Barberis Et Al 2023 Tank Bromeliads As A Water Reservoir Used by Humans An Important Overlooked Ecosystem Service in

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Journal of Ethnobiology
Tank Bromeliads as a Water Reservoir Used © The Author(s) 2023
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by Humans: An Important Overlooked
DOI: 10.1177/02780771231209131

Ecosystem Service in Xerophytic Forests

Ignacio M. Barberis1,2, Rodrigo M. Freire1, and Guillermo A. Montero1,2

The Bromeliaceae are known for providing numerous ecosystem services. Tank bromeliads that collect water in the bases of their
leaves have been an important source of water for people in semiarid regions such as the Gran Chaco. In this large area charac-
terized by xerophytic vegetation grows Aechmea distichantha, the only Chaquenian terrestrial tank bromeliad. We carried out a
literature review on water consumption from this tank bromeliad by people in this region. Then, we analyzed the variations in
the amount of water stored in the tanks of plants from observational studies as well as the effects of the amount and frequency
of water addition on the hydrology of water retained in the tank from an irrigation experiment study. We found 85 reports on the
consumption of water from A. distichantha plants by people, including several Indigenous Groups, Criollos, and Soldiers. According
to these reports, the tank accumulates about a liter of relatively fresh and clear water that lasts for several weeks. Our observa-
tional study showed a large variation in the amount of water held in the tank among years and sites, and our irrigation experiment
showed that even plants receiving low and unevenly distributed rainfall conserved some water in their tanks. All these results sup-
port the importance of this tank bromeliad for surviving when moving in Eastern Chaco during dry periods until the beginning of the
twentieth century. At present, it seems that people living in sedentarism no longer frequently use it for water provision, highlighting
that the relative importance of a plant species for providing ecosystem services depends on the historical context.

ecosystem services, Gran Chaco, Indigenous Groups, tank bromeliads, water consumption

Introduction Arenas 2004; Lévi-Strauss 1952; Villa Guzmán 2007).

However, there seems to be no detailed study on the importance
The Bromeliaceae is one of the most diverse plant families in of these bromeliads as a source of water for consumption,
the Neotropics (Zizka et al. 2020), comprising epiphytic and which would be particularly important in arid or semiarid
terrestrial herbaceous species that inhabit different ecoregions regions such as the Cerrado (Ratter, Ribeiro and Bridgewater
from tropical rainforests to open shrublands and restingas 1997), the Caatingas (Bucher 1982), or the Gran Chaco
(Benzing 2000). Among the Bromeliaceae, the tank bromeliads (Bucher 1982; Morello et al. 2012; Ragonese and Castiglioni
stand out, as they are a group of facultative epiphytic plants that 1970). Moreover, changes in land use produced in most of
may typically collect 100–500 ml of water in the tank formed these dry regions during the last two centuries (Morello,
by the bases of their leaves (Benzing 2000; Zotz et al. 2020). Pengue and Rodríguez 2006) possibly condition the use of
Their ability to hold water in their tanks allows large amounts tank bromeliads as a water reservoir.
of water to accumulate at the ground level and in the canopy The Gran Chaco is a plain that covers a large area in central
of neotropical forest canopies (Hargis et al. 2019; Zotz et al. South America, whose subtropical semiarid to humid climate
2020), and in open areas (Cogliatti-Carvalho et al. 2010). with strong seasonality conditions the vegetation characterized
Thus, the presence of tank bromeliads in these habitats affects by xerophytic woody communities (Bucher 1982; Prado 1993;
water and nutrient cycling (Benzing 2000; Martinson et al.
2010; Pereira et al. 2022; Zotz 2016), as well as animal biodi-
versity (Freire et al. 2021; Rocha et al. 2000). Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Zavalla, Santa
Bromeliads are known for providing numerous ecosystem Fe, Argentina
Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Agrarias de Rosario, Consejo
services to people (Ladino et al. 2019), being used as a Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Universidad Nacional de
source of fiber, food, fuel, medicine, living fences, etc. Rosario, Zavalla, Santa Fe, Argentina
(Arenas 1997a; Arenas and Arroyo 1988; Bennett 2000).
Corresponding Author:
Regarding tank bromeliads, there are some reports of Ignacio M. Barberis, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de
Indigenous Groups that relieve their thirst by drinking the Rosario, Zavalla, Santa Fe, Argentina.
water held inside their tanks (Albuquerque et al. 2017; Email:
2 Journal of Ethnobiology 0(0)

Ragonese and Castiglioni 1970; Tomasini and Braunstein Online Library, Taylor and Francis Online, JSTOR, Google
2006). In the understory of most of these xerophytic forests, Scholar®, and Google Books® platforms. The search included
there are large colonies of different terrestrial bromeliad scientific articles, books, book chapters, and reports and consid-
species (Barberis et al. 2014; Martínez Crovetto 1980) that ered combinations of the following three terms in different lan-
provide numerous ecosystem services to people (Arenas guages: (1) the Chaquenian region (i.e., “Chaco,” “chaque*”) +
1997a, 2004; Arenas and Arroyo 1988). In the Eastern Chaco, (2) the bromeliad plant by its common names (i.e., “caraguatá,”
where the rainfalls are higher and seasonality lower than in the “karaguatá,” “chaguar,” “cardo chuza,” “bromeliad tank,” or
Western Chaco, grows Aechmea distichantha, the only “tank bromeliad”) or its scientific names (“Aechmea distichan-
Chaquenian terrestrial tank bromeliad (Barberis et al. 2021). tha,” “Aechmea polystachya,” or “Platyaechmea distichantha”)
This tank bromeliad species shows high phenotypic plasticity, + (3) water in different languages (i.e., “water,” “agua,” “eau,”
leading to differences in biomass allocation, and thus contrasting “wasser,” “vatten,” “acqua,” or “vand”).
differences in their water-holding capacity depending on For each retrieved reference, we copied the paragraphs or
growing conditions (Cavallero, López and Barberis 2009). sentences mentioning the consumption of water from this
Plants growing in the understory have smaller tanks than those tank bromeliad, translated if it was not written in English,
growing under sunlight (Cavallero, López and Barberis 2009; and recorded their pages. We classified the chronicler as
Montero, Feruglio and Barberis 2010). “Explorers—naturalists,” “Ethnographers,” “Writers,” or
In the tank of A. distichantha plants present in the Gran “Historians,” and the actors as “Indigenous Groups,”
Chaco, rainwater is conserved for a long time, throughout the “Travelers,” “Criollos” (i.e., hunters, loggers, honey-keepers,
dry season (i.e., from April to September–October) or during and workers), or “Soldiers.” Finally, we classified the
some long dry periods in the wet season (i.e., from October Indigenous Groups according to their linguistic family and eth-
to March), when most natural sources of water (i.e., rivers, nicity (sensu Arenas 1997b; Braunstein 2005; Martínez
streams, and ponds) are completely dry or have only a thick Sarasola 2013).
crust of salt (Morello and Adámoli 1974). Thus, this water res-
ervoir has been used by different Indigenous Groups (Martínez
Sociocultural and Environmental Context
Crovetto 1964, 1965; Métraux 1944; Page 1889), by Travelers
(Fiebrig and Rojas 1933), Criollos (Schulz 1963), as well as by For centuries, the entire Chaco region was dominated by
Soldiers (Breithoff 2020) during dry periods. To understand the numerous Indigenous Groups organized in seminomadic
importance of A. distichantha plants as water reservoirs for bands that moved across a vast territory, whose main subsis-
people from the Gran Chaco we performed a study that com- tence activities were hunting, fishing, honey collecting, and
bines information from different sources. First, we carried out fruit and fiber harvesting (Hirsch, Canova and Biocca 2021).
a literature review on water consumption from the tank of In the last two centuries, there have been large changes in
this bromeliad species by people in this region, classifying who owned the land, as well as in the use that is given to it.
the retrieved records according to the chroniclers and the The integration of this large area into the present political
actors involved. From these reports, we extracted information nations (Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Brazil) was a long
about how the people obtained the water from the plant, the and controversial process that differed among regions of the
quantity and quality of the water stored in the tank, and how Gran Chaco (Arenas 2022).
long the water keeps stored in the tank. Second, we used our In Western Chaco, at the beginning of the nineteenth century,
information from related studies (Freire 2018; Montero, the Criollos, descendants of the first Spanish settlers that mixed
Feruglio and Barberis 2010; Srivastava et al. 2020) to with native people, went in and out of the frontier controlled by
analyze: (1) the variations in the amount of water stored in the Indigenous Groups to collect honey and wax. At the end of
the tanks of A. distichantha plants grown under sun and the nineteenth century, these Criollos started to raise cattle in
shade conditions in a xerophytic Chaco forest from 13 observa- the grasslands present in ancient river beds, and by the beginning
tional studies carried out in different seasons, years, and sites; of the twentieth century, they moved eastward as these grass-
and (2) the effects of the amount and frequency of water addi- lands disappeared due to overexploitation (Arenas 2022). At
tion on the hydrology and temperature of water retained in the present, these Criollos form a society of herdsmen that lives on
tank from an irrigation experiment study. Finally, we contrasted the coasts of the Pilcomayo and Bermejo rivers, sharing the
the information from the literature review with the results of our area with hunter-gatherer Indigenous Groups (Scarpa 2004).
observational and experimental studies. By the beginning of the twentieth century, a large area of
forests in the western area of this Chaco region was replaced
by sugarcane plantations owned by a few sugar mill companies,
Materials and Methods where Indigenous Groups from the lowlands and highlands of
Bolivia were recruited as temporal workers (Hirsch, Canova
Literature Review
and Biocca 2021).
We carried out an exhaustive bibliographic search on different In Northern Chaco, at the end of the nineteenth century, the
search engines: Scielo, Science Direct, Springer Link, Wiley Republic of Paraguay sold public lands from the Chaco territory
Barberis et al. 3

to foreign companies to obtain funds to recover from the eco- Studied Bromeliad Species
nomic crisis caused by the Triple Alliance War. These
foreign companies exploited the forest for timber and tannin, Aechmea distichantha is a facultative epiphytic tank bromeliad
as well as for cattle production (Arenas 2022). The (Type III sensu Benzing 2000; CAM tank-epiphytic bromeliad
Indigenous Groups living in the area were evicted or hired to sensu Males and Griffiths 2017) that shows a wide distribution
work as axe men or in the tannin industry. At the beginning in mid-latitudes of South America (Barberis et al. 2021; Godoy
of the twentieth century, set up the conflict between Bolivia et al. 2023; Smith and Downs 1979). In the Amazonian domain,
and Paraguay for the Chaco territory, which ended in the characterized by evergreen tropical and subtropical forests with
Chaco War (1932–1935). During this period the Indigenous high precipitation, it mainly grows as epiphytic. In the
Groups were forced to move to other areas or to help one of Chaquenian domain, dominated by xerophytic forests with
the armies. The soldiers of both countries suffered from the low rainfall, high soil pH, and base saturation, it mainly
inhospitable climate and environment of the Chaco, many of grows as terrestrial, whereas in the Seasonally Dry Tropical
them dying because of thirst (Breithoff 2020). At the beginning Forest domain, the three life forms were recorded in similar pro-
of the Chaco War, groups of Mennonites from North America portions (Alvarez Arnesi, Barberis and Vesprini 2018; Barberis
and Europe settled in the Paraguayan Chaco. These Mennonites et al. 2021).
colonies are currently some of the most developed farmers One of the main woody communities of the Humid Chaco is
(Arenas 2022). the Schinopsis balansae forest (i.e., the “quebrachal”), an open
In Southern Chaco, at the end of the nineteenth century, the xerophytic forest with woody vegetation on convex areas and
Argentinian government used the Army to get by force the grassy clearings of different sizes on plain areas (Barberis,
lands originally occupied by Indigenous Groups. These lands Pire and Lewis 1998, 2002; Lewis 1991; Lewis, Pire and
were sold to foreign companies for the extraction of wood, Barberis 1997). In these xerophytic forests, A. distichantha
and cattle ranching (Hirsch, Canova and Biocca 2021). forms dense colonies in the understory of the convex areas
Criollos and Indigenous Groups were hired as axe men for (Barberis and Lewis 2005; Barberis et al. 2014). Plants
wood extraction and tannin making use of forests. By the growing in the understory of the convex areas (i.e., shade
middle of the twentieth century, the provincial states promoted plants) have longer leaves, with a high proportion of blades,
the establishment of numerous agricultural colonies (Ministerio while plants growing on the edge of the convex areas or at
de Agricultura y Ganadería de la Provincia de Santa Fe 1971). the foot of large trees in open areas (i.e., sun plants) have
Therefore, the land use changes of the Gran Chaco during shorter leaves with a high proportion of sheath, and thus
the last two centuries could be summarized as follows. larger water tanks (see Figure S1 in Appendix S2; Cavallero,
During the first period, characterized by using natural resources López and Barberis 2009). It reproduces sexually and asexually
from grasslands and forests, the main actors in all regions were (Barberis et al. 2020; Freire, Barberis and Vesprini 2018).
the hunter-gatherer Indigenous Groups that moved in a semino- Shade plants are heavier, have longer rachis, more spikelets,
madic way and the cattle-herder Criollos (Morello, Pengue and a higher number of fruits per spikelet, and a higher number
Rodríguez 2006). By the end of the nineteenth century, a large of seeds per fruit than those from sun plants (Freire, Barberis
portion of land was occupied by large companies that exploited and Vesprini 2018). In the tank formed between the leaf
the forests for timber and tannin extraction and/or cattle raising, bases, water, and organic matter accumulate (Barberis,
when the Indigenous Groups and Criollos were hired as axe Boccanelli and Alzugaray 2011; Cavallero, López and
men or workers. At this time, Aechmea distichantha was Barberis 2009), and numerous invertebrates live (Freire et al.
found in the understory of different woody communities 2021; Montero, Feruglio and Barberis 2010).
throughout its entire range distribution (Barberis et al. 2021)
and provided numerous ecosystem services (e.g., drinking Field Sampling: Water and Organic Matter Held in
water for humans and cattle, food, medicine, ornamental) to
Tanks of A. distichantha
people (Arenas 2004; Appendix S1). During the second
period, the entire Chaco region was affected by a large replace- We carried out 13 trips to the Humid Chaco in Argentina (9 in
ment of forest cover by agriculture (soybean) or pastures for Santa Fe, 2 in Chaco, and 2 in Formosa provinces) (see Tables
cattle production (Baumann et al. 2017; Fehlenberg et al. S1 and S2 in Appendix S2). At each trip, we collected between
2017). Thus, at present, the owners of the land are mainly 5 and 10 medium-sized to large-sized terrestrial plants of A. dis-
cattle ranchers and agricultural farmers, forcing many tichantha in different habitats (shade vs. sun) of the quebrachal
Indigenous Groups and Criollos to work for them or to live (N = 140). We removed each selected plant and measured the
in small villages or marginal spaces in urban towns and cities water retained inside the tank with a graduated cylinder (see
depending for survival on intermittent wage labor (Hirsch, Figure S2 in Appendix S2). At the biological station, we
Canova and Biocca 2021). At this time, A. distichantha is placed the plants in a bucket and added a known volume of
restricted to the understory of sites not affected by deforesta- water (ml) to fill the tank up to its maximum capacity. We esti-
tion, where it provides ecosystem services to people mated the maximum water content of the tank as the volume of
(Appendix S1). water added minus the amount of water drained into the bucket.
4 Journal of Ethnobiology 0(0)

We removed the organic matter accumulated inside each tank, Results

oven-dried this material at 70°C to constant weight, and
weighed it with a precision scale (Scaltec SBA32, max = Literature Review: Use of Water from the
120 g, d = 0.0001 g). A. distichantha Tank by Different Actors
We found information on the consumption of water from
Irrigation Experiment: Variation in the Actual Water A. distichantha plants by people in 85 bibliographic references
(48 books, 31 journal articles, 5 book chapters, and 1 confer-
Volume and Temperature in Tanks of A. distichantha ence proceeding), written in English, Spanish, Italian, French,
Plants German, and Swedish, comprising sites from Argentina,
We carried out an irrigation experiment comprising 30 Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay (see Tables S1 and S2 in
medium-sized to large-sized plants of A. distichantha placed Appendix S4). There were 36 references written by
under individual plastic roofs in a S. balansae forest at “Explorers—naturalists,” 32 by “Ethnographers,” 13 by
Las Gamas, Argentina (−29.55249, −60.39592) for 60 days “Historians,” and 4 by “Writers.” Regarding the actors, 10 ref-
(14th October to 12th December 2013; see Figure S1 in erences mentioned “Criollos,” 43 references cited “Indigenous
Appendix S3). Each plant was subjected to a different watering Groups,” 10 “Soldiers,” and 28 “Travelers.” Some references
schedule based on the unique combination of ten values of the mentioned more than one actor consuming water from the bro-
mean daily amount of rainfall (μ) and three values of the fre- meliad tank or did not mention the actors involved in water con-
quency of rainfall events around this mean through time (k), sumption (see Tables S1-S2 in Appendix S4).
totalizing 30 treatments (Srivastava et al. 2020; See Table S1 The use of water from the tank of A. distichantha has been
in Appendix S3). documented from 1880 to the present, but different stages can
We measured the depth of the water level in the central tank of be identified (Figure 1). From the end of 1880 to 1920, the con-
each plant every day with a ruler (See Figure S1 in Appendix S3). tributions of Explorers and naturalists were important. In con-
Based on these daily data, we produced two hydrological trast, the records of the ethnographers were concentrated in
variables (Srivastava et al. 2020): “Wetness” represents the two important periods, the first from 1910 to 1930 and the
percentage of an average tank that is filled on an average day second from the late 1990s to the present (Figure 1). The first
(i.e., mean water depth/maximum water depth), while the records were mainly on the use made by Travelers who
“Proportion of dried-out days” is the number of times a bro- crossed the area and to a lesser extent on the use made by
meliad dried out over the total number of days. Indigenous Groups (Figure 1). The latter records comprised
We placed a temperature logger (Thermochron iButton −40° the entire period, but an increase was seen in recent years
C thru 85°C, Maxim Integrated, San Jose, CA USA) wrapped in (Figure 1). Explorers and naturalists reported water consump-
a wax film inside the water tank of each plant and set it to tion by all the actors, while ethnographers mainly reported
measure water temperature every hour (see Figure S1 in water consumption by Indigenous Groups, and historians by
Appendix S3). Based on these measurements, we calculated Criollos and Soldiers (Figure 1).
four temperature variables for the water tank (i.e., mean daily
temperature, maximum daily temperature, minimum daily tem-
perature, and daily temperature amplitude).

Data Analyses
We analyzed differences in the maximum water volume of the
tank, the actual water volume of the tank, and the captured
organic matter between shade and sun plants with general
linear mixed models, in which the sampling date was consid-
ered a random factor.
We analyzed the effects of μ, k and their interaction on the
hydrological variables (i.e., proportion of dried-out days and
wetness) with general linear models, and the effects on the tem-
perature variables (i.e., mean daily temperature, maximum
daily temperature, minimum daily temperature, and daily tem-
perature amplitude) with general linear mixed models, in which
Figure 1. Temporal variation of the records by different chroniclers
the plants were considered as random factors. (explorers—naturalists, historians, ethnographers, or writers) on
We performed all the analyses with the function lmer human consumption of water retained in the tank of Aechmea
in the package lme4 in R (Bates et al. 2015; R Core Team distichantha by all actors and by the different actors (Criollos, Soldiers,
2022). indigenous groups, or travelers) from 1880 to the present.
Barberis et al. 5

Figure 2. Distribution of Aechmea distichantha (based on Barberis et al. 2021) (left) and location of the ethnic groups reported consuming
water from the tank of A. distichantha (dotted pattern) and those without records of water consumption (dashed pattern) in the Gran Chaco
(modified from Arenas 1997b).

We found records of water consumption from this tank bro- some actors mention that the water must be filtered because it
meliad that was used by Indigenous Groups of the linguistic contains impurities (see Table S4 in Appendix S4 for details).
families Zamuco (Chamacoco and Ayoreo), Maskoy (Lengua Numerous chroniclers mention that the water contained in
and Angaite), Mataco-Mataguayo (Maká, Chorote), Guaicurú the tank of A. distichantha is kept relatively fresh, clear, pure,
(Toba, Pilagá, Mocoví, Abipones), Lule-Vilela (Vilelas) and and crystalline (see Table S5 in Appendix S4 for details).
Tupí-Guaraní (Guaraníes) (Figure 2, Table 1). We found no However, the leaves and dead insects present inside the tank
ethnobotanical studies on other Indigenous Groups of the could decompose after a while, and the water may acquire an
Maskoy (Sanapaná, Kashkiha or Guaná, and Toba-Maskoy), unpleasant taste and can cause intestinal colic if consumed
Mataco-Mataguayo (Chulupí), or Guaicurú (Caduveo/ (see Table S5 in Appendix S4).
Mbayá), and Tupí-Guaraní (Tapieté) linguistic families men- The rainwater accumulated in the tank is stored for a long
tioning the consumption of water from A. distichantha time, from a few weeks to several months (see Table S6 in
(Figure 2, Table 1). Appendix S4 for details). However, in times of drought, these
According to registered reports, the water accumulated in the tank bromeliads sometimes constitute the only water reservoirs,
tank of A. distichantha varies between 500 ml and slightly more and on certain occasions, the amount of water that can be
than a liter (see Table S3 in Appendix S4 for details). To obtain obtained from these plants is very limited (see Table S6 in
the water contained in the tank, most actors removed the plant, Appendix S4 for details).
made a cut at the base of the leaves, and then, turning it over, let
the water drain over the mouth (see Table S4 in Appendix S4 Field Sampling: Water and Organic Matter Held in
for details). Alternatively, they used a straw to suck up the con-
tents, dug a well in the soil into which they poured water from
Tanks of A. distichantha
various plants and drank the water directly from the well, or The tanks of this bromeliad species may hold from 400 ml to
pour the plant content onto a plastic sheet or a container. As 1000 ml of water, and in a few cases up to almost 2000 ml
the plant has numerous spines, the water extraction procedure (Figure 3). Plants growing in the sun have larger water tanks
can be a painful experience. Thus, some actors cut off the and accumulate a greater volume of water in their tanks,
sharp and pointed leaves before extracting the plants. Finally, whereas those growing in the shade under the canopy of large
6 Journal of Ethnobiology 0(0)

Table 1. Records of Water Consumption from the Tank of Aechmea distichantha by Different Ethnic Groups of the Gran Chaco.

Linguistic family Ethnic group consumption Reference
Zamuco Chamacoco Yes Boggiani (1894), Cordeu (2009), Frič ová (2017)
Ayoreo Yes Bernand-Muñoz and Sebag (2015), Schmeda-Hirschmann (1998)
Maskoy Lengua Yes Arenas (1981), Grubb (1911), von Becker (1941)
Sanapaná – –
Angaite Yes Amarilla (2006)
Kashkiha/Guaná – –
Toba-Maskoy – –
Mataco-Mataguayo Chulupí/Nivakle –
Maká Yes Arenas (1983), Miraglia (1976)
Mataco/Wichí –
Chorote/Manjui Yes Renshaw (2002)
Guaicurú Toba/Qom Yes de Chazal (2017), Kerr (1892), Martínez Crovetto (1964), Martínez,
Beccaglia and Llinares (2014)
Pilagá Yes Aguilar, Ava and Vidal (2000)
Caduveo/Mbayá – –
Mocoví Yes Balducci, Galligani and Sartori (2016), Martínez Crovetto (2014)
Abipones Yes Dobrizhoffer (1967), Furlong Cardiff (1938)
Tupí-Guaraní Chiriguano –
Tapieté –
Arawak Chané-Chiriguanizado –
Lule-Vilela Vilelas/Chunupí Yes Ambrosetti (1894), Martínez Crovetto (1965)

The classifications of the linguistic families and the ethnic groups are based on Arenas (1997b), Braunstein (2005), and Martínez Sarasola (2013).

trees accumulate larger amounts of organic matter (Figure 3; frequency of rainfall events (Figure 5; see Table S3 in
see Table S3 in Appendix S2 for statistical details). There is a Appendix S3 for statistical details). Plants receiving higher
large variation among years and sites in the proportion of the amounts of water had lower maximum water temperatures
maximum water volume held inside the tanks ranging from but similar minimum water temperatures in the tanks, resulting
almost empty to full (Figure 3), but in general, this proportion in lower mean water temperature and temperature amplitude
is higher in sun than in shade plants (Figure 3). than those plants receiving less water (Figure 5).

Irrigation Experiment: Variation in the Actual Water Discussion

Volume in Tanks of A. distichantha Plants
Reports of Water Consumption From the Tanks of A.
Water dynamics in the tank were conditioned by the different
irrigation scenarios (Figure 4). Plants receiving higher
amounts of water and evenly distributed showed higher During the dry spells that occur frequently in the Gran Chaco
wetness and dried out less frequently than those receiving (Tomasini and Braunstein 2006), people survived by using dif-
less water and non-evenly distributed (Figure 4; see Table S2 ferent sources to obtain water (Arenas and Giberti 1993;
in Appendix S3 for statistical details). For a plant receiving a Martínez, Beccaglia and Llinares 2014). Several Indigenous
rainfall schedule similar to the ambient condition (i.e., μ and Groups living throughout the Humid Chaco in Argentina,
k = 1), the tank was on average 40% filled with water and Bolivia, and Paraguay reported water consumption from differ-
almost 40% of the days without water throughout the study ent sources (Arenas 1981; Bernand-Muñoz and Sebag 2015),
period (Figure 4; see Table S2 in Appendix S3 for statistical but also from the tank of A. distichantha (Table 1).
details). Plants receiving a frequent and large amount of rainfall Considering this fact, and based on the abundance and distribu-
(i.e., μ = 3 and k = 2) had always their tanks filled with some tion of this bromeliad species (Adámoli 1973; Barberis et al.
water, whereas plants receiving an infrequent small amount 2021), its ability to store water in its tank for long periods
of rainfall (i.e., μ < 0.4 and k = 0.5), had no water in their (Table S6 in Appendix S3), and the ease to obtain water from
tanks for some days during the study period (Figure 4; see its tank (Table S4 in Appendix S3), we argue that water con-
Table S2 in Appendix S3 for statistical details). sumption from this tank bromeliad was common during dry
The temperature of the water inside the tank was also influ- periods for most Indigenous Groups when living in a
enced by the mean daily amount of rainfall, but not by the nomadic way in the Humid Chaco. This was even likely for
Barberis et al. 7

Figure 3. Amount of water (maximum and actual) and organic Figure 5. Effects of the daily amount of rainfall added to the tank
matter accumulated, and temporal and spatial variation of the (proportional change in μ) on water temperature variables. For μ the
percentage of maximum volume in sun and shade plants of Aechmea ambient condition is represented by 1, where μ is 4.31 mm/day. Each
distichantha at different years (2010, 2012, 2013, 2016) at one site in point corresponds to the daily value of the considered temperature
Santa Fe province (Las Gamas), and at five sites in different provinces variable for the plants for each proportional change in μ.
of the Gran Chaco in Argentina. Sites are arranged from south to
north (LT = Las Toscas in the Santa Fe province; CB = Colonia
Baranda and CS = Capitán Solari in the Chaco province; CP = Colonia Barberis et al. 2021), there are reports from Indigenous
Pastoril and VI = Villa 2–13 in the Formosa province). In the boxplots, Groups of the linguistic families Mataco-Mataguayo (Chorotí
each dot is a plant, the boxes encompass the 25–75% percentiles, the and Mataco/Wichí), Tupí-Guaraní (Chiriguanos), and Arawak
central line is the median, and the whiskers denote the range. (Chané-Chiriguanized) consuming water from other sources
such as holes in the trunk of Ceiba chodatii (Bombacaceae)
(Suárez 2009), from the tubers of Jacaratia corumbensis
(Caricaceae) or the succulent stem and leaves of some cactus
species (Cactaceae) (Arenas and Giberti 1993; Sugiyama,
Mendoza and Quiroz 2020) (see Tables S7 and S8 in
Appendix S3). For the Wichís, an Indigenous Group living
mostly in the Dry Chaco but with some populations dwelling
in the Humid Chaco, there are several reports about using differ-
ent sources of water to quench thirst during dry periods, but no
report about using A. distichantha. It should be considered that
all these reports are from ethnographical studies carried out on
Wichí populations that inhabit the Dry Chaco (Arenas and
Giberti 1993; Suárez 2009; Suárez and Montani 2010).
Figure 4. Effects of the daily amount of rainfall (proportional change The Chaco environment could be very harsh for those who
in μ) and the relative frequency of water added to the tank do not know where to find water during dry spells (Carlini
(proportional change in k) on the wetness and the proportion of Carranza 2021). In the Humid Chaco, besides the
dried-out days of the tank of plants of Aechmea distichantha. For both Indigenous Groups, we also found reports of water consump-
rainfall parameters (μ and k) the ambient condition is represented by tion from the tank of this bromeliad by Travelers passing
1, where μ is 4.31 mm/day, and k = 0.05. Each point corresponds to a through these areas with saline waters (Fiebrig and Rojas
combination of the amount and relative frequency of rainfall applied
to one plant.
1933), by Criollos when thirst plagues them far from any
town (Schulz 1963), as well as by Soldiers when exposed to
extreme thirst (Breithoff 2020). It should be noted at this
those Indigenous Groups living in this area for whom we found point that from the 16th to the twentieth century, in times of
no report about any source of water consumption (Table 1). conquest, colonization, and the wars of subjugation of the
In contrast, in the driest areas of the Gran Chaco, where Indigenous Groups and during the Chaco War (1932–1935)
A. distichantha has not been recorded (Adámoli 1973; between Paraguay and Bolivia, the Soldiers traveled usually
8 Journal of Ethnobiology 0(0)

on foot, and rarely on horseback, thus suffering from lack of Potential Confusion of A. distichantha With Other
water. Many Paraguayan and Bolivian soldiers died of dehy- Bromeliad Species or Other Hydro-Reservoir Plants
dration during the Chaco War despite the presence of numer-
ous A. distichantha plants that retained rainwater in their It should be noted that there are no herbarium collections for
tanks. most bibliographic references mentioning the use of water
The importance of this bromeliad species as a water reser- from A. distichantha. This is because of the large range of the
voir is supported not only by a large number of reports (N = study area, the length of time considered, and the diversity of
85) but also by different sources (i.e., Explorers—naturalists, reporters covered by our bibliographic search. The data from
Ethnographers, Historians, and Writers), and at different botanists or ethnobotanists who worked in the field and col-
periods from the eighteenth century to the present. For instance, lected specimens are plausible, but the data from other chroni-
the stories about Criollos and Indigenous Groups written by clers always cast some doubt. However, we are confident that
novelists (Tables S1 and S2 in Appendix S3) highlight the most references reporting consumption of water from tank bro-
importance of this bromeliad species during the dry periods. meliads in the Gran Chaco region are undoubtedly referring to
A. distichantha, because this is the most frequent tank bro-
meliad, and the only terrestrial one in this area (Barberis et al.
Understanding the Reports of Consumption of the 2021). There are only two other tank bromeliads reported for
Water Retained in the Tank the Gran Chaco geographic region: Billbergia nutans and
Several reports mentioned that the amount of water in the tank Vriesea friburgensis (Kessler 2002; Schinini 2004; Vogt
is about half a liter (Table S3 in Appendix S3). Our results from 2011), and the consumption of water from their tank has been
observational studies support these reports because some plants reported only for the latter epiphytic species (Fiebrig and
could hold from 0.5 to 1.5 liters, and some large bromeliad Rojas 1933). Thus, we consider that the probability of identifi-
plants contained up to 2 liters. Moreover, we found that tank cation errors, at least with this tank bromeliad species, would be
water capacity depends on where the bromeliad is located. A minimal.
higher amount of water is retained in the tanks of medium to For most references, we do not doubt that water was con-
large plants located at the edge of the forest. A similar pattern sumed from the tank of A. distichantha plants, but some refer-
has been observed for A. distichantha in previous studies ences, despite correctly describing the water tank, also
(Cavallero, López and Barberis 2009), as well as for other mentioned some characteristics that corresponded to other bro-
tank bromeliads (Scarano et al. 2002). meliad species (e.g., type of infructescence or fruit color)
There were contrasting reports about the amount and dura- (Dobrizhoffer 1967; Kerr 2015), or mentioned some other
tion of the water inside the tank of A. distichantha plants, uses of this bromeliad species (e.g., utilization of its fiber, the
ranging from a few days to several months (Table S6 in chaguar) (Ambrosetti 1894; Page 1889) (see Appendix S1).
Appendix S3). The amount of water retained inside the tank The reporters could have confused the bromeliad species
of a bromeliad is given by the balance between inputs from because they were not the people consuming the water,
rainfall and outputs from evaporation and transpiration (Zotz because of the difficulty to identify the species, or because
and Thomas 1999). Our observational studies showed that the the report occurred a long time after the observation.
actual water volume is highly variable among sampling dates Finally, some references mentioned the use of water from
and sites, which agrees with the infrequent rainfall regime of the “caraguatá,” but it is not clear whether it was A. distichantha
the Chaco (Tomasini and Braunstein 2006). In addition, our because they mentioned that the liquid accumulated under-
experimental study suggested that only when receiving frequent ground (de Chazal 2017), under its leaves (Furlong Cardiff
rainfall, they will not dry out, which agrees with the comments 1938), or it was obtained by sucking its roots (Breithoff
from several reports that say that sometimes the amount of 2020). In addition, sometimes it is doubtful whether this hap-
water inside the tanks was negligible or did not last for a pened in the Chaco region (de Azara 2010).
long time (Tables S3 and S6 in Appendix S3).
There were also distinct reports about water quality and tem- Potential Decrease at Present in the Frequency of Use of
perature (Table S5 in Appendix S3). Some reports mentioned
A. distichantha as a Water Source and its Implications
that the water inside the tank was kept cold despite high air tem-
perature, which agreed with our experimental study which Our study shows that until 1930, during the period character-
showed that when the tank is full the water keeps cold. Most ized by using natural resources from grasslands and forests
reports described water as pure, but others mentioned that (Morello, Pengue and Rodríguez 2006), water consumption
water could decompose rapidly. Our results showed that up to from the tank of A. distichantha was a usual practice among
58 g of decomposing organic matter (dry weight) could be Indigenous Groups and Criollos that lived in a nomadic way
found in a single plant. In most plants water was pure but on when water availability was scarce in the field. It was so impor-
certain occasions, the water had a nauseating smell, probably tant for surviving in the semiarid climate of the Chaco, that
due to decomposition from a dead vertebrate inside the tank whole families of the Chamacoco Indigenous Group moved
(G. Montero; personal observation). to areas with A. distichantha colonies during the drought
Barberis et al. 9

season (Frič ová 2017). However, at present, in a period charac- occurred in the Caatingas at the end of the nineteenth century
terized by the replacement of resources from natural ecosystems (França 2019). In this dry area, there are at least three tank bro-
to agriculture and cattle ranching (Baumann et al. 2017; meliads that could be used by these people: Aechmea bromelii-
Fehlenberg et al. 2017; Morello, Pengue and Rodríguez folia (Islair et al. 2015), A. aquilega, and A. lingulata (Oliveira,
2006), it appears that people do not usually consume the Prata and Pinto 2018). Likewise, in the dry forests of Oaxaca
water retained in its tank (authors’ personal observation), (Mexico), native people drink the water retained in the tank
although further studies based on ethnobiological methods of epiphytic bromeliads to quench their thirst during fieldwork
(e.g., interviews or questionnaires) are needed to ensure this (Villa Guzmán 2007). These reports of water consumption from
statement. The decrease in the frequency of use of A, distichan- the tank of several bromeliads from different xerophytic forests
tha as a water source could be related to changes in habits from support the results from Aechmea distichantha in the Gran
nomadism to a sedentary lifestyle in Indigenous Groups and Chaco.
Criollos (Rodríguez Mir and Martínez Gandolfi 2020).
Indigenous Groups living in small villages frequently have
access to drinking water (Pacheco and Aragón 2022). Some Conclusions
people have aljibes (i.e., cisterns under the courtyard, where Numerous ecosystem services are provided by bromeliads,
the rainwater from the roofs is collected), whereas others including supporting services, provisioning services, regulating
obtain water from large communal tanks or from tajamares services, and cultural services (Bennett 2000; Ladino et al.
(depressions dug to store rainwater) (von Hoyer and Godoy 2019). However, the importance of water provision by tank
2000). In addition, at present, there are different natural and bromeliads for human survival during dry periods in semiarid
artificial water reservoirs in the field (e.g., tajamares, cattle regions has been overlooked, and, to the best of our knowledge,
tanks), where people can get water during dry periods the present study is the first to highlight this.
(Cabrera et al. 2020; Weiler, Núñez and Silla 2020). The results of our literature survey on water consumption
The practice of removing the A. distichantha plants for con- from a tank bromeliad in a dry area highlight how the relative
suming the water inside their tanks may affect the population importance of a plant species for providing ecosystem services
structure and dynamics of this bromeliad species. In the past, depends on the historical context. Until the end of the nine-
A. distichantha plants, like other terrestrial bromeliads, were teenth century, A. distichantha was the main water resource
considered useful plants because they provided several ecosys- for people moving in the Eastern Gran Chaco to survive
tem services (Arenas 2004; Appendix S1). Even though many during dry periods when most rivers and ponds were dried,
plants were harvested for water consumption, the impacts of while at present, although further studies are needed, it
Indigenous Groups on the population structure and dynamics appears that they are almost not used. Therefore, ethnobotanical
of this bromeliad species could have not been severe, because or interdisciplinary studies are needed to understand whether
they were nomads and their demographic density was lower, this tank bromeliad is still in use as a source of water, as well
so the bromeliad population may have easily recovered by as the supply of other ecosystem services. This information
sexual and asexual reproduction (Barberis et al. 2020; Freire, would be valuable in helping to conserve this ecological key-
Barberis and Vesprini 2018). stone species (Freire et al. 2021).
At present, A. distichantha populations are threatened by the
substitution of forests for agriculture or cattle ranching
(Morello, Pengue and Rodríguez 2006). As this bromeliad
species is considered an ecological keystone species because The authors thank the Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina, for
establishes numerous direct and indirect interactions with providing facilities. IMB is a researcher at CONICET. Funding was
fauna (Freire et al. 2021) and provides many ecosystem services provided by CONICET, Argentina (PUE 22920160100043CO, and
11220170100680-CO) and Universidad Nacional de Rosario
to humans (Appendix S1), the impact of their loss is unknown
(AGR-289 and AGR-290). A research permit was obtained from
and thus should be studied. Administración de Parques Nacionales (Argentina) to collect
Aechmea distichantha plants (Proyecto NEA415). They greatly appre-
Water Consumption From the Tank of Other ciate the constructive comments of Pastor Arenas and an anonymous
reviewer that helped to improve our manuscript.
Bromeliads in Other Neotropical Dry Areas
The use of tank bromeliads for quenching thirst has been Declaration of Conflicting Interests
reported for other dry areas of the Neotropical region
(Gonçalves de Lima 1975 mentioned by Albuquerque et al. The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to
the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
2017; Hoehne 1937; see Table S9 in Appendix S3). It would
have been very important for hunters and Indigenous Groups
in the Caatingas of northeastern Brazil (da Cunha 1980). For Funding
instance, the Sertanejos drank water from the tank of the The author(s) received no financial support for the research, author-
“gravatá” to survive during the war of the Canudos that ship, and/or publication of this article.
10 Journal of Ethnobiology 0(0)

Supplemental Material Barberis, I. M., S. Boccanelli, and C. Alzugaray. 2011. “Terrestrial

Bromeliads as Seed Accumulation Microsites in a Xerophytic
Supplemental material for this article is available online.
Forest of Southern Chaco, Argentina.” Bosque 32: 57–63. https://
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