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NURS 478 Self Care Journal

Your Name: Bella Heines Your Buddy: Paris Johnson

Select any evidence-based intervention/recommendation to follow (do this over 8 weeks):

◻ Spend up to 2 hrs in Nature or longer per week

Complete Weekly Journal Entries:

Week Description of intervention implemented this week (include frequency/length of time):

1 I spent 4 hours this week in nature. I went on a hike at the Seven Falls trail site on the trails to the
destination of a beautiful waterfall and back.

Comments on Activity:
This week I really enjoyed my time in nature. I have not been on many hikes during my time living in
Tucson and this was a very memorable experience. This hike did have some challenging parts and I had

to climb up and around some rocks. During this hike, I listened to my body and let my feet wander

wherever I wanted to. This allowed me to go off track and see different plants and animals that I

probably wouldn't have seen if I just followed the trail the whole time. This was very good for my

mental health because this week I had a challenging time with my school workload. I got to take a

mindful break away from the stressors in my life and this really turned my week around for the better.

Week Description of intervention implemented this week (include frequency/length of time):

2 This week I spent 2 hours in nature. To fulfill these hours, I went on a 30-minute walk every morning

for 4 days before I had school requirements to attend. I took these walks around the mall on campus.

(10/1- Comments on Activity:

10/8) This was challenging for me as it required me to wake up an hour earlier than I would have normally.

Each time, it was hard to get out of bed because I was so tired, however, after I did I felt amazing.

Since little to no individuals were out during this time of the morning, I was able to take time to myself

and reflect on my thoughts. Without any distractions, I noticed a lot more about the environment

around me. I noticed the birds chirping that were flying above me and I had time to appreciate the
M O’C Fall 2018
beautiful flowers and palm trees. I really enjoyed this experience because it was out of the ordinary to

me and I pushed myself to wake up earlier than I would have. I feel as if this benefitted my mental

health because instead of waking up and being stressed about my day, I was able to reflect on my

thoughts and pay attention to the beautiful nature around me before I had to fulfill my priorities.

Buddy Check-In Comments: (Note Key Comments from Conversation)

Paris and I talked about how we both noticed the importance of taking time for ourselves. We both

experience alot of stress in our daily lives and we found that by being in nature, our stress levels

decreased. Paris told me that she also went on a hike and multiple walks which is something we bonded

over. Although incorporating this time in nature was a challenge initially, we both concluded that this

was something that was missing from our lives. We often spend so much time on electronics, that we

forget what beautiful things are around us every day.

Week Description of intervention implemented this week (include frequency/length of time):

3 This week I went to Gates Pass with my boyfriend for 2 hours. We went on a short hike and brought a

picnic basket to have dinner while watching the sunset and observing the mountainscape.

(10/8- Comments on Activity:

10/15) This was a very refreshing activity and I got to share this experience with someone I love. Instead of

going out to dinner or going to a movie, I suggested this. I had an amazing time exploring the trails at

Gates Pass and looking at all the cacti. The sunset was so beautiful this week and it reminded me alot of

the sunsets I watch at home. This made me realize how connected I am to the earth and that even when

I am far away from home, I am really not that far. After this, my boyfriend and I decided that we should

be doing these dates more as this experience was very meaningful and gave us something new to

explore together.

M O’C Fall 2018

Buddy Check-In Comments: (Note Key Comments from Conversation)

This week Paris told me how she went to a nature museum with her friends. We both bonded over the

fact that we shared our experience in nature this week with company instead of alone. I have never

gone to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum and after she told me how amazing it was to walk on the

outdoor paths and connect with animals, I found that this is something I would love to do. She told me

that she has been to Gates Pass and also loves to watch sunsets as well. We bonded over how beautiful

the sunsets where each of us grew up and showed each other pictures. She also told me how she wanted

to go to Gates Pass soon for one of her weekly activities!

Week Description of intervention implemented this week (include frequency/length of time):

4 This week I went to the Tucson Botanical Gardens with my roommates. We spent 2 hours there

observing the scenery and sitting on a bench while we caught each other up with what was going on in

(10/15 our lives.

- Comments on Activity:

10/22) Before this week, I did not know that Tucson had a Botanical Garden. Me and my roommates had been

looking for a fun activity to do together and after some research, I found this! We all got tickets and

drove down to the site. I was amazed at all the beautiful scenery and exhibits they had to offer. They

had a beautiful tropical exhibit with hundreds of butterflies that were all different species in a space

crowded with beautiful flowers and plants. Butterflies are my favorite and this reminded me of a

butterfly garden I went to in San Diego last summer. In other parts of the site, they had beautiful

succulents and cacti, a herb garden where they exhibited medicinal and culinary herbs, and even art

installations to fuse the beauty of nature and art together. I was shocked that I had been living here for 4

years and had no idea about this place. I felt like I was in another world when I was there and I was

speechless as I observed the beauty of the nature provided. This was by far my favorite experience in

nature yet and I am definitely going to go back again. I felt so thankful to have this opportunity and so

M O’C Fall 2018

appreciative of the natural beauty in life.

Buddy Check-In Comments: (Note Key Comments from Conversation)

Paris told me how she went on a weekend trip to Sedona this week. I have been wanting to go to

Sedona for years and I really enjoyed listening about the hike she went on. She explained how she went

hiking on multiple trails and how beautiful all the large red rocks and mountain structures were. I told

her about how I got to see all different types of butterflies at the Botanical Garden exhibit and learned

alot about the different types of flowers and plants. We both had an amazing talk reflecting on our

activities this week and expressed our gratitude for the activities we did.

Week Description of intervention implemented this week (include frequency/length of time):

5 This week I went on two walks with one of my friends Lauryn, for an hour each.

Comments on Activity:
Lauryn is an avid walker and goes on walks around campus and the mall multiple times a day. I hadn’t
seen Lauryn for a week or two so I thought this would be the perfect time to catch up with her. I have
known her since I was in high school and we have remained friends since. On these two walks, we

walked all the way down the mall and went back a different way than I normally go. I have not been to

that part of campus since I was a Freshman, and it brought back many funny memories. I noticed many

things that were different than the time I walked down the mall alone. I noticed new plants, new art

installations, and saw new faces. The weather was absolutely beautiful this week and the temperature

was perfect to be present in nature.

Buddy Check-In Comments: (Note Key Comments from Conversation)

Paris and I talked about how being in nature allowed our anxiety levels to decrease. We bonded over

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how great it was to take this time to ourselves where we were not on electronics, constantly worrying

about finding jobs, and having constant thoughts racing through our heads. We both felt very relieved

this week because this time in nature was a fulfilling getaway that was much needed this week.

Week Description of intervention implemented this week (include frequency/length of time):

6 This week I went on the roof of my apartment for 3 hours with my boyfriend. We grilled burgers, swam

in the pool, and observed the mountainscape, watching the clear blue sky turn into a sunset, and then

(10/29 into a starry dark sky.

-11/5) Comments on Activity:

This was another one of my favorite times in nature during the past month and a half. I have not been to

the roof of my apartment for a long time and it was a very fun activity. It was only me and my

boyfriend on the roof, allowing us to really connect and appreciate our surroundings. I loved watching

the blue sky turn into a profound sunset. The sunset was beautiful this week and I got to watch the

mountains change colors due to the reflecting hues from the sky. After the sunset, we watched the stars

which is something I truly love about being in Arizona. Where I am from, near Los Angeles, it can be

very hard to see any stars due to the pollution. I felt so grateful for where I am in life and felt

appreciation for the opportunity to be at this amazing school. We watched the stars for an hour and

listened to music while we pointed out new stars we each discovered. I felt so connected to my

surroundings and had a beautiful night.

Buddy Check-In Comments: (Note Key Comments from Conversation)

Paris and I talked about our experiences this week. She went to Gates Pass and I was excited to hear

about her experience because this is something I did a few weeks ago! She said that she had a fulfilling

time being able to sit down and take in the beautiful nature around her. We both bonded on how these

experiences helped us feel relaxed and were really helping support our mental health. We talked about

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how these experiences are very healing to us and that is something we never thought could make such a

profound impact on our lives both physically and mentally.

Week Description of intervention implemented this week (include frequency/length of time):

7 This week I drove up to Mount Lemmon with my friends. We spent 4 hours on this excursion where we

ate lunch, explored, and took pictures.

(11/5- Comments on Activity:

11/12) I had an amazing experience this week at Mount Lemmon. I have never been up to the mountain when

it has not been covered in snow. This allowed me to see a whole new side of the mountain that I had

not seen before. When we got to the small town, we drove to the bottom of the street and found

parking. We brought a picnic lunch to have and brought our basket to one of the tables a little down the

trail that was under the trees. It was slightly cold this week but I was happy I got to wear my Ugg

boots! We walked around the area up and down the trails, and we got to observe the beautiful big green

trees surrounding us. I also saw colorful leaves that had fallen off trees as winter was approaching.

This week, I reflected a lot about the beauty of nature and got to see a whole new part of the beautiful


Buddy Check-In Comments: (Note Key Comments from Conversation)

Paris and I discussed her experience at the Botanical Gardens and my day trip to Mount Lemmon. She

also enjoyed her experience at the gardens and said that she was surprised that this was in Tucson. She

loved admiring the sculptures installed within the nature exhibits around her. She also told me that she

went to the mall and saw the gardens around campus. I bonded with her about how amazing the mall is

and how beautiful nature was that is available to us every day. We both did not have a very stressful

week and we both think that it is nature that is helping our stress levels. We were thankful that we sat

down and talked about our experiences because we both related on this week's activities.

M O’C Fall 2018

Week Description of intervention implemented this week (include frequency/length of time):

8 This week I spent 2 hours on the roof of my apartment and I potted plants I got from Trader Joe's.

(11/12 Comments on Activity:

- I went to Home Depot this week to get soil and potting supplies for two plants I bought at Trader Joe's.

11/19) As this was the last week of this journal, I wanted to do something special to keep nature with me in my

room. I got two beautiful plants and brought the potting supplies up onto the roof. I enjoyed the

beautiful weather and there was a perfect breeze. It was sunny out and I listened to music. I was able to

connect with nature as I learned how to properly pot these plants. I took my time and I really enjoyed

this experience because it was something new for me and also a way to have a reminder of the beauty

of nature in my room!

Complete Survey Below

(Once Completed submit entire document to D2L Assignment Drop box by Due date and add to Your


Reflection on Panopto presentation and 8-week intervention:

What did these activities teach you?

These activities taught me the importance of being present in life and the importance of decreasing
stress levels with natural interventions. I am so busy with school all the time that I often forget the
beautiful aspects of life that I am constantly surrounded by. I learned to enjoy the little things in life and
I am so happy that I got this experience. This taught me that these simple accessible ways of managing
stress that are genuinely healthy. These activities have helped strengthen my mindfulness, where I can
take these practices and use them for my future life. I know that working as a nurse is often a stressful
career, and by spending time in nature I will be able to decrease stress levels and prevent burnout.

Have you noticed any changes in your life since you began this intervention?
I noticed that every time I go outside I am way more mindful of the nature around me. Instead of
looking at my phone when walking, I actively put my phone in my pocket so that I can observe the
beauty of my surroundings. I now find myself grounded in the current moment, rather than thinking
about the past or future. I have also noticed that my stress levels have greatly declined. Before starting
M O’C Fall 2018
this activity, I had thoughts constantly racing in my mind and I was always on the verge of having
anxiety attacks. After a few weeks, I noticed a decrease in these processes and I noticed that my mind
was more clear. Physically, I feel more energized and resilient. The natural interventions, whether it's
spending time outdoors, practicing mindfulness, or going to see new places involving nature, have
contributed to an overall sense of well-being. I have a more positive outlook on life as a whole.

Will you do anything differently now? Please explain.

The positive changes I've experienced have inspired me to continue and expand upon these
interventions. Moving forward, I plan to make these practices more ingrained in my daily routine. I
believe that by being consistent, I will have greater long-term benefits of mindfulness and stress
reduction. I also may seek out opportunities to share these insights with others. If these interventions
have had a positive impact on my life, there's a potential to inspire and support those around me. This
will help promote other's well-being and serve as a great way to connect with individuals.


I appreciate that this was an assignment included in the course. This made a very positive impact on my

mental and physical health.

Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with these statements:

Following an evidence-based recommendation to reduce burnout was valuable to me.

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

This 8-week intervention will help me implement preventative strategies for burnout in my career.

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

M O’C Fall 2018

M O’C Fall 2018

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