinus taeda Prunus nigra Rubus Solanum
Pistacia vera Prunus persica Rumex Solanum aethiopicum
Plantago lanceolata Prunus salicina Ruta chalapensis Solanum americanum
Platanus Prunus sibirica
Page 7 Date 12/10/2023
Version 6.36
Solanum elaeagnifolium Tetradium Vernicia fordii plants intended for planting
Solanum jasminoides Telfairia Vestia other than
Solanum lycopersicum Teucrium capitatum Viburnum seeds
Solanum macrocarpon Thladiantha Vicia
Solanum melongena Tilia Villebrunea pedunculata check table for genera and species
Solanum tuberosum Toddalia Vinca details
Solidago fistulosa Trema amboinense Tamarix ramosissima
Solidago virgaurea Trema orientale Virgilia oroboides subsp. ferrugine
Sonchus Trianaea Vitis
Sorbus Trichosanthes Westringia fruticosa
Sorghum halapense Trientalis latifolia Westringia glabra
Spartina Trifolium repens Wisteria floribunda
Spartium Triguera Withania
Spathodea campanulata Triphasia Witheringia
Spirea thunbergii Triticum aestivum Xanthium
Spondias dulcis Tubocapsicum Xanthium strumarium
Stellaria media Ulex Xerosicyos
Stewartia pseudocamellia Ulmus Xylosma
Stipa Ulmus davidiana Xylosma avilae
Streptocarpus Ulmus parvifolia Zanthoxylum
Streptosolen Umbellularia californica Zelkova serrata
Swinglea Uniola Zea mays
Syringa vulgaris Vaccinium Palmae
Symonanthus Vaccinium ovatum Arecaceae
Symphyotrichum divaricatum Vassobia Ornamental perennial grasses
Tamarix ramosissima Vepris (Gramineae) of the subfamilies
Taxus Verbena Bambusoideae and Panicoideae
Veronica naturally or artificially dwarfed

Page 8 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
FLOWCHART propagation
for consumer
propagation for consumer*
seeds or plants

seeds cuttings plant material plant material cut flowers fruits & ware potatoes
Beta vulgaris Brugmansia All types (cuttings, Herbaceous species Chrysanthemum vegetables
Brugmansia Chrysanthemum potted plants, etc.) Dianthus
Capsicum Dianthus Gypsophila See Additional
Capsicum annuum Euphorbia pulcherrima check Plants for Orchidaceae
Solanum (unrooted) planting: Rosa declarations fruits
jasminoides Pelargonium 'table of contents' Solidago and vegetables
Solanum Solanum jasminoides
Pinus other cuttings:
Prunus check herbaceous
Pseudotsuga species and table of
Rubus contents plants for
Zea mays planting

check tables for check tables for check tables for check tables for check tables for check tables for

in case of re-export of a seed lot (produced in 2008/840 (emergency mesasures Anoplophora *

please note: potted plants, palms, etc. are
country A export to B, re-export from B to the chinensis) is replaced by 2012/138; fort he time regarded as propagation: check on the left
Netherlands) the additional declaration (AD) being either reference is correct; in this version
may not be present on the original certificate of the document 2012/138 is leading
(that is from A to B) with reference to the
relevant position; however, if the AD is present
in writing on the certificate the seed lot can be for aquatic plants – next to the tables for the Next
admitted; this Decision will apply until further specific botanical names where appropiate – a
notice general demand applies:
9 AQUATIC PLANTS Date 12/10/2023
Version 6.36
also check on

grain growing medium

Triticum all products
Secale X Triticosecale

check table for check table for


Full text of the requirement:

Growing medium, attached to or associated with
plants, intended to sustain the vitality of the
plants, with the exception of sterile medium of in-
vitro plants, originating in Third countries

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Version 6.36
Chrysanthemum, Dianthus

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (25 a) The plants originate in an area free from Spodoptera eridania
25 a of Commission Implementing Regulation (Cramer), Spodoptera frugiperda Smith and Spodoptera litura (Fabricius),
(EU) 2019/2072 established by the national plant protection organisation in accordance with the
relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (25 b) No signs of Spodoptera eridania (Cramer), Spodoptera frugiperda
25 b of Commission Implementing Regulation Smith and Spodoptera litura (Fabricius), have been observed at the place
(EU) 2019/2072 of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (25 c) The plants have undergone appropriate treatment to protect them
25 c of Commission Implementing Regulation from Spodoptera eridania (Cramer), Spodoptera frugiperda Smith and
(EU) 2019/2072 Spodoptera litura.
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (28a) The cut flowers originate in a country free from Liriomyza sativae
28 a of Commission Implementing Regulation and Nemorimyza maculosa.
(EU) 2019/2072

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (28b) The cut flowers, immediately prior to their export, have been
28 b of Commission Implementing Regulation officially inspected and found free from Liriomyza sativae and
(EU) 2019/2072 Nemorimyza maculosa.

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Version 6.36
Gypsophila, Solidago

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (28a) The cut flowers originate in a country free from Liriomyza
28 a of Commission Implementing Regulation sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa.
(EU) 2019/2072

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (28b) The cut flowers, immediately prior to their export, have been
28 b of Commission Implementing Regulation officially inspected and found free from Liriomyza sativae and
(EU) 2019/2072 Nemorimyza maculosa.

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Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (25 a) The plants originate in an area free from Spodoptera eridania,
25 a of Commission Implementing Regulation Spodoptera frugiperda and Spodoptera litura, established by the national
(EU) 2019/2072 plant protection organisation in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (25 b) No signs of Spodoptera eridania, Spodoptera frugiperda and
25 b of Commission Implementing Regulation Spodoptera litura have been observed at the place of production since
(EU) 2019/2072 the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.

or (25 c) The plants have undergone appropriate treatment to protect them
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point from Spodoptera eridania, Spodoptera frugiperda and Spodoptera litura.
25 c of Commission Implementing Regulation
(EU) 2019/2072

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Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it should
reference text, as it should appear on appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Canada Consignment complies with Article 5 point 1 (5.1 a) The specified plants have been grown through their entire life
India a of Commission Decision 2022/1265/EC in an area free from Rose Rosettevirus, as established by the national
United States plant protection organisation concerned, in accordance with the relevant
The name of the area mentioned on the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures. The name of that area
certificate in box ‘place of origin’ shall be stated in the phytosanitary certificate under 'place of origin'.

or or
Consignment complies with Article 5 point (5.1.c) The specified plants have been grown through their entire life
1 c of Commission Decision 2022/1265/EC in a place of production where neither symptoms of Rose Rosette virus
nor of the specified vector have been observed during official
inspections since the start of the last growing season. and the
specified plants, other than plants for planting, have been inspected,
and in case of symptoms, sampled and tested prior to export for the
presence of Rose Rosette virus and found free from Rose Rosette

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Version 6.36
(such as Aranda, Aranthera, Dendrobium, Mokara, Oncidium, Vanda)

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (29a) (name of country) is free from Thrips palmi
other than 29 a of Commission Implementing Regulation
Thailand (EU) 2019/2072

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (29b) The cut flowers, immediately prior to their export, have been
29 b of Commission Implementing Regulation officially inspected and found free from Thrips palmi
(EU) 2019/2072
Thailand Consignment complies with the Annex point (29.1 a) The place of production is free from Thrips palmi on official
29.1 a of the Commission Implementing inspections carried out at least monthly during the three months prior
Decision (EU) 2019/2072 to export.

or Or
Consignment complies with the Annex point
29.1 b of the CommissionImplementing (29.1 b) have undergone an appropriate fumigation treatment to
Decision (EU) 2019/2072 ensure free from Thrips palmi

Optie b: details of the treatment are indicated

on the certificate

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Version 6.36
Beta vulgaris

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries For seeds of sugar- and fodder beets

destination Consignment complies with Annex X, point In the case of seed of the categories ‘basic seed’ and ‘certified seed’
France (Britanny) 33 a of Commission Implementing Regulation (33 a) The seed of the categories ‘basic seed’ and ‘certified seed’
Finland (EU) 2019/2072 satisfies the conditions laid down in Annex I.B.3 to Directive
Ireland 2002/54/EC.
Portugal (Azores)
UK (Northern or or
Ireland) In the case of ‘seed not finally certified’
Consignment complies with Annex X, point (33 b) the seed satisfies the conditions laid down in Article 15(2) of
33 b of Commission Implementing Regulation Directive 2002/54/EC, and is intended for processing that will satisfy
(EU) 2019/2072 the conditions laid down in part B of Annex I to that Directive and
delivered to a processing enterprise with officially approved controlled
waste disposal, to prevent the spread of Beet necrotic yellow vein virus.

or (33 c) the seed has been produced from a crop grown in an area where
Consignment complies with Annex X, point Beet necrotic yellow vein virus is known not to occur.
33 c of Commission Implementing Regulation
(EU) 2019/2072
Third countries For seeds of vegetable beets
Consignment complies with Annex X, point
Destination ZP: 34 a of Commission Implementing Regulation In the case of pelleted seed this standard shall be met prior to pelleting
France (Britanny) (EU) 2019/2072 (34 a) the processed seed contains no more than 0,5 % by weight of
Finland inert matter.
Ireland or
Portugal (Azores) Consignment complies with Annex X, point or
UK (Northern 34 b of Commission Implementing Regulation In the case of non-processed seed
Ireland) (EU) 2019/2072 (34 b) the seed is officially packed in such a manner as to ensure that
there is no risk of spread of Beet necrotic yellow vein virus, and is
intended for processing that will satisfy the conditions laid down in point
a) and delivered to a processing enterprise with officially approved

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Version 6.36
or controlled waste disposal, to prevent the spread of Beet necrotic yellow
Consignment complies with Annex IV.B, point vein virus.
34 c of Commission Implementing Regulation
(EU) 2019/2072 or
(34 c) the seed has been produced from a crop grown in an area where
Beet necrotic yellow vein virus is known not to occur.

Page 17 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Capsicum, including Capsicum annuum

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries Consignment complies with Article 10.1 of (10.1 a)
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) i. The mother plants of the seeds of Capsicum spp. (the specified
until 31 December 2023/1032: seeds) have been produced in a production site where tomato
2024 brown rugose fruit virus (the specified pest) is known not to occur,
(10.1 b) Information ensuring the traceability on the basis of official inspections carried out at the appropriate
of the production site of the mother plants time to detect tomato brown rugose fruit virus (the specified pest)
must be included on the phytosanitary
certificate ii. In the case of seeds originating from more than 30 mother plants:
The seeds of Capsicum spp. (the specified seeds), prior to
Sampling of seeds for testing shall be carried processing, have undergone official sampling and testing for
out under the following sampling schemes tomato brown rugose fruit virus (the specified pest) as set out in
depending on the seed lots as referred to in the Annex and have been found, according to those tests, to be
the relevant tables of the ISPM 31: free from tomato brown rugose fruit virus (the specified pest)
Methodologies for sampling of consignments
iii. In the case of seeds originating from less than or equal to 30 mother
One of the following testing methods shall be plants:
used for the detection of ToBRFV on the Sampling and testing, as set out in the Annex, have been carried
seeds: a) real-time RT-PCR using the primers out on the Capsicum spp. seeds (the specified seeds) and have been
and probes described in the ISF protocol found, according to those tests, to be free from tomato brown
(2020); b) real-time RT-PCR using primers rugose fruit virus (the specified pest)
and probe of Menzel and Winter (2021); c) or
real-time RT-PCR using primers and probe Sampling and testing, as set out in the Annex, have been carried
from Bernabé-Orts et al. (2021) out on each individual mother plant of the Capsicum spp. seeds
(the specified seeds) and have been found, according to those tests,
One of the following testing methods shall be to be free from tomato brown rugose fruit virus (the specified pest)
used for the detection of ToBRFV on the
mother plants: a) ELISA (only for or
symptomatic material); b) conventional RT-
PCR using the primers of Alkowni et al. (10.2) The specified seeds are of Capsicum spp. varieties which are
(2019); c) conventional RT-PCR using the known to be resistant to Tomato Brown rugose fruit virus (the specified
primers of Rodriguez-Mendoza et al. (2019); pest).
d) real-time RT-PCR using the primers and
--next-- probes described in the ISF protocol (2020); or
--continuation-- e) real-time RT-PCR using primers and probe

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Version 6.36
of Menzel and Winter (2021); f) real-time RT- (10.3) The seeds of Capsicum spp. (the specified seeds) have been
PCR using primers and probe from Bernabé- harvested before 31 August 2023 and have been found to comply with
Orts et al. (2021) Regulation (EU) 2020/1191.

Consignment complies with Article 10.2 of
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)

Consignment complies with Article 10.3 of
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)

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Version 6.36
Pinus, Pseudotsuga menziesii

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Non-European third Consignment complies with Article 9 a of (9 a) The plants have been grown throughout their life in a country
countries Commission Implementing Decision where Fusarium circinatum is known not to occur.
or (9 b) The plants have been grown throughout their life in an area free
Consignment complies with Article 9 b of from the Fusarium circinatum, established by the National Plant Protection
Commission Implementing Decision Organisation in accordance with International Standards for Phytosanitary
EU/2019/2032 Measures;

or or
Consignment complies with Article 9 c of (9 c) The plants originate in a place of production, including its vicinity of
Commission Implementing Decision at least 1 km radius, where no symptoms of Fusarium circinatum have
EU/2019/2032 been observed during official inspections within a period of two years
prior to their movement and have been sampled and tested immediately
prior to export, on the basis of a representative sample for each lot, and
have been found free from Fusarium circinatum on those tests.

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Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, (47 a)
where Tomato point 47 a i and 47 b of Commission (i) The plants have been officially certified under a certification scheme
ringspot virus is Implementing Regulation (EU) requiring them to be derived in direct line from material which has been
known to occur 2019/2072: maintained under appropriate conditions and subjected to official testing
at least for Tomato ringspot virus using appropriate indicators for the
presence of those pests or equivalent methods and has been found free,
in these tests, from those pests,

or (ii) The plants have been derived in direct line from material which is
Consignment complies with Annex VII, maintained under appropriate conditions and has been subjected, within
point 47 a ii and 47 b of Commission the last three complete cycles of vegetation, at least once, to official
Implementing Regulation (EU) testing at least for Tomato ringspot virus using appropriate indicators
2019/2072: for the presence of those pests or equivalent methods and has been
found free, in these tests, from those Union quarantine pests.

(47 b) No symptoms of diseases caused by Tomato ringspot virus have
been observed on plants at the place of production or on susceptible
plants in its immediate vicinity, since the beginning of the last three
complete cycles of vegetation.

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Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, (48 a) The plants are free from aphids, including their eggs.
where Tomato point 48 a and 48 b i first indent and 48 b
ringspot virus, Black ii of Commission Implementing and
raspberry latent Regulation (EU) 2019/2072: (48 b i)
virus are known to - The plants have been officially certified under a certification
occur or scheme requiring them to be derived in direct line from material
Consignment complies with Annex VII, which has been maintained under appropriate conditions and
point 48 a and 48 b i second indent and subjected to official testing at least for Tomato ringspot virus
48 b ii of Commission Implementing and Black raspberry latent virus, using appropriate indicators for
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072: the presence of those pests or equivalent methods and has been
found free, in these tests, from Tomato ringspot virus and Black
raspberry latent virus.
(48 b i)
- The plants are derived in direct line from material which is
maintained under appropriate conditions and has been
subjected, within the last three complete cycles of vegetation, at
least once, to official testing at least for Tomato ringspot virus
and Black raspberry latent virus, using appropriate indicators for
the presence of those pests, or equivalent methods and has been
found free, in these tests, from Tomato ringspot virus and Black
raspberry latent virus.

(48 b ii) No symptoms of diseases caused by Tomato ringspot virus and
Black raspberry latent virus have been observed on plants at the place
of production, or on susceptible plants in its immediate vicinity, since
the beginning of the last complete cycles of vegetation.

Page 22 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Solanum lycopersicum and its hybrids

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries Consignment complies with Article 10.1 of (10.1 a)
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) i. The mother plants of the seeds of Solanum lycopersicum (the
until 31 December 2023/1032: specified seeds) have been produced in a production site where
2024 tomato brown rugose fruit virus (the specified pest) is known not to
(10.1 b) Information ensuring the traceability occur, on the basis of official inspections carried out at the
of the production site of the mother plants appropriate time to detect tomato brown rugose fruit virus (the
must be included on the phytosanitary specified pest)
ii. In the case of seeds originating from more than 30 mother plants:
Sampling of seeds for testing shall be carried The seeds of Solanum lycopersicum (the specified seeds), prior to
out under the following sampling schemes processing, have undergone official sampling and testing for
depending on the seed lots as referred to in tomato brown rugose fruit virus (the specified pest) as set out in
the relevant tables of the ISPM 31: the Annex and have been found, according to those tests, to be
Methodologies for sampling of consignments free from tomato brown rugose fruit virus (the specified pest)

One of the following testing methods shall be iii. In the case of seeds originating from less than or equal to 30 mother
used for the detection of ToBRFV on the plants:
seeds: a) real-time RT-PCR using the primers Sampling and testing, as set out in the Annex, have been carried
and probes described in the ISF protocol out on the Solanum lycopersicum seeds (the specified seeds) and
(2020); b) real-time RT-PCR using primers have been found, according to those tests, to be free from tomato
and probe of Menzel and Winter (2021); c) brown rugose fruit virus (the specified pest)
real-time RT-PCR using primers and probe or
from Bernabé-Orts et al. (2021) Sampling and testing, as set out in the Annex, have been carried
out on each individual mother plant of the Solanum lycopersicum
One of the following testing methods shall be seeds (the specified seeds) and have been found, according to those
used for the detection of ToBRFV on the tests, to be free from tomato brown rugose fruit virus (the specified
mother plants: a) ELISA (only for pest)
symptomatic material); b) conventional RT-
PCR using the primers of Alkowni et al. or
(2019); c) conventional RT-PCR using the
primers of Rodriguez-Mendoza et al. (2019); (10.2) The specified seeds are of Solanum lycopersicum varieties which
d) real-time RT-PCR using the primers and are known to be resistant to Tomato Brown rugose fruit virus (the
--next-- probes described in the ISF protocol (2020); specified pest)

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- e) real-time RT-PCR using primers and probe
of Menzel and Winter (2021); f) real-time RT- or
PCR using primers and probe from Bernabé-
Orts et al. (2021) (10.3) The seeds of Solanum lycopersicum (the specified seeds) have been
harvested before 31 August 2023 and have been found to comply with
Or Regulation (EU) 2020/1191
Consignment complies with Article 10.2 of
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)

Consignment complies with Article 10.3 of
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)

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Version 6.36
Triticum Secale and x Triticosecale

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Afghanistan Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (74) The seeds originate in an area where Tilletia indica is known not
India 74 of Commission Implementing Regulation to occur.
Iran (EU) 2019/2072
Mexico The name of the area mentioned on the
Nepal certificate in box ‘place of origin’
South Africa
United States
(countries where
Tilletia indica is
known to occur)

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Version 6.36
Zea mays

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (73 a) The seeds originate in a country recognised as being free from
73 a of Commission Implementing Regulation Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii in accordance with the relevant
(EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (or ISPM).

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (73 b) The seeds originate in areas established by the national plant
73 b of Commission Implementing Regulation protection organisation (or NPPO) in the country of origin as being free from
(EU) 2019/2072 Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii, in accordance with the relevant
International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (or ISPM) which is
Optie b: The name of the area mentioned on mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate.
the certificate
or (73 c) A representative sample of the seeds has been tested and found
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii in this test.
73 c of Commission Implementing Regulation
(EU) 2019/2072

The size of the sample shall be such as to

enable at least the detection of 0,5% level of
infestation with a level of confidence of 99%.
However, in the case of seed lots smaller than
8000 seeds, a representative sample of 10%
of the lot shall be tested.

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Version 6.36

Only the products most commonly imported as cuttings are listed in this section.

These are:
- Brugmansia
- Chrysanthemum (Dendranthema)
- Dianthus
- Euphorbia pulcherrima
- Jasminum polyanthum
- Pelargonium
- Persea americana
- Solanum jasminoides

For any other cuttings check whether they are listed in the table for herbaceous species and/or the table of plants for planting.

Page 27 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known or
not known to occur
Third countries Other than plants in tissue culture Other than plants in tissue culture
where Liriomyza Consignment complies with Annex VII, point The plants have been grown in nurseries
sativae and and
Nemorimyza 8 a of Commission Implementing Regulation (8 a) originate in (name of area) established by the national plant
maculosa are known (EU) 2019/2072 protection organisation in the country of origin as being free from Liriomyza
to occur sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with relevant
The name of area mentioned on the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures which is mentioned on the
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No
box ‘Place of origin’ 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 b) originate in (name of place of production), established by the
8 b of Commission Implementing Regulation national plant protection organisation of the country of origin as being free
(EU) 2019/2072 from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with the

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Version 6.36
--next-- relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is
--continuation-- The name or a registration code of the mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision
registered production site shall be included on (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’, and declared
the certificate in box “Additional declaration“’ free from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa on official
inspections carried out at least monthly during the three months prior
to export

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 c) immediately prior to export, have been subjected to an
8 c of Commission Implementing Regulation appropriate treatment against Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza
(EU) 2019/2072 maculosa and have been officially inspected and found free from
Details of the treatment mentioned in the Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa
respective box of the certificate Details of the treatment referred in point (c) shall be mentioned on the
phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No

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Version 6.36
Chrysanthemum (Dendranthema)

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries Other than plants in tissue culture Other than plants in tissue culture
where Liriomyza The plants have been grown in nurseries
sativae and and
Nemorimyza Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 a) originate in (name of area) established by the national plant protection
maculosa are known 8 a of Commission Implementing Regulation organisation in the country of origin as being free from Liriomyza sativae
to occur (EU) 2019/2072 and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
The name of area mentioned on the
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’

--next-- or or

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 b) originate in (name of place of production) established by the national
8 b of Commission Implementing Regulation plant protection organisation of the country of origin as being free from
(EU) 2019/2072 Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with the
relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, , and declared
Place of production mentioned on the free from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa on official
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ inspections carried out at least monthly during the three months prior to

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 c) immediately prior to export, have been subjected to an appropriate
8 c of Commission Implementing Regulation treatment against Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa and
(EU) 2019/2072 have been officially inspected and found free from Liriomyza sativae and
Nemorimyza maculosa.
Details of the treatment mentioned in the
respective box of the certificate

Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (25 a) the plants originate in an area free from Spodoptera eridania
25 a of Commission Implementing Regulation (Cramer), Spodoptera frugiperda Smith and Spodoptera litura (Fabricius),
(EU) 2019/2072 established by the national plant protection organisation in accordance with the
relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures,

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (25 b) no signs of Spodoptera eridania (Cramer), Spodoptera frugiperda
25 b of Commission Implementing Regulation Smith, and Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) have been observed at the place
(EU) 2019/2072 of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (25 c) the plants have undergone appropriate treatment to protect them
25 c of Commission Implementing Regulation from the relevant pests.
(EU) 2019/2072
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (26 a) The plants have been grown throughout their life in a country
26 a of Commission Implementing Regulation free from Chrysanthemum stem necrosis virus,
(EU) 2019/2072

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (26 b) The plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
26 b of Commission Implementing Regulation established by the national plant protection organisation of the country of origin
(EU) 2019/2072 as being free from Chrysanthemum stem necrosis virus in accordance with
--next-- the relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures,

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Version 6.36
or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (26 c) The plants have been grown throughout their life in a place of
26 c of Commission Implementing Regulation production, established as being free from Chrysanthemum stem
(EU) 2019/2072 necrosis virus and verified through official inspections and, where
appropriate, testing.

Page 32 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries Other than plants in tissue culture Other than plants in tissue culture
where The plants have been grown in nurseries
Liriomyza sativae and and
Nemorimyza maculosa Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 a) originate in(name of area) established by the national plant protection
are known to occur
8 a of Commission Implementing Regulation organisation in the country of origin as being free from Liriomyza sativae
(EU) 2019/2072 and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures which is mentioned on the phytosanitary
The name of area mentioned on the certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or rubric ‘Additional declaration’,
box ‘Place of origin’

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 b) originate in (name of place of production), established by the
8 b of Commission Implementing Regulation national plant protection organisation of the country of origin as being free

Page 33 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--next-- (EU) 2019/2072 from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with the
--continuation-- relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is
or mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision
The name or a registration code of the registered (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’, and declared
production site shall be included on the certificate
free from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa on official
in box “Additional declaration“
inspections carried out at least monthly during the three months prior
to export,

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 c) immediately prior to export, have been subjected to an
8 c of Commission Implementing Regulation appropriate treatment against Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza
(EU) 2019/2072 maculosa and have been officially inspected and found free from
Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa.
Details of the treatment mentioned in the Details of the treatment referred in point (c) shall be mentioned on the
respective box of the certificate phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (25 a) The plants originate in an area free from Spodoptera eridania
25 a of Commission Implementing Regulation (Cramer), Spodoptera frugiperda Smith and Spodoptera litura (Fabricius),
(EU) 2019/2072 established by the national plant protection organisation in accordance with the
relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures.

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (25 b) no signs of Spodoptera eridania (Cramer), Spodoptera
25 b of Commission Implementing Regulation frugiperda Smith, and Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) have been
(EU) 2019/2072 observed at the place of production since the beginning of the last
complete cycle of vegetation,

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (25 c) the plants have undergone appropriate treatment to protect
25 c of Commission Implementing Regulation them from the relevant pests.
(EU) 2019/2072

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Version 6.36
Euphorbia pulcherrima

Unrooted cuttings
other destinations in EU: check table ‘herbaceous species'

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries
where the relevant See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
European Countries Consignment complies with Annex X, point (12 a) the unrooted cuttings originate in an area known to be free from
12 a of Commission Implementing Regulation Bemisia tabaci (European populations),
Destination: Ireland, (EU) 2019/2072
Sweden, Northern
Ireland or or
Consignment complies with Annex X, point (12 b) no signs of Bemisia tabaci (European populations) have been
12 b of Commission Implementing Regulation observed at the place of production, including either on the cuttings or
(EU) 2019/2072 on the plants from which the cuttings are derived and held or produced
--next-- in this place of production, on official inspections carried out at least

Page 35 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- each three weeks during the whole production period of these plants
on this place of production,

or or
Consignment complies with Annex X, point (12 c) in cases where Bemisia tabaci (European populations) has been found
12 c of Commission Implementing Regulation at the place of production, the cuttings and the plants from which the
(EU) 2019/2072 cuttings are derived and held or produced in this place of production
have undergone an appropriate treatment to ensure freedom from
Bemisia tabaci (European populations) and subsequently this place of
production shall have been found free from Bemisia tabaci (European
populations) as a consequence of the implementation of appropriate
procedures aiming at eradicating Bemisia tabaci (European
populations), in both official inspections carried out weekly during the
three weeks prior to the movement from this place of production and
in monitoring procedures throughout the said period. The last
inspection of the above weekly inspections shall be carried out
immediately prior to the above movement.
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (24.1 a) The plants originate in a country recognised as being free
24.1 a of Commission Implementing from Eotetranychus lewisi
Other than plants in Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (24.1 b) the plants originate in an area as being free from
24.1 b of Commission Implementing Eotetranychus lewisi
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072

The name of area mentioned on the

certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (24.1 c) the plants originate in a place of production as being free from
24.1 c of Commission Implementing Eotetranychus lewisi
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072

Page 36 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Ficus carica

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop
not to be present other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 37 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- The consignment complies with Commission (i) The plants are free from Aonidiella orientalis, Colletotrichum
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1213 siamense, Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato, Hypothenemus leprieuri,
Origin Israel Icerya aegyptiaca, Neocosmospora euwallaceae, Neoscytalidium
The name or a registration code of the dimidiatum, Nipaecoccus viridis, Oligonychus mangiferus,
One year old rooted registered production site shall be included on Phenacoccus solenopsis, Plicosepalus acaciae, Retithrips syriacus,
cuttings without the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ Russellaspis pustulans, Scirtothrips dorsalis and Spodoptera
leaves of plants for frugiperda
planting with
growing medium and
and with a
maximum of 1 cm at (ii) The plants have been grown throughout their life in a place of
the base of the stem production, which, together with the sites of production that form
part of it, is registered and supervised by the national plant
protection organisation of the country of origin


(iii) The plants have been grown throughout their life in a site with
physical protection against the introduction of Aonidiella orientalis,
Icerya aegyptiaca, Nipaecoccus viridis, Oligonychus mangiferus,
Phenacoccus solenopsis, Retithrips syriacus and Russellaspis
pustulans, which has been subjected to official inspections every 45
days and has been found free from all the pests listed in point (i); in
case of suspicion of the presence of any pest listed in point (i) at the
site of production, appropriate treatments have been carried out to
ensure the absence of the pests


(iv) Immediately prior to export, consignments of the plants have been

subjected to an official inspection for the presence of Aonidiella
orientalis, Icerya aegyptiaca, Nipaecoccus viridis, Oligonychus
mangiferus, Phenacoccus solenopsis, Plicosepalus acaciae, Retithrips
syriacus and Russellaspis pustulans, with such a sample size as to
enable at least the detection of 1 % level of infestation with a level
of confidence of 99 %, and to an official inspection for the presence
of Colletotrichum siamense and Neoscytalidium dimidiatum including
random sampling and testing of the plants;

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Version 6.36
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Version 6.36
Jasminum polyanthum

Origin Required additional declaration Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
full reference text, as it should should appear on the certificate.
appear on the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other than
plants in tissue culture

See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica

Plants for planting
With growing media
intended to sustain the
vitality of the plants,
other than plants in tissue
culture and aquatic plants
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant Union
quarantaine pests are
known to occur

Origine Israël The consignment complies with (i) The plants are free from Scirtothrips dorsalis, Aonidiella orientalis,
Commission Implementing Regulation Milviscutulus mangiferae, Paracoccus marginatus, Pulvinaria psidii and
Unrooted cuttings of (EU) 2020/1213 Colletotrichum siamense
plants for planting
The name or a registration code of the and
registered production site shall be
included on the certificate in box (ii) The plants have been grown throughout their life in a place of
“Additional declaration production, which, together with the sites of production that form part
of it, is registered and supervised by the national plant protection
organisation of the country of origin



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Version 6.36
--continuation-- (iii) The plants have been grown in a site with physical protection against
the introduction of Scirtothrips dorsalis, Aonidiella orientalis,
Milviscutulus mangiferae, Paracoccus marginatus, Pulvinaria psidii


(iv) The production site has been subject to official inspections for the
presence of Scirtothrips dorsalis, Aonidiella orientalis, Milviscutulus
mangiferae, Paracoccus marginatus, Pulvinaria psidii, and
Colletotrichum siamense every three weeks and found free from those


(v) Immediately prior to export, consignments of the plants have been

subjected to an official inspection for the presence of Scirtothrips
dorsalis, Aonidiella orientalis, Milviscutulus mangiferae, Paracoccus
marginatus, and Pulvinaria psidii with such a sample size as to enable
at least the detection of 1 % level of infestation with a level of
confidence of 99 %, and to an official inspection for the presence of
Colletotrichum siamense including testing of symptomatic plants;

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Version 6.36
Persea americana

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to be present
other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic


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Version 6.36
--continuation— See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses

Third countries
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Origine Israël The consignment complies with Commission (i) The plants are free from Aonidiella orientalis, Aulacaspis
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1213 tubercularis, Avocado sunblotch viroid, Colletotrichum aenigma,
Colletotrichum alienum, Colletotrichum fructicola, Colletotrichum
Unrooted cuttings of The name or a registration code of the perseae, Colletotrichum siamense, Colletotrichum theobromicola,
plants for planting registered production site shall be included on Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato, Icerya aegyptiaca, Lasiodiplodia
with a maximum the certificate in box “Additional declaration pseudotheobromae, Maconellicoccus hirsutus, Milviscutulus
diameter of 2 cm mangiferae, Neocosmospora euwallaceae, Neoscytalidium
dimidiatum, Nipaecoccus viridis, Oligonychus perseae, Paracoccus
marginatus, Pseudococcus cryptus, Pulvinaria psidii, Retithrips
syriacus and Scirtothrips dorsalis


(ii) The plants have been grown throughout their life in a place of
production, which, together with the sites of production that form
part of it, is registered and supervised by the national plant
protection organisation of the country of origin


(iii) The plants have been grown throughout their life in a site with
physical protection against the introduction of Aonidiella orientalis,
Aulacaspis tubercularis, Icerya aegyptiaca, Maconellicoccus hirsutus,
Milviscutulus mangiferae, Nipaecoccus viridis, Oligonychus perseae,
Paracoccus marginatus, Pseudococcus cryptus, Pulvinaria psidii and
Retithrips syriacus, which has been subjected to official inspections
every 45 days and has been found free from all the pests listed in
point (i); in case of suspicion of the presence of any pest listed in
--next-- point (i) at the site of production, appropriate treatments have been

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- carried out to ensure the absence of the pests


(iv) Immediately prior to export, consignments of the plants have been

subjected to an official inspection for the presence of Aonidiella
orientalis, Aulacaspis tubercularis, Icerya aegyptiaca,
Maconellicoccus hirsutus, Milviscutulus mangiferae, Nipaecoccus
viridis, Oligonychus perseae, Paracoccus marginatus, Pseudococcus
cryptus, Pulvinaria psidii and Retithrips syriacus, with such a sample
size as to enable at least the detection of 1 % level of infestation
with a level of confidence of 99 %, and to an official inspection for
the presence of Avocado sunblotch viroid, Colletotrichum aenigma,
Colletotrichum alienum, Colletotrichum fructicola, Colletotrichum
perseae, Colletotrichum siamense, Colletotrichum theobromicola,
Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae, Neoscytalidium dimidiatum
including random sampling and testing of the plants

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Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with
area’s where Xylella see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
fastidiosa is known
not to be present Product/crop other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 45 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation— Other than plants in tissue culture The plants have been grown in nurseries
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 a) originate in (name of area) established by the national plant protection
where Liriomyza 8 a of Commission Implementing Regulation organisation in the country of origin as being free from Liriomyza sativae
sativae and (EU) 2019/2072 and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with relevant International
Nemorimyza Standards for Phytosanitary Measures which is mentioned on the phytosanitary
maculosa are known The name of area mentioned on the certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the
to occur certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or rubric ‘Additional declaration’,
box ‘Place of origin’

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 b) originate in (name of place of production), established by the
8 b of Commission Implementing Regulation national plant protection organisation of the country of origin as being free
(EU) 2019/2072 from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with the
or relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is
The name or a registration code of the mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision
registered production site shall be included on (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’, and declared
the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ free from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa on official
inspections carried out at least monthly during the three months prior to

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 c) immediately prior to export, have been subjected to an appropriate
8 c of Commission Implementing Regulation treatment against Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa and
(EU) 2019/2072 have been officially inspected and found free from Liriomyza sativae and
Nemorimyza maculosa.
Details of the treatment mentioned in the Details of the treatment referred in point (c) shall be mentioned on the
respective box of the certificate phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031.
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (25 a) the plants originate in an area free from Spodoptera eridania
25 a of Commission Implementing Regulation (Cramer), Spodoptera frugiperda Smith and Spodoptera litura (Fabricius),
(EU) 2019/2072 established by the national plant protection organisation in accordance with the
relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures,

or (25 b) no signs of Spodoptera eridania (Cramer), Spodoptera frugiperda
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point Smith, and Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) have been observed at the place
25 b of Commission Implementing Regulation of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of
(EU) 2019/2072 vegetation,

or or

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Version 6.36
--next-- (25 c) the plants have undergone appropriate treatment to protect them
--continuation-- Consignment complies with Annex VII, point from the relevant pests.
25 c of Commission Implementing Regulation
(EU) 2019/2072
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (27a.a) directly originating from places of production known to be free
where Tomato 27.a a of Commission Implementing from Tomato ringspot virus,
ringspot virus is Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
known to occur:
(a) where Xiphinema or or
americanum Cobb Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (27a.b) of no more than fourth generation stock, derived from mother
sensu stricto, 27.a b of Commission Implementing plants found to be free from Tomato ringspot virus under an official
Xiphinema Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 approved system of virological testing.
bricolense Ebsary,
Vrain & Graham,
Lamberti & Bleve-
Zacheo, Xiphinema
inaequale khan et
Ahmad, Xiphinema
Lamberti & Bleve-
Zacheo, Xiphinema
rivesi (non-EU
Dalmasso and
tarjanense Lamberti
& Bleve-Zacheo or
other vectors of
Tomato ringspot
virus are not
known to occur
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (27a.a) directly originating from places of production known to be free
where Tomato 27.b a of Commission Implementing from Tomato ringspot virus,
ringspot virus is Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
known to occur
(b) where Xiphinema or or
americanum Cobb Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (27a.b) of no more than fourth generation stock, derived from mother
sensu stricto, 27.b b of Commission Implementing plants found to be free from Tomato ringspot virus under an official

Page 47 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 approved system of virological testing.

bricolense Ebsary,
Vrain & Graham,
Lamberti & Bleve-
Zacheo, Xiphinema
inaequale khan et
Ahmad, Xiphinema
Lamberti & Bleve-
Zacheo, Xiphinema
rivesi (non-EU
Dalmasso and
tarjanense Lamberti
& Bleve-Zacheo or
other vectors of
Tomato ringspot
virus are known to

Page 48 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Solanum jasminoides

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries Other than plants in tissue culture Other than plants in tissue culture
where Liriomyza Consignment complies with Annex VII, point The plants have been grown in nurseries
sativae and 8 a of Commission Implementing Regulation and
Nemorimyza (EU) 2019/2072 (8 a) originate in (name of area) established by the national plant protection
maculosa are known organisation in the country of origin as being free from Liriomyza sativae
to occur The name of area mentioned on the certificate and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with relevant International
in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of Standards for Phytosanitary Measures which is mentioned on the phytosanitary
origin’ certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the
rubric ‘Additional declaration’

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 b) originate in (name of place of production), established by the
8 b of Commission Implementing Regulation national plant protection organisation of the country of origin as being free

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Version 6.36
--next-- (EU) 2019/2072 from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with the
--continuation-- relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is
The name or a registration code of the mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision
registered production site shall be included on (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’, and declared
the certificate in box “Additional declaration“’ free from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa on official
inspections carried out at least monthly during the three months prior to

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 c) immediately prior to export, have been subjected to an appropriate
8 c of Commission Implementing Regulation treatment against Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa and
(EU) 2019/2072 have been officially inspected and found free from Liriomyza sativae and
Details of the treatment mentioned in the Nemorimyza maculosa
respective box of the certificate Details of the treatment referred in point (c) shall be mentioned on the
phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031.

Third countries See Additional declaration point 21.1 for Ceratothripoides claratis

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Version 6.36
Growing medium, attached to or associated with plants, intended to sustain the vitality of the plants, with the exception of sterile medium of
in-vitro plants

When various growing media is used for various plants, multiple additional declarations are mentioned

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries (a) the growing medium, at the time of planting of the associated
other than plants:
Switzerland Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (1a i) was free from soil and organic matter and had not been
1 a i of Commission Implementing Regulation previously used for growing plants or for any other agricultural
(EU) 2019/2072 purposes

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (1a ii) was composed entirely of peat or fibre of Cocos nucifera L.
1 a ii of Commission Implementing and had not been previously used for growing plants or for any
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 other agricultural purposes

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (1a iii) was subjected to effective fumigation or heat treatment to
1 a iii of Commission Implementing ensure freedom from pests and which is indicated on the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No
2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’
Treatment mentioned on the certificate in
‘Additional declaration’, or in respective box or
of the PC (1a iv) was subjected to effective systems approach to ensure
freedom from pests and which is indicated on the phytosanitary
or certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point the rubric ‘Additional declaration’
1 a iv of Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 and
[in all the cases mentioned in points (i) to (iv)] was stored and
System approach mentioned on the certificate maintained under appropriate conditions to keep it free from
in box ‘Additional declaration’ quarantine pests

Page 51 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- and and
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (b) since planting:
1 b i of Commission Implementing Regulation (1b i) appropriate measures have been taken to ensure that the
(EU) 2019/2072 growing medium has been kept free from Union quarantine pests,
including at least:
- physical isolation of the growing medium from soil and other
possible sources of contamination,
- hygiene measures,
- using water free from Union quarantine pests;

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (1b ii) within two weeks prior to export the growing medium
1 b ii of Commission Implementing including, where appropriate, soil has been completely removed
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 by washing using water free from Union quarantine pests.
Replanting may be performed in the growing medium that meets
the requirements laid down in point (a). Appropriate conditions
shall be maintained to keep freedom from Union quarantine pests,
as provided for in point (b).

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Version 6.36
Solanum tuberosum
Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Import allowed only Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (15a) originate in a country where Tecia solanivora (Povolný) is not
from Algeria, Egypt, 15 a of Commission Implementing Regulation known to occur,
Great Britain, Israel, (EU) 2019/2072
Lybia, Morocco,
Palestinian or or
territories, Serbia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (15b) an area free from Tecia solanivora (Povolný), established by the
Syria, Tunisia, 15 b of Commission Implementing Regulation national plant protection organisation in accordance with relevant International
Turkey (except the (EU) 2019/2072 Standards for Phytosanitary Measures.
provinces Nigde,
Nevsehir, Kayseri)
Egypt, - under the section "Distinguishing marks":
the lot number(s)
under the section "Additional declaration": the
official individual code number(s)

Lebanon In accordance with EC requirements laid

(under derogation) down in Article 6 point 1 b of Commission
Implementing Decision(EU) 2019/1614
- the name of the pest free area within the
meaning of point 1 of the Annex
In accordance with EC requirements laid
down in Article 6 point 1 d of Commission
Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/1614
the number of the lot
Import allowed only Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (16a) the tubers originate in countries known to be free from
from 16 a of Commission Implementing Regulation Clavibacter sepedonicus (Spieckermann and Kottho) Nouioui et al.;
Algeria, Egypt, (EU) 2019/2072
Israel, Lybia,
Morocco, Palestinian or or
territories, Serbia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (16b) provisions recognised as equivalent to the provisions of Union
Syria, Tunisia, 16 b of Commission Implementing Regulation law on combating Clavibacter sepedonicus (Spieckermann and Kottho)
Turkey (EU) 2019/2072 Nouioui et al. in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 107 of
Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, have been complied with, in the country of origin.

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Version 6.36

(except the
provinces Nigde,
Nevsehir, Kayseri)
Great Britain
Countries recognized
having provisions as
meant under 16. b:
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (17a) the tubers originate in areas known to be free from Synchytrium
where Synchytrium 17 a of Commission Implementing Regulation endobioticum (Schilb.) Percival (all races other than Race 1, the common
endobioticum (EU) 2019/2072 European race), and no symptoms of Synchytrium endobioticum
(Schilbersky) (Schilb.) Percival have been observed either at the place of production or
Percival is known to in its immediate vicinity for an adequate period,
or or
Import allowed only Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (17b) provisions recognised as equivalent to the provisions of Union
from 17 b of Commission Implementing Regulation law on combating Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilb.) Percival in
Algeria, Egypt, Great (EU) 2019/2072 accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 107 of Decision (EU) No
Britain, Israel, Lybia, 2016/2031 have been complied with in the country of origin.
Morocco, Palestinian
territories, Serbia,
Syria, Tunisia,
Turkey (except the
provinces Nigde,
Nevsehir, Kayseri)

Countries recognized
having provisions as
meant under 17.b:

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Version 6.36

In the ‘Table of contents’ all plants for planting, taken up in one of the tables in this section, are listed. You may use
‘Search’ to find the specific table.
Please note the category ‘All others’. This means that for any plants for planting this is the minimal requirement.

Definition of ‘plants for planting’ (or ‘plants intended for planting’):

— plants which are already planted and are intended to remain planted or to be replanted after their introduction
— plants which are not planted at the time of introduction, but are intended to be planted thereafter

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Version 6.36
All others
Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 56 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries where
Xylella fastidiosa is
known not to occur
Third countries with
area’s where Xylella
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
fastidiosa is known not
to be present
Third countries: area’s Product/crop other than seeds
where Xylella Product/crop other than seeds
fastidiosa is known to
be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

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Version 6.36
Third Countries See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds

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Version 6.36
Acer japonicum, Acer shirasawanum

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to be present
other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic


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Version 6.36
--continuation-- Consignment complies with Commission (i) The plants are free from Eotetranychus sexmaculatus
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1213
Origin New Zealand and
The name or a registration code of the
Bare rooted, registered production site shall be included on (ii) The plants have been grown throughout their life in a place of production,
dormant, free of the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ which, together with the sites of production that form part of it, is registered
leaves, grafted or and supervised by the national plant protection organisation of the country of
budded, one- to origin (iii) the site of production has been found
three- year old
plants for planting and

(iii) The site of production has been found free from Eotetranychus
sexmaculatus during official inspections carried out at appropriate times, since
the beginning of the complete production cycle; in case of suspicion of the
presence of Eotetranychus sexmaculatus at the site of production, appropriate
treatments have been carried out to ensure the absence of the pest; a
surrounding zone of 100 m has been established, which is subject to specific
surveys at appropriate times to detect Eotetranychus sexmaculatus and where
the pest has been found on any host plants, those plants have been rogued out
and destroyed immediately


(iv) A system has been put in place to ensure that tools and machinery have
been cleaned to be free from soil and plant debris and disinfected to be free
from the Eotetranychus sexmaculatus, before they have been introduced into
each site of production


(v) At harvest, the plants have been cleaned and trimmed and the plants have
undergone an official phytosanitary inspection, consisting at least of a detailed
visual examination, in particular of stems and branches of the plants to confirm
the absence of the Eotetranychus sexmaculatus


(vi) Immediately prior to export, consignments of the plants have been

subjected to an official inspection for the presence of Eotetranychus
sexmaculatus, in particular of stems and branches of the plants, and the size of

Page 60 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- the sample for inspection has been such as to enable at least the detection of 1
% level of infestation with a level of confidence of 99 %

Origin New Zealand Consignment complies with Commission (i) The plants are free from Oemona hirta and Platypus apicalis
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1213
Bare rooted, and
dormant, free of The name or a registration code of the
leaves, grafted or registered production site shall be included on (ii) The plants have been grown throughout their life in a place of production,
budded, one- to the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ which, together with the sites of production that form part of it is registered
three- year old and supervised by the national plant protection organisation of the country of
plants for planting origin


(iii) The site of production has been found free from Oemona hirta and Platypus
apicalis during official inspections carried out at appropriate times, since the
beginning of the complete production cycle; in case of suspicion of the
presence of Oemona hirta or Platypus apicalis at the site of production,
appropriate treatments have been carried out to ensure the absence of the


(iv) At harvest, the plants have been cleaned and have undergone an official
inspection to confirm the absence of Oemona hirta and Platypus apicalis


(v) Immediately prior to export, consignments of the plants have been

subjected to an official inspection for the presence of Oemona hirta and
Platypus apicalis and the size of the sample for inspection has been such as to
enable at least the detection of 1 % level of infestation with a level of
confidence of 99 %

Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses

where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 61 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Afghanistan, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
India,Iran, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Kyrgyzstan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Pakistan, Tajikistan, or
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
32.6 b of Commission Implementing free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
Other than scions, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
cuttings, plants in International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
tissue culture, pollen The name of area mentioned on the
or seeds certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or or
box ‘Place of origin’
(32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
or period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
32.6 c of Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Page 62 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
where Anoplophora See Additional declaration for Anoplophora chinensis
chinensis is known
to be present Product/crop other than seeds
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
where Anoplophora See Additional declaration for Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds

Page 63 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Acer macrophyllum, Acer pseudoplatanus

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to be present
other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 64 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato

Third countries
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Origine Canada, See Additional declaration point 32.5 for Phytopthora ramorum (non EU isolates)
United Kingdom,
United States and
Other than fruits,
pollen and seeds

Afghanistan, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
India,Iran, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Kyrgyzstan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Pakistan, Tajikistan, or
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
32.6 b of Commission Implementing free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
Other than scions, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
cuttings, plants in The name of area mentioned on the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
tissue culture, pollen certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
or seeds box ‘Place of origin’ or

or (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
32.6 c of Commission Implementing from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown

(i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the

introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned



Page 65 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- (ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate
preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC

where Anoplophora See Additional declaration for Anoplophora chinensis
chinensis is known
to be present Product/crop other than seeds
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
where Anoplophora See Additional declaration for Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds

Page 66 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Acer buergerianum, Acer negundo, Acer paxii,

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to be present
other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic

Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses

where the relevant

Page 67 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Afghanistan, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
India,Iran, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Kyrgyzstan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Pakistan, Tajikistan, or
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan (32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
Other than scions, 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
cuttings, plants in Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
tissue culture, pollen
or seeds The name of area mentioned on the or
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
32.6 c of Commission Implementing (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
--next-- of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was

Page 68 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC

where Anoplophora See Additional declaration for Anoplophora chinensis
chinensis is known
to be present Product/crop other than seeds
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
where Anoplophora See Additional declaration for Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds

Page 69 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Acer palmatum

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to be present
other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic


Page 70 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- Consignment complies with Commission (i) The plants are free from Eotetranychus sexmaculatus
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1213
Origin New Zealand and
The name or a registration code of the
Bare rooted, registered production site shall be included on (ii) The plants have been grown throughout their life in a place of production,
dormant, free of the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ which, together with the sites of production that form part of it, is registered
leaves, grafted or and supervised by the national plant protection organisation of the country of
budded, one- to origin (iii) the site of production has been found
three- year old
plants for planting and

(iii) The site of production has been found free from Eotetranychus
sexmaculatus during official inspections carried out at appropriate times, since
the beginning of the complete production cycle; in case of suspicion of the
presence of Eotetranychus sexmaculatus at the site of production, appropriate
treatments have been carried out to ensure the absence of the pest; a
surrounding zone of 100 m has been established, which is subject to specific
surveys at appropriate times to detect Eotetranychus sexmaculatus and where
the pest has been found on any host plants, those plants have been rogued out
and destroyed immediately


(iv) A system has been put in place to ensure that tools and machinery have
been cleaned to be free from soil and plant debris and disinfected to be free
from the Eotetranychus sexmaculatus, before they have been introduced into
each site of production


(v) At harvest, the plants have been cleaned and trimmed and the plants have
undergone an official phytosanitary inspection, consisting at least of a detailed
visual examination, in particular of stems and branches of the plants to confirm
the absence of the Eotetranychus sexmaculatus


(vi) Immediately prior to export, consignments of the plants have been

subjected to an official inspection for the presence of Eotetranychus
sexmaculatus, in particular of stems and branches of the plants, and the size of

Page 71 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- the sample for inspection has been such as to enable at least the detection of 1
% level of infestation with a level of confidence of 99 %

Origin New Zealand Consignment complies with Commission (i) The plants are free from Oemona hirta and Platypus apicalis
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1213
Bare rooted, and
dormant, free of The name or a registration code of the
leaves, grafted or registered production site shall be included on (ii) The plants have been grown throughout their life in a place of production,
budded, one- to the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ which, together with the sites of production that form part of it is registered
three- year old and supervised by the national plant protection organisation of the country of
plants for planting origin


(iii) The site of production has been found free from Oemona hirta and Platypus
apicalis during official inspections carried out at appropriate times, since the
beginning of the complete production cycle; in case of suspicion of the
presence of Oemona hirta or Platypus apicalis at the site of production,
appropriate treatments have been carried out to ensure the absence of the


(iv) At harvest, the plants have been cleaned and have undergone an official
inspection to confirm the absence of Oemona hirta and Platypus apicalis


(v) Immediately prior to export, consignments of the plants have been

subjected to an official inspection for the presence of Oemona hirta and
Platypus apicalis and the size of the sample for inspection has been such as to
enable at least the detection of 1 % level of infestation with a level of
confidence of 99 %

Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses

where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 72 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Afghanistan, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
India,Iran, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Kyrgyzstan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Pakistan, Tajikistan, or
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
32.6 b of Commission Implementing free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
Other than scions, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
cuttings, plants in International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
tissue culture, pollen The name of area mentioned on the
or seeds certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or or
box ‘Place of origin’
(32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
or period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
32.6 c of Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Page 73 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
where Anoplophora See Additional declaration for Anoplophora chinensis
chinensis is known
to be present Product/crop other than seeds
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
where Anoplophora See Additional declaration for Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds
United Kingdom Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1213

Product/crop up to 7-year old plants for planting with a maximum diameter of 40 mm at the base of the stem

Page 74 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Acer pseudoplatanus

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to be present
other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 75 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato

Third countries
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Origine Canada, See Additional declaration point 32.5 for Phytopthora ramorum (non EU isolates)
United Kingdom,
United States and
Other than fruits,
pollen and seeds

Afghanistan, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
India,Iran, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Kyrgyzstan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Pakistan, Tajikistan, or
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
32.6 b of Commission Implementing free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
Other than scions, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
cuttings, plants in The name of area mentioned on the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
tissue culture, pollen certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
or seeds box ‘Place of origin’ or

or (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
32.6 c of Commission Implementing from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown

(i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the

introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned



Page 76 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- (ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate
preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC

where Anoplophora See Additional declaration for Anoplophora chinensis
chinensis is known
to be present Product/crop other than seeds
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
where Anoplophora See Additional declaration for Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds
United Kingdom Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1213

Product/crop up to 7-year old plants for planting with a maximum diameter of 88 mm at the base of the stem

Page 77 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Acer campestre, Acer platanoides

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to be present
other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic

Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses


Page 78 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36

where the relevant

Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Afghanistan, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
India,Iran, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Kyrgyzstan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Pakistan, Tajikistan, or
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan (32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
Other than scions, 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
cuttings, plants in Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
tissue culture, pollen
or seeds The name of area mentioned on the or
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
(i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
32.6 c of Commission Implementing least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,

Page 79 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC

where Anoplophora See Additional declaration for Anoplophora chinensis
chinensis is known
to be present Product/crop other than seeds
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
where Anoplophora See Additional declaration for Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds
United Kingdom Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1213

Acer campestre: up to 15-year old plants for planting with a maximum diameter of 88 mm at the base of the stem
Acer platanoides: up to 7-year old plants for planting with a maximum diameter of 40 mm at the base of the stem

Page 80 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Acer other than Acer buergerianum, Acer campestris, Acer japonicum, Acer macrophyllum, Acer negundo, Acer palmatum, Acer paxii,
Acer platanoides, Acer Pseudoplatanus, Acer shirasawanum

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to be present
other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic

Page 81 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses

where the relevant

Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Afghanistan, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
India,Iran, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Kyrgyzstan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Pakistan, Tajikistan, or
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan (32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
Other than scions, 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
cuttings, plants in Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
tissue culture, pollen
or seeds The name of area mentioned on the or
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
32.6 c of Commission Implementing (iii) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(iv) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to

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Version 6.36
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC

where Anoplophora See Additional declaration for Anoplophora chinensis
chinensis is known
to be present Product/crop other than seeds
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
where Anoplophora See Additional declaration for Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds

Page 83 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries Consignment complies with Article 4 a of (4 a) Actinidia have been grown throughout their life in a country
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) where Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae is known not to occur
Product/crop 2020/885
live pollen or or
other than Consignment complies with Consignment (4 b) Actinidia have been grown throughout their life in a pest free
seeds complies with Article 4 b of Commission area, established as regards Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae by
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/885 the National Plant Protection Organisation (NPPO) of the country of
origin in accordance with the food and Agriculture Organisation of the United
Nations (FAO) International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) No 4.
The name of the area mentioned on the certificate The name of the pest-free area shall be included in the certificate under the
in box ‘Place of origin’ heading “Place of Origin”.

or or
Consignment complies with Article 4 c and (4 c) Actinidia have been produced in a pest-free place or a pest-free
Article 5a or 5b or 5c of Commission site of production, established as regards Pseudomonas syringae pv.
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/885 actinidiae by the NPPO in accordance with the FAO ISPM No 10 (2). The
Actinidia have been grown in a structure with a degree of isolation and
--next-- protection from the outside environment that effectively excludes

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae. At that place or site the Actinidia
have been officially inspected twice at the most appropriate times for
detecting symptoms of infection during the last complete cycle of
vegetation prior to the export and found free from the specif
Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae.
That place or site of production is surrounded by a zone with a radius
of at least 100 m, where official inspections were carried out twice at
the most appropriate times for detecting symptoms of infection during
the last complete cycle of vegetation prior to the export and any
specified plants showing symptoms of infection, which were found
during those inspections were immediately destroyed;

or or
Consignment complies with Article 4 d and (4d) Actinidia have been produced in a pest free place of production,
(i )or( ii) or( iii) and Article 5a or 5b or 5c established as regards Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae by the
of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) NPPO in accordance with the FAO ISPM No 10.
2020/885 At that place the Actinidia have been officially inspected, sampled and
tested twice at the most appropriate times for detecting symptoms of
infection during the last complete cycle of vegetation prior to the
export and found free from Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae.

That place of production is surrounded by a zone with a radius of 4 500
m, where one of the following conditions has been fulfilled:

(i) official inspections, sampling and testing have been carried out
twice at the most appropriate times for detecting symptoms of
infection during the last complete cycle of vegetation prior to the
export. Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae has not been found
during the official inspections, sampling and testing;

(ii) all specified plants within a radius of 500 m from that place of
production have been immediately destroyed;

(iii) each specified plant within a radius of 500 m from that place of
production has been regularly tested at the most appropriate times and
found free from Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae.

--next-- And

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- In the case of points (ii) and (iii),

all specified plants within that zone at a distance of 500m to 4500 m

from the place of production have been destroyed
all specified plants within that zone at a distance of 500m to 4500 m
from the place of production have been tested according to a sampling
scheme able to confirm with 99 % reliability that the level of presence
of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae in the specified plants is below
0,1 %.

Where the information set out in points (c) or (d) of Article 4 is given, the
certificate shall, in addition, include the information that one of the following
conditions is satisfied:

(5a) The specified plants have been directly derived from mother
plants grown under conditions compliant with points (a) or (b) or (c)
of Article 4;
(5b) The specified plants have been directly derived from mother
plants, which were subject to prior individual testing confirming their
freedom from Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae;
(5c) The specified plants have been tested according to a sampling
scheme able to confirm with 99 % reliability that the level of presence
of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae in the specified plants is below
0,1 %.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

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Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (52 a) the plants originate in a country in which Trioza erytreae Del
52 a of Commission Implementing Regulation Guercio is known not to occur,
Product/crop (EU) 2019/2072
other than seeds
or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (52 b) the plants originate in (name of area) free from Trioza erytreae
52 b of Commission Implementing Regulation Del Guercio, established by the national plant protection organisation in
(EU) 2019/2072 accordance with the relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary
Measures, and which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in
The name of area mentioned on the Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or declaration’,
box ‘Place of origin’

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (c) the plants have been grown in a place of production, which is
52 c of Commission Implementing Regulation registered and supervised by the national plant protection organisation of the
(EU) 2019/2072 country of origin,
where the plants have been grown during a period of one year, in an
insect proof site of production against the introduction of Trioza
erytreae Del Guercio,
where, during a period of at least one year prior to the movement, two
official inspections were carried out at appropriate times and no signs of
Trioza erytreae Del Guercio have been observed in that site,
prior to movement are handled and packaged in ways to prevent
infestation after leaving the place of production.

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Version 6.36
Aegle, Aeglopsis, Afraegle, Amyris, Atalantia, Balsamocitrus, Citropsis, Eremocitrus, Esenbeckia, Glycosmis, Limonia, Merrillia,
Pamburus, Severinia, Tetradium, Toddalia, Triphasia
Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (51)the plants originate in a country recognised as being free from
51 of Commission Implementing Regulation Candidatus Liberibacter africanus, Candidatus Liberibacter americanus
(EU) 2019/2072 and Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, causal agents of Huanglongbing
List of free countries disease of citrus/citrus greening
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (53 a) in a country in which Diaphorina citri Kuway is known not to
53 a of Commission Implementing Regulation occur,
Product/crop (EU) 2019/2072
other than seeds or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (53 b) (name of area) free from Diaphorina citri Kuway, established by the
53 b of Commission Implementing Regulation national plant protection organisation in accordance with the relevant
(EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is mentioned on
The name of area mentioned on the the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’.
box ‘Place of origin’

Page 89 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Adiantum aleuticum, Adiantum jordanii, Arbutus menziesii, Arbutus unedo, Arctostaphylos, Calluna vulgaris, Frangula californica,
Frangula purshiana, Griselinia littoralis, Hamamelis virginiana, Kalmia latifolia, Leucothoe, Lithocarpus densiflorus, Lonicera
hispidula, Michelia doltsopa, Nothofagus obligua, Osmanthus heterophyllus, Parrotia persica, Photinia x fraseri, Pieris, Rhododendron
other than Rh. Simsii, Sequoia sempervirens, Taxus, Trientalis latifolia, Umbellularia californica, Viburnum except Viburnum tinus.

Origin Required additional declaration Required minimal additional declaration text (see in
full reference text, as it should bold) as it should appear on the certificate.
appear on the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other than
plants in tissue culture
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain the
vitality of the plants,
other than plants in tissue
culture and aquatic plants
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant Union
quarantaine pests are
known to occur

Origine Canada, United See Additional declaration point 32.5 for Phytopthora ramorum (non EU isolates)
Kingdom, United States
and Vietnam
Other than fruits, pollen
and seeds

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Version 6.36
Aesculus californica

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear should appear on the certificate.
on the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
n plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Origine Canada, See Additional declaration point 32.5 for Phytopthora ramorum (non EU isolates)
United Kingdom,
United States and
Other than fruits,
pollen and seeds

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Version 6.36
Aesculus hippocastanum
Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Origine Canada, See Additional declaration point 32.5 for Phytopthora ramorum (non EU isolates)
United Kingdom,
United States and
Other than fruits,
pollen and seeds

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC

where Anoplophora See Additional declaration for Anoplophora chinensis
chinensis is known

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Version 6.36
to be present Product/crop other than seeds

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Version 6.36
Aesculus other than Aesculus californica, Aesculus hippocastanum

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

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Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Destination Consignment complies with Annex X, point (14 a) The plants originate in an area known to be free from Bemisia
Ireland, Sweden, 14 a of Commission Implementing Regulation tabaci (European populations).
Northern Ireland (EU) 2019/2072

or or
Consignment complies with Annex X, point (14 b) No signs of Bemisia tabaci (European populations) have been
14 b of Commission Implementing Regulation observed, including on plants, at the place of production on official
(EU) 2019/2072 inspections carried out at least once each three weeks during the nine
weeks prior to marketing.

or or
Consignment complies with Annex X, point (14 c) in cases where Bemisia tabaci (European populations) has been
--next-- 14 c of Commission Implementing Regulation found at the place of production, the plants, held or produced in this

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- (EU) 2019/2072 place of production, have undergone an appropriate treatment to
ensure freedom from Bemisia tabaci (European populations) and
subsequently this place of production shall have been found free from
Bemisia tabaci (European populations) as a consequence of the
implementation of appropriate procedures aiming at eradicating
Bemisia tabaci (European populations), in both official inspections carried
out weekly during the three weeks prior to the movement from this place of
production and in monitoring procedures throughout the said period. The last
inspection of the above weekly inspections shall be carried out immediately
prior to the above movement.
Consignment complies with Annex X, point or
14 d of Commission Implementing Regulation (14 d) for those plants for which there shall be evidence by their packing
(EU) 2019/2072 or their flower development or by other means that they are intended
for direct sale to final consumers not involved in professional plant
production, the plants have been officially inspected and found free from
Bemisia tabaci (European populations) immediately prior to their

Page 96 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Albizia julibrissin

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with
area’s where Xylella see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
fastidiosa is known
not to be present Product/crop other than seeds
Third countries: Product/crop other than seeds
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic

Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses

where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato

Third countries
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Origin Israël The consignment complies with the provisions (i) The plants are free from Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato and Fusarium
of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) euwallaceae
Bare rooted, 2020/1213
dormant grafted and
plants for planting The name or a registration code of the
with a maximum registered production site shall be included on (ii) The plants have been grown throughout their life in a place of production
diameter of 2,5 cm the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ which is registered and supervised by the national plant protection organisation
of the country of origin. That registration has included the respective
production sites within the place of production.


1. The plants have a diameter of less than 2 cm at the base of the stem
2. The plants have been grown in a site with complete physical protection
against the introduction of Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato at least
during six months prior to export, which is subject to official inspections
at appropriate times and has been found free from the pest, confirmed
at least with traps which are checked at least every four weeks,
including immediately prior to movement
3. The plants have been grown in a site of production which has been
found free from Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato and Fusarium
euwallaceae since the beginning of the last complete cycle of
vegetation, confirmed for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato, at least with
traps, during official inspections carried out at least every four weeks; in
case of suspicion of the presence of either of the two pests at the site of
production, appropriate treatments against the pests have been carried
out to ensure the absence of the pests; a surrounding zone of 1 km is
established, which is monitored at appropriate times for Euwallacea
fornicatus sensu lato and Fusarium euwallaceae and where either of the
two pests are found on any host plants, those plants should be

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- immediately rogued out and destroyed. ENOfficial Journal of the
European Union L 275/8 24.8.2020


(iv) Immediately prior to export, consignments of plants with a diameter of 2

cm or wider at the base of the stem have been subjected to an official
inspection for the presence of the pest, in particular in stems and branches of
the plants, including destructive sampling. The size of the sample for inspection
shall be such as to enable at least the detection of 1 % level of infestation with
a level of confidence of 99 %

Origin Israël The consignment complies with the provisions (i) The plants are free from Aonidiella orientalis
of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)
Bare rooted, 2020/1213 and
dormant grafted
plants for planting The name or a registration code of the (ii) The plants have been grown throughout their life in a place of production
with a maximum registered production site shall be included on which is registered and supervised by the national plant protection organisation
diameter of 2,5 the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ of the country of origin. That registration has included the respective
cm productions sites within the place of production. That place of production has
also fulfilled one of the following requirements:

1. The plants have been grown in a site with complete physical protection
against the introduction of Aonidiella orientalis at least during six
months prior to export, which is subject to official inspections every
three weeks and found free from the pest, including immediately prior
to movement


2. The site of production has been found free from Aonidiella orientalis
since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation during
official inspections carried out every three weeks; in case of suspicion
of the presence of the pest at the site of production, appropriate
treatments against the pest have been carried out to ensure the
absence of the pest; a surrounding zone of 100m is established, which
is monitored at appropriate times for Aonidiella orientalis, and where
the pest is found on any plant, those plants should be immediately
rogued out and destroyed. ENOfficial Journal of the European Union
--next-- 24.8.2020 L 275/9

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- and
(iii) Immediately prior to export, consignments of the plants have been
subjected to an official inspection for the presence of Aonidiella orientalis, in
particular in stems and branches of the plants. The size of the sample for
inspection shall be such as to enable at least the detection of 1 % level of
infestation with a level of confidence of 99 %

Page 100 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Albizia falcate, Baccharis salicina, Bauhinia variegata

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic

Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses

where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point The plants have been grown in nurseries
where Liriomyza 8 a of Commission Implementing Regulation and
sativae and (EU) 2019/2072 (8 a) originate in (name of area) established by the national plant
Nemorimyza protection organisation in the country of origin as being free from Liriomyza
maculosa are known The name of area mentioned on the sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with relevant
to occur certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures which is mentioned on the
box ‘Place of origin’ phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No
Product/crop 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’,
other than

Page 101 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
bulbs or or
corms Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 b) originate in (name of place of production) established by the
8 b of Commission Implementing Regulation national plant protection organisation of the country of origin as being free
(EU) 2019/2072 from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with the
plants of genera relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is
Gramineae The name or a registration code of the mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision
rhizomes registered production site shall be included on (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’, and declared
seeds the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ free from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa on official
tubers inspections carried out at least monthly during the three months prior
to export,

plants in tissue or or
culture Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 c) immediately prior to export, have been subjected to an
8 c of Commission Implementing Regulation appropriate treatment against Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza
(EU) 2019/2072 maculosa and have been officially inspected and found free from
Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa.
Details of the treatment mentioned in the Details of the treatment referred in point (c) shall be mentioned on the
respective box of the certificate phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No

See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato
Third countries
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds

Page 102 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Alnus rhombifolia, Fagus crenata Other than plants in tissue culture, pollen and seeds

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold)
reference text, as it should appear on as it should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop
not to be presen other than
Third countries: seeds
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 103 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Third countries See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Afghanistan, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base
India,Iran, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing of the stem
Kyrgyzstan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Pakistan, Tajikistan, or
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan (32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point area free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant
Other than scions, 32.6 b of Commission Implementing protection organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the
cuttings, plants in Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
tissue culture, pollen
or seeds The name of area mentioned on the or
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or
during a period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of
or production free from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the
relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point the plants have been grown
32.6 c of Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against
the introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been
subjected to at least one inspection per year for any signs of
Trirachys sartus, carried out at appropriate times of the year to
detect the presence of the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of

appropriate preventive treatments which has been
subjected to annually at least two inspections for any
signs of Trirachys sartus, carried out at appropriate times of
the year to detect the presence of the pest concerned,
surrounded by a buffer zone with a width of at least 500
m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was confirmed during
these official surveys, and immediately prior to export the
plants have been subjected to an inspection for the presence of
Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,

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Version 6.36
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no
signs of presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
other than China
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
chinensis is known
to be present
China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

Product/crop other than seeds

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
where Anoplophora see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds

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Version 6.36
Alnus other than Alnus rhombifolia, Alnus formosana, Carpinus, Fagus other than Fagus sylvatica, Fagus crenata

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
other than China
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
chinensis is known
to be present
China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

Product/crop other than seeds

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Version 6.36
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
where Anoplophora see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds

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Version 6.36
Alnus formosana

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold)
reference text, as it should appear on as it should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.2 for Apriona germani
See Asian countries
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC

see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
other than China
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
chinensis is known
to be present

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Version 6.36
China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

Product/crop other than seeds

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
where Anoplophora see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds

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Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Canada, United Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (42 a) have been grown throughout their life in an area free from
States 42 a of Commission Implementing Regulation Saperda candida, established by the national plant protection organisation of
(EU) 2019/2072 the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant International Standards
Product/crop for Phytosanitary Measures, which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate
other than The name of area mentioned on the referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric
cuttings certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or ‘Additional declaration’
scions box ‘Place of origin’’,
plants in tissue or
culture or (42 b) have been grown during a period of at least two years prior to
pollen Consignment complies with Annex VII, point export, or in the case of plants which are younger than two years have
seeds 42 b i,ii,iii,iv of Commission Implementing been grown throughout their life, in a place of production established
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072

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Version 6.36
as free from Saperda candida in accordance with relevant International
--next-- Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
--continuation— (i) Which is registered and supervised by the national plant
protection organisation in the country of origin,
(ii) Which has been subjected annually to two official inspections
for any signs of Saperda candida carried out at the most
appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of the
pest concerned,
(iii) Where the plants have been grown:
- In an insect proof site of production against the
introduction of Saperda candida
- In a site with the application of appropriate preventive
treatments and surrounded by a buffer zone with a width of
at least 500 m, where the absence of Saperda candida was
confirmed by official surveys carried out annually at
appropriate times

(iv) Immediately prior to export the plants have been subjected
to a meticulous inspection for the presence of Saperda
candida, in particular in the stems of the plant, including,
where appropriate, destructive sampling

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Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries Consignment complies with Article 11 a of 11 a (area ….and place of production free from Aromia bungii AND area
where Aromia bungii Commission Implementing Decision 2018/1503/EC mentioned on the cerificate)
is known to be
present or
or 11 b (place of production free from Aromia bungii at least two years
Consignment complies with Article 11 b of
Product/crop prior to export)
Commission Implementing Decision 2018/1503/EC
other than seeds
11 c (grown form rootstocks, grafted with scions and scions more than
Consignment complies with Article 11 c of
Commission Implementing Decision 2018/1503/EC 1 cm in diameter at their thickest point at the time of export
--next-- AND plants were inspected in accordance with point b
--continuation— or
Consignment complies with Article 11 a of

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Version 6.36
Commission Implementing Decision
2018/1503/EC; that the plants have been grown
throughout their life in a place of production which
is registered and supervised by the national plant
protection organisation in the country of origin and
situated in an area, established by that
organisation, in accordance with relevant
International Standards for Phytosanitary
Measures, as known to be free from Aromia

Consignment complies with Article 11 b of
Commission Implementing Decision
2018/1503/EC; that the plants have been grown
during a period of at least two years prior to
export, or, in the case of plants which are younger
than two years, have been grown throughout their
life, in a place of production established as free
from Aromia bungii, in accordance with the
International Standards for Phytosanitary
Measures, and that the following conditions are
(i) the place of production is registered and
supervised by the national plant protection
organisation in the country of origin;
(ii) the place of production has been subjected
annually to at least two meticulous official
inspections for any sign of Aromia bungii carried
out at appropriate times, and no signs of the
organism have been found;
(iii) the place of production is with complete
physical protection against the introduction of
Aromia bungii, or has been subjected to
appropriate preventive treatment and surrounded
by a buffer zone with a radius of at least 4 km
where official surveys for the presence or signs of
Aromia bungii are carried out annually at
appropriate times;
(iv) where the presence or signs of Aromia bungii
have been found, eradication measures have been
immediately taken to restore the pest freedom of
the buffer zone;
--next-- (v) immediately prior to export, consignments of

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Version 6.36
the plants have been subjected to a meticulous
official inspection for the presence of Aromia
bungii, in particular in stems and branches of
those plants. That inspection has included targeted
destructive sampling. Where consignments include
plants originating in sites which at the time of their
production were located in a buffer zone, where
presence or signs of Aromia bungii had been
found, destructive sampling of the plants of that
consignment has been carried out at the level set
out in the following table:

Number of plants in lot Level of destructive

sampling (number of
plants to be
1-4 500 10% of lot size
>4 500 450

Consignment complies with Article 11 c of

Commission Implementing Decision
2018/1503/EC; that the plants have been grown
form rootstocks which fulfil the requirements of
point (b), grafted with scions which meet the
following requirements:
(i) at the time of export, the grafted scions are no
more than 1 cm in diameter at their thickest point;
(ii) the grafted plants have been inspected in
accordance with point (b)(ii).

For the purposes of point (a), the name of the

area shall be mentioned under the entry ‘place of
Canada, United Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (42 a) have been grown throughout their life in an area free from
States 42 a of Commission Implementing Regulation Saperda candida, established by the national plant protection organisation of
Product/crop (EU) 2019/2072 the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant International Standards
other than for Phytosanitary Measures, which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate
cuttings The name of area mentioned on the certificate in referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric
scions box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of origin’’, ‘Additional declaration’
plants in tissue
culture or or
pollen, seeds Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (42 b) have been grown during a period of at least two years prior to
42 b i,ii,iii,iv of Commission Implementing export, or in the case of plants which are younger than two years have

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Version 6.36
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 been grown throughout their life, in a place of production established
as free from Saperda candida in accordance with relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
(i) Which is registered and supervised by the national plant
protection organisation in the country of origin,
(ii) Which has been subjected annually to two official
inspections for any signs of Saperda candida carried out at
the most appropriate times of the year to detect the
presence of the pest concerned,
(iii) Where the plants have been grown:
- In an insect proof site of production against the
introduction of Saperda candida
- In a site with the application of appropriate preventive
treatments and surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m, where the absence of Saperda candida
was confirmed by official surveys carried out annually at
appropriate times

(iv) Immediately prior to export the plants have been
subjected to a meticulous inspection for the presence of
Saperda candida, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including, where appropriate, destructive sampling

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Version 6.36
Artocarpus chaplasha, Artocarpus heterophyllus, Artocarpus integer, Bombax malabaricum, Broussonetia papyrifera, Broussonetia
kazinoki, Camellia oleifera, Cunninghamia lanceolata, Dalbergia, Maclura tricuspidate, Sapium sebiferum, Schima superba, Sophora
japonica, Trema amboinense, Trema orientale, Vernicia fordii, Xylosma.

Origin Required additional declaration Required minimal additional declaration text (see in
full reference text, as it should bold) as it should appear on the certificate.
appear on the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other than
plants in tissue culture
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain the
vitality of the plants,
other than plants in tissue
culture and aquatic plants
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant Union
quarantaine pests are
known to occur to occur

Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.2 for Apriona germani
See Asian countries
Other than plants in tissue
culture, pollen and seeds

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Version 6.36
Asparagus other than Asparagus acutifolius, Asparagus officinalis, Allium cepa, Cynara scolymus, Phaseolus

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi
Plants for planting
other than bulbs,
corms, rhizomes,
seeds, tubers and
plants in tissue

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Plants for planting
other than bulbs,
corms, dormant
plants, plants in
tissue culture,

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Version 6.36
seeds, tubers and

Bolivia, Colombia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (21.2 a) the plants originate in an area as being free from Prodiplosis
Ecuador, Peru and 21.2 a of Commission Implementing longifila
United States Regulation (EU) 2019/2072

other than The name of area mentioned on the

bulbs certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
corms box ‘Place of origin’
dormant plants
plants in tissue or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (21.2 b) the plants have been grown at least during the two months
--next-- 21.2 b of Commission Implementing prior to export, or in the case of plants which are younger than two
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 months, throughout their life, in a site of production with physical
--continuation-- protection established in the country of origin as being free from
Prodiplosis longifila, on the basis of official inspections carried out
culture throughout their life or during the last two months prior to export.

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Version 6.36
Asparagus acutifolius

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries where
Xylella fastidiosa is
known not to occur
Third countries with
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known not
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
to be present
Third countries: area’s Product/crop other than seeds
where Xylella Product/crop other than seeds
fastidiosa is known to
be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to


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Version 6.36
--continuation-- Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (21.2 a) the plants originate in an area as being free from Prodiplosis
21.2 a of Commission Implementing longifila
Bolivia, Colombia, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Ecuador, Peru and
United States The name of area mentioned on the
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
other than box ‘Place of origin’
corms or
dormant plants Consignment complies with Annex VII, point or
plants in tissue 21.2 b of Commission Implementing (21.2 b) the plants have been grown at least during the two months
culture Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 prior to export, or in the case of plants which are younger than two
seeds months, throughout their life, in a site of production with physical
tubers protection established in the country of origin as being free from
rhizomes Prodiplosis longifila, on the basis of official inspections carried out
throughout their life or during the last two months prior to export.

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Version 6.36
Asparagus officinalis other than stems covered during their entire life by soil

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi
Plants for planting
other than bulbs,
corms, rhizomes,
seeds, tubers and
plants in tissue

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Plants for planting
other than bulbs,
corms, dormant
plants, plants in
tissue culture,
seeds, tubers and

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Version 6.36
Third countries Consignment meets the conditions laid down These requirements apply from 1st of September 2023
other tan in Article 10.1 a of Commission
Switzerland Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1134 (a) They originate from a country where the pest is not known to
Consignment meets the conditions laid down
(b) They originate from an area free from Spodoptera frugiperda, as
in Article 10.1 b of Commission
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1134 established by the National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) concerned, in
accordance with the International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures No 4;
Name of the area mentioned on the certificate the name of that area shall be stated in the phytosanitary certificate under the
under ‘Place of Origin’ rubric ‘place of origin’;

or or
Consignment meets the conditions laid down (c) Prior to export they have been subject to an official inspection and
in Article 10.1 c of Commission Implementing found free from Spodoptera frugiperda, and originate from a site of
Regulation (EU) 2023/1134 production complying with the following conditions:

(i) It is registered and supervised by the NPPO in the country of

(ii) Official inspections have been carried out during the last
three months prior to export, and no presence of the
specified pest has been detected on the specified plants;
(iii) It has physical isolation against the introduction of the
specified pest;
(iv) Information ensuring traceability of the specified plants to
or that site of production has been ensured during their
movement prior to export;

Consignment meets the conditions laid down (d) Prior to their export they have been subject to an official inspection
in Article 10.1 d of Commission and found free from Spodoptera frugiperda, and they originate from a
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1134 site of production complying with the following conditions:

(i) It is registered and supervised by the NPPO in the country of

(ii) Official inspections have been carried out during the three
months prior to export, and no presence of the specified pest
has been detected on the specified plants;
(iii) The specified plants have been subjected to an effective
treatment to ensure freedom from the specified pest;

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Version 6.36
(iv) Information ensuring the traceability of the specified plants
to that site of production has been ensured during their
movement prior to export;

or or
Consignment meets the conditions laid down (e) They have been subjected to an effective post-harvest treatment to
in Article 10.1 e of Commission ensure freedom from the specified pest, and that treatment is indicated
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1134 on the phytosanitary certificate.

Treatment data is mentioned on the


Bolivia, Colombia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (21.2 a) the plants originate in an area as being free from Prodiplosis
Ecuador, Peru and 21.2 a of Commission Implementing longifila
United States Regulation (EU) 2019/2072

other than The name of area mentioned on the

bulbs certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
corms box ‘Place of origin’
dormant plants
plants in tissue or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (21.2 b) the plants have been grown at least during the two months
--next-- 21.2 b of Commission Implementing prior to export, or in the case of plants which are younger than two
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 months, throughout their life, in a site of production with physical
--continuation-- protection established in the country of origin as being free from
Prodiplosis longifila, on the basis of official inspections carried out
culture throughout their life or during the last two months prior to export.

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Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Afghanistan, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
India,Iran, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Kyrgyzstan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Pakistan, Tajikistan, or
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan (32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
Other than scions, 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
cuttings, plants in Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
tissue culture, pollen
or seeds The name of area mentioned on the or

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Version 6.36
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
32.6 c of Commission Implementing (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC

see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
other than China
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
chinensis is known
to be present
China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
Product/crop other than seeds
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
where Anoplophora see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds

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Version 6.36
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Version 6.36
Caesalpinia japonica, Cercis chinensis, Chaenomeles sinensis, Enkianthus perulatus, Firmiana simplex, Hovenia dulcis, Platycarya
strobilacea, Spiraea thunbergia, Villebrunea pedunculata, Zelkova serrata.

Origin Required additional declaration Required minimal additional declaration text (see in
full reference text, as it should bold) as it should appear on the certificate.
appear on the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other than
plants in tissue culture
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain the
vitality of the plants,
other than plants in tissue
culture and aquatic plants
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant Union
quarantaine pests are
known to occur

Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.3 for Apriona rugicollis

See Asian countries

Other than plants in tissue

culture, pollen and seeds

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Version 6.36
Cajanus cajan
Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic

Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses

where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point The plants have been grown in nurseries
where Liriomyza 8 a of Commission Implementing Regulation and
sativae and (EU) 2019/2072 (8 a) originate in (name of area) established by the national plant
Nemorimyza protection organisation in the country of origin as being free from Liriomyza
maculosa are known The name of area mentioned on the sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with relevant
to occur certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures which is mentioned on the
box ‘Place of origin’ phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No
Product/crop 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’,
other than
bulbs or or

Page 128 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
corms Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 b) originate in (name of place of production) established by the
8 b of Commission Implementing Regulation national plant protection organisation of the country of origin as being free
plants of genera (EU) 2019/2072 from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with the
Gramineae relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is
rhizomes The name or a registration code of the mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision
seeds registered production site shall be included on (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’, and declared
tubers the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ free from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa on official
inspections carried out at least monthly during the three months prior
to export,
plants in tissue
culture or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 c) immediately prior to export, have been subjected to an
8 c of Commission Implementing Regulation appropriate treatment against Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza
(EU) 2019/2072 maculosa and have been officially inspected and found free from
Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa.
Details of the treatment mentioned in the Details of the treatment referred in point (c) shall be mentioned on the
respective box of the certificate phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No

Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.2 for Apriona germani
See Asian countries
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex I 1, point 1 “Aquatic plants” is not a botanical name; the requirement mentioned here is
of Commission Implementing Decision applicable for any plant that can only grow in water or soil that is permanently
Product/crop 2012/697/EC saturated with water
other than seeds the specified plants plants were inspected immediately prior to export
and found free from Pomacea

Page 129 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Calluna vulgaris

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries where
Xylella fastidiosa is
known not to occur
Third countries with
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known not
to be present Product/crop other than seeds
Third countries: area’s Product/crop other than seeds
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known to
be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 130 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Camellia sinensis

Origin Required additional declaration Required minimal additional declaration text (see in
full reference text, as it should bold) as it should appear on the certificate.
appear on the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other than
plants in tissue culture
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain the
vitality of the plants,
other than plants in tissue
culture and aquatic plants
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant Union
quarantaine pests are
known to occur to occur
Third countries See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato
Other than plants in tissue
culture, pollen and seeds
Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.2 for Apriona germani
See Asian countries
Other than plants in tissue
culture, pollen and seeds

Page 131 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Camellia other than Camellia sinensis, Camellia oleifera and Camellia semiserrata, Heteromeles arbutifolia, Larix decidua, Larix
kaempferi, Larix x eurolepis

Origin Required additional declaration Required minimal additional declaration text (see in
full reference text, as it should bold) as it should appear on the certificate.
appear on the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other than
plants in tissue culture
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain the
vitality of the plants,
other than plants in tissue
culture and aquatic plants
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant Union
quarantaine pests are
known to occur

Origine Canada, United See Additional declaration point 32.5 for Phytopthora ramorum (non EU isolates)
Kingdom, United States
and Vietnam
Other than fruits, pollen
and seeds

Page 132 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Capsicum annuum

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries where The plants have been grown in nurseries
Liriomyza sativae and
and Nemorimyza Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 a) originate in (name of area) established by the national plant
maculosa are known 8 a of Commission Implementing Regulation protection organisation in the country of origin as being free from Liriomyza
to occur (EU) 2019/2072 sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with relevant
International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures which is mentioned on the
Product/crop The name of area mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No
other than certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’,
bulbs box ‘Place of origin’
-next-- or or

Page 133 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 b) originate in (name of place of production) established by the
8 b of Commission Implementing Regulation national plant protection organisation of the country of origin as being free
plants of genera (EU) 2019/2072 from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with
Gramineae the relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is
rhizomes The name or a registration code of the mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision
seeds registered production site shall be included on (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’, and declared
tubers the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ free from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa on official
plants in tissue inspections carried out at least monthly during the three months prior
culture to export,

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 c) immediately prior to export, have been subjected to an
8 c of Commission Implementing Regulation appropriate treatment against Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza
(EU) 2019/2072 maculosa and have been officially inspected and found free from
Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa.
Details of the treatment mentioned in the Details of the treatment referred in point (c) shall be mentioned on the
respective box of the certificate phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No

Third countries Consignment complies with Article 8 1 (a (8 1) (a) The Capsicum annuum plants for planting derive from
and b) of Commission implementing Capsicum annuum seeds which have undergone sampling and testing
Product / crop regulation (EU) 2020/1191 for Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) as set out in the Annex,
other than seeds and these tests have shown them to be free from Tomato brown
The name or a registration code of the rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV);
Until 31st August registered production site shall be included on
2023 the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ and
(8 1) (b) The Capsicum annuum plants for planting have been produced
in a production site which is registered and supervised by the national
plant protection organisation in the country of origin and known to be
free from Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) on the basis of
official inspections carried out at the appropriate time to detect that
pest, and, in case of symptoms, have undergone official sampling and
testing for Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) and have been
found, according to those tests, to be free from Tomato brown rugose
fruit virus (ToBRFV) .

or or


Page 134 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- Consignment complies with Article 8 2 of (8 2) Capsicum annuum plants are of Capsicum annuum varieties
Commission implementing regulation (EU) which are known to be resistant to Tomato brown rugose fruit virus
2020/1191 (ToBRFV)
Third countries Consignment complies with Article 9.1 (a, b (9.1a) The Capsicum annuum plants are derived from seeds which
and c) of Commission implementing comply with the requirements laid down in (EU) 2023/1032 Article 10;
Product/crop regulation (EU) 2023/1032 and
Plants for planting (9.1b) The Capsicum annuum plants have been produced in a
other than seeds or The name of the registered production site is production site which is registered and supervised by the national
fruits; mentioned on the certificate plant protection organisation in the country of origin and known to be
free from Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) on the basis of
from 1st of official inspections, sampling and testing carried out at the
September 2023 appropriate time to detect that pest;
to 31st of December and
2024 (9.1c) The name of the registered production site

or or

Consignment complies with Article 9.2 of (9.2) The Capsicum annuum plants are of varieties which are known to
Commission implementing regulation (EU) be resistant to Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV)

Third countries See Additional declaration point 21.1 for Ceratothripoides claratis

Third countries where Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (22 a) the plants originate in areas which have been found free from
Ralstonia 22 a of Commission Implementing Regulation Ralstonia solanacearum, Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum, Ralstonia
solanacearum, (EU) 2019/2072 syzigii subsp. celebensis and Ralstonia syzigii subsp. indonesiensis
pseudosolanacearum, or
Ralstonia syzigii (22 b) no symptoms of Ralstonia solanacearum, Ralstonia
subsp. celebensis or or pseudosolanacearum, Ralstonia syzigii subsp. celebensis and
Ralstonia syzigii Consignment complies with Annex VII, point Ralstonia syzigii subsp. indonesiensis have been observed on the
subsp. indonesiensis 22 b of Commission Implementing Regulation plants at the place of production since the beginning of the last
is known to occur (EU) 2019/2072 complete cycle of vegetation.

other than

Page 135 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Capsicum other than Capsicum annuum

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries The plants have been grown in nurseries
where Liriomyza And
sativae and
Nemorimyza Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 a) originate in (name of area) established by the national plant
maculosa are known 8 a of Commission Implementing Regulation protection organisation in the country of origin as being free from Liriomyza
to occur (EU) 2019/2072 sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with relevant
International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures which is mentioned on the
Product/crop The name of area mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No
other than certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’,
bulbs box ‘Place of origin’
or or

Page 136 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--next-- Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 b) originate in (name of place of production) established by the
--continuation-- 8 b of Commission Implementing Regulation national plant protection organisation of the country of origin as being free
(EU) 2019/2072 from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with the
plants of genera relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is
Gramineae The name or a registration code of the mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision
rhizomes registered production site shall be included on (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’, and declared
seeds the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ free from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa on official
tubers inspections carried out at least monthly during the three months prior
plants in tissue to export,
or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 c) immediately prior to export, have been subjected to an
8 c of Commission Implementing Regulation appropriate treatment against Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza
(EU) 2019/2072 maculosa and have been officially inspected and found free from
Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa.
Details of the treatment mentioned in the Details of the treatment referred in point (c) shall be mentioned on the
respective box of the certificate phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No

Third countries Consignment complies with Article 8 1 (a (8 1) (a) The Capsicum plants for planting derive from Capsicum seeds
and b) of Commission implementing which have undergone sampling and testing for Tomato brown rugose
Product / crop regulation (EU) 2020/1191 fruit virus (ToBRFV) as set out in the Annex, and these tests have shown
other than seeds them to be free from Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV);
The name or a registration code of the
registered production site shall be included on and
Until 31st August the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ (8 1) (b) The Capsicum plants for planting have been produced in a
2023 production site which is registered and supervised by the national plant
protection organisation in the country of origin and known to be free
from Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) on the basis of official
inspections carried out at the appropriate time to detect that pest, and,
in case of symptoms, have undergone official sampling and testing for
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) and have been found,
according to those tests, to be free from Tomato brown rugose fruit
virus (ToBRFV) .

or or

Page 137 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- Consignment complies with Article 8 2 of (8 2) Capsicum plants are of Capsicum varieties which are known to be
Commission implementing regulation (EU) resistant to Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV)

Third countries Consignment complies with Article 9.1 (a, b (9.1a) The Capsicum plants are derived from seeds which comply with
and c) of Commission implementing the requirements laid down in (EU) 2023/1032 Article 10;
Product/crop regulation (EU) 2023/1032 and
Plants for planting (9.1b) The Capsicum plants have been produced in a production site
other than seeds or The name of the registered production site is which is registered and supervised by the national plant protection
fruits; mentioned on the certificate organisation in the country of origin and known to be free from Tomato
brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) on the basis of official inspections,
from 1st of sampling and testing carried out at the appropriate time to detect that
September 2023 pest;
to 31st of December and
2024 (9.1c) The name of the registered production site

or or

Consignment complies with Article 9.2 of (9.2) The Capsicum plants are of varieties which are known to be
Commission implementing regulation (EU) resistant to Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV)

Third countries See Additional declaration point 21.1 for Ceratothripoides claratis

Page 138 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (52 a) the plants originate in a country in which Trioza erytreae Del
52 a of Commission Implementing Regulation Guercio is known not to occur,
Product/crop (EU) 2019/2072
other than seeds
or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (52 b) the plants originate in (name of area) free from Trioza erytreae
52 b of Commission Implementing Regulation Del Guercio, established by the national plant protection organisation in
(EU) 2019/2072 accordance with the relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary
Measures, and which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to
The name of area mentioned on the in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or declaration’,
box ‘Place of origin’
or or

Page 139 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (c) the plants have been grown in a place of production, which is
52 c of Commission Implementing Regulation registered and supervised by the national plant protection organisation of the
(EU) 2019/2072 country of origin,
where the plants have been grown during a period of one year, in an
insect proof site of production against the introduction of Trioza
erytreae Del Guercio,
where, during a period of at least one year prior to the movement, two
official inspections were carried out at appropriate times and no signs
of Trioza erytreae Del Guercio have been observed in that site,
prior to movement are handled and packaged in ways to prevent
infestation after leaving the place of production.

Page 140 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Castanea other than Castanea sativa

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.2 for Apriona germani
See Asian countries
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
China, North Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.7 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Korea, Russia, 32.7 a of Commission Implementing the stem
South Korea, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Taiwan and
Vietnam or or
Other than plants Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.7 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
in tissue culture, 32.7 b of Commission Implementing free from Massicus raddei, established by the national plant protection
pollen and seeds Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 organisation in the country of origin in accordance with the relevant

Page 141 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
The name of area mentioned on the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures. The name of the area
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or shall be mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate,
box ‘Place of origin’

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.7 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during
32.7 c of Commission Implementing a period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 free from Massicus raddei, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been

(i) in a site of production with physical isolation against the

introduction of Massicus raddei, which has been subjected annually to
at least one inspection for any signs of Massicus raddei, carried out at
appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of the pest

(ii) in a site of production with the application of appropriate
preventive treatments which has been subjected annually to at least
two inspections for any signs of Massicus raddei, carried out at
appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of the pest
concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width of at least
2000 m where the absence of Massicus raddei was confirmed during
official surveys,
and immediately prior to export the plants have been subjected to an
inspection for the presence of Massicus raddei, in particular in the stems
of the plant, including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no
signs of presence of Massicus raddei have been observed.

Page 142 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Castanea sativa

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.2 for Apriona germani
See Asian countries
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Origine Canada, See Additional declaration point 32.5 for Phytopthora ramorum (non EU isolates)
United Kingdom,
United States and
Other than fruits,
pollen and seeds


Page 143 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.7 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
32.7 a of Commission Implementing the stem
China, North Korea, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Russia, South
Korea, Taiwan and or or
Vietnam Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.7 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than plants 32.7 b of Commission Implementing free from Massicus raddei, established by the national plant protection
in tissue culture, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 organisation in the country of origin in accordance with the relevant
pollen and seeds The name of area mentioned on the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures. The name of the area
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or shall be mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate,
box ‘Place of origin’

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.7 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
32.7 c of Commission Implementing period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 free from Massicus raddei, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been

(i) in a site of production with physical isolation against the

introduction of Massicus raddei, which has been subjected annually to
at least one inspection for any signs of Massicus raddei, carried out at
appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of the pest concerned,

(ii) in a site of production with the application of appropriate
preventive treatments which has been subjected annually to at least two
inspections for any signs of Massicus raddei, carried out at appropriate
times of the year to detect the presence of the pest concerned,
surrounded by a buffer zone with a width of at least 2000 m where
the absence of Massicus raddei was confirmed during official surveys,
and immediately prior to export the plants have been subjected to an
inspection for the presence of Massicus raddei, in particular in the stems of
the plant, including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs
of presence of Massicus raddei have been observed.

Page 144 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.7 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base
China, North 32.7 a of Commission Implementing of the stem
Korea, Russia, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
South Korea,
Taiwan and or or
Vietnam Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.7 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an
Other than plants 32.7 b of Commission Implementing area free from Massicus raddei, established by the national plant
in tissue culture, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 protection organisation in the country of origin in accordance with the
pollen and seeds The name of area mentioned on the relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures. The name of
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or the area shall be mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate,
box ‘Place of origin’

--next-- or

Page 145 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
or (32.7 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during
--continuation-- Consignment complies with Annex VII, point a period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production
32.7 c of Commission Implementing free from Massicus raddei, in accordance with the relevant International
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been

(i) in a site of production with physical isolation against the

introduction of Massicus raddei, which has been subjected annually
to at least one inspection for any signs of Massicus raddei, carried out at
appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of the pest

(ii) in a site of production with the application of appropriate
preventive treatments which has been subjected annually to at least
two inspections for any signs of Massicus raddei, carried out at
appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of the pest
concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width of at least
2000 m where the absence of Massicus raddei was confirmed during
official surveys,
and immediately prior to export the plants have been subjected to an
inspection for the presence of Massicus raddei, in particular in the stems
of the plant, including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no
signs of presence of Massicus raddei have been observed.

Page 146 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Celtis sinensis, Cinnamomum camphora, Eriobotrya japonica,

Origin Required additional declaration Required minimal additional declaration text (see in
full reference text, as it should bold) as it should appear on the certificate.
appear on the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other than
plants in tissue culture
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain the
vitality of the plants,
other than plants in tissue
culture and aquatic plants
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant Union
quarantaine pests are
known to occur

Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.2 for Apriona germani
See Asian countries
Other than plants in tissue
culture, pollen and seeds
Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.3 for Apriona rugicollis

See Asian countries

Other than plants in tissue

culture, pollen and seeds

Page 147 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
where Anoplophora see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds

Page 148 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Canada, United Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (35a) (Name of area) established in the country of origin by the national
States 35 a of Commission Implementing Regulation plant protection organisation in that country, as being free from
(EU) 2019/2072 Anisogramma anomala (Peck) E. Müller, in accordance with the relevant
Product/crop International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is mentioned on
other than seeds The name of area mentioned on the the certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031 under
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or the rubric ‘Additional declaration’,
box ‘Place of origin’

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (35b) (name of place of production) established in the country of origin by
35 b of Commission Implementing Regulation the national plant protection organisation in that country, as being free from
(EU) 2019/2072 Anisogramma anomala (Peck) E. Müller on official inspections carried
--next-- out at the place of production or its immediate vicinity since the

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- Place of producton mentioned on the beginning of the last three complete cycles of vegetation, in accordance
certificate in ‘Additional declaration’ with the relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and
which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of
Decision (EU) No 2016/2031 under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’.
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
other than China
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
chinensis is known
to be present
China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

Product/crop other than seeds

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
where Anoplophora see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds

Page 150 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36

Chaenomeles, Eriobotrya

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

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Version 6.36
Chamaecyparis, Juniperus
naturally or artificially dwarfed plants

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Japan This consignment meets the conditions laid 8 a (the name or the names of the registered nursery or nurseries)
down in Commission Implementing and
Product/crop Regulation(EU) 2020/1217, Annex 8a and 8b
other than seeds and 8c 8 b (marking, as far as they enable identification of the registered
nursery and the year of potting)

8 c (the specification of the last treatment applied, prior to dispatch)

South Korea This consignment meets the conditions laid 8 a (the name or the names of the registered nursery or nurseries)
down in Commission Implementing and
Product/crop Regulation(EU) 2023/1310, Annex 8a and 8b
other than seeds and 8c 8 b (marking, as far as they enable identification of the registered
nursery and the year of potting)

8 c (the specification of the last treatment applied, prior to dispatch)

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Version 6.36
Chionanthus virginicus

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries where
Xylella fastidiosa is
known not to occur
Third countries with
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known not
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
to be present
Third countries: area’s Product/crop other than seeds
where Xylella Product/crop other than seeds
fastidiosa is known to
be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

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Version 6.36
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (36) the plants originate in an area recognised as being free from
Belarus,Canada, 36 of Commission Implementing Regulation Agrilus planipennis , and located at a minimum distance of 100 km to
China, Democratic (EU) 2019/2072 the closest known area, where the presence of the specified pest has
People’s Rupublic of been officially confirmed.
Korea, Japan, The name of area mentioned on the certificate
Mongolia, Republic in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of
of Korea, Russia, origin’
Taiwan, Ukraine
United States
Area communicated with the Commission
other than seeds

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Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (52 a) the plants originate in a country in which Trioza erytreae Del
52 a of Commission Implementing Regulation Guercio is known not to occur,
Product/crop (EU) 2019/2072
other than seeds
or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (52 b) the plants originate in an area … free from Trioza erytreae Del
52 b of Commission Implementing Regulation Guercio, established by the national plant protection organisation in accordance
(EU) 2019/2072 with the relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and
which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of
The name of area mentioned on the Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’,

Page 155 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
--next-- box ‘Place of origin’
--continuation-- or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (c) the plants have been grown in a place of production, which is
52 c of Commission Implementing Regulation registered and supervised by the national plant protection organisation of the
(EU) 2019/2072 country of origin,
where the plants have been grown during a period of one year, in an
insect proof site of production against the introduction of Trioza
erytreae Del Guercio,
where, during a period of at least one year prior to the movement, two
official inspections were carried out at appropriate times and no signs
of Trioza erytreae Del Guercio have been observed in that site,
prior to movement are handled and packaged in ways to prevent
infestation after leaving the place of production.
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (53 a) in a country in which Diaphorina citri Kuway is known not to
53 a of Commission Implementing Regulation occur,
Product/crop (EU) 2019/2072
other than seeds
or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (53 b) in an area … free from Diaphorina citri Kuway, established by the
53 b of Commission Implementing Regulation national plant protection organisation in accordance with the relevant
(EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is mentioned on
the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No
The name of area mentioned on the 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’.
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’

Page 156 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Citrus and hybrids

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to be present
other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC

Page 157 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Third countries see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

other than China Product/crop other than seeds

where Anoplophora
chinensis is known
to be present
China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

Product/crop other than seeds

Page 158 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Citrullus lanatus

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries See Additional declaration point 21.1 for Ceratothripoides claratis

Bolivia, Colombia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (21.2 a) the plants originate in an area as being free from Prodiplosis
Ecuador, Peru and 21.2 a of Commission Implementing longifila
United States Regulation (EU) 2019/2072

other than The name of area mentioned on the

bulbs certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
corms box ‘Place of origin’
dormant plants
plants in tissue or or
culture Consignment complies with Annex VII, point

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Version 6.36
seeds 21.2 b of Commission Implementing (21.2 b) the plants have been grown at least during the two months
tubers Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 prior to export, or in the case of plants which are younger than two
rhizomes months, throughout their life, in a site of production with physical
protection established in the country of origin as being free from
Prodiplosis longifila, on the basis of official inspections carried out
throughout their life or during the last two months prior to export.

Page 160 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Clausena Vepris

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (52 a) the plants originate in a country in which Trioza erytreae Del
52 a of Commission Implementing Regulation Guercio is known not to occur,
Product/crop (EU) 2019/2072
other than seeds
or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (52 b) the plants originate in (name of area) free from Trioza erytreae
52 b of Commission Implementing Regulation Del Guercio, established by the national plant protection organisation in
(EU) 2019/2072 accordance with the relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary
Measures, and which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to
The name of area mentioned on the in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or declaration’,
box ‘Place of origin’

Page 161 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (c) the plants have been grown in a place of production, which is
52 c of Commission Implementing Regulation registered and supervised by the national plant protection organisation of the
(EU) 2019/2072 country of origin,
where the plants have been grown during a period of one year, in an
insect proof site of production against the introduction of Trioza
erytreae Del Guercio,
where, during a period of at least one year prior to the movement, two
official inspections were carried out at appropriate times and no signs
of Trioza erytreae Del Guercio have been observed in that site,
prior to movement are handled and packaged in ways to prevent
infestation after leaving the place of production.

Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (53a) in a country in which Diaphorina citri Kuway is known not to
53 a of Commission Implementing Regulation occur,
Product/crop (EU) 2019/2072
other than seeds
or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (53b) (name of area) free from Diaphorina citri Kuway, established by the
53 b of Commission Implementing Regulation national plant protection organisation in accordance with the relevant
(EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is mentioned on
the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No
The name of area mentioned on the 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’.
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’

Page 162 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Crataegus other than Crataegus cordata

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear should appear on the certificate.
on the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Canada, United Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (42 a) have been grown throughout their life in an area free from
States 42 a of Commission Implementing Saperda candida, established by the national plant protection organisation of
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant International Standards
Product/crop for Phytosanitary Measures, which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate
other than The name of area mentioned on the certificate in referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric
cuttings box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of ‘Additional declaration’
scions origin’’,
plants in tissue or
culture or (42 b) have been grown during a period of at least two years prior to
pollen Consignment complies with Annex VII, point export, or in the case of plants which are younger than two years have
seeds 42 b i,ii,iii,iv of Commission Implementing been grown throughout their life, in a place of production established
--next-- Regulation (EU) 2019/2072

Page 163 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- as free from Saperda candida in accordance with relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
(i) Which is registered and supervised by the national plant
protection organisation in the country of origin,
(ii) Which has been subjected annually to two official
inspections for any signs of Saperda candida carried out at
the most appropriate times of the year to detect the
presence of the pest concerned,
(iii) Where the plants have been grown:
- In an insect proof site of production against the
introduction of Saperda candida
- In a site with the application of appropriate preventive
treatments and surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m, where the absence of Saperda candida
was confirmed by official surveys carried out annually at
appropriate times

(iv) Immediately prior to export the plants have been
subjected to a meticulous inspection for the presence of
Saperda candida, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including, where appropriate, destructive sampling

Canada, Mexico, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (43 a) throughout their life in (name of area) free from Grapholita
United States 43 a of Commission Implementing packardi established by the national plant protection organisation of the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 country of origin, in accordance with the relevant International Standards for
Product/crop Phytosanitary Measures, which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate
other than The name of area mentioned on the referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric
plants in tissue certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or ‘Additional declaration’, provided that this freedom status has been
culture box ‘Place of origin’’. communicated in advance in writing to the Commission by the national plant
seeds protection organisation of the third country concerned,
Freedom status area communicated with the
Commission or

LIST OF FREE AREAS (43 b) throughout their life, in a place of production established as free
from Grapholita packardi in accordance with the relevant International
--next-- or Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:

Page 164 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (i) which is registered and supervised by the national plant
43 b of Commission Implementing protection organisation of the country of origin
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072

(ii) Which has been subjected to annual inspections for any

signs of Grapholita packardi carried out at appropriate
times of the year to detect the presence of the pest


(iii) Where the plants have been grown in a site with the
application of appropriate preventive treatments and
where the absence of Grapholita packardi was confirmed
by official surveys carried out annually at appropriate
times of the year to detect the presence of the pest


(iv) Immediately prior to export the plants have been

subjected to a meticulous inspection for the presence of
Grapholita packardi

(43 c) in an insect proof site of production against the introduction of
Grapholita packardi
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
43 c of Commission Implementing Regulation
(EU) 2019/2072

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC

see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
other than China
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
chinensis is known
to be present

Page 165 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Crataegus cordata

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear should appear on the certificate.
on the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.3 for Apriona rugicollis

See Asian countries

Other than plants in

tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Canada, United Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (42 a) have been grown throughout their life in an area free from
States 42 a of Commission Implementing Saperda candida, established by the national plant protection organisation of
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant International Standards
Product/crop for Phytosanitary Measures, which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate
other than The name of area mentioned on the certificate in referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric
cuttings box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of ‘Additional declaration’

Page 166 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
scions origin’’,
plants in tissue or
culture or (42 b) have been grown during a period of at least two years prior to
pollen Consignment complies with Annex VII, point export, or in the case of plants which are younger than two years have
seeds 42 b i,ii,iii,iv of Commission Implementing been grown throughout their life, in a place of production established
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 as free from Saperda candida in accordance with relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
(i) Which is registered and supervised by the national plant
protection organisation in the country of origin,
(ii) Which has been subjected annually to two official
inspections for any signs of Saperda candida carried out at
the most appropriate times of the year to detect the
presence of the pest concerned,
(iii) Where the plants have been grown:
- In an insect proof site of production against the
introduction of Saperda candida
- In a site with the application of appropriate preventive
treatments and surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m, where the absence of Saperda candida
was confirmed by official surveys carried out annually at
appropriate times

(iv) Immediately prior to export the plants have been
subjected to a meticulous inspection for the presence of
Saperda candida, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including, where appropriate, destructive sampling

Canada, Mexico, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (43 a) throughout their life in (name of area) free from Grapholita
United States 43 a of Commission Implementing packardi established by the national plant protection organisation of the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 country of origin, in accordance with the relevant International Standards for
Product/crop Phytosanitary Measures, which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate
other than The name of area mentioned on the referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric
plants in tissue certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or ‘Additional declaration’, provided that this freedom status has been
culture box ‘Place of origin’’. communicated in advance in writing to the Commission by the national plant
seeds protection organisation of the third country concerned,
--next-- Freedom status area communicated with the

Page 167 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- Commission or

LIST OF FREE AREAS (43 b) throughout their life, in a place of production established as free
from Grapholita packardi in accordance with the relevant International
or Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (i) which is registered and supervised by the national plant protection
43 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072

(ii) Which has been subjected to annual inspections for any signs
of Grapholita packardi carried out at appropriate times of the
year to detect the presence of the pest concerned


(iii) Where the plants have been grown in a site with the
application of appropriate preventive treatments and where
the absence of Grapholita packardi was confirmed by official
surveys carried out annually at appropriate times of the year
to detect the presence of the pest concerned


or (iv) Immediately prior to export the plants have been subjected to

Consignment complies with Annex VII, point a meticulous inspection for the presence of Grapholita
43 c of Commission Implementing Regulation packardi
(EU) 2019/2072
(43 c) in an insect proof site of production against the introduction of
Grapholita packardi

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC

see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
other than China
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
chinensis is known
to be present

Page 168 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Destination Consignment complies with Annex X, point (14 a) The plants originate in an area known to be free from Bemisia
Ireland, Sweden, 14 a of Commission Implementing Regulation tabaci (European populations).
Northern Ireland (EU) 2019/2072

or or
Consignment complies with Annex X, point (14 b) No signs of Bemisia tabaci (European populations) have been
14 b of Commission Implementing Regulation observed, including on plants, at the place of production on official
(EU) 2019/2072 inspections carried out at least once each three weeks during the nine
weeks prior to marketing.

or or
--next-- Consignment complies with Annex X, point

Page 169 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- 14 c of Commission Implementing Regulation (14 c) in cases where Bemisia tabaci (European populations) has been
(EU) 2019/2072 found at the place of production, the plants, held or produced in this
place of production, have undergone an appropriate treatment to
ensure freedom from Bemisia tabaci (European populations) and
subsequently this place of production shall have been found free from
Bemisia tabaci (European populations) as a consequence of the
implementation of appropriate procedures aiming at eradicating
Bemisia tabaci (European populations), in both official inspections carried
out weekly during the three weeks prior to the movement from this place of
production and in monitoring procedures throughout the said period. The last
inspection of the above weekly inspections shall be carried out immediately
or prior to the above movement.
Consignment complies with Annex X, point
14 d of Commission Implementing Regulation or
(EU) 2019/2072 (14 d) for those plants for which there shall be evidence by their packing
or their flower development or by other means that they are intended
for direct sale to final consumers not involved in professional plant
production, the plants have been officially inspected and found free from
Bemisia tabaci (European populations) immediately prior to their

Page 170 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Cornus other than Cornus kousa

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
other than China
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
chinensis is known
to be present
China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
Product/crop other than seeds

Page 171 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Cornus kousa

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.3 for Apriona rugicollis

See Asian countries

Other than plants in

tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
other than China

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Version 6.36
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
chinensis is known
to be present
China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
Product/crop other than seeds

Page 173 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Cortaderia selloana

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries where
Xylella fastidiosa is
known not to occur
Third countries with
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known not
to be present Product/crop other than seeds
Third countries: area’s Product/crop other than seeds
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known to
be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 174 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Canada, United Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (42 a) have been grown throughout their life in an area free from
States 42 a of Commission Implementing Regulation Saperda candida, established by the national plant protection organisation of
(EU) 2019/2072 the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant International Standards
Product/crop for Phytosanitary Measures, which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate
other than The name of area mentioned on the certificate in referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric
cuttings box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of origin’’, ‘Additional declaration’
plants in tissue or or
culture Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (42 b) have been grown during a period of at least two years prior to
pollen 42 b i,ii,iii,iv of Commission Implementing export, or in the case of plants which are younger than two years have
seeds Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 been grown throughout their life, in a place of production established

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- as free from Saperda candida in accordance with relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
(i) Which is registered and supervised by the national plant
protection organisation in the country of origin,
(ii) Which has been subjected annually to two official
inspections for any signs of Saperda candida carried out at
the most appropriate times of the year to detect the
presence of the pest concerned,
(iii) Where the plants have been grown:
- In an insect proof site of production against the
introduction of Saperda candida
- In a site with the application of appropriate preventive
treatments and surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m, where the absence of Saperda candida
was confirmed by official surveys carried out annually at
appropriate times

(iv) Immediately prior to export the plants have been
subjected to a meticulous inspection for the presence of
Saperda candida, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including, where appropriate, destructive sampling

Third countries
Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC, see …
other than China
… see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
where Anoplophora
chinensis is known
Product/crop other than seeds
to be present
China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

Product/crop other than seeds

Page 176 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Cucurbita, Glycine max, Gossypium, Tagetes

Origin Required additional declaration Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
full reference text, as it should should appear on the certificate.
appear on the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

--continuation-- The plants have been grown in nurseries
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, (8 a) originate in (name of area) established by the national plant protection
where Liriomyza point 8 a of Commission Implementing organisation in the country of origin as being free from Liriomyza sativae and
sativae and Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with relevant International Standards for
Nemorimyza Phytosanitary Measures which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred
maculosa are The name of area mentioned on the to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional
known to occur certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ declaration’,

Page 177 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
or box ‘Place of origin’
other than or or
bulbs Consignment complies with Annex VII, (8 b) originate in (name of place of production) established by the national
corms point 8 b of Commission Implementing plant protection organisation of the country of origin as being free from
plants of genera Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with the relevant
Gramineae International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is mentioned on the
rhizomes The name or a registration code of the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031,
seeds registered production site shall be under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’, and declared free from Liriomyza
tubers included on the certificate in box sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa on official inspections carried out at
plants in tissue “Additional declaration“ least monthly during the three months prior to export,
or (8 c) immediately prior to export, have been subjected to an appropriate
Consignment complies with Annex VII, treatment against Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa and have
point 8 c of Commission Implementing been officially inspected and found free from Liriomyza sativae and
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Nemorimyza maculosa.
Details of the treatment referred in point (c) shall be mentioned on the
Details of the treatment mentioned in the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031.
respective box of the certificate

Bolivia, Colombia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, (21.2 a) the plants originate in an area as being free from Prodiplosis
Ecuador, Peru and point 21.2 a of Commission longifila
United States Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072

other than The name of area mentioned on the

bulbs certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’
corms or box ‘Place of origin’
dormant plants
or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, (21.2 b) the plants have been grown at least during the two months prior
--next-- point 21.2 b of Commission to export, or in the case of plants which are younger than two months,
--continuation-- Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 throughout their life, in a site of production with physical protection
established in the country of origin as being free from Prodiplosis
plants in tissue longifila, on the basis of official inspections carried out throughout their life or
culture during the last two months prior to export.

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Version 6.36
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Version 6.36
CUCURBITACEAE: Abobra, Acanthosicyos, Benincasa, Bryonia, Citrullus other than Citrullus lanatus, Coccinia, Cucumis other than
Cucumis melo and Cucumis sativum, Cucurbita, Cyclanthera, Diplocyclos, Ecballium Echinocystis, Gurania, Kedrostis, Lagenaria, Luffa,
Melothria, Momordica, Neoalsomitra, Sechium, Sicana, Sicyos, Telfairia, Thladiantha, Trichosanthes, Xerosicyos

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as
reference text, as it should appear on it should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries See Additional declaration point 21.1 for Ceratothripoides claratis

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Version 6.36

Cucumis melo, Cucumis sativum

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries See Additional declaration point 21.1 for Ceratothripoides claratis

Bolivia, Colombia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (21.2 a) the plants originate in an area as being free from Prodiplosis
Ecuador, Peru and 21.2 a of Commission Implementing longifila
United States Regulation (EU) 2019/2072

other than The name of area mentioned on the

bulbs certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
corms box ‘Place of origin’
dormant plants
plants in tissue or or

Page 181 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (21.2 b) the plants have been grown at least during the two months
21.2 b of Commission Implementing prior to export, or in the case of plants which are younger than two
culture Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 months, throughout their life, in a site of production with physical
seeds protection established in the country of origin as being free from
tubers Prodiplosis longifila, on the basis of official inspections carried out
rhizomes throughout their life or during the last two months prior to export.

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Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Canada, United Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (42 a) have been grown throughout their life in an area free from
States 42 a of Commission Implementing Regulation Saperda candida, established by the national plant protection organisation of
(EU) 2019/2072 the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant International Standards
Product/crop for Phytosanitary Measures, which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate
other than The name of area mentioned on the referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric
cuttings certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or ‘Additional declaration’
scions box ‘Place of origin’
plants in tissue or
culture or (42 b) have been grown during a period of at least two years prior to
pollen Consignment complies with Annex VII, point export, or in the case of plants which are younger than two years have
seeds 42 b i,ii,iii,iv of Commission Implementing been grown throughout their life, in a place of production established
--next-- Regulation (EU) 2019/2072

Page 183 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation— as free from Saperda candida in accordance with relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
(i) Which is registered and supervised by the national plant
protection organisation in the country of origin,
(ii) Which has been subjected annually to two official
inspections for any signs of Saperda candida carried out at
the most appropriate times of the year to detect the
presence of the pest concerned,
(iii) Where the plants have been grown:
- In an insect proof site of production against the
introduction of Saperda candida
- In a site with the application of appropriate preventive
treatments and surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m, where the absence of Saperda candida
was confirmed by official surveys carried out annually at
appropriate times
(iv) Immediately prior to export the plants have been
subjected to a meticulous inspection for the presence of
Saperda candida, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including, where appropriate, destructive sampling

Canada, Mexico, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (43 a) throughout their life in (name of area) free from Grapholita
United States 43 a of Commission Implementing Regulation packardi established by the national plant protection organisation of the
(EU) 2019/2072 country of origin, in accordance with the relevant International Standards for
Product/crop Phytosanitary Measures, which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate
other than The name of area mentioned on the referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric
plants in tissue certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or ‘Additional declaration’, provided that this freedom status has been
culture box ‘Place of origin’ communicated in advance in writing to the Commission by the national plant
seeds protection organisation of the third country concerned,

Freedom status area communicated with the or

LIST OF FREE AREAS (43 b) throughout their life, in a place of production established as free
from Grapholita packardi in accordance with the relevant International
or Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point

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Version 6.36
43 b of Commission Implementing Regulation (i) which is registered and supervised by the national plant protection
--next-- (EU) 2019/2072 organisation of the country of origin

(ii) Which has been subjected to annual inspections for any signs
of Grapholita packardi carried out at appropriate times of the
year to detect the presence of the pest concerned


(iii) Where the plants have been grown in a site with the
application of appropriate preventive treatments and where
the absence of Grapholita packardi was confirmed by official
surveys carried out annually at appropriate times of the year
to detect the presence of the pest concerned


(iv) Immediately prior to export the plants have been subjected to

a meticulous inspection for the presence of Grapholita
or packardi
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
43 c of Commission Implementing Regulation or
(EU) 2019/2072 (43 c) in an insect proof site of production against the introduction of
Grapholita packardi

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Version 6.36

Debregeasia hypoleuca, Maclura pomifera

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Asian countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 a) the plants have a diameter of less than 1 cm at the base of the
32.4 a of Commission Implementing stem
See Asian countries Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
or or
Other than plants in Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 b) the plants originate in a country established in the country of
tissue culture, pollen 32.4 b of Commission Implementing origin by the national plant protection service of that country, as being free
and seeds Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 from Apriona cinera in accordance with relevant International Standards for
Phytosanitary Measures
The name or a registration code of the
registered production site shall be included on or
the certificate in box “Additional declaration“

Page 186 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- or (32.4 c) The plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Apriona cinerea, established by the national plant protection
32.4 c of Commission Implementing organisation in the country of origin in accordance with the relevant
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures.

The name of area mentioned on the or

certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’ (32.4 d) The plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a place of production
or established by the national plant protection organisation in the country
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point of origin as being free from Apriona cinerea in accordance with the
32.4 d of Commission Implementing relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures,
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 And

(i) Which has been subjected annually to two official

inspections for any signs of Apriona cinerea, carried out at
appropriate times and no signs of the pest have been
(ii) With the application of appropriate preventive treatments
and surrounded by a buffer zone with a width of at least
2000m where the absence of Apriona cinerea was
confirmed by official surveys carried out annually at
appropriate times,
(iii) Immediately prior to export have been subjected to an
inspection for the presence of Apriona cinerea, in
particular in stems of the plants; where appropriate, this
inspection should include destructive sampling,

or or

Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 e) The plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
32.4 e of Commission Implementing period of at least two years prior to export in a site of production with
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 physical isolation against the introduction of Apriona cinerea

Immediately prior to export have been subjected to an inspection for
the presence of Apriona cinerea, in particular in stems of the plants;
where appropriate, this inspection should include destructive

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Version 6.36
Diospyros kaki

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries where
Xylella fastidiosa is
known not to occur
Third countries with
area’s where Xylella
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
fastidiosa is known not
to be present
Third countries: area’s Product/crop other than seeds
where Xylella Product/crop other than seeds
fastidiosa is known to
be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

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Version 6.36
Australia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 a) The plants originate in an area as being free from
Bangladesh, Bhutan, 30.1 a of Commission Implementing Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with relevant International
Brunei Darussalam, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
Cambodia, China,
Eswatini, Guam, The name of area mentioned on the
India, Indonesia, certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
Iran, Japan, Kenya, box ‘Place of origin’
Laos, Malaysia, or
Mauritius, or
Micronesia, (30.1 b) the plants have been grown in a place of production established
Montenegro, Nigeria, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point by the national plant protection organisation in the country of origin as being
North Korea, 30.1 b of Commission Implementing free from Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with the relevant
Northern Mariana Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
Islands, Pakistan,
Palau, Papua New The name or a registration code of the (i) which has been subjected during the last year prior to
Guinea, Philippines, registered production site shall be included on export to official inspections carried out at appropriate
Reunion, South the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ times
Africa, South Korea, and
Sri Lanka, Taiwan, (ii) the plants have been handled and packed in ways to
Tanzania, Thailand, prevent infestation after leaving the place of production
Uganda, Vietnam,
and United States or or

Other than seeds, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 c) The plants have been subjected to an effective treatment
pollen and plants in 30.1 c of Commission Implementing ensuring the freedom of Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance) and
tissue culture Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 have been found free thereof prior to export.

Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.3 for Apriona rugicollis

See Asian countries

Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds



Page 189 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Destination Consignment complies with Annex X, point (14 a) The plants originate in an area known to be free from Bemisia
Ireland, Sweden, 14 a of Commission Implementing Regulation tabaci (European populations).
Northern Ireland (EU) 2019/2072

or or
Consignment complies with Annex X, point (14 b) No signs of Bemisia tabaci (European populations) have been
14 b of Commission Implementing Regulation observed, including on plants, at the place of production on official
(EU) 2019/2072 inspections carried out at least once each three weeks during the nine
weeks prior to marketing.

or or
Consignment complies with Annex X, point (14 c) in cases where Bemisia tabaci (European populations) has been
14 c of Commission Implementing Regulation found at the place of production, the plants, held or produced in this
(EU) 2019/2072 place of production, have undergone an appropriate treatment to
ensure freedom from Bemisia tabaci (European populations) and
subsequently this place of production shall have been found free from

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Version 6.36
Bemisia tabaci (European populations) as a consequence of the
implementation of appropriate procedures aiming at eradicating
Bemisia tabaci (European populations), in both official inspections carried
out weekly during the three weeks prior to the movement from this place of
production and in monitoring procedures throughout the said period. The last
inspection of the above weekly inspections shall be carried out immediately
prior to the above movement.
Consignment complies with Annex X, point or
14 d of Commission Implementing Regulation (14 d) for those plants for which there shall be evidence by their packing
(EU) 2019/2072 or their flower development or by other means that they are intended
for direct sale to final consumers not involved in professional plant
production, the plants have been officially inspected and found free from
Bemisia tabaci (European populations) immediately prior to their

Page 191 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Elaeagnus other than Elaeagnus angustifolia, Elaeagnus x submacrophylla

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds
The name of area mentioned on the or
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’

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Version 6.36
(32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
or period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
32.6 c of Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Page 193 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Elaeagnus x submacrophylla

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries where
Xylella fastidiosa is
known not to occur
Third countries with
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known not
to be present Product/crop other than seeds
Third countries: area’s Product/crop other than seeds
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known to
be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072

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Version 6.36
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds
The name of area mentioned on the or
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
32.6 c of Commission Implementing (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Page 195 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Euphorbia pulcherrima
Other than unrooted cuttings destination: Ireland, Sweden, Northern Ireland

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
European Countries Consignment complies with Annex X, point 13a) the plants originate in an area known to be free from Bemisia
13 a of Commission Implementing Regulation tabaci (European populations),
(EU) 2019/2072

or or
Consignment complies with Annex X, point 13b) no signs of Bemisia tabaci (European populations) have been
13 b of Commission Implementing Regulation observed, including on plants, at the place of production on official
(EU) 2019/2072 inspections carried out at least once each three weeks during the nine
weeks prior to marketing,

or or
--next-- Consignment complies with Annex X, point

Page 196 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- 13 c of Commission Implementing Regulation 13c) in cases where Bemisia tabaci (European populations) has been found at
(EU) 2019/2072 the place of production, the plants held or produced in this place of
production have undergone an appropriate treatment to ensure
freedom from Bemisia tabaci (European populations) and subsequently
this place of production shall have been found free from Bemisia tabaci
(European populations) as a consequence of the implementation of
appropriate procedures aiming at eradicating Bemisia tabaci (European
populations), in both official inspections carried out weekly during the
three weeks prior to the movement from this place of production and
in monitoring procedures throughout the said period. The last
inspection of the above weekly inspections shall be carried out
immediately prior to the above movement,

and and
Consignment complies with Annex X, point 13d) evidence is available that the plants have been produced from
13 d i of Commission Implementing cuttings which:
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 (i) originate in an area known to be free from Bemisia tabaci
(European populations),

or or
Consignment complies with Annex X, point (ii) have been grown at a place of production where no signs of
13 d ii of Commission Implementing Bemisia tabaci (European populations) have been observed, including
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 on plants, on official inspections carried out at least once each three
weeks during the whole production period of these plants,

or or
Consignment complies with Annex X, point (iii) in cases where Bemisia tabaci (European populations) has been found at
13 d iii of Commission Implementing the place of production, have been grown on plants held or produced in
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 this place of production having undergone an appropriate treatment to
ensure freedom from Bemisia tabaci (European populations) and
subsequently this place of production shall have been found free from
Bemisia tabaci (European populations) as a consequence of the
implementation of appropriate procedures aiming at eradicating
Bemisia tabaci (European populations), in both official inspections
carried out weekly during the three weeks prior to the movement from
this place of production and in monitoring procedures throughout the
said period. The last inspection of the above weekly inspections shall
be carried out immediately prior to the above movement;


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Version 6.36
Consignment complies with Annex X, point 13e) for those plants for which there shall be evidence by their packing
13 e of Commission Implementing Regulation or their flower (or bract) development or by other means that they are
(EU) 2019/2072 intended for direct sale to final consumers not involved in professional
plant production, the plants have been officially inspected and found
free from Bemisia tabaci (European populations) prior to their
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (24.1 a) The plants originate in a country recognised as being free
24.1 a of Commission Implementing from Eotetranychus lewisi
Other than plants in Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (24.1 b) the plants originate in an area as being free from
24.1 b of Commission Implementing Eotetranychus lewisi
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072

The name of area mentioned on the

certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (24.1 c) the plants originate in a place of production as being free from
24.1 c of Commission Implementing Eotetranychus lewisi
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072

Page 198 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Fagus sylvatica

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Origine Canada, See Additional declaration point 32.5 for Phytopthora ramorum (non EU isolates)
United Kingdom,
United States and
Other than fruits,
pollen and seeds

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC

see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
other than China
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds

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Version 6.36
chinensis is known
to be present

China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC,

Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

Product/crop other than seeds

Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
Third countries see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
where Anoplophora
glabripennis is Product/crop other than seeds
known to be present

Page 200 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Fagus crenata

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold)
reference text, as it should appear on as it should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
Third countries with
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
other than
not to be presen
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

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Version 6.36
Third countries See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.3 for Apriona rugicollis

See Asian countries

Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing of the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point area free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant
cuttings, plants in 32.6 b of Commission Implementing protection organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds
The name of area mentioned on the or
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or
during a period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of
or production free from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the
relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point the plants have been grown
32.6 c of Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against
the introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been
subjected to at least one inspection per year for any signs of
Trirachys sartus, carried out at appropriate times of the year to
detect the presence of the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of

appropriate preventive treatments which has been
subjected to annually at least two inspections for any
signs of Trirachys sartus, carried out at appropriate times of
the year to detect the presence of the pest concerned,

Page 202 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
surrounded by a buffer zone with a width of at least 500
m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was confirmed during
these official surveys, and immediately prior to export the
plants have been subjected to an inspection for the presence of
Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no
signs of presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC

see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
other than China
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
chinensis is known
to be present
China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

Product/crop other than seeds

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
where Anoplophora see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds

Page 203 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Ficus other than Ficus carica Ficus hispida, Ficus infectoria and Ficus retusa

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Destination Consignment complies with Annex X, point (14 a) The plants originate in an area known to be free from Bemisia
Ireland, Sweden, 14 a of Commission Implementing Regulation tabaci (European populations).
Northern Ireland (EU) 2019/2072

or or
Consignment complies with Annex X, point (14 b) No signs of Bemisia tabaci (European populations) have been
14 b of Commission Implementing Regulation observed, including on plants, at the place of production on official
(EU) 2019/2072 inspections carried out at least once each three weeks during the nine
weeks prior to marketing.

or or
Consignment complies with Annex X, point

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Version 6.36
14 c of Commission Implementing Regulation (14 c) in cases where Bemisia tabaci (European populations) has been
--next-- (EU) 2019/2072 found at the place of production, the plants, held or produced in this
--continuation-- place of production, have undergone an appropriate treatment to
ensure freedom from Bemisia tabaci (European populations) and
subsequently this place of production shall have been found free from
Bemisia tabaci (European populations) as a consequence of the
implementation of appropriate procedures aiming at eradicating
Bemisia tabaci (European populations), in both official inspections carried
out weekly during the three weeks prior to the movement from this place of
production and in monitoring procedures throughout the said period. The last
inspection of the above weekly inspections shall be carried out immediately
or prior to the above movement.
Consignment complies with Annex X, point
14 d of Commission Implementing Regulation or
(EU) 2019/2072 (14 d) for those plants for which there shall be evidence by their packing
or their flower development or by other means that they are intended
for direct sale to final consumers not involved in professional plant
production, the plants have been officially inspected and found free from
Bemisia tabaci (European populations) immediately prior to their
Asian countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 a) the plants have a diameter of less than 1 cm at the base of the
32.4 a of Commission Implementing stem
See Asian countries Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
or or
Other than plants in Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 b) the plants originate in a country established in the country of
tissue culture, pollen 32.4 b of Commission Implementing origin by the national plant protection service of that country, as being free
and seeds Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 from Apriona cinera in accordance with relevant International Standards for
Phytosanitary Measures
The name or a registration code of the
registered production site shall be included on or
the certificate in box “Additional declaration“
(32.4 c) The plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
or free from Apriona cinerea, established by the national plant protection
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point 205rganization in the country of origin in accordance with the relevant
32.4 c of Commission Implementing International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures.
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
The name of area mentioned on the
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or (32.4 d) The plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
--next-- box ‘Place of origin’ period of at least two years prior to export, in a place of production

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Version 6.36
--continuation— established by the national plant protection 206rganization in the
or country of origin as being free from Apriona cinerea in accordance with
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point the relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures,
32.4 d of Commission Implementing And
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
(i) Which has been subjected annually to two official
inspections for any signs of Apriona cinerea, carried out at
appropriate times and no signs of the pest have been
(ii) With the application of appropriate preventive treatments
and surrounded by a buffer zone with a width of at least
2000m where the absence of Apriona cinerea was
confirmed by official surveys carried out annually at
appropriate times,
(iii) Immediately prior to export have been subjected to an
inspection for the presence of Apriona cinerea, in
particular in stems of the plants; where appropriate, this
inspection should include destructive sampling,

(32.4 e) The plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point period of at least two years prior to export in a site of production with
32.4 e of Commission Implementing physical isolation against the introduction of Apriona cinerea
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Immediately prior to export have been subjected to an inspection for
the presence of Apriona cinerea, in particular in stems of the plants;
where appropriate, this inspection should include destructive

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Version 6.36
Third countries See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds

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Version 6.36
Ficus hispida, Ficus infectoria and Ficus retusa

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Destination Consignment complies with Annex X, point (14 a) The plants originate in an area known to be free from Bemisia
Ireland, Sweden, 14 a of Commission Implementing Regulation tabaci (European populations).
Northern Ireland (EU) 2019/2072

or Or
Consignment complies with Annex X, point (14 b) No signs of Bemisia tabaci (European populations) have been
14 b of Commission Implementing Regulation observed, including on plants, at the place of production on official
(EU) 2019/2072 inspections carried out at least once each three weeks during the nine
weeks prior to marketing.

or Or
--next-- Consignment complies with Annex X, point

Page 208 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation— 14 c of Commission Implementing Regulation (14 c) in cases where Bemisia tabaci (European populations) has been
(EU) 2019/2072 found at the place of production, the plants, held or produced in this
place of production, have undergone an appropriate treatment to
ensure freedom from Bemisia tabaci (European populations) and
subsequently this place of production shall have been found free from
Bemisia tabaci (European populations) as a consequence of the
implementation of appropriate procedures aiming at eradicating
Bemisia tabaci (European populations), in both official inspections carried
out weekly during the three weeks prior to the movement from this place of
production and in monitoring procedures throughout the said period. The last
inspection of the above weekly inspections shall be carried out immediately
or prior to the above movement.
Consignment complies with Annex X, point
14 d of Commission Implementing Regulation Or
(EU) 2019/2072 (14 d) for those plants for which there shall be evidence by their packing
or their flower development or by other means that they are intended
for direct sale to final consumers not involved in professional plant
production, the plants have been officially inspected and found free from
Bemisia tabaci (European populations) immediately prior to their
Third countries See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.2 for Apriona germani
See Asian countries
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Asian countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 a) the plants have a diameter of less than 1 cm at the base of the
32.4 a of Commission Implementing stem
See Asian countries Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
or or
Other than plants in Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 b) the plants originate in a country established in the country of
tissue culture, pollen 32.4 b of Commission Implementing origin by the national plant protection service of that country, as being free
and seeds Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 from Apriona cinera in accordance with relevant International Standards for
Phytosanitary Measures
The name or a registration code of the
registered production site shall be included on or
--next-- the certificate in box “Additional declaration“

Page 209 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- (32.4 c) The plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
or free from Apriona cinerea, established by the national plant protection
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point organisation in the country of origin in accordance with the relevant
32.4 c of Commission Implementing International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures.
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
The name of area mentioned on the
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or (32.4 d) The plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
box ‘Place of origin’ period of at least two years prior to export, in a place of production
established by the national plant protection organisation in the country
or of origin as being free from Apriona cinerea in accordance with the
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures,
32.4 d of Commission Implementing And
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
(i) Which has been subjected annually to two official
inspections for any signs of Apriona cinerea, carried out at
appropriate times and no signs of the pest have been
(ii) With the application of appropriate preventive treatments
and surrounded by a buffer zone with a width of at least
2000m where the absence of Apriona cinerea was
confirmed by official surveys carried out annually at
appropriate times,
(iii) Immediately prior to export have been subjected to an
inspection for the presence of Apriona cinerea, in
particular in stems of the plants; where appropriate, this
inspection should include destructive sampling,

(32.4 e) The plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point period of at least two years prior to export in a site of production with
32.4 e of Commission Implementing physical isolation against the introduction of Apriona cinerea
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Immediately prior to export have been subjected to an inspection for
the presence of Apriona cinerea, in particular in stems of the plants;
where appropriate, this inspection should include destructive

Page 210 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Ficus carica

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop
not to be present other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 211 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Destination Consignment complies with Annex X, point (14 a) The plants originate in an area known to be free from Bemisia
Ireland, Sweden, 14 a of Commission Implementing Regulation tabaci (European populations).
Northern Ireland (EU) 2019/2072

or or
Consignment complies with Annex X, point (14 b) No signs of Bemisia tabaci (European populations) have been
14 b of Commission Implementing Regulation observed, including on plants, at the place of production on official
(EU) 2019/2072 inspections carried out at least once each three weeks during the nine
weeks prior to marketing.

or or
Consignment complies with Annex X, point (14 c) in cases where Bemisia tabaci (European populations) has been
14 c of Commission Implementing Regulation found at the place of production, the plants, held or produced in this
(EU) 2019/2072 place of production, have undergone an appropriate treatment to
ensure freedom from Bemisia tabaci (European populations) and
subsequently this place of production shall have been found free from
Bemisia tabaci (European populations) as a consequence of the
implementation of appropriate procedures aiming at eradicating
Bemisia tabaci (European populations), in both official inspections carried
out weekly during the three weeks prior to the movement from this place of
production and in monitoring procedures throughout the said period. The last
inspection of the above weekly inspections shall be carried out immediately
prior to the above movement.

or or
Consignment complies with Annex X, point (14 d) for those plants for which there shall be evidence by their packing
14 d of Commission Implementing Regulation or their flower development or by other means that they are intended
(EU) 2019/2072 for direct sale to final consumers not involved in professional plant
production, the plants have been officially inspected and found free from
Bemisia tabaci (European populations) immediately prior to their
Australia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 a) The plants originate in an area as being free from
Bangladesh, Bhutan, 30.1 a of Commission Implementing Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with relevant International
Brunei Darussalam, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
Cambodia, China,
Eswatini, Guam, The name of area mentioned on the
India, Indonesia, certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
Iran, Japan, Kenya, box ‘Place of origin’
Laos, Malaysia, or
Mauritius, or

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Version 6.36
Micronesia, (30.1 b) the plants have been grown in a place of production established
Montenegro, Nigeria, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point by the national plant protection organisation in the country of origin as being
North Korea, 30.1 b of Commission Implementing free from Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with the relevant
Northern Mariana Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
Islands, Pakistan,
Palau, Papua New The name or a registration code of the (i) which has been subjected during the last year prior to
Guinea, Philippines, registered production site shall be included on export to official inspections carried out at appropriate
Reunion, South the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ times
Africa, South Korea, and
Sri Lanka, Taiwan, (ii) the plants have been handled and packed in ways to
Tanzania, Thailand, prevent infestation after leaving the place of production
Uganda, Vietnam,
and United States or or

Other than seeds, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 c) The plants have been subjected to an effective treatment
pollen and plants in 30.1 c of Commission Implementing ensuring the freedom of Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance) and
tissue culture Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 have been found free thereof prior to export.

Origin Israel The consignment complies with Commission (v) The plants are free from Aonidiella orientalis, Colletotrichum
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1213 siamense, Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato, Hypothenemus leprieuri,
Barerooted, Icerya aegyptiaca, Neocosmospora euwallaceae, Neoscytalidium
dormant, without The name or a registration code of the dimidiatum, Nipaecoccus viridis, Oligonychus mangiferus,
leaves, one year old registered production site shall be included on Phenacoccus solenopsis, Plicosepalus acaciae, Retithrips syriacus,
plants for planting the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ Russellaspis pustulans, Scirtothrips dorsalis and Spodoptera
with a maximum frugiperda
diameter of 2 cm at
the base of the stem and

(vi) The plants have been grown throughout their life in a place of
production, which, together with the sites of production that form
part of it, is registered and supervised by the national plant
protection organisation of the country of origin


--continuation-- (vii) The plants have been grown throughout their life in a site with
physical protection against the introduction of Aonidiella orientalis,
Icerya aegyptiaca, Nipaecoccus viridis, Oligonychus mangiferus,

Page 213 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Phenacoccus solenopsis, Retithrips syriacus and Russellaspis
pustulans, which has been subjected to official inspections every 45
days and has been found free from all the pests listed in point (i); in
case of suspicion of the presence of any pest listed in point (i) at the
site of production, appropriate treatments have been carried out to
ensure the absence of the pests


(viii) Immediately prior to export, consignments of the plants have been

subjected to an official inspection for the presence of Aonidiella
orientalis, Icerya aegyptiaca, Nipaecoccus viridis, Oligonychus
mangiferus, Phenacoccus solenopsis, Plicosepalus acaciae, Retithrips
syriacus and Russellaspis pustulans, with such a sample size as to
enable at least the detection of 1 % level of infestation with a level
of confidence of 99 %, and to an official inspection for the presence
of Colletotrichum siamense and Neoscytalidium dimidiatum including
random sampling and testing of the plants;

Third countries See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.2 for Apriona germani
See Asian countries
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.3 for Apriona rugicollis

See Asian countries

Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Asian countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 a) the plants have a diameter of less than 1 cm at the base of the
32.4 a of Commission Implementing stem
See Asian countries Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
or or
Other than plants in Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 b) the plants originate in a country established in the country of
tissue culture, pollen 32.4 b of Commission Implementing origin by the national plant protection service of that country, as being free
and seeds Regulation (EU) 2019/2072

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Version 6.36
from Apriona cinera in accordance with relevant International Standards for
The name or a registration code of the Phytosanitary Measures
registered production site shall be included on
the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ or

or (32.4 c) The plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Apriona cinerea, established by the national plant protection
32.4 c of Commission Implementing organisation in the country of origin in accordance with the relevant
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures.

The name of area mentioned on the or

certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’ (32.4 d) The plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a place of production
or established by the national plant protection organisation in the country
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point of origin as being free from Apriona cinerea in accordance with the
32.4 d of Commission Implementing relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures,
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 And

(i) Which has been subjected annually to two official

inspections for any signs of Apriona cinerea, carried out at
appropriate times and no signs of the pest have been
(ii) With the application of appropriate preventive treatments
and surrounded by a buffer zone with a width of at least
2000m where the absence of Apriona cinerea was
confirmed by official surveys carried out annually at
appropriate times,
(iii) Immediately prior to export have been subjected to an
inspection for the presence of Apriona cinerea, in
particular in stems of the plants; where appropriate, this
inspection should include destructive sampling,
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 e) The plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
--next-- 32.4 e of Commission Implementing period of at least two years prior to export in a site of production with
--continuation-- Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 physical isolation against the introduction of Apriona cinerea


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Version 6.36
Immediately prior to export have been subjected to an inspection for
the presence of Apriona cinerea, in particular in stems of the plants;
where appropriate, this inspection should include destructive

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Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (24.1 a) The plants originate in a country recognised as being free from
a of Commission Implementing Regulation Eotetranychus lewisi
Other than plants in (EU) 2019/2072
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (24.1 b) the plants originate in an area as being free from
24.1 b of Commission Implementing Eotetranychus lewisi
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072

The name of area mentioned on the

certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
--next-- box ‘Place of origin’

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Version 6.36
--continuation— or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (24.1 c) the plants originate in a place of production as being free from
24.1 c of Commission Implementing Eotetranychus lewisi
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (49 a) the plants, other than those raised from seed, have been:
where Strawberry 49 a of Commission Implementing Regulation
witches' broom (EU) 2019/2072 (i) Officially certified under a certification scheme requiring
mycoplasm is known them to be derived in direct line from material which has
to occur been maintained under appropriate conditions and
subjected to official testing for at least Strawberry witches'
Product/crop broom phytoplasma using appropriate indicators for the
other than seeds presence of those pests or equivalent methods and has
been found free, in these tests, from Strawberry witches'
broom phytoplasma


(ii) Derived in direct line from material which is maintained

under appropriate conditions and has been subjected,
within the last three complete cycles of vegetation, at least
once, to official testing for at least Strawberry witches'
broom phytoplasma using appropriate indicators for the
presence of those pests or equivalent methods and has
been found free, in these tests, from Strawberry witches'
broom phytoplasma

and and

Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (49 b) no symptoms of diseases caused by Strawberry witches' broom
49 b of Commission Implementing Regulation phytoplasma have been observed on plants at the place of production,
(EU) 2019/2072 or on susceptible plants in its immediate vicinity, since the beginning of
the last complete cycle of vegetation

South Africa Consignment meets the conditions laid down in Commission Decision 2003/250/EC

Product/crop The name of the variety and the Member State certification scheme under which the mother plants have been certified shall be
other than seeds mentioned on the certificate)
Under the rubric Disinfestation and/or disinfection treatment: the specification of the last treatment(s) applied prior to export

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Version 6.36
other than
Fraxinus excelsior, Fraxinus americana, Fraxinus dipetala, Fraxinus latifolia, Fraxinus pennsylvanica
Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
fastidiosa is known
not to occur Product/crop
Third countries with other than
area’s where Xylella seeds
fastidiosa is known
not to be present
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

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Version 6.36
Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds
The name of area mentioned on the or
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
32.6 c of Commission Implementing (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Belarus, Canada, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (36) the plants originate in an area recognised as being free from
China, Democratic 36 of Commission Implementing Regulation Agrilus planipennis , and located at a minimum distance of 100 km to
People’s Rupublic of (EU) 2019/2072 the closest known area, where the presence of the specified pest has

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Version 6.36
Korea, Japan, been officially confirmed.
Mongolia, Republic The name of area mentioned on the
of Korea, Russia, certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
Taiwan, Ukraine, box ‘Place of origin’
United States and

Product/crop Area communicated with the Commission

other than seeds

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC

where Anoplophora see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds

Page 221 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Fraxinus excelsior

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
fastidiosa is known
not to occur Product/crop
Third countries with other than seeds
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to be present
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- See Additional declaration point 32.5 for Phytopthora ramorum (non EU isolates)

Origine Canada,
United Kingdom,
United States and
Other than fruits,
pollen and seeds

Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and
Uzbekistan or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than scions, 32.6 b of Commission Implementing free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen The name of area mentioned on the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
32.6 c of Commission Implementing period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown

(i) in a site of production with physical isolation against the

introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at least one
inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus, carried out at
appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of the pest concerned

(ii) in a site of production with the application of appropriate
preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually at least
two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus, carried out at
appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of the pest concerned,
surrounded by a buffer zone with a width of at least 500 m where the

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Version 6.36
--continuation— absence of Trirachys sartus was confirmed during these official surveys, and
immediately prior to export the plants have been subjected to an inspection
for the presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of presence
of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC

where Anoplophora see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
glaripennis is known
to be present Product/crop other than seeds

Page 224 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Fraxinus americana, Fraxinus dipetala, Fraxinus latifolia, Fraxinus pennsylvanica

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
fastidiosa is known
not to occur Product/crop
Third countries with other than seeds
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to be present
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Belarus, Canada, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (36) the plants originate in an area recognised as being free from
China, Democratic 36 of Commission Implementing Regulation Agrilus planipennis , and located at a minimum distance of 100 km to
People’s Rupublic of (EU) 2019/2072 the closest known area, where the presence of the specified pest has
Korea, Japan, been officially confirmed.
Mongolia, Republic The name of area mentioned on the
of Korea, Russia, certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
Taiwan, Ukraine, box ‘Place of origin’
United States
Area communicated with the Commission
other than seeds
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica


Page 225 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds
The name of area mentioned on the or
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
32.6 c of Commission Implementing (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually

Page 226 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC

where Anoplophora see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds

Page 227 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Gleditsia other than Gleditsia triacanthos, Gleditsia japonica

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds
The name of area mentioned on the or
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’

Page 228 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
(32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
or period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
32.6 c of Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Page 229 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Gleditsia japonica

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.3 for Apriona rugicollis

See Asian countries

Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or

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Version 6.36
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
cuttings, plants in 32.6 b of Commission Implementing free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
or seeds International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
The name of area mentioned on the
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or or
box ‘Place of origin’
(32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
or period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
32.6 c of Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Page 231 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Gleditsia triacanthos

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries where
Xylella fastidiosa is
known not to occur
Third countries with
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known not
to be present Product/crop other than seeds
Third countries: area’s Product/crop other than seeds
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known to
be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to


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Version 6.36
--continuation-- See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato
Third countries
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds
The name of area mentioned on the or
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
32.6 c of Commission Implementing (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,

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Version 6.36
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed


Hevea brasiliensis
Hedera helix, Mespilus germanica, Parthenocissus other than Parthenocissus quinquefolia

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Australia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 a) The plants originate in an area as being free from
Bangladesh, Bhutan, 30.1 a of Commission Implementing Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with relevant International
Brunei Darussalam, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
Cambodia, China,
Eswatini, Guam, The name of area mentioned on the
India, Indonesia, certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
Iran, Japan, Kenya, box ‘Place of origin’
Laos, Malaysia, or
Mauritius, or

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Version 6.36
Micronesia, (30.1 b) the plants have been grown in a place of production established
Montenegro, Nigeria, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point by the national plant protection organisation in the country of origin as being
North Korea, 30.1 b of Commission Implementing free from Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with the relevant
Northern Mariana Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
Islands, Pakistan,
Palau, Papua New The name or a registration code of the (i) which has been subjected during the last year prior to
Guinea, Philippines, registered production site shall be included on export to official inspections carried out at appropriate
Reunion, South the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ times
Africa, South Korea, and
Sri Lanka, Taiwan, (ii) the plants have been handled and packed in ways to
Tanzania, Thailand, prevent infestation after leaving the place of production
Uganda, Vietnam,
and United States or or

Other than seeds, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 c) The plants have been subjected to an effective treatment
pollen and plants in 30.1 c of Commission Implementing ensuring the freedom of Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance) and
tissue culture Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 have been found free thereof prior to export.

Page 235 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
fastidiosa is known
not to occur Product/crop
Third countries with other than seeds
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to be present
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 236 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- The plants have been grown in nurseries
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 a) originate in (name of area) established by the national plant
where Liriomyza 8 a of Commission Implementing Regulation protection organisation in the country of origin as being free from Liriomyza
sativae and (EU) 2019/2072 sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with relevant
Nemorimyza International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures which is mentioned on the
maculosa are known The name of area mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No
to occur certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’,
box ‘Place of origin’
other than or or
bulbs Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 b) originate in (name of place of production) established by the
corms 8 b of Commission Implementing Regulation national plant protection organisation of the country of origin as being free
plants of genera (EU) 2019/2072 from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with the
Gramineae relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is
rhizomes The name or a registration code of the mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision
seeds registered production site shall be included on (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’, and declared
tubers the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ free from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa on official
plants in tissue inspections carried out at least monthly during the three months prior
culture to export,

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 c) immediately prior to export, have been subjected to an
8 c of Commission Implementing Regulation appropriate treatment against Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza
(EU) 2019/2072 maculosa and have been officially inspected and found free from
Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa.
Details of the treatment mentioned in the Details of the treatment referred in point (c) shall be mentioned on the
respective box of the certificate phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No
Destination Consignment complies with Annex X, point (14 a) The plants originate in an area known to be free from Bemisia
Ireland, Sweden, 14 a of Commission Implementing Regulation tabaci (European populations)
Northern Ireland (EU) 2019/2072

or or
Consignment complies with Annex X, point (14 b) No signs of Bemisia tabaci (European populations) have been
14 b of Commission Implementing Regulation observed, including on plants, at the place of production on official
(EU) 2019/2072 inspections carried out at least once each three weeks during the nine
weeks prior to marketing.

or or

Page 237 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Consignment complies with Annex X, point (14 c) in cases where Bemisia tabaci (European populations) has been
14 c of Commission Implementing Regulation found at the place of production, the plants, held or produced in this
(EU) 2019/2072 place of production, have undergone an appropriate treatment to
ensure freedom from Bemisia tabaci (European populations) and
subsequently this place of production shall have been found free from
Bemisia tabaci (European populations) as a consequence of the
implementation of appropriate procedures aiming at eradicating
Bemisia tabaci (European populations), in both official inspections carried
out weekly during the three weeks prior to the movement from this place of
production and in monitoring procedures throughout the said period. The last
inspection of the above weekly inspections shall be carried out immediately
prior to the above movement.
Consignment complies with Annex X, point or
14 d of Commission Implementing Regulation (14 d) for those plants for which there shall be evidence by their
(EU) 2019/2072 packing or their flower development or by other means that they are
intended for direct sale to final consumers not involved in professional
plant production, the plants have been officially inspected and found
free from Bemisia tabaci (European populations) immediately prior to
their movement.

Page 238 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Howea forsteriana

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (55a)the plants originate in an area known to be free from Palm lethal
55 a of Commission Implementing Regulation yellowing phytoplasmas and Coconut cadang-cadang viroid, and no
other than (EU) 2019/2072 symptoms have been observed at the place of production or in its
Albania, Andorra, immediate vicinity since the beginning of the last complete cycle of
Armenia, Azerbaijan, vegetation,
Belarus, Bosnia and
--next-- or or

Page 239 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (55 b) no symptoms of Palm lethal yellowing phytoplasmas and
Canary Islands, 55 b of Commission Implementing Regulation Coconut cadang-cadang viroid have been observed on the plants since
Faeroe Islands, (EU) 2019/2072 the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation, and plants at the
Georgia, place of production which have shown symptoms giving rise to the
Iceland, suspicion of contamination by the pests have been rogued out at that
Liechtenstein, place and the plants have undergone appropriate treatment to rid them
Moldova, Monaco, of Myndus crudus Van Duzee,
Montenegro, North
Macedonia, Norway, or or
Russia (only the Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (55 c) in the case of plants in tissue culture, the plants were derived from
following parts: 55 c of Commission Implementing Regulation plants which have met the requirements laid down in point (a) or (b).
Central Federal (EU) 2019/2072
District (Tsentralny
federalny okrug),
Federal District
federalny okrug),
Southern Federal
District (Yuzhny
federalny okrug),
North Caucasian
Federal District
federalny okrug) and
Volga Federal
District (Privolzhsky
federalny okrug)).,
San Marino, Serbia,
Switzerland, Turkey
and Ukraine

Page 240 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Jacaranda mimosifolia

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop other than seeds
not to be present
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

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Version 6.36
Page 242 Date 12/10/2023
Version 6.36
Juglans other than Juglans mandshurica Juglans ailantifolia Juglans regia
Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop other than seeds
not to be present
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 243 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds
The name of area mentioned on the or
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
32.6 c of Commission Implementing (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

United States Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (37 a) have been grown throughout their life in (name of area) free
37 a of Commission Implementing Regulation from Geosmithia morbida Kolarík, Freeland, Utley & Tisserat and its vector
Product/crop (EU) 2019/2072 Pityophthorus juglandis Blackman, established by the national plant

Page 244 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
other than seeds protection organisation in accordance with relevant International Standards for
The name of area mentioned on the Phytosanitary Measures, and which is mentioned on the phytosanitary
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031 under the
box ‘Place of origin’ rubric ‘Additional declaration’,

or (37 b) originate in a place of production, including its vicinity of at
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point least 5 km radius, where neither symptoms of Geosmithia morbida
37 b of Commission Implementing Regulation Kolarík, Freeland, Utley & Tisserat and its vector Pityophthorus juglandis
(EU) 2019/2072 Blackman, nor the presence of the vector, have been observed during
official inspections within a period of two years prior to export; the
plants for planting have been inspected immediately prior to export
and handled and packaged in ways to prevent infestation after leaving
the place of production,

or (37 c) originate in a place of production with complete physical
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point isolation, and plants for planting have been inspected immediately
37 c of Commission Implementing Regulation prior to export and handled and packaged in ways to prevent
(EU) 2019/2072 infestation after leaving the place of production.

Page 245 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Juglans regia

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear should appear on the certificate.
on the certificate.
Third countries where
Xylella fastidiosa is
known not to occur
Third countries with
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known not
Product/crop other than seeds
to be present
Third countries: area’s
where Xylella fastidiosa
is known to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other than
plants in tissue culture
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain the
vitality of the plants,
other than plants in
tissue culture and
aquatic plants
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.2 for Apriona germani
See Asian countries
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen

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Version 6.36
and seeds

Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, point 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in point 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen or Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
The name of area mentioned on the or
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII,
point 32.6 c of Commission (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Page 247 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
United States Consignment complies with Annex VII, (37 a) have been grown throughout their life in ( name of area) free
point 37 a of Commission Implementing from Geosmithia morbida Kolarík, Freeland, Utley & Tisserat and its vector
Product/crop Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Pityophthorus juglandis Blackman, established by the national plant
other than seeds protection organisation in accordance with relevant International Standards for
Area mentioned on the certificate in Phytosanitary Measures, and which is mentioned on the phytosanitary
‘Additional declaration’ certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031 under the
rubric ‘Additional declaration’,

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, (37 b) originate in a place of production, including its vicinity of at
point 37 b of Commission Implementing least 5 km radius, where neither symptoms of Geosmithia morbida
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Kolarík, Freeland, Utley & Tisserat and its vector Pityophthorus
juglandis Blackman, nor the presence of the vector, have been observed
during official inspections within a period of two years prior to export;
the plants for planting have been inspected immediately prior to export
and handled and packaged in ways to prevent infestation after leaving
the place of production,

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, (37 c) originate in a place of production with complete physical
point 37 c of Commission Implementing isolation, and plants for planting have been inspected immediately
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 prior to export and handled and packaged in ways to prevent
infestation after leaving the place of production.
Turkey The consignment complies with (i) The plants are free from Euzophera semifuneralis, Garella musculana
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) and Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae
up to two- year-old 2020/1213
plants for planting and
which are bare-rooted, The name or a registration code of the
free of leaves, and with registered production site shall be included (ii) The site of production has been found free from Euzophera
a maximum diameter on the certificate in box “Additional semifuneralis, Garella musculana and Lasiodiplodia
of 2 cm at the base of declaration pseudotheobromae during official inspections carried out at
the stem. appropriate times, since the beginning of the complete production


(iii) A system has been put in place to ensure that grafting and pruning
tools have been disinfected to be free from Lasiodiplodia
pseudotheobromae, before they have been introduced into each site
--next-- of production, and the grafted or pruned plants have been subjected

Page 248 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- to appropriate treatment to prevent entry of Lasiodiplodia
pseudotheobromae via the cuts


(iv) Immediately prior to export, consignments of the plants have been

subjected to an official inspection for the presence of Euzophera
semifuneralis and Garella musculana in particular in stems and
branches of the plants, with such a sampling size as to enable at
least the detection of 1 % level of infestation with a level of
confidence of 99 %, and to an official inspection for the presence of
Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae including random sampling and
testing of the plants

Page 249 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Juglans mandshurica, Juglans ailantifolia

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear should appear on the certificate.
on the certificate.
Third countries where
Xylella fastidiosa is
known not to occur
Third countries with
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known not
Product/crop other than seeds
to be present
Third countries: area’s
where Xylella fastidiosa
is known to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other than
plants in tissue culture
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain the
vitality of the plants,
other than plants in
tissue culture and
aquatic plants
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, point 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
--next— or

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Version 6.36
--continuation— or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Consignment complies with Annex VII, free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
Turkmenistan and point 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
Uzbekistan Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures

Other than scions, The name of area mentioned on the or

cuttings, plants in certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
tissue culture, pollen or box ‘Place of origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
seeds period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII,
point 32.6 c of Commission (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Belarus,Canada, China, Consignment complies with Annex VII, (36) the plants originate in an area recognised as being free from
Democratic People's point 36 of Commission Implementing Agrilus planipennis , and located at a minimum distance of 100 km to
Republic of Korea, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 the closest known area, where the presence of the specified pest has
Japan, Republic of been officially confirmed.
Korea, Mongolia, The name of area mentioned on the
Russia, Taiwan, certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
Ukraine, and United box ‘Place of origin’

Page 251 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Product/crop Area communicated with the Commission
United States Consignment complies with Annex VII, (37 a) have been grown throughout their life in ( name of area) free
point 37 a of Commission Implementing from Geosmithia morbida Kolarík, Freeland, Utley & Tisserat and its vector
Product/crop Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Pityophthorus juglandis Blackman, established by the national plant
other than seeds protection organisation in accordance with relevant International Standards for
Area mentioned on the certificate in Phytosanitary Measures, and which is mentioned on the phytosanitary
‘Additional declaration’ certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031 under the
rubric ‘Additional declaration’,

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, (37 b) originate in a place of production, including its vicinity of at
point 37 b of Commission Implementing least 5 km radius, where neither symptoms of Geosmithia morbida
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Kolarík, Freeland, Utley & Tisserat and its vector Pityophthorus
juglandis Blackman, nor the presence of the vector, have been observed
during official inspections within a period of two years prior to export;
the plants for planting have been inspected immediately prior to export
and handled and packaged in ways to prevent infestation after leaving
the place of production,

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, (37 c) originate in a place of production with complete physical
point 37 c of Commission Implementing isolation, and plants for planting have been inspected immediately
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 prior to export and handled and packaged in ways to prevent
infestation after leaving the place of production.

Page 252 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Juniperus ashei

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in
reference text, as it should appear on the bold) as it should appear on the certificate.
Third countries where
Xylella fastidiosa is
known not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known not Product/crop
to be present other than seeds
Third countries: area’s
where Xylella fastidiosa
is known to be present
Japan This consignment meets the conditions laid down in 8 a (the name or the names of the rfegistered nursery or
Commission Implementing Regulation(EU) 2020/1217, nurseries)
Product/crop Annex 8a and 8b and 8c and
naturally or artificially 8 b (marking, as far as they enable identification of the
dwarfed plants registered nursery and the year of potting)
other than seeds 8 c (the specification of the last treatment applied, prior to

Page 253 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Koelreuteria bipinnata

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop
not to be present other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 254 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato
Third countries
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
where Anoplophora see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds

Page 255 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Koelreuteria other than Koelreuteria bipinnata

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
where Anoplophora see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds

Page 256 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Lagerstroemia other than Lagerstroemia indica

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries where
Xylella fastidiosa is
known not to occur

Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries

area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known not
to be present
Product/crop other than seeds
Product/crop other than seeds
Third countries: area’s
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known to
be present

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 257 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
Third countries see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

other than China Product/crop other than seeds

where Anoplophora
chinensis is known
to be present
China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
Product/crop other than seeds

Page 258 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Lagerstroemia indica

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries where
Xylella fastidiosa is
known not to occur

Third countries with

area’s where Xylella
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
fastidiosa is known not
to be present
Product/crop other than seeds
Third countries: area’s Product/crop other than seeds
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known to
be present

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 259 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- See Additional declaration point 32.3 for Apriona rugicollis

Asian countries

See Asian countries

Other than plants in

tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
Third countries see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

other than China Product/crop other than seeds

where Anoplophora
chinensis is known
to be present
China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
Product/crop other than seeds

Page 260 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Laurus nobilis

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
Product/crop other than seeds
not to be present
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 261 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Australia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 a) The plants originate in an area as being free from
Bangladesh, Bhutan, 30.1 a of Commission Implementing Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with relevant International
Brunei Darussalam, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
Cambodia, China,
Eswatini, Guam, The name of area mentioned on the
India, Indonesia, certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
Iran, Japan, Kenya, box ‘Place of origin’
Laos, Malaysia, or
Mauritius, or
Micronesia, (30.1 b) the plants have been grown in a place of production established
Montenegro, Nigeria, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point by the national plant protection organisation in the country of origin as being
North Korea, 30.1 b of Commission Implementing free from Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with the relevant
Northern Mariana Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
Islands, Pakistan,
Palau, Papua New The name or a registration code of the (i) which has been subjected during the last year prior to
Guinea, Philippines, registered production site shall be included on export to official inspections carried out at appropriate
Reunion, South the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ times
Africa, South Korea, and
Sri Lanka, Taiwan, (ii) the plants have been handled and packed in ways to
Tanzania, Thailand, prevent infestation after leaving the place of production
Uganda, Vietnam,
and United States or or

Other than seeds, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 c) The plants have been subjected to an effective treatment
pollen and plants in 30.1 c of Commission Implementing ensuring the freedom of Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance) and
tissue culture Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 have been found free thereof prior to export.

Origine Canada, See Additional declaration point 32.5 for Phytopthora ramorum (non EU isolates)
United Kingdom,
United States and
Other than fruits,
pollen and seeds

Page 262 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Ligustrum delavayanum and Ligustrum japonicum

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
United Kingdom The consignment complies with Commission (a) Official statement that:
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1213
up to 20-year-old (i) The plants are free from Diaprepes abbreviatus
plants for planting in The name or a registration code of the
growing medium, registered production site shall be included on (ii) The site of production has been found free from Diaprepes
with a maximum the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ abbreviatus during official inspections carried out at appropriate
diameter of 18 cm at times, since the beginning of the last growing season
the base of the stem
ex 0602 10 90
(iii) Immediately prior to export, consignments of the plants have been
subjected to an official inspection for the presence of Diaprepes
abbreviatus with such a sample size as to enable at least the
detection of 1 % level of infestation with a level of confidence
of 99 %

(b) The phytosanitary certificates for those plants include under the heading
“Additional Declaration”:

(i) The consignment complies with Commission Implementing

Regulation (EU) 2020/1213


(ii) The specification of the registered sites of production

Page 263 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Ligustrum lucidum

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it should
reference text, as it should appear on the appear on the certificate.

Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop other than seeds
not to be present Product/crop other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 264 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Liquidambar styraciflua

Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to be present
other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 265 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Magnolia other than Magnolia grandiflora, Magnolia virginiana and Magnolia x soulangeana

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Australia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 a) The plants originate in an area as being free from
Bangladesh, Bhutan, 30.1 a of Commission Implementing Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with relevant International
Brunei Darussalam, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
Cambodia, China,
Eswatini, Guam, The name of area mentioned on the
India, Indonesia, certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
Iran, Japan, Kenya, box ‘Place of origin’
Laos, Malaysia, or
Mauritius, or
Micronesia, (30.1 b) the plants have been grown in a place of production established
Montenegro, Nigeria, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point by the national plant protection organisation in the country of origin as being
North Korea, 30.1 b of Commission Implementing free from Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with the relevant
Northern Mariana Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:

Page 266 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Islands, Pakistan,
Palau, Papua New The name or a registration code of the (i) which has been subjected during the last year prior to
Guinea, Philippines, registered production site shall be included on export to official inspections carried out at appropriate
Reunion, South the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ times
Africa, South Korea, and
Sri Lanka, Taiwan, (ii) the plants have been handled and packed in ways to
Tanzania, Thailand, prevent infestation after leaving the place of production
Uganda, Vietnam,
and United States or or

Other than seeds, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 c) The plants have been subjected to an effective treatment
pollen and plants in 30.1 c of Commission Implementing ensuring the freedom of Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance) and
tissue culture Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 have been found free thereof prior to export.

Origine Canada, See Additional declaration point 32.5 for Phytopthora ramorum (non EU isolates)
United Kingdom,
United States and
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds

Page 267 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Magnolia grandiflora

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear should appear on the certificate.
on the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop
not to be present other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 268 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Third countries See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Australia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 a) The plants originate in an area as being free from
Bangladesh, Bhutan, 30.1 a of Commission Implementing Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with relevant International
Brunei Darussalam, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
Cambodia, China,
Eswatini, Guam, The name of area mentioned on the
India, Indonesia, certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
Iran, Japan, Kenya, box ‘Place of origin’
Laos, Malaysia, or
Mauritius, or
Micronesia, (30.1 b) the plants have been grown in a place of production established
Montenegro, Nigeria, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point by the national plant protection organisation in the country of origin as being
North Korea, 30.1 b of Commission Implementing free from Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with the relevant
Northern Mariana Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
Islands, Pakistan,
Palau, Papua New The name or a registration code of the (i) which has been subjected during the last year prior to
Guinea, Philippines, registered production site shall be included on export to official inspections carried out at appropriate
Reunion, South the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ times
Africa, South Korea, and
Sri Lanka, Taiwan, (ii) the plants have been handled and packed in ways to
Tanzania, Thailand, prevent infestation after leaving the place of production
Uganda, Vietnam,
and United States or or

Other than seeds, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 c) The plants have been subjected to an effective treatment
pollen and plants in 30.1 c of Commission Implementing ensuring the freedom of Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance) and
tissue culture Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 have been found free thereof prior to export.

Origine Canada, See Additional declaration point 32.5 for Phytopthora ramorum (non EU isolates)
United Kingdom,
United States and
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC

Page 269 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
where Anoplophora see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds


Magnolia virginiana

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear should appear on the certificate.
on the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue

Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Australia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 a) The plants originate in an area as being free from
Bangladesh, Bhutan, 30.1 a of Commission Implementing Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with relevant International
Brunei Darussalam, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
Cambodia, China,
Eswatini, Guam, The name of area mentioned on the
India, Indonesia, certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or

Page 270 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Iran, Japan, Kenya, box ‘Place of origin’
Laos, Malaysia, or
Mauritius, or
Micronesia, (30.1 b) the plants have been grown in a place of production established
Montenegro, Nigeria, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point by the national plant protection organisation in the country of origin as being
North Korea, 30.1 b of Commission Implementing free from Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with the relevant
Northern Mariana Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
Islands, Pakistan,
Palau, Papua New The name or a registration code of the (i) which has been subjected during the last year prior to
Guinea, Philippines, registered production site shall be included on export to official inspections carried out at appropriate
Reunion, South the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ times
Africa, South Korea, and
Sri Lanka, Taiwan, (ii) the plants have been handled and packed in ways to
Tanzania, Thailand, prevent infestation after leaving the place of production
Uganda, Vietnam,
and United States or or

Other than seeds, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 c) The plants have been subjected to an effective treatment
pollen and plants in 30.1 c of Commission Implementing ensuring the freedom of Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance) and
tissue culture Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 have been found free thereof prior to export.

Third countries See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Origine Canada, See Additional declaration point 32.5 for Phytopthora ramorum (non EU isolates)
United Kingdom,
United States and
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC

where Anoplophora see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds

Page 271 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Page 272 Date 12/10/2023
Version 6.36
Magnolia x soulangeana

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries where
Xylella fastidiosa is
known not to occur
Third countries with
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known not
to be present Product/crop other than seeds
Third countries: area’s Product/crop other than seeds
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known to
be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 273 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Australia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 a) The plants originate in an area as being free from
Bangladesh, Bhutan, 30.1 a of Commission Implementing Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with relevant International
Brunei Darussalam, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
Cambodia, China,
Eswatini, Guam, The name of area mentioned on the
India, Indonesia, certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
Iran, Japan, Kenya, box ‘Place of origin’
Laos, Malaysia, or
Mauritius, or
Micronesia, (30.1 b) the plants have been grown in a place of production established
Montenegro, Nigeria, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point by the national plant protection organisation in the country of origin as being
North Korea, 30.1 b of Commission Implementing free from Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with the relevant
Northern Mariana Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
Islands, Pakistan,
Palau, Papua New The name or a registration code of the (i) which has been subjected during the last year prior to
Guinea, Philippines, registered production site shall be included on export to official inspections carried out at appropriate
Reunion, South the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ times
Africa, South Korea, and
Sri Lanka, Taiwan, (ii) the plants have been handled and packed in ways to
Tanzania, Thailand, prevent infestation after leaving the place of production
Uganda, Vietnam,
and United States or or

Other than seeds, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 c) The plants have been subjected to an effective treatment
pollen and plants in 30.1 c of Commission Implementing ensuring the freedom of Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance) and
tissue culture Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 have been found free thereof prior to export.

Origine Canada, See Additional declaration point 32.5 for Phytopthora ramorum (non EU isolates)
United Kingdom,
United States and
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds

Page 274 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Malus, except Malus domestica and Malus sylvestris

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Australia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 a) The plants originate in an area as being free from
Bangladesh, Bhutan, 30.1 a of Commission Implementing Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with relevant International
Brunei Darussalam, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
Cambodia, China,
Eswatini, Guam, The name of area mentioned on the certificate
India, Indonesia, in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of
Iran, Japan, Kenya, origin’
Laos, Malaysia, or
Mauritius, or (30.1 b) the plants have been grown in a place of production established
Micronesia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point by the national plant protection organisation in the country of origin as being
Montenegro, Nigeria, 30.1 b of Commission Implementing free from Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with the relevant
North Korea, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:

Page 275 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation— The name or a registration code of the
registered production site shall be included on (i) Which has been subjected during the last year prior to
Northern Mariana the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ export to official inspections carried out at appropriate
Islands, Pakistan, times
Palau, Papua New and
Guinea, Philippines, (ii) The plants have been handled and packed in ways to
Reunion, South prevent infestation after leaving the place of production
Africa, South Korea,
Sri Lanka, Taiwan, or
Tanzania, Thailand, (30.1 c) The plants have been subjected to an effective treatment
Uganda, Vietnam, or ensuring the freedom of Aleurocanthus spiniferus and have been found
and United States Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free thereof prior to export
30.1 c of Commission Implementing
Other than seeds, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
pollen and plants in
tissue culture
Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds
The name of area mentioned on the certificate or
in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of
origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
32.6 c of Commission Implementing (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned

Page 276 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation— (ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate
preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Canada, United Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (42 a) have been grown throughout their life in an area free from
States 42 a of Commission Implementing Regulation Saperda candida, established by the national plant protection organisation of
(EU) 2019/2072 the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant International Standards
Product/crop for Phytosanitary Measures, which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate
other than The name of area mentioned on the certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric
cuttings in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of ‘Additional declaration’
scions origin’
plants in tissue or
culture or (42 b) have been grown during a period of at least two years prior to
pollen Consignment complies with Annex VII, point export, or in the case of plants which are younger than two years have
seeds 42 b i,ii,iii,iv of Commission Implementing been grown throughout their life, in a place of production established
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 as free from Saperda candida in accordance with relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
(i) Which is registered and supervised by the national plant
protection organisation in the country of origin,
(ii) Which has been subjected annually to two official
inspections for any signs of Saperda candida carried out at
the most appropriate times of the year to detect the
presence of the pest concerned,
(iii) Where the plants have been grown:
- In an insect proof site of production against the
introduction of Saperda candida
- In a site with the application of appropriate preventive
treatments and surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
--next-- of at least 500 m, where the absence of Saperda candida

Page 277 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- was confirmed by official surveys carried out annually at
appropriate times
(iv) Immediately prior to export the plants have been
subjected to a meticulous inspection for the presence of
Saperda candida, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including, where appropriate, destructive sampling

Canada, Mexico, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (43 a) throughout their life in (name of area) free from Grapholita
United States 43 a of Commission Implementing Regulation packardi established by the national plant protection organisation of the
(EU) 2019/2072 country of origin, in accordance with the relevant International Standards for
Product/crop Phytosanitary Measures, which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate
other than The name of area mentioned on the certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric
plants in tissue in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of ‘Additional declaration’, provided that this freedom status has been
culture origin’ communicated in advance in writing to the Commission by the national plant
seeds Freedom status area communicated with the protection organisation of the third country concerned,

or (43 b) throughout their life, in a place of production established as free

Consignment complies with Annex VII, point from Grapholita packardi in accordance with the relevant International
43 b of Commission Implementing Regulation Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
(EU) 2019/2072 (i) which is registered and supervised by the national plant protection
organisation of the country of origin


(ii) Which has been subjected to annual inspections for any signs
of Grapholita packardi carried out at appropriate times of the
year to detect the presence of the pest concerned


(iii) Where the plants have been grown in a site with the
application of appropriate preventive treatments and where
the absence of Grapholita packardi was confirmed by official
surveys carried out annually at appropriate times of the year
to detect the presence of the pest concerned


Page 278 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation— and

(iv) Immediately prior to export the plants have been subjected

to a meticulous inspection for the presence of Grapholita
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point or
43 c of Commission Implementing Regulation (43 c) in an insect proof site of production against the introduction of
(EU) 2019/2072 Grapholita packardi

Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (46 a i) The plants have been officially certified under a certification
where Cherry rasp 46 a i, b of Commission Implementing scheme requiring them to be derived in direct line from material which
leaf virus or Tomato Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 has been maintained under appropriate conditions and subjected to
ringspot virus are official testing for at least Cherry rasp leaf virus and Tomato ringspot
known to occur virus using appropriate indicators or equivalent methods and has been
found free, in these tests, from those pests.

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (46 a ii) The plants have been derived in direct line from material
46 a ii, b of Commission Implementing which is maintained under appropriate conditions and subjected,
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 within the last three complete cycles of vegetation, at least once, to
official testing for at least Cherry rasp leaf virus and Tomato ringspot
virus using appropriate indicators or equivalent methods and has been
found free, in these tests, from those pests.
(46 b) no symptoms of diseases caused by Cherry rasp leaf virus or
Tomato ringspot virus have been observed on plants at the place of
production, or on susceptible plants in its immediate vicinity, since the
beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
other than China
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
chinensis is known
to be present
China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

Product/crop other than seeds


Page 279 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation— Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
Third countries
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
glabripennis is
known to be present

Page 280 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Malus domestica

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Australia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 a) The plants originate in an area as being free from
Bangladesh, Bhutan, 30.1 a of Commission Implementing Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with relevant International
Brunei Darussalam, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
Cambodia, China,
Eswatini, Guam, The name of area mentioned on the certificate
India, Indonesia, in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of
Iran, Japan, Kenya, origin’
Laos, Malaysia, or
Mauritius, or (30.1 b) the plants have been grown in a place of production established
Micronesia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point by the national plant protection organisation in the country of origin as being
Montenegro, Nigeria, 30.1 b of Commission Implementing free from Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with the relevant
North Korea, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:

Page 281 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation— The name or a registration code of the
registered production site shall be included on (iii) Which has been subjected during the last year prior to
Northern Mariana the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ export to official inspections carried out at appropriate
Islands, Pakistan, times
Palau, Papua New and
Guinea, Philippines, (iv) The plants have been handled and packed in ways to
Reunion, South prevent infestation after leaving the place of production
Africa, South Korea,
Sri Lanka, Taiwan, or
Tanzania, Thailand, (30.1 c) The plants have been subjected to an effective treatment
Uganda, Vietnam, or ensuring the freedom of Aleurocanthus spiniferus and have been found
and United States Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free thereof prior to export
30.1 c of Commission Implementing
Other than seeds, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
pollen and plants in
tissue culture
Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds
The name of area mentioned on the certificate or
in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of
origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
32.6 c of Commission Implementing (iii) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned

Page 282 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation— (iv) In a site of production with the application of appropriate
preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Canada, United Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (42 a) have been grown throughout their life in an area free from
States 42 a of Commission Implementing Regulation Saperda candida, established by the national plant protection organisation of
(EU) 2019/2072 the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant International Standards
Product/crop for Phytosanitary Measures, which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate
other than The name of area mentioned on the certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric
cuttings in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of ‘Additional declaration’
scions origin’
plants in tissue or
culture or (42 b) have been grown during a period of at least two years prior to
pollen Consignment complies with Annex VII, point export, or in the case of plants which are younger than two years have
seeds 42 b i,ii,iii,iv of Commission Implementing been grown throughout their life, in a place of production established
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 as free from Saperda candida in accordance with relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
(v) Which is registered and supervised by the national plant
protection organisation in the country of origin,
(vi) Which has been subjected annually to two official
inspections for any signs of Saperda candida carried out at
the most appropriate times of the year to detect the
presence of the pest concerned,
(vii) Where the plants have been grown:
- In an insect proof site of production against the
introduction of Saperda candida
- In a site with the application of appropriate preventive
treatments and surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
--next-- of at least 500 m, where the absence of Saperda candida

Page 283 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- was confirmed by official surveys carried out annually at
appropriate times
(viii) Immediately prior to export the plants have been
subjected to a meticulous inspection for the presence of
Saperda candida, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including, where appropriate, destructive sampling

Canada, Mexico, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (43 a) throughout their life in (name of area) free from Grapholita
United States 43 a of Commission Implementing Regulation packardi established by the national plant protection organisation of the
(EU) 2019/2072 country of origin, in accordance with the relevant International Standards for
Product/crop Phytosanitary Measures, which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate
other than The name of area mentioned on the certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric
plants in tissue in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of ‘Additional declaration’, provided that this freedom status has been
culture origin’ communicated in advance in writing to the Commission by the national plant
seeds Freedom status area communicated with the protection organisation of the third country concerned,

or (43 b) throughout their life, in a place of production established as free

Consignment complies with Annex VII, point from Grapholita packardi in accordance with the relevant International
43 b of Commission Implementing Regulation Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
(EU) 2019/2072 (v) which is registered and supervised by the national plant protection
organisation of the country of origin


(vi) Which has been subjected to annual inspections for any signs
of Grapholita packardi carried out at appropriate times of the
year to detect the presence of the pest concerned


(vii) Where the plants have been grown in a site with the
application of appropriate preventive treatments and where
the absence of Grapholita packardi was confirmed by official
surveys carried out annually at appropriate times of the year
to detect the presence of the pest concerned


Page 284 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation— and

(viii) Immediately prior to export the plants have been subjected

to a meticulous inspection for the presence of Grapholita
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point or
43 c of Commission Implementing Regulation (43 c) in an insect proof site of production against the introduction of
(EU) 2019/2072 Grapholita packardi

Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (46 a i) The plants have been officially certified under a certification
where Cherry rasp 46 a i, b of Commission Implementing scheme requiring them to be derived in direct line from material which
leaf virus or Tomato Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 has been maintained under appropriate conditions and subjected to
ringspot virus are official testing for at least Cherry rasp leaf virus and Tomato ringspot
known to occur virus using appropriate indicators or equivalent methods and has been
found free, in these tests, from those pests.

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (46 a ii) The plants have been derived in direct line from material
46 a ii, b of Commission Implementing which is maintained under appropriate conditions and subjected,
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 within the last three complete cycles of vegetation, at least once, to
official testing for at least Cherry rasp leaf virus and Tomato ringspot
virus using appropriate indicators or equivalent methods and has been
found free, in these tests, from those pests.
(46 b) no symptoms of diseases caused by Cherry rasp leaf virus or
Tomato ringspot virus have been observed on plants at the place of
production, or on susceptible plants in its immediate vicinity, since the
beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
other than China
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
chinensis is known
to be present
China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

Product/crop other than seeds


Page 285 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation— Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
Third countries
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
glabripennis is
known to be present
United Kingdom Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1213

Product/crop up to 1-year old cuttings; and up to 7-year old plants for planting

Page 286 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Malus sylvestris

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Australia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 a) The plants originate in an area as being free from
Bangladesh, Bhutan, 30.1 a of Commission Implementing Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with relevant International
Brunei Darussalam, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
Cambodia, China,
Eswatini, Guam, The name of area mentioned on the certificate
India, Indonesia, in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of
Iran, Japan, Kenya, origin’
Laos, Malaysia, or
Mauritius, or (30.1 b) the plants have been grown in a place of production established
Micronesia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point by the national plant protection organisation in the country of origin as being
Montenegro, Nigeria, 30.1 b of Commission Implementing free from Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with the relevant
North Korea, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:

Page 287 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation— The name or a registration code of the
registered production site shall be included on (v) Which has been subjected during the last year prior to
Northern Mariana the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ export to official inspections carried out at appropriate
Islands, Pakistan, times
Palau, Papua New and
Guinea, Philippines, (vi) The plants have been handled and packed in ways to
Reunion, South prevent infestation after leaving the place of production
Africa, South Korea,
Sri Lanka, Taiwan, or
Tanzania, Thailand, (30.1 c) The plants have been subjected to an effective treatment
Uganda, Vietnam, or ensuring the freedom of Aleurocanthus spiniferus and have been found
and United States Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free thereof prior to export
30.1 c of Commission Implementing
Other than seeds, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
pollen and plants in
tissue culture
Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds
The name of area mentioned on the certificate or
in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of
origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
32.6 c of Commission Implementing (v) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned

Page 288 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation— (vi) In a site of production with the application of appropriate
preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Canada, United Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (42 a) have been grown throughout their life in an area free from
States 42 a of Commission Implementing Regulation Saperda candida, established by the national plant protection organisation of
(EU) 2019/2072 the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant International Standards
Product/crop for Phytosanitary Measures, which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate
other than The name of area mentioned on the certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric
cuttings in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of ‘Additional declaration’
scions origin’
plants in tissue or
culture or (42 b) have been grown during a period of at least two years prior to
pollen Consignment complies with Annex VII, point export, or in the case of plants which are younger than two years have
seeds 42 b i,ii,iii,iv of Commission Implementing been grown throughout their life, in a place of production established
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 as free from Saperda candida in accordance with relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
(ix) Which is registered and supervised by the national plant
protection organisation in the country of origin,
(x) Which has been subjected annually to two official
inspections for any signs of Saperda candida carried out at
the most appropriate times of the year to detect the
presence of the pest concerned,
(xi) Where the plants have been grown:
- In an insect proof site of production against the
introduction of Saperda candida
- In a site with the application of appropriate preventive
treatments and surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
--next-- of at least 500 m, where the absence of Saperda candida

Page 289 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- was confirmed by official surveys carried out annually at
appropriate times
(xii) Immediately prior to export the plants have been
subjected to a meticulous inspection for the presence of
Saperda candida, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including, where appropriate, destructive sampling

Canada, Mexico, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (43 a) throughout their life in (name of area) free from Grapholita
United States 43 a of Commission Implementing Regulation packardi established by the national plant protection organisation of the
(EU) 2019/2072 country of origin, in accordance with the relevant International Standards for
Product/crop Phytosanitary Measures, which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate
other than The name of area mentioned on the certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric
plants in tissue in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of ‘Additional declaration’, provided that this freedom status has been
culture origin’ communicated in advance in writing to the Commission by the national plant
seeds Freedom status area communicated with the protection organisation of the third country concerned,

or (43 b) throughout their life, in a place of production established as free

Consignment complies with Annex VII, point from Grapholita packardi in accordance with the relevant International
43 b of Commission Implementing Regulation Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
(EU) 2019/2072 (ix) which is registered and supervised by the national plant protection
organisation of the country of origin


(x) Which has been subjected to annual inspections for any signs
of Grapholita packardi carried out at appropriate times of the
year to detect the presence of the pest concerned


(xi) Where the plants have been grown in a site with the
application of appropriate preventive treatments and where
the absence of Grapholita packardi was confirmed by official
surveys carried out annually at appropriate times of the year
to detect the presence of the pest concerned


Page 290 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation— and

(xii) Immediately prior to export the plants have been subjected

to a meticulous inspection for the presence of Grapholita
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point or
43 c of Commission Implementing Regulation (43 c) in an insect proof site of production against the introduction of
(EU) 2019/2072 Grapholita packardi

Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (46 a i) The plants have been officially certified under a certification
where Cherry rasp 46 a i, b of Commission Implementing scheme requiring them to be derived in direct line from material which
leaf virus or Tomato Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 has been maintained under appropriate conditions and subjected to
ringspot virus are official testing for at least Cherry rasp leaf virus and Tomato ringspot
known to occur virus using appropriate indicators or equivalent methods and has been
found free, in these tests, from those pests.

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (46 a ii) The plants have been derived in direct line from material
46 a ii, b of Commission Implementing which is maintained under appropriate conditions and subjected,
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 within the last three complete cycles of vegetation, at least once, to
official testing for at least Cherry rasp leaf virus and Tomato ringspot
virus using appropriate indicators or equivalent methods and has been
found free, in these tests, from those pests.
(46 b) no symptoms of diseases caused by Cherry rasp leaf virus or
Tomato ringspot virus have been observed on plants at the place of
production, or on susceptible plants in its immediate vicinity, since the
beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
other than China
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
chinensis is known
to be present
China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

Product/crop other than seeds


Page 291 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation— Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
Third countries
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
glabripennis is
known to be present
United Kingdom Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1213

Product/crop up to 7-year old plants for planting with a maximum diameter of 40 mm at the base of the stem

Page 292 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Adtional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Destination Consignment complies with Annex X, point (14 a) The plants originate in an area known to be free from Bemisia
Ireland, Sweden, 14 a of Commission Implementing Regulation tabaci (European populations).
Northern Ireland (EU) 2019/2072

or or
Consignment complies with Annex X, point (14 b) No signs of Bemisia tabaci (European populations) have been
14 b of Commission Implementing Regulation observed, including on plants, at the place of production on official
(EU) 2019/2072 inspections carried out at least once each three weeks during the nine
weeks prior to marketing.

or or
Consignment complies with Annex X, point (14 c) in cases where Bemisia tabaci (European populations) has been
14 c of Commission Implementing Regulation found at the place of production, the plants, held or produced in this
--next-- (EU) 2019/2072 place of production, have undergone an appropriate treatment to

Page 293 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- ensure freedom from Bemisia tabaci (European populations) and
subsequently this place of production shall have been found free from
Bemisia tabaci (European populations) as a consequence of the
implementation of appropriate procedures aiming at eradicating
Bemisia tabaci (European populations), in both official inspections carried
out weekly during the three weeks prior to the movement from this place of
production and in monitoring procedures throughout the said period. The last
inspection of the above weekly inspections shall be carried out immediately
prior to the above movement.

or or
Consignment complies with Annex X, point (14 d) for those plants for which there shall be evidence by their packing
14 d of Commission Implementing Regulation or their flower development or by other means that they are intended
(EU) 2019/2072 for direct sale to final consumers not involved in professional plant
production, the plants have been officially inspected and found free from
Bemisia tabaci (European populations) immediately prior to their

Page 294 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Medicago sativa

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop
not to be present other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex I 1, point “Aquatic plants” is not a botanical name. The requirement mentioned here is
1 of Commission Implementing Decision applicable for any plant that can only grow in water or soil that is permanently
Product/crop 2012/697/EC; saturated with water
Aquatic plant
other than seeds the specified plants were inspected immediately prior to export and
found free from Pomacea
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue


Page 295 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica

Plants for planting

With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries The plants have been grown in nurseries
where Liriomyza and
sativae and Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 a) originate in (name of area) established by the national plant
Nemorimyza 8 a of Commission Implementing Regulation protection organisation in the country of origin as being free from Liriomyza
maculosa are known (EU) 2019/2072 sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with relevant
to occur International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures which is mentioned on the
The name of area mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No
Product/crop certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’,
other than box ‘Place of origin’
corms or or
plants of genera Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 b) originate in (name of place of production) established by the
Gramineae 8 b of Commission Implementing Regulation national plant protection organisation of the country of origin as being free
rhizomes (EU) 2019/2072 from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with the
seeds relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is
tubers The name or a registration code of the mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision
plants in tissue registered production site shall be included on (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’, and declared
culture the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ free from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa on official
inspections carried out at least monthly during the three months prior
to export,

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 c) immediately prior to export, have been subjected to an
8 c of Commission Implementing Regulation appropriate treatment against Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza
--next-- (EU) 2019/2072

Page 296 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- Details of the treatment mentioned in the maculosa and have been officially inspected and found free from
respective box of the certificate Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa.
Details of the treatment referred in point (c) shall be mentioned on the
phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No
Bolivia, Colombia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (21.2 a) the plants originate in an area as being free from Prodiplosis
Ecuador, Peru and 21.2 a of Commission Implementing longifila
United States Regulation (EU) 2019/2072

other than The name of area mentioned on the

bulbs certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
corms box ‘Place of origin’
dormant plants
plants in tissue or or
culture Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (21.2 b) the plants have been grown at least during the two months
seeds 21.2 b of Commission Implementing prior to export, or in the case of plants which are younger than two
tubers Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 months, throughout their life, in a site of production with physical
rhizomes protection established in the country of origin as being free from
Prodiplosis longifila, on the basis of official inspections carried out
throughout their life or during the last two months prior to export.

Page 297 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Melia azedarach

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Australia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 a) The plants originate in an area as being free from
Bangladesh, Bhutan, 30.1 a of Commission Implementing Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with relevant International
Brunei Darussalam, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
Cambodia, China,
Eswatini, Guam, The name of area mentioned on the
India, Indonesia, certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
Iran, Japan, Kenya, box ‘Place of origin’
Laos, Malaysia, or
Mauritius, or
Micronesia, (30.1 b) the plants have been grown in a place of production established
Montenegro, Nigeria, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point by the national plant protection organisation in the country of origin as being
North Korea, 30.1 b of Commission Implementing free from Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with the relevant
Northern Mariana Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:

Page 298 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Islands, Pakistan,
Palau, Papua New The name or a registration code of the (i) which has been subjected during the last year prior to
Guinea, Philippines, registered production site shall be included on export to official inspections carried out at appropriate
Reunion, South the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ times
Africa, South Korea, and
Sri Lanka, Taiwan, (ii) the plants have been handled and packed in ways to
Tanzania, Thailand, prevent infestation after leaving the place of production
Uganda, Vietnam,
and United States or or

Other than seeds, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 c) The plants have been subjected to an effective treatment
pollen and plants in 30.1 c of Commission Implementing ensuring the freedom of Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance) and
tissue culture Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 have been found free thereof prior to export.

Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.2 for Apriona germani
See Asian countries
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds

Page 299 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Microcitrus Naringi Swinglea

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (53 a) in a country in which Diaphorina citri Kuway is known not to
53 a of Commission Implementing Regulation occur,
Product/crop (EU) 2019/2072
other than seeds
or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (53 b) (name of an area) free from Diaphorina citri Kuway, established
53 b of Commission Implementing Regulation by the national plant protection organisation in accordance with the relevant
(EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is mentioned on
the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No
The name of area mentioned on the 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’.
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’

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Version 6.36
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (54 a) in a country recognised as being free from Xanthomonas citri
54 a of Commission Implementing Regulation pv. aurantifolii Constantin et al. and Xanthomonas citri pv. citri in
(EU) 2019/2072 accordance with the relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary
Product/crop Measures, provided that this freedom status has been communicated in writing
other than seeds LIST OF FREE COUNTRIES to the Commission by the national plant protection organisation of the third
country concerned,

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (54 b) (name of area) established by the national plant protection
54 b of Commission Implementing Regulation organisation in the country of origin as being free from Xanthomonas citri
(EU) 2019/2072 pv. aurantifolii Constantin et al. and Xanthomonas citri pv. citri, in
accordance with the relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary
The name of area mentioned on the Measures, which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional
box ‘Place of origin’ declaration’, provided that this freedom status has been communicated in
writing to the Commission by the national plant protection organisation of the
LIST OF FREE AREAS third country concerned.

Page 301 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Mimosa bracaatinga

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it should
reference text, as it should appear on the appear on the certificate.

Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop other than seeds
not to be present Product/crop other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain

the vitality of the

plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic

Page 302 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds

Page 303 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Morus alba

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop
not to be present other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato

Third countries
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Asian countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 a) the plants have a diameter of less than 1 cm at the base of the
32.4 a of Commission Implementing stem
See Asian countries Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
or or
Other than plants in Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 b) the plants originate in a country established in the country of
tissue culture, pollen 32.4 b of Commission Implementing origin by the national plant protection service of that country, as being free
and seeds Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 from Apriona cinera in accordance with relevant International Standards for
Phytosanitary Measures
The name or a registration code of the
registered production site shall be included on or
the certificate in box “Additional declaration“
(32.4 c) The plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
or free from Apriona cinerea, established by the national plant protection
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point organisation in the country of origin in accordance with the relevant
32.4 c of Commission Implementing International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures.
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
The name of area mentioned on the
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or (32.4 d) The plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
box ‘Place of origin’ period of at least two years prior to export, in a place of production
established by the national plant protection organisation in the country
or of origin as being free from Apriona cinerea in accordance with the
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures,
32.4 d of Commission Implementing And
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
(i) Which has been subjected annually to two official
inspections for any signs of Apriona cinerea, carried out at
appropriate times and no signs of the pest have been
(ii) With the application of appropriate preventive treatments
and surrounded by a buffer zone with a width of at least
2000m where the absence of Apriona cinerea was

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- confirmed by official surveys carried out annually at
appropriate times,
(iii) Immediately prior to export have been subjected to an
inspection for the presence of Apriona cinerea, in
particular in stems of the plants; where appropriate, this
inspection should include destructive sampling,

or or

Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 e) The plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
32.4 e of Commission Implementing period of at least two years prior to export in a site of production with
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 physical isolation against the introduction of Apriona cinerea

Immediately prior to export have been subjected to an inspection for
the presence of Apriona cinerea, in particular in stems of the plants;
where appropriate, this inspection should include destructive sampling.

Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds
The name of area mentioned on the certificate or
in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of
origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
32.6 c of Commission Implementing (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
--next-- least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,

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Version 6.36
--continuation— carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Page 307 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Morus other than Morus alba

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop
not to be present other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- See Additional declaration point 32.2 for Apriona germani

Asian countries
See Asian countries
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.3 for Apriona rugicollis

See Asian countries

Other than plants in

tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Asian countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 a) the plants have a diameter of less than 1 cm at the base of the
32.4 a of Commission Implementing stem
See Asian countries Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
or or
Other than plants in Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 b) the plants originate in a country established in the country of
tissue culture, pollen 32.4 b of Commission Implementing origin by the national plant protection service of that country, as being free
and seeds Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 from Apriona cinera in accordance with relevant International Standards for
Phytosanitary Measures
The name or a registration code of the
registered production site shall be included on or
the certificate in box “Additional declaration“
(32.4 c) The plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
or free from Apriona cinerea, established by the national plant protection
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point organisation in the country of origin in accordance with the relevant
32.4 c of Commission Implementing International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures.
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
The name of area mentioned on the
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or (32.4 d) The plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
box ‘Place of origin’ period of at least two years prior to export, in a place of production
established by the national plant protection organisation in the country
or of origin as being free from Apriona cinerea in accordance with the
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures,
32.4 d of Commission Implementing And
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- (i) Which has been subjected annually to two official
inspections for any signs of Apriona cinerea, carried out at
appropriate times and no signs of the pest have been
(ii) With the application of appropriate preventive treatments
and surrounded by a buffer zone with a width of at least
2000m where the absence of Apriona cinerea was
confirmed by official surveys carried out annually at
appropriate times,
(iii) Immediately prior to export have been subjected to an
inspection for the presence of Apriona cinerea, in
particular in stems of the plants; where appropriate, this
inspection should include destructive sampling,

or or

Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 e) The plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
32.4 e of Commission Implementing period of at least two years prior to export in a site of production with
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 physical isolation against the introduction of Apriona cinerea

Immediately prior to export have been subjected to an inspection for
the presence of Apriona cinerea, in particular in stems of the plants;
where appropriate, this inspection should include destructive sampling.

Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds
The name of area mentioned on the certificate or
--next-- in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of

Page 310 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation— origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
32.6 c of Commission Implementing (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Page 311 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (51) The plants originate in a country recognised as being free from
51 of Commission Implementing Regulation Candidatus Liberibacter africanus, Candidatus Liberibacter americanus
(EU) 2019/2072 and Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, causal agents of Huanglongbing
See list of free countries disease of citrus/citrus greening

Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (52 a) the plants originate in a country in which Trioza erytreae Del
52 a of Commission Implementing Regulation Guercio is known not to occur,
Product/crop (EU) 2019/2072
other than seeds or
or (52 b) the plants originate in (name of area) free from Trioza erytreae
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point Del Guercio, established by the national plant protection organisation in

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Version 6.36
--next---- 52 b of Commission Implementing Regulation accordance with the relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary
--continuation-- (EU) 2019/2072 Measures, and which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to
in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional
The name of area mentioned on the declaration’,
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’
or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (c) the plants have been grown in a place of production, which is
52 c of Commission Implementing Regulation registered and supervised by the national plant protection organisation of the
(EU) 2019/2072 country of origin,
where the plants have been grown during a period of one year, in an
insect proof site of production against the introduction of Trioza
erytreae Del Guercio,
where, during a period of at least one year prior to the movement, two
official inspections were carried out at appropriate times and no signs
of Trioza erytreae Del Guercio have been observed in that site,
prior to movement are handled and packaged in ways to prevent
infestation after leaving the place of production.
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (53 a) in a country in which Diaphorina citri Kuway is known not to
53 a of Commission Implementing Regulation occur,
Product/crop (EU) 2019/2072
other than seeds
or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (53 b) in (name of area) free from Diaphorina citri Kuway, established by
53 b of Commission Implementing Regulation the national plant protection organisation in accordance with the relevant
(EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is mentioned on
the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No
The name of area mentioned on the 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’.
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’

Page 313 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries where Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (22 a) the plants originate in areas which have been found free from
Ralstonia 22 a of Commission Implementing Regulation Ralstonia solanacearum, Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum, Ralstonia
solanacearum, (EU) 2019/2072 syzigii subsp. celebensis and Ralstonia syzigii subsp. indonesiensis
pseudosolanacearum, or or
Ralstonia syzigii
subsp. celebensis or Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (22 b) no symptoms of Ralstonia solanacearum, Ralstonia
Ralstonia syzigii 22 b of Commission Implementing Regulation pseudosolanacearum, Ralstonia syzigii subsp. celebensis and Ralstonia
subsp. indonesiensis (EU) 2019/2072 syzigii subsp. indonesiensis have been observed on the plants at the
is known to occur place of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of
other than

Page 314 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Nerium oleander

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear should appear on the certificate.
on the certificate.
Third countries where
Xylella fastidiosa is
known not to occur
Third countries with
area’s where Xylella see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
fastidiosa is known
not to be present Product/crop other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known to
be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other than
plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 315 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Destination Consignment complies with Annex X, point (14 a) The plants originate in an area known to be free from Bemisia
Ireland, Sweden, 14 a of Commission Implementing tabaci (European populations).
Northern Ireland Regulation (EU) 2019/2072

or or
Consignment complies with Annex X, point (14 b) No signs of Bemisia tabaci (European populations) have been
14 b of Commission Implementing observed, including on plants, at the place of production on official
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 inspections carried out at least once each three weeks during the nine
weeks prior to marketing.

or or
Consignment complies with Annex X, point (14 c) in cases where Bemisia tabaci (European populations) has been
14 c of Commission Implementing found at the place of production, the plants, held or produced in this
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 place of production, have undergone an appropriate treatment to
ensure freedom from Bemisia tabaci (European populations) and
subsequently this place of production shall have been found free from
Bemisia tabaci (European populations) as a consequence of the
implementation of appropriate procedures aiming at eradicating
Bemisia tabaci (European populations), in both official inspections carried
out weekly during the three weeks prior to the movement from this place of
production and in monitoring procedures throughout the said period. The last
inspection of the above weekly inspections shall be carried out immediately
prior to the above movement.
Consignment complies with Annex X, point or
14 d of Commission Implementing (14 d) for those plants for which there shall be evidence by their packing
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 or their flower development or by other means that they are intended
for direct sale to final consumers not involved in professional plant
production, the plants have been officially inspected and found free from
Bemisia tabaci (European populations) immediately prior to their
Turkey The consignment complies with Commission (i) The plants are free from Phenacoccus solenopsis;
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1213”
Up to four year old (ii) The site of production has been found free from Phenacoccus
plants for planting The name or a registration code of the solenopsis during official inspections carried out at appropriate
registered production site shall be included times, since the beginning of the production cycle of the
on the certificate in box “Additional plants;

Page 316 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
(iii) Immediately prior to export, consignments of the plants have
been subjected to an official inspection for the presence of
Phenacoccus solenopsis with such a sample size as to enable at
least the detection of 1 % level of infestation with a level of
confidence of 99 %;

Page 317 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Nicotiana other than Nicotiana glauca

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries See Additional declaration point 21.1 for Ceratothripoides claratis

Third countries where Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (22 a) the plants originate in areas which have been found free from
Ralstonia 22 a of Commission Implementing Regulation Ralstonia solanacearum, Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum, Ralstonia
solanacearum, (EU) 2019/2072 syzigii subsp. celebensis and Ralstonia syzigii subsp. indonesiensis
pseudosolanacearum, or
Ralstonia syzigii (22 b) no symptoms of Ralstonia solanacearum, Ralstonia
subsp. celebensis or or pseudosolanacearum, Ralstonia syzigii subsp. celebensis and
Ralstonia syzigii Consignment complies with Annex VII, point Ralstonia syzigii subsp. indonesiensis have been observed on the

Page 318 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
subsp. indonesiensis 22 b of Commission Implementing Regulation plants at the place of production since the beginning of the last
is known to occur (EU) 2019/2072 complete cycle of vegetation.

other than

Page 319 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Nicotiana glauca

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries See Additional declaration point 21.1 for Ceratothripoides claratis

Third countries where Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (22 a) the plants originate in areas which have been found free from
Ralstonia 22 a of Commission Implementing Regulation Ralstonia solanacearum, Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum, Ralstonia
solanacearum, (EU) 2019/2072 syzigii subsp. celebensis and Ralstonia syzigii subsp. indonesiensis
pseudosolanacearum, or
Ralstonia syzigii (22 b) no symptoms of Ralstonia solanacearum, Ralstonia
subsp. celebensis or or pseudosolanacearum, Ralstonia syzigii subsp. celebensis and
Ralstonia syzigii Consignment complies with Annex VII, point Ralstonia syzigii subsp. indonesiensis have been observed on the
subsp. indonesiensis 22 b of Commission Implementing Regulation plants at the place of production since the beginning of the last

Page 320 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
is known to occur (EU) 2019/2072 complete cycle of vegetation.

other than

Page 321 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop
not to be present other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 322 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Ornamental perennial grasses (Gramineae) of the subfamilies Bambusoideae (check table for genera and species)Panicoideae (check table for
genera and species) of the genera Buchloe, Bouteloua, Calamagrostis, Cortaderia except Cortaderia selloana, Glyceria, Hakonechloa,
Hystrix, Molinia, Phalaris, Shibataea, Spartina, Stipa, Uniola

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 323 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Others: Ailanthus altissima, Alectryon excelsus, Archontophoenix cunninghamiana , Artocarpus integer, Azadirachta indica,
Brachychiton discolor, Brachychiton populneus, Camellia semiserrata, , Canarium commune, Castanospermum australe, Cercidium
floridum, Cercidium sonorae, Cocculus laurifolius, Combretum kraussii, Cupaniopsis anacardioides, Dombeya cacuminu, Erythrina
corallodendron Erythrina coralloides, Erythrina falcata,, Erythrina fusca, Eucalyptus ficifolia, Fortunella, Howea forsteriana., Ilex
cornuta, Inga vera, Parkinsonia aculeata, Pithecellobium lobatum, Podalyria calyptrata, Prosopis articulata, Protium serratum,
Psoralea pinnata, Shorea robusta, Spathodea campanulata, Spondias dulcis, Tamarix ramosissima, Virgilia oroboides subsp.
Ferrugine, Wisteria floribunda, Xylosma avilae

Origin Required additional declaration Required minimal additional declaration text (see in
full reference text, as it should bold) as it should appear on the certificate.
appear on the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other than
plants in tissue culture
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain the
vitality of the plants,
other than plants in tissue
culture and aquatic plants
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant Union
quarantaine pests are
known to occur to occur
Third countries See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato
Other than plants in tissue
culture, pollen and seeds

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Version 6.36

Others: Adenocarpus lainzii, Ampelopsis arborea, Ampelopsis brevipedunculata, Ampelopsis cordata, Anthyllis barba-jovis, Anthyllis
hermanniae, Arbutus unedo, Athyrium filix-femina, Berberis thunbergii, Calicotome spinosa, Calicotome villosa, Callicarpa americana,
Callistemon citrinus, Calocephalus brownii, Carya, Catharanthus roseus, Celtis occidentalis, Cercis canadensis, Cercis occidentalis,
Cercis siliquastrum, Chamaecrista fasciculata, Chionanthus (other than Chionanthus virginicus), Chitalpa tashkentensis, Cistus,
Coelorachis cylindrica, Coffea, Conium maculatum, Convolvulus cneorum, Coprosma repens, Coronilla, Cyperus eragrostis, Cytisus,
Digitaria, Dittrichia viscosa, Dodonaea viscosa, Eginum plantagineum, Encelia farinosa, Eremophila maculata, Erica cinerea, Erigeron,
Eriocephalus africanus, Erodium moschatum, Euphorbia chamaecyse, Euphorbia terracina, Fatsia japónica, Frangula alnus, Genista,
Ginkgo biloba, Grevillea juniperina, Hebe, Heliotropium europaeum, Hemerocallis, Hypericum androsaemum, Hypericum perforatum,
Ilex aquifolium, Ilex vomitoria, Iva annua, Jacobaea maritima, Lavandula, Lonicera implexa, Lonicera japónica, Mallotus paniculatus,
Metrosideros, Mimosa, (other than Mimosa bracaatinga) Modiola caroliniana, Myoporum insulare, Myoporum laetum, Myrtus
communis, Nandina domestica, Neptunia lutea, Paspalum dilatatum, Perovskia abrotanoides, Phagnalon saxatile, Phillyrea
angustifolia, Phillyrea latifolia, Phlomis fruticosa, Phlomis italica, Phyla nodiflora, Pistacia vera, Pluchea odorata, Polygala myrtifolia,
Polygala x grandiflora, Psidium other than Psidium guajava, Pteridium aquilinum, Ratibida columnifera, Retama monosperma,
Rhamnus, Rhus, Ruta chalapensis, Ruta graveolens, Sambucus, Santolina chamaecyparissus, Santolina magonica, Sapindus
saponaria, Sassafras, Setaria magna, Spartium, Stewartia pseudocamellia, Strelitzia reginae, Streptocarpus, Teucrium capitatum,
Thymus vulgaris, Ulex, Vitex agnus-castus, Vitis, Westringia fruticosa, Westringia glabra

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries where
Xylella fastidiosa is
known not to occur
Third countries with
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known not
to be present Product/crop other than seeds
Third countries: area’s Product/crop other than seeds
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known to
be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue

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Version 6.36

Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 326 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (55a)the plants originate in an area known to be free from Palm lethal
55 a of Commission Implementing Regulation yellowing phytoplasmas and Coconut cadang-cadang viroid, and no
other than (EU) 2019/2072 symptoms have been observed at the place of production or in its
Albania, Andorra, immediate vicinity since the beginning of the last complete cycle of
Armenia, Azerbaijan, vegetation,
Belarus, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Canary or or
Islands, Faeroe Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (55 b) no symptoms of Palm lethal yellowing phytoplasmas and
Islands, Georgia, 55 b of Commission Implementing Regulation Coconut cadang-cadang viroid have been observed on the plants since
--next-- (EU) 2019/2072 the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation, and plants at the
--continuation-- place of production which have shown symptoms giving rise to the
suspicion of contamination by the pests have been rogued out at that

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Version 6.36
Iceland, place and the plants have undergone appropriate treatment to rid them
Liechtenstein, of Myndus crudus Van Duzee,
Moldova, Monaco,
Montenegro, North or or
Macedonia, Norway, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (55 c) in the case of plants in tissue culture, the plants were derived from
Russia (only the 55 c of Commission Implementing Regulation plants which have met the requirements laid down in point (a) or (b).
following parts: (EU) 2019/2072
Central Federal
District (Tsentralny
federalny okrug),
Federal District
federalny okrug),
Southern Federal
District (Yuzhny
federalny okrug),
North Caucasian
Federal District
federalny okrug) and
Volga Federal
District (Privolzhsky
federalny okrug)).,
San Marino, Serbia,
Switzerland, Turkey
and Ukraine

Page 328 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Parthenocissus quinquefolia, Psidium guajava

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries where
Xylella fastidiosa is
known not to occur
Third countries with
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known not
to be present Product/crop other than seeds
Third countries: area’s Product/crop other than seeds
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known to
be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to


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Version 6.36
Australia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 a) The plants originate in an area as being free from
Bangladesh, Bhutan, 30.1 a of Commission Implementing Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with relevant International
Brunei Darussalam, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
Cambodia, China,
Eswatini, Guam, The name of area mentioned on the
India, Indonesia, certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
Iran, Japan, Kenya, box ‘Place of origin’
Laos, Malaysia, or
Mauritius, or
Micronesia, (30.1 b) the plants have been grown in a place of production established
Montenegro, Nigeria, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point by the national plant protection organisation in the country of origin as being
North Korea, 30.1 b of Commission Implementing free from Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with the relevant
Northern Mariana Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
Islands, Pakistan,
Palau, Papua New The name or a registration code of the (i) which has been subjected during the last year prior to
Guinea, Philippines, registered production site shall be included on export to official inspections carried out at appropriate
Reunion, South the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ times
Africa, South Korea, and
Sri Lanka, Taiwan, (ii) the plants have been handled and packed in ways to
Tanzania, Thailand, prevent infestation after leaving the place of production
Uganda, Vietnam,
and United States or or

Other than seeds, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 c) The plants have been subjected to an effective treatment
pollen and plants in 30.1 c of Commission Implementing ensuring the freedom of Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance) and
tissue culture Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 have been found free thereof prior to export.

Page 330 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Persea americana

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop
not to be present other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 331 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (21.2 a) the plants originate in an area as being free from Prodiplosis
21.2 a of Commission Implementing longifila
Bolivia, Colombia, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Ecuador, Peru and
United States The name of area mentioned on the
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
other than box ‘Place of origin’
corms or or
dormant plants Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (21.2 b) the plants have been grown at least during the two months
plants in tissue 21.2 b of Commission Implementing prior to export, or in the case of plants which are younger than two
culture Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 months, throughout their life, in a site of production with physical
seeds protection established in the country of origin as being free from
tubers Prodiplosis longifila, on the basis of official inspections carried out
rhizomes throughout their life or during the last two months prior to export.

Third countries See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Origin Israel The consignment complies with Commission (i) The plants are free from Aonidiella orientalis, Aulacaspis
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1213 tubercularis, Avocado sunblotch viroid, Bemisia tabaci,
Rooted, with leaves, Colletotrichum aenigma, Colletotrichum alienum, Colletotrichum
grafted plants for The name or a registration code of the fructicola, Colletotrichum perseae, Colletotrichum siamense,
planting with registered production site shall be included on Colletotrichum theobromicola, Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato,
growing medium the certificate in box “Additional declaration Icerya aegyptiaca, Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae,
and with a Maconellicoccus hirsutus, Milviscutulus mangiferae,
maximum diameter Neocosmospora euwallaceae, Neoscytalidium dimidiatum,
of 1 cm at the base Nipaecoccus viridis, Oligonychus perseae, Paracoccus marginatus,
of the stem Penthimiola bella, Pseudococcus cryptus, Pulvinaria psidii,
Retithrips syriacus, Scirtothrips dorsalis and Tetraleurodes perseae


(ii) The plants have been grown throughout their life in a place of
production, which, together with the sites of production that form
part of it, is registered and supervised by the national plant
protection organisation of the country of origin

--next-- and

Page 332 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- (iii) The plants have been grown throughout their life in a site with
physical protection against the introduction of Aonidiella orientalis,
Aulacaspis tubercularis, Icerya aegyptiaca, Maconellicoccus
hirsutus, Milviscutulus mangiferae, Nipaecoccus viridis,
Oligonychus perseae, Paracoccus marginatus, Penthimiola bella,
Pseudococcus cryptus, Pulvinaria psidii, Retithrips syriacus and
Tetraleurodes perseae, which has been subjected to official
inspections every 45 days and has been found free from all the
pests listed in point (i); in case of suspicion of the presence of any
pest listed in point (i) at the site of production, appropriate
treatments have been carried out to ensure the absence of the


(iv) Immediately prior to export, consignments of the plants have been

subjected to an official inspection for the presence of Aonidiella
orientalis, Aulacaspis tubercularis, Icerya aegyptiaca,
Maconellicoccus hirsutus, Milviscutulus mangiferae, Nipaecoccus
viridis, Oligonychus perseae, Paracoccus marginatus, Penthimiola
bella, Pseudococcus cryptus, Pulvinaria psidii, Retithrips syriacus
and Tetraleurodes perseae, with such a sample size as to enable at
least the detection of 1 % level of infestation with a level of
confidence of 99 %, and to an official inspection for the presence
of Avocado sunblotch viroid, Colletotrichum aenigma,
Colletotrichum alienum, Colletotrichum fructicola, Colletotrichum
perseae, Colletotrichum siamense, Colletotrichum theobromicola,
Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae, Neoscytalidium dimidiatum
including random sampling and testing of the plants

Page 333 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Phoenix except Phoenix reclinate and Phoenix roebelenii

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

--continuation-- Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (55 a) the plants originate in an area known to be free from Palm
55 a of Commission Implementing Regulation lethal yellowing phytoplasmas and Coconut cadang-cadang viroid, and
Third countries (EU) 2019/2072 no symptoms have been observed at the place of production or in its
immediate vicinity since the beginning of the last complete cycle of
other than
Albania, Andorra,
Armenia, Azerbaijan,
Belarus, Bosnia and or or
Herzegovina, Canary Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (55 b) no symptoms of Palm lethal yellowing phytoplasmas and
Islands, Faeroe 55 b of Commission Implementing Regulation Coconut cadang-cadang viroid have been observed on the plants since
Islands, Georgia, (EU) 2019/2072 the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation, and plants at the
Iceland, Liechtenstein, place of production which have shown symptoms giving rise to the
Moldova, Monaco, suspicion of contamination by the pests have been rogued out at that

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Version 6.36
Montenegro, North place and the plants have undergone appropriate treatment to rid them
Macedonia, Norway, of Myndus crudus Van Duzee,
Russia (only the
following parts:
or or
Central Federal District
(Tsentralny federalny
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (55 c) in the case of plants in tissue culture, the plants were derived from
okrug), Northwestern 55 c of Commission Implementing Regulation plants which have met the requirements laid down in point (a) or (b).
Federal District (EU) 2019/2072
federalny okrug),
Southern Federal
District (Yuzhny
federalny okrug),
North Caucasian
Federal District
federalny okrug) and
Volga Federal District
(Privolzhsky federalny
okrug))., San Marino,
Serbia, Switzerland,
Turkey and Ukraine

Page 335 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Phoenix reclinate and Phoenix roebelenii

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop
not to be present other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to


Page 336 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (55 a) the plants originate in an area known to be free from Palm
55 a of Commission Implementing Regulation lethal yellowing phytoplasmas and Coconut cadang-cadang viroid, and
Third countries (EU) 2019/2072 no symptoms have been observed at the place of production or in its
immediate vicinity since the beginning of the last complete cycle of
other than
Albania, Andorra,
Armenia, Azerbaijan,
Belarus, Bosnia and or or
Herzegovina, Canary Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (55 b) no symptoms of Palm lethal yellowing phytoplasmas and
Islands, Faeroe 55 b of Commission Implementing Regulation Coconut cadang-cadang viroid have been observed on the plants since
Islands, Georgia, (EU) 2019/2072 the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation, and plants at the
Iceland, Liechtenstein, place of production which have shown symptoms giving rise to the
Moldova, Monaco, suspicion of contamination by the pests have been rogued out at that
Montenegro, North place and the plants have undergone appropriate treatment to rid them
Macedonia, Norway,
of Myndus crudus Van Duzee,
Russia (only the
following parts:
Central Federal District or or
(Tsentralny federalny Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (55 c) in the case of plants in tissue culture, the plants were derived from
okrug), Northwestern 55 c of Commission Implementing Regulation plants which have met the requirements laid down in point (a) or (b).
Federal District (EU) 2019/2072
federalny okrug),
Southern Federal
District (Yuzhny
federalny okrug),
North Caucasian
Federal District
federalny okrug) and
Volga Federal District
(Privolzhsky federalny
okrug))., San Marino,
Serbia, Switzerland,
Turkey and Ukraine

Page 337 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Non-European third Consignment complies with Article 9 a of (9a)The plants have been grown throughout their life in a country
countries Commission Implementing Decision where Fusarium circinatum is known not to occur

or or
Consignment complies with Article 9 b of (9b) The plants have been grown throughout their life in an area free
Commission Implementing Decision from Fusarium circinatum, established by the National Plant Protection
EU/2019/2032 Organisation in accordance with International Standards for Phytosanitary

or or
Consignment complies with Article 9 c of (9 c) the plants originate in a place of production, including its vicinity
--next-- Commission Implementing Decision of at least 1 km radius, where no symptoms of Fusarium circinatum

Page 338 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- EU/2019/2032 have been observed during official inspections within a period of two
years prior to their movement and have been sampled and tested
immediately prior to export, on the basis of a representative sample for
each lot, and have been found free from Fusarium circinatum on those

Page 339 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Pinus parviflora, Pinus pentaphylla
naturally or artificially dwarfed plants

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Japan This consignment meets the conditions laid (8 a) [The name or the names of the registered nursery or nurseries]
down in Commission Implementing
Product/crop Regulation(EU) 2020/1217 (8 b) [Marking, as far as they enable identification of the registered nursery and
other than the year of potting]
(8 c) [The specification of the last treatment applied, prior to dispatch]

Non-European third Consignment complies with Article 9 a of (9a)The plants have been grown throughout their life in a country where
countries Commission Implementing Decision Fusarium circinatum is known not to occur

--next-- or or

Page 340 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- Consignment complies with Article 9 b of (9b) The plants have been grown throughout their life in an area free
Commission Implementing Decision from Fusarium circinatum, established by the National Plant Protection
EU/2019/2032 Organisation in accordance with International Standards for
Phytosanitary Measures;

or or
Consignment complies with Article 9 c of (9 c) the plants originate in a place of production, including its vicinity of
Commission Implementing Decision at least 1 km radius, where no symptoms of Fusarium circinatum have
EU/2019/2032 been observed during official inspections within a period of two years
prior to their movement and have been sampled and tested immediately
prior to export, on the basis of a representative sample for each lot, and
have been found free from Fusarium circinatum on those tests.
South Korea This consignment meets the conditions laid 8 a (the name or the names of the registered nursery or nurseries)
down in Commission Implementing and
Product/crop Regulation(EU) 2023/1310, Annex 8a and 8b
other than seeds and 8c 8 b (marking, as far as they enable identification of the registered
nursery and the year of potting)

8 c (the specification of the last treatment applied, prior to dispatch)

Page 341 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Pinus taeda

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop
not to be present other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to


Page 342 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- Consignment complies with Article 9 a of (9a)The plants have been grown throughout their life in a country
Commission Implementing Decision where Fusarium circinatum is known not to occur
Non-European third EU/2019/2032
or or
Consignment complies with Article 9 b of (9b) The plants have been grown throughout their life in an area free
Commission Implementing Decision from Fusarium circinatum, established by the National Plant Protection
EU/2019/2032 Organisation in accordance with International Standards for
Phytosanitary Measures;

or or
Consignment complies with Article 9 c of (9 c) the plants originate in a place of production, including its vicinity
Commission Implementing Decision of at least 1 km radius, where no symptoms of Fusarium circinatum
EU/2019/2032 have been observed during official inspections within a period of two
years prior to their movement and have been sampled and tested
immediately prior to export, on the basis of a representative sample for
each lot, and have been found free from Fusarium circinatum on those

Page 343 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Pinus thunbergii
naturally or artificially dwarfed plants

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Japan This consignment meets the conditions laid 8 a (the name or the names of the rfegistered nursery or nurseries)
down in Commission Implementing
Product/crop Regulation(EU) 2020/1217, Annex 8a and 8b 8 b (marking, as far as they enable identification of the registered
other than seeds and 8c nursery and the year of potting)
8 c (the specification of the last treatment applied, prior to dispatch)
Non-European third Consignment complies with Article 9 a of (9a)The plants have been grown throughout their life in a country
countries Commission Implementing Decision where Fusarium circinatum is known not to occur

or or
--next-- Consignment complies with Article 9 b of (9b) The plants have been grown throughout their life in an area free

Page 344 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- Commission Implementing Decision from Fusarium circinatum, established by the National Plant Protection
EU/2019/2032 Organisation in accordance with International Standards for
Phytosanitary Measures;

or or
Consignment complies with Article 9 c of (9 c) the plants originate in a place of production, including its vicinity
Commission Implementing Decision of at least 1 km radius, where no symptoms of Fusarium circinatum
EU/2019/2032 have been observed during official inspections within a period of two
years prior to their movement and have been sampled and tested
immediately prior to export, on the basis of a representative sample for
each lot, and have been found free from Fusarium circinatum on those

Page 345 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Platanus x hispanica

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as
reference text, as it should appear on it should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop
not to be presen other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

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Version 6.36
Third countries See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.3 for Apriona rugicollis

See Asian countries

Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds
The name of area mentioned on the certificate or
in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of
origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
32.6 c of Commission Implementing (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
--next-- of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was

Page 347 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation— confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Albania, Armenia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (39a) originate in (name of area) established by the national plant
Switzerland, Turkey, 39 a of Commission Implementing Regulation protection organisation of the country of origin as being free from
United States (EU) 2019/2072 Ceratocystis platani (J. M. Walter) Engelbr. & T. C. Harr. in accordance
with the relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, which
Product/crop The name of area mentioned on the is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in in Article 71 of
other than certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or Decision (EU) No 2016/2031 under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’,
seeds box ‘Place of origin’

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (39b) have been grown in a place of production established as free
39 b i,ii,iii of Commission Implementing from Ceratocystis platani (J. M. Walter) Engelbr. & T. C. Harr. in
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 accordance with relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary
(i) which is registered and supervised by the national plant
protection organisation in the country of origin,
(ii) which has been subjected annually to official inspections for any
symptoms of Ceratocystis platani (J. M. Walter) Engelbr. & T. C. Harr.,
including its immediate vicinity, carried out at the most appropriate
times of the year to detect the presence of the pest concerned,
(iii) a representative sample of the plants has been subjected to
testing for the presence of Ceratocystis platani (J. M. Walter) Engelbr.
& T. C. Harr., at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence
of the pest.

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC

see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
other than China
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
chinensis is known
to be present

China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC

Page 348 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

Product/crop other than seeds

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
where Anoplophora see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds

Page 349 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Platanus mexicana, Platanus occidentalis, Platanus orientalis, Platanus racemosa

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as
reference text, as it should appear on it should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop
not to be presen other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 350 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Third countries See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds
The name of area mentioned on the certificate or
in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of
origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
32.6 c of Commission Implementing (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Page 351 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Albania, Armenia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (39a) originate in (name of area) established by the national plant
Switzerland, Turkey, 39 a of Commission Implementing Regulation protection organisation of the country of origin as being free from
United States (EU) 2019/2072 Ceratocystis platani (J. M. Walter) Engelbr. & T. C. Harr. in accordance
with the relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, which
Product/crop The name of area mentioned on the is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in in Article 71 of
other than certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or Decision (EU) No 2016/2031 under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’,
seeds box ‘Place of origin’

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (39b) have been grown in a place of production established as free
39 b i,ii,iii of Commission Implementing from Ceratocystis platani (J. M. Walter) Engelbr. & T. C. Harr. in
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 accordance with relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary
(i) which is registered and supervised by the national plant
protection organisation in the country of origin,
(ii) which has been subjected annually to official inspections for any
symptoms of Ceratocystis platani (J. M. Walter) Engelbr. & T. C. Harr.,
including its immediate vicinity, carried out at the most appropriate
times of the year to detect the presence of the pest concerned,
(iii) a representative sample of the plants has been subjected to
testing for the presence of Ceratocystis platani (J. M. Walter) Engelbr.
& T. C. Harr., at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence
of the pest.
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
other than China
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
chinensis is known
to be present

China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC

see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

Product/crop other than seeds

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
where Anoplophora see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

Page 352 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds

Page 353 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Platanus other than Platanus hispanica, Platanus mexicana, Platanus occidentalis, Platanus orientalis, Platanus racemose

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop
not to be presen other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 354 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds
The name of area mentioned on the certificate or
in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of
origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
32.6 c of Commission Implementing (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Albania, Armenia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (39a) originate in (name of area) established by the national plant
Switzerland, Turkey, 39 a of Commission Implementing Regulation protection organisation of the country of origin as being free from
United States (EU) 2019/2072 Ceratocystis platani (J. M. Walter) Engelbr. & T. C. Harr. in accordance with

Page 355 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
the relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, which is
The name of area mentioned on the mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in in Article 71 of
Product/crop certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or Decision (EU) No 2016/2031 under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’,
other than box ‘Place of origin’
or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (39b) have been grown in a place of production established as free from
39 b i,ii,iii of Commission Implementing Ceratocystis platani (J. M. Walter) Engelbr. & T. C. Harr. in accordance with
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
(i) which is registered and supervised by the national plant protection
organisation in the country of origin,
(ii) which has been subjected annually to official inspections for any
symptoms of Ceratocystis platani (J. M. Walter) Engelbr. & T. C. Harr.,
including its immediate vicinity, carried out at the most appropriate
times of the year to detect the presence of the pest concerned,
(iii) a representative sample of the plants has been subjected to
testing for the presence of Ceratocystis platani (J. M. Walter) Engelbr. &
T. C. Harr., at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest.
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
other than China
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
chinensis is known
to be present
China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
Product/crop other than seeds
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
where Anoplophora see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds

Page 356 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Populus fremontii, Populus nigra, Populus trichocarpa

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato
Third countries
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Asian countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 a) the plants have a diameter of less than 1 cm at the base of the
32.4 a of Commission Implementing stem
See Asian countries Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
or or
Other than plants in Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 b) the plants originate in a country established in the country of
tissue culture, pollen 32.4 b of Commission Implementing origin by the national plant protection service of that country, as being free
and seeds Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 from Apriona cinera in accordance with relevant International Standards for
Phytosanitary Measures
--next-- The name or a registration code of the

Page 357 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- registered production site shall be included on or
the certificate in box “Additional declaration“
(32.4 c) The plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
or free from Apriona cinerea, established by the national plant protection
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point organisation in the country of origin in accordance with the relevant
32.4 c of Commission Implementing International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
The name of area mentioned on the
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or (32.4 d) The plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
box ‘Place of origin’ period of at least two years prior to export, in a place of production
established by the national plant protection organisation in the country
or of origin as being free from Apriona cinerea in accordance with the
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
32.4 d of Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 And

(i) Which has been subjected annually to two official

inspections for any signs of Apriona cinerea, carried out at
appropriate times and no signs of the pest have been
(ii) With the application of appropriate preventive treatments
and surrounded by a buffer zone with a width of at least
2000m where the absence of Apriona cinerea was
confirmed by official surveys carried out annually at
appropriate times,
(iii) Immediately prior to export have been subjected to an
inspection for the presence of Apriona cinerea, in
particular in stems of the plants; where appropriate, this
inspection should include destructive sampling,

or or

Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 e) The plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
32.4 e of Commission Implementing period of at least two years prior to export in a site of production with
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 physical isolation against the introduction of Apriona cinerea


Page 358 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- Immediately prior to export have been subjected to an inspection for
the presence of Apriona cinerea, in particular in stems of the plants;
where appropriate, this inspection should include destructive sampling.
Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds
The name of area mentioned on the certificate or
in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of
origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
32.6 c of Commission Implementing (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


In a site of production with the application of appropriate
preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC

Page 359 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
other than China
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
chinensis is known
to be present
China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

Product/crop other than seeds

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
where Anoplophora see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds

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Version 6.36
Populus other than Populusfremontii, Populus nigra, Populus trichocarpa

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.2 for Apriona germani
See Asian countries
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.3 for Apriona rugicollis

See Asian countries

Other than plants in

tissue culture, pollen
and seeds

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Version 6.36
Asian countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 a) the plants have a diameter of less than 1 cm at the base of the
32.4 a of Commission Implementing stem
See Asian countries Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
or or
Other than plants in Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 b) the plants originate in a country established in the country of
tissue culture, pollen 32.4 b of Commission Implementing origin by the national plant protection service of that country, as being free
and seeds Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 from Apriona cinera in accordance with relevant International Standards for
Phytosanitary Measures
The name or a registration code of the
registered production site shall be included on or
the certificate in box “Additional declaration“
(32.4 c) The plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
or free from Apriona cinerea, established by the national plant protection
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point organisation in the country of origin in accordance with the relevant
32.4 c of Commission Implementing International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
The name of area mentioned on the
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or (32.4 d) The plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
box ‘Place of origin’ period of at least two years prior to export, in a place of production
established by the national plant protection organisation in the country
or of origin as being free from Apriona cinerea in accordance with the
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
32.4 d of Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 And

(i) Which has been subjected annually to two official

inspections for any signs of Apriona cinerea, carried out at
appropriate times and no signs of the pest have been
(ii) With the application of appropriate preventive treatments
and surrounded by a buffer zone with a width of at least
2000m where the absence of Apriona cinerea was
confirmed by official surveys carried out annually at
appropriate times,
(iii) Immediately prior to export have been subjected to an
inspection for the presence of Apriona cinerea, in
particular in stems of the plants; where appropriate, this
--next-- inspection should include destructive sampling,

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Version 6.36
or or

Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 e) The plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
32.4 e of Commission Implementing period of at least two years prior to export in a site of production with
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 physical isolation against the introduction of Apriona cinerea

Immediately prior to export have been subjected to an inspection for
the presence of Apriona cinerea, in particular in stems of the plants;
where appropriate, this inspection should include destructive sampling.
Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds
The name of area mentioned on the certificate or
in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of
origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
32.6 c of Commission Implementing (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
--next-- carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of

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Version 6.36
--continuation— the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC

Third countries see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

other than China Product/crop other than seeds

where Anoplophora
chinensis is known
to be present
China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

Product/crop other than seeds

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
where Anoplophora see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds

Page 364 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 365 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Prunus other than Prunus laurocerasus
other than those in ‘Prunus species listed’
Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear should appear on the certificate.
on the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop
not to be present other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 366 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation— Consignment complies with Article 11 a of 11 a (area …and place of production free from Aromia bungii AND area
Commission Implementing Decision 2018/1503/EC mentioned on the cerificate)
Third countries
where Aromia bungii or or
Consignment complies with Article 11 b of 11 b (place of production free from Aromia bungii at least two years
is known to be Commission Implementing Decision 2018/1503/EC
present prior to export)
Product/crop Consignment complies with Article 11 c of
other than seeds 11 c (grown form rootstocks, grafted with scions and scions more than
Commission Implementing Decision 2018/1503/EC
1 cm in diameter at their thickest point at the time of export AND plants
or were inspected in accordance with point b)
Consignment complies with Article 11 a of
Commission Implementing Decision
2018/1503/EC; that the plants have been grown
throughout their life in a place of production which
is registered and supervised by the national plant
protection organisation in the country of origin and
situated in an area, established by that
organisation, in accordance with relevant
International Standards for Phytosanitary
Measures, as known to be free from Aromia

Consignment complies with Article 11 b of
Commission Implementing Decision
2018/1503/EC; that the plants have been grown
during a period of at least two years prior to
export, or, in the case of plants which are younger
than two years, have been grown throughout their
life, in a place of production established as free
from Aromia bungii, in accordance with the
International Standards for Phytosanitary
Measures, and that the following conditions are
(i) the place of production is registered and
supervised by the national plant protection
organisation in the country of origin;
(ii) the place of production has been subjected
annually to at least two meticulous official
inspections for any sign of Aromia bungii carried
out at appropriate times, and no signs of Aromia
bungii have been found;

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Version 6.36
--continuation— (iii) the place of production is with complete
physical protection against the introduction of
Aromia bungii, or has been subjected to
appropriate preventive treatment and surrounded
by a buffer zone with a radius of at least 4 km
where official surveys for the presence or signs of
Aromia bungii are carried out annually at
appropriate times;
(iv) where the presence or signs of Aromia bungii
have been found, eradication measures have been
immediately taken to restore the pest freedom of
the buffer zone;
(v) immediately prior to export, consignments of
the plants have been subjected to a meticulous
official inspection for the presence of Aromia
bungii, in particular in stems and branches of
those plants. That inspection has included targeted
destructive sampling. Where consignments include
plants originating in sites which at the time of their
production were located in a buffer zone, where
presence or signs of Aromia bungii had been
found, destructive sampling of the plants of that
consignment has been carried out at the level set
out in the following table:

Number of plants in lot Level of destructive

sampling (number of
plants to be
1-4 500 10% of lot size
>4 500 450

Consignment complies with Article 11 c of

Commission Implementing Decision
2018/1503/EC; that the plants have been grown
form rootstocks which fulfil the requirements of
point (b), grafted with scions which meet the
following requirements:
(i) at the time of export, the grafted scions are no
more than 1 cm in diameter at their thickest point;
(ii) the grafted plants have been inspected in
accordance with point (b)(ii).
--next-- For the purposes of point (a), the name of the
area shall be mentioned under the entry ‘place of

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Version 6.36

Australia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 a) The plants originate in an area as being free from
Bangladesh, Bhutan, 30.1 a of Commission Implementing Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with relevant International
Brunei Darussalam, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
Cambodia, China,
Eswatini, Guam, The name of area mentioned on the
India, Indonesia, certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
Iran, Japan, Kenya, box ‘Place of origin’
Laos, Malaysia, or
Mauritius, or
Micronesia, (30.1 b) the plants have been grown in a place of production established
Montenegro, Nigeria, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point by the national plant protection organisation in the country of origin as being
North Korea, 30.1 b of Commission Implementing free from Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with the relevant
Northern Mariana Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
Islands, Pakistan,
Palau, Papua New The name or a registration code of the (i) which has been subjected during the last year prior to
Guinea, Philippines, registered production site shall be included on export to official inspections carried out at appropriate
Reunion, South the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ times
Africa, South Korea, and
Sri Lanka, Taiwan, (ii) the plants have been handled and packed in ways to
Tanzania, Thailand, prevent infestation after leaving the place of production
Uganda, Vietnam,
and United States or or

Other than seeds, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 c) The plants have been subjected to an effective treatment
pollen and plants in 30.1 c of Commission Implementing ensuring the freedom of Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance) and
tissue culture Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 have been found free thereof prior to export.

Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures

--next-- The name of area mentioned on the certificate or

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Version 6.36
--continuation— in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of
origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
Other than scions, period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
cuttings, plants in or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
tissue culture, pollen Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
or seeds Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
32.6 c of Commission Implementing (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Canada, United Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (42 a) have been grown throughout their life in an area free from
States 42 a of Commission Implementing Regulation Saperda candida, established by the national plant protection organisation of
(EU) 2019/2072 the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant International Standards
Product/crop for Phytosanitary Measures, which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate
other than The name of area mentioned on the certificate in referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric
cuttings, box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of origin’’, ‘Additional declaration’
--next-- or or
--continuation-- Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (42 b) have been grown during a period of at least two years prior to
42 b i,ii,iii,iv of Commission Implementing export, or in the case of plants which are younger than two years have
plants in tissue Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 been grown throughout their life, in a place of production established
culture, pollen and as free from Saperda candida in accordance with relevant International
seeds Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:

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Version 6.36
(i) Which is registered and supervised by the national plant
protection organisation in the country of origin,
(ii) Which has been subjected annually to two official
inspections for any signs of Saperda candida carried out at
the most appropriate times of the year to detect the
presence of the pest concerned,
(iii) Where the plants have been grown:
- In an insect proof site of production against the
introduction of Saperda candida
- In a site with the application of appropriate preventive
treatments and surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m, where the absence of Saperda candida
was confirmed by official surveys carried out annually at
appropriate times
(iv) Immediately prior to export the plants have been
subjected to a meticulous inspection for the presence of
Saperda candida, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including, where appropriate, destructive sampling

Canada, Mexico, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (43 a) throughout their life in (name of area) free from Grapholita
United States 43 a of Commission Implementing Regulation packardi established by the national plant protection organisation of the
(EU) 2019/2072 country of origin, in accordance with the relevant International Standards for
Product/crop Phytosanitary Measures, which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate
other than The name of area mentioned on the referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric
plants in tissue certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or ‘Additional declaration’, provided that this freedom status has been
culture box ‘Place of origin’’. communicated in advance in writing to the Commission by the national plant
seeds protection organisation of the third country concerned,
--continuation-- Freedom status area communicated with the or
LIST OF FREE AREAS (43 b) throughout their life, in a place of production established as free
from Grapholita packardi in accordance with the relevant International
or Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (i) which is registered and supervised by the national plant protection
43 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072

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Version 6.36

(ii) Which has been subjected to annual inspections for any signs
of Grapholita packardi carried out at appropriate times of the
year to detect the presence of the pest concerned


(iii) Where the plants have been grown in a site with the
application of appropriate preventive treatments and where
the absence of Grapholita packardi was confirmed by official
surveys carried out annually at appropriate times of the year
to detect the presence of the pest concerned


(iv) Immediately prior to export the plants have been subjected to

a meticulous inspection for the presence of Grapholita
or packardi
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
43 c of Commission Implementing Regulation or
(EU) 2019/2072 (43 c) in an insect proof site of production against the introduction of
Grapholita packardi

Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (47 a i) The plants have been officially certified under a certification
where Tomato 47 a i, b of Commission Implementing scheme requiring them to be derived in direct line from material which
ringspot virus, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 has been maintained under appropriate conditions and subjected to
American plum line official testing at least for the relevant Union quarantine pests using
pattern virus, appropriate indicators for the presence of those pests or equivalent
Cherry rasp leaf methods and has been found free, in these tests, from those pests,
virus, Peach mosaic
virus, Peach rosette or or
mosaic virus are Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (47 a ii) The plants have been derived in direct line from material which
known to occur 47 a ii, b of Commission Implementing is maintained under appropriate conditions and has been subjected,
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 within the last three complete cycles of vegetation, at least once, to
Product/crop official testing at least for the relevant Union quarantine pests, using
other than seeds appropriate indicators for the presence of those pests or equivalent
methods and has been found free, in these tests, from those Union
quarantine pests,

Page 372 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
(47 b) No symptoms of diseases caused by the relevant Union
--next-- quarantine pests have been observed on plants at the place of
--continuation-- production or on susceptible plants in its immediate vicinity, since the
beginning of the last three complete cycles of vegetation.

Page 373 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Prunus laurocerasus

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop
not to be present other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic

Page 374 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Australia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 a) The plants originate in an area as being free from
Bangladesh, Bhutan, 30.1 a of Commission Implementing Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with relevant International
Brunei Darussalam, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
Cambodia, China,
Eswatini, Guam, The name of area mentioned on the
India, Indonesia, certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
Iran, Japan, Kenya, box ‘Place of origin’
Laos, Malaysia, or
Mauritius, or
Micronesia, (30.1 b) the plants have been grown in a place of production established
Montenegro, Nigeria, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point by the national plant protection organisation in the country of origin as being
North Korea, 30.1 b of Commission Implementing free from Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with the relevant
Northern Mariana Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
Islands, Pakistan,
Palau, Papua New The name or a registration code of the (i) which has been subjected during the last year prior to
Guinea, Philippines, registered production site shall be included on export to official inspections carried out at appropriate
Reunion, South the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ times
Africa, South Korea, and
Sri Lanka, Taiwan, (ii) the plants have been handled and packed in ways to
Tanzania, Thailand, prevent infestation after leaving the place of production
Uganda, Vietnam,
and United States or or

Other than seeds, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 c) The plants have been subjected to an effective treatment
pollen and plants in 30.1 c of Commission Implementing ensuring the freedom of Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance) and
tissue culture Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 have been found free thereof prior to export.

Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or

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Version 6.36
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than scions, 32.6 b of Commission Implementing free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds The name of area mentioned on the certificate
in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of or
(32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
or period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
32.6 c of Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Page 376 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (43 a) throughout their life in (name of area) free from Grapholita
43 a of Commission Implementing Regulation packardi established by the national plant protection organisation of the country
Canada, Mexico, (EU) 2019/2072 of origin, in accordance with the relevant International Standards for
United States Phytosanitary Measures, which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate
The name of area mentioned on the referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric
Product/crop certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or ‘Additional declaration’, provided that this freedom status has been
other than box ‘Place of origin’ communicated in advance in writing to the Commission by the national plant
plants in tissue protection organisation of the third country concerned,
culture Freedom status area communicated with the
seeds Commission or
(43 b) throughout their life, in a place of production established as free
or from Grapholita packardi in accordance with the relevant International
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
43 b of Commission Implementing Regulation (i) which is registered and supervised by the national plant protection
(EU) 2019/2072 organisation of the country of origin


(ii) Which has been subjected to annual inspections for any signs
of Grapholita packardi carried out at appropriate times of the
year to detect the presence of the pest concerned


(iii) Where the plants have been grown in a site with the
application of appropriate preventive treatments and where
the absence of Grapholita packardi was confirmed by official
surveys carried out annually at appropriate times of the year to
detect the presence of the pest concerned


(iv) Immediately prior to export the plants have been subjected to

a meticulous inspection for the presence of Grapholita packardi

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (43 c) in an insect proof site of production against the introduction of
43 c of Commission Implementing Regulation Grapholita packardi
(EU) 2019/2072

Page 377 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (47 a i) The plants have been officially certified under a certification
where Tomato 47 a i, b of Commission Implementing scheme requiring them to be derived in direct line from material which
ringspot virus, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 has been maintained under appropriate conditions and subjected to
official testing at least for the relevant Union quarantine pests using
--next-- appropriate indicators for the presence of those pests or equivalent
--continuation-- methods and has been found free, in these tests, from those pests,

American plum line or

pattern virus, or (47 a ii) The plants have been derived in direct line from material which
Cherry rasp leaf Consignment complies with Annex VII, point is maintained under appropriate conditions and has been subjected,
virus, Peach mosaic 47 a ii, b of Commission Implementing within the last three complete cycles of vegetation, at least once, to
virus, Peach rosette Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 official testing at least for the relevant Union quarantine pests, using
mosaic virus are appropriate indicators for the presence of those pests or equivalent
known to occur methods and has been found free, in these tests, from those Union
quarantine pests,
Product/crop and
other than seeds (47 b) No symptoms of diseases caused by the relevant Union
quarantine pests have been observed on plants at the place of
production or on susceptible plants in its immediate vicinity, since the
beginning of the last three complete cycles of vegetation.
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
other than China
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
chinensis is known
to be present
China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

Product/crop other than seeds

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
other than China
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
glabripennis is
known to be present

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Version 6.36
Prunus amygdalus, Prunus armeniaca, Prunus blireiana, Prunus brigantina, Prunus cerasifera, Prunus cistena, Prunus curdica, Prunus
domestica ssp. Domestica, Prunus domestica ssp. Insititia, Prunus domestica ssp. Itálica, Prunus glandulosa, Prunus holosericea,
Prunus hortulana, Prunus japónica, Prunus mandshurica, Prunus marítima, Prunus mume, Prunus nigra, Prunus pérsica, Prunus
salicina, Prunus sibirica, Prunus simonii, Prunus spinosa, Prunus tomentosa, Prunus triloba
and other species of Prunus susceptible to Plum pox virus

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop
not to be present other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic

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Version 6.36

--continuation— See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses

Third countries
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries Consignment complies with Article 11 a of 11 a (area …and place of production free from Aromia bungii AND area
where Aromia bungii Commission Implementing Decision mentioned on the cerificate)
is known to be 2018/1503/EC
or or
Product/crop Consignment complies with Article 11 b of 11 b (place of production free from Aromia bungii at least two years
other than seeds Commission Implementing Decision prior to export)

or or
Consignment complies with Article 11 c of 11 c (grown form rootstocks, grafted with scions and scions more than
Commission Implementing Decision 1 cm in diameter at their thickest point at the time of export AND
2018/1503/EC plants were inspected in accordance with point b)

Consignment complies with Article 11 a of
Commission Implementing Decision
2018/1503/EC; that the plants have been
grown throughout their life in a place of
production which is registered and supervised
by the national plant protection organisation
in the country of origin and situated in an
area, established by that organisation, in
accordance with relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, as
known to be free from Aromia bungii

Consignment complies with Article 11 b of
Commission Implementing Decision
2018/1503/EC; that the plants have been

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Version 6.36
grown during a period of at least two years
prior to export, or, in the case of plants which
--next-- are younger than two years, have been
--continuation— grown throughout their life, in a place of
production established as free from Aromia
bungii, in accordance with the International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and
that the following conditions are fulfilled:
(i) the place of production is registered and
supervised by the national plant protection
organisation in the country of origin;
(ii) the place of production has been
subjected annually to at least two meticulous
official inspections for any sign of Aromia
bungii carried out at appropriate times, and
no signs of the organism have been found;
(iii) the place of production is with complete
physical protection against the introduction of
Aromia bungii, or has been subjected to
appropriate preventive treatment and
surrounded by a buffer zone with a radius of
at least 4 km where official surveys for the
presence or signs of Aromia bungii are carried
out annually at appropriate times;
(iv) where the presence or signs of Aromia
bungii have been found, eradication
measures have been immediately taken to
restore the pest freedom of the buffer zone;
(v) immediately prior to export,
consignments of the plants have been
subjected to a meticulous official inspection
for the presence of Aromia bungii, in
particular in stems and branches of those
plants. That inspection has included targeted
destructive sampling. Where consignments
include plants originating in sites which at the
time of their production were located in a
buffer zone, where presence or signs of
Aromia bungii had been found, destructive
sampling of the plants of that consignment
has been carried out at the level set out in

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Version 6.36
the following table:

--continuation— Number of plants in Level of destructive
lot sampling (number of
plants to be
1-4 500 10% of lot size
>4 500 450

Consignment complies with Article 11 c of

Commission Implementing Decision
2018/1503/EC; that the plants have been
grown form rootstocks which fulfil the
requirements of point (b), grafted with scions
which meet the following requirements:
(i) at the time of export, the grafted scions
are no more than 1 cm in diameter at their
thickest point;
(ii) the grafted plants have been inspected in
accordance with point (b)(ii).

For the purposes of point (a), the name of

the area shall be mentioned under the entry
‘place of origin’.
Australia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 a) The plants originate in an area as being free from
Bangladesh, Bhutan, 30.1 a of Commission Implementing Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with relevant International
Brunei Darussalam, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
Cambodia, China,
Eswatini, Guam, The name of area mentioned on the
India, Indonesia, certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
Iran, Japan, Kenya, box ‘Place of origin’
Laos, Malaysia, or
Mauritius, or
Micronesia, (30.1 b) the plants have been grown in a place of production established
Montenegro, Nigeria, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point by the national plant protection organisation in the country of origin as being
North Korea, 30.1 b of Commission Implementing free from Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with the relevant
Northern Mariana Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
Islands, Pakistan,
Palau, Papua New The name or a registration code of the

Page 382 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Guinea, Philippines, registered production site shall be included on (i) which has been subjected during the last year prior to
Reunion, South the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ export to official inspections carried out at appropriate
Africa, South Korea, times
Sri Lanka, Taiwan, and
Tanzania, Thailand, (ii) the plants have been handled and packed in ways to
Uganda, Vietnam, prevent infestation after leaving the place of production
and United States or
Other than seeds, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
pollen and plants in 30.1 c of Commission Implementing (30.1 c) The plants have been subjected to an effective treatment
tissue culture Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 ensuring the freedom of Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance) and
have been found free thereof prior to export.

Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
Other than scions, 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
cuttings, plants in Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
tissue culture, pollen
or seeds The name of area mentioned on the certificate or
in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of
origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
32.6 c of Commission Implementing (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned



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Version 6.36
--continuation-- (ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate
preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Canada, Mexico, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (43 a) throughout their life in (name of area) free from Grapholita
United States 43 a of Commission Implementing Regulation packardi established by the national plant protection organisation of the
(EU) 2019/2072 country of origin, in accordance with the relevant International Standards for
Product/crop Phytosanitary Measures, which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate
other than The name of area mentioned on the referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric
plants in tissue certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or ‘Additional declaration’, provided that this freedom status has been
culture box ‘Place of origin’ communicated in advance in writing to the Commission by the national plant
seeds Freedom status area communicated with the protection organisation of the third country concerned,

or (43 b) throughout their life, in a place of production established as free

Consignment complies with Annex VII, point from Grapholita packardi in accordance with the relevant International
43 b of Commission Implementing Regulation Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
(EU) 2019/2072 (i) which is registered and supervised by the national plant protection
organisation of the country of origin


(ii) Which has been subjected to annual inspections for any signs
of Grapholita packardi carried out at appropriate times of the
year to detect the presence of the pest concerned


(iii) Where the plants have been grown in a site with the
application of appropriate preventive treatments and where
the absence of Grapholita packardi was confirmed by official

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Version 6.36
surveys carried out annually at appropriate times of the year
to detect the presence of the pest concerned

--continuation— (iv) Immediately prior to export the plants have been subjected
to a meticulous inspection for the presence of Grapholita
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point or
43 c of Commission Implementing Regulation (43 c) in an insect proof site of production against the introduction of
(EU) 2019/2072 Grapholita packardi

Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (47 a i) The plants have been officially certified under a certification
where Tomato 47 a i, b of Commission Implementing scheme requiring them to be derived in direct line from material which
ringspot virus, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 has been maintained under appropriate conditions and subjected to
American plum line official testing at least for the relevant Union quarantine pests using
pattern virus, Cherry appropriate indicators for the presence of those pests or equivalent
rasp leaf virus, methods and has been found free, in these tests, from those pests,
Peach mosaic virus,
Peach rosette or or
mosaic virus are Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (47 a ii) The plants have been derived in direct line from material
known to occur 47 a ii, b of Commission Implementing which is maintained under appropriate conditions and has been
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 subjected, within the last three complete cycles of vegetation, at least
Product/crop once, to official testing at least for the relevant Union quarantine pests,
other than seeds using appropriate indicators for the presence of those pests or
equivalent methods and has been found free, in these tests, from those
Union quarantine pests,
(47 b) No symptoms of diseases caused by the relevant Union
quarantine pests have been observed on plants at the place of
production or on susceptible plants in its immediate vicinity, since the
beginning of the last three complete cycles of vegetation.

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Version 6.36
Pseudotsuga menziesii

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Non European third Consignment complies with Article 9 a of (9a)The plants have been grown throughout their life in a country
countries Commission Implementing Decision where Fusarium circinatum is known not to occur

or or
Consignment complies with Article 9 b of (9b) The plants have been grown throughout their life in an area free
Commission Implementing Decision from Fusarium circinatum, established by the National Plant Protection
EU/2019/2032 Organisation in accordance with International Standards for
Phytosanitary Measures;

or or
Consignment complies with Article 9 c of (9 c) the plants originate in a place of production, including its vicinity
Commission Implementing Decision of at least 1 km radius, where no symptoms of Fusarium circinatum
EU/2019/2032 have been observed during official inspections within a period of two

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Version 6.36
years prior to their movement and have been sampled and tested
immediately prior to export, on the basis of a representative sample for
each lot, and have been found free from Fusarium circinatum on those
Origine Canada, See Additional declaration point 32.5 for Phytopthora ramorum (non EU isolates)
United Kingdom,
United States and
Other than fruits,
pollen and seeds

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Version 6.36
Pterocarya other than Pterocarya stenoptera and Pterocarya rhoifolia

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear should appear on the certificate.
on the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other than
plants in tissue culture
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain the
vitality of the plants,
other than plants in
tissue culture and
aquatic plants
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine pests
are known to occur
United States Consignment complies with Annex VII, (37 a) have been grown throughout their life in ( name of area) free
point 37 a of Commission Implementing from Geosmithia morbida Kolarík, Freeland, Utley & Tisserat and its
Product/crop Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 vector Pityophthorus juglandis Blackman, established by the national plant
other than seeds protection organisation in accordance with relevant International Standards for
Area mentioned on the certificate in Phytosanitary Measures, and which is mentioned on the phytosanitary
‘Additional declaration’ certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031 under the
rubric ‘Additional declaration’,

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, (37 b) originate in a place of production, including its vicinity of at
point 37 b of Commission Implementing least 5 km radius, where neither symptoms of Geosmithia morbida
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Kolarík, Freeland, Utley & Tisserat and its vector Pityophthorus
juglandis Blackman, nor the presence of the vector, have been
observed during official inspections within a period of two years prior
to export; the plants for planting have been inspected immediately

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Version 6.36
--next-- prior to export and handled and packaged in ways to prevent
--continuation-- infestation after leaving the place of production,
Consignment complies with Annex VII, or
point 37 c of Commission Implementing (37 c) originate in a place of production with complete physical
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 isolation, and plants for planting have been inspected immediately
prior to export and handled and packaged in ways to prevent
infestation after leaving the place of production.

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Version 6.36
Pterocarya stenoptera

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear should appear on the certificate.
on the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Third countries See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds

Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.3 for Apriona rugicollis

See Asian countries

Other than plants in

tissue culture, pollen

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Version 6.36
and seeds

Ukraine Consignment complies with annex 1 a of the plants originate in an area recognised as being free from Agrilus
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) planipennis, and located at a minimum distance of 100 km to the closest
2020/1292 known area, where the presence of the specified pest has been officially
Product/crop Area communicated with the Commission confirmed
other than seeds The name of area mentioned on the
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’

Region: Cherkasy, Chernivtsi, Chernihiv,

Donesk: (districts Amvrosiyivsky,
Bakhmutsky, Boykivsky, Dobropilsky,
Kostyantynivsky, Manhushky, Maryinsky,
Nikolsky, Novoazovsky, Oleksandrivsky,
Pokrovsky, Slovyansky, Tarobeshivsky,
Shakhtarsky, Velykonovosilkivsky,
Volnovasky, Yasnuvatsky) Dnipropetrovsk,
Ivano-Frankivak, Kharkiv: (districts
Balakliysky, Barvinkivsky, Blyznyukivsky,
Bohoukhivsky, Chuhuyivsky, Dvorichansky,
Derhachivsky, , Izumsky, Kehychivsky,
Kharkivsky, Kolomatsky, Krasnohradsky,
Krasnokutsky, Lozivsky, Novovodolazky,
Pervomaysky, Pechinizky,
Saklmovshchynsky, Shevchenkivsky,
Valkivsky, Velykobuslutsky, Vovchansky,
Zachpylivsky, Zmiyivsky, Zolochivsky )
Kiev, Kirovograd, Kherson, Khmelnytsky,
Luhansk:(districts Antratsyivs’kyy,
Dovzhansky, Lutuhynsky, Novoaydarsky,
Pereval’sky, Popasnyansky,
Slov’yanoserbsky, Sorokynsky, Stanychno-
Luhansky) Lviv, Mykolaiv, Odessa, Poltava,
Rivne, Sumy, Ternopil, Vymnitsia, Volin,
Zaporozhye, Zakarpatia, Zhytomyr

Page 391 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
United States Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (37 a) The plants for planting have been grown throughout their life in
37 a of Commission Implementing an area … free from Geosmithia morbida Kolarík, Freeland, Utley & Tisserat
Product/crop Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 and its vector Pityophthorus juglandis Blackman, established by the national
other than seeds plant protection organisation in accordance with relevant International Standards
The name of area mentioned on the for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is mentioned on the phytosanitary
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031 under the
box ‘Place of origin’ rubric ‘Additional declaration’.

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (37 b) The plants for planting originate in a place of production,
37 b of Commission Implementing including its vicinity of at least 5 km radius, where neither symptoms of
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Geosmithia morbida Kolarík, Freeland, Utley & Tisserat and its vector
Pityophthorus juglandis Blackman, nor the presence of the vector, have
been observed during official inspections within a period of two years
prior to export; the plants for planting have been inspected immediately
prior to export and handled and packaged in ways to prevent infestation
after leaving the place of production.

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (37 c) The plants for planting originate in a place of production with
37 c of Commission Implementing complete physical isolation, and plants for planting have been inspected
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 immediately prior to export and handled and packaged in ways to
prevent infestation after leaving the place of production.

Page 392 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Pterocarya rhoifolia

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear should appear on the certificate.
on the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.3 for Apriona rugicollis

See Asian countries

Other than plants in

tissue culture, pollen
and seeds

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Version 6.36
Belarus, Canada, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (36) the plants originate in an area recognised as being free from
China, Democratic 36 of Commission Implementing Regulation Agrilus planipennis , and located at a minimum distance of 100 km to
People’s Rupublic of (EU) 2019/2072 the closest known area, where the presence of the specified pest has
Korea, Japan, been officially confirmed.
Mongolia, Republic The name of area mentioned on the
of Korea, Russia, certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
Taiwan,Ukraine, box ‘Place of origin’
United States
Area communicated with the Commission
other than seeds

United States Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (37 a) The plants for planting have been grown throughout their life in
37 a of Commission Implementing an area … free from Geosmithia morbida Kolarík, Freeland, Utley & Tisserat
Product/crop Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 and its vector Pityophthorus juglandis Blackman, established by the national
other than seeds plant protection organisation in accordance with relevant International Standards
The name of area mentioned on the for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is mentioned on the phytosanitary
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031 under the
box ‘Place of origin’ rubric ‘Additional declaration’.

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (37 b) The plants for planting originate in a place of production,
37 b of Commission Implementing including its vicinity of at least 5 km radius, where neither symptoms of
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Geosmithia morbida Kolarík, Freeland, Utley & Tisserat and its vector
Pityophthorus juglandis Blackman, nor the presence of the vector, have
been observed during official inspections within a period of two years
prior to export; the plants for planting have been inspected immediately
prior to export and handled and packaged in ways to prevent infestation
after leaving the place of production.

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (37 c) The plants for planting originate in a place of production with
37 c of Commission Implementing complete physical isolation, and plants for planting have been inspected
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 immediately prior to export and handled and packaged in ways to
prevent infestation after leaving the place of production.

Page 394 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Punica granatum

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Australia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 a) The plants originate in an area as being free from
Bangladesh, Bhutan, 30.1 a of Commission Implementing Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with relevant International
Brunei Darussalam, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
Cambodia, China,
Eswatini, Guam, The name of area mentioned on the
India, Indonesia, certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
Iran, Japan, Kenya, box ‘Place of origin’
Laos, Malaysia, or
Mauritius, or
Micronesia, (30.1 b) the plants have been grown in a place of production established
Montenegro, Nigeria, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point by the national plant protection organisation in the country of origin as being
North Korea, 30.1 b of Commission Implementing free from Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with the relevant
Northern Mariana Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:

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Version 6.36
Islands, Pakistan,
Palau, Papua New The name or a registration code of the (i) which has been subjected during the last year prior to
Guinea, Philippines, registered production site shall be included on export to official inspections carried out at appropriate
Reunion, South the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ times
Africa, South Korea, and
Sri Lanka, Taiwan, (ii) the plants have been handled and packed in ways to
Tanzania, Thailand, prevent infestation after leaving the place of production
Uganda, Vietnam,
and United States or or

Other than seeds, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 c) The plants have been subjected to an effective treatment
pollen and plants in 30.1 c of Commission Implementing ensuring the freedom of Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance) and
tissue culture Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 have been found free thereof prior to export.

Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.3 for Apriona rugicollis

See Asian countries

Other than plants in

tissue culture, pollen
and seeds

Page 396 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Australia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 a) The plants originate in an area as being free from
Bangladesh, Bhutan, 30.1 a of Commission Implementing Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with relevant International
Brunei Darussalam, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
Cambodia, China,
Eswatini, Guam, The name of area mentioned on the
India, Indonesia, certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
Iran, Japan, Kenya, box ‘Place of origin’
Laos, Malaysia, or
Mauritius, or
Micronesia, (30.1 b) the plants have been grown in a place of production established
Montenegro, Nigeria, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point by the national plant protection organisation in the country of origin as being
North Korea, 30.1 b of Commission Implementing

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Version 6.36
Northern Mariana Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 free from Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with the relevant
Islands, Pakistan, International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
Palau, Papua New The name or a registration code of the
Guinea, Philippines, registered production site shall be included on (i) which has been subjected during the last year prior to
Reunion, South the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ export to official inspections carried out at appropriate
Africa, South Korea, times
Sri Lanka, Taiwan, and
Tanzania, Thailand, (ii) the plants have been handled and packed in ways to
Uganda, Vietnam, prevent infestation after leaving the place of production
and United States or
Other than seeds, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
pollen and plants in 30.1 c of Commission Implementing (30.1 c) The plants have been subjected to an effective treatment
tissue culture Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 ensuring the freedom of Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance) and
have been found free thereof prior to export.

Canada, United Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (42 a) have been grown throughout their life in an area free from
States 42 a of Commission Implementing Regulation Saperda candida, established by the national plant protection organisation of
(EU) 2019/2072 the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant International Standards
Product/crop for Phytosanitary Measures, which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate
other than The name of area mentioned on the referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric
cuttings certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or ‘Additional declaration’
scions box ‘Place of origin’’,
plants in tissue or
culture or (42 b) have been grown during a period of at least two years prior to
pollen Consignment complies with Annex VII, point export, or in the case of plants which are younger than two years have
seeds 42 b i,ii,iii,iv of Commission Implementing been grown throughout their life, in a place of production established
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 as free from Saperda candida in accordance with relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
(i) Which is registered and supervised by the national plant
protection organisation in the country of origin,
(ii) Which has been subjected annually to two official
inspections for any signs of Saperda candida carried out at
the most appropriate times of the year to detect the
presence of the pest concerned,
(iii) Where the plants have been grown:
--next-- - In an insect proof site of production against the

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Version 6.36
--continuation— introduction of Saperda candida
- In a site with the application of appropriate preventive
treatments and surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m, where the absence of Saperda candida
was confirmed by official surveys carried out annually at
appropriate times
(iv) Immediately prior to export the plants have been
subjected to a meticulous inspection for the presence of
Saperda candida, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including, where appropriate, destructive sampling

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Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Australia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 a) The plants originate in an area as being free from
Bangladesh, Bhutan, 30.1 a of Commission Implementing Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with relevant International
Brunei Darussalam, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
Cambodia, China,
Eswatini, Guam, The name of area mentioned on the
India, Indonesia, certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
Iran, Japan, Kenya, box ‘Place of origin’
Laos, Malaysia, or
Mauritius, or
Micronesia, (30.1 b) the plants have been grown in a place of production established
Montenegro, Nigeria, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point by the national plant protection organisation in the country of origin as being

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Version 6.36
North Korea, 30.1 b of Commission Implementing free from Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with the relevant
Northern Mariana Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
Islands, Pakistan,
Palau, Papua New The name or a registration code of the (i) which has been subjected during the last year prior to
Guinea, Philippines, registered production site shall be included on export to official inspections carried out at appropriate
Reunion, South the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ times
Africa, South Korea, and
Sri Lanka, Taiwan, (ii) the plants have been handled and packed in ways to
Tanzania, Thailand, prevent infestation after leaving the place of production
Uganda, Vietnam,
and United States or or

Other than seeds, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 c) The plants have been subjected to an effective treatment
pollen and plants in 30.1 c of Commission Implementing ensuring the freedom of Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance) and
tissue culture Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 have been found free thereof prior to export.

Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds
The name of area mentioned on the certificate or
in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of
origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
32.6 c of Commission Implementing (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- or

(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Canada, United Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (42 a) have been grown throughout their life in an area free from
States 42 a of Commission Implementing Regulation Saperda candida, established by the national plant protection organisation of
(EU) 2019/2072 the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant International Standards
Product/crop for Phytosanitary Measures, which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate
other than The name of area mentioned on the referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric
cuttings certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or ‘Additional declaration’
scions box ‘Place of origin’
plants in tissue or
culture or (42 b) have been grown during a period of at least two years prior to
pollen Consignment complies with Annex VII, point export, or in the case of plants which are younger than two years have
seeds 42 b i,ii,iii,iv of Commission Implementing been grown throughout their life, in a place of production established
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 as free from Saperda candida in accordance with relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
(i) Which is registered and supervised by the national plant
protection organisation in the country of origin,
(ii) Which has been subjected annually to two official
inspections for any signs of Saperda candida carried out at
the most appropriate times of the year to detect the
--next-- presence of the pest concerned,
--continuation— and
(iii) Where the plants have been grown:
- In an insect proof site of production against the
introduction of Saperda candida
- In a site with the application of appropriate preventive

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Version 6.36
treatments and surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m, where the absence of Saperda candida
was confirmed by official surveys carried out annually at
appropriate times
(iv) Immediately prior to export the plants have been
subjected to a meticulous inspection for the presence of
Saperda candida, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including, where appropriate, destructive sampling

Canada, Mexico, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (43 a) throughout their life in (name of area) free from Grapholita
United States 43 a of Commission Implementing Regulation packardi established by the national plant protection organisation of the
(EU) 2019/2072 country of origin, in accordance with the relevant International Standards for
Product/crop Phytosanitary Measures, which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate
other than The name of area mentioned on the referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric
plants in tissue certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or ‘Additional declaration’, provided that this freedom status has been
culture box ‘Place of origin’ communicated in advance in writing to the Commission by the national plant
seeds protection organisation of the third country concerned,

Freedom status area communicated with the or

LIST OF FREE AREAS (43 b) throughout their life, in a place of production established as free
from Grapholita packardi in accordance with the relevant International
or Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (i) which is registered and supervised by the national plant protection
43 b of Commission Implementing Regulation organisation of the country of origin
(EU) 2019/2072

(ii) Which has been subjected to annual inspections for any signs
of Grapholita packardi carried out at appropriate times of the
year to detect the presence of the pest concerned

--next-- and
(iii) Where the plants have been grown in a site with the
application of appropriate preventive treatments and where
the absence of Grapholita packardi was confirmed by official
surveys carried out annually at appropriate times of the year
to detect the presence of the pest concerned

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Version 6.36

(iv) Immediately prior to export the plants have been subjected to

a meticulous inspection for the presence of Grapholita

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (43 c) in an insect proof site of production against the introduction of
43 c of Commission Implementing Regulation Grapholita packardi
(EU) 2019/2072
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
other than China
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
chinensis is known
to be present
China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

Product/crop other than seeds

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Version 6.36
Quercus other than Quercus agrifolia, Quercus calliprinos, Quercus chrysolepis, Quercus engelmannii, Quercus ithaburensis, Quercus
lobata, Quercus palustris, Quercus robur, Quercus suber

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate. certificate
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop
not to be present other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

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Version 6.36

Origine Canada, See Additional declaration point 32.5 for Phytopthora ramorum (non EU isolates)
United Kingdom,
United States and
Other than fruits,
pollen and seeds

Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds
The name of area mentioned on the certificate or
in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of
origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
32.6 c of Commission Implementing (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
--next-- carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

China, North Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.7 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base
Korea, Russia, 32.7 a of Commission Implementing of the stem
South Korea, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Taiwan and
Vietnam or or
Other than plants Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.7 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an
in tissue culture, 32.7 b of Commission Implementing area free from Massicus raddei, established by the national plant
pollen and seeds Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 protection organisation in the country of origin in accordance with the
The name of area mentioned on the relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures. The name of
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or the area shall be mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate,
box ‘Place of origin’

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.7 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during
32.7 c of Commission Implementing a period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 free from Massicus raddei, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been

(i) in a site of production with physical isolation against the

introduction of Massicus raddei, which has been subjected annually
to at least one inspection for any signs of Massicus raddei, carried out at
appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of the pest

(ii) in a site of production with the application of appropriate
preventive treatments which has been subjected annually to at least
two inspections for any signs of Massicus raddei, carried out at
appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of the pest
concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width of at least

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- 2000 m where the absence of Massicus raddei was confirmed during
official surveys,
and immediately prior to export the plants have been subjected to an
inspection for the presence of Massicus raddei, in particular in the stems
of the plant, including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no
signs of presence of Massicus raddei have been observed.

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Version 6.36
Quercus agrifolia, Quercus calliprinos, Quercus chrysolepis, Quercus engelmannii, Quercus ithaburensis, Quercus lobata, Quercus
palustris, Quercus robur, Quercus suber

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold)
reference text, as it should appear on as it should appear on the certificate. certificate
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
Third countries with
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
other than
not to be present
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
Third countries
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
occur --next--

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Version 6.36

Third countries See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing of the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point area free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant
cuttings, plants in 32.6 b of Commission Implementing protection organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds
The name of area mentioned on the certificate or
in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of
origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or
during a period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of
or production free from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the
relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point the plants have been grown
32.6 c of Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against
the introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been
subjected to at least one inspection per year for any signs of
Trirachys sartus, carried out at appropriate times of the year to
detect the presence of the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of

appropriate preventive treatments which has been
subjected to annually at least two inspections for any
signs of Trirachys sartus, carried out at appropriate times of
the year to detect the presence of the pest concerned,
surrounded by a buffer zone with a width of at least 500

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was confirmed during
these official surveys, and immediately prior to export the
plants have been subjected to an inspection for the presence of
Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no
signs of presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

China, North Korea, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.7 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the
Russia, South 32.7 a of Commission Implementing base of the stem
Korea, Taiwan and Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Other than plants or or
in tissue culture, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.7 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in
pollen and seeds 32.7 b of Commission Implementing an area free from Massicus raddei, established by the national
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 plant protection organisation in the country of origin in accordance
The name of area mentioned on the with the relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures.
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or The name of the area shall be mentioned on the phytosanitary
box ‘Place of origin’ certificate,

Consignment complies with Annex VII, point or
32.7 c of Commission Implementing (32.7 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 during a period of at least two years prior to export, in a site
of production free from Massicus raddei, in accordance with the
relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and
where the plants have been grown

(i) in a site of production with physical isolation against the

introduction of Massicus raddei, which has been subjected
annually to at least one inspection for any signs of Massicus raddei,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence
of the pest concerned,

(ii) in a site of production with the application of
appropriate preventive treatments which has been subjected
annually to at least two inspections for any signs of Massicus
raddei, carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the
--next-- presence of the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone

Page 411 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- with a width of at least 2000 m where the absence of Massicus
raddei was confirmed during official surveys,
and immediately prior to export the plants have been subjected to
an inspection for the presence of Massicus raddei, in particular in
the stems of the plant, including where appropriate, destructive
sampling, and no signs of presence of Massicus raddei have been

Page 412 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Ricinus communis

Origin Required additional declaration Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
full reference text, as it should should appear on the certificate.
appear on the certificate.
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex I 1, Aquatic plants” is not a botanical name. The requirement mentioned here is
point 1 of Decision 2012/697/EC; applicable for any plant that can only grow in water or soil that is permanently
Product/crop saturated with water
Aquatic plant
other than seeds the specified plants plants were inspected immediately prior to export and
found free from Pomacea

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to


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Version 6.36
--continuation-- The plants have been grown in nurseries
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, (8 a) originate in (name of area) established by the national plant protection
where Liriomyza point 8 a of Commission Implementing organisation in the country of origin as being free from Liriomyza sativae and
sativae and Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with relevant International Standards for
Nemorimyza Phytosanitary Measures which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred
maculosa are The name of area mentioned on the to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional
known to occur certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ declaration’,
or box ‘Place of origin’
other than or or
bulbs Consignment complies with Annex VII, (8 b) originate in (name of place of production) established by the national
corms point 8 b of Commission Implementing plant protection organisation of the country of origin as being free from
plants of genera Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with the relevant
Gramineae International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is mentioned on the
rhizomes The name or a registration code of the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031,
seeds registered production site shall be under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’, and declared free from Liriomyza
tubers included on the certificate in box sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa on official inspections carried out at
plants in tissue “Additional declaration“ least monthly during the three months prior to export,
or (8 c) immediately prior to export, have been subjected to an appropriate
Consignment complies with Annex VII, treatment against Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa and have
point 8 c of Commission Implementing been officially inspected and found free from Liriomyza sativae and
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Nemorimyza maculosa.
Details of the treatment referred in point (c) shall be mentioned on the
Details of the treatment mentioned in the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031.
respective box of the certificate

Bolivia, Colombia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, (21.2 a) the plants originate in an area as being free from Prodiplosis
Ecuador, Peru and point 21.2 a of Commission longifila
United States Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072

other than The name of area mentioned on the

bulbs certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’
corms or box ‘Place of origin’
dormant plants
or or
--next-- Consignment complies with Annex VII,

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- point 21.2 b of Commission (21.2 b) the plants have been grown at least during the two months prior
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 to export, or in the case of plants which are younger than two months,
plants in tissue throughout their life, in a site of production with physical protection
culture established in the country of origin as being free from Prodiplosis
seeds longifila, on the basis of official inspections carried out throughout their life or
tubers during the last two months prior to export.

Third countries See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato
Other than plants in
tissue culture,
pollen and seeds

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Version 6.36
Robinia except Robinia pseudoacacia

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds
The name of area mentioned on the or
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’

Page 416 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
(32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
or period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
32.6 c of Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Page 417 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Robinia pseudoacacia

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it should
reference text, as it should appear on the appear on the certificate.

Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop other than seeds
not to be present
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- See Additional declaration point 32.2 for Apriona germani

Asian countries
See Asian countries
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.3 for Apriona rugicollis

See Asian countries

Other than plants in

tissue culture, pollen
and seeds

Origin Israël The consignment complies with the provisions (i) The plants are free from Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato and Fusarium
of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) euwallaceae.
Bare rooted, 2020/1213
dormant grafted and
plants for planting The name or a registration code of the (ii) The plants have been grown throughout their life in a place of production
with a maximum registered production site shall be included on which is registered and supervised by the national plant protection organisation
diameter of 2,5 cm the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ of the country of origin. That registration has included the respective production
sites within the place of production.

(iii) The plants fulfil one of the following requirements

1. The plants have a diameter of less than 2 cm at the base of the stem
2. The plants have been grown in a site with complete physical protection
against the introduction of Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato at least
during six months prior to export, which is subject to official inspections
at appropriate times and has been found free from the pest, confirmed at
least with traps which are checked at least every four weeks, including
immediately prior to movement
3. The plants have been grown in a site of production which has been found
free from Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato and Fusarium euwallaceae
since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation, confirmed for
Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato, at least with traps, during official
--next-- inspections carried out at least every four weeks; in case of suspicion of

Page 419 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- the presence of either of the two pests at the site of production,
appropriate treatments against the pests have been carried out to ensure
the absence of the pests; a surrounding zone of 1 km is established,
which is monitored at appropriate times for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu
lato and Fusarium euwallaceae and where either of the two pests are
found on any host plants, those plants should be immediately rogued out
and destroyed. ENOfficial Journal of the European Union L 275/8

(iv) Immediately prior to export, consignments of plants with a diameter of 2 cm
or wider at the base of the stem have been subjected to an official inspection for
the presence of the pest, in particular in stems and branches of the plants,
including destructive sampling. The size of the sample for inspection shall be
such as to enable at least the detection of 1 % level of infestation with a level of
confidence of 99 %

Origine Turkey The consignment complies with the provisions (i) The plants are free from Pochazia shantungensis
of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)
up to seven-year-old 2020/1213 and
plants for planting
with a maximum The name or a registration code of the (ii) The site of production has been found free from Pochazia
diameter of 25 cm. registered production site shall be included on shantungensis during official inspections carried out at appropriate
the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ times, since the beginning of the production cycle of the plants


(iii) Immediately prior to export, consignments of the plants have been

subjected to an official inspection for the presence of Pochazia
shantungensis with such a sample size as to enable at least the
detection of 1 % level of infestation with a level of confidence of 99
% for each pest

Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of the
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or

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Version 6.36
--continuation— Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area free
32.6 b of Commission Implementing from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
Other than scions, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
cuttings, plants in International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
tissue culture, pollen The name of area mentioned on the certificate
or seeds in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of or
(32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
or period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International Standards
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
32.6 c of Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus, carried
out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of the pest


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually at
least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus, carried
out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of the pest
concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width of at least
500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was confirmed during
these official surveys, and immediately prior to export the plants have
been subjected to an inspection for the presence of Trirachys sartus,
in particular in the stems of the plant, including where appropriate,
destructive sampling, and no signs of presence of Trirachys sartus
have been observed

Page 421 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Rosa other than Rosa gymnocarpa

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries where
Xylella fastidiosa is
known not to occur

Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries

area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known not
to be present
Product/crop other than seeds
Product/crop other than seeds
Third countries: area’s
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known to
be present

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic

Canada Consignment complies with Article 5 point 1 a (5.1 a)The specified plants have been grown through their entire life in
India of Commission Decision 2022/1265/EC an area free from Rose Rosettevirus, as established by the national plant
United States protection organisation concerned, in accordance with the relevant International
Area mentioned on the certificate in ‘Place of Standards for Phytosanitary Measures. The name of that area shall be stated in
Product/crop origin’ the phytosanitary certificate under 'place of origin'.

Page 422 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
other than seeds
or or
Consignment complies with Article 5 point (5.1.b)The specified plants have been grown through their entire life in a
1 b of Commission Decision 2022/1265/EC place of production where neither symptoms of Rose Rosettevirus nor of
the specified vector have been observed during official inspections since
the start of the last growing season and the specified plants for planting
have been sampled and tested on Rose Rosettevirus before introduction
in the Union territority and found on the base of the test free from Rose

or or
Consignment complies with Article 5 point (5.1 d)Specified plants in tissue culture not originating in an area free
1 d of Commission Decision 2022/1265/EC from Rose Rosettevirus, have been produced from mother plants tested
and found free from Rose Rosettevirus.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Australia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 a) The plants originate in an area as being free from
Bangladesh, Bhutan, 30.1 a of Commission Implementing Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with relevant International
Brunei Darussalam, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
Cambodia, China,
Eswatini, Guam, The name of area mentioned on the
India, Indonesia, certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
Iran, Japan, Kenya, box ‘Place of origin’
Laos, Malaysia, or
Mauritius, or
Micronesia, (30.1 b) the plants have been grown in a place of production established
Montenegro, Nigeria, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point by the national plant protection organisation in the country of origin as being
North Korea, 30.1 b of Commission Implementing free from Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with the relevant
Northern Mariana Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
Islands, Pakistan,
Palau, Papua New The name or a registration code of the (i) which has been subjected during the last year prior to
Guinea, Philippines, registered production site shall be included on export to official inspections carried out at appropriate
Reunion, South the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ times
Africa, South Korea, and
Sri Lanka, Taiwan,
Tanzania, Thailand,

Page 423 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Uganda, Vietnam, (ii) the plants have been handled and packed in ways to
and United States or prevent infestation after leaving the place of production

Other than seeds, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point or

pollen and plants in 30.1 c of Commission Implementing
tissue culture Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 (30.1 c) The plants have been subjected to an effective treatment
ensuring the freedom of Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance) and
have been found free thereof prior to export.

Countries other than

Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
China where
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
chinensis is known
Product/crop other than seeds
to be present
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
other than China
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
chinensis is known
to be present

China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC

see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

Product/crop other than seeds

Page 424 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Rosa gymnocarpa

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it should
reference text, as it should appear on appear on the certificate.
the certificate.

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
Plants for planting
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Canada Consignment complies with Article 5 point 1 (5.1 a)The specified plants have been grown through their entire life in
India a of Commission Decision 2022/1265/EC an area free from Rose Rosettevirus, as established by the national plant
United States protection organisation concerned, in accordance with the relevant International
Area mentioned on the certificate in ‘Place of Standards for Phytosanitary Measures. The name of that area shall be stated in
Product/crop origin’ the phytosanitary certificate under 'place of origin'.
other than seeds
or or
Consignment complies with Article 5 point (5.1.b)The specified plants have been grown through their entire life in a
1 b of Commission Decision 2022/1265/EC place of production where neither symptoms of Rose Rosettevirus nor of
the specified vector have been observed during official inspections since
the start of the last growing season and the specified plants for planting
have been sampled and tested on Rose Rosettevirus before introduction in
the Union territority and found on the base of the test free from Rose

or or

Page 425 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Consignment complies with Article 5 point (5.1 d)Specified plants in tissue culture not originating in an area free
1 d of Commission Decision 2022/1265/EC from Rose Rosettevirus, have been produced from mother plants tested
and found free from Rose Rosettevirus.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Australia, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 a) The plants originate in an area as being free from
Bangladesh, Bhutan, 30.1 a of Commission Implementing Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with relevant International
Brunei Darussalam, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
Cambodia, China,
Eswatini, Guam, The name of area mentioned on the
India, Indonesia, certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
Iran, Japan, Kenya, box ‘Place of origin’
Laos, Malaysia, or
Mauritius, or
Micronesia, (30.1 b) the plants have been grown in a place of production established
Montenegro, Nigeria, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point by the national plant protection organisation in the country of origin as being
North Korea, 30.1 b of Commission Implementing free from Aleurocanthus spiniferus in accordance with the relevant
Northern Mariana Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
Islands, Pakistan,
Palau, Papua New The name or a registration code of the (i) which has been subjected during the last year prior to
Guinea, Philippines, registered production site shall be included on export to official inspections carried out at appropriate
Reunion, South the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ times
Africa, South Korea, and
Sri Lanka, Taiwan, (ii) the plants have been handled and packed in ways to
Tanzania, Thailand, prevent infestation after leaving the place of production
Uganda, Vietnam,
and United States or or

Other than seeds, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (30.1 c) The plants have been subjected to an effective treatment
pollen and plants in 30.1 c of Commission Implementing ensuring the freedom of Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance) and
tissue culture Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 have been found free thereof prior to export.

Origine Canada, See Additional declaration point 32.5 for Phytopthora ramorum (non EU isolates)
United Kingdom,
United States and

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Version 6.36
Other than fruits,
pollen and seeds

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC

see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
other than China
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
chinensis is known
to be present
China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

Product/crop other than seeds

Page 427 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop
not to be present other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 428 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (24.1 a) The plants originate in a country recognised as being free from
24.1 a of Commission Implementing Eotetranychus lewisi
Third countries Regulation (EU) 2019/2072

Other than plants in or or

tissue culture, pollen Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (24.1 b) the plants originate in an area as being free from
and seeds 24.1 b of Commission Implementing Eotetranychus lewisi
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072

The name of area mentioned on the

certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (24.1 c) the plants originate in a place of production as being free from
24.1 c of Commission Implementing Eotetranychus lewisi
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (48 a) The plants are free from aphids, including their eggs
where Tomato 48 a of Commission Implementing Regulation
ringspot virus, Black (EU) 2019/2072
raspberry latent or
virus, are known to or
occur (48 b)
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (i) The plants have been officially certified under a certification
Product/crop 48 b (i) and (ii) of Commission scheme requiring them to be derived in direct line from material which
other than seeds Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 has been maintained under appropriate conditions and subjected to
official testing at least for Tomato ringspot virus (ToRSV) and Black
raspberry latent virus(BRLV), using appropriate indicators for the
Third countries presence of those pests or equivalent methods and has been found
where Raspberry free, in these tests, from those Union quarantine pests
leaf curl virus and
Cherry rasp leaf or or
virus are known to
occur Consignment complies with Annex VII, point The plants are derived in direct line from material which is maintained
48 b and (ii) of Commission Implementing under appropriate conditions and has been subjected, within the last
Product/crop Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 three complete cycles of vegetation, at least once, to official testing at
other than seeds least for Tomato ringspot virus (ToRSV) and Black raspberry latent virus
(BRLV), using appropriate indicators for the presence of Tomato
ringspot virus(ToRSV) and Black raspberry latent virus, or for

Page 429 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
equivalent methods and has been found free, in these tests, from those
Union quarantine pests


(ii) No symptoms of diseases caused by Tomato ringspot virus (ToRSV)

and Black raspberry latent virus (BRLV), have been observed on plants
at the place of production, or on susceptible plants in its immediate
vicinity, since the beginning of the last complete cycles of vegetation

Page 430 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Salix other than Salix alba, Salix babylonica, Salix caprea, Salix gooddingii, Salix laevigata, Salix mucronata

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.2 for Apriona germani
See Asian countries
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.3 for Apriona rugicollis

See Asian countries

Other than plants in

tissue culture, pollen
and seeds

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Version 6.36
Asian countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 a) the plants have a diameter of less than 1 cm at the base of the
32.4 a of Commission Implementing stem
See Asian countries Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
or or
Other than plants in Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 b) the plants originate in a country established in the country of
tissue culture, pollen 32.4 b of Commission Implementing origin by the national plant protection service of that country, as being free
and seeds Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 from Apriona cinera in accordance with relevant International Standards for
Phytosanitary Measures
The name or a registration code of the
registered production site shall be included on or
the certificate in box “Additional declaration“
(32.4 c) The plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
or free from Apriona cinerea, established by the national plant protection
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point organisation in the country of origin in accordance with the relevant
32.4 c of Commission Implementing International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
The name of area mentioned on the
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or (32.4 d) The plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
box ‘Place of origin’ period of at least two years prior to export, in a place of production
established by the national plant protection organisation in the country
or of origin as being free from Apriona cinerea in accordance with the
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
32.4 d of Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 And

(i) Which has been subjected annually to two official

inspections for any signs of Apriona cinerea, carried out at
appropriate times and no signs of the pest have been
(ii) With the application of appropriate preventive treatments
and surrounded by a buffer zone with a width of at least
2000m where the absence of Apriona cinerea was
confirmed by official surveys carried out annually at
appropriate times,
(iii) Immediately prior to export have been subjected to an
inspection for the presence of Apriona cinerea, in
particular in stems of the plants; where appropriate, this
--next-- inspection should include destructive sampling,

Page 432 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
or or

Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 e) The plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
32.4 e of Commission Implementing period of at least two years prior to export in a site of production with
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 physical isolation against the introduction of Apriona cinerea

Immediately prior to export have been subjected to an inspection for
the presence of Apriona cinerea, in particular in stems of the plants;
where appropriate, this inspection should include destructive sampling.
Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds
The name of area mentioned on the certificate or
in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of
origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
32.6 c of Commission Implementing (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
--next-- carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of

Page 433 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC

see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
other than China
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
chinensis is known
to be present
China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

Product/crop other than seeds

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
where Anoplophora see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds

Page 434 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Salix alba, Salix babylonica, Salix gooddingii, Salix laevigata, Salix mucronata

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries See Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Asian countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 a) the plants have a diameter of less than 1 cm at the base of the
32.4 a of Commission Implementing stem
See Asian countries Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
or or
Other than plants in Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 b) the plants originate in a country established in the country of
tissue culture, pollen 32.4 b of Commission Implementing origin by the national plant protection service of that country, as being free
and seeds Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 from Apriona cinera in accordance with relevant International Standards for
--next-- Phytosanitary Measures

Page 435 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- The name or a registration code of the
registered production site shall be included on or
the certificate in box “Additional declaration“
(32.4 c) The plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
or free from Apriona cinerea, established by the national plant protection
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point organisation in the country of origin in accordance with the relevant
32.4 c of Commission Implementing International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
The name of area mentioned on the
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or (32.4 d) The plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
box ‘Place of origin’ period of at least two years prior to export, in a place of production
established by the national plant protection organisation in the country
or of origin as being free from Apriona cinerea in accordance with the
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
32.4 d of Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 And

(i) Which has been subjected annually to two official

inspections for any signs of Apriona cinerea, carried out at
appropriate times and no signs of the pest have been
(ii) With the application of appropriate preventive treatments
and surrounded by a buffer zone with a width of at least
2000m where the absence of Apriona cinerea was
confirmed by official surveys carried out annually at
appropriate times,
(iii) Immediately prior to export have been subjected to an
inspection for the presence of Apriona cinerea, in
particular in stems of the plants; where appropriate, this
inspection should include destructive sampling,

or or

Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 e) The plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
32.4 e of Commission Implementing period of at least two years prior to export in a site of production with
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 physical isolation against the introduction of Apriona cinerea

--next-- and

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- Immediately prior to export have been subjected to an inspection for
the presence of Apriona cinerea, in particular in stems of the plants;
where appropriate, this inspection should include destructive sampling.
Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds
The name of area mentioned on the certificate or
in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of
origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
32.6 c of Commission Implementing (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

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Version 6.36
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
other than China
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
chinensis is known
to be present
China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

Product/crop other than seeds

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
where Anoplophora see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds

Page 438 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Salix caprea

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.2 for Apriona germani
See Asian countries
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.3 for Apriona rugicollis

See Asian countries

Other than plants in

tissue culture, pollen
and seeds

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Version 6.36
Origine Canada, See Additional declaration point 32.5 for Phytopthora ramorum (non EU isolates)
United Kingdom,
United States and
Other than fruits,
pollen and seeds

Asian countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 a) the plants have a diameter of less than 1 cm at the base of the
32.4 a of Commission Implementing stem
See Asian countries Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
or or
Other than plants in Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 b) the plants originate in a country established in the country of
tissue culture, pollen 32.4 b of Commission Implementing origin by the national plant protection service of that country, as being free
and seeds Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 from Apriona cinera in accordance with relevant International Standards for
Phytosanitary Measures
The name or a registration code of the
registered production site shall be included on or
the certificate in box “Additional declaration“
(32.4 c) The plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
or free from Apriona cinerea, established by the national plant protection
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point organisation in the country of origin in accordance with the relevant
32.4 c of Commission Implementing International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
The name of area mentioned on the
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or (32.4 d) The plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
box ‘Place of origin’ period of at least two years prior to export, in a place of production
established by the national plant protection organisation in the country
or of origin as being free from Apriona cinerea in accordance with the
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
32.4 d of Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 And

(i) Which has been subjected annually to two official

inspections for any signs of Apriona cinerea, carried out at
appropriate times and no signs of the pest have been
(ii) With the application of appropriate preventive treatments
--next-- and surrounded by a buffer zone with a width of at least

Page 440 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- 2000m where the absence of Apriona cinerea was
confirmed by official surveys carried out annually at
appropriate times,
(iii) Immediately prior to export have been subjected to an
inspection for the presence of Apriona cinerea, in
particular in stems of the plants; where appropriate, this
inspection should include destructive sampling,

or or

Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.4 e) The plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
32.4 e of Commission Implementing period of at least two years prior to export in a site of production with
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 physical isolation against the introduction of Apriona cinerea

Immediately prior to export have been subjected to an inspection for
the presence of Apriona cinerea, in particular in stems of the plants;
where appropriate, this inspection should include destructive sampling.

Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds
The name of area mentioned on the certificate or
in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of
origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
32.6 c of Commission Implementing (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
--next-- Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC

see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
other than China
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
chinensis is known
to be present
China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

Product/crop other than seeds

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
where Anoplophora see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds

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Version 6.36
SOLANACEAE: Acnistus, Anisodus, Anthocersis, Anthotroche, Athenaea, Atropa, Atropanthe, Aureliana, Benthamiella, Bouchetia,
Brachistus, Browallia, Brugmansia, Brunfelsia, Calibrachoa, Capsicum, Chamaesaracha, Combera, Crenidium, Cuatresia, Cyphanthera,
Cyphomandra, Darcyanthus, Deprea, Discopodium, Duboisia, Dunalia, Dyssochroma, Ectozoma, Eriolarynx, Exodeconus, Fabiana,
Grabowskia, Grammosolen, Hawkesiophyton, Heteranthia, Hunzikeria, Hyoscyamus, Iochroma, Jaborosa, Jaltomata, Juanulloa,
Larnax, Latua, Leptoglossis, Leucophysalis, Lycianthes, Lycium, Mandragora, Markea, Melananthus, Merinthopodium, Metternichia,
Nectouxia, Nicandra, Nicotiana, Nierembergia, Normania, Nothocestrum, Oryctes, Pantacantha, Petchoa (x Petchoa), Phrodos,
Physochlaina, Plowmania, Protoschwenckia, Przewalskia, Quincula, Rahowardiana, Reyesia, Salpichroa, Salpiglossis, Saracha,
Schizanthus, Schultesianthus, Schwenckia, Scopolia, Sessea, Solandra, Streptosolen, Symonanthus, Trianaea, Triguera,

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as
reference text, as it should appear on it should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries See Additional declaration point 21.1 for Ceratothripoides claratis

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Version 6.36
SOLANACEAE: Datura, Cestrum, Lycopersicon, Nicotiana, Petunia, Physalis, Whithania
Solanum other than Solanum lycopersicum and Solanum melongena

Origin Required additional declaration Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
full reference text, as it should should appear on the certificate.
appear on the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries The plants have been grown in nurseries
where Liriomyza and
sativae and Consignment complies with Annex VII, (8 a) originate in (name of area) established by the national plant protection
point 8 a of Commission Implementing organisation in the country of origin as being free from Liriomyza sativae and
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with relevant International Standards for
The name of area mentioned on the Phytosanitary Measures which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional
or box ‘Place of origin’ declaration’,
--continuation-- or or

Page 444 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Consignment complies with Annex VII, (8 b) originate in (name of place of production) established by the national
Nemorimyza point 8 b of Commission Implementing plant protection organisation of the country of origin as being free from Liriomyza
maculosa are known Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with the relevant International
to occur Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is mentioned on the phytosanitary
The name or a registration code of the certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric
Product/crop registered production site shall be ‘Additional declaration’, and declared free from Liriomyza sativae and
other than included on the certificate in box Nemorimyza maculosa on official inspections carried out at least monthly
bulbs “Additional declaration“ during the three months prior to export,
plants of genera or
Gramineae or (8 c) immediately prior to export, have been subjected to an appropriate
rhizomes Consignment complies with Annex VII, treatment against Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa and have
seeds point 8 c of Commission Implementing been officially inspected and found free from Liriomyza sativae and
tubers Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Nemorimyza maculosa.
plants in tissue Details of the treatment referred in point (c) shall be mentioned on the
culture Details of the treatment mentioned in phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031.
the respective box of the certificate
Third countries See Additional declaration point 21.1 for Ceratothripoides claratis

Page 445 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Solanum lycopersicum

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear should appear on the certificate.
on the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other than
plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries where Consignment complies with Annex VII, point The plants have been grown in nurseries
Liriomyza sativae and 8 a of Commission Implementing Regulation and
Nemorimyza (EU) 2019/2072 (8 a) originate in (name of area) established by the national plant
maculosa are known protection organisation in the country of origin as being free from Liriomyza
to occur The name of area mentioned on the sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with relevant
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures which is mentioned on the
Product/crop box ‘Place of origin’ phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No
other than 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’,
corms or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 b) originate in (name of place of production) established by the
--next-- 8 b of Commission Implementing Regulation national plant protection organisation of the country of origin as being free

Page 446 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- (EU) 2019/2072 from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with the
relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is
plants of genera The name or a registration code of the mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision
Gramineae registered production site shall be included (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’, and declared
rhizomes on the certificate in box “Additional free from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa on official
seeds declaration“ inspections carried out at least monthly during the three months prior
tubers to export,

plants in tissue or (8 c) immediately prior to export, have been subjected to an
culture Consignment complies with Annex VII, point appropriate treatment against Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza
8 c of Commission Implementing Regulation maculosa and have been officially inspected and found free from
(EU) 2019/2072 Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa.
Details of the treatment referred in point (c) shall be mentioned on the
Details of the treatment mentioned in the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No
respective box of the certificate 2016/2031.

Third countries Consignment complies with Article 8.1 of (8.1a) The Solanum lycopersicum plants for planting derive from
Commission implementing regulation (EU) Solanum lycopersicum seeds which have undergone sampling and
Product / crop 2020/1191 testing for Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) as set out in the
other than seeds Annex, and these tests have shown them to be free from Tomato brown
The name or a registration code of the rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV);
Until 31st August 2023 registered production site shall be included and
on the certificate in box “Additional (8.1b) The Solanum lycopersicum plants for planting have been
declaration“ produced in a production site which is registered and supervised by the
national plant protection organisation in the country of origin and
known to be free from Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) on
the basis of official inspections carried out at the appropriate time to
detect that pest, and, in case of symptoms, have undergone official
sampling and testing for Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) and
have been found, according to those tests, to be free from Tomato
brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV).
Third countries Consignment complies with Article 9.1 (a, b (9.1a) The Solanum lycopersicum plants are derived from seeds which
and c) of Commission implementing comply with the requirements laid down in (EU) 2023/1032 Article 10;
Product/crop regulation (EU) 2023/1032 and
Plants for planting (9.1b) The Solanum lycopersicum plants have been produced in a
other than seeds or The name of the registered production site is production site which is registered and supervised by the national
fruits; mentioned on the certificate plant protection organisation in the country of origin and known to be
free from Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) on the basis of

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Version 6.36
from 1st of September official inspections, sampling and testing carried out at the appropriate
2023 to 31st of time to detect that pest;
December 2024 and
(9.1c) The name of the registered production site

or or

Consignment complies with Article 9.2 of (9.2) The Solanum lycopersicum plants are of varieties which are
Commission implementing regulation (EU) known to be resistant to Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV)

Third countries See Additional declaration point 21.1 for Ceratothripoides claratis

Third countries where Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (22 a) the plants originate in areas which have been found free from
Ralstonia 22 a of Commission Implementing Ralstonia solanacearum, Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum, Ralstonia
solanacearum, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 syzigii subsp. celebensis and Ralstonia syzigii subsp. indonesiensis
pseudosolanacearum, or
Ralstonia syzigii (22 b) no symptoms of Ralstonia solanacearum, Ralstonia
subsp. celebensis or or pseudosolanacearum, Ralstonia syzigii subsp. celebensis and Ralstonia
Ralstonia syzigii Consignment complies with Annex VII, point syzigii subsp. indonesiensis have been observed on the plants at the
subsp. indonesiensis 22 b of Commission Implementing place of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of
is known to occur Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 vegetation.

other than
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (23 a) a country recognised as being free of Keiferia lycopersicella
23 a of Commission Implementing (Walsingham) in accordance with relevant International Standards for
Product/crop Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Phytosanitary Measures,
other than fruits and
seeds or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (23 b) an area… established by the national plant protection organisation of
23 b of Commission Implementing the country of origin as being free from Keiferia lycopersicella
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 (Walsingham) in accordance with the relevant International Standards for
Phytosanitary Measures, and which is mentioned on the phytosanitary
Area mentioned on certificate under the certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the
rubric Ádditional declaration’ rubric ‘Additional declaration’.

Page 448 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point The plants have been grown throughout their life in:
26 a of Commission Implementing (26 a) a country free from Chrysanthemum stem necrosis virus,
other than seeds Regulation (EU) 2019/2072

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (26 b) an area established by the national plant protection organisation of the
26 b of Commission Implementing country of origin as being free from Chrysanthemum stem necrosis virus
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 in accordance with the relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (26 c) a place of production, established as being free from
26 c of Commission Implementing Chrysanthemum stem necrosis virus and verified through official
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 inspections and, where appropriate, testing.

Page 449 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Solanum melongena

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries See Additional declaration point 21.1 for Ceratothripoides claratis

Third countries where Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (22 a) the plants originate in areas which have been found free from
Ralstonia 22 a of Commission Implementing Regulation Ralstonia solanacearum, Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum, Ralstonia
solanacearum, (EU) 2019/2072 syzigii subsp. celebensis and Ralstonia syzigii subsp. indonesiensis
pseudosolanacearum, or
Ralstonia syzigii (22 b) no symptoms of Ralstonia solanacearum, Ralstonia
subsp. celebensis or or pseudosolanacearum, Ralstonia syzigii subsp. celebensis and Ralstonia
Ralstonia syzigii Consignment complies with Annex VII, point syzigii subsp. indonesiensis have been observed on the plants at the
subsp. indonesiensis 22 b of Commission Implementing Regulation place of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of
is known to occur (EU) 2019/2072 vegetation.

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Version 6.36
other than
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (23 a) a country recognised as being free of Keiferia lycopersicella
23 a of Commission Implementing Regulation (Walsingham) in accordance with relevant International Standards for
Product/crop (EU) 2019/2072 Phytosanitary Measures,
other than fruits and
seeds or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (23 b) originate in (name of area) established by the national plant
23 b of Commission Implementing Regulation protection organisation of the country of origin as being free from Keiferia
(EU) 2019/2072 lycopersicella (Walsingham) in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is mentioned on the
The name of area mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’.
box ‘Place of origin’

Page 451 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Solidago virgaurea, Symphyotrichum divaricatum, Trifolium repens, Xanthium strumarium

Origin Required additional declaration Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
full reference text, as it should should appear on the certificate.
appear on the certificate.
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex I 1, Aquatic plants” is not a botanical name. The requirement mentioned here is
point 1 of Decision 2012/697/EC; applicable for any plant that can only grow in water or soil that is permanently
Product/crop saturated with water
Aquatic plant
other than seeds the specified plants plants were inspected immediately prior to export and
found free from Pomacea

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 452 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- The plants have been grown in nurseries
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, (8 a) originate in (name of area) established by the national plant protection
where Liriomyza point 8 a of Commission Implementing organisation in the country of origin as being free from Liriomyza sativae and
sativae and Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with relevant International Standards for
Nemorimyza Phytosanitary Measures which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred
maculosa are The name of area mentioned on the to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional
known to occur certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ declaration’,
or box ‘Place of origin’
other than or or
bulbs Consignment complies with Annex VII, (8 b) originate in (name of place of production) established by the national
corms point 8 b of Commission Implementing plant protection organisation of the country of origin as being free from
plants of genera Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with the relevant
Gramineae International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is mentioned on the
rhizomes The name or a registration code of the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031,
seeds registered production site shall be under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’, and declared free from Liriomyza
tubers included on the certificate in box sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa on official inspections carried out at
plants in tissue “Additional declaration“ least monthly during the three months prior to export,
or (8 c) immediately prior to export, have been subjected to an appropriate
Consignment complies with Annex VII, treatment against Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa and have
point 8 c of Commission Implementing been officially inspected and found free from Liriomyza sativae and
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Nemorimyza maculosa.
Details of the treatment referred in point (c) shall be mentioned on the
Details of the treatment mentioned in the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031.
respective box of the certificate

Page 453 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Canada, United Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (42 a) have been grown throughout their life in an area free from
States 42 a of Commission Implementing Regulation Saperda candida, established by the national plant protection organisation of
(EU) 2019/2072 the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant International Standards
Product/crop for Phytosanitary Measures, which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate
other than The name of area mentioned on the referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric
cuttings certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or ‘Additional declaration’
scions box ‘Place of origin’’,
plants in tissue or
culture or (42 b) have been grown during a period of at least two years prior to
pollen Consignment complies with Annex VII, point export, or in the case of plants which are younger than two years have
seeds 42 b i,ii,iii,iv of Commission Implementing been grown throughout their life, in a place of production established
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 as free from Saperda candida in accordance with relevant International
--next-- Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:

Page 454 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation— (i) Which is registered and supervised by the national plant
protection organisation in the country of origin,
(ii) Which has been subjected annually to two official
inspections for any signs of Saperda candida carried out at
the most appropriate times of the year to detect the
presence of the pest concerned,
(iii) Where the plants have been grown:
- In an insect proof site of production against the
introduction of Saperda candida
- In a site with the application of appropriate preventive
treatments and surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m, where the absence of Saperda candida
was confirmed by official surveys carried out annually at
appropriate times
(iv) Immediately prior to export the plants have been
subjected to a meticulous inspection for the presence of
Saperda candida, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including, where appropriate, destructive sampling

Page 455 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Sorghum halapense

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop
not to be present other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 456 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Syringa vulgaris

Origin Required additional declaration Required minimal additional declaration text (see in
full reference text, as it should bold) as it should appear on the certificate.
appear on the certificate.
Third countries where Xylella
fastidiosa is known not to
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
Third countries with area’s
where Xylella fastidiosa is
known not to be present Product/crop other than seeds
Third countries: area’s where Product/crop other than seeds
Xylella fastidiosa is known to
be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other than
plants in tissue culture
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain the
vitality of the plants,
other than plants in tissue
culture and aquatic plants
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant Union
quarantaine pests are
known to occur

Origine Canada, United See Additional declaration point 32.5 for Phytopthora ramorum (non EU isolates)
Kingdom, United States
and Vietnam
Other than fruits, pollen
and seeds

Page 457 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
where Anoplophora see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds

Page 458 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Ulmus other than Ulmus davidiana and Ulmus parvifolia

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to be presen
other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 459 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- See Additional declaration point 32.2 for Apriona germani

Asian countries
See Asian countries
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds
The name of area mentioned on the certificate or
in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of
origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
32.6 c of Commission Implementing (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
--next-- export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the

Page 460 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC

see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
other than China
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
chinensis is known
to be present
China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

Product/crop other than seeds

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
where Anoplophora see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds

Page 461 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Ulmus davidiana

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear should appear on the certificate.
on the certificate.
Third countries where
Xylella fastidiosa is
known not to occur
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
Third countries with
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known not
other than
to be present
Third countries: area’s
where Xylella fastidiosa
is known to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other than
plants in tissue culture
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain the
vitality of the plants,
other than plants in
tissue culture and
aquatic plants
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 462 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- See Additional declaration point 32.2 for Apriona germani

Asian countries
See Asian countries
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of the
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, point 32.6 a of Commission Implementing stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area free
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in point 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen or Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
The name of area mentioned on the or
certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International Standards
for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII,
point 32.6 c of Commission (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus, carried
out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of the pest


(ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate

preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually at
least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus, carried
out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of the pest
concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width of at least
500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was confirmed during
these official surveys, and immediately prior to export the plants have
--next-- been subjected to an inspection for the presence of Trirachys sartus,

Page 463 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- in particular in the stems of the plant, including where appropriate,
destructive sampling, and no signs of presence of Trirachys sartus
have been observed

Belarus, Canada, Consignment complies with Annex VII, (36) the plants originate in an area recognised as being free from
China, Democratic point 36 of Commission Implementing Agrilus planipennis , and located at a minimum distance of 100 km to
People’s Rupublic of Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 the closest known area, where the presence of the specified pest has
Korea, Japan, been officially confirmed.
Mongolia, Republic of The name of area mentioned on the
Korea, Russia, Taiwan, certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
Ukraine. box ‘Place of origin’
United States

Product/crop and
other than seeds
Area communicated with the Commission
Third countries where Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
Anoplophora see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is known
to be present Product/crop other than seeds

Page 464 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Ulmus parvifolia

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop
not to be presen other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 465 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- See Additional declaration point 32.2 for Apriona germani

Asian countries
See Asian countries
Other than plants in
tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Asian countries See Additional declaration point 32.3 for Apriona rugicollis

See Asian countries

Other than plants in

tissue culture, pollen
and seeds
Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.6 a) The plants have a diameter of less than 9 cm at the base of
Iran, Kyrgyzstan, 32.6 a of Commission Implementing the stem
Pakistan, Tajikistan, Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
Turkmenistan and or
Uzbekistan or
(32.6 b) the plants have been grown throughout their life in an area
Other than scions, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point free from Trirachys sartus, established by the national plant protection
cuttings, plants in 32.6 b of Commission Implementing organisation of the country of origin, in accordance with the relevant
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
or seeds
The name of area mentioned on the certificate or
in box ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of
origin’ (32.6 c) the plants have been grown throughout their life or during a
period of at least two years prior to export, in a site of production free
or from Trirachys sartus, in accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and where the plants have been grown
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
32.6 c of Commission Implementing (i) In a site of production with physical isolation against the
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Trirachys sartus, which has been subjected to at
least one inspection per year for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned



Page 466 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- (ii) In a site of production with the application of appropriate
preventive treatments which has been subjected to annually
at least two inspections for any signs of Trirachys sartus,
carried out at appropriate times of the year to detect the presence of
the pest concerned, surrounded by a buffer zone with a width
of at least 500 m where the absence of Trirachys sartus was
confirmed during these official surveys, and immediately prior to
export the plants have been subjected to an inspection for the
presence of Trirachys sartus, in particular in the stems of the plant,
including where appropriate, destructive sampling, and no signs of
presence of Trirachys sartus have been observed

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC

see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
other than China
where Anoplophora Product/crop other than seeds
chinensis is known
to be present
China Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2012/138/EC
see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis

Product/crop other than seeds

Third countries Consignment complies with Commission Implementing Decision 2015/893/EC
where Anoplophora see Attachment 2 Anoplophora chinensis & Anoplophora glabripennis
glabripennis is
known to be present Product/crop other than seeds

Page 467 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Umbellularia californica

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
culture --next--
--continuation-- See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica

Plants for planting

With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 468 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Vaccinium other than Vaccinium ovatum

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as
reference text, as it should appear on it should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop
not to be present other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 469 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- See Additional declaration point 32.5 for Phytopthora ramorum (non EU isolates)

Origine Canada,
United Kingdom,
United States and
Other than fruits,
pollen and seeds

Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (43 a) throughout their life in (name of area) free from Grapholita
Canada, Mexico, 43 a of Commission Implementing Regulation packardi established by the national plant protection organisation of the
United States (EU) 2019/2072 country of origin, in accordance with the relevant International Standards
for Phytosanitary Measures, which is mentioned on the phytosanitary
Product/crop The name of area mentioned on the certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under
other than certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or the rubric ‘Additional declaration’, provided that this freedom status has
plants in tissue box ‘Place of origin’’. been communicated in advance in writing to the Commission by the
culture national plant protection organisation of the third country concerned,
seeds Freedom status area communicated with the
Commission or
(43 b) throughout their life, in a place of production established as
or free from Grapholita packardi in accordance with the relevant
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
43 b of Commission Implementing Regulation (i) which is registered and supervised by the national plant
(EU) 2019/2072 protection organisation of the country of origin


(ii) Which has been subjected to annual inspections for any

signs of Grapholita packardi carried out at appropriate
times of the year to detect the presence of the pest


(iii) Where the plants have been grown in a site with the
application of appropriate preventive treatments and
where the absence of Grapholita packardi was confirmed
by official surveys carried out annually at appropriate
--next-- times of the year to detect the presence of the pest

Page 470 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
--continuation-- concerned


(iv) Immediately prior to export the plants have been

subjected to a meticulous inspection for the presence of
Grapholita packardi

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (43 c) in an insect proof site of production against the introduction
43 c of Commission Implementing Regulation of Grapholita packardi
(EU) 2019/2072

Page 471 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Vaccinium ovatum

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop
not to be present other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 472 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36

Canada, Mexico, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (43 a) throughout their life in (name of area) free from Grapholita
United States 43 a of Commission Implementing Regulation packardi established by the national plant protection organisation of the
(EU) 2019/2072 country of origin, in accordance with the relevant International Standards for
Product/crop Phytosanitary Measures, which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate
other than The name of area mentioned on the referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric
plants in tissue certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or ‘Additional declaration’, provided that this freedom status has been
culture box ‘Place of origin’’. communicated in advance in writing to the Commission by the national plant
seeds protection organisation of the third country concerned,
Freedom status area communicated with the
Commission or
(43 b) throughout their life, in a place of production established as free
or from Grapholita packardi in accordance with the relevant International
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
43 b of Commission Implementing Regulation (i) which is registered and supervised by the national plant protection
(EU) 2019/2072 organisation of the country of origin

(ii) Which has been subjected to annual inspections for any signs
of Grapholita packardi carried out at appropriate times of the
year to detect the presence of the pest concerned

(iii) Where the plants have been grown in a site with the
application of appropriate preventive treatments and where
the absence of Grapholita packardi was confirmed by official
surveys carried out annually at appropriate times of the year
to detect the presence of the pest concerned

(iv) Immediately prior to export the plants have been subjected
to a meticulous inspection for the presence of Grapholita
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (43 c) in an insect proof site of production against the introduction of
43 c of Commission Implementing Regulation Grapholita packardi

Page 473 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
(EU) 2019/2072

Page 474 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Viburnum except Viburnum tinus

Origin Required additional declaration Required minimal additional declaration text (see in
full reference text, as it should bold) as it should appear on the certificate.
appear on the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other than
plants in tissue culture
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain the
vitality of the plants,
other than plants in tissue
culture and aquatic plants
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant Union
quarantaine pests are
known to occur

Origine Canada, United See Additional declaration point 32.5 for Phytopthora ramorum (non EU isolates)
Kingdom, United States
and Vietnam
Other than fruits, pollen
and seeds

Page 475 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Viburnum tinus

Origin Required additional declaration Required minimal additional declaration text (see in
full reference text, as it should bold) as it should appear on the certificate.
appear on the certificate.
Third countries where
Xylella fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with area’s see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
where Xylella fastidiosa is
known not to be present Product/crop
Third countries: area’s other than seeds
where Xylella fastidiosa is
known to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other than
plants in tissue culture
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain the
vitality of the plants,
other than plants in tissue
culture and aquatic plants
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant Union
quarantaine pests are
known to occur

Origine Canada, United See Additional declaration point 32.5 for Phytopthora ramorum (non EU isolates)
Kingdom, United States
and Vietnam
Other than fruits, pollen
and seeds

Page 476 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Page 477 Date 12/10/2023
Version 6.36

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known Product/crop
not to be present other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

Page 478 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Zea mays

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Africa or North and Consignment meets the conditions laid down These requirements apply until June 30, 2023
South-America in Article 4 a of Commission Implementing
Decision 2018/638/EC 4 a (country free from Spodoptera frugiperda)

Consignment meets the conditions laid down
in Article 4 b of Commission Implementing or
Decision 2018/638/EC 4 b (name of area) free from Spodoptera frugiperda

The name of area mentioned on the

certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or
box ‘Place of origin’

Consignment meets the conditions laid down
in Article 4 c of Commission Implementing or
Decision 2018/638/EC 4 c (name of place of production) free from Spodoptera frugiperda AND
--next-- official inspections at least three months prior to export AND where

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- Tracebility code mentioned on the certificate plants are in complete physical protection against Spodoptera
in box ‘Additional declaration’, or together frugiperda
with the description of the commodity

Consignment meets the conditions laid down
in Article 4 d of Commission Implementing or
Decision 2018/638/EC 4 d (name of place of production) free from Spodoptera frugiperda
AND official inspections at least three months prior to export AND
Tracebility code mentioned on the certificate effective treatment to ensure free from Spodoptera frugiperda
in box ‘Additional declaration’, or together
with the description of the commodity

Consignment meets the conditions laid down
in Article 4 e of Commission Implementing or
Decision 2018/638/EC 4 e effective treatment after harvest to guarantee free from
Spodoptera frugiperda
Details of the treatment mentioned in the
respective box of the certificate
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries Consignment meets the conditions laid down These requirements apply from 1st of July 2023
other tan in Article 10.1 a of Commission
Switzerland Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1134 (a) They originate from a country where the pest is not known to
Consignment meets the conditions laid down
(b) They originate from an area free from Spodoptera frugiperda, as
in Article 10.1 b of Commission
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1134 established by the National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) concerned, in
accordance with the International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures No 4;
Name of the area mentioned on the certificate the name of that area shall be stated in the phytosanitary certificate under the
under ‘Place of Origin’ rubric ‘place of origin’;

or or
Consignment meets the conditions laid down (c) Prior to export they have been subject to an official inspection and
in Article 10.1 c of Commission Implementing found free from Spodoptera frugiperda, and originate from a site of
production complying with the following conditions:

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Version 6.36
Regulation (EU) 2023/1134
(i) It is registered and supervised by the NPPO in the country of
(ii) Official inspections have been carried out during the last
three months prior to export, and no presence of the
specified pest has been detected on the specified plants;
(iii) It has physical isolation against the introduction of the
specified pest;
(iv) Information ensuring traceability of the specified plants to
that site of production has been ensured during their
or movement prior to export;

Consignment meets the conditions laid down (d) Prior to their export they have been subject to an official inspection
in Article 10.1 d of Commission and found free from Spodoptera frugiperda, and they originate from a
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1134 site of production complying with the following conditions:

(i) It is registered and supervised by the NPPO in the country of

(ii) Official inspections have been carried out during the three
months prior to export, and no presence of the specified pest
has been detected on the specified plants;
(iii) The specified plants have been subjected to an effective
treatment to ensure freedom from the specified pest;
(iv) Information ensuring the traceability of the specified plants
to that site of production has been ensured during their
movement prior to export;

or or
Consignment meets the conditions laid down (e) They have been subjected to an effective post-harvest treatment to
in Article 10.1 e of Commission ensure freedom from the specified pest, and that treatment is indicated
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1134 on the phytosanitary certificate.

Treatment data is mentioned on the


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Version 6.36

Acanthophoenix Chambeyronia Leopoldinia Raphia

Acoelorrhaphe Chrysalidocarpus Lepidorhachis Reinhardtia
Acrocomia Coccothrinax Licuala Rhapidophyllum
Aiphanes Cocos Livistona Rhapis
Archontophoenix Copernica Lodoicea Rhopaloblaste
Areca Corypha Metroxylon Rhopalostylis
Arecastrum Cryosophila Microelum Roystonea
Arenga Cyrtostachys Nannorrhops Sabal
Astrocaryum Daemonorops Neodypsis Salacca
Attalea Desmoncus Nypa Scheela
Bactris Dictyosperma Oenocarpus Serenoa
Betinckia Dypsis Orbignya Syagrus
Borassus Elaeis Oreodoxa Synechanthus
Brahea Euterpe Phoenicophorium Thrinax
Butia Geonoma Phoenix Trachycarpus
Calamus Hedyscepe Phytelephas Trithrinax
Calyptrogyne Howea / Howeia Pinanga Veitchia
Caryota Hyophorbe Polyandrococos Verschaffeltia
Ceroxylon Hyphane Pritchardia Wallichia
Chamaedorea Jubea / Jubaea Ptychosperma Washingtonia
Chamaerops Latania Ravenea

GRAMINEAE, Bambusoideae

Aciodosasa Bonia Dendrocalamus Greslania

Actinocladum Brachystachyum Dendrochloa Guadua
Aimeea Buergersiochloa Diandrolyra Guaduella
Alvimia Butania Dinochloa Hibanobambusa
Ampelocalamus Cephalostachyum Drepanostachym Hickelia
Anomochloa Chimonobambusa Ekmanochloa Himalayacalamus
Apoclada Chimonocalamus Elytrostachys Hitchcockella
Arberella Chusquea Eremitis Indocalamus
Arthrostylidium Clacinodum Eremocaulon Indosasa
Arundinaria Colanthelia Fargesia Klemachloa
Athroostachys Criciuma Ferrocalamus Leptaspis
Atractantha Cryptochloa Froesiochloa Leptocanna
Aulonemia Davidsea Gelidocalamus Lingcanna
Bambusa Decaryochloa Gigantochloa Lingnania
Bashania Dendrocalamopsis Glaziophyton Lithachne

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Version 6.36
Maclurolyra Olmeca Pseudoxytenanthera Shibataea
Melocalamus Olyra Puelia Sinarundinaria
Melocanna Oreobambos Quoingzhuea Sinobambusa
Merostachys Oreocalamus Racemobambos Sinocalamus
Metasasa Otatea Raddia Sphaerobambos
Mniochloa Oxytenanthera Raddiella Streptochaeta
Monocladus Pariana Rehia Streptogyna
Myriocladus Perrierbambus Reitzia Sucrea
Nastus Pharus Rhipidocladum Suddia
Neohouzeaua Phyllostachys Sasa Swallenochloa
Neomicrocalamus Piresia Sasaella Teinostachyum
Neosinocalamus Pleioblastus Sasamorpha Thamnocalamus
Neurolepis Pseudocoix Schizostachyum Thyrostachys
Ochlandra Pseudosasa Scrotochloa Vietnamosasa
Oligostachyum Pseudostachyum Semiarundinaria Yushania

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Version 6.36
GRAMINEAE, Panicoideae

Achinochloa Dichanthium Lophopogon Saccharum

Acostia Diheteropogon Loudetia Sacciolepis
Acroceras Dilophotriche Loudetiopsis Schizachyrium
Agenium Dimera Lousiiella Scutachne
Alloteropsis Dissochondrus Loxodera Sehima
Amphicarpum Elionurus Maninsuris Setaria
Anadelphia Elymandria Melinis Snowdenia
Ancistrachne Entolasia Mesosetum Sorghastrum
Andropogon Eremochloa Microcalamus Sorghum
Andropterum Eriachne Microstegium Spheneris
Anthaenatiopsis Eriochloa Mildbraediochloa Spinifex
Anthenanthia Eriochrysis Miscanthus Spodiopogon
Anthephora Eulalia Mnesithea Steinchisma
Anthistiriinae Eulaliopsis Monocymbiium Stenotaphrum
Apluda Exotheca Neurachne Stereochlaena
Apocopis Garnotia Odontelytrum Steyermarko chloeae
Arthraxon Germaina Ophiuros Streptostachys
Arthropogon Hemarthria Oplismenopsis Tarigidia
Arundinella Hemosorghum Oplismenus Tatianynx
Axonopus Heteropholis Oryzidium Themdea
Bothriochloa Heteropogon Otachyrium Thrasya
Brachiaria Holcolemma Oxytachis Thrasyopsis
Capillipedium Homolepis Panicum Throdolepis
Cayptochloa Homopholis Paractaenum Thuarea
Cenchrus Homozeugos Parahyperrhenia Trachypogon
Chaetium Hygrochloa Paraneurachne Tricholaena
Chamaeraphis Hymenachne Paratheria Trichopteryx
Chasmopodium Hyparrhenia Paspalidium Tripsacum
Chinolaena Hyperthelia Paspalum Triscenis
Cionachne Ichnanthus Pennisetum Tristachya
Cleistochloa Imperata Phacelurus Urelytrum
Coelachne Isachne Pogonatherum Urochloa
Coelorachis Ischaemum Polytrias Vetiveria
Coix Iseilema Pseudochaeto-chloa Vossia
Crysopogon Kerriochloa Pseudoraphis Whiteochloa
Cymbopogon Lasiacis Ratzeburgia Xerochloa
Cyphochlaena Lasiurus Reynaudia Yakira
Cyrtococcum Lecomtella Rhynchelytrum Zonotriche
Danthoniopsis Leptocoryphium Rhytachne Zygochloa

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Version 6.36

Note: this list may not be complete; therefore additions may be made at any time

Species Genus Bellis Asteraceae Clematis Ranunculaceae

Abelmoschus Malvaceae Beta Chenopodiaceae Cleome Capparidaceae
Acanthospermum Asteraceae Betonica Lamiaceae Conoclinium Asteraceae
Achillea Asteraceae Bidens Asteraceae Conyza Asteraceae
Ageratum Asteraceae Bilderdykia Polygonaceae Corchorus Tiliaceae
Agrimonia Rosaceae Borago Boraginaceae Cordia Boraginaceae
Agropyrum Poaceae Brachycome Asteraceae Coriandrum Apiaceae
Ajuga Lamiaceae Brassica Brassicaceae Crataegus** Rosaceae
Albizia** Mimosaceae Bryonia Cucurbitaceae Crotalaria Fabaceae
Allium Alliaceae Bupleurum Apiaceae Cucumis Cucurbitaceae
Alstroemeria Alstroemeriaceae Cajanus Fabaceae Cucurbita Cucurbitaceae
Althaea Malvaceae Calendula Asteraceae Cyclamen Primulaceae
Alyssum Brassicaceae Callistephus Asteraceae Cynara Asteraceae
Amaranthus Amaranthaceae Calonyction Convolvulaceae Dahlia Asteraceae
Ambrosia Asteraceae Campanula Campanulaceae Datura Solanaceae
Anagallis Primulaceae Canavalia Fabaceae Daucus Apiaceae
Anaphalis Asteraceae Capraria Scrophulariaceae Delilia Asteraceae
Anemone Ranunculaceae Capsella Brassicaceae Delphinium Ranunculaceae
Anethum Apiaceae Capsicum Solanaceae Dendranthema Asteraceae
Anoda Malvaceae Cardiospermum Sapindaceae Desmodium Fabaceae
Anthemis Asteraceae Carduus Asteraceae Dianthus* Caryophyllaceae
Anthriscus Apiaceae Carthamus Asteraceae Diascia Scrophulariaceae
Antirrhinum Scrophulariaceae Caryopteris Verbenaceae Dimorphoteca Asteraceae
Apium Apiaceae Cassia Fabaceae Diplocyclos palmatus Cucurbitaceae
Aquilegia Ranunculaceae Celosia Amaranthaceae Echinacea Asteraceae
Arachis Fabaceae Centaurea Asteraceae Eclipta Asteraceae
Arctium Asteraceae Centranthus Valerianaceae Elvira Asteraceae
Argyranthemum Asteraceae Centrosema Fabaceae Emilia Asteraceae
Artemisia Asteraceae Ceratosanthes Cucurbitaceae Erechtites Asteraceae
Asclepias Asclepiadaceae Cestrum Solanaceae Erigeron Asteraceae
Aster Asteraceae Cheiranthus Brassicaceae Erodium moschatum Geraniaceae
Astrantia Apiaceae Chelone Scrophulariaceae Eruca Brassicaceae
Atriplex Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium Chenopodiaceae Eryngium Apiaceae
Avena Poaceae Chrysanthemum* Asteraceae Erysimum hybrids Brassicaceae
Baccharis Asteraceae Cicer Fabaceae Eupatorium Asteraceae
Bacopa Scrophulariaceae Cichorium Asteraceae Euphorbia Euphorbiaceae
Baptisia Fabaceae Cineraria Asteraceae Euryops Asteraceae
Basella Basellaceae Cirsium Asteraceae Eustoma Gentianaceae
Bauhinia** Fabaceae Citrullus Cucurbitaceae Exacum Gentianaceae

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Version 6.36
Fallopia japonica Polygonaceae Limonium Plumbaginaceae Peperomia Piperaceae
Felicia Asteraceae Linaria Scrophulariaceae Pericallis Asteraceae
Flaveria Asteraceae Linum Linaceae Peristrophe Acanthaceae
Fuchsia Onagraceae Lipochaeta Asteraceae Petasites Asteraceae
Gaillardia Asteraceae Lisianthus Gentianaceae Petroselinum Apiaceae
Galega Fabaceae Lobelia Campanulaceae Petunia Solanaceae
Galinsoga Asteraceae Lupinus Fabaceae Phaseolus Fabaceae
Gazania Asteraceae Lycopersicon Solanaceae Phlox Polemoniaceae
Gerbera Asteraceae Lysimachia Primulaceae Phyllanthus Euphorbiaceae
Gladiolus Iridaceae Malva Malvaceae Physalis Solanaceae
Glechoma Lamiaceae Marah Cucurbitaceae Picris Asteraceae
Glycine Fabaceae Matricaria Asteraceae Piper Piperaceae
Gnaphalium Asteraceae Matthiola Brassicaceae Piriqueta Turneraceae
Gossypium Malvaceae Medicago Fabaceae Pisum Fabaceae
Gypsophila Caryophyllaceae Melanthera Asteraceae Plantago Plantaginaceae
Helenium Asteraceae Poinsettia Euphorbiaceae
Helianthus Asteraceae Melicoccus Sapindaceae Poissonia Fabaceae
Helichrysum Asteraceae Melilotus Fabaceae Polemonium Polemoniaceae
Hibiscus** Malvaceae Melissa Lamiaceae Polygonum Polygonaceae
Holmskioldia Verbenaceae Melothria Cucurbitaceae Portulaca Portulacaceae
Hordeum Poaceae Mercurialis Euphorbiaceae Primula Primulaceae
Humulus scandens Cannabaceae Mikania Asteraceae Pterocaulon Asteraceae
Hydrocotyle Apiaceae Molucella Lamiaceae Pupalia Amaranthaceae
Hymenopappus Asteraceae Momordica Cucurbitaceae Rajania Dioscoreaceae
Hyptis Lamiaceae Monarda Lamiaceae Ranunculus Ranunculaceae
Impatiens Balsaminaceae Moringa Moringaceae Raphanus Brassicaceae
Indigofera Fabaceae Nasturtium Brassicaceae Rhynchosia Fabaceae
Ipomoea Convolvulaceae Nemisia Scrophulariaceae Ricinus Euphorbiaceae
Jasminum Oleaceae Nepeta Lamiaceae Rorippa Brassicaceae
Kallstroemia Zygophyllaceae Nicotiana Solanaceae Rumex Polygonaceae
Kennedia Fabaceae Ocimum Lamiaceae Ruspolia Acanthaceae
Lactuca Asteraceae Oenothera Onagraceae Salvia Lamiaceae
Lamium Lamiaceae Osteospermum Asteraceae Saponaria Caryophyllaceae
Lannea Anacardiaceae Oxalis Oxalidaceae Scabiosa Dipsacaceae
Lantana Verbenaceae Papaver Papaveraceae Scaevola Goodeniaceae
Lathyrus Fabaceae Parthenium Asteraceae Senecio Asteraceae
Launaea Asteraceae Passiflora Passifloraceae Senecioides Asteraceae
Lavatera cretica Malvaceae Pastinaca Apiaceae Sida Malvaceae
Lepidium Brassicaceae Pelargonium* Geraniaceae Sidalcea Malvaceae
Leucanthemum Asteraceae Penstemon Scrophulariaceae Silybum Asteraceae

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Version 6.36
Sisymbrium Brassicaceae Taraxacum Asteraceae Valerianella Valerianaceae
Solanum Solanaceae Tetragonia Aizoaceae Verbascum Scrophulariaceae
Solidago Asteraceae Thlaspi Brassicaceae Verbena Verbenaceae
Solidaster Asteraceae Thunbergia Acanthaceae Verbesina Asteraceae
Sonchus Asteraceae Tithonia Asteraceae Vernonia Asteraceae
Sphaeranthus Asteraceae Torenia Scrophulariaceae Vicia Fabaceae
Spilanthes Asteraceae Trachelium Campanulaceae Vigna Fabaceae
Spinacia Chenopodiaceae Tragopogon Asteraceae Viola Violaceae
Stachys Lamiaceae Tribulus Zygophyllaceae Wedelia Asteraceae
Stellaria Caryophyllaceae Tridax Asteraceae Whithania Solanaceae
Sutera Scrophulariaceae Trifolium Fabaceae Xanthium Asteraceae
Synedrella Asteraceae Trigonella Fabaceae Zea Poaceae
Symphyotrichum Asteraceae Tropaeolum Tropaeolaceae Zinnia Asteraceae
Tagetes Asteraceae Tussilago Asteraceae
Tanacetum Asteraceae Typha Typhaceae

Note: Orchidaceae are not seen as herbaceous species

* for these species (any shape, form or appearance) check the tables CUTTINGS
** in these species, both herbaceous and perennial plants may occur

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Version 6.36
Herbaceous species other than Amaranthus retroflexus, Ambrosia, Artemisia, Argyranthemum frutescens, Baccharis Brassica,
Chenopodium alba, Clematis cirrhosa, Clematis vitalba, Dimorphotheca ecklonis, Dimorphotheca fruticose, Diplocyclos palmatus,
Erodium moschatum, Erysimum hybrids, Euryops chrysanthemoides, Euryops pectinatus, Fallopia japónica, Gazania rigens,
Helianthus, Helichrysum, Humulus scandens, Lavatera cretica, Lupinus aridorum, Lupinus villosus, Medicago arborea, Plantago
lanceolata, Salvia apiana, Salvia mellifera, Salvia officinalis, Salvia rosmarinus (syn. Rosmarinus officinalis), Scabiosa atropurpurea
var. maritima, Solidago fistulosa, Solidago virgaurea, Symphyotrichum divaricatum, Trifolium repens, Xanthium trumarium

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point 8 a of The plants have been grown in nurseries
where Liriomyza Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 and
sativae and (8 a) originate in (name of area) established by the
Nemorimyza The name of area mentioned on the certificate in box national plant protection organisation in the country of origin
maculosa are known ‘Additional declaration’ or box ‘Place of origin’ as being free from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza
to occur maculosa in accordance with relevant International Standards
or for Phytosanitary Measures which is mentioned on the
Product/crop Consignment complies with Annex VII, point 8 b of

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Version 6.36
other than Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision
bulbs (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’,
corms The name or a registration code of the registered production
plants of genera site shall be included on the certificate in box “Additional
Gramineae declaration“ or
Rhizomes (8 b) originate in (name of place of production)
seeds established by the national plant protection organisation of the
tubers or country of origin as being free from Liriomyza sativae and
plants in tissue Consignment complies with Annex VII, point 8 c of Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with the relevant
culture Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which
is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in
Details of the treatment mentioned in the respective box of Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric
the certificate ‘Additional declaration’, and declared free from Liriomyza
sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa on official
inspections carried out at least monthly during the
three months prior to export,
(8 c) immediately prior to export, have been subjected
to an appropriate treatment against Liriomyza sativae
and Nemorimyza maculosa and have been officially
inspected and found free from Liriomyza sativae and
Nemorimyza maculosa.
Details of the treatment referred in point (c) shall be
mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in
Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031.

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Version 6.36
Herbaceous species Amaranthus retroflexus, Ambrosia, Artemisia, Argyranthemum frutescens, Baccharis Brassica, Chenopodium
alba, Clematis cirrhosa, Clematis vitalba, Dimorphotheca ecklonis, Dimorphotheca fruticose, Diplocyclos palmatus, Erodium
moschatum, Erysimum hybrids, Euryops chrysanthemoides, Euryops pectinatus, Fallopia japónica, Gazania rigens, Helianthus,
Helichrysum, Humulus scandens, Lavatera cretica, Lupinus aridorum, Lupinus villosus, Medicago arborea, Plantago lanceolata, Salvia
apiana, Salvia mellifera, Salvia officinalis, Salvia rosmarinus (syn. Rosmarinus officinalis), Scabiosa atropurpurea var. maritima,
Solidago fistulosa, Solidago virgaurea, Symphyotrichum divaricatum, Trifolium repens, Xanthium trumarium

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries
where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to occur
Third countries with
see Attachment 1 EU List of registrated countries
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
not to be present
other than seeds
Third countries:
area’s where Xylella
fastidiosa is known
to be present
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmii

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue

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Version 6.36
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic

Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses

where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries The plants have been grown in nurseries
where Liriomyza and
sativae and Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 a) originate in (name of area) established by the national plant
Nemorimyza 8 a of Commission Implementing Regulation protection organisation in the country of origin as being free from Liriomyza
maculosa are known (EU) 2019/2072 sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with relevant
to occur International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures which is mentioned on the
The name of area mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No
Product/crop certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’,
other than box ‘Place of origin’
corms or or
plants of genera Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 b) originate in (name of place of production) established by the
Gramineae 8 b of Commission Implementing Regulation national plant protection organisation of the country of origin as being free
Rhizomes (EU) 2019/2072 from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa in accordance with the
seeds relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is
tubers The name or a registration code of the mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision
plants in tissue registered production site shall be included on (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’, and declared
culture the certificate in box “Additional declaration“ free from Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa on official
inspections carried out at least monthly during the three months prior
to export,
or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (8 c) immediately prior to export, have been subjected to an
8 c of Commission Implementing Regulation appropriate treatment against Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza
(EU) 2019/2072

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Version 6.36
maculosa and have been officially inspected and found free from
Details of the treatment mentioned in the Liriomyza sativae and Nemorimyza maculosa.
respective box of the certificate Details of the treatment referred in point (c) shall be mentioned on the
phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No

Third countries Consignment complies with Annex I 1, point “Aquatic plants” is not a botanical name. The requirement mentioned here is
1 of Commission Implementing Decision applicable for any plant that can only grow in water or soil that is permanently
Product/crop 2012/697/EC; saturated with water
Aquatic plant
other than seeds the specified plants were inspected immediately prior to export and
found free from Pomacea

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Version 6.36

Triticum, Secale and x Triticosecale

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Afghanistan, India, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (75a) the grain originates in (name of area) where Tilletia indica Mitra
Iran, Iraq, 75 a of Commission Implementing Regulation is known not to occur. The name of the area or areas is mentioned on the
Mexico,Nepal, (EU) 2019/2072 phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No
Pakistan, South 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘place of origin’,
Africa, United States Area mentioned on the certificate in ‘Place of
(countries where origin’
Tilletia indica is
known to occur) or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (75b) no symptoms of Tilletia indica Mitra have been observed on the
75 b of Commission Implementing Regulation plants at the place of production during their last complete cycle of
(EU) 2019/2072 vegetation and representative samples of the grain have been taken
both at the time of harvest and before shipment and have been tested
Tested and found free from Tilletia indica and found free from Tilletia indica Mitra in these tests; the latter is
mentioned on the certificate under the rubric mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision
‘name of produce’ (EU) No 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘name of produce’ as ‘tested and found
free from Tilletia indica Mitra’.

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Version 6.36
Naturally or artificially dwarfed plants for planting other than seeds

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Plants for planting See Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica
With growing media
intended to sustain
the vitality of the
plants, other than
plants in tissue
culture and aquatic
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (a) the plants, including those collected directly from natural habitats,
30 of Commission Implementing Regulation have been grown, held and trained for at least two consecutive years
other than: (EU) 2019/2072 prior to dispatch in officially registered nurseries, which are subject to
Albania, Andorra, an officially supervised control regime,
Armenia, Azerbaijan, (b) the plants in the nurseries referred to in point (a) of this entry:
Belarus, Bosnia and (i) at least during the period referred to in point (a) of this entry:
Herzegovina, Canary — were potted, in pots which are placed on shelves at least 50 cm
Islands, Faeroe above ground,
Islands, Georgia, — have been subjected to appropriate treatments to ensure freedom
Iceland, Active ingredient, concentration and date of from non-European rusts, and the active ingredient, concentration and
Liechtenstein, application of these treatments has been date of application of these treatments has been mentioned on the
Moldova, Monaco, mentioned on the certificate under the rubric phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No
Montenegro, North ‘Disinfestation and/or disinfection treatment’ 2016/2031, under the rubric ‘Disinfestation and/or disinfection treatment’.

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Version 6.36
Macedonia, Norway, — have been officially inspected at least six times a year at
Russia (only the Sealed number and registration number of appropriate intervals for the presence of Union quarantine pests of
following parts: the registrated nursery indicated under the concern in accordance with Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, and these
Central Federal rubric ‘Additional declaration’ inspections have also been carried out on plants in the immediate
District (Tsentralny vicinity of the nurseries referred to in point (a) of this entry, at least
federalny okrug), by visual examination of each row in the field or nursery and by
Northwestern visual examination of all parts of the plant above the growing
Federal District medium, using a random sample of at least 300 plants from a given
(Severo-Zapadny genus where the number of plants of that genus is not more than
federalny okrug), 3000 plants, or 10 % of the plants if there are more than 3000 plants
Southern Federal from that genus,
District (Yuzhny — have been found free, in these inspections, from the relevant
federalny okrug), Union quarantine pests of concern as specified in the previous
North Caucasian indent, infested plants have been removed and the remaining plants,
Federal District where appropriate, have been effectively treated, and have been
(Severo-Kavkazsky held for an appropriate period and inspected to ensure freedom from
federalny okrug) and such pests,
Volga Federal — have been planted in either an unused artificial growing medium
District (Privolzhsky or in a natural growing medium, which has been treated by
federalny okrug)), fumigation or by appropriate heat treatment and has been of any
San Marino, Serbia, Union quarantine pests,
Switzerland, Turkey — have been kept under conditions which ensure that the growing
and Ukraine medium has been maintained free from Union quarantine pests and
within two weeks prior to dispatch, have been:
- shaken and washed with clean water to remove the original
growing medium and kept bare rooted, or
- shaken and washed with clean water to remove the original
growing medium and replanted in growing medium which meets the
conditions laid down in (i) fifth indent, or
- subjected to appropriate treatments to ensure that the growing
medium is free from Union quarantine pests, and the active
ingredient, concentration and date of application of these treatments have
been indicated on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of
Decision (EU) No 2016/203 under the rubric ‘Disinfestation and/or
disinfection treatment’.
(ii) were packed in closed containers which have been officially sealed
and bear the registration number of the registered nursery, and this
number has been indicated under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’ on the
phytosanitary certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/203,
enabling the consignments to be identified

Page 495 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex I 1, point 1 “Aquatic plants” is not a botanical name; the requirement mentioned here is
of Commission Implementing Decision applicable for any plant that can only grow in water or soil that is permanently
Product/crop 2012/697/EC saturated with water
other than seeds the specified plants plants were inspected immediately prior to export
and found free from Pomacea
Third countries See Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Third countries See Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii
Plants for planting
With roots, other
than plants in tissue
Third countries See Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses
where the relevant
Union quarantaine
pests are known to

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Version 6.36
Machinery and vehicles destination: Ireland, France (Brittany), Portugal (Azores), Finland, Northern Ireland

Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text (see in bold) as it
reference text, as it should appear on should appear on the certificate.
the certificate.
Third countries Consignment complies with Annex X, point 1 The machinery has:
a of Commission Implementing Regulation (1a) been cleaned and free from soil and plant debris when brought to
(EU) 2019/2072 places of production, where beets are grown;

or or
Consignment complies with Annex X, point 1 (1b) come from an area where (Beet necrotic yellow vein virus) BNYVV
b of Commission Implementing Regulation is known not to occur.
(EU) 2019/2072

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Version 6.36

EU-Member States where Xylella fastidiosa is known not to occur:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Sweden

Import of specified plants for planting (not seeds) is forbidden unless named in the lists below
Third countries where Xylella fastidiosa is known not to occur

Changes are effective as of date of issue of March 1, 2023 of the Phytosanitary Certificate

Country Date Country Date

Australia 25 November 2020 North Macedonia, 22 December 2020
Republic of
Bosnia and Herzegovina 23 February 2021 Norway 28 January 2021
Canary Island 19 February 2021 Serbia 18 December 2020
Egypt 19 October 2020 South Africa 21 April 2021
Japan 25 February 2021 Tanzania 14 September 2023
Kenya 30 November 2020 Thailand 24 December 2020
Moldova, Republic of 24 November 2020 Tunisia 28 December 2020
Montenegro 18 November 2020 Türkiye 26 November 2020
Morocco 18 January 2021 Uganda 31 May 2021

New Zealand 25 November 2020 United Kingdom 22 December 2020

Status updated following Article 28 of Commission Implementing Registration (EU) 2020/1201

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Version 6.36
Additional declaration

Under the rubric 'Additional Declaration'

Consignment complies with Article 28 of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1201

Xylella fastidiosa is not present in the country

Beware, it is possible you need more additional declarations. See ADDITIONAL DECLARATION PER SECTOR

Third countries with areas where Xylella fastidiosa is known not to occur

Country Pest free area Date

Ethiopia Lume district, Dugda district, Koka district, Atem Tena district, Ziway district, Boset district, Jeju 26 April 2023
district, Abomsa district, Kunzila district and Bahir-Dar district
Ghana Volta Region 1 March 2023
Israel all the territory except part of area 21: (211) Hula Basin and (212) Eastern Upper Galilee 1 March 2023

United States of America Oregon, Washington, Michigan (County: Ottawa, Van Buren) 28 February 2023

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Version 6.36
Additional declaration

Under the rubric 'Additional Declaration'

Consignment complies with Article 29 c of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1201

The host plants have spent there entire life in the area (name of area)

Under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’ or ‘Place of origin’ The name or code of area shall be indicated

Beware, it is possible you need more additional declarations. See ADDITIONAL DECLARATION PER SECTOR

Third countries with pest free production places where Xylella fastidiosa is known not to occur

Country Pest free production site Date

Brazil Due to privacy issues the list PFPS of Brazil is not publically listed. Please ask at KCB or Naktuinbouw 13 April 2021
Chile Due to privacy issues the list PFPS of Chile is not publically listed. Please ask at KCB or Naktuinbouw 26 June 2023
China Due to privacy issues the list PFPS of China is not publically listed. Please ask at KCB or Naktuinbouw 4 April 2023
Colombia Due to privacy issues the list PFPS of Colombia is not publically listed. Please ask at KCB or Naktuinbouw 5 September 2023
Costa Rica Due to privacy issues the list PFPS of Costa Rica is not publically listed. Please ask at KCB or Naktuinbouw 30 December 2021
El Salvador Due to privacy issues the list PFPS of El Salvador is not publically listed. Please ask at KCB or 7 Jun 2023
Mexico Due to privacy issues the list PFPS of Mexico is not publically listed. Please ask at KCB or Naktuinbouw 10 October 2022
South Korea Due to privacy issues the list of PFPS of South Korea is not publically listed. 5 July 2023
Please ask at KCB or Naktuinbouw
Sri Lanka Due to privacy issues the list PFPS of Sri Lanka is not publically listed. Please ask at KCB or Naktuinbouw 24 April 2023
United States of Due to privacy issues the list of US PFPS is not publically listed. Please ask at KCB or Naktuinbouw 10 November 2022
Vietnam Due to privacy issues the list of PFPS of Vietnam is not publically listed. Please ask at KCB or 26 June 2023

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Version 6.36
Additional declaration

For specified plants, other than plants which have been grown for the entire production cycle in vitro, originate in an area where Xylella
fastidiosa is known to be present:

Under the rubric 'Additional Declaration'

Consignment complies with Article 30.1 c of of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1201
the host plants have been produced for their entire production cycle in one or more sites authorised as pest free by the national plant
protection organisation in accordance with Article 31 and that the host plants have been transported in closed containers or packaging,
ensuring that infection with the specified pest through its vectors cannot occur;

under the rubric ‘place of origin’, the name or code of the pest free production site(s) shall be indicated

For specified plants, which have been grown for the entire production cycle in vitro, originate in an area where Xylella fastidiosa is known to be

Under the rubric 'Additional Declaration'

Consignment complies with article 30.2 d of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1201
the host plants have been produced in vitro for their entire production cycle in one or more sites authorised as pest free by the national
plant protection organisation in accordance with Article 31 and that the host plants have been transported in closed containers or packaging,
ensuring that infection with the specified pest or any of its known vectors cannot occur;

under the rubric ‘place of origin’, the name or code of the pest free production site shall be indicated.

Beware, it is possible you need more additional declarations. See ADDITIONAL DECLARATION PER SECTOR

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Version 6.36
ATTACHMENT 2: Anoplophora
Additional declaration for Anoplophora chinensis

Product Origin Required additional declaration (as it should appear on the certificate)

Acer Third countries Consignment complies with Annex I 1 A 1 a of Decision 2012/138/EU;

Aesculus other than the plants have been grown throughout their life in a place of production which is registered
hippocastanum China and supervised by the national plant protection organisation in the country of origin and
Alnus where Anoplophora situated in a pest-free area established by that organisation in accordance with relevant
Betula chinensis is known to International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures. The name of the pest free area shall be
Carpinus be present mentioned under the rubric "place of origin”;
Citrus or
Cornus Consignment complies with Annex I 1 A 1 b 1 of Decision 2012/138/EU;
Corylus the plants have been grown during a period of at least two years prior to export, or in the
Cotoneaster case of plants which are younger than two years have been grown throughout their life, in a
Crataegus place of production established as free from Anoplophora chinensis in accordance with
Fagus International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
Lagerstroemia (i) which is registered and supervised by the national plant protection organisation in the
Malus country of origin;
Platanus and
Populus (ii) which has been subjected annually to at least two official meticulous inspections for
Prunus any sign of Anoplophora chinensis carried out at appropriate times and no signs of
laurocerasus Anoplophora chinensis have been found;
Pyrus and
Rosa (iii) where the plants have been grown in a site with complete physical protection against
Salix the introduction of Anoplophora chinensis;
Ulmus and
(iv) where immediately prior to export consignments of the plants have been subjected to
other than seeds an official meticulous inspection, for the presence of Anoplophora chinensis, in
having a stem or root particular in roots and stems of the plants. This inspection shall include targeted
collar diameter of 1 destructive sampling. The size of the sample for inspection shall be such as to enable
cm or more at their at least the detection of 1 % level of infestation with a level of confidence of 99%.
thickest point or
Consignment complies with Annex I 1 A 1 b iii 2 of Decision 2012/138/EU;
the plants have been grown during a period of at least two years prior to export, or in the
case of plants which are younger than two years have been grown throughout their life, in a
place of production established as free from Anoplophora chinensis in accordance with
--next-- International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- (i) which is registered and supervised by the national plant protection organisation in the
country of origin;
(ii) which has been subjected annually to at least two official meticulous inspections for
any sign of Anoplophora chinensis carried out at appropriate times and no signs of the
organism have been found;
(iii) where the plants have been grown in a site with the application of appropriate
preventive treatments and surrounded by a buffer zone with a radius of at least 2 km
where official surveys for the presence or signs of Anoplophora chinensis are carried
out annually at appropriate times. In case signs of Anoplophora chinensis are found,
eradication measures are immediately taken to restore the pest freedom of the buffer
(iv) where immediately prior to export consignments of the plants have been subjected to
an official meticulous inspection, for the presence of Anoplophora chinensis, in
particular in roots and stems of the plants. This inspection shall include targeted
destructive sampling. The size of the sample for inspection shall be such as to enable
at least the detection of 1 % level of infestation with a level of confidence of 99%.
Consignment complies with Annex I 1 A 1 c of Decision 2012/138/EU;
the plants have been grown from rootstocks which meet the requirements of point (b),
grafted with scions which meet the following requirements:
(i) at the time of export, the grafted scions are no more than 1 cm in diameter at their
thickest point;
(ii) the grafted plants have been inspected in accordance with point (b)(iv)
Acer China Consignment complies with Annex I 1 B 1 a of Decision 2012/138/EU
Aesculus the plants have been grown throughout their life in a place of production which is registered
hippocastanum and supervised by the national plant protection organisation of China and situated in a pest-
Alnus free area established by that organisation in accordance with relevant International
Betula Standards for Phytosanitary Measures. The name of the pest-free area shall be mentioned
Carpinus under the rubric "place of origin"; Check at NVWA, team TOF, whether the shipment may be
Citrus released or not.
Cornus The registration number of the place of production shall be mentioned on the certificate.
Corylus or
Cotoneaster Consignment complies with Annex I 1 B 1 b iii 1 of Decision 2012/138/EU;
the plants have been grown during a period of at least two years prior to export, or in the
case of plants which are younger than two years have been grown throughout their life, in a
place of production established as free from Anoplophora chinensis in accordance with
--next-- International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- (i) which is registered and supervised by the national plant protection organisation of
Crataegus and
Fagus (ii) which has been subjected annually to at least two official inspections for any sign of
Lagerstroemia Anoplophora chinensis carried out at appropriate times and no signs of the organism
Malus have been found;
Platanus and
Populus (iii) where the plants have been grown in a site with complete physical protection against
Prunus the introduction of Anoplophora chinensis;
laurocerasus and
Pyrus (iv) where immediately prior to export consignments of the plants have been subjected to
Rosa an official meticulous inspection, including targeted destructive sampling on each lot,
Salix for the presence of Anoplophora chinensis, in particular in roots and stems of the
Ulmus plants. The size of the sample for inspection shall be such as to enable at least the
detection of 1 % level of infestation with a level of confidence of 99%.
other than seeds The registration number of the place of production shall be mentioned on the certificate. It
having a stem or root has to be checked if this registration number is in the register “Erkende kwekerijen van
collar diameter of 1 waardplanten van Anoplophora chinensis uit China”.
cm or more at their or
thickest point Consignment complies with Annex I 1 B 1 b iii 2 of Decision 2012/138/EU;
the plants have been grown during a period of at least two years prior to export, or in the
case of plants which are younger than two years have been grown throughout their life, in a
place of production established as free from Anoplophora chinensis in accordance with
International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
(i) which is registered and supervised by the national plant protection organisation of
(ii) which has been subjected annually to at least two official inspections for any sign of
Anoplophora chinensis carried out at appropriate times and no signs of the organism
have been found;
(iii) where the plants have been grown in a site with the application of appropriate
preventive treatments and surrounded by a buffer zone with a radius of at least 2 km
where official surveys for the presence or signs of Anoplophora chinensis are carried
out annually at appropriate times. In case signs of Anoplophora chinensis are found,
eradication measures are immediately taken to restore the pest freedom of the buffer
(iv) where immediately prior to export consignments of the plants have been subjected to
an official meticulous inspection, including targeted destructive sampling on each lot,
--next-- for the presence of Anoplophora chinensis, in particular in roots and stems of the

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- plants. The size of the sample for inspection shall be such as to enable at least the
detection of 1 % level of infestation with a level of confidence of 99%.
The registration number of the place of production shall be mentioned on the certificate. It
has to be checked if this registration number is in the register “Erkende kwekerijen van
waardplanten van Anoplophora chinensis uit China”.
Consignment complies with Annex I 1 B 1 c of Decision 2012/138/EU;
the plants have been grown from rootstocks which meet the requirements of (b), grafted
with scions which meet the following requirements:
(i) at the time of export, the grafted scions are no more than 1 cm in diameter at their
thickest point;
(ii) the grafted plants have been inspected in accordance with point (b)(iv)
The registration number of the place of production shall be mentioned on the certificate.

Page 505 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Additional declaration for Anoplophora glabripennis

Product Origin Required additional declaration (as it should appear on the certificate)

Acer Third countries Consignment complies with Annex II 1 A (1) a of Commission Implementing Decision
Aesculus other than 2015/893/EU;
Alnus China the plants have been grown throughout their life in a place of production which is registered
Betula where Anoplophora and supervised by the national plant protection organisation in the country of origin and
Carpinus glabripennis is known situated in a pest-free area established by that organisation in accordance with relevant
Cercidiphyllum to be present International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures. The name of the pest-free area shall be
Corylus mentioned under the rubric "place of origin”
Fagus or
Fraxinus Consignment complies with Annex II 1 A (1) b of Commission Implementing Decision
Koelreuteria 2015/893/EU;
Platanus the plants have been grown during a period of at least two years prior to export, or in the
Populus case of plants which are younger than two years have been grown throughout their life, in a
Salix place of production established as free from Anoplophora glabripennis in accordance with
Tilia International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
Ulmus (i) which is registered and supervised by the national plant protection organisation in the
country of origin
other than seeds and
having a stem or root (ii) which has been subjected annually to at least two official meticulous inspections for
collar diameter of 1 any sign of Anoplophora glabripennis carried out at appropriate times and no signs of
cm or more at their the organism have been found
thickest point and
(iii) where the plants have been grown in a site with complete physical protection against
the introduction of Anoplophora glabripennis
(iv) where immediately prior to export consignments of the plants have been subjected to
an official meticulous inspection, for the presence of Anoplophora glabripennis, in
particular in stems and branches of the plants. This inspection shall include targeted
destructive sampling. Where consignments include plants originating in sites which at
the time of their production were located in a buffer zone where presence or signs of
Anoplophora glabripennis had been found, destructive sampling of the plants of that
consignment shall be carried out at the level set out in the following table:
1-4500 plants in lot: 10% of lot size destructive sampling
>4500 plants in lot: 450 plants destructive sampling
Consignment complies with Annex II 1 A (I) b iii 2 of Commission Implementing Decision
--next-- 2015/893/EU;

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- the plants have been grown during a period of at least two years prior to export, or in the
case of plants which are younger than two years have been grown throughout their life, in a
place of production established as free from Anoplophora glabripennis in accordance with
International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
(i) which is registered and supervised by the national plant protection organisation in the
country of origin
(ii) which has been subjected annually to at least two official meticulous inspections for
any sign of Anoplophora glabripennis carried out at appropriate times and no signs of
the organism have been found
(iii) with the application of appropriate preventive treatments and surrounded by a buffer
zone with a radius of at least 2 km where official surveys for the presence or signs of
Anoplophora glabripennis are carried out annually at appropriate times. In case
presence or signs of Anoplophora glabripennis are found, eradication measures are
immediately taken to restore the pest freedom of the buffer zone
(iv) where immediately prior to export consignments of the plants have been subjected to
an official meticulous inspection, for the presence of Anoplophora glabripennis, in
particular in stems and branches of the plants. This inspection shall include targeted
destructive sampling. Where consignments include plants originating in sites which at
the time of their production were located in a buffer zone where presence or signs of
Anoplophora glabripennis had been found, destructive sampling of the plants of that
consignment shall be carried out at the level set out in the following table:
1-4500 plants in lot: 10% of lot size destructive sampling
>4500 plants in lot: 450 plants destructive sampling
Consignment complies with Annex II 1 A (I) c of Commission Implementing Decision
the plants have been grown from rootstocks which meet the requirements of (b), grafted
with scions which meet the following requirements:
(i) at the time of export, the grafted scions are no more than 1 cm in diameter at their
thickest point
(ii) the grafted plants have been inspected in accordance with point (b)(iv)
The registration number of the place of production shall be mentioned on the certificate
Acer China Consignment complies with Annex II 1 A (I) a of Commission Implementing Decision
Aesculus 2015/893/EU;
Alnus the plants have been grown throughout their life in a place of production which is registered
Betula and supervised by the national plant protection organisation in the country of origin and
Carpinus situated in a pest-free area established by that organisation in accordance with relevant
Cercidiphyllum International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures

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Version 6.36
Corylus The name of the pest-free area shall be mentioned under the rubric "place of origin”
Fagus or
Fraxinus Consignment complies with Annex II 1 A (I) b iii 1 of Commission Implementing Decision
Koelreuteria 2015/893/EU;
Platanus the plants have been grown during a period of at least two years prior to export, or in the
Populus case of plants which are younger than two years have been grown throughout their life, in a
Salix place of production established as free from Anoplophora glabripennis in accordance with
Tilia International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
Ulmus (i) which is registered and supervised by the national plant protection organisation in the
other than seeds country of origin
having a stem or root (ii) which has been subjected annually to at least two official meticulous inspections for
collar diameter of 1 any sign of Anoplophora glabripennis carried out at appropriate times and no signs of
cm or more at their the organism have been found
thickest point and
(iii) where the plants have been grown in a site with complete physical protection against
the introduction of Anoplophora glabripennis
(iv) where immediately prior to export consignments of the plants have been subjected to
an official meticulous inspection, for the presence of Anoplophora glabripennis, in
particular in stems and branches of the plants. This inspection shall include targeted
destructive sampling. Where consignments include plants originating in sites which at
the time of their production were located in a buffer zone where presence or signs of
Anoplophora glabripennis had been found, destructive sampling of the plants of that
consignment shall be carried out at the level set out in the following table:
1-4500 plants in lot: 10% of lot size destructive sampling
>4500 plants in lot: 450 plants destructive sampling
Consignment complies with Annex II 1 A (I) b iii 2 of Commission Implementing Decision
the plants have been grown during a period of at least two years prior to export, or in the
case of plants which are younger than two years have been grown throughout their life, in a
place of production established as free from Anoplophora glabripennis in accordance with
International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures:
(i) which is registered and supervised by the national plant protection organisation in the
country of origin
(ii) which has been subjected annually to at least two official meticulous inspections for
any sign of Anoplophora glabripennis carried out at appropriate times and no signs of
--next-- the organism have been found;

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- (iii) with the application of appropriate preventive treatments and surrounded by a buffer
zone with a radius of at least 2 km where official surveys for the presence or signs of
Anoplophora glabripennis are carried out annually at appropriate times. In case
presence or signs of Anoplophora glabripennis are found, eradication measures are
immediately taken to restore the pest freedom of the buffer zone
(iv) where immediately prior to export consignments of the plants have been subjected to
an official meticulous inspection, for the presence of Anoplophora glabripennis, in
particular in stems and branches of the plants. This inspection shall include targeted
destructive sampling. Where consignments include plants originating in sites which at
the time of their production were located in a buffer zone where presence or signs of
Anoplophora glabripennis had been found, destructive sampling of the plants of that
consignment shall be carried out at the level set out in the following table:
1-4500 plants in lot: 10% of lot size destructive sampling
>4500 plants in lot: 450 plants destructive sampling;
Consignment complies with Annex II 1 A (I) c of Commission Implementing Decision
the plants have been grown from rootstocks which meet the requirements of (b), grafted
with scions which meet the following requirements:
(iii) at the time of export, the grafted scions are no more than 1 cm in diameter at their
thickest point;
(iv) the grafted plants have been inspected in accordance with point (b)(iv)
The registration number of the place of production shall be mentioned on the certificate.

Page 509 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Additional declaration point 4 for Thrips palmi

Product/crop Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text
(botanical name) reference text, as it should appear on (see in bold) as it should appear on the
the certificate. certificate.
Plants for planting Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (4 a) originate in (name of area) established in the
4 a of Commission Implementing Regulation country of origin by the national plant protection service
other than (EU) 2019/2072 of that country, as being free from Thrips palmi
bulbs Karny in accordance with relevant International
corms The name of area mentioned on the Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is
rhizomes certificate in box ‘Additional declaration’ or mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate referred to in
seeds box ‘Place of origin’ Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031 under the
tubers rubric ‘Additional declaration’,
plants in tissue
culture or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (4 b) originate in (name of place of production)
4 b of Commission Implementing Regulation established in the country of origin by the national plant
(EU) 2019/2072 protection service of that country, as being free from
Thrips palmi Karny in accordance with relevant
The name or a registration code of the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and
registered production site shall be included on which is mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate
the certificate referred to in Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031
under the rubric ‘Additional declaration’, and declared
free from Thrips palmi Karny on official inspections
carried out at least monthly during the last three
months prior to export;

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (4 c) immediately prior to export, have been
4 c of Commission Implementing Regulation subjected to an appropriate treatment against
(EU) 2019/2072 Thrips palmi Karny, the details of which have been
indicated on the phytosanitary certificates referred to in
Details of the treatment mentioned in the Article 71 of Decision (EU) No 2016/2031, and have
respective box of the certificate been officially inspected and found free from
Thrips palmi Karny.

Page 510 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Additional declaration point 4.1 for Meloidogyne enterolobii

Product/crop Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text
(botanical name) reference text, as it should appear on (see in bold) as it should appear on the
the certificate. certificate.
Plants for planting Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (4.1 a) the plants originate in a country established
With roots, other 4.1 a of Commission Implementing in the country of origin by the national plant protection
than plants in tissue Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 service of that country, as being free from
culture Meloidogyne enterolobii in accordance with relevant
(From 11-1 2023) International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (4.1 b) originate in an area established in the country
4.1 b of Commission Implementing of origin by the national plant protection service of that
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 country, as being free from Meloidogyne enterolobii
in accordance with relevant International Standards for
The name of area mentioned on the Phytosanitary Measures

Or or

Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (4.1 c) have been grown throughout their life in a
4.1 c ( i or ii or iii or iv) of Commission growing medium which at the time of planting of
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 the plants:

(i) was free from soil and organic matter

and had not been previously used for
growing plants or for any other
agricultural purposes

(ii) was composed entirely of peat or fibre
of Cocos nucifera L. and had not been
previously used for growing plants or
for any other agricultural purposes

4.1 c iii: Details of the treatment indicated on (iii) was subjected to effective fumigation
the certificate or heat treatment to ensure freedom
--next-- from Meloidogyne enterolobii and

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- or which is indicated on the phytosanitary
4.1 c iv: Details of the system approach certificate
indicated on the certificate
(iv) was subjected to effective systems
approach to ensure freedom from
Meloidogyne enterolobii and which is
indicated on the phytosanitary certificate


in all the cases mentioned in points (i) to (iv)

was stored and maintained under appropriate
conditions to keep it free from Meloidogyne
enterolobii and since planting appropriate
measures have been taken to ensure that the
plants have been kept free from Meloidogyne
enterolobii, including at least:
or —physical isolation of the growing medium from
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point soil and other possible sources of contamination,
4.1 d (i and ii)of Commission Implementing and
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 — hygiene measures

(4.1 d)
(i) originate in a place of production,
established by the national plant protection
organisation in the country of origin as being
free from Meloidogyne enterolobii in
accordance with the relevant International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures,

(ii) immediately prior to export the roots of a
representative sample of the
consignment have been inspected and
are found free from symptoms of
Meloidogyne enterolobii

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Version 6.36
Additional declaration point 4.2 for Popilia japonica

Product/crop Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text
(botanical name) reference text, as it should appear on (see in bold) as it should appear on the
the certificate. certificate.
Plants for planting Canada, China, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (4.2 a) originate in an area established in the country
With growing media India, Japan, Russia, 4.2 a of Commission Implementing of origin by the national plant protection service of that
intended to sustain Switzerland, and Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 country, as being free from Popillia japonica in
the vitality of the United States accordance with relevant International Standards for
plants, other than The name of area mentioned on the Phytosanitary Measures
plants in tissue certificate
culture and aquatic
plants or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (4.2 b)have been grown in place of production
4.2 b (i and ii and iii and iv (first indent established in the country of origin by the national plant
or second indent)) of Commission protection service of that country, as being free from
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 Popillia japonica in accordance with relevant
International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures,

(i) which has been subjected to an

annual official inspection and, at least,
a monthly inspection during the three
months prior to export, for any signs
of Popillia japonica Newman, carried
out at appropriate times to detect the
presence of the pest concerned, at
least by visual examination of all
plants, including weeds, and sampling
of the growing media in which plants
are growing

(ii) which is surrounded by a buffer zone
of at least 100 m, where the absence
of Popillia japonica Newman was
confirmed by official surveys carried
out annually at appropriate times


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Version 6.36
--continuation-- (iii) immediately prior to export the plants
and the growing media have been
subjected to an official inspection,
including the sampling of the growing
media, and found free from Popillia
japonica Newman

(iv) the plants:
— are handled and packed or
transported in ways to prevent
or infestation from Popillia japonica
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point Newman after leaving the place of
4.2 c (i or ii) of Commission Implementing production
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 or
— are moved outside the flight season
of Popillia japonica Newman,


(4 c) have been grown throughout their life in a

site of production with physical isolation against
the introduction of Popillia japonica Newman and the
(i) are handled and packed or transported in
or ways to prevent infestation from Popillia
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point japonica after leaving the site of
4.2 d of Commission Implementing production
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 or
(ii) are moved outside the flight season of
Popillia japonica


(4.2 d) have been produced following a systems

approach approved in accordance with the procedure
laid down in Article 107 of Regulation (EU) 2016/2031
to ensure freedom of Popillia japonica

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Version 6.36
Additional declaration point 7 for Viruses

Product/crop Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text
(botanical name) reference text, as it should appear on (see in bold) as it should appear on the
the certificate. certificate.
Plants for planting Third countries Where Bemisia tabaci (non-European
where the relevant populations) or other vectors of the Union
Union quarantaine quarantine pests are not known to occur
pests are known to
occur Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (7 a) no symptoms of the relevant Union
7 a of Commission Implementing Regulation quarantine pests have been observed on the plants
Product/crop (EU) 2019/2072 during their complete cycle of vegetation
other than
bulbs or or
dormant plants Where Bemisia tabaci (non-European (7 b) no symptoms of the relevant Union
plants in tissue populations) or other vectors of the Union quarantine pests have been observed on the plants
culture quarantine pests are known to occur during their complete cycle of vegetation
tubers and
rhizomes (a) The plants originate in areas known to be
free from Bemisia tabaci and other vectors
The relevant Union of the Union quarantine pests
quarantine pests are Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
- Begomoviruses 7 b.a of Commission Implementing or
other than Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 (b)The site of production has been found free
Abutilon mosaic from Bemisia tabaci and other vectors of the
virus Sweet potato or relevant Union quarantine pests on official
leaf curl virus, Consignment complies with Annex VII, point inspections carried out at appropriate times
Tomato yellow leaf 7 b.b of Commission Implementing to detect the pest
curl virus, Tomato Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
yellow leaf curl or
Sardinia virus, (c) The plants have been subjected to an
Tomato yellow leaf effective treatment ensuring the eradication
curl Malaga virus, or of Bemisia tabaci Genn and the other vectors
Tomato yellow leaf Consignment complies with Annex VII, point of the Union quarantine pests and have been
curl Axarquia virus, 7 b.c of Commission Implementing found free thereof
- Cowpea mild Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
mottle virus,

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- - Lettuce infectious
yellows virus,
- Melon yellowing-
associated virus,
- Squash vein
yellowing virus,
- Sweet potato
chlorotic stunt virus,
- Sweet potato mild
mottle virus,
- Tomato mild
mottle virus.

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Version 6.36
Additional declaration point 21.1 for Ceratothripoides claratris
Cucurbitaceae and Solanaceae

Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (21.1 a) the plants originate in a country as being free from
21.1 a of Commission Implementing Regulation Ceratothripoides claratris
other than (EU) 2019/2072
corms or or
plants in tissue Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (21.1 b) the plants originate in an area as being free from
culture 21.1 b of Commission Implementing Regulation Ceratothripoides claratris
seeds (EU) 2019/2072
rhizomes The name of area mentioned on the certificate

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (21.1 c) the plants have been grown, throughout their life, in a
21.1 c of Commission Implementing Regulation site of production with physical protection against the
(EU) 2019/2072 introduction of Ceratothripoides claratris, and which has been
subjected for at least three months prior to export to at least
one inspection to detect the presence of Ceratothripoides

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Version 6.36
Additional declaration point 32.1 for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato

Product/crop Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text
(botanical name) reference text, as it should appear on (see in bold) as it should appear on the
the certificate. certificate.
Plants for planting Third countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.1 a) the plants have a diameter of less than
Other than plants in 32.1 a of Commission Implementing 2 cm at the base of the stem
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
and seeds
or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.1 b) the plants originate in a country
32.1 b of Commission Implementing recognised as being free from Euwallacea
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 fornicatus sensu lato in accordance with the
relevant International Standards for
Phytosanitary Measures

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.1 c) the plants originate in an area
32.1 c of Commission Implementing established by the national plant protection
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 organisation in the country of origin as being free
from Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato, in
The name of area mentioned on the accordance with the relevant International Standards
certificate for Phytosanitary Measures.

or (32.1 d) have been grown:
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point
32.1 d (i or ii)of Commission Implementing (i) in a site of production with
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 physical isolation against the
introduction of Euwallacea
fornicatus sensu lato at least
during six months prior to export,
which is subjected to official
inspections at appropriate times
and has been found free from the
pest, confirmed at least with traps
which are checked at least every
four weeks, including immediately
prior to export

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- or

(ii) in a site of production which has

been found free from Euwallacea
fornicatus sensu lato since the
beginning of the last complete
cycle of vegetation, confirmed at
least with traps, during official
inspections carried out at least
every four weeks; in case of
suspicion of the presence of the
pest at the site of production,
appropriate treatments against
the pest have been carried out to
ensure the absence of the pest; a
surrounding zone of 1 km is
established, which is monitored at
appropriate times for Euwallacea
fornicatus sensu lato and where
the pest is found, those plants
should be immediately rogued out
and destroyed


Immediately prior to export,

consignments of the plants have
been subjected to an official
inspection for the presence of the
pest, in particular in stems and
branches of the plants, including
destructive sampling. The size of
the sample for inspection shall be
such as to enable at least the
detection of 1 % level of
infestation with a level of
confidence of 99 %

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Version 6.36
Additional declaration point 32.2 for Apriona germani

Product/crop Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text
(botanical name) reference text, as it should appear on (see in bold) as it should appear on the
the certificate. certificate.
Plants for planting See Asian countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.2 a)the plants have a diameter of less than 1
Other than plants in See Asian countries 32.2 a of Commission Implementing cm at the base of the stem
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
and seeds
or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.2 b) the plants originate in a country
32.2 b of Commission Implementing recognised as being free from Apriona germani in
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 accordance with the relevant International Standards for
Phytosanitary Measures,

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.2 c) the plants have been grown throughout
32.2 c of Commission Implementing their life in an area established by the national plant
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 protection organisation in the country of origin as being
The name of area mentioned on the free from Apriona germani, in accordance with the
certificate relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary

Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.2 d)have been grown throughout their life or
32.2 d of Commission Implementing during a period of at least two years prior to
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 export, in a place of production established by the
national plant protection organisation in the
country of origin as being free from Apriona


(i) which has been subjected annually to

--next-- two official inspections for any signs

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- of Apriona germari (Hope), carried out
at appropriate times and no signs of
the pest have been found
(ii) with the application of appropriate
preventive treatments and surrounded
by a buffer zone with a width of at
least 2000m where the absence of
Apriona germari was confirmed by
official surveys carried out annually at
appropriate times
(iii) Immediately prior to export,
consignments of the plants have been
subjected to an official inspection for
the presence of Aprioma germani in
particular in stems of the plants,
where appropriate, this inspection
should include destructive sampling

or or

Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.2 e) The plants have been grown throughout
32.2 e of Commission Implementing their life or during a period of at least two years
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 prior to export in a site of production with physical
isolation against the introduction of Apriona


Immediately prior to export have been subjected

to an inspection for the presence of Apriona
germari, in particular in stems of the plant; where
appropriate, this inspection should include
destructive sampling

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Version 6.36
Additional declaration point 32.3 for Apriona rugicollis

Product/crop Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text
(botanical name) reference text, as it should appear on (see in bold) as it should appear on the
the certificate. certificate.
Plants for planting See Asian countries Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.3 a) the plants have a diameter of less than
Other than plants in Asian countries 32.3 a of Commission Implementing 1 cm at the base of the stem
tissue culture, pollen Regulation (EU) 2019/2072
and seeds
or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.3 b) the plants originate in a country
32.3 b of Commission Implementing recognised as being free from Apriona
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 rugicollisin accordance with the relevant
International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures,

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.3 c) the plants have been grown
32.3 c of Commission Implementing throughout their life in an area established by
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 the national plant protection organisation in the
The name of area mentioned on the country of origin as being free from Apriona
certificate germani, in accordance with the relevant
International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures.

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.3 d)have been grown throughout
32.3 d of Commission Implementing their life or during a period of at least
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 two years prior to export, in a place of
production established by the national
plant protection organisation in the
country of origin as being free from
Apriona rugicollis
(i)which has been subjected annually to
two official inspections for any signs of
Apriona rugicollis carried out at
appropriate times and no signs of the
pest have been found,

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- (ii)with the application of appropriate
preventive treatments and surrounded by
a buffer zone with a width of at least
2000m where the absence of Apriona
rugicollisi was confirmed by official
surveys carried out annually at
appropriate times,


(iii)immediately prior to export,

consignments of the plants have been
subjected to an official inspection for the
presence of Aprioma rugicollis in particular
in stems of the plants, where appropriate,
this inspection should include destructive

or or
Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.3 e)have been grown throughout their
32.3 e of Commission Implementing life or during a period of at least two years
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 prior to export in a site of production with
physical isolation against the introduction of
Apriona rugicollis
immediately prior to export have been
subjected to an inspection for the presence
of Apriona rugicollis, in particular in stems of
the plant; where appropriate, this inspection
should include destructive sampling.

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Version 6.36
Additional declaration point 32.5 for Phytopthora ramorum (non EU isolates)

Product/crop Origin Required additional declaration full Required minimal additional declaration text
(botanical name) reference text, as it should appear on (see in bold) as it should appear on the
the certificate. certificate.
Plants for planting Canada, United Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.5 a) the plants originate in areas
Other than plants in Kingdom, United 32.5 a of Commission Implementing known to be free from Phytophthora
tissue culture, pollen States and Vietnam Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 ramorum (non-EU isolates), established by
and seeds the national plant protection organisation of
the country of origin, in accordance with the
relevant International Standards for
Phytosanitary Measures. The name of the area
shall be mentioned on the phytosanitary

or or

Consignment complies with Annex VII, point (32.5 b) no signs of Phytophthora

32.5 b of Commission Implementing ramorum (non-EU isolates) have been
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 observed on any susceptible plants at the
place of production during official
inspections, including laboratory testing
of any suspicious symptoms carried out
since the beginning of the last complete
cycle of vegetation
a representative sample of the plants has
been inspected before shipment and
found free from Phytophthora ramorum
(non-EU isolates) in these inspections

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Version 6.36
(36a) Areas recognized as being free from Agrilus planipennis

Country Area Date

Ukraine Vinnystsia region,Volyn region, October 2021

Dniproppetrovsk region, Donetsk region (Volnovakha district, Pokrovsky district, Mariupol district)
Zhytomyr region, Transcarpathian region, Zaporizhya region, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Kyiv region,
Kirovograd region, Lviv region, Mykolaiv region, Odesa region, Poltava region, Rivne region,
Sumy region, Ternopil region, Kharkiv region (Lozivsky district, Bohodukhiv district, Krasnograd district)
Kherson region, Khmelnytsky region, Cherkasy region, Chernivtsi region, Chernihiv region

Belarus Brest region, Vitebsk region, Gomel region, Grodno region, Minsk region, Mogilev region July 2022

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Version 6.36
(43a) Areas recognized as being free from Grapholita packardi

Country Area Date

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Version 6.36
(51a) Countries recognized as being free from Candidatus Liberibacter africanus, Candidatus Liberibacter americanus and Candidatus
Liberibacter asiaticus

Country Plant Date

Israel Aegle, Aeglopsis, Afraegle, Atalantia, Balsamocitrus, December 2019

Burkillanthus, Calodendrum, Choisya, Clausena, Limonia L.,
Microcitrus, Murraya, Pamburus, Severinia, Swinglea,
Triphasia and Vepris other than fruit (but including seeds);
and seeds of Citrus, Fortunella and Poncirus, and their hybrids
originating in third countries
Morocco Aegle, Aeglopsis, Afraegle, Atalantia, Balsamocitrus, Februari 2020
Burkillanthus, Calodendrum, Choisya, Clausena, Limonia L.,
Microcitrus, Murraya, Pamburus, Severinia, Swinglea,
Triphasia and Vepris other than fruit (but including seeds);
and seeds of Citrus, Fortunella and Poncirus, and their hybrids
originating in third countries
Turkey Aegle, Aeglopsis, Afraegle, Atalantia, Balsamocitrus, December 2019
Burkillanthus, Calodendrum, Choisya, Clausena, Limonia L.,
Microcitrus, Murraya, Pamburus, Severinia, Swinglea,
Triphasia and Vepris other than fruit (but including seeds);
and seeds of Citrus, Fortunella and Poncirus, and their hybrids
originating in third countries
United Kingdom (applicable to the territory of Great Aegle, Aeglopsis, Afraegle, Atalantia, Balsamocitrus, December 2020
Britain) Burkillanthus, Calodendrum, Choisya, Clausena, Limonia L.,
Microcitrus, Murraya, Pamburus, Severinia, Swinglea,
Triphasia and Vepris other than fruit (but including seeds);
and seeds of Citrus, Fortunella and Poncirus, and their hybrids
originating in third countries

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Version 6.36

(54 a) Countries recognized as being free from Xanthomonas citri pv. citri and Xanthomonas citri pv. aurantifolii

Country Date

Argentina (only for Xanthomonas citri pv. aurantifolii) December, 2017

Australia May 2021
Chile December, 2017
China (only for Xanthomonas citri pv. aurantifolii) December, 2017
Colombia January 16, 2018
Costa Rica August, 2019
Cuba November 2019
Dominican Republic (only for Xanthomonas citri pv. citri) August, 2019
Ecuador January 10, 2018
Egypt November 15, 2017
Guatemala September, 2018
Israel December, 2017
Jamaica December, 2017
Lebanon June, 2020
Mexico November 15, 2017
Morocco November 11, 2017
Mozambique December, 2017
New Zealand November 15, 2017
Peru December, 2017
South Africa December, 2017
Swaziland (Eswatini) December, 2017
Tunesia December, 2018
Turkey December, 2017
United Kingdom (applicable to the territory of Great Britain) (only for Xanthomonas citri pv. Aurantifolii) December 2020
United States (only for Xanthomonas citri pv. aurantifolii) December, 2017
Uzbekistan September, 2019
Zimbabwe December, 2017

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Version 6.36
(54 b) Areas recognized as being free from Xanthomonas citri pv. Citri and Xanthomonas citri pv. Aurantifolii

Country Area Date

Brazil Amazonas, Bahia, Distrito Federal, Espírito Santo, Goiás, January 16, 2018
Pará, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Rondônia, Sergipe, Tocantins
United States States December, 2017
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado,
Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois,
Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland,
Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri,
Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey,
New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio,
Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island,
South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, United States
Virgin Islands, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West
Vriginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming

Louisiana, Parishes
Acadia, Allen, Ascension, Assumption, Avoyelles, Beauregard,
Bienville, Bossier, Caddo, Calcasieu, Caldwell, Cameron,
Catahoula, Claiborne, Concordia, De Soto, East Baton Rouge,
East Carroll, East Feliciana, Evangeline, Franklin, Grant,
Iberia, Iberville, Jackson, Jefferson Davis, La Salle, Lafayette,
Lincoln, Livingston, Madison, Morehouse, Natchitoches,
Ouachita, Pointe Coupee, Rapides, Red River, Richland,
Sabine, Saint Helena, Saint Landry, Saint Martin, Saint Mary,
Saint Tammany, Tangipahoa, Tensas, Terrebonne, Union,
Vermilion, Vernon, Washington, Webster, West Baton Rouge,
West Carroll, West Feliciana, Winn

Texas, Counties
Anderson, Andrews, Angelina, Aransas, Archer, Armstrong,
Atascosa, Austin, Bailey, Bandera, Bastrop, Baylof, Bee, Bell,
Bexar, Blanco, Borden, Bosque, Bowie, Brazoria, Brazos,
Brewster, Briscoe, Brooks, Brown, Burleson, Burnet, Caldwell,
Calhoun, Callahan, Camp, Carson, Cass, Castro, Chambers,
Cherokee, Childress, Clay, Cochran, Coke, Coleman, Collin,
--next-- Collingsw, Colorado, Comal, Comanche, Concho, Cooke,

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Version 6.36
--continuation-- Coryell, Cottle, Crane, Crockett, Crosby, Culberson, Dallam,
Dallas, Dawson, Deaf Smith, Delta, Denton, DeWitt, Dickens,
Dimmit, Donley, Duval, Eastland, Ector, Edwards, Ellis, El
Paso, Erath, Falls, Fannin, Fayette, Fisher, Floyd, Foard,
Franklin, Freestone, Frio, Gaines, Galveston, Garza, Gillespie,
Glasscock, Goliad, Gonzales, Gray, Grayson, Gregg, Grimes,
Guadalupe, Hale, Hall, Hamilton, Hansford, Hardeman,
Hardin, Harrison, Hartley, Haskell, Hays, Hemphill,
Henderson, Hidalgo, Hill, Hockley, Hood, Hopkins, Houston,
Howard, Hudspeth, Hunt, Hutchinson, Irion, Jack, Jackson,
Jasper, Jeff Davis, Jefferson, Jim Hogg, Jim Wells, Johnson,
Jones, Karnes, Kaufman, Kendall, Kenedy, Kent, Kerr, Kimble,
King, Kinney, Kleberg, Knox, Lamar, Lamb, Lampasas, La
Salle, Lavaca, Lee, Leon, Liberty, Limestone, Lipscomb, Live
Oak, Llano, Loving, Lubbock, Lynn, McCulloch, McLennan,
McMullen, Madison, Marion, Martin, Mason, Matagorda,
Maverick, Medina, Menard, Midland, Milam, Mills, Mitchell,
Montague, Montgomery, Moore, Morris, Motley, Nacogdoches,
Navarro, Newton, Nolan, Nueces, Ochiltree, Oldham, Orange,
Palo Pinto, Panola, Parker, Parmer, Pecos, Polk, Potter,
Presidio, Rains, Randall, Reagan, Real, Red River, Reeves,
Refugio, Roberts, Robertson, Rockwall, Runnels, Rusk,
Sabine, San Augustine, San Jacinto, San Patricio, San Saba
Schleicher, Scurry, Shackelford, Shelby, Sherman, Smith,
Somervell, Starr, Stephens, Sterling, Stonewall, Sutton,
Swisher, Tarrant, Taylor, Terrell, Terry, Throckmorton, Titus,
Tom Green, Travis, Trinity, Tyler, Upshur, Upton, Uvalde, Val
Verde, Van Zandt, Victoria, Walker, Waller, Ward,
Washington, Webb, Wharton, Wheeler, Wichita, Wilbarger,
Willacy, Williamson, Wilson, Winkler, Wise, Wood, Yoakum,
Young, Zapata, Zavala

Page 530 Date 12/10/2023

Version 6.36
Asian countries to which this requirement applies
Afghanistan Kazakhstan Quatar
Bahrain Kuwait Saudi Arabi
Bangladesh Kyrgyzstan Russia*
Bhutan Laos Singapore
Brunei Lebanon South Korea
Darussalam Malaysia Sri Lanka
Cambodja Maldives Syria
China Mongolia Tajikistan
India Myanmar Thailand
Indonesia Nepal Timor-Leste
Iran North Korea Turkmenistan
Iraq Oman United Arab Emirates
Japan Pakistan Uzbekistan
Jordan Philippines Vietnam

*Russia (only the following parts: Far Eastern Federal District (Dalnevostochny federalny okrug), Siberian Federal District (Sibirsky federalny okrug),
and Ural Federal District (Uralsky federalny okrug)),

European third countries

Albania Georgia Russia*
Andorra Iceland San Marino
Armenia Liechtenstein Serbia
Azerbaijan Moldova Switzerland
Belarus Monaco Turkey
Bosnia and Herzegovina Montenegro Ukraine
Canary Islands North Macedonia
Faeroe Islands Norway
*Russia (only the following parts: Central Federal District (Tsentralny federalny okrug), Northwestern Federal District (Severo-Zapadny federalny
okrug), Southern Federal District (Yuzhny federalny okrug), North Caucasian Federal District (Severo-Kavkazsky federalny okrug) and Volga Federal
District (Privolzhsky federalny okrug)).

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Version 6.36

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