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We’ve discussed through various aspects of human behaviours in our previous sessions, I give this
opportunity to everyone to share your experiences of what we have discussed earlier.
Gayatri mantra five times
Hi, since the childhood people sometimes unconsciously start judging others through their appearances, the
way they speak, the knowledge they have comparing to their own selves, but they forgot to judge, or even
think about their own state of mind. So, that is why I am here with a new topic self-awareness. Our mind is
trained to wander around things that appear to be attractive, we seek things that aren’t even relevant to
ourselves, we are not taught what things to prioritize first and last, we are not told to look into ourselves than
others. At this stage, it is quite crucial for individuals like us to think about our work, our own state of mind,
the inner lying talents, setting up our boundaries and getting started with our own lives. So, self-awareness
defines as a conscious knowledge or the understanding of oneself, it is a period where we discover our own
talents, our individualities, what work we are meant to do in this universe. In the era of technologies, we lose
control of our emotions, we aren’t able to control it as well as to tune it. Only by attaining a state of self-
awareness we will be able to show our full potential, leaving back all the things that consumes energy and
effort and just living life in our own style.
Here, I call kavin to read out saying a from thirukkural about self-awareness :
Chapter 2, Kural 20 ;
ஆதி விளக்கம் அறிந்தார்க்கு யாம் பவர் அதிசயம் உண்டாம் விளக்கும் உயிர்க்கு.

Translation ;
The light of knowledge shines for those who have self-realization, It's a wondrous radiance
that brightens their soul.
This Kural emphasizes that self-awareness and self-realization lead to the illumination of one's soul through
the light of knowledge. It underscores the transformative power of self-awareness in a person's life.
Reflection by Tamil Jeevan

Here I call Mr. Tharun to read a verse from the bible

2 Corinthians 13:5
"Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize
that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?"
This verse encourages believers to examine themselves, test their faith, and ensure that they are living in
accordance with their beliefs.
Reflection by Mr. Senthil kumar


Here is Gauthamm to read out a story

In the bustling halls of Maplewood Middle School, there was a boy named Nikil known for his curious habit.
Nikil had a peculiar talent for spotting mistakes in other people's work. He'd look over others shoulders, catch
mistakes, and find math errors with no need of it. However, there was a catch: Nikil often neglected his own
assignments. During lessons, instead of focusing on his own studies, Nikil would eagerly point out his
classmates' mistakes. While they appreciated his keen eye, it led to annoyance and frustration. Even his best
friend, Rahul, urged him to redirect his attention to his own work. Realization hit Nikil, and he decided to
change. He began to concentrate on his assignments, striving to do his best. He only offered assistance when
asked, no longer intruding with unwanted advice. Slowly, his friends noticed the difference. They now valued
his help more because it was genuine.
Reflection by Jaykanth


Here is Mr. Thilagaraj to resight what Bhagavat Gita speaks about self-awareness
Self-awareness involves understanding the nature of desires, attachments, and the ego. The Gita teaches
that attachment to material possessions and identification with the ego can obstruct self-awareness and
spiritual growth. Detachment from these worldly attachments is essential for self-realization.
"You have the right to perform your duties, but never to the fruits of your actions. Let not the
fruits of action be your motive, nor let your attachment be to inaction." (Bhagavad Gita 2.47)
Reflection by Mr. Santhosh.
Here I call upon Sanjeev to extend his talk about self-awareness.
Here is a small paragraph from the book ‘The Power of Your Subconscious Mind’
"I aspire to unlock the incredible potential of my subconscious mind and harness its limitless
power for positive change. I recognize that my thoughts and beliefs shape my reality, and I am
committed to cultivating a mindset filled with positivity, confidence, and unwavering faith in
my abilities. Every day, I set clear and achievable goals, knowing that my subconscious mind
is my faithful ally in bringing them to fruition. I am open to the abundant opportunities that
the universe offers, and I trust in the process of manifestation. With every thought, I am
sculpting a life of joy, success, and fulfillment. My subconscious mind is my partner in this
journey, and together, we create a future filled with happiness and purpose."
I request anyone of you to reflect what we have learnt about self-awareness. You can share your
previous experiences or what you have come to know about yourself or your learnings
I call our respected principal sir to share his view about self-awareness.

Thank You !

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