McCarthyism Had A Significant Impact On US Foreign Policy in The Years 1950 To 1954

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‘McCarthyism had a significant impact on US foreign policy in the years 1950 to 1954.

’ Explain why
you agree or disagree with this view.

Agree Disagree
 McCarthy promoted the idea of a  The US was already in an ideological
communist global plot led by Moscow battle with the USSR as evidenced by
that threatened the US. This the Truman Doctrine and the Berlin
contributed to the growing hostility of Blockade; the escalation in hostility
the US towards the Soviet Union, as after 1949 was down to other factors,
evidenced by the intensification of the such as the USSR gaining the A bomb
ideological war of words; his and the invasion of South Korea by
accusations of communist spies within North Korea
the US government also put pressure  The US was already responding to the
on Truman and Eisenhower to be new global situation, as evidenced by
‘tough’ on communism drawing up NSC 68 and Acheson’s
 McCarthy put a lot of emphasis on the ‘perimeter speech’; these were both
fact that China had been ‘lost’ by the done in 1950 before McCarthy’s ‘witch-
US; this helped to change the US’ hunts’ had gained momentum
original assessment of the Mao  The switch to ‘Asia first’ would have
Zedong’s victory – that it had been taken place without McCarthy, given
inevitable given the support for Mao the concerns raised by the Treaty of
and the corruption of the Nationalists. Friendship between the USSR and
It also meant that the US presidency China and the invasion of South Korea
was put under pressure not to ‘lose’ by North Korea in 1950
any other states to communism and so
Taiwan, for example, needed to be
 McCarthy put pressure on the US
government to shift from containing
communism in Europe to also
containing communism in Asia; this was
known as the ‘Asia first’ view and we
do, indeed, see Truman and then
Eisenhower shifting cold war focus
towards Asia with actions in Korea and
support of Taiwan in 1953, as well as
the establishment of SEATO.

Good answers are likely to stress that McCarthyism played a key role in raising fears of
communism within the US and putting pressure on US Presidents to take a firm stand against the
spread of communism; however, McCarthy was only building on the ‘Red Scare’ which had
already taken place since the Second World War, and it is likely that the actions taken by US
presidents, 1950 to 1954, would have occurred even without the actions of Senator McCarthy

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