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Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 1–12

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Transient analysis of wave propagation in layered soil by using

the scaled boundary finite element method
Xiaojun Chen ⇑, Carolin Birk, Chongmin Song
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: An efficient method for modelling the propagation of elastic waves in layered media is developed. It is
Received 9 May 2014 applicable to scalar and vector wave soil–structure interaction problems involving semi-infinite layers.
Received in revised form 16 July 2014 The scaled boundary finite element method is employed to derive an equation for the displacement
Accepted 13 August 2014
unit-impulse response matrix on the near field/far field interface. An accurate and efficient time discret-
Available online 3 September 2014
ization method is proposed for that equation. As the displacement unit-impulse response approaches
zero, the convolution integral representing the force–displacement relationship can be truncated. After
the truncation the computational effort only increases linearly with time. Thus, a considerable reduction
Wave propagation
Layered soil
of computational effort is achieved in a time domain analysis. In addition, a reasonable viscous damping
Displacement unit-impulse response matrix model is proposed for this problem. The existence of damping will cause the displacement unit-impulse
Truncation response matrix to decay faster. Therefore, an earlier truncation time can be adopted, thus further reduc-
Viscous damping ing the computational effort. Numerical examples demonstrate the accuracy and high efficiency of the
new method.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction domains typically are based on assuming linear behaviour. A com-

mon approach is to couple a rigorous, but linear model of the far
The numerical modelling of waves in the ground is a challeng- field to a near-field model including any non-linearities. In case
ing task for several reasons, including the need to accurately model of half-space, this is reasonable as the amplitudes of outgoing
radiation damping and the potential non-linear material behaviour waves diminish with increasing distance, so that small strains
of soil. In general, there are two approaches to model the non-lin- can be assumed in the far field. In case of layered soil, however, this
ear stress–strain behaviour of soil [1]. One is the equivalent linear can be problematic, as there is no decay of wave amplitudes.
modelling approach, in which an approximate linear equation in Therefore, the strains in the far field can still be large if the soil
terms of the equivalent shear strain is used. Although this equiva- is undamped. In reality, the strain in the far field will be reduced
lent linear model is mathematically simple, it yields inaccurate due to the existence of material damping, so that linearity can still
results for large strains and is not applicable to plastic deforma- be assumed. The method proposed in this paper focuses on model-
tion/failure. As an alternative, ‘truly non-linear’ modelling is based ling the far field soil as linear elastic layered medium with material
on directly using various elasto-plastic constitutive relationships damping.
[2]. This is typically done using discretization schemes, such as To correctly describe the wave propagation at infinity, radiation
the finite element method, discrete element method or finite dif- damping must be modelled accurately [5]. This is of particular
ference method, in a soil domain of finite extent [1,3]. Examples importance in soil–structure interaction analysis [6–8]. The stan-
of equivalent elastic and truly non-linear modelling of soil can be dard finite element method is not directly applicable, since it does
found in Refs. [3,4], respectively. If the soil is considered not describe outgoing waves correctly. In the past 40 years, a lot of
unbounded, the above discrete models are often combined with research effort has been contributed to this field and many numer-
simple, approximate absorbing boundaries to account for the effect ical methods have been proposed. A detailed summary of the
of radiation damping. Rigorous approaches to model unbounded extensive literature on modelling waves in unbounded domains
is beyond the scope of this paper. For this purpose, it is referred
to the review articles [9–14].
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 2 9385 7606. While most of the methods reviewed in [9–14] are applicable to
E-mail addresses: (X. Chen), half-space problems, limited progress has been made with respect
(C. Birk), (C. Song).
0266-352X/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 X. Chen et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 1–12

to modelling wave propagation in layered soil, which is often element model of the near field. The scaled boundary finite ele-
encountered in engineering practice [15]. While impedance func- ment method has been successfully applied to wave propagation
tions of foundations resting on or embedded in stratified soil have problems in 2D and 3D half-space and full-space unbounded
been computed using various approaches [16–18], modelling domains in both the frequency domain and time domain
waves in layered media directly in the time domain is particularly [5,37,38,45–47].
challenging due to the existence of cut-off frequencies. Below the In the frequency domain, an equation for the dynamic stiffness
cut-off frequency no radiation damping occurs. Beyond it, waves can be derived. It is formulated as a non-linear differential equa-
propagate and in general decay slowly in a layered system. Analyt- tion [5]. By applying the inverse Fourier transform, an integro-dif-
ical solutions for inhomogeneous layered systems are difficult to ferential equation for the acceleration unit-impulse response
obtain. matrix in the time domain is obtained [48]. A modified formulation
Most of the existing methods to model wave propagation in lay- for a 2D layered medium in the frequency domain has been estab-
ered media can be classified as either rigorous, such as the bound- lished as a special case in Ref. [5], and also been derived by using
ary element method (BEM) [19,20] and the thin layer method the principal of virtual work in Ref. [49]. However, to the authors’
(TLM) [21–23], or as approximate. Examples of approximate meth- knowledge, no detailed implementation in the time domain has
ods for waves in layered soil based on physical models can be been investigated. Moreover, hysteretic damping can be easily
found in Refs. [24–27]. implemented into the SBFEM in the frequency domain. In the time
The boundary element method can model wave propagation in domain, however, hysteretic damping will lead to non-causality,
unbounded media correctly, and is therefore a popular tool in because of the Hilbert transform [50].
modelling soil–structure interaction [28–31]. It is based on the In this paper, the wave propagation problem in layered media is
use of a fundamental solution, which satisfies the radiation condi- investigated in the time domain by using the scaled boundary
tion at infinity. The fundamental solution for a layered medium finite element method. The derivation of the new approach starts
based on Green’s function, however, is complex [32], especially from the SBFE equation in dynamic stiffness in the frequency
for inhomogeneous layers. The thin layer method is widely used domain, which is summarised in Section 2. The time-domain for-
for dynamic analyses in layered media, recent applications include mulation is derived by considering the instantaneous response
[33–35]. It combines a finite element discretization in the direction and the lingering response separately. The instantaneous response
of layering with an analytical solution in the wavenumber domain is represented by a spring and a dashpot matrix, whereas the lin-
and frequency domain in the direction of wave propagation. Alter- gering response is represented by the displacement unit-impulse
native, exact non-reflecting boundary conditions such as the response matrix. An efficient time discretization scheme for the
Dirichlet-to-Neumann (DtN) map [36], cannot be applied to the computation of the displacement unit-impulse response is derived
layered media, since exact solutions are required, which are only in detail in Section 3. The coupling of far field and near field in a
available for unbounded domains of simple geometry and material time-domain analysis is addressed in Section 4. As the lingering
properties. response decays with time [5], the displacement unit-impulse
In approximate methods, artificial boundary conditions are con- response can be truncated. This early truncation leads to a signifi-
structed to absorb outgoing waves. In many cases, these bound- cant reduction of computational effort. Moreover, a new viscous
aries must be placed sufficiently far away from the soil–structure damping model is proposed in Section 5 based on the use of com-
interface in order to achieve acceptable accuracy. Detailed summa- plex angular frequency. It is motivated by considering standard
ries of approximate methods can be found in Refs. [37,38], ranging equations of motion and then extended to the SBFE formulation.
from the classical low order viscous boundary [39] to high-order The displacement unit-impulse response of a damped system
local absorbing boundaries [14]. Among those formulations, Gudd- decays faster and can thus be truncated earlier, further contribut-
ati and Tassoulas [40] proposed a continued fraction absorbing ing to the reduction of computational effort. Finally, numerical
boundary condition for a layered medium based on a rational func- examples are presented in Section 6 to verify the proposed con-
tion approximation of the dynamic stiffness. Liu and Zhao [41] cepts and illustrate their applicability to problems of practical rel-
used high-order artificial boundary conditions in conjunction with evance. Conclusions are stated in Section 7.
finite element modelling of wave propagation in multilayered soils
over rigid bedrock. In summary, most of these absorbing boundary
2. Summary of the scaled boundary finite element method
conditions are asymptotic only at high frequency. For semi-infinite
layers, where part of the energy is trapped near the region of
The scaled boundary finite element method is described in Refs.
interest, a very high order of approximation is required to achieve
[5,48]. A detailed derivation of the SBFEM for elastodynamics can
a reasonable accuracy [42]. To overcome this drawback, doubly-
also be found in [44]. For the sake of completeness, only a brief
asymptotic open boundaries have been developed in Ref. [43]. So
summary of the equations necessary for the development of the
far, these open boundaries have only been applied to scalar
time-domain analysis in 2D layered media is given in this section.
In the scaled boundary finite element method for a 2D layered
One relatively new approach, which is suitable to model vector
medium, the vertical boundary is discretized using line elements
waves in layers, is the scaled boundary finite element method
(Fig. 1). The unknown nodal displacement functions fuðnÞg are
(SBFEM). It is a semi-analytical technique based on finite element
introduced along the horizontal direction and through a node on
technology, which has been developed to model waves in
the boundary, where n is the coordinate in the horizontal direction.
unbounded domains [44]. This method combines some important
features of the boundary element method and the finite element
method. In the SBFEM, only the boundary is discretized, reducing
the spatial dimension by one. Since the formulation is based on
finite element concepts, no fundamental solution is required. The
SBFE equations are formulated from the governing equations by
using the weighted residual method or the principle of virtual
work. Anisotropy of the material only affects the constitutive
matrix and is implemented straightforwardly. A SBFE model of
an unbounded domain can be coupled seamlessly with a finite Fig. 1. Scaled boundary finite element method applied to semi-infinite layer.
X. Chen et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 1–12 3

In the frequency domain, the SBFE equation in unknown function Xm

½S1 ðxÞ ¼ ix½C 1  þ ½K 1  þ Aj ; ð7Þ
fuðnÞg results [48,51], ð ix Þ
h i  h i h i h i h i
E0 fuðnÞg;nn þ E1  E1 fuðnÞg;n  E2 fuðnÞg þ x2 M0 fuðnÞg ¼ 0; Using the following eigenvalue decomposition [48],
l k
ð1Þ ½M ½U ¼ ½E0 ½U K2 ;
h i h i h i h i
where E0 ; E1 ; E2 and M0 are coefficient matrices obtained by
the resulting SBFE equation in transformed dynamic stiffness
assembling the element coefficient matrices as in the finite element matrix ½s1 ðxÞ can be expressed as:
method,     T   l k
h i Z þ1 h iT h i ½s1 ðxÞ þ e1 ½s1 ðxÞ þ e1  e2  ðixÞ K2 ¼ 0; ð9Þ
E0 ¼ B1 ðgÞ ½D B1 ðgÞ jJ ðgÞjdg; ð2aÞ
1 where
h i Z þ1 h iT h i
E1 ¼ B ðgÞ ½D B1 ðgÞ jJ ðgÞjdg;
ð2bÞ ½s1 ðxÞ ¼ ½UT ½S1 ðxÞ½U; ð10aÞ
1  1 h i
h i Z þ1 h iT h i e ¼ ½UT E1 ½U; ð10bÞ
E2 ¼ B2 ðgÞ ½D B2 ðgÞ jJ ðgÞjdg; ð2cÞ  2 h i
h i
Z þ1
e ¼ ½UT E2 ½U: ð10cÞ
0 T
M ¼ ½NðgÞ q½NðgÞjJ ðgÞjdg: ð2dÞ
1 Analogously, Eq. (7) is expressed as:
In Eq. (2d), q is the mass density and jJðgÞj is the determinant of the Xm
Jacobian matrix on the boundary. The symbol ½D denotes the elas- ½s1 ðxÞ ¼ ix½c1  þ ½k1  þ j
aj ; ð11Þ
h i h i j¼1 ðixÞ
ticity matrix. The matrices B1 ðgÞ and B2 ðgÞ represent the strain-
nodal displacement relationship. The detailed derivation of Eq. (1)
by using the principle of virtual work can be found in Ref. [49]. ½c1  ¼ ½UT ½C 1 ½U; ð12aÞ
The internal nodal forces fqðnÞg on a surface with constant n are T
½k1  ¼ ½U ½K 1 ½U; ð12bÞ
obtained by integrating the surface tractions over elements and    
expressed as aj ¼ ½UT Aj ½U: ð12cÞ
h i h iT  
fqðnÞg ¼ E0 fuðnÞg;n þ E1 fuðnÞg; ð3Þ The coefficient matrices ½c1 , ½k1  and aj are determined by
substituting Eq. (11) into Eq. (9) and setting the coefficients corre-
where fqðnÞg is related to the nodal forces fRg on the boundary by sponding to individual terms ðixÞ equal to zero in descending
fRg ¼ fqðn ¼ 1Þg for the unbounded domain. The dynamic stiff- order [48]. When m ¼ 2 is selected, the four coefficients can be
ness matrix ½S1 ðxÞ of the unbounded domain is defined as determined by the following equations:
fRðxÞg ¼ ½S1 ðxÞfuðxÞg. The SBFE Eq. (1) can be transformed into l k
½c1 2  K2 ¼ 0; ð13aÞ
an equation for the dynamic stiffness,
 1 T  1 
1 T ½c1 ½k1  þ ½k1 ½c1  þ ½c1  e þ e ½c1  ¼ 0; ð13bÞ
ð½S1 ðxÞ þ ½E1 Þ½E0  ð½S1 ðxÞ þ ½E1  Þ  ½E2  þ x2 ½M0  ¼ 0: ð4Þ   1   1 T
½c1 ½a1  þ ½a1 ½c1  þ ½k1  þ e ½k 1  þ e ¼ 0; ð13cÞ
Eq. (4) is an algebraic Riccati equation. Note that, for any indepen- 
dent frequency x, the dynamic stiffness matrix ½S1 ðxÞ can be
  1   1 T
½c1 ½a2  þ ½a2 ½c1  þ ½k1  þ e ½a1  þ ½a1  ½k1  þ e ¼ 0: ð13dÞ
determined directly by solving Eq. (4).
A formulation in the time domain will be obtained by applying Note that, since ½c1  is diagonal, Eqs. (13b), (13c) and (13d) can sim-
the inverse Fourier transform to Eq. (4). In order to decompose ply be solved by back-substitution. Applying the inverse Fourier
½S1 ðxÞ into a singular part and a regular part, an asymptotic transform to the regular part of Eq. (7) results in the power expan-
expansion of ½S1 ðxÞ for high frequency is performed first. Then, sion of the displacement unit-impulse response matrix for early
an integro-differential equation is derived for the displacement time for t P 0:
unit-impulse response matrix. It can be solved by time discretiza-  
tion. This will be discussed in detail in the following section.  1  X m
Sr ðtÞ ¼ t j1 : ð14Þ
ðj  1Þ!
3. SBFE equation in displacement unit-impulse response matrix  
It follows from Eq. (14) that ½A1  is the initial value for S1 ðtÞ , i.e.
 1  h r i
The dynamic stiffness matrix ½S1 ðxÞ can be decomposed into a Sr ðt ¼ 0Þ ¼ ½A1 , and ½A2  is the initial value for S_ 1 r ðtÞ , i.e.
    h i
singular part S1s ðxÞ and the remaining regular part S1 r ðxÞ , _S1 ðt ¼ 0Þ ¼ ½A2 . If we directly substitute ½s1 ðxÞ ¼ ix½c1 þ
which is square integrable [48],  
   1  ½k1  þ s1r ðxÞ into Eq. (9) and rearrange the terms in descending
½S1 ðxÞ ¼ S1
s ðxÞ þ Sr ðxÞ ; ð5Þ order of ðixÞ, the quadratic and linear terms yield Eqs. (13a) and
  (13b), respectively. The remaining part, which also has to equal
The singular part S1
s ðxÞ , which corresponds to the asymptotic zero, can be written as,
value of the dynamic stiffness for infinite frequency, ½S1 ðx ! 1Þ, 1     1  1 
can be expressed as, s r ð xÞ s 1r ðxÞ þ ½k1  þ e s r ð xÞ
s ðxÞ ¼ ix½C 1  þ ½K 1 ; ð6Þ þ s1 r ð xÞ ½k 1  þ e 1 þ ix½c1  s1 1
r ðxÞ þ ix½sr ðxÞ½c 1 
where the constant matrices ½C 1  and ½K 1  correspond to dashpot þ ½k1  þ e1 ½k1  þ e1  e2 ¼ 0: ð15Þ
and spring matrices, respectively. In Ref. [48], the regular part
Sr ðxÞ is expanded into a power series for high frequency. That When the inverse Fourier transform is applied to Eq. (15), the last
is, ½S ðxÞ is written as: two terms, which are constant, will result in the Dirac delta function
4 X. Chen et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 1–12

dðt Þ, as s1
r ðtÞ is not continuous at t ¼ 0. For t > 0, the delta func- on the structure–soil interface. The interaction force–displacement
tion vanishes, and we obtain relationship is expressed as
Z t
Z t
  1  1  T
s1 1
r ðt  sÞ sr ðsÞ ds þ ½p½sr ðtÞ þ sr ðtÞ ½p
fRðt Þg ¼ ½C 1 fu_ s ðt Þg þ ½K 1 fus ðt Þg þ ½S1
r ðsÞfus ðt  sÞgds: ð24Þ
0 0
r ðtÞ d½s1 ðtÞ Using Eq. (24), the equation of motion can be rearranged as:
þ ½c 1  þ r ½c1  ¼ 0; ð16Þ
dt dt " #
  ½M bb  ½M bs  fu € b ðt Þg ½C bb  ½C bs  fu_ b ðtÞg
where ½p ¼ ½k1  þ e1 . Eq. (16) is the transformed SBFE equation þ h i
½M sb  ½Mss  fu € s ðt Þg ½C sb  e
C ss fu_ s ðt Þg
for the regular part of the displacement unit-impulse response
  " #
matrix for t > 0. At t ¼ 0, we have s1 r ðt ¼ 0Þ ¼ ½a1 , and ½K bb  ½K bs  fub ðtÞg fP b ðtÞg 0
 1  þ h i ¼  ; ð25Þ
s_ r ðt ¼ 0Þ ¼ ½a2 . The displacement unit-impulse response matrix ½K sb  e ss
K fus ðt Þg fPs ðt Þg fQ ðtÞg
and its derivative are discretized as ½sn ¼ s1 r ðt ¼ nDtÞ and
r ðt¼nDtÞ where
½s_ n ¼ dt
. The relationship between ½sn and ½s_ n is, h i
e ss ¼ ½C ss  þ ½C 1 ;
C ð26aÞ
½sn ¼ ½sn1 þ ½s_ n1 þ ½s_ n ; ð17Þ h i
2 e ss ¼ ½K ss  þ ½K 1 ;
K ð26bÞ
where the trapezoidal rule has been applied. The convolution inte- Z t
gral in Eq. (16) is also calculated using the trapezoidal rule, fQ ðt Þg ¼ ½S1
r ðsÞfus ðt  sÞgds: ð26cÞ
Z t n1 
  1  Dt
s1 The time integration of Eq. (25) can be performed using New-
r ðt  sÞ sr ðsÞ ds ¼ ½sj ½snj þ ½sjþ1 ½snj1 : ð18Þ
0 2 j¼0 mark’s method with parameters b and c. The convolution integral
(Eq. (26c)) is discretized with respect to time as,
The initial value ½s_ 0 can be obtained by solving Eq. (16) at t ¼ 0.
Dt X
Based on the above assumptions, at each time step t ¼ nDt for
fQ ðt Þg ¼ ½S1
r j fus gnj þ fus gnjþ1 ; ð27Þ
n P 1; ½s_ n can be obtained by solving the following equation, 2 j¼1

½An ½s_ n þ ½s_ n ½ATn þ ½Bn ¼ 0; ð19Þ It is worth noting that, in the time integration, the size of the
summation in Eq. (27) increases. Here, the computational effort
with coefficients
associated with evaluating the convolution integral is proportional

Dt 2 Dt to n2 , where n is the number of time steps. Note that S1 r ðtÞ repre-
½An ¼ ½s0 þ ½p þ ½c1 ; ð20aÞ
4 2 sents the lingering response [5], and
 thus  converges to zero. Thus,
Dt  h^i h^i  hi h i it can be truncated. If we assume S1 r ðtÞ ¼ 0 for all t P T N ¼ N Dt,
½Bn ¼ Dt ½sj ½snj þ ½s0 s_ þ s_ ½s0 þ ½p ^s_ þ ^s_ ½pT ; ð20bÞ Eq. (27) is changed into,
2 n n n n

Dt X
where fQ ðt Þg ¼ ½S1
r j fus gnj þ fus gnjþ1 ; ð28Þ
2 j¼1
h i Dt
^s_ ¼ ½s ½s_  :
n1 þ ð21Þ
n 2 n1 for n P N, which means that the number of terms of the summation
After ½s_ n has been calculated, ½sn can be obtained by evaluating does not increase further after the truncation time. Thus, the com-
Eq. (17). Finally, the displacement unit-impulse response matrix putational effort associated with evaluating the convolution inte-
follows from gral only grows linearly with time after the truncation.
  T 1
r ðt ¼ nDtÞ ¼ ½Sn ¼ ½U ½sn ½U : ð22Þ 5. Viscous damping model for layered soil

So far, material damping has not been considered in the pre-

4. Coupling of unbounded domain and bounded domain sented formulation. In this section, a viscous damping model is
proposed, which can be used for the time-domain analysis of
In a soil–structure interaction analysis, the bounded domain waves in layered soil. Although damping is an important physical
representing the near field is typically discretized using the finite phenomenon which always exists in reality, its mathematical
element method. The scaled boundary finite element method can description is challenging. In general, various damping models
also be used to efficiently model dynamic problems in bounded are available. One approach which is widely used in the frequency
domains [52]. In both cases, the near field is described by equations domain is hysteretic damping. Here, a complex elastic modulus is
of motion of the form, used, whose imaginary part represents the damping effect. Using
½Mbb  ½Mbs  € b ðt Þg
fu ½C bb  ½C bs  fu_ b ðtÞg the hysteretic damping model in the time domain, however, will
þ lead to the system being non-causal (Chapter 6.2 in [53]). In
½M sb  ½M ss  € s ðt Þg
fu ½C sb  ½C ss  fu_ s ðt Þg
time-domain analyses, proportional damping models are desirable,
½K bb  ½K bs  fub ðtÞg fP b ðtÞg 0 because modal analysis techniques still apply. Rayleigh damping is
þ ¼  ; ð23Þ
½K sb  ½K ss  fus ðt Þg fPs ðt Þg fRðtÞg a special case of proportional damping, where the damping matrix
½C is defined as a linear combination of mass matrix ½M and stiff-
where ½M ; ½C  and ½K  are mass, material damping and stiffness
ness matrix ½K of a multiple degree of freedom system described
matrices, respectively; fuðt Þg, fu_ ðt Þg and fu
€ ðtÞg are displacement,
by standard equations of motion,
velocity and acceleration vectors, respectively. fP ðt Þg is the external
load vector. The subscripts s and b denote the nodes associated with
the generalised structure–soil interface and the remaining nodes of € ðt Þg þ ½C fu_ ðt Þg þ ½K fuðtÞg ¼ fPðtÞg;
½M fu ð29Þ
the bounded domain, respectively. fRðt Þg is the interaction force
vector, which represents the contribution of the unbounded domain ½C  ¼ a0 ½M þ a1 ½K: ð30Þ
X. Chen et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 1–12 5

The coefficients a0 and a1 are determined by specifying the

modal damping ratio for any two modes [54]. Although the Ray-
leigh damping model is widely used in practice, its extension to
the differential Eqs. (1) and (4) is not straightforward. As an alter-
native, a so-called exterior mass-proportional damping model as
proposed in [5], Section 11.2, is adopted. Detailed description of
this damping model can also be found in Ref. [55]. Here, a mass
proportional damping matrix 2f½M  is selected, where the damping Fig. 2. Semi-infinite layer with constant depth h.
coefficient f has a dimension of cs =h, indicating the rate of energy
loss per h=cs . According to [5], the stiffness matrix ½K is augmented
by f2 ½M , in order to achieve a concise formulation of the dynamic 6.1. Out-of-plane motion of homogeneous layer with constant depth
stiffness matrix. Eq. (29) can thus be written as
A semi-infinite layer with constant depth h is shown in Fig. 2. A
€ ðtÞg þ 2f½M fu_ ðtÞg þ ½K  þ f2 ½M fuðt Þg ¼ fPðt Þg:
½M f u ð31Þ prescribed displacement pattern is enforced on the vertical bound-
ary. The upper horizontal boundary is free and the lower horizontal
Applying the Fourier transform to Eq. (31) results in boundary is fixed. The vertical boundary is discretized using three-
 node line elements of equal length. The total number of degrees of
½K   ðx  ifÞ ½M  fU g ¼ fPg; ð32Þ freedom is equal to the number of the nodes, excluding the node
on the fixed boundary. The layered medium is assumed to be
homogeneous, with shear modulus G and mass density q. Its shear
Eq. (32) shows that the exterior mass-proportional damping model
wave velocity is cs ¼ G=q.
corresponds to replacing the angular frequency x by a complex
The derivation of the analytical solution for the displacement
term ðx  ifÞ in the frequency domain.
unit-impulse response coefficient is briefly described here. The
This procedure is applied to the wave propagation problem in
scaled boundary finite element equation in nodal displacement
layered soil formulated in terms of the displacement unit-impulse
fU g of the semi-infinite layer is (Ref. [56], Chapter 4),
response. Substituting ix by ðix þ fÞ in Eq. (9) results in
h i h i x2 h i
    T   l k E0 fU g;nn  E2 fU g þ 2 E0 fU g ¼ 0: ð35Þ
½s ðxÞ þ e1 ½s1 ðxÞ þ e1
1 2
 e2  ðix þ fÞ K2 ¼ 0; cs

ð33Þ The nodal force fRg can be expressed as

h i
fRg ¼  E0 fU g;n : ð36Þ
Substituting Eq. (11) into Eq. (33), and rearranging the terms in
descending order of ðixÞ, Eqs. (13b) and (13c) are reformulated as, Eq. (35) can be decoupled using the following generalised eigen-
 T   value decomposition,
½c1 ½k1  þ ½k1 ½c1  þ ½c1  e1 þ e1  2f½c1  ¼ 0; ð34aÞ h i h i l k h i
  1   1 T 2
E2 ½U ¼ E0 ½U K2 =h ; ½UT E0 ½U ¼ ½I: ð37Þ
½c1 ½a1  þ ½a1 ½c1  þ ½k1  þ e ½k1  þ e  f ½c1  ¼ 0; ð34bÞ
In Eq. (37), k2 is a diagonal matrix containing the positive
The remaining part (i.e. Eq. (15)) is not affected by f, thus Eq.
eigenvalues. Pre-multiplying Eq. (35) by ½UT and substituting
(16) also does not change. It can be solved using the same time dis- n o
e yields,
fU g ¼ ½U U
cretization scheme proposed earlier, with different coefficients ½k1 
and ½a1 , determined using Eqs. (34a) and (34b). The procedure pro- n o  2 n o
posed in Section 4 for the computation of the displacements in the e x2 n e o k e ¼ 0:
U þ U  2 U ð38Þ
time-domain is not affected by the damping model. ;nn c2s h
Since k2 is a diagonal matrix, Eq. (38) is a set of decoupled dif-
n o
ferential equations. Assuming R e ¼ h½UT fRg, and pre-multiply-
6. Numerical examples
ing Eq. (36) by ½UT results in
In this section, the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed n o n o
e ¼ h U
R e : ð39Þ
method are evaluated using numerical examples. In Section 6.1, a ;n
benchmark example, the out-of-plane motion of a homogeneous
layer, is investigated. In this example, the SBFE equations in the The modal force–displacement relationship is expressed as,
n o h in o
frequency domain can be decoupled and an analytical solution e ¼ e e :
R S 1 ð xÞ U ð40Þ
for the modal displacement unit-impulse response coefficient can
be obtained. These analytical solutions are used to verify the Using Eqs. (38) and (39), it can be shown that the dynamic stiff-
numerical results obtained using the proposed time discretization h i
ness matrix e S 1 ðxÞ is diagonal with
In Section 6.2, the in-plane motion of a homogeneous layer is sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
examined. The stability and the accuracy of the proposed method e h
S1j ðxÞ ¼ k2j  2 x2 : ð41Þ
are further investigated. The effect of the cut-off frequency of the cs
layer on the time domain solution is also studied. The numerical
Applying the inverse Fourier transform to Eq. (41) yields the analyt-
efficiency and the effect of introducing a truncation time are then
ical solution of the diagonalized displacement unit-impulse
investigated. l k
In Section 6.3, the interaction of two foundations embedded in a response matrix e S 1 ðt Þ with r

piecewise homogeneous layered system is analysed, to demon- c

strate the robustness of the new algorithm and its applicability e cs k2j s
S1j ðt Þ ¼ J1 kj t : ð42Þ
to realistic problems. ht h
6 X. Chen et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 1–12

The coupled displacement unit-impulse response matrix is cal-

culated as

p (t)
  l k
h ∞
T e1
r ðt Þ ¼ ½U S r ðt Þ ½U=cs : ð43Þ
This analytical expression is used as a reference solution in the
following. Fig. 4. Semi-infinite layer subject to horizontal load.
To obtain a numerical solution, the vertical boundary is
discretized first using 4 or 8 elements. After the displacement
unit-impulse response matrix is obtained, a linearly varying motion
pattern is enforced on the displacement unit-impulse response
matrix. The resulting scalar unit-impulse response coefficient is
compared to the analytical solution in Fig. 3. Excellent agreement
between the numerical results and the analytical solution is
obtained using a time step size of Dt ¼ 0:2h=cs for both meshes. This
indicates that the results are converged in terms of accuracy of the
displacement unit-impulse response coefficient due to a prescribed
linearly varying motion pattern. In order to demonstrate that the
numerical method is stable for problems with a considerably larger
number of degrees of freedom, a very fine mesh with 40 elements,
yielding a total of 80 degrees of freedom, is analysed for compari- Fig. 5. Horizontal load pðtÞ varying as a triangular pulse.
son. The time step size remains unchanged at 0:2h=cs . The corre-
sponding result is included in Fig. 3. The numerical results
obtained with the very fine mesh still agree with the analytical After the displacement unit-impulse response matrix is calcu-
solution very well and no instability is observed. lated, a motion pattern of linearly varying horizontal displacement
and zero vertical displacement is enforced on it, reducing the dis-
placement unit-impulse response matrix to a scalar quantity. The
6.2. In-plane motion of homogeneous layer with constant depth resulting displacement unit-impulse response coefficient is shown
in Fig. 6. Three different time step sizes have been considered. The
In this example, the in-plane motion of a homogeneous layer displacement unit-impulse response coefficient computed using a
subject to a uniformly distributed horizontal load pðt Þ as illustrated relatively large time step size of Dt ¼ 0:05h=cs is stable, but not
in Fig. 4 is examined. The top of the layer is free and the bottom is accurate, as the results converge at Dt ¼ 0:02h=cs . This illustrates
fixed, and h is the depth of the layer. The material properties of the that the choice of time step is governed by accuracy in the pro-
layer are Young’s modulus E ¼ 125 MPa, mass density q ¼ posed method. Stability can be guaranteed as long as the desired
2500 kg=m3 and Poisson’s ratio m ¼ 0:3. The vertical boundary is accuracy is achieved.
discretized using 10 three-node line elements of equal length, The dynamic stiffness matrix ½S1 ðxÞ is then calculated. For any
yielding a total of 40 degrees of freedom. The time dependence of given frequency x, ½S1 ðxÞ can be obtained by solving the alge-
the horizontal load pðtÞ is given as a triangular pulse of maximum braic Riccati Eq. (4). The dynamic stiffness ½S1 ðxÞ is non-dimen-
value P and duration T D , as shown in Fig. 5 for T D ¼ 6cs =h. sionalized by a factor 1=Gh. For the given discretization, ½S1 ðxÞ
The displacement unit-impulse response matrix is first calcu- is a 40  40 matrix. The diagonal term S1;1 ðxÞ and the off-diagonal
lated using the proposed method. Its stability and accuracy are term S1;40 ðxÞ are plotted in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. Here, the
examined. The dynamic stiffness matrix is also calculated for illus- degree of freedom 1 corresponds to the horizontal displacement
tration. Two different load cases corresponding to frequency of the node just above the fixed bottom, whereas the degree of
ranges excluding or including the cut-off frequency, respectively, freedom 40 corresponds to the vertical displacement at the top
are considered. The effect of the cut-off frequency on the calculated of the soil layer. For verification, the dynamic stiffness components
displacement is examined. Finally, the computational effort associ- obtained by applying the inverse Fourier transform to the numer-
ated with the proposed method is investigated. ically obtained displacement unit-impulse response matrix using

Nomalized displacement unit-impulse response

Nomalized displacement unit-impulse response

0.5 4 elements Δt = 0.05h/cs

8 elements 6
Δt = 0.02h/cs
0.4 40 elements
coefficient S(t)*h/cs

Δt = 0.01h/cs
coefficient S(t)*h/cs

0.3 4




-0.1 -2
0 5 10 15 20 0 1 2 3 4 5
Dimensionless me t*cs/h Dimensionless me t*cs /h

Fig. 3. Displacement unit-impulse response coefficient corresponding to prescribed Fig. 6. Displacement unit-impulse response coefficient corresponding to prescribed
linearly varying out-of-plane motion pattern applied to homogeneous soil layer. linearly varying in-plane motion of semi-infinite layer.
X. Chen et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 1–12 7

3.5 1

By solving Ricca Equaon

Imaginary part of one diagonal term

Real part of one diagonal term of

3 By inverse FFT

of [S∞(ω)]/Gh



2 By solving Ricca Equaon

By inverse FFT

1.5 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Dimensionless frequency a0=ωcs/h Dimensionless frequency a0=ωcs/h
(a) Real part (b) Imaginary part

Fig. 7. Diagonal term S1;1 of dynamic stiffness matrix ½S1 ðxÞ of homogeneous semi-infinite layer.

0.06 0.08

By solving Ricca Equaon By solving Ricca Equaon

Real part of one off-diagonal term of

Imaginary part of one off-diagonal

By inverse FFT By inverse FFT
0 term of [S∞(ω)]/Gh

-0.02 0.02

-0.04 0

-0.1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Dimensionless frequency a0=ωcs/h
Dimensionless frequency a0=ωcs/h
(b) Imaginary part
(a) Real part

Fig. 8. Off-diagonal term S1;40 of dynamic stiffness matrix ½S1 ðxÞ of homogeneous semi-infinite layer.

Dt ¼ 0:02h=cs is also computed and included in Figs. 7 and 8. Excel- oscillation corresponds to propagating modes, which are excited
lent agreement can be observed, confirming the accuracy of the beyond the cut-off frequency and which decay very slowly. This
proposed method. study thus demonstrates, that the proposed method is suitable
The cut-off frequency of the shear wave in a homogeneous layer for modelling both evanescent and propagating modes of semi-
is p2 cs =h [57,58]. This is confirmed in Figs. 7 and 8, which show that infinite layered systems.
the imaginary part of ½S1 ðxÞ is zero below a0 ¼ p2 . When a uni- The choice and effect of a truncation time are studied. A crite-
formly distributed triangular pulse is applied on the vertical rion for the choice of the truncation time has been discussed in
boundary of the layer, two different durations, T D ¼ 6h=cs and Ref. [59]. As the displacement unit-impulse response matrix is
T D ¼ 8h=cs , are considered. The Fourier transforms of both pulses decaying to zero, a tolerance parameter 0 tol0 is prescribed and the
are shown in Fig. 9. The dimensionless frequency range of interest normalised Frobenius norm F ðtÞ=F ð0Þ of the displacement unit-
of the pulse of duration T D ¼ 6h=cs is 2 6 a0 6 þ2. This frequency impulse response matrix is calculated for each point in time, where
range includes the cut-off frequency. The dimensionless frequency
range of the longer pulse of duration T D ¼ 8h=cs is approximately !12
X n 
n X
1:5 6 a0 6 þ1:5, and thus below the cut-off frequency.   2

The horizontal displacement of the top left corner of the layer F ðt Þ ¼ S1

r ðt Þ ij : ð44Þ
i¼1 j¼1
due to the triangular pulse is calculated. In order to verify the
result, the displacement is also calculated in the frequency domain If F ðtÞ=F ð0Þ 5 tol is satisfied, the corresponding time is the trun-
and transformed to the time domain by applying the inverse Fou- cation time T 0 . The proof of the applicability of this criterion can be
rier transform. Results are shown in Fig. 10, where the labels ‘‘by found in [59]. Fig. 11 shows the normalised Frobenius norm of the
convolution’’ and ‘‘by inverse FFT’’ refer to the proposed method displacement unit-impulse response matrix of the semi-infinite
and the reference solution, respectively. Excellent agreement is layer considered in this example versus the dimensionless time.
observed confirming the correct formulation and implementation A truncation time of T 0 ¼ 5h=cs is obtained, if the tolerance is cho-
of the proposed time domain formulation. If the frequency range sen as 0 tol0 = 0.001. The horizontal displacement ux of the top left
of the loading does not include the cut-off frequency of the layer, corner of the layer subject to the triangular pulse described
no further oscillation is observed in the displacement solution after earlier is calculated using this truncation time, and compared to
the initial amplification. On the contrary, the layer will continue to the solution obtained without truncating the displacement unit-
oscillate, indicating a certain amount of resonance, if the frequency impulse response in Figs. 12 and 13 for T D ¼ 6h=cs and T D ¼
range of the loading includes the cut-off frequency. This ongoing 8h=cs , respectively.
8 X. Chen et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 1–12

(a) TD = 6h/cs (b) TD = 8h/cs

Fig. 9. Dimensionless Fourier transform of triangular pulse of duration T D .

1 0.8
Above the cut-off frequency, by convoluon
0.8 Above the cut-off frequency, by inverse FFT No truncaon
Horizontal displacment ux*E/P

Below cut-off frequency, by convoluon

Horizontal displacement ux*E/P

0.6 Below cut-off frequency, by inverse FFT



-0.4 0 10 20 30 40
0 5 10 15 20 Dimensionless me t*cs/h
Dimensionless me t*cs/h
Fig. 12. Horizontal displacement due to the triangular pulse of duration 6h=cs .
Fig. 10. Horizontal displacement ux at the top of the semi-infinite soil layer due to
uniformly distributed triangular pulse of duration T D .


0 No truncaon
the displacement unit−impulse respons matrix

0.6 T'=2h/cs
Horizontal displacment ux*E/P

Nomalized Frobenius norm of



0 5 10 15 20
10 Dimensionless me t*cs/h
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Dimensionless time tc /h
s Fig. 13. Horizontal displacement due to the triangular pulse of duration 8h=cs .

Fig. 11. Normalised Frobenius norm of the displacement unit-impulse response

matrix of semi-infinite layer.
Truncating earlier at T 0 ¼ 2h=cs only slightly affects the accuracy
of the results. If the frequency range of the load includes the cut-
For the triangular pulse of duration T D ¼ 8h=cs , i.e. with a fre- off frequency, however, the truncation may cause a considerable
quency range below the cut-off frequency, the results obtained error at late times, as can be seen in Fig. 12 for T 0 ¼ 5h=cs . Here,
truncating the displacement unit-impulse response at T 0 ¼ 5h=cs the error caused by the truncation is magnified and accumulated
agree very well with solution computed without any truncation. during the ongoing oscillation phase, after the initial pulse has
X. Chen et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 1–12 9

been applied. Therefore, a later truncation time should be chosen. two foundations. The scaling centre of each bounded rectangular
Reducing the acceptable tolerance to 0:0001, which corresponds to subdomain is located at the centre of the corresponding rectangle.
increasing the truncation time to T 0 ¼ 25h=cs , leads to a signifi- The dynamic stiffness matrix of each rectangular bounded domain
cantly better agreement between the two displacement solutions. is expanded into a series of continued fractions, which corresponds
It is worth noting, that the oscillation lasts for a very long time, to an equation of motion with high-order mass and stiffness matri-
since material damping is not considered in this example. If the ces, which can be assembled in a global time-domain formulation.
total time of interest is longer, the displacement unit-impulse The boundaries of all bounded subdomains as well as the vertical
response may have to be truncated later. The material damping, boundaries of the two unbounded domains are discretized using
which always exists in reality, will lead to a faster decay of the three-node line elements of equal length of 0:05h.
oscillation. Thus, the displacement unit-impulse response matrix The interaction of the two foundations through the soil is stud-
can be truncated earlier. The effect of damping will be discussed ied. A uniformly distributed load varying as a triangular pulse as
in Section 6.3. shown in Fig. 5 is applied to the top of the left foundation (active
Finally, the total CPU time is recorded versus the (dimension- foundation). The resulting vertical displacement at the centre of
less) time range of interest, and shown in Fig. 14. The CPU time cor- the top surface of the right foundation (passive foundation) is cal-
responding to the original algorithm [5] based on the acceleration culated. First, the effect of the distance between the two founda-
unit-impulse response matrix is also given for comparison. In gen- tions is studied. Then, the ratio of the shear moduli of the two
eral, the proposed algorithm leads to reduced computational effort, sublayers is varied. Finally, material damping in the soil will be
since bigger time steps can be used in calculating the displacement considered.
unit-impulse response matrix as well as in evaluating the time
integration. If no truncation is applied, the computational effort 6.3.1. Effect of the distance between the two foundations
is proportional to the square of the number of time-steps. Truncat- For the purpose of examining the influence of the distance
ing the displacement unit-impulse response leads to a further sig- between the two foundations, three different distances d ¼ 2h; 3h
nificant reduction in CPU time, since the effort only grows linearly and 4h are considered. The ratio of the shear moduli of the two soil
after the truncation time. sublayers is G2 =G1 ¼ 1:5. For b ¼ 2h, the system is also analysed
using an extended finite element mesh. Here, a system of total
6.3. Two strip foundations embedded in piecewise homogeneous soil length 25h is modelled, so that for the time duration of 10h=cs ,
layer the longitudinal wave will not reach the boundary of the extended
mesh. Eight-node quadrilateral elements of uniform size
In this example, two strip foundations of rectangular shape 0:05h  0:05h are used in the FE mesh, resulting in a total of
embedded in a piecewise homogeneous layered system are 17,200 elements. The vertical displacement at the centre of the
addressed (Fig. 15). The depth of each sublayer is h=2. The shear top surface of the passive foundation is plotted in Fig. 17. The
moduli of sublayers 1 and 2 are G1 ¼ 75 MPa and G2 ¼ 1:5G1 , results obtained using the proposed method agree very well with
respectively. Both sublayers have the same mass density the displacements computed using the extended mesh, confirming
q ¼ 2000 kg=m3 and Poisson’s ratio m ¼ 0:3. The material proper- the accuracy of the scaled boundary finite element approach for
ties of the foundations are Gf ¼ 0:8 GPa; qf ¼ 2500 kg=m3 and layered media.
mf ¼ 0:25. The total depth of the system is h ¼ 8 m. In Fig. 17, it is observed that increasing the distance between
The system is split into the near field comprising the two foun- the two foundations leads to a significant reduction of the initial
dations and the soil between and below the foundations, and two displacement amplitude. This initial peak corresponds to the
semi-infinite layered domains extending towards infinity to the instantaneous response to the applied load. It is the smaller, the
left and right, respectively. The near field is modelled using the further the wave propagates. The later oscillatory behaviour of
scaled boundary finite element method for bounded domains the displacement corresponds to the lingering response. It is only
[52]. To this end, it is further decomposed into rectangular subdo- slightly affected by the distance between the two foundations.
mains as indicated in Fig. 16 for the case d ¼ h. In Fig. 16 subdo-
main 1 and subdomain 8 correspond to the two foundations. In 6.3.2. Effect of different material properties
the following study, the distance d between the two foundations Now, the distance between the two foundations is fixed to
will be varied, where d can assume integer multiples of h. For d ¼ 2h, while three different ratios of the shear moduli
d P 2h, similar subdomains are added to the area between the G2 =G1 ¼ 2; 1:5 and 1 are considered. Since the mass density and
Poisson’s ratio of the two sublayers are constant, the ratio of shear
moduli is directly related to the ratio of wave velocities,
200 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
c2 =c1 ¼ G2 =G1 . The vertical displacement of the passive founda-
Original algorithm tion is plotted in Fig. 18. It can be seen that, increasing the ratio
160 Full Convoluon G2 =G1 , leads to a significant reduction of both the instantaneous
Truncate at 25h/cs and lingering response.
Truncate at 5h/cs
CPU Time (in sec)

6.3.3. Effect of damping
Material damping is considered in this section. The distance
80 between the two foundations is d ¼ 2h and the ratio of the shear
60 moduli of the two soil sublayers is G2 =G1 ¼ 1:5. Damping ratios
of f ¼ 2% and 5% are considered. For simplicity, the same damping
ratio is assumed for the foundations and the soil. The exterior
mass-proportional damping model described in Section 5 is
0 applied to both the bounded near field and the semi-infinite soil
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Dimensionless me t*cs/b layers. The equation of motion of the near field is established using
the continued fraction expansion of the dynamic stiffness matrix
Fig. 14. CPU time required for calculation against dimensionless time. proposed in [52]. In the frequency domain, it is expressed as
10 X. Chen et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 1–12

Fig. 15. Two strip foundations embedded in piecewise homogeneous soil layer.

½K h  þ ðixÞ ½M h  fyg ¼ ff g; ð45Þ

where ½K h  and ½Mh  are high-order stiffness and mass matrices. The
symbols fyg and ff g denote the extended displacement vector and
force vector, respectively. Note that fyg contains all degrees of free-
dom of the near field as well as additional internal variables. Substi-
tuting ix by ðix þ fÞ, and applying the inverse Fourier transform to
Eq. (45) results in
€ðt Þg þ 2f½M h fy_ ðt Þg þ ½K h  þ f2 ½Mh  fyðt Þg ¼ ff ðtÞg;
½M h fy ð46Þ

Eq. (46) can be coupled with the interaction force–displacement

Fig. 16. Decomposition of the near field into subdomains for d ¼ h. relationship obtained from the unbounded domain as explained in
Section 4.
The displacement unit-impulse response of the two semi-infi-
0.15 nite layers, including the damping, is calculated according to Sec-
Vercal displacement of the centre of the passive

d=2h tion 5. The time step size for the time discretization of the
d=2h, extended mesh displacement unit-impulse presponse
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi matrix is chosen as
d=3h Dt ¼ 0:02h=cs1 , where cs1 ¼ G1 =q. The normalised Frobenius
norm of the displacement unit-impulse response is plotted in
foundaon u*E1/P

Fig. (19) for varying damping ratios, f ¼ 0; 0:02 and 0:05, respec-
tively. As f decreases, the normalised Frobenius norm is approach-
ing the undamped case. Fig. 19 also shows that, when damping is
included, the displacement unit-impulse response can be trun-
cated earlier for any given tolerance. In Section 6.2, it has been
shown that the truncation time for the undamped model should
be chosen as T 0 ¼ 25h=cs1 in order to achieve a tolerance of 104 ,
if the frequency content of the load contains the cut-off frequency.
0 10 20 30 40 50 For the same tolerance of 104 , the corresponding truncation times
Dimensionless me t*cs1/h of the damped models are T 0 ¼ 13:5h=cs1 and T 0 ¼ 10h=cs1 for
f ¼ 0:02 and f ¼ 0:05, respectively.
Fig. 17. Vertical displacement at the top centre of the passive foundation due to Fig. 20 shows the effect of the truncation time on the vertical
uniformly distributed triangular pulse acting on the active foundation. Influence of
displacement of the passive foundation for f ¼ 0:02. Good agree-
the distance d between foundations.
ment of the results obtained with or without truncating the dis-
placement unit-impulse response is observed. The effect of

Vercal displacement of the centre of the passive

G2/G1 = 1 10

0.15 G2/G1 = 1.5 Undamped

Damped, ζ=0.02
G2/G1 = 2 −1 Damped, ζ=0.05
Normalized Frobenius norm
foundaon u*E1/P

0 10 20 30 40 50 10
Dimensionless me t*cs1/h 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Dimensionless time tc /h
Fig. 18. Vertical displacement at the top centre of the passive foundation due to
uniformly distributed triangular pulse acting on the active foundation. Influence of Fig. 19. Normalised Frobenius norm of the displacement unit-impulse response
ratio of shear moduli of the two sublayers. matrix of one piecewise homogeneous soil layer.
X. Chen et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 1–12 11

0.15 including damping can be solved with high accuracy and in a

Vercal displacement of the center of the passive

highly efficient manner. Further work on extending the proposed

method to three-dimensional soil–structure interaction problems
ζ=2% No truncaon
0.1 is in progress.
ζ=2% T'=13.5h/cs1
foundaon u*E1/P

Conflict of interest
There is no conflict of interest.

0 Acknowledgement

The authors wish to thank Mr. Hauke Gravenkamp for his help
in the computer programming of the dynamic stiffness of layered
0 10 20 30 40 50 media during his visit to the University of New South Wales. His
Dimensionless me t*cs1/h support and suggestions are gratefully acknowledged.
Fig. 20. Vertical displacement at the top centre of the passive foundation due to
uniformly distributed triangular pulse acting on the active foundation. Effect of the References
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