Alevel Further Mechanics 1 Solutionbank Combined

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Momentum and impulse 1A

1 (→) :
15 = 0.5v
30 = v
Its initial speed is 30 m s–1

(← ) :
I = mv − mu
1.8 = (0.3 × v) − (0.3 × (−3.5))
1.8 = 0.3v + 1.05
0.75 = 0.3v
v = 2.5 m s −1
The speed of the ball just after it rebounds is 2.5 m s−1

3 Ft = mv − mu
0.4 × 1.5 = 0.2 (v − 0)
0.6 = 0.2v
The speed of the toy car is 3 m s–1

4 (←) :
2 = 0.2(3.5 − (−u ))
10 = 3.5 + u
u = 6.5

The speed of the ball before it hits the wall is 6.5 m s–1

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5 u = 0, a = g , s = 2.5, v = ?
(↓ ) : v 2 = u 2 + 2as
v 2 = 02 + 2 × 9.8 × 2.5
= 49

(↑) : v = 0, a = − g , s = 1.8, u = ?
v 2 = u 2 + 2as
02 = u 2 + 2( −9.8) × 1.8
u 2 = 35.28
u = 5.94

Take upwards as positive.

(↑) : I = 0.2(5.94 − ( −7))

= 2.588

The magnitude of the impulse received by the ball is 2.59 N s (2 d.p.)

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Momentum and impulse 1B
1 Conservation of momentum (→)

(2 × 4) + (1 × 0) = (2 × 2) + (1× v )
8= 4 + v

The speed of Q after the collision is 4 m s–1

2 Conservation of momentum (→)

(4 × 25) + (20 × 0) = 45v

100 = 45v

The common speed of the trucks is m s −1

3 Conservation of momentum ( → )

(0.5 × 5) + (0.2 × 2) = (0.5 × 4) + (0.2 × v)

2.5 + 0.4 = 2.0 + 0.2v
0.9 = 0.2v
4.5 = v

The speed of B after the collision is 4.5 m s–1

4 a Conservation of momentum ( → )

(2 × 4) + (1 × 0) = 3v
8 = 3v

The common speed of the particles after the collision is m s −1

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4 b For the 1 kg particle:

( → ) I = 1× v =

The magnitude of the impulse in the collision is Ns

[Alternatively, for the 2 kg particle:

(←) I = 2(−v − (−4))

= 2(− + 4)
4 8
= 2× = ]
3 3

5 a Conservation of momentum ( → )

(2 × 6) + (5 × (−4)) = (2 × (−1.5)) + 5v
12 − 20 = −3 + 5v
−5 = 5v
v = −1

The speed of B is 1 m s–1 and its direction of motion is unchanged by the collision.

b For A :(←) I = 2(1.5 − ( −6))

= 2 × 7.5
= 15

[or for B :(→ ) I = 5(v − ( −4))

= 5( −1 + 4)
= 15]

The magnitude of the impulse given to B is 15 N s

6 Conservation of momentum ( → )

100u + (150 × 0) = 250 × 4

100u = 1000
u = 10

The value of u is 10.

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7 a

Conservation of momentum ( → )
( 4m × 2u ) + ( 3m × (−2u ) ) = ( 4m × 0 ) + ( 3m × v )
8mu − 6mu = 3mv
2mu = 3mv
The velocity of B after the collision is m s−1 in the opposite direction.

b For A :(←) I = 4m(0 − (−2u ))

= 8mu

The magnitude of the impulse given by A to B is 8mu

[or for B: (→) I = 3m(v − (−2u ))

 2u 
= 3m  + 2u 
 3 
= 2mu + 6mu = 8mu ]

8 Conservation of momentum ( → )

(150 × 4) = (100 × 2u ) + (50 × (−u ))

600 = 200u − 50u
600 = 150u
4= u

The larger has speed 8 m s–1 and the smaller part has speed 4 m s–1

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9 a Conservation of momentum ( → )

 −3u   u
(m × 3u ) + (km × (−u )) =  m ×  +  km × 
 2   2
3mu kmu
3mu − kmu = − +
2 2
6 − 2k = −3 + k
The value of k is 3.

 3u  u 
b For P : (←) I = m  − (−3u )  [or for Q : (→) I = km  − (−u ) 
 2  2 
9mu 3u
= = 3m ×
2 2
= ]
9 mu
The magnitude of the impulse is

10 a For B : ( → )

impulse–momentum principle
6 = 2(v − 0)

The common speed is 3 m s–1

b Conservation of momentum ( → )

4u = 2v + 4v = − 6 × 3 = 18
u = 4.5

[or impulse–momentum principle for A: (→) − 6 = 4(3 − u )

− 1.5 = 3 − u
u = 4.5]

The value of u is 4.5.

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11 a For P : ( ← )

impulse–momentum principle

9 = 3( −1 − ( −u ))
9 = 3( −1 + u )
3 = −1 + u

The speed of P before the collision is 4 m s–1 and it was moving

in the same direction as it was after the collision.

b For Q : ( → )

impulse–momentum principle

9 = 2(1.5 − v)
9 = 3 − 2v
2v = −6
v = −3

[or conservation of momentum ( → )

3u + 2v = (3 ×1) + (2 ×1.5)
12 + 2v = 3 + 3 = 6
2v = −6
v = −3]

The speed of Q before the collision was 3 m s–1 and it was moving
in the opposite direction to its direction after the collision.

12 a Conservation of momentum ( → )

3mu + 1.5m = (3m × 2.5) + (m × 3)

3mu + 1.5m = 7.5m + 3m
3u = 9

The speed of A before the collision is 3 m s–1

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12 b Using the impulse–momentum principle:

for B : ( → )

3 = m (3 − 1.5)

[or for A :(←)

3 = 3m (−2.5 − (−u ))
3 = 3m (−2.5 + 3)
1 = 0.5m
2 = m]

The mass of A is 6 kg.


9mu1 3mu2
P:I = Q:I =
4 2
9mu1 3mu2 2u
= gives u1 = 2
4 2 3

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Momentum and impulse 1C
1 8i − 7 j = 0.25 v − 0.25(12i + 4 j) Use impulse = mv – mu, then make v
the subject of the formula.
8i − 7 j = 0.25 v − 3i − j
∴ 0.25 v = 11i − 6j
v = 44i − 24j
The new velocity is (44i − 24j) m s−1

2 3i + 5 j = 0.5v − 0.5(2i − 2 j) Use impulse = mv – mu (change in

= 0.5v − i + j momentum).
∴ 0.5v = 4i + 4 j
v = 8i + 8 j
The new velocity is (8i + 8j) m s−1

3 4i + 8 j = 2 × (3i + 2 j) − 2u Use impulse = change in momentum.

= 6i + 4 j − 2u
∴ 2u = 6i + 4 j − 4i − 8 j
= 2i − 4 j
u = i − 2j
The original velocity was (i − 2j) m s−1

4 3i − 6 j = 1.5(5i − 8 j) − 1.5u
∴ 1.5u = 7.5i − 12 j − 3i + 6 j
= 4.5i − 6 j
u = 3i − 4 j
The original velocity was (3i − 4j) m s−1

5 Impulse = force × time Use impulse = force × time.

impulse = (6i − 8 j) × 3
= 18i − 24 j
The impulse exerted is (18i −24j) N s
Then use impulse = change in
But impulse = change in momentum momentum = mv – mu.
18i − 24 j = 3( v − (i + j))
18i − 24 j + 3i + 3 j = 3v
∴ 3v = 21i − 21j
v = 7i − 7 j
When the force ceases to act the velocity is (7i – 7j) m s−1

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6 Impulse = force × time Use impulse = force × time.
= (2i − j) × 5
= 10i − 5 j
The impulse exerted is (10i −5j) N s.
Then use impulse = change in
But impulse = change in momentum. momentum = mv – mu.

10i − 5 j = 0.5( v − (5i + 12 j))

10i − 5 j + 2.5i + 6 j = 0.5 v
∴ 0.5 v = 12.5i + j
v = 25i + 2 j
When the force ceases to act the velocity is (25i + 2j) m s−1

7 Impulse = change in momentum Use impulse = mv – mu.

= 2( −i − 3 j) − 2(5i + 3 j)
= −12i − 12 j
The impulse exerted by the wall on the particle is (−12i −12j) N s

8 Impulse = change in momentum

= 0.5 × (−i + 7 j) − 0.5 × (11i − 2 j)
= − 6i + 4.5 j
The impulse exerted by the wall on the particle is (−6i + 4.5j) N s

9 Q = mv − mu Use impulse = change in momentum.

= 3(13i − 6 j) − 3(5i)
= 24i − 18 j
Find the magnitude of Q by using
∴ Q = (24) 2 + (−18)2 Pythagoras’ theorem, and find the
angle between Q and i by using
= 30

Let α be the acute angle between i and Q

tan α =
∴ α = 37° (nearest degree)

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10 Use impulse = change in momentum.

Q = 0.5(3i − 4 j) − 0.5(−i − 2 j)
= 2i − j
∴ Q = 22 + (−1)2
= 5 = 2.24(3 s.f .)

Let α be the acute angle between Q and i.

tan α =
∴ α = 27 (nearest degree)

11 Impulse = change in momentum

= mv − mu
= 0.5 × ( −16i + 8 j) − 0.5 × (20i − 4 j)
= −8i + 4 j − 10i + 2 j
= −18i + 6 j
∴ Magnitude of the impulse = ( −18) 2 + 6 2 = 6 10
= 19.0 N s (3s.f.)

12 Use impulse = change in momentum

2i + 6 j = 0.2 v − 0.2(−15i )
= 0.2 v + 3i
∴ 0.2 v = 2i + 6 j − 3i
= −i + 6 j
∴ v = −5i + 30 j
The velocity of the ball after the impact is (−5i + 30j) m s−1

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13 v = (t 2 − 3)i + 4t j
When t = 3 let v = u Substitute t = 3 into the expression
for velocity, to find the velocity
u = 6i + 12 j before the impact.

Use impulse = change in momentum

Then 2i + 2 j = 0.25 v − 0.25(6i + 12 j)

∴0.25 v = 2i + 2 j + 0.25(6i + 12 j)
= 3.5i + 5 j
∴ v = 14i + 20 j
The velocity of the particle after the impulse is (14i + 20j) m s−1

14 Use impulse = change in momentum.

2 j = 2 v − 2(i + j)
∴2 v = 2 j + 2(i + j)
= 2i + 4 j
v = i + 2j
Immediately after the impulse the velocity is (i + 2j) m s−1

Find the angle between the

Before impact the velocity direction of the velocity and the
was i + j and so the direction direction i, both before and
of the ball was at an angle α after the impulse.
with i, where
tan α = 11 ,i.e. α = 45°

Then calculate the angle of

After impact the velocity is i + 2j deflection.
and so the direction of the ball
is at an angle β with i, where
tan β = 12 ,i.e. β = 63.4°

∴ The ball is deflected through an angle of 63.4 – 45 ≈ 18° (nearest degree).

15 Let the new velocity be xi Let the new velocity be xi and

use conservation of momentum.
Using conservation of momentum: Equate i components to find x.

(0.5 × 3i) + (0.25 ×12i) = 0.75 xi

1.5i + 3i = 0.75 xi
∴ 0.75 xi = 4.5i
So the velocity of the combined particle is 6i m s–1

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Use conservation of momentum to find
16 Let the new velocity v be xi + yj v, then use Pythagoras’ theorem and
Use conservation of momentum: trigonometry to find |v|

5(i − j) + 2( −i + j) = 7( xi − yj)
5i − 5 j − 2i + 2 j = 7 xi + 7 yj
3i − 3 j = 7 xi + 7 yj

Equate coefficients of i and j to give

7 x = 3 and 7 y = −3
3 3
∴ x = and y = −
7 7
3 3
∴velocity is i − j
7 7
2 2
3  3 3
The magnitude of the velocity v is   +−  = 2
7  7 7


d −b
I = m(c – a)i + m(d – b)j ; tan 45 = = 1; b + c = a + d

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Momentum and impulse Mixed exercise 1
1 a

Using conservation of momentum: (→)

6mu − 4mu = 4mv
After the collision the direction of Q is reversed and its speed is u

b Impulse = change in momentum

I = (3m × 2u ) − 0
= 6mu
The magnitude of the impulse exerted by Q on P is 6mu

2 a v 2 = u 2 + 2as
v 2 = 2 × 10 × 9.8
v = 14 m s −1
The speed of the driver immediately before it hits the pile is 14 m s−1

b Using conservation of momentum: (↓)

1000 × 14 = 1200v
The common speed of the pile and pile driver is m s−1
c First, use F = ma to find the deceleration.

1200 g − 120 000 =1200a

a = − 90.2

v 2 = u 2 + 2as ↓ ( )
 35 
0 =   − 2 × 90.2 × s
Use the common speed found in part b for u.
 3 
s = 0.75m (2 s.f.) 2 s.f. as g = 9.8 has been used.

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2 d The model assumes that the pile driver would not ‘bounce’ upon contact with the pile, i.e. the
particles coalesce. Given that the pile driver is much heavier than the pile, this would be a fair

a u = 18, v = 12, t = 2.4, a = ? You are going to have to use F = ma to find F. So the
v = u + at first step of your solution must be to find a.
12 = 18 + 2.4a
12 − 18
a= = −2.5

F = ma The retarding force is slowing the car down and is

in the negative direction. So, in the positive
− F = 800 × ( −2.5) = −2000 ⇒ F = 2000 direction, the force is –F.

The value of F is 2000.

b u = 18, v = 12, t = 2.4, s = ?

You could use the value of a you found in part a
s=  t
and another formula. Unless it causes you extra
 2  work, it is safer to use the data in the question.

 18 + 12 
=  × 2.4 = 15 × 2.4 = 36
 2 
The distance moved by the car is 36 m

a Conservation of momentum A full formula for the conservation of momentum is

mAuA + mBuB = mAvA + mBvB. In this case the velocity
0.2 × 4 = (0.2 × v ) + (0.3 × 1.5) of B is zero.
0.8 = 0.2v + 0.45
0.8 − 0.45
v= = 1.75

The speed of A after the impact is 1.75 m s–1

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4 b Consider the impulse of B on A It is a common mistake to mix up the particles. The
impulses on the two particles are equal and
I = mv − mu opposite. Finding the magnitude of the impulse, you
= (0.2 × 1.75) − (0.2 × 4) can consider either particle – either would give the
same magnitude. However, you must work on only
= 0.35 − 0.8 = −0.45 one single particle. Here you can work on A or B,
The magnitude of the impulse of B on A but not both.
during the impact is 0.45 N s

a Conservation of linear momentum

2000 ×10 = (2000 × v) + (3000 × 5)

20 000 = 2000v + 15000
20000 − 15000
v= = 2.5

The speed of P immediately after the collision is 2.5 m s−1

b For Q,
To find the magnitude of the impulse you could
consider either the change in momentum of P or
I = mv − mu
the change of momentum of Q. You must not mix
I = (3000 × 5) − (3000 × 0) = 15 000 them up.

The magnitude of the impulse of P on Q is 15 000 N s

You do not know which direction Q will be moving
in after the impact. Mark the unknown velocity as
v m s−1 in the positive direction. After you have
worked out v, the sign of v will tell you the
direction Q is moving in.

a Conservation of momentum

(1.5 × 3) + (2.5 × (−4)) = (1.5 × (−2.5)) + (2.5 × v) The sign of v is negative, so Q is moving in the
4.5 − 10 = −3.75 + 2.5v negative direction. It was moving in the negative
direction before the impact and so its direction has
2.5v = 4.5 − 10 + 3.75 = −1.75 not changed.
v=− = −0.7

The speed of Q immediately after the impact is 0.7 m s−1

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6 b The direction of Q is unchanged.

c For P, I = mv − mu
I = (1.5 × (−2.5)) − (1.5 × 3) = −8.25

The magnitude of the impulse exerted by Q on P is 8.25 N s

After the collision A (of mass m) and B (of mass
km) combine to form a single particle. That
particle will have the mass which is the sum of
the two individual masses, m + km.

Conservation of momentum: (→) The total linear momentum before impact must
equal the total linear momentum after impact.
Particle B is moving in the negative direction
2 before the collision and so it has a negative
(m × 2u ) + (km × (−u )) = (m + km) × u
3 linear momentum.
2 2
2mu − kmu = mu + kmu
3 3
2 2
2mu − mu = kmu + kmu
3 3
4 5
mu = kmu m and u are common factors on both sides of
3 3 the equation and can be cancelled.
4 3 4
k= × =
3 5 5

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8 a
After impact, the sledgehammer and the
metal pin move together. You model the
sledgehammer and pin as a single
particle of mass 12 kg.

Conservation of momentum: ( ↓ )

(10 × 9) + (2 × 0) = 12 × v
v= = 7.5

The speed of the pin immediately after The model given in the question assumes that
impact is 7.5 m s−1 the pin and sledgehammer stay in contact and
move together after impact, before coming to
b rest. Although the question only refers to the
pin, you must consider the pin and the
sledgehammer as moving together, with the
same velocity and the same acceleration,
throughout the motion after the impact.

u = 7.5, v = 0, s = 0.03, a = ?
v 2 = u 2 + 2as
0 2 = 7.52 + (2 × a × 0.03)
a=− = −937.5

Using F = ma:
12 g − R = 12 × ( −937.5)
R = (12 × 9.8) + (12 × 937.5)
= 11 367.6
The value of R is 11 000 (2 s.f.)

c The resistance (R) could be modelled as varying with speed.

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9 Impulse = change in momentum
= 0.5(23i + 20 j) − 0.5(−25i)
= (24i + 10 j) N s

∴ Magnitude of the impulse = 242 + 102 N s

= 26 N s

Angle between the impulse and the

direction i is α where

tan α =
∴ α = 23° (nearest degree)

10 Let velocity before being hit be u m s−1

impulse = change in momentum

2.4i + 3.6 j = 0.2(12i + 5 j) − 0.2u

0.2u = 2.4i + j − 2.4i − 3.6 j
= −2.6 j
∴ u = −13j
The velocity of the ball immediately before it is hit is –13j m s−1

11 Let the velocity of Q after the collision be v m s−1

Use conservation of momentum:

4(2i + 16 j) + 3(−i − 8 j) = 4(−4i − 32 j) + 3v

5i + 40 j = −16i − 128 j + 3v
3v = 21i + 168 j
v = 7i + 56 j
The velocity of Q immediately after the collision is (7i + 56j) m s−1

12 a r = (t 3 + t 2 + 4t )i + (11t ) j
Differentiate displacement vector to give
∴ v = rɺ = (3t 2 + 2t + 4)i + 11j the velocity vector.

When t = 4, v = (60)i + 11j

v = 60 2 + 112
= 61
∴ The speed of P when t = 4 is 61 m s−1

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12 b Let the velocity immediately after the impulse be V m s−1

Then as impulse = change in momentum

2.4i + 3.6 j = 0.3V − 0.3(60i + 11j) Use impulse = change in momentum.

0.3V = 2.4i + 3.6 j + 18i + 3.3 j
= 20.4i + 6.9 j
V = 68i + 23j

∴ velocity of P immediately after the impulse is (68i + 23j) m s−1


Using equations for impulse

1 Q changes direction after impact:
km(v + u) = m(u – v) so k =

2 P changes direction after impact

km(u – v) = m(v + u) so k =
a k must be positive so u > v
b If k = then Q changes direction after impact.
If k = then P changes direction after impact.

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Work, energy and power 2A
1 Work done  Fs
 0.6  4.2
 2.52

The work done is 2.52 J

2 Work done  Fs
102  F 12
F  8.5
The magnitude of the force is 8.5 N

3 Work done against gravity  mgh

 0.35  9.8  7
 24.01
The work done against gravity is 24.0 J (3 s.f.)

4 Work done against gravity  mgh

 15  9.8  4
 588
The work done against gravity is 588 J

No acceleration, so the force
pushing the box has the
same magnitude as the resistances.

F  22 N

Work done  Fs
 22  15
 330
The work done by the force pushing the box is 330 J

6 Work done by gravity  mgh

 0.5  9.8 15
 73.5
The work done by gravity is 73.5 J

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7 Work done  mgh
30 1000  80  9.8 h 1 kJ = 1000 J
80  9.8
h  38.26
The building is 38.3 m high (3 s.f.)

8 a

Work done = horizontal component of force  distance moved

 18cos 2514
 228.38
The work done is 228 J (3 s.f.)

b One assumption made is that there is no frictional force between the sled and the ice.
This is likely to be a valid assumption, due to the low coefficient of friction between sled and ice.

Work done  Ts
30  T  4
T  7.5
Resolving parallel to the plane: The parcel moves at a constant speed so
T F 0 the acceleration is 0 m s–2
7.5  F  0
F  7.5
Resolving perpendicular to the plane to find R.
R  mg
R  3  9.8
Friction is limiting:
F  R
7.5    3  9.8
  0.2551
3  9.8
The coefficient of friction is 0.255 (3 s.f.)

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  0.55
Resolving perpendicular to the plane:
R = 2g
Friction is limiting:
F  R
F  0.55  2 g
Resolving parallel to the plane:
T F 0
T  0.55  2 g
Work done  Ts
 0.55  2 g  (3  2) Distance moved = speed × time
 0.55  2  9.8  6
 64.68
The work done is 64.7 J (3 s.f.)

11 Work done against gravity  mgh

 52  9.8  46
 23441.6
The work done against gravity is 23 400 J (3 s.f.)


Work done by gravity  mgh

 25  9.8  (2sin 35 ) Vertical distance
 281.0 moved = 2 sin 35°
The work done by gravity is 281 J (3 s.f.)

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Work done against gravity  mgh

 0.3  9.8  (2sin 25 )
 2.484
The work done against gravity is 2.48 J (3 s.f.)


  0.3

a Resolving perpendicular to the plane:

R  8 g cos 
 8g 
Friction is limiting: Draw a small right-angled triangle to show
F  R information about α. Use exact values for
12 sin α and cos α.
F  0.3  8  9.8 
 21.71
The frictional force has magnitude 21.7 N (3 s.f.)

b Work done against friction  Fs

 21.71 15
 325.6
The work done against friction is 326 J (3 s.f.)

c Work done against gravity  mgh

 8  9.8  (15sin  )
 5
 8  9.8  15  
 13 
 452.3
The work done against gravity is 452 J (3 s.f.)

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Resolving perpendicular to the plane:

R  0.5 g cos
 0.5 g 
Resolving parallel to the plane:
T  F  0.5g sin 
Friction is limiting:
F  R
F    0.5 g 
24 7
T    0.5 g   0.5 g 
25 25
Work done by force  force × distance moved
12  T  3
T 4
24 7
 4    0.5 g   0.5 g 
25 25
4  0.5  9.8 
 25
0.5  9.8 
  0.5586
The coefficient of friction is 0.559 (3 s.f.)

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  0.4
Resolving perpendicular to the plane:
R  1.5g cos 40
Friction is limiting:
F  R
F  0.4 1.5 g cos 40
Resolving parallel to the plane:
T  F  1.5 g sin 40
T  0.4 1.5 g cos 40  1.5 g sin 40
Work done by T  T  s
 (0.4 1.5 g cos 40  1.5 g sin 40)  8
 111.6
The work done by T is 112 J (3 s.f.)

17 sin   3  cos   4
5 5
Work done = force distance moved in direction of force
a Work done by gravity Eg = Wh
Weight, W = mg = 2g, h = 3sinα = 9 m
Eg  2 g  9
Eg  2  9.8 1.8  35.28
The work done by gravity is 35.3 J (3 s.f.)
b Work done by friction EF = Fs, s = 3 m
Normal reaction force, R, can be found by resolving perpendicular to the slope:
R  2 g cos 
So frictional force, F = 7  8 g  14 g
20 5 25
EF  14 g 3
EF  0.56  9.8  3  16.464
The work done by gravity is 16.5 J (3 s.f.)
c Work done against these forces = kinetic energy lost kinetic energy = 1 mv 2 so here:

2  2
2 
35.28  16.464  1  2u  1  2  0 2

51.744  u 2

u  7.1933...
The particle is projected at a speed of 7.19 ms−1 (3 s.f.)
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Work, energy and power 2B

1 a Kinetic energy = 1 mv 2 = 1 × 0.3 × 152 = 33.8 J (3 s.f.)

2 2

b Kinetic energy = 1 mv 2 = 1 × 3 × 2 2 = 6 J
2 2

c Kinetic energy = 1 mv 2 = 1 × 0.1× 1002 = 500 J

2 2

d Kinetic energy = 1 mv 2 = 1 × 25 × 4 2 = 200 J

2 2

e Kinetic energy = 1 mv 2 = 1 × 800 × 202 = 160 000 J

2 2

In order, from the most kinetic energy to the least, will be e, c, d, a, b

2 a Gain of P.E. = mgh = 1.5 × 9.8 × 3 = 44.1 J

b Gain of P.E. = mgh = 55 × 9.8 ×15 = 8085 J

c Loss of P.E. = mgh = 75 × 9.8 × 30 = 22 050 J

d Loss of P.E. = mgh = 580 × 9.8 × 6 = 34104 J

3 Decrease in K.E. = 1 mu 2 − 1 mv 2
2 2
= 1 ×1.2 × 12 2 − 1 × 1.2 × 42
2 2
= 76.8
The decrease in the particle’s K.E. is 76.8 J

4 Increase in K.E. = 1 mv 2 − 1 mu 2
2 2
= × 900 × 202 − 1 × 900 × 52
2 2
= 168 750

The increase in the van’s K.E. is 168 750 J

5 Increase in K.E. = 1 mv 2 − 1 mu 2
2 2
6 = 1 × 0.2 × v 2 − 1 × 0.2 × 22
2 2
6 = 0.1v − 0.4

v2 = = 64
0.1 Speed is positive.
v = 8 (v > 0)

The value of v is 8.

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6 Decrease in K.E. = 1 mu 2 − 1 mv 2
2 2
100 = 1 × 45 × 52 − 1 × 45v 2
2 2
100 = 562.5 − 22.5v 2
v2 =
v = ±4.533…
v = 4.533… (v > 0)
The skater’s final speed is 4.53 m s–1 (3 s.f.)

7 a

P.E. lost = mgh

= 25 × 9.8 × (4sin 48 ) Vertical distance moved
is 4 sin 48°.
= 728.2…
The P.E. lost by the child is 728 J (3 s.f.)

b You have assumed there to be no air resistance.

This would be valid for low speeds, but not for high speeds.

8 a s = 2 m, a = 9.8 m s−2, u = 0, v = ?
v 2 = u 2 + 2as Use v2 = u2 + 2as to find
the speed of the ball as it
v 2 = 0 + 2 × 9.8 × 2 hits the water.
v 2 = 39.2
K.E. = 1 mv 2 = 1 × 0.6 × 39.2
2 2
= 11.76
The K.E. of the ball as it hits the surface of the water is 11.8 J (3 s.f.)

b K.E. lost = 1 mu 2 − 1 mv 2
2 2
= 11.76 − × 0.6 × 4.82
= 4.848
The K.E. lost by the ball is 4.85 J (3 s.f.)

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9 u = 35 m s−1, a = −1.2 m s−2, t = 5 s, v = ?
Use v = u + at to find the
v = u + at
final speed of the lorry.
v = 35 − 1.2 × 5
v = 29
Loss of K.E. = 1 mu 2 − 1 mv 2
2 2
= 1 × 2000 × 352 − 1 × 2000 × 292
2 2
= 384 000
The loss of K.E. of the lorry is 384 000 J


a Loss of K.E. = 1 mu 2 − 1 mv 2
2 2
= × 750 × 202 − 1 × 750 × 152
2 2
= 65625
The loss of K.E of the car is 65 625 J

b Gain of P.E. = mgh

= 750 × 9.8 × (500 sin 30 )
= 1837500
The gain of P.E. of the car is 1 837 500 J

11 Increase of P.E. = mgh 1 kJ = 1000 J

15.7 ×1000 = 80 × 9.8 h
15.7 ×1000
80 × 9.8
h = 20.02
The cliff is 20.0 m high (3 s.f.)

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a The ball is dropped from the top of a cliff, and falls freely under gravity.
Use the equation v = u + at
Using u = 0 and a = g, you have v = gt
g 2t 2
K.E. = 12 mv 2 = 12 × 1× ( gt ) =
= 48.0t 2
s = ut + 12 at 2 . So using s = h, u = 0 and a = g, you have h = 12 gt 2
g 2t 2
P.E. = − mgh = −1× g × ( 1
2 )
gt 2 = −
= −48.0t 2

g 2t 2  g 2t 2 
b Kinetic energy + potential energy = +− =0
2  2 
So kinetic energy + potential energy is constant.

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Work, energy and power 2C
1 a P.E. lost = mgh = 0.4 × 9.8 × 7
= 27.44
The P.E. lost is 27.4 J (3 s.f.)

b K.E. gained = 1 mv 2 − 1 mu 2
2 2
= × 0.4 × v 2 − 0
P.E. lost = K.E. gained
27.44 = 1 × 0.4 × v 2
v2 =
v = 11.71…
The final speed of the particle is 11.7 m s–1 (3 s.f.)

2 a K.E. gained = 1 mv 2 − 1 mu 2
2 2
= 1 × 0.5 × 122 − 0
= 36
The K.E. gained by the stone is 36 J

b P.E. lost = K.E. gained

= 36 J
The P.E. lost by the stone is 36 J

c P.E. lost = mgh

36 = 0.5 × 9.8 × h
0.5 × 9.8
h = 7.346…
The height of the tower is 7.35 m (3 s.f.)

a Increase in K.E. = 1 mv 2 − 1 mu 2
2 2
= 1 × 6 × 52 − 1 × 6 × 2.52
2 2
= 56.25
The increase in K.E. of the box is 56.3 J (3 s.f.)

b The work done by the force is 56.3 J

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3 c Work done = Fs Work done = change in energy
56.25 = 10 × s
s= = 5.625
The distance PQ is 5.63 m (3 s.f.)

a K.E. lost = 1 mu 2 − 1 mv 2
2 2
= 1 × 0.4 × 82 − 1 × 0.4 × 42
2 2
= 9.6
The K.E. lost by the particle is 9.6 J

b The work done against friction is 9.6 J Work done = change in energy

c Resolving perpendicular to the surface: R = 0.4 g

Friction is limiting: F = µ R
F = 0.4 g × µ
Work done = Fs
9.6 = 0.4 g × µ × 7
µ= = 0.3498…
0.4 × 9.8 × 7
The coefficient of friction is 0.350 (3 s.f.)

µ = 0.4

a K.E. lost = 1 mu 2 − 1 mv 2
2 2
= 1 × 3 × 62 − 0
= 54
The kinetic energy lost by the box is 54 J

b The work done against friction is 54 J

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5 c Resolving perpendicular to the floor: R = 3 g
Friction is limiting: F = µ R
F = 0.4 × 3g
Work done = Fs
54 = 0.4 × 3 g × s
s= = 4.591…
0.4 × 3g
The distance AB is 4.59 m (3 s.f.)

6 P.E. lost = mgh

= 0.8 × 9.8 × 5
= 39.2
K.E. gained = P.E. lost
= 39.2
K.E. gained = 1 mv 2 − 1 mu 2
2 2
39.2 = × 0.8v − 02
39.2 × 2
v2 =
v = 9.899…
The particle hits the ground at a speed of 9.90 m s–1 (3 s.f.)

7 K.E. gained = 1 mv 2 − 1 mu 2
2 2
= 1 × 0.3 × 202 − 0
= 60
P.E. lost = K.E. gained
= 60
P.E. lost = mgh
60 = 0.3 × 9.8 × h
0.3 × 9.8
h = 20.40…
The cliff is 20.4 m high (3 s.f.)

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8 P.E. gained = mgh
= 0.3 × 9.8 × 5
K.E. lost = initial K.E. − final K.E.
= 1 × mu 2 − 2.1
= 1 × 0.3u 2 − 2.1
K.E. lost = P.E. gained
1 × 0.3u 2 − 2.1 = 0.3 × 9.8 × 5
0.3 × 9.8 × 5 + 2.1
u2 =
2 × 0.3

u = 10.58…
The value of u is 10.6 (3 s.f.)

9 Loss of K.E. = 1 mu 2 − 1 mv 2
2 2
= 1 × 0.1× 5002 − 0
Work done by resistance = Fs
= F × 0.05 1 mm = 0.001 m
Work done by resistance = loss of K.E.
F × 0.05 = 1 × 0.1× 500 2
× 0.1× 500 2
F= 2
= 250 000
The magnitude of the resistive force is 250 000 N (or 250 kN)

10 a Loss of K.E = 1 mu 2 − 1 mv 2
2 2
150 g = 0.15 kg
= 1 × 0.15 × 5002 − 0
Work done by resistance = Fs
= 250000 s
Work done by resistance = loss of K.E.
250 000 s = 1 × 0.15 × 5002
× 0.15 × 5002
s= 2
250 000
= 0.075
The distance the bullet penetrates the wall is 0.075 m (or 75 mm)

b The resistive force could depend on the speed of the bullet.

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a P.E. lost = mgh

= 5 × 9.8 × (2sin 35°)
= 56.21…
The P.E. lost is 56.2 J (3 s.f.)

b The K.E. gained is 56.2 J

c K.E. gained = 1 mv 2 − 1 mu 2
2 2
56.21 = 1 × 5 × v 2 − 0
56.21× 2
v2 =
v = 4.741…
The final speed of the package is 4.74 m s–1 (3 s.f.)


K.E. gained = 1 mv 2 − 1 mu 2
2 2
= 1 × 0.5 × 2 2 − 0
P.E. lost = mgh = 0.5 × 9.8 × ( x sin 30°)
P.E. lost = K.E.gained
0.5 × 9.8 × ( x sin 30°) = 1
0.5 × 9.8 × sin 30°
= 0.4081…
The value of x is 0.408 (3 s.f.)

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K.E. lost = 1 mu 2 − 1 mv 2
2 2
= 1 × 0.2 × 92 − 0
P.E. gained = mgh
= 0.2 × 9.8 × ( x sin 30 )
P.E. gained = K.E. lost
0.2 × 9.8 × ( x sin 30°) = 1 × 0.2 × 92
× 0.2 × 92
x= 2
0.2 × 9.8 sin 30°
= 8.265…
The value of x is 8.27 (3 s.f.)


K.E. lost = 1 mu 2 − 1 mv 2
2 2
= 1 × 0.6u 2 − 0
P.E. gained = mgh
= 0.6 × 9.8 × (5 sin 40°)
K.E. lost = P.E. gained
1 × 0.6u 2 = 0.6 × 9.8 × 5 sin 40°
0.6 × 9.8 × 5 sin 40°
u2 =
2 × 0.6

u = 7.936…
The speed of projection is 7.94 m s–1 (3 s.f.)

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K.E. lost = 1 mu 2 − 1 mv 2
2 2
= × 2× 6 − 0
= 36
P.E. gained = mgh
= 2 × 9.8 × ( x sin 30°)
= 9.8 x

Resolving perpendicular to the plane: R = 2g cos 30°

Friction is limiting: F = µ R
1 2
F = × 2 g cos30° = g cos30°
3 3
Work done against friction = Fx = gx cos 30°
K.E. lost = P.E. gained + work done against friction
⇒ 36 = 9.8 x + gx cos 30°
 2 
36 = 9.8 x 1 + cos 30° 
 3 
x= = 2.328…
 2 
9.8 1 + cos 30° 
 3 
The particle moves 2.33 m up the plane (3 s.f.)

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a Resolving vertically:
I = mv − mu
1.7 = 0.058v − 0.058 × 0
v = 29.31…
The initial speed of the ball is 29.3 m s−1 (3 s.f.)

b Energy lost = initial kinetic energy – final potential energy

= 1 mv 2 − mgh The ball started 1 m above
2 the ground, so the increase in
= × 0.058 × 29.312 − 0.058 × 9.8 × 27 height is 27 m.
= 9.566…
The energy lost due to air resistance is 9.57 J (3 s.f.)

c Work done against air resistance = energy lost

R × 27 = 9.566…
R = 0.3543…
The value of R is 0.354 (3 s.f.)


a Work done by resistive forces on the skier = change in total energy of the skier
Loss in P.E. = mgh
Increase in K.E. = 1 mv 2 − 1 mu 2
2 2
Total loss of energy = P.E. lost – K.E. gained
= mgh + 1 mu 2 − 1 mv 2
2 2
Force × distance = mgh + mu − mv 22 1
2 2
( )(
50 R = (80 × 9.8 × 50 sin 30°) + 1 × 80 × 32 − 1 × 80 × 122
2 2 )
50 R = 14 200
R = 284
The value of R is 284.

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17 b The resistive force may not be constant, and could depend on speed, for example.


Change in K.E. = 1 mv 2 − 1 mu 2 Consider energy changes from start to end – do

2 2
not divide the motion into two parts.
= 0−0
Loss of P.E. = mgh
= 70 × 9.8 × (60 sin 20°)
Work done against resistance = Fs
= R × (60 + 50)
= 110 R
Work done against resistance = loss of P.E.
110 R = 70 × 9.8 × (60sin 20°)
70 × 9.8 × 60sin 20°
R = 127.9…
The value of R is 128 (3 s.f.)


Loss of P.E. = mgh Consider energy changes from start to end – do

= 40 × 9.8 × ( x sin 25° − 25 sin 6°) not divide the motion into three parts.
Change in K.E. = 1 mv 2 − 1 mu 2
2 2
= 0−0
Work done against resistance = Fs
= 18 × ( x + 15 + 25)
= 18 × ( x + 40)
Work done against resistance = loss of P.E.
18 x + 18 × 40 = 40 × 9.8 × x sin 25° − 40 × 9.8 × 25 sin 6°
(40 × 9.8 sin 25° − 18) x = 18 × 40 + 40 × 9.8 × 25 sin 6°
18 × 40 + 40 × 9.8 × 25 sin 6°
40 × 9.8 sin 25° − 18
x = 11.81…
The girl travels 11.8 m down the slope.

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Let the mass of a hydrogen molecule = m
So the mass of an oxygen molecule = 8m

Consider the average kinetic energy of the oxygen molecules:

2 mv = 2 × 8m × 400 = 2 kT
1 2 1 2 3

Consider the average kinetic energy of the hydrogen molecules:

Average K.E. = 32 kT = 12 × 8m × 4002 = 12 mv 2
So 12 × 8m × 4002 = 12 mv 2
8 × 4002 = v 2
v = 1 280 000
= 1131.3…
The average speed of the hydrogen molecules is 1130 m s−1

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Work, energy and power 2D
1 Power = Fv
= 1500 × 12
= 18 000
The power is 18 kW

2 Power = Fv
= 1000 × 15
= 15 000
The power is 15 000 W (or 15 kW)

3 Power = Fv
5000 = F ×18
= 277.7…
The driving force has magnitude 278 N (3 s.f.)

4 At maximum speed the

acceleration is zero.

Resolving horizontally: T = 600

Power = Fv
15000 = 600v
= 25
The maximum speed is 25 m s–1

5 a
At maximum speed the
acceleration is zero.

Resolving horizontally: T = 500

Power = Fv
= 500 × 40
= 20 000
The power is 20 000 W (or 20 kW)

b The resistance to motion of the car would typically be expected to increase with speed but it would
be reasonable to assume a constant resistive force if the car maintained the same speed and the
gradient and surface of the road stayed the same.

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Power = Fv
8.8 × 103 = T × 16
T = 550
Resolving horizontally: R = T
R = 550
The magnitude of the resistance is 550 N

7 a

Power = Fv First find the tractive force

9000 = T × 7 produced by the engine and then
use F = ma to find the acceleration.
Now using F = ma :
T − 350 = ma
− 350 = 850a
− 350
a= 7
a = 1.100…
The acceleration is 1.10 m s–2 (3 s.f.)

Power = Fv
9000 = T × 15
T= = 600
Now using F = ma :
T − 350 = ma
600 − 350 = 850a
a = 0.2941…
The acceleration is 0.294 m s–2 (3 s.f.)

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7 c

Resolving horizontally: T = 350

Power = Fv
9000 = 350v
v = 25.71…
The maximum speed is 25.7 m s–1 (3 s.f.)

Using F = ma:
T − 300 = 900 × 0.3
T = 900 × 0.3 + 300
= 570
Power = Fv
= 570 × 20
= 11 400
The power development by the engine is 11 400 W (or 11.4 kW)

Power = Fv
12 000 = T × 24
12 000
T= = 500

Using F = ma:
T − R = 1000 × 0.2
500 − R = 200
R = 500 − 200
R = 300
The value of R is 300.

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Resolving horizontally:
T = 28
Power = Fv
280 = 28v
v = 10
The cyclist’s maximum speed is 10 m s–1

11 a

Power = Fv
24 000 = T × 20
T= = 1200
Resolving parallel to the slope:
T = R + 1200 g sin 5°
1200 = R + 1200 g sin 5°
R = 1200 − 1200 g sin 5°
R = 175.04…
The value of R is 175 (3 s.f.)

From part a, T = 1200 N

Using F = ma :
1200 − 175 = 1200a
1200 − 175
a = 0.8541…
The initial acceleration of the van is 0.854 m s–2 (3 s.f.)

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12 a

Power = Fv
26 000 = T × 18

Using F = ma :
T − 750 = 800a
26 000
800a = − 750
a = 0.8680…
The acceleration is 0.868 m s–2 (3 s.f.)

Resolving parallel to the slope:

T = 750 + 800 g sin 9°
Power = Fv
26000 = T × v
26000 = (750 + 800 × 9.8sin 9°)v
(750 + 800 × 9.8sin 9°)
v = 13.15…
The maximum speed is 13.2 m s–1 (3 s.f.)

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13 a

Resolving horizontally: T = 600

Power = Fv
= 600 × 30
= 18000
The power is 18 000 W (or 18 kW)

Resolving parallel to the slope:

T = 600 + 1500 g sin 8°
Power = Fv
18000 = (600 + 1500 g sin 8°)v
(600 + 1500 g sin 8°)
= 6.803…
The maximum speed is 6.80 m s–1 (3 s.f.)

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Consider the cyclist on level ground:

Power = Tv
Power = 7T
Since the velocity is constant, resolving horizontally:
T =R
So power = 7 R

Consider the cyclist cycling uphill:

Power = Tv
Power = 7T
Since the velocity is constant, resolving parallel to the plane:
T = R + 80 g sin 2°
So power = 7T = 7 ( R + 80 g sin 2° ) = 7 R + 560 g sin 2°
Therefore, the increase in power required is:
( 7 R + 560 g sin 2° ) − 7 R = 560 g sin 2°
= 191.5…
The increase in power required is 192 W (3 s.f.)

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15 a

1 tonne = 103 kg. When tonnes,

Resolving parallel to the slope:
kilonewtons and kilowatts are
T = (6 ×103 ) + (150 ×103 g sin 2°) used the 103 will cancel,
Power = Fv leaving easier numbers.
350 × 103 = (6 × 103 + 150 × 103 g sin 2°) × v
(6 + 150 × 9.8sin 2°)
= 6.107…
The maximum speed is 6.11 m s–1

Power = Fv
350 ×103 = T × 6.107
350 ×103

Using F = ma :
T − 6 ×103 = 150 ×103 × a
350 ×103
− 6 ×103 = 150 ×103 × a
150a = −6
a = 0.3420…

The initial acceleration is 0.342 m s–2 (3 s.f.)

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Power = 10 kW = 10 000 W
Power = Tv
10 000 = Tv
10 000
When the velocity is maximum, the acceleration = 0 m s−2
Therefore the resultant force is 0 N. Resolving horizontally:

T = 150 + 3v
10 000
So = 150 + 3v
10 000 = 150v + 3v 2


3v 2 + 150v − 10 000 = 0

Using the quadratic formula:

−150 ± 1502 − 4 × 3 × ( −10 000 )
−150 ± 142 500

−150 + 142 500

Since v > 0 , v = = 37.91…
The maximum value of v is 37.9 m s−1 (3 s.f.)

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17 a

Power = 28 kW = 28 000 W
Power = Tv
28 000 = Tv
28 000
Resolving horizontally and using F = ma :

28 000
− (1200 + 8v ) = 4000a

When v = 10 m s−1:

2800 − (1200 + 80 ) = 4000a

1520 = 4000a
So a = = 0.38 m s−2

b Using P = Fv, when the van is travelling at speed w:

28 000 = Tw
28 000
Resistive force = 1200 + 8w
As in part a, resolving horizontally and using F = ma:

28 000
− (1200 + 8w ) = 4000a

When v = w m s−1, a = −0.2 m s−2:

28 000
− (1200 + 8w ) = 4000 × ( −0.2 )
28 000 − 1200 w − 8w 2 = −800 w
8 w2 + 400 w − 28 000 = 0
w2 + 50 w − 3500 = 0

Using the quadratic formula:

−50 ± 502 − 4 ×1× ( −3500 ) −50 ± 16 500
w= =
2 2
−50 + 16500
Since w > 0 , w = = 39.22…
The value of w is 39.2 (3 s.f.)

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Work, energy and power Mixed exercise 2

Power = Fv
480 = T × 6
T= = 80
Resolving parallel to the slope:
T = R + 70 g sin 5°
80 = R + 70 × 9.8sin 5°
R = 80 − 70 × 9.8sin 5°
R = 20.21…
The magnitude of the resistance is 20.2 N (3 s.f.)

2 a P.E. gained by water and bucket = mgh

= 12 × 9.8 × 25
= 2940
Initial K.E. = final K.E. = 0
Work done by the boy = P.E. gained by bucket
= 2940 J

work done 2940

b Average rate of working = =
time taken 30
= 98
The average rate of working of the boy is 98 J s−1 (or 98 W)

a K.E. lost by particle = 1 × 0.5 × 122 − 1 × 0.5 × 82

2 2
= 20
Work done by friction = K.E. lost by particle
∴ Work done by friction = 20 J

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3 b Resolving vertically: R = 0.5 g
Friction is limiting:
F = µ R = µ × 0.5 g
Work done by friction = F × s
20 = µ × 0.5 g × 25
µ= = 0.1632…
0.5 g × 25
The coefficient of friction is 0.163 (3 s.f.)

a Resolving perpendicular to the plane for A:

R = 2mg cos θ
Friction is limiting:
F = µR
F = × 2mg cos θ
3 4
= × 2mg ×
8 5
= mg
F = ma for A: T − ( F + 2mg sin θ ) = 2ma
3 3
T −  mg + 2mg ×  = 2ma
5 5
T− = 2ma (1)
F = ma for B : 5mg − T = 5ma (2)
(1) + (2) : 5mg − = 7 ma
= 7 ma
16 g 16 × 9.8
a= =
35 35
a = 4.48
The initial acceleration of A is 4.48 m s–2

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4 b For the first 1 m A travels The motion must be considered in two
parts, before and after the string breaks.
u =0 The friction force acting on A is the same
throughout the motion.
a = 4.48 m s −2
s =1 m
v =?

v 2 = u 2 + 2as
v 2 = 2 × 4.48 × 1
v 2 = 8.96

After string breaks:

Loss of K.E. (of A) = 1 mu 2 − 1 mv 2
2 2
= × 2m × 8.96 − 0
= 8.96 m
Gain of P.E. (of A) = mgh
= 2mg × ( x sin θ )
= 2mg × x ×
where x is the distance moved up the plane.
Work done by friction = ×x
Work–energy principle:
3mgx 6mgx
+ = 8.96m
5 5
9 gx
= 8.96
8.96 × 5
9 × 9.8
x = 0.5079…
Total distance moved = 1 + 0.5079…
= 1.51
The total distance moved by A before it first comes to rest is 1.51 m (3 s.f.)

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5 a

Power = Fv Ensure units are consistent.

16 000 = T × 15
16 000
Using F = ma :
T − 500 = 800a
− 500 = 800a
− 500
a = 15
a = 0.7083…
The acceleration is 0.708 m s–2

Power = Fv
24000 = T ′ ×15
T′ =
Resolving parallel to the slope and using F = ma :
T ′ − 500 − 800 g sin 5° = 800a′
− 500 − 800 × 9.8sin 5° = 800a′
800a′ = 416.698…
a′ = 0.5208…

The new acceleration is 0.521 m s–2 (3 s.f.)

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6 a

tan θ = so θ = 2.8624°
Resolving parallel to the slope:
T + 750 g sin θ = 1000
T = 1000 − 750 × 9.8sin 2.8624°
T = 632.95
Power = Fv
= 632.95 ×18
= 11393.2…
The rate of working of the car’s engine is 11.4 kW (3 s.f.)

The tractive force is zero.

Resolving parallel to the slope and using F = ma :
1000 − 750 × 9.8 × sin θ = 750a
1000 − 750 × 9.8sin 2.8624°
a = 0.8439

Consider motion down the slope:

a = −0.8439 m s−2, u = 18 m s−1, v = 0 m s−1, t = ?

v = u + at
0 = 18 − 0.8439 × t
t = 21.32…
The value of t is 21.3 (3 s.f.)

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a P.E. gained by A = mgh

= 2mg × ( s × sin θ )
= 2mg × s ×
P.E. lost by B = mgh
= 3mgs
6mgs 9mgs
∴ P.E. lost by system = 3mgs − =
5 5

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7 b Consider A: Find the frictional force and use the
work–energy principle.
Resolving perpendicular to the slope:
R = 2mg cosθ
= 2mg ×
Friction is limiting:
F = µR
1 8mg
= ×
4 5
Work done against friction = Fs
1 1
K.E. gained by A and B = 2 (2m)v + 2 (3m)v
2 2

5mv 2
Work–energy principle:
K.E. gained + work done against friction = P.E. lost

5mv 2 2mgs 9mgs

+ =
2 5 5
5mv 7 mgs
2 5
2 × 7 mgs
v2 =
5 × 5m
14 gs
v2 =

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8 a

Resolving parallel to the slope and using F = ma:

5 g sin 25° − F = 5a
Friction is limiting:
F = µR
F = 0.3 × 5 g cos 25°
So 5 g sin 25° − 5 × 0.3 × g cos 25° = 5a
a = g (sin 25° − 0.3cos 25°)
Consider the motion down the slope.
u = 0 and t = 2
v = u + at
= 0 + 2 g (sin 25° − 0.3cos 25°)
= 2 g (sin 25° − 0.3cos 25°)
= 2.9542…
After it has been moving for 2 s the parcel has speed 2.95 m s−1 (3 s.f.)

b In 2 s the parcel slides a distance s m down the sloping platform.

Loss of P.E. = mgh
= mg × s sin 25°
= 5 g × s sin 25°
u = 0, v = 2.954 m s−1, t = 2 s
Using s = ×t
0 + 2.954
s= × 2 = 2.954
So, loss of P.E. = 5 g × 2.954 × sin 25°
= 5 × 9.8 × 2.954 × sin 25°
= 61.17…
During the 2 s, the parcel loses 61.2 J of kinetic energy (3 s.f.)

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Power = 4000 W
Power = Tv = 10T
So T = = 400 N
Using F = ma :
T = 2000 × a
400 = 2000a
So a = = 0.2 m s−2


Resolving parallel to the slope:

T = 200000 + 16000 g sin12°
T = 232600.5⋯
Work done in 10 s = force × distance moved
= 232 600… × (14 ×10)
= 32 564 000 (3 s.f.)
The work done in 10s is 32 600 000 J (or 32 600 kJ) (3 s.f.)

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a K.E. gained = 1 mv 2 − 1 mu 2
2 2
= 1 × 0.3 × 12 2 − 1 × 0.3 × 6 2
2 2
= 16.2
The K.E. gained is 16.2 J

b The work done by the force is 16.2 J

c Work done = Fs
16.2 = F × 4
F = 4.05
The force has magnitude 4.05 N


a K.E. lost = 1 mu 2 − 1 mv 2
2 2
= 1 × 5 ×10 2 − 0
= 250
The K.E. lost is 250 J

b Work done against friction = 250 J

Work done = Fs
250 = F × 8
Resolving perpendicular to the slope: R = 5g
Friction is limiting: F = µ R
= µ × 5g
8 × 5g
The coefficient of friction is 0.638 (3 s.f.)

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a Power = Fv
15000 = T × 20
T= = 750
Using F = ma :
T − R = 900 × 0.3
750 − R = 270
R = 750 − 270
R = 480
The magnitude of the resistance is 480 N

Resolving along the slope and using F = ma :

T ′ + 900 g sin 4° − 480 = 900 × 0.5
T ′ = 450 + 480 − 900 g sin 4°
Power = Fv
8000 = (450 + 480 − 900 g sin 4°)v
(450 + 480 − 900 g sin 4°)
v = 25.41…
The speed of the car is 25.4 m s–1 (3 s.f.)

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Power = Fv
Power = 4000 W
Resolving along the slope and using F = ma :
− 7000 g sin10° = 7000 × 2
= 25912
So v = = 0.154…
The speed of the bus is 0.15 m s−1 (2 s.f.)


a Resolving perpendicular to the floor:
R + 75sin15° = 4 g
R = 4 g − 75sin15°
Friction is limiting: F = µ R
F = × (4 × 9.8 − 75sin15°)
F = 7.420…
The magnitude of the frictional force is 7.42 N (3 s.f.)

b Work done = Fs
= 75cos15°× 6
= 434.66…
The work done is 435 J (3 s.f.)

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15 c Using the work–energy principle:
K.E. gained = work done by tension – work done against friction
1 × 4v 2 = 434.66 − 7.420 × 6
v 2 = 1 (434.66 − 7.420 × 6)
v = 13.96…
The block is moving at 14.0 m s–1 (3 s.f.)

16 a

At maximum speed, a = 0
Resolving along the road and using F = ma :

T − 600 = 0
T = 600
Power = Fv
20 000 = 600v
20 000
v = 33.33
The lorry’s maximum speed is 33.3 m s–1 (3 s.f.)

Power = Fv
20000 = T ′ × 20
T ′ = 1000
Using F = ma :
T ′ − 600 = 1800a
1000 − 600 = 1800a
a = 0.2222…
The acceleration of the lorry is 0.222 m s–2 (3 s.f.)

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a Resolving along the road: T = 600

Power = Fv
= 600 × 20
= 12 000 W
=12 kW
The power is 12 kW

F = ma
T ′ − 600 = 1200 × 0.5
T ′ = 600 + 600
T ′ = 1200
Power = F × v
= 1200 × 20
= 24 000
The new rate of working is 24 kW

Resolving along the slope:

T ′′ = 600 + 1200 g sin 20°
Power = Fv
50000 = (600 + 1200 g sin 20°)v
(600 + 1200 g sin 20°)
v = 10.82…
The value of v is 10.8 (3.s.f.)

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a Applying F = ma vertically downwards:

0.001g − 0.01v 2 = 0.001a

When v = 0.5 :
0.001× 9.8 − 0.01× 0.52 = 0.001a
0.0073 = 0.001a
So a = = 7.3 m s−2

b At the maximum velocity, the resultant force is zero.

So 0.001g = 0.01v 2
0.001× 9.8
= v2
So v 2 = 0.98
So v = 0.98 = 0.99 m s−1 (2 s.f.)


a Applying F = ma down the plane:

1g sin 30° − kv = 1a
When v = 1 :
9.8sin 30° − k = a
So a = ( 4.9 − k ) m s−2

b At the maximum velocity, forces parallel to the plane are in equilibrium.

So 1g sin 30° = kv
1g sin 30° = 5k
g sin 30°
So k = = 0.98

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a Car is moving with constant speed in a direction along the tangent to the cylinder.
Resolving along the path of the car:

T = 3000 g sin θ

Power = Tv
Power = 3000 g sin θ × 20 = 60 000 g sin θ = 588000sin θ W

b When θ = 0 ° , there is no force to act against, so no power is required.

When θ = 90 ° , maximum power is needed.

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Elastic strings and springs 3A
1 (↑) T = 4 Hooke’s law
Let natural length be l
T= (↑) T = g = 9.8
20(1.4 − l )
λx T=
So, =4 l
(1.4 − l )
12 9.8 = 20
⇒ x= l
9.8l = 28 − 20l
∴ Total length of string, L = 3 + 28 140
λ 29.8l = 28 ⇒ l = =
29.8 149
12 Let the new extension be x
a λ = 30 : L = 3 + 20 x
30 0.8 g =
= 3.4 m  140 
 
 149 
12 20 x × 149
b λ = 12 : L = 3 + 0.8g = 7
12 140
=4 5.6 g
c λ = 16 : L = 3 + 12 x ≈ 0.3683…
16 140
Total length of string is 0.3683 +
= 3.75 m 149
= 1.31 m (3 s.f.)
2 By Hooke’s law,
25(l − 0.8) 4 Let the initial extension be x1
20 =
l (↑) T = Mg
4l = 5l − 4 λx Mga
Mg = 1 ⇒ x1 =
4=l a λ
Natural length is 4 m When the mass m is added to the scale pan,
extension is x2
(↑) T = ( M + m) g
λx ( M + m) ga
( M + m) g = 2 ⇒ x 2 =
a λ
ga mga
∴ x2 − x1 = (M + m − M ) =
λ λ
New equilibrium is below the old one.

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λ (a1 − l ) 6
5 m1 g = (1)
λ (a2 − l )
m2 g = (2)
Dividing (1) by (2):
m1 a1 − l
m2 a2 − l
m1 ( a2 − l ) = m2 ( a1 − l )
m1a2 − m1l = m2 a1 − m2l
( ↑) T = W
m1a2 − m2 a1 = l ( m1 − m2 )
λ × 0.1
m a − m2 a1 T=
l= 1 2 l
m1 − m2 λ × 0.1
m a − m2 a1
The natural length l = 1 2 l
m1 − m2 So λ = 10Wl
Subtracting (2) from (1):
λa  λa 
m1 g − m2 g = 1 − λ −  2 − λ 
l  l 
lg (m1 − m2 ) = λ (a1 − a2 )
(m1 − m2 )
λ = gl
(a1 − a2 )
Substituting for l:
(m1 − m2 ) (m1a2 − m2 a1 )
(a1 − a2 ) (m1 − m2 )
(m1a2 − m2 a1 )
(a1 − a2 )
( ↑) T = W + 50
λ × 0.25
( m a − m2 a1 ) T=
The modulus of elasticity is g 1 2 l
(a1 − a2 )
λ × 0.25
W + 50 =
10Wl × 0.25
W + 50 =
W + 50 =
50 =
So W = N

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7 a 8 b Using Hooke’s law:
a + x + y + a = 5a 30(4 − l )
14.7 =
y = 3a − x l
λ = 2mg 14.7l = 120 − 30l
( ↑) T = T + mg
1 2
44.7l = 120
2mgx 2mg ( 3a − x ) l = 2.68…
= + mg Natural length is 2.7 m (2 s.f.)
a a
2 x = 2 ( 3a − x ) + a
9 (↑) T = mg throughout the
2 x = 6a − 2 x + a
4 x = 7a 2mgx1 1
So, mg = ⇒ x1 = l
7a l 2
4 4mgx2 1
and mg = ⇒ x2 = l
Distance of particle from ceiling is l 4
7a 11a ∴ AD = 2l + x1 + x2
a+x=a+ =
4 4 11l
b If the spring is not light, then in effect the
mass would increase, the extension would
increase and hence the distance of the
particle below the ceiling would increase. The length AD is

PQR = 90° ⇒ QR = 4 m
a ( տ) (along PA)
3 4
cos α = ; sin α = T1 = 2 g cos 60° = g = 9.8N
5 5
a Taking moments about P: 9.8 x1
so = 9.8
3 0.5
5 g × cos α = 3T x1 = 0.5
3 3 ∴ AP = 0.5 + 0.5
5 g × × = 3T
2 5 =1 m
T= = 14.7
2 PB
b = tan 30°
Tension is 14.7 N AP
PB = AP tan 30° = tan 30° =
PB ≈ 0.577 m
= 0.58 m (2 s.f.)

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10 c (ր ) (along PB)
T2 = 2 g cos30°
= 2g
=g 3N
≈ 17 N (2 s.f.)
The tension in PB is 17 N (2 s.f.)

11 a

3 4 3
tan α = so cos α = and sin α =
4 5 5

(տ) R = 2 g cos α =
1 8g 4 g
∴ F = µR = × =
2 5 5

(ր) T + F = 2 g sin α
T = 2 g sin α − F
 3  4g 2g
=  2g ×  − =
 5 5 5
= 3.92

The tension in the string is 3.9 N (2 s.f.)

b T=
20 x
3.92 =
x = 0.1568 = 0.16 (2 s.f.)

Length of the string = 0.16 + 0.8

= 0.96 m (2 s.f.)

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Elastic strings and springs 3B
1 a 2 In equilibrium position

( ↑) T = 0.4 g
20 x
(←) T = 4a 0.8
40 × 0.3 = 25 x
0.5 25 x = 0.4 g
= 24 N 2g
∴ 24 = 4a 125
Initial acceleration is 6 m s−2.

After further extension,

(↑) T − 0.4 g = 0.4a
20( x + 0.2)
( →) S = 4 a
= 25 x + 5
40 × 0.1
S= So, 25 x + 5 − 0.4 g = 0.4a
= 8N  2g 
 25 ×  + 5 − 0.4 g = 0.4a
 125 
∴ 8 = 4a
2=a a=
Initial acceleration is 2 m s–2. = 12.5

Initial acceleration is 12.5 m s–2.

(↑) 2T cosθ − 2 g = 2a
−g =a
Using Hooke’s law:
20 × (1.0 − 0.4)
T= = 30
∴ × 30 − 9.8 = a
14.2 = a
Initial acceleration is 14.2 m s–2 upwards.

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4 5 a

tan α = , so from the right-angled
40 × 0.5
(↑) T − 2 g = 2a
40 5 12
So, − 19.6 = 2a sin α = and cos α =
3 13 13
a = −3.13… By Hooke’s law:

Magnitude of initial acceleration is 21.5 × 0.4

3.13 m s−2 (3 s.f.) and the direction is T= = 5.375 N
12 117.6
(տ) R = 1g cos α = 9.8 × =
13 13
117.6 58.8
so, F = 0.5 × =
13 13
(ւ) 1g sin α + T − F = 1a
 5 58.8
 9.8 ×  + 5.375 − =a
 13  13
4.621… = a

Initial acceleration is 4.62 m s−2 (2 s.f.).

b Resultant force down the plane is

T + g sin α − µ R = ma , so if µ increases,
the acceleration a would decrease.

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We make use of the following diagram:

a Use Newton’s Second Law for forces acting

vertically at the point P .
Take upwards as the positive direction:

2T cos 45 − 3g = −3 ×
⇒ 2T cos 45 = g
2 3g
⇒ 2T ⋅ =
2 2
3g 3 2g
⇒T = N= N
2 2 4

λx l
b Now use T = kx = where x = :
l 4
λ l λ
⇒T = × = N
l 4 4
Equating this with the expression found in a,
we see that:

λ 3 2g
= ⇒ λ = 3 2g
4 4

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Elastic strings and springs 3C
λ x2 8 × 0.42 6 (↑) T = 2mg
1 Work done = =
2l 2 × 0.6 λ × 2a
= 2mg
= 1.07 J (3 s.f.) a
⇒ λ = mg
2 Work done = λ x = 4 × 0.2
2 2

λ x2
2l 2 × 0.8 Energy stored =
= 0.1J
mg (2a )2
10 × 0.62 10 × 0.32 2a
3 Work done = − = 2mga
2 × 1.2 2 × 1.2
= (0.62 − 0.32 ) 7 a
= × 0.9 × 0.3
= 1.125 J

4 a (0.22 − 0 2 ) = 0.571J (3s.f.)
2 × 0.7

b (0.32 − 0.12 )
2 × 0.7 5mg
( →) T cosθ =
= × 0.4 × 0.2 = 1.14 J (3 s.f.)
1.4 ( )
↑ T sin θ = mg
T sin θ mg 4
20 So, = tan θ = =
c (0.7 2 − 0.52 ) T cos θ 5mg /4 5
2 × 0.7
= × 1.2 × 0.2 = 3.43J (3 s.f.) So, from the right-angled triangle:

5 (↑ ) T = 2 g
10 x
= 2g
2.4 g
x= = 0.24 g
10 4 5
sin θ = and cos θ =
10 × (0.24 g ) 2 41 41
Energystored =
2 × 1.2
= 23.04… mg mg 41mg
So, T = = =
sin θ 4 / 41 4
Energy stored in the spring is 23 J (2 s.f.)
The tension in the string is N

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7 b Using Hooke’s law, T =
41mg 2mgx
So =
4 a
and x = a
λ x2
Elastic energy stored =
2mg  41a 2 
=  
2a  64 

The elastic energy stored is J

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Elastic strings and springs 3D

Conservation of energy
K.E. gain = E.P.E. loss
1 
mg  l 
mV 2 = 2 
2 2l
V 2 = gl
V= gl

2 At equilibrium, T = mg

4mgx 1
= mg ⇒ x = a
a 4
When the particle reaches O it has risen by
 1 
a + a + d 
 4 
Conservation of energy

P.E. gain = E.P.E. loss

1 
4mg  a + d 
 1  4 
mg  a + a + d  =
 4  2a
5a 2  a 2 ad 
+ ad = 2  + + d2 
4  16 2 
2 2
5a a
= + 2d 2
4 8
9a 2
= d2

(ignore solution d = − )
The distance d is .

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3 a Conservation of energy

P.E. loss = E.P.E. gain

 l 
2× λ  −l
mgl tan 60° =  cos 60° 
mgl 3 = λl
mg 3 = λ

The modulus of elasticity of the spring is mg 3 .

b Take into account the mass of the spring.

4 a Conservation of energy
K.E. gain + P.E. gain = E.P.E. loss
1 21.6 × 22
× 2 ×V 2 + 2 g × 2 =
2 2 ×1
V = 43.2 − 39.2

V = 2 m s −1

b Conservation of energy
K.E. loss = P.E. gain
× mV 2 = mgd
2 = gd
= d = 0.20…
Distance from O is (1 – d) = 0.80 m (2 s.f.).

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(↑) T = mg
λ 2a
× = mg
a 3

K.E. loss + P.E. loss = E.P.E. gain

10a 3mg ( 73a )
mU 2 + mg = ×
2 3 2 2a
U 10ag 3g 49a 2
+ = ×
2 3 4a 9
U 49ag 10ag
= −
2 12 3
9ag × 2
U2 =

6 13
AP = 1.52 + 12 =

a P.E.loss = E.P.E.gain
 13 3 
2λ  − 
 2 2
g ×1 =
2 ×1.5
2 × 3g
λ= 2 = 160.35…
(13 − 3 )
The value of λ is 160 N (2 s.f.).

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6 b AP = 1.52 + 0.52

K.E.gain + E.P.E.gain = P.E.loss

 10 3 
2λ  − 
1 2  2 2
V + = 0.5 g
2 2 × 1.5
( )
10 − 3
V 2
=g− ×λ
V = 2.896…

When P is 0.5 m below the initial position its speed is 2.9 m s−1 (2 s.f.).

7 a P.E. loss = E.P.E.gain

117.6 2
3g (2 + x) = x
4 × 3g
(2 + x) = x 2
0 = x2 − x − 2
0 = ( x − 2)( x + 1)
x = 2 or x −1 Ignore negative root.

The distance fallen is 4 m.

b Greatest speed at equilibrium position

(↑ ) T = 3 g
117.6 × e
= 3g
e = 0.5

E.P.E. gain + K.E. gain = P.E. loss

117.6(0.5) 2 1
+ × 3V 2 = 3g × 2.5
2× 2 2
7.35 + 1.5V 2 = 73.5
V = 6.640…

The greatest speed is 6.6 m s−1 (2 s.f.).

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3 3 4
tan α = so sin α = and cos α = .
4 5 5

(տ) R = 2 g cos α =
F = µR = µ

Work done against friction = P.E. loss − E.P.E. gain

8g 40 × 12
µ × 2 = 2 g × 2sin α −
5 2 ×1
16 g 12 g
µ = − 20
5 5
12 g − 100
16 g
= 0.112…

The coefficient of friction is 0.11 (2 s.f.).

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The extension of the string with one mass attached is m.
By Hooke’s law, Mg = k
⇒ k = 10
Let x be the extension of the string with two masses attached.
Hooke’s Law ⇒ 2Mg = kx
Substituting k = 10 from above, we see that
2Mg = 10 x

The work done in producing the additional extension is given by:

2 2
1 l 1  l 
∆EPE = k   − k  
2  5  2  10 
1 2 1 1 
= kl  − 
2  25 100 
1  Mg  2  3   Mg 
= 10 l    using k = 10 l 
2 l   100 
= Mgl J

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Elastic strings and springs Mixed exercise 3
1 (↑) 2T cos θ = mg (1)
By Hooke’s law
T= (2)
sin θ = (3)

4 5mg
a If cos θ = , T = from (1)
5 8
5mg 15mgx
so, = from (2)
8 16a
4 3
If cos θ = , then sin θ =
5 5
sin θ = from (3)
which is true. So, cos θ = .

b Work done on particle = overall gain in energy

= P.E. gain – E.P.E. loss

PM = (a + x ) cos θ E.P.E. loss = initial E.P.E. − final E.P.E.

15mg   2a  
 2a  4
= a +  =  2 ×   − 0 

 3 5 16 × 2a   3  
4a 15mg × 2 × 4a 2
= =
3 16 × 2a × 9
4a 5mga
∴ P.E. gain = mg =
3 12
4mga 5mga
So, work done = −
3 12
= (16 − 5)

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2 Let l be the natural length of the spring.
Let λ be the modulus of the spring.

( ↑) T = W
by Hooke’s law,
λa W λ
∴ W= i.e. =
l a l

Using conservation of energy,

P.E. loss of W = E.P.E. gain of spring
 3a  λx
W  + x =
 2  2l
 3a  Wx
so, W  + x  = Substitute for from above.
 2  2a l
3a 2 + 2ax = x 2
0 = x 2 − 2ax − 3a 2
0 = ( x − 3a )( x + a )
∴ x = 3a or − a
∴ maximum compression is 3a

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3 a

x = 0.75 − 0.5 = 0.25

λ × 0.25
by Hooke’s law, 15 =
⇒ λ = 30 N



Using conservation of energy 30

((0.475 − 0.25) + (0.275 − 0.25) )
2 2
Initial E.P.E. =
2 × 0.25
K.E. gain = E.P.E. loss
E.P.E. loss = initial E.P.E. − final E.P.E.
= (0.2252 + 0.0252 − 2 × 0.1252 )
2 × 0.25
= 60(0.05125 − 0.03125)
= 1.2 J
1 1 2
× × v = 1.2
2 2
So, v 2 = 4.8
v = 2.19 m s −1 (3 s.f.)

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4 Triangle ABP is a 3,4,5 triangle, so
angle APB is a right angle.

3 4
cos θ = and sin θ =
5 5
(↑) T1 sin θ + T2 cos θ = mg
4 3
T1 + T2 = mg
5 5
4T1 + 3T2 = 5mg (1)
(→) T1 cosθ = T2 sin θ
3 4
T1 = T2
5 5
T1 = T2 (2)
Substituting from (2) into (1):
T2 + 3T2 = 5mg
25T2 = 15mg
T2 =

From Hooke’s law,

λ x λ (a − l )
T2 = =
l l
3mg a 
= λ  − 1
5 l 
3mg a
+1 =
5λ l
3mg + 5λ a
5λ l
5λ a
3mg + 5λ

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5 a

(↑) R = mg
∴ Friction = mg

Work done against friction = overall loss in energy

= E.P.E. loss − K.E. gain
5 mg  
=  2  − 1 mV 2
5 2 2a 2
3ag 5ag
= −V 2
5 4
5ag 3ag ag (25 − 12)
V2 = − =
4 5 20

Friction will be the same.

Assume string is still slack when ball
comes to rest.

Work done against friction = K.E. loss

1 1  2V  1 4V 2
mg d = m   = m
5 2  5  2 25
1 1 4 13ag
gd = × ×
5 2 25 20

As d is less than a, the assumption that the string is still slack is valid.

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6 a

(↑) R = mg (→) µ R = T
µ mg = T
by Hooke’s law,
2mg l 2mg
T= × =
l 3 3
∴ µ mg =

Work done against friction = overall loss in energy

= E.P.E. loss − K.E. gain
2 2mgl 2 1
mg l = − mV 2
3 2l 2
1 2 2 1
V = gl − gl = gl
2 3 3
V 2 = gl
2 gl

c String is now slack.

Work done against friction = K.E. loss

2 1 2
mg d = m × gl
3 2 3
d= l

Total distance travelled is .

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7 a

extension of AP (x1 ) = 0.2cos θ − 0.15

extension of BP (x2 ) = 0.2sin θ − 0.05
x1 0.2cos θ − 0.15 20
∴ ratio is = ×
x2 0.2sin θ − 0.05 20
4cos θ − 3
4sin θ − 1

b (ր) along PB : T2 = 5 g cos θ

(ւ) along PA : T1 = 5 g sin θ
T2 cos θ
so, =
T1 sin θ
λ x20.15 cos θ
0.05 λ x1 sin θ
3 x2 cos θ
x1 sin θ
x1 3sin θ
i.e. =
x2 cos θ
Using the answer to part a:
4cos θ − 3 3sin θ
4sin θ − 1 cos θ
3sin θ (4sin θ − 1) = cos θ (4cos θ − 3)

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8 a

(ր perpendicular to string)

9.8 cos θ = 3 g sin θ

= tan θ
θ = tan −1   = 18.4°
3 

b (→) T sin θ = 9.8

T = 9.8 10
14.7 × x
= 9.8 10
2 10
x= ≈ 2.108…

The extension is 2.1 m (2 s.f.).

Least force will be perpendicular to the string

(ր) F = 3g sin θ
3 g 10
= 9.297…

The least force is 9.3 N (2 s.f.).

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a By conservation of energy,

K.E.gain + E.P.E.gain = P.E.loss

1  mg x 2 
mV 2 +  ×  = mg × 4a
2  4 2a 
BP = 5a (3, 4,5 triangle)
So, x = 4a
1  mg 16a 2 
∴ mV 2 +  ×  = 4mga
2  4 2a 
V 2 + 4 ga = 8 ga
V 2 = 4 ga
V = 2 ga

mg 4a
b x = 4a : T = ×
4 a
= mg

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We define the variables for the problem as in the following diagram;

a Now, applying conservation of elastic potential energy and gravitational potential energy, we find

1 λ
mgd = ⋅ ⋅ (d − l )2
2 l
⇒ mgld =
(d 2
+ l 2 − 2dl )

⇒ d = d 2 + l 2 − 2dl

Substituting k = and rearranging, we see that:

d 2 − 2(l + k )d + l 2 = 0
⇒ d = 2(l + k ) ± 2 (l + k ) 2 − l 2
⇒ d = (l + k ) ± k 2 + 2lk

But we know that d must be larger than l, else the string wouldn’t be taut when the maximum
depth was reached, so we should take the positive square root, giving the result.

b i Suppose the jumper had an initial downwards velocity, v.

Then they would have an initial kinetic energy mv 2 in the downwards direction, in addition to
the initial GPE of mgd . So the distance the jumper falls increases.

ii If we included air resistance, the frictional force would do work on the jumper as they fell.
Then the energy balance is GPE + EPE + Work done by friction = 0. This results in a reduced
GPE, decreasing the maximum distance the jumper falls.

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Review Exercise 1

As ball descends
u = 0,a = 9.8,s = 10,v = v1 The ball is released from rest 10 m above the
ground. The first step is to calculate the speed with
v 2 = u 2 + 2as
which the ball strikes the ground.
v12 = 02 + 2 ×10 × 9.8 = 196
v1 = 196 = 14
After rebound
v = 0 ,a = 9.8,s = −2.5,u = v2 You must then use the fact that the ball reaches a
maximum height of 2.5 m to find the velocity with
v = u + 2as
2 2
which it rebounds from the ground.
02 = v22 + 2 × 9.8 × ( −2.5) ⇒ v22 = 49
v2 = − 49 = −7 As it rebounds from the ground, the ball is moving
upwards. That is in the negative direction. You
I = mv2 − mv1
must take the negative square root of 49, which is
= 0.3 × ( −7 ) − 0.3 × 14 = −6.3 –7.

The magnitude of the impulse is 6.3 N.

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2 a m = 0.250 kg, mu = 2 Ns, µ = 0.2, v = 0 ms−1, s = ?

Resolving vertically:
R = mg

Friction is limiting, so F = µR = µmg

Impulse on car = change of momentum of car:

Ft = mv – mu
µ mgt = 0 − ( −2 )
µ mg
s= 1
2 (u + v ) t
1 2  2
s=  + 0
2m  µ mg
2 2
s= = = 16.3265...
µ m g 0.2 × 0.252 × 9.8

The racing car travels a distance of 16 m (2 s.f.) past point A before coming to a stop.

b The car stops in a shorter distance because there will be additional frictional forces acting on it
(e.g. air resistance) which will increase the deceleration.

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3 Positive direction
Before 6 m s–1 2 m s–1

A 0.4 kg B 0.3 kg
The total linear momentum before impact
must equal the total linear momentum after
After v m s–1 3 m s–1

a Conservation of linear momentum

The velocity of B before impact is in the
0 .4 × 6 + 0 .3 × ( − 2 ) = 0 .4 × v + 0 .3 × 3 negative direction so it must be entered
as –2 in any equations involving linear
2 .4 − 0 .6 = 0 .4 v + 0 .9 momentum.
0.4v = 2.4 − 0.6 − 0.9 = 0.9
0 .9
v= = 2.25 The velocity of A is positive (2.25 m s–1)
0 .4 after impact and it was positive (6 m s–1)
before impact. So the direction of motion
The speed of A after the collision is 2.25 m s–1
of A is unchanged.
The direction of motion of A is unchanged.

b For B, I = mv − mu
I = 0.3 × 3 − 0.3 × ( −2 )
= 0 .9 + 0 .6 = 1 .5
The magnitude of the impulse exerted on B is 1.5 N s

4 Positive direction (East)

Before 12 m s–1 6 m s–1 You do not know which direction S will be

moving in after the impact. Mark the
unknown velocity as v m s–1 in the positive
direction. After you have worked out v, the
S 2000 kg T m kg sign of v will tell you the direction in which
S is moving.

After vs m s–1 (3.6 m s–1)

a For S ,I = mv − mu
−28800 = 2000 × vs − 2000 ×12
2000vs = −28800 + 24 000 = −4800
vs = − = −2.4
The sign of v is negative, so S is moving in
The speed of S immediately after the collision the negative direction. In this solution, the
is 2.4 m s–1 positive direction has been taken as east, so S
is now moving west.
b Immediately after the collision S is moving due west.

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4 c Conservation of linear momentum

2000 × 12 + m × ( −6 ) = 2000 × ( −2.4 ) + m × 3.6

9.6 m = 24 000 + 4800 = 28800 ⇒ m = = 3000
9 .6

The mass of T is 3000 kg

5 Positive direction

Before 3 m s–1 2 m s–1

A 0.5 kg B 0.4 kg
You need to translate the statement that
‘the speed of B is 0.8 m s–1 greater than
the speed of A’ into algebra. If the speed
After v m s–1 (v + 0.8) m s–1 of A after the collision is v m s–1 then the
speed of B is 0.8 m s–1 greater; that is
(v + 0.8)m s–1

a Conservation of linear momentum

0.5 × 3 + 0.4 × 2 = 0.5 × v + 0.4 ( v + 0.8 ) All velocities in this part are in the
positive direction.
1.5 + 0.8 = 0.5v + 0.4v + 0.32
0.9v = 1.5 + 0.8 − 0.32 = 1.98
v= = 2 .2
0 .9

The speed of A after the collision is 2.2 m s–1 To find the speed of B
add 0.8 m s–1 to the speed
The speed of B after the collision is (2.2 + 0.8) m s–1 = 3 m s–1 of A.

b The momentum of A before the collision is given by

mu = 0.5 × 3 N s = 1.5 Ns The momentum of a particle is its

mass times its velocity.
Momentum is a vector quantity.
The momentum of A after the collision is given by

mv = 0.5 × 2.2 N s = 1.1 N s

A loses a momentum of (1.5 − 1.1) N s = 0.4 N s , as required.

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5 c

For B, before and after the second impact

I = mv − mu Left to right has been taken as the

= 0.4 × ( −1) − 0.4 × 3 positive direction throughout the
question. The impulse on B is
= −1.6 negative as, as the situation is
drawn here, the impulse on B is in
The magnitude of the impulse received by B the direction from right to left.
in this second impact is 1.6 Ns

6 Positive direction

Before 4 m s–1 1.5 m s–1

A 3 kg B 2 kg

After A + B 5 kg After the collision A (of mass 3 kg)

and B (of mass 2 kg) combine to
v m s–1 form a single particle. That particle
will have the mass which is the
Conservation of linear momentum sum of the two individual masses,
5 kg.
4 × 3 + 2 ×1.5 = 5 × v
12 + 3 = 5v ⇒ v = =3

The speed of C immediately after the collision is 3 m s–1

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7 Positive direction

Before 4 m s–1 4 m s–1

P 3 kg Q m kg

After 2 m s–1 1 m s–1

a Conservation of linear momentum

In the equation for the conservation of
3 × 4 + m × ( −4 ) = 3 × ( −2 ) + m ×1 momentum, you must give the velocities in the
negative direction a negative sign.
12 − 4m = −6 + m ⇒ 5m = 18
m= = 3.6

b For Q, I = mv − mu
As the magnitude of the impulse exerted on P is
I = 3 . 6 × 1 − 3 .6 × ( − 4 ) the same as the magnitude of the impulse exerted
on Q, you could equally correctly work out the
= 3.6 + 14.4 = 18
change in linear momentum of P. The working
then would be I = 3 × ( −2 ) − 3 × 4 = −18, which
The magnitude of the impulse exerted on Q
gives the same magnitude, 18 Ns
in the collision is 18 N s

8 a −4i + 4 j = 0.2 v − 0.2 × 30i

v = 10i + 20 j m s −1 Impulse = change of momentum

tanθ =
θ = 63.4

c K.E.lost

= × 0.2 × 302 − × 0.2 (102 + 202 )

1 1
2 2
= 40 J

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9 a v = ( t 2 + 2 ) i − 6tj
Differentiate to find a.
a = 2ti − 6 j
Use F = ma to find F.
F = 0.75 ( 2ti − 6 j)

t =4 Make t = 4

F = 0.75 ( 8i − 6 j)
= 6i − 4.5 j
The magnitude of F is the modulus of the
F= (6 2
+ 4.52 ) = 7.5 N vector.

b I = pi − pj Impulse is parallel to i – j
I = (p 2
+p 2
)=p 2

But I = 9 2 ∴ p = 9 Impulse = change of momentum

9i − 9 j = 0.75 ( v − ( 27i − 30 j) )
36i − 36 j = 3v − 81i + 90 j
3v = 117i − 126 j For the initial velocity, t = 5

v = 39i − 42 j m s −1

10 a I = 0.2 ( (15i + 15 j) − ( −10i ) ) Use

= 5i + 3j Impulse = change of momentum

I= (5 2
+ 32 ) = 34 The magnitude of the impulse is the
modulus of the vector.
= 5.83 N s

tanθ =
θ = 31∗ ( nearest degree )

c K.E.gained

= × 0.2 × (152 + 152 ) − × 0.2 × 102

1 1
2 2
= 35 J

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11 a v = ∫ ( 2i + 6tj) dt
= 2ti + 3t 2 j + c Don’t forget the (vector)
t = 0 vɺ = 2i − 4 j constant of integration.

∴ c = 2i − 4 j
v = ( 2t + 2 ) i + ( 3t 2 − 4 ) j

b t = 2 v = 6i + 8 j Find the velocity immediately

3i − 1.5 j = 0.5 ( V − ( 6i + 8 j) ) before the impact.

6i − 3j = V − 6i − 8 j Impulse = change of momentum

V = 12i + 5 j
V = (12 2
+ 52 ) = 13 Speed is the modulus of the
Speed = 13m s−1

12 m = 1250 kg, µ = 0.05, s = 750 m

Resolving perpendicular to the slope:

R = mg cos 5

Friction is limiting, so F = µR

F = µ mg cos 5
F = 0.05 × 1250 × 9.8 cos 5 = 610.16...

The frictional force between the sled and the slope is 610 N (3 s.f.)

b The frictional force acts along the slope, so work done against friction, WF:
WF = Fs
WF = 610 × 750 = 457500
The work done against friction is 458 kJ (3 s.f.)

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12 c Work done against gravity, WG = mgh
h = 750 sin 5
WG = 1250 × 9.8 × 750 sin 5 = 800743
The work done against gravity is 801 kJ (3 s.f.)

13 WG = 19 600 J, s = 25 m, m = 1000 kg

WG = mgh
h = 25sin θ
19600 = 1000 × 9.8 × 25sin θ
25sin θ = =2
sin θ = as required.

14 m = 4 kg, h = 40 m

a From the conservation of energy:

K.E. gained = P.E. lost

Final K.E. = mgh

Final K.E. = 4 × 9.8 × 40 = 1568

When the rock hits the sea, its kinetic energy is 1568 J

b Work will be done against the opposing air resistance and the final kinetic energy will therefore be

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15 m = 200 kg, u = 2 ms−1, v = 1.5 ms−1, s = 200 m

a Loss of kinetic energy = initial K.E. – final K.E.

K.E. lost = 12 mu 2 − 12 mv 2
K.E. lost = 12 m ( u 2 − v 2 )
K.E. lost = 12 × 200 ( 22 − 1.52 ) = 175
The cable car loses 175 J of kinetic energy.

b Potential energy gained, P.E. = mgh

h = 200 sin 30
P.E. = 200 × 9.8 × 200sin 30 = 196000

The potential energy gained is 196 kJ (3 s.f.)

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The change in the potential energy

of P depends on the vertical distance it
has moved. You find this using

a Let the vertical distance moved by P

be h m.

= sin30 ⇒ h = 3sin30 = 1.5

The potential energy gained by P is given by

PE = mgh = 2 × 9.8 × 1.5 = 29.4

Let the speed of P at B be v m s-1

The kinetic energy lost by P is given by

1 1
K.E. = mu 2 − mv 2
2 2
1 1
= 2 × 102 − 2v 2 = 100 − v 2
2 2

Using the principle of conservation of energy

100 − v 2 = 29.4 If no forces other than gravity are acting

on the particle, as mechanical energy is
v 2 = 100 − 29.4 = 70.6 conserved, the loss of kinetic energy
v = 70.6 = 8.402… must equal the gain in potential energy.

The speed of P at B is 8.4 m s–1 (2 s.f.) As a numerical value of g has been used, you
should round your final answer to 2 significant
figures. Three significant figures are also

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16 b

Let the normal reaction between the particle

and the plane have magnitude R N.

R(տ) R = 2 g cos30

The frictional force is given by

F = µR = µ2 g cos30

The kinetic energy lost by P is given by

1 1
K.E . = mu 2 − mv 2
2 2
1 1
= 2 × 102 − 2 × 7 2 = 51
2 2
The potential energy gained by P is the same The vertical height moved is the same
as in a. as in a.

The total loss of mechanical energy, in J, is

51 − 29.4 = 21.6

The work done by friction is given by

work done = force× distance moved

W = µR × 3 = µ2 g cos 30 × 3 = µ × 50.922…

Using the work–energy principle

The work done by the friction is
µ × 50.922… = 21.6 ⇒ µ = 0.424… equal to the total loss of energy of the
The coefficient of friction is 0.42 (2 s.f.)

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17 a

In moving from S to T, P descends a vertical

distance of h m, where

= sin 30 ⇒ h = 12 sin 30 = 6 The change in the potential energy
12 of P depends on the vertical distance
it has moved. You find this using
The potential energy, in J, lost by P is given by trigonometry.
mgh = 0.6 × 9.8 × 6 = 35.28

The kinetic energy, in J, lost by P is given by

mu 2 − mv 2 = m u 2 − v 2
( )
= × 0.6 × 102 − 9 2 = 5.7
As P moves from S to T both kinetic
The total loss of energy of P is and potential energy are lost.
(35.28 + 5.7) J = 40.98 J = 41J (2 s.f.)

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17 b

Let the normal reaction between the particle

and the plane have magnitude R N.
R(ր) R = 0.6 g cos30

The frictional force is given by Friction opposes motion and acts up

F = µR = µ0.6 g cos30 = µ × 5.09229… the plane. The work done by friction
against the motion of the particle
equals the total loss of energy of the
The work done by friction is given by
particle. You should use the unrounded
work done = force × distance moved answer from a for the total energy loss.
W = F ×12 = µ × 61.106…

Using the work–energy principle

µ × 61.106 … = 40.98 ⇒ µ = 0.6706
The coefficient of friction is 0.67 (2 s.f.)

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3 3 4
18 a tan α = ⇒ sin α = , cos α =
4 5 5

This diagram illustrates that if

3 3 4
tan α = ,sinα = and cos α =
4 5 5

Let the normal reaction between the particle

and the plane have magnitude R N.
R( տ) R = 4 g cos α = 4 × 9.8 × = 31.36

The work done by friction is given by

work done = force× distance moved
W = µR × AB The magnitude of the frictional force is
2 given by F = µR for the particle’s motion
= × 31.36 × 2.5 = 22.4 both up and down the plane. The direction
7 of the frictional force changes but its
The work done by friction in moving from A magnitude does not.
to B is 22.4 J

b Let the vertical distance moved by P in moving from A to B be h m.

h 3
= sin α ⇒ h = 2.5 × = 1.5
2 .5 5

The potential energy, in J, gained by P in

moving from A to B is given by
mgh = 4 × 9.8 × 1.5 = 58.8

Let the speed of P at A be u m s–1

The kinetic energy, in J, lost by P in moving

from A to B is given by
1 At B the particle is instantaneously at
mu 2 = 2u 2 rest and has no kinetic energy. So all of
2 the initial kinetic energy has been lost.

The mechanical energy, in J, lost by P in

moving from A to B is given by
2u 2 − 58.8 In moving from A to B, kinetic energy has been
lost and potential energy gained. The
Using the work–energy principle difference between the values is the net loss.
22.4 = 2u 2 − 58.8
58.8 + 22.4
u2 = = 40.6
u = 40.6 = 6.371…
The speed of P at A is 6.4 m s–1 (2 s.f.)

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18 c Let the speed of P when it returns to A be v m s–1

The work done by friction as P moves from

B to A is the same that it does as P moves The work done depends on the normal reaction
from A to B. Hence the total work done by and the distance moved. Both the reaction and the
friction is distance are the same as when the particle moves
2 × 22.4 = 44.8 J from A to B and from B to A. So you can find the
total work done by friction by doubling your
answer to a.
By the work–energy principle
1 1
44.8 = mu 2 − mv 2 As the particle is now at the same level as it
2 2 started, there is no change in its potential energy.
= 2 × 40.6 − 2v 2 So the change in mechanical energy is just the loss
in kinetic energy.
81.2 − 44.8
v =
= 18.2
v = 18.2 = 4.266…
The speed of P when it returns to A is 4.3 m s–1 (2 s.f.)

3 3 4
19 a tanα = ⇒ sinα , cosα = You can sketch a 3, 4, 5 triangle to check
4 5 5 these relations.

As B descends a distance h, A moves a

distance h up the plane. Let the vertical
displacement of A be y.

y 3 3
= sin α ⇒ y = h
h 5 5
B has mass 2m and descends a distance
The potential energy lost by B is 2mgh h.

The potential energy gained by A is

3 3
mgy = mg × h = mgh A has mass m and ascends a vertical
5 5 distance 3
The net loss in potential energy of the system is h
3 7
2mgh − mgh = mgh
5 5

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19 b For A

Let the normal reaction between the particle

and the plane have magnitude R N
4 4
R(տ) R = mg cos α = mg × = mg
5 5

The work done by friction is given by

work done = force× distance moved
W = µR × h
5 4 1
= × mg × h = mgh
8 5 2
The gain in kinetic energy is
1 1 3
mv 2 + (2 m )v 2 = mv 2 Both particles start from rest, so the system
2 2 2 has no initial kinetic energy.

The net loss of mechanical energy is

7 3
mgh − mv 2 The total loss in mechanic energy is the
5 2 difference between the loss in potential energy
you worked out in a, less the kinetic energy
Using the work–energy principle gained.

1 7 3
mgh = mgh − mv 2 The work done by friction against the motion of the
2 5 2 particle A equals the total loss of energy of the
3 2 7 1 9 system. Other than gravity, there is no force acting on
mv =  −  mgh = mgh B. The only force causing the loss of mechanical
2 5 2 10 energy is the friction acting on A.
2 9 3
v 2 = × gh = gh
3 10 5

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20 a

Let F N be the magnitude of the driving

force produced by the engine of the car.

50kW = 50 000 W
P = Fv
50 000 = F × 25 ⇒ F = 2000

For the car and trailer combined

R(→) F − 750 − R = 0 When you consider the car and trailer
combined, the tensions at the ends of the
R = F − 750 = 2000 − 750 = 1250, as required tow–bar cancel one another out and can be

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20 b

As the car brakes, the forces in the tow-bar are

thrusts and act in the directions shown in this
diagram. The forces in the tow-bar in a are
tensions and act in the opposite directions to

Let the acceleration of the car while braking

be a m s–2
For the car and trailer combined:

R(→) F = ma
− 1500 − 750 − 1250 = 2500a
2500a = −3500 ⇒ a = − = − 1 .4

The deceleration of the car is therefore 1.4 m s−2

c Let the magnitude of the thrust in the

tow-bar while braking be T N.

For the trailer alone

R(→) F = ma
− 1250 − T = 1500a = 1500 × ( −1.4)
T = 1500 × 1.4 − 1250 = 850
The magnitude of the thrust in the tow-bar
while braking is 850 N
20 d To find the distance travelled in coming to rest
v 2 = u 2 + 2as
02 = 252 + 2 × ( −1.4) s
The work done, in J, by the braking force of
1500 N is given by
Work done = force× distance moved
W = 1500 × s = 1500 × = 334821

The work done by the braking force in

bringing the car and the trailer to rest is
335 kJ (3 s.f.)

e The resistance could be modelled as varying

with speed.

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a Let F N be the magnitude of the driving

force produced by the engine of the car.

24 kW = 24000 W
P= Fv
24 000 = F × 12 ⇒ F = 2000

R(→) F = ma
F − 1200 = 1000a
2000 − 1200 = 1000a ⇒ a = = 0.8 m s −2

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21 b The kinetic energy, in J, lost as the car is
brought to rest is

1 1
mu 2 = 1000 × 14 2 = 98 000 The final kinetic energy is zero.
2 2

Work done by resistance = Energy lost You use the work-energy principle.
Resistance× distance = Energy lost The work done by the resistance
(1200 N) in bringing the car to rest is
1200d = 98 000 equal to the kinetic energy lost.
98 000 2
d= = 81
1200 3

c Resistance usually varies with speed. As the speed slows down, the resistance to
motion usually decreases. In this case, this
might mean that the car would travel further.

22 a From A to B, the cyclist descends

(20 12)m = 8 m
Whatever the path taken, the potential
The potential energy, in J, lost in travelling energy lost in travelling from A to B
from A to B is given by depends solely on the difference in levels
between A and B.
mgh = 80 × 9.8 × 8 = 6272

The kinetic energy, in J, lost in travelling

from A to B is given by

mu 2 − mv 2 = m ( u 2 − v 2 )
1 1 1
2 2 2
= 40 ( 82 − 52 ) = 1560

The total mechanical energy lost is

(6272 + 1560) J = 7832 J

The work done by resistance due to non-

gravitational forces is given by

W = force × distance moved

= 20 × 500 = 10 000
The non-gravitational resistances to motion have
worked 10 000 J against the motion. However, the
(10 000 − 7832) J = 2168J mechanical energy lost is only 7832 J. The
difference between these values is the work that
has been done by the cyclist.
The work done by the cyclist in moving
from A to B is 2200 J (2 s.f.)

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22 b At B, let the force generated by the cyclist
be FN.

R(→) F = ma
F − 20 = 80 × 0.5
So F = 60 N
P = Fv
= 60 × 5 = 300
The power generated by the cyclist is 300 W


Let FN be the magnitude of the driving

force produced by the engine.

10 kW = 10000 W Before you use the formula P = Fv, you

P = Fv have to convert kilowatts to watts.
10000 = F × 20 ⇒ F = 500

R(ր) F = ma
F − R − 400 g sin θ = 0 As the car is travelling at a constant
speed, its acceleration is zero.
R = F − 400 g sin θ
= 500 − 400 × 9.8 × = 220

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24 a

Let the acceleration of the lorry be a m s–2

and the driving force of the engine have
magnitude FN.

36kW = 36 000 W
kW must be converted to W.
P = Fv
36 000 = F × 20 ⇒ F = 1800
R(→) F = ma
F − 750 = 1500a
1800 − 750 = 1500a
1800 − 750
a= = 0.7
This result is only true at one instant
in time. The speed would now
The acceleration of the lorry when the speed
increase and the driving force and
is 20 m s–1 is 0.7 m s–2 acceleration decrease.

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24 b

The driving forces in a and b are

Let the driving force of the engine different and it is a good idea to
have magnitude F ' N. avoid confusion by using different
symbols for the forces.
R(ր) F = ma
F '− 750 − 1500 g sin α = 0 In this part of the question the lorry
is moving at a constant speed and
F ' = 750 + 1500 × 9.8 × = 2220 the acceleration is zero.
P = Fv
= 2220 × 20 = 44 400

The rate at which the lorry is now working This question asks for no particular
form of the answer, so you could
is 44.4 kW.
give your answer in either W or
kW. Two or three significant
figures are acceptable.

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25 a

Let the speed of the car be u m s–1 and the

driving force of the engine have magnitude
F N.

21kW = 21000 W In both parts of this question, as the

car is moving with constant speed, the
acceleration is zero. So the vector sum
R( → ) F − 600 = 0 ⇒ F = 600 of the forces acting on the car is zero.
P = Fv
21000 = 600v ⇒ v = = 35

The speed of the car is 35 m s–1

Let the speed of the car be u ms–1 The driving forces in a and b are
and the driving force of the engine different and it is a good idea to avoid
have magnitude F ' N. confusion by using different symbols for
the forces.
R(ր) F ' − 1200 g sin α − 600 = 0

F ' = 1200 × 9.8 × + 600 = 1440 7
14 Although there is an exact answer, 14 ,a
P = Fv numerical value for g has been used in the
2100 = 1440v ⇒ v = 14.583ɺ question and the answer should be rounded to 2
significant figures. Three significant figures
(14.6) is also acceptable.
The constant speed of the car as it moves up
the hill is 15 m s–1 (2 s.f.)

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a Let F N be the magnitude of the driving

force produced by the engine of the car.

12 kW = 12 000 W
P = Fv
12 000 = F ×15
12 000
F= = 800
R(→) F = ma
F − R = 1000 × 0.2 Using Newton’s second law, the vector sum
of the forces on the car equals the mass
R = F − 1000 × 0.2 times acceleration.
= 800 − 200 = 600, as required

Resistance acts against motion. As the car is

travelling down the hill, the resistance of 600 N
acts up the hill.

Let the driving force of the engine have

magnitude F ' N.

R(ւ) F '+ 1000 g sin θ − 600 = 0 As the car is travelling at a constant

speed, there is no acceleration.
F ' = 600 − 1000 × 9.8 × = 355
7 kW = 7000 W
P = Fv
7000 = 355U
U= = 19.718… = 20 (2s.f .)

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27 m = 600 kg, R = ( 500 + 2v 2 ) N, v = 15 ms−1, P = ?

a The engine must create a force F where F = R

P = Fv
P = ( 500 + 2v 2 ) v

( )
P = 500 + ( 2 ×152 ) ×15 = 14250
For the motorcycle to maintain a constant speed of 15 ms−1 on a horizontal road, the engine must
deliver 14.3 kW (3 s.f.)

Resolving parallel to the slope:

T = ( 500 + 2v 2 ) − mg sin 5

So the power required is:

P = ( 500 + 2v 2 − mg sin 5) v

( )
P = 500 + ( 2 ×152 ) − (600 × 9.8sin 5) ×15 = 6562.8...

For the motorcycle to maintain a constant speed of 15 ms−1 when travelling down a road inclined
at 5° to the horizontal, the engine must deliver 6.6 kW (2 s.f.)

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28 m = 1500 kg, R = ( 700 + 10v ) N, v = 30 ms−1

P = 60 000 W
The force provided by the engine, F, is given by:
P = Fv
60000 = 30 F
F = 2000

Using Newton’s second law of motion up the hill:

2000 − ( 700 + 10v ) − mg sin α = ma
2000 − ( 700 + 300 ) − (1500 × 9.8 × 121 ) = 1500a
a=− = −0.15

The initial deceleration of the van is 0.15 ms−2

b P = 80 000 W
The force provided by the engine is now given by:
P = F ′v
80000 = F ′v
F′ =
When the van reaches its maximum speed, the acceleration will be zero.
Therefore, by Newton’s second law,
the resultant force on the van (in the direction of the acceleration)
will be zero.

Only the positive root is relevant.

When the engine operates at 80 kW, the van maintains a constant uphill speed of 35.1 m s-1 (3 s.f.)

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29 a The vertical distance fallen by P in moving
from A to C is (45 – 30) m =15 m

Using the principle of conservation of energy,

kinetic energy gained = potential energy lost The mass of the particle cancels
1 1 throughout this equation. The
m v 2 − m u 2 = m gh calculations in this question are
2 2 independent of the mass of P.
1 1
× 24.52 − u 2 = 9.8 × 15
2 2
This equation has a similar form to
u = 24.5 − 2 × 9.8 × 15 = 306.25
2 2
v 2 = u 2 + 2 as. However, it would be an error to
u = 306.25 = 17.5, as required use this formula, which is a formula for motion in a
straight line, as P is not moving in a straight line.
b R(→) u x = u cos θ = 17.5 × = 14 The horizontal component of the
5 velocity is constant throughout the
Let the required angle be ψ
14 4
cosψ = = At C, the velocity of P and its components
24.5 7 are illustrated in this diagram.
ψ =55.15… = 55 (nearest degree)

c R (↑ ) u y = u sin θ = 17.5 × = 10.5
To find the time taken for P to move from
A to D
ψ can now be found using trigonometry.
R (↑) s = ut + at 2 There is no need to find the vertical
2 component of the velocity at C.
− 45 = 10.5t − 4.9t 2
4.9t 2 − 10.5t − 45 = 0
49t 2 − 105t − 450 = 0
(7t − 30)(7t + 15) = 0 These factors are difficult to spot and you
can use the formula for a quadratic. You
t = , as t > 0 should, however, obtain an exact answer.

R(→) distance = speed × time

= 14 ×= 60
BD = 60 m

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30 a The kinetic energy, in J, gained in moving
from A to B is
1 1
mv 2 = 80 × 20 2 = 16 000
2 2

The potential energy, in J, lost in moving

from A to B is

mgh = 80 × 9.8 × (32.5 − 8.1) = 19129.6

The net loss of mechanical energy is

(19129.6 − 16 000)J = 3129.6J The net loss in mechanical
energy is the work done by the
The work done by the resisting force of R resistance to motion.
newtons, in J, is given by

Work = force × distance

= R × 60

By the work–energy principle

60 R = 3129.6
R= = 52.16 = 52N (2s.f .)

3 3 4
b tan α = ⇒ sin α = , cos α = You can sketch a 3, 4, 5, triangle
4 5 5 to check these relations.
R(→) u x = 20 cos α = 20 × = 16
R (↑) u y = 20 sin α = 20 × = 12

To find the time taken to move from B to C

R(↑) s = ut + at 2
− 8.1 = 12t − 4.9t 2 Rearranging the quadratic and
multiplying by 10.
4.9t 2 − 12t − 8.1 = 0
49t 2 − 120t − 81 = 0
(t − 3)(49t + 27) = 0
t = 3, as t > 0

The time taken to move from B to C is 3 s.

c → distance = speed × time

= 16 × 3 = 48

The horizontal distance from B to C is 48 m.

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30 d Let the speed of the skier immediately
before reaching C be w m s–1

Using the conservation of energy

1 1
m w2 − m v 2 = m gh
2 2
Cancelling the m and rearranging the formula. This
w = v + 2 gh
2 2

result is similar to v = u + 2 as. However, it

2 2

= 20 + 2 × 9.8 × 8.1 = 558.76

would be an error to use this formula, which is a
formula for motion in a straight line, as the skier is
w = 558.76 = 23.638…
not moving in a straight line. You must establish the
result using the principle of conservation of energy.
The speed of the skier immediately before
reaching C is 24 m s–1 (2 s.f.)


AB = 1.6 m

For spring AP: l = lA = 0.8 m, λ = λA = 24 N, x = xA, T = TA

For spring PB: l = lB = 0.4 m, λ = λA = 20 N, x = xB, T = TB

lA + lB + xA + xB = 1.6

xA + xB = 1.6 – 0.8– 0.4 = 0.4

xB = 0.4 – xA

Since P is in equilibrium, TA = TB

a Using Hooke’s law for each spring:

λ A x A λB x B
lA lB
24 x A 20 xB
0.8 0.4
30 xA = 50 xB substituting for xB
3xA = 5 ( 0.4 − xA )
8 xA = 2
xA = 0.25
AP = l A + xA
AP = 0.8 + 0.25 = 1.05
The distance AP is 1.05 m.

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31 b Substituting the value for xA into the expression for TA
λ x
TA = A A
24 × 0.25
TA = = 7.5
Since P is in equilibrium, TA = TB
The tension in each spring is 7.5 N


AC = 4 m

For spring AB: l = lA = 1.5 m, λ = λA = 20 N, x = xA, T = TA

For spring BC: l = lC = 0.75 m, λ = λA = 15 N, x = xC, T = TC

lA + lC + xA + xC = 4

xA + xC = 4 – 1.5 – 0.75 = 1.75

xC = 1.75 – xA

Since system is in equilibrium, TA = TC

Using Hooke’s law for each spring:
λA x A λC xC
lA lC
20 x A 15 xC
1.5 0.75
40 x A
= 20 xC
2 x A = 3xC substituting for xC
2 x A = 3 (1.75 − x A )
5 x A = 5.25
x A = 1.05
AB = l A + x A
AB = 1.5 + 1.05 = 2.55
BC = 4 − AB
BC = 4 − 2.55 = 1.45
The distances AB and BC are 2.55 m and 1.45 m respectively.

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You must consider the two strings separately. Here
the string of natural length 100 cm is drawn on the
left. The extension of this string is (120 – 100) cm
= 20 cm and the tension in this string is taken as T1
newtons. The string of natural length 90 cm is
drawn on the right. The extension of this string is
(120 – 90) cm = 30 cm and the tension in this string
is taken as T2 newtons.

For the string of natural length 100 cm

Hooke’s law T =
175 × 20
T1 = = 35
For the string of natural length 90 cm
Hooke’s law T =
λ × 30 λ
T2 = =
90 3
R(↑)T1 + T2 = 5 g
35 + = 5 × 9.8
λ = 3(5 × 9.8 − 35) = 42

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a The line of action of the weight must pass

For three forces to be in equilibrium the lines of
through C which is not above the centre
action of all three forces must pass through the same
of the rod. point. As the lines of action of both tensions pass
through C, the line of action of the weight has to pass
through C as well, so the rod cannot be uniform.

3 3 4
34 b tan α = ⇒ sin α , cos α =
4 5 5
Let the tension in AC be T2 newtons and the
tension in BC be T2 newtons.

R(→) T1 cos α = T2 sin α

4 3 3
T1 = T2 ⇒ T1 = T2
5 5 4
R(↑) T1 sin α + T2 cos α = 2mg You substitute T1 = T2 and the values of sin α and
cos α into this equation and solve for T2
3 3 4
T2 × + T2 × = 2 mg
4 5 5

 9 4 5
 +  T2 = T2 = 2 mg
 20 5  4
T2 = mg

The tension in BC is mg , as required.
3 3 8 6
T1 = T2 = × mg = mg
4 4 5 5
The tension in AC is mg.

3 6
c BC = AB sin α = 2a × = a You find the length of BC by
5 5 trigonometry. Then the extension of the
For BC 6 1
elastic string BC is a − a = a
λx 5 5
Hooke’s law T2 =
kmg × a
8 5 ⇒k =8
mg =
5 a

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Initially the spring is in compression and
the force of the spring on the particle is
acting down the plane.

Let the thrust in the spring be T newtons. The compression is

λx (2 – 1.6) m = 0.4 m
Hooke’s law T =
20 × 0.4 When you know tan α you can draw a triangle
= =4
2 to find cos α and sin α.
R(ւ) F = ma
mg sin α + T = ma
0.8 × 9.8 × + 4 = 0.8a
0.8a = 8.704
a = 10.88 3
tan α =
The initial acceleration of the particle 3
is 11 m s–1 (2 s.f.) sin α =
cos α =

As you have used an approximate value

of g, you should round your answer to a
sensible accuracy. Either 2 or 3
significant figures is acceptable.

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When P comes instantaneously to rest, it is not in
equilibrium and so the question cannot easily be
solved by resolving. It is a common error to
attempt the solution of this, and similar questions,
by resolving.

4 3 When you know tan α you can draw a triangle to

tan α = ⇒ cos α =
3 5 find cos α.

Let the distance fallen by P be h.

h = a tan α =
 4a  25a 2
AP = h + a =   + a 2 =
2 2 2

 3  9
AP = 4
3 tan α =
When P first comes to rest the energy stored in cos α =
one string is given by

λ x2
The extension in one string is
 2a 
λ  5a
2λ a
=   =
3 AP − natural length = −a
2a 9 2a
When P first comes to rest the potential energy
lost is given by

mgh = mg × a

Conservation of energy
Initially P is at rest and, when it has fallen
Elastic energy gained = potential energy lost 5a
, it is at rest again. So there is no change
4λ a 4mga in kinetic energy. Elastic energy is gained
9 3 by both strings and potential energy is lost
by the particle.
4mga 9
λ= × = 3 mg
3 4a

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In solving nearly all questions involving elastic
strings and springs you need to find the value of,
or an expression for, the extension. If no symbol is
given in the question, you should introduce a symbol,
here x m, yourself.

a Let the extension of string when B is at C be x m.

By the conservation of energy

elastic energy gained = potential energy lost

λ x2
= mgh
In filling from A to C, the ball moves a
19.6 x 2
= 0.5 × 9.8(2 + x ) distance of (2 + x)m and so the potential
4 energy lost is, in Joules, mg (2 + x).

4.9 x 2 = 4.9(2 + x)
x2 − x − 2 = 0
( x − 2)( x + 1) = 0 For there to be elastic energy in a string, the
extension must be positive, so you can
discard the solution x = –1
AC = 4 m

b At C

Hooke’s law

λx 19.6 × 2
T= = = 19.6
l 2
R(↓)F = ma
mg − T = ma
0.5 × 9.8 − 19.6 = 0.5a
0.5 × 9.8 − 19.6
a= = −29.4 The negative acceleration shows you
0.5 that the acceleration is in the direction
of x decreasing, that is towards A.
The instantaneous acceleration of B at C
is 29.4 m s–2 directed towards A.

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a Let AC = 2 m. When S is at C, the elastic energy stored in the string is given by

λ x2
20 × (0.5) 2 5
= = J
2 × 1.5 3
Let the speed of S at C be v m s–1
Conservation of energy

Kinetic energy lost = elastic potential energy gained

1 1 5
mu 2 − mv 2 =
2 2 3
1 1 5
× 0.2 × 52 − × 0.2v 2 =
2 2 3
5 5
0.1v 2 = 0.1× 25 − =
3 6
25 5 5 3 5 3
v2 = ⇒V = = ≈ 2.886… The exact answer m s −1 is
3 3 3 3
also accepted.
The speed of S when AS = 2 m is 2.89 m s (3 s.f.)

b Let the extension of the string immediately

before the string breaks be x m.
When the extension in the string is x m, the To find the tension in the string when
elastic energy stored in the string is given by the speed of S is 1.5 m s–1, you first
need to find the extension of the string
λ x 2 20 x 2
E= = at this speed. The extension is found
2l 3 using conservation of energy.
Conservation of energy
Kinetic energy lost = elastic energy gained
1 1 20 x 2
mu 2 − mv 2 =
2 2 3
1 1 20 x 2
× 0.2 × 5 − × 0.2 × 1.5 =
2 2

2 2 3
20 x
= 2.275 ⇒ x 2 = 0.34125
x = (0.34125)
Hooke’s law

λx 20 (0.34125)
T= = = 7.788…
l 1.5

The tension in the string immediately before the string breaks is 7.79 N (3 s.f.)

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39 a

AP 2 = (1.5l ) 2 + (2l ) 2 = 6.25l 2 ⇒ AP = 2.5l It is acceptable just to write down

AP = 2.5l, using the 3, 4, 5 triangle.
Let α be the angle between AP and the vertical.
2l 4
cos α = =
2.5l 5
The extension of half of the string, AP, is 2.5l – 1.5l = l
Hooke’s law

λ × extension
natural length
You find two equations in T and λ
λl 2λ
= = (1) by resolving vertically and using
1.5l 3 Hooke’s law. Eliminating T between
the two equations gives λ
R (↑) 2T cos α = mg
2T × = mg
5 mg
T= ( 2)

Eliminating T between (1) and (2)

2λ 5 mg
3 8
5 mg 3 15 mg
λ= × = , as required.
8 2 16

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39 b

Let the perpendicular distance from the original

To prove that the speed of P at AB is zero,
position of P to AB be h.
the speed of P at AB is taken as v m s–1. You
then use conservation of energy to obtain an
h2 = (3.9l )2 − (1.5l )2 = 12.96l 2 ⇒ h = 3.6l equation for v. You complete the proof by
solving the equation for v and showing the
Let the speed of P as it reaches AB be v m s–1 solution is zero.

Conservation of energy

kinetic energy gained + potential energy gained = elastic energy lost

1 2 λ x2 Each of the two halves of the

mv + mgh = 2 × string have natural length 1.5l
2 2 × natural length and extension 2.4l

1 2
mv + mg × 3.6l = 2 ×
15 mg
16 ( )
(3.9l − 1.5l ) 2
2 2 ×1.5l
1 2 5mg
mv + 3.6mgl = × (2.4l ) 2 = 3.6 mgl
2 8l

1 2
Hence mv = 0 ⇒ v = 0
P comes to instantaneous rest on the line AB, as required.

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40 Due to equivalence of work and energy:
energy stored = work done in stretching the string.
Work done in stretching the string is given by the area under the line (see graph):
1  λx 
energy stored = x  
2  l 
λ x2
energy stored =

At equilibrium, the tension in the spring, T = mg

Using Hooke’s law:
T= = mg
λ  lmg 
so energy stored =  
2l  λ 
lm 2 g 2
energy stored = as required.

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41 l = 0.5 m, λ = 20 N, m = 0.5 kg

Due to the equivalence of work and energy:

work done in stretching the string
= energy stored when total length is 1.0 m – total energy stored at equilibrium length

When the string is stretched to a total length of 1.0 m, x = 1.0 − 0.5 = 0.5 m
λ x2
and energy stored in the string at this length =

When the string is at equilibrium, the tension, T = mg

Let the extension at this point be e

Using Hooke’s law:

T= = mg
mg =
mgl 0.5 × 0.5 × 9.8
e= = = 0.1225
λ 20
However, in this position there is also additional gravitational potential energy as particle is further
above the ground.
gravitational potential energy = mgh = mg ( x − e )

So work done in stretching the string from equilibrium to 1.0 m:

work done = final EPE – initial (EPE + PE)

λ x2  λe2 
work done = − + mg ( x − e ) 
2l  2l 
work done =
( x2 − e2 ) − mg ( x − e )
work done =
2 × 0.5
( 0.52 − 0.12252 ) − 0.5 × 9.8 ( 0.5 − 0.1225)
work done = 20 ( 0.25 − 0.01500...) − 4.9(0.5 − 0.1225) = 2.8501...
The work done in stretching the string is 2.85 J (3 s.f.)

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42 a

R(↑)T cos 60 = 0.8 g

Resolving vertically gives you
1 the tension in the string.
T = 0.8 g ⇒ T = 1.6 g
3 Substituting for the tension into
R(←) F = T cos 30 = 1.6 g × the equation obtained by resolving
2 horizontally gives the value of F.
= 13.579
= 14(2s.f.)

b Hooke’s law T=
24 x
1.6 g = Substituting for the tension into
1.2 Hooke’s Law gives you an equation
1.6 g × 1.2 for the extension.
x= = 0.784

The extension of the string is 0.78 m (2 s.f.)

c The elastic energy sotred in the string is given by

λ x2
E= You need to remember the
2l formula for the energy stored
in an elastic string.
24 × (0.784) 2
= = 6.146 56
2 × 1.2

The elastic energy stored in the string is 6.1 J (2 s.f.)

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a At A, the elastic energy stored in the string is given by

λ x2
3.6 mg × ( 13 a) 2
= At A, the extension of the
2a 4 1
string is a − a = a
= 0.2mga 3 3

b The total energy lost is

1 1
mu 2 − 0.2mga = × 2mga − 0.2mga As P is at rest at A, then net loss of energy
2 2 is the loss in kinetic energy minus the
= 0.8mga gain in elastic energy.
At any point in the motion
R(↑) R = mg

The friction is given by

F = µ R = µ mg
By the work–energy principle

4 By the work–energy principle, the net loss in energy

0.8mga = µ mg × a is equal to the work done by friction. You find the work
3 done by friction by multiplying the magnitude of the
3 4
µ = 0.8 × = 0.6 friction, µmg, by the distance the particle moves, a
4 3
This gives you an equation in µ, which you solve.

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At any point in the motion

R(↑) R = mg

The friction is given by

F = µR = mg

At A, the elastic energy stored in the string is given by

λ x2
4mg × ( 12 a ) 2
= At A, the extension of the string
2a 3 1
1 is a − a = a
= mga 2 2

By the work–energy principle

1 2
mga = mg × AB When P comes to rest, as OB < a, the string is slack
2 3 so all of the elastic energy has been lost. This lost
3 energy must equal the work done by friction, which
AB = a
4 2
is the magnitude of the friction, mg , multiplied
by the distance moved by P, which is AB.

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45 l = 1.0 m, λ = 75 N, m = 5 kg, x = 1.5 − 1.0 = 0.5 m

Energy stored in the spring is transferred to the kinetic energy of the particle.

By the conservation of energy

λ x2 1 2
= mv
2l 2
λ x2
= mv 2
λ x2
v2 =
75 × 0.52 15
v2 = =
5 ×1 4
v= as required.

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46 l = 0.8 m, λ = 15 N, m = 0.5 kg, x = 2 – 0.8 = 1.2 m

Energy stored in string when stretched to total length 2 m

λ x2
15 × 1.2 2
E= = 13.5
2 × 0.8
As particle moves upwards, this is converted into gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy.

a When string first becomes slack, the particle is h = 1.2 m above initial position.
Initial elastic potential energy = final potential energy + final kinetic energy
E = mgh + 1 mv 2
E = m gh + 1 v 2
2 )
1 v 2 = E − gh
2 m
E 
v = 2  − gh 
m 
 13.5 
v = 2 − ( 9.8 ×1.2 )  = 5.5208...
 0.5 

When the string first becomes slack, the particle is travelling at 5.5 ms−1 (2 s.f.)

b When particle reaches P, h = 2 m

 13.5 
v = 2 − ( 9.8 × 2 )  = 3.8470...
 0.5 
When the particle reaches P, it is travelling at 3.8 m s−1 (2 s.f.)

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47 a When P comes to rest for the first time, let the extension of the string be x m

Conservation of energy

elastic energy gained = potential energy lost

λ x2
= mgh Divide this equation throughout by 2.45 and
2l rearrange the terms. If you cannot see this
58.8 x 2 simplification, you can use the quadratic
= 0.5 × 9.8 × (4 + x) formula but you would be expected to
obtain an exact answer.
7.5 x 2 = 19.6 + 4.9 x
3x 2 − 2 x − 8 = 0 For the string to have elastic energy, it
( x − 2)(3x + 4) = 0 has to be stretched so you can ignore the
x=2 negative solution −
The distance fallen by P is (4 + 2) m = 6 m

b P will first become slack when it has moved 3 m vertically.

Let the velocity at this point be v m s–1

Conservation of energy

kinetic energy gained + potential energy gained = elastic energy lost

1 2 λ x2
mv + mgh = Initially P is at rest and then rise 3 m. So both
2 2l
kinetic and potential energy are gained. Initially
1 58.8 × 32
0.5v 2 + 0.5 × 9.8 × 3 = the string is stretched but, after rising 3 m, it is
2 8 slack. So elastic energy is lost. By Conservation
0.25v = 14.7 = 66.15
2 of energy, the net gain of kinetic and potential
energies must equal the elastic energy lost.

66.15 − 14.7
v2 = = 205.8
v = (205.8) = 14.345…

The speed of the particle when the string first becomes slack is 14 m s–1 (2 s.f.)

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48 a

When P has fallen 1 m, let AP = x m

To find the elastic energy in the string, you
x 2 = 0.752 + 12 = 1.5625 ⇒ x = 1.25 need to calculate the extension in the string.
First find AP (you could just use the 3, 4, 5
At this point the extension of the string AP is triangle) and then subtract the natural length,
(1.25 − 0.75) m = 0.5 m 0.75 m.

Let the velocity of P when it has fallen 1 m be v m s–1

Conservation of energy
kinetic energy gained + elastic energy gained = potential energy lost

Both strings have elastic energy

1 2 λ x2 stored in them. By symmetry, the
mv + 2 × = mgh
2 2l energy in both strings is the same.
1 49 × 0.52
2 × v2 + 2 × = 2 × 9.8 × 1
2 2 × 0.75
v2 + = 19.6 ⇒ v 2 = 3.266ɺ
v = 1.807…

The speed of P when it has fallen 1 m is 1.8 m s–1 (2 s.f.)

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48 b

Let AP = y m and the angle AP makes with the vertical be α.

By trigonometry

0.75 0.75
sin α = ⇒y=
y sin α
R(↑) 2T cos α = 2 g
g 9.8
T= =
cos α cos α

Hooke’s law You find two separate expression for T,

one by resolving vertically and the other
λx from Hooke’s law. Equating the two
l expressions gives you an equation in α.
49 49  0.75 
= ( y − 0.75) =  − 0.75 
0.75 0.75  sin α 
 1   1 − sin α 
= 49  − 1 = 49   Eliminating T gives an equation in α.
 sin α   sin α  You have to manipulate this equation
9.8  1 − sin α  to obtain the printed answer.
= 49  
cos α  sin α 
sin α 49
= (1 − sin α ) = 5(1 − sin α )
cos α 9.8
tan α = 5 − 5sin α
tan α + 5sin α = 5, as required.


1 a The method used by the student is not suitable because the equation for potential energy used
assumes that the weight of the object (the gravitational force acting on its mass) remains constant.

In practice, the force the earth exerts on an object far above the surface of the earth is significantly
less than that at sea level.

This means that less work is done in raising a mass to a great height than suggested by use of this

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1 b m = 420 000 kg

initial height = ri = radius of the earth = 6380 km = 6.38 × 106 m

final height = rf = orbital radius = 6380 km + 405 km = 6.785× 106 m

For a variable force, the work done, E, is area under the curve:

E = ∫ F dr
E = ∫ 3.99 ×1014 dr
 m
E = 3.99 × 1014  − 
 r  ri
 m
E = 3.99 × 10  − 

 r  ri
 1  1 
E = 3.99 × 1014 × 4.2 × 105  − −− 6 
 6.785 × 10  6.38 × 10  

E = 16.758 × 10 × 9.3558... × 10−9


E = 1.5678... ×1012

The work done against gravity in raising the ISS to its orbital height is 1.57 × 1012 J (3 s.f.)

2 a Due to equivalence of work and energy:

energy stored = work done in stretching the string.

Work done in stretching the string is given by the area under the line (see graph):

area = ∫ ds
 λ s2 
area =  
 2l  0
λ x2
area =

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2 b Work done = change in elastic potential energy stored by string
Work done =
(b 2
− a2 )

Work done = ( b + a )( b − a )
1  λb λ a 
Work done =  +  (b − a )
2 l l 
Work done = 1
2 (Tb + Ta )( b − a )
Work done = mean tension × distance moved as required.

3 l = 0.8 m, λ = 120 N, m = 1.2 kg, extension of string, x = ?

If the particle first comes to rest a distance h below P, h = l + x

Initially, energy is all gravitational potential energy.

When particle instantaneously comes to rest, this has all been converted to elastic potential energy.
λ x2
= mgh
λ x2
= mg ( l + x )
λ x 2 = 2lmg ( l + x )
120 x 2 = ( 2 × 0.8 × 1.2 × 9.8 )( 0.8 + x )
0 = 120 x 2 − 18.816 x − 15.0528
18.816 ± 18.816 + ( 4 × 120 ×15.0528 )
2 × 120
x = 0.44114... or x = −0.28434...
Only the positive root is relevant

h = l + x = 0.8 + 0.44114 … = 1.24114 …

The particle falls a distance of 1.24 m (3 s.f.) before coming instantaneously to rest.

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Elastic collisions in one dimension 4A
speed of separation
1 Use Newton’s law of restitution e =
speed of approach
4−0 2
a e= =
6−0 3

3− 2 1
b e= =
4−2 2

2 − (−3) 5 1
c e= = =
9 − (−6) 15 3

2 a Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

0.25 × 6 + 0.5 × 0 = 0.25v1 + 0.5v2

Multiply this equation by 4:

6 = v1 + 2ν 2 (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

1 ν 2 −ν 1
2 6−0
⇒ 3 = ν 2 − ν1 (2)

Add equations (1) and (2):

9= 3v2
⇒ν2 = 3

Substituting this value into equation (1) gives:

6 = v1 + 2 × 3
⇒v1 = 0

After the collision, A is at rest and B moves at 3 m s–1.

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2 b Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :
2 × 4 + 3 × 2 = 2v1 + 3v2
⇒ 14 = 2v1 + 3v2 (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

ν −ν
0.25 = 2 1
⇒ 0.5 = ν 2 − ν1 (2)

Multiply equation (2) by 2 and add to equation (1):

15 = 5ν 2
⇒ν2 = 3

Substituting this value into equation (1) gives:

14 = 2v1 + 3 × 3
⇒ v1 = = 2.5
After the collision, A and B move with speeds of 2.5 m s–1 and 3 m s–1 respectively.

c Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

3 × 8 + 1× (−6) = 3ν1 + 1ν 2
⇒ 18 = 3ν1 + ν 2 (1)
Note that in deriving equation (1) the speed of particle B appears in the equation as –6 because it is
directed to the left in the diagram.

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

1 ν 2 −ν 1
7 8 − (−6)
⇒ 2 = ν 2 − ν1 (2)

Subtracting equation (2) from equation (1) gives:

16 = 4ν 1
⇒ ν1 = 4

Substituting this value into equation (1) gives:

18 = 3× 4 + v2
⇒ v2 = 6
This answer may be checked by using equation (2).

After the collision, A and B move with speeds of 4 m s–1 and 6 m s–1 respectively.

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2 d Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :
0.4 × 6 + 0.4 × (−6) = 0.4ν1 + 0.4ν 2
⇒ 0 = ν1 + ν 2 (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

2 ν 2 −ν 1 ν 2 −ν 1
= =
3 6 − (−6) 12
⇒ ν 2 − ν1 = 8 (2)

Adding equations (1) and (2) gives:

2ν 2 = 8
⇒ ν2 = 4

Substituting this value into equation (1) gives:

ν1 = −4

After the collision, the speeds of A and B are 4 m s–1, and both particles change direction.

e Noting that the particle moving in the opposite direction (i.e. to the left) has a negative velocity in
the equation, using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :
5× 3+ 4 × (−12) = 5ν1 + 4ν 2
⇒ − 33 = 5ν1 + 4ν 2 (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

1 ν 2 −ν 1 ν −ν
= = 2 1
5 3 − (−12) 15
⇒ 3 = ν 2 − ν1 (2)

Multiply equation (2) by 5 and add to equation (1) to obtain:

−18 = 9ν 2
⇒ ν 2 = −2

Substituting this value into equation (1) gives:

−33 = 5ν1 − 8
−25 = 5ν1
⇒ ν1 = −5
This answer may be checked by using equation (2).

After the collision, the speeds of A and B are 5 m s–1 and 2 m s–1 respectively, and both particles
move to the left, i.e. particle A changes direction in the collision.

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3 a Draw a clearly labelled diagram

Before collision After collision

4 m s–1 2.5 m s–1 2ms –1
v m s–1

A (1 kg) B (2 kg) A (1 kg) B (2 kg)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

1× 4 + 2 × 2.5 = 1× 2 + 2ν
9 = 2 + 2v
2v = 7
⇒ v = 3.5

Speed of B after the collision is 3.5 m s–1.

b Using Newton’s law of restitution:

ν − 2 3.5 − 2 1.5
e= = = =1
4 − 2.5 4 − 2.5 1.5

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Before collision After collision
4 m s–1 6 m s–1 v1 v2

A (2 kg) B (6 kg) A (2 kg) B (6 kg)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

2 × 4 + 6 × (−6) = 2ν1 + 6ν 2
⇒ −14 = ν1 + 3ν 2 (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

1 ν 2 −ν 1 ν 2 −ν 1
= =
5 4 − (−6) 10
⇒ 2 = ν 2 − ν1 (2)

Adding equations (1) and (2) gives:

−12 = 4ν 2 ⇒ ν 2 = −3

Substituting this value into equation (2) gives:

2 = −3− ν1 ⇒ ν1 = −5

After the collision, the speeds of A and B are 5 m s–1 and 3 m s–1 respectively, and both particles move
in the direction sphere B was moving before the impact.

The impulse of sphere B on sphere A = change in momentum of sphere A

= 2 × (−5) − 2 × 4 = −18 N s
The impulse of sphere A on sphere B = change in momentum of sphere B
= 6 × (−3) − 6 × (−6) = 18 N s

Spheres A and B experience equal and opposite impulses of magnitude 18 N s.

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Before collision After collision
u u v At rest

P (2m) Q (3m) P (2m) Q (3m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

2mu − 3mu = 2mv + 3m × 0
−mu = 2mv

After the collision, particle P changes direction and has a speed of 0.5u m s–1

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

0 −ν u
e= = 2 =
u − (−u ) 2u 4

Before collision After collision
3u u v1 v2

A (m) B (2m) A (m) B (2m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

m × 3u + 2m × u = mv1 + 2mv2
⇒ v1 + 2v2 = 5u (cancelling out the common factor m) (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

v2 − v1 v2 − v1
e= =
3u − u 2u
⇒ v2 − v1 = 2ue (2)

Adding equations (1) and (2) gives:

3v2 = u(5 + 2e) ⇒ v2 = (5 + 2e)

Substituting into equation (1) gives:

(5 + 2e) − v1 = 2ue
3v1 = 5u + 2ue − 6ue = u (5 − 4e)
⇒ v1 = (5 − 4e)

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Before collision After collision
2u 3u v1 v2

A (m) B (m) A (m) B (m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

m × 2u + m × (−3u ) = m(−v1 ) + mv2
⇒ v2 − v1 = −u (cancelling out the common factor m) (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

v2 − (−v1 ) v2 + v1
e= =
2u + 3u 5u
⇒ v2 + v1 = 5ue (2)

Adding equations (1) and (2) gives:

2v2 = −u + 5eu ⇒ v2 = (5e − 1)

As v2 > 0, (5e − 1) > 0
And as u > 1⇒ (5e − 1) > 0 ⇒ 5e > 1 ⇒ e >

Note that subtracting equation (1) from equation (2) gives:

2v1 = 5eu − (−u) ⇒ v1 = (5e + 1)
So v1 > 0 for any value of e as required.

8 a
Before collision After collision
u At rest v 0.3u

A (m) B (km) A (m) B (km)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

mu = mv + km0.3u
⇒ v = u(1 − 0.3k ) (cancelling out the common factor m)

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8 b Using Newton’s law of restitution:
0.3u − v
So using the result from part a
0.3u − u(1 − 0.3k ) = eu
⇒ e = 0.3k − 0.7

As 0 e 1 , therefore 0 0.3k − 0.7 1

⇒ 0.7 0.3k 1.7
7 17
⇒ k
3 3

9 a
Before collision After collision
2u u v ku

A (m) B (3m) A (m) B (3m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

2mu + 3mu = vm + 3kmu
⇒ v = u (5 − 3k ) (cancelling out the common factor m)

b Using Newton’s law of restitution:

ku − v
2u − u
So using the result from part a
ku − u(5 − 3k ) = eu
⇒ e = 4k − 5

As 0 e 1 , therefore 0 4k − 5 1
⇒ 5 4k 6
5 3
⇒ k
4 2

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10 a
Before collision After collision
4u 2u v1 v2

P (m) Q (3m) P (m) Q (3m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

m × 4u + 3m × 2u = mv1 + 3mv2
⇒ 3v2 + v1 = 10u (cancelling out the common factor m) (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

v −v v −v
e= 2 1 = 2 1
4u − 2u 2u
⇒ v2 − v1 = 2ue (2)

Adding equations (1) and (2) gives:

4v2 = 10u + 2ue
u u
⇒ v2 = (10 + 2e) = (5 + e)
4 2

b Substituting into equation (1) gives:

(5 + e) + v1 = 10u
2v1 = 20u − 15u − 3ue
⇒ v1 = (5 − 3e)

u 5
c The direction of motion of P is unchanged provided that (5 − 3e) > 0 , i.e. e <
2 3
This must be the case as 0 e 1

d Change of momentum of Q = 3m(v2 − 2u)

 5u eu 
= 3m  + − 2u 
 2 2 
= (1 + e)

As impulse of P = change in momentum of Q, this gives:

2mu = (1 + e)
1+ e =

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Before collision After collision

2 m s–1 u v 2v

P (3m) Q (m) P (3m) Q (m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

3m × 2 + m × (−u ) = 3mv + 2mv
⇒ 5v = 6 − u (cancelling out the common factor m) (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

1 2v − v
4 2+u
⇒ 4v = 2 + u (2)

Eliminating v from equations (1) and (2) gives:

6−u 2+u
5 4
So 24 − 4u = 10 + 5u
14 = 9u
⇒u =

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Elastic collisions in one dimension 4B
speed of rebound
1 Using Newton’s law of restitution e =
speed of approach

4 2
a e= = = 0.4
10 5

3 1
b e= = = 0.5
6 2

speed of rebound
2 Using Newton’s law of restitution e = and making speed of rebound the subject of
speed of approach
the formula, so speed of rebound (v) = e × speed of approach

1 7
a v = e × speed of approach = × 7 = = 3.5
2 2
Speed of sphere after collision is 3.5 m s–1.

b v = e × speed of approach = ×12 = 3
Speed of sphere after collision is 3 m s–1.

speed of rebound
3 Using Newton’s law of restitution e = and making speed of approach the subject
speed of approach
speed of rebound
of the formula, so speed of approach (u) =

speed of rebound
a u= = 2×4 =8
Speed of sphere before collision is 8 m s–1.

speed of rebound 4 × 6
b u= = =8
e 3
Speed of sphere before collision is 8 m s–1.

4 Using Newton’s law of restitution

speed of rebound 7.5
e= = = 0.75
speed of approach 10

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5 The particle falls under gravity. Find the speed of the particle when it hits the plane by using the
constant acceleration formula v2 = u2+2as, where s = 2.5, a = g = 9.8 and u = 0 . This gives:
v 2 = 2 × g × 2.5 = 5g = 5 × 9.8 = 4.9
⇒ v = 49 = 7
So the particle strikes the plane with a speed of 7 m s–1.

After it rebounds the particle moves under gravity to a height of 1.5 m. Use the constant acceleration
formula again to find its initial (rebound) speed, where in this case s = 1.5, a = −g = −9.8 and v = 0.
This gives:
0= u 2 − 2g × 1.5
u 2 = 3g = 3× 9.8 = 29.4
⇒ u = 29.4 = 5.422
So the particle rebounds from the plane with a speed of 5.422 m s–1.

Using Newton’s law of restitution

speed of rebound 5.422
e= = = 0.77 (2 s.f.)
speed of approach 7

6 a The particle falls under gravity. Find the speed of the particle when it hits the plane by using the
constant acceleration formula v2 = u2+2as, where s = 3, a = g and u = 0 . This gives:
v 2 = 2 × g × 3 = 6g
⇒ v = 6g

It hits the ground and rebounds. Use Newton’s law of restitution to find the speed of rebound:
speed of rebound speed of rebound
e = 0.25 = =
speed of approach 6g
⇒ speed of rebound = 0.25 6 g

It rebounds and moves under gravity. Find the height the particle rebounds to by using the constant
acceleration formula v2 = u2+2as, where s = h, a = −g, u = 0.25 6g and v = 0 . This gives:

( )
0 = 0.25 6 g − 2 gh
2 gh = 0.625 × 6 g
0.375 g
⇒h= = 0.1875
So the particle rebounds to a height of 18.75 cm.

b If e > 0.25 the collision between the sphere and the plane would be more elastic, so the particle
would rebound to a greater height.

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7 The sphere falls under gravity. Find the speed of the particle when it hits the plane by using the
constant acceleration formula v = u + at, where t = 2, a = g = 9.8 and u = 0 . This gives:
v = u + at ⇒ v = 2g

The sphere then bounces and its speed of rebound is 2ge, where e is the coefficient of restitution. It
then moves under gravity for 2 seconds. Find e, by considering the motion after the first impact using
the constant acceleration formula s = ut + at2, where s = 0, t = 2, a = −g = −9.8 and u = 2ge .
This gives:
0 = 2 ge × 2 − g × 4 = 4 ge − 2 g
So 4 ge = 2 g
2g 1
⇒ e= =
4g 2
The coefficient of restitution is

8 The sphere falls under gravity. Find the speed of the particle when it hits the plane by using the
constant acceleration formula v = u + at, where t = 3, a = g = 9.8 and u = 0 . This gives:
v = u + at = 3g

The sphere then bounces and its speed of rebound is 3ge, where e is the coefficient of restitution, i.e.
speed of rebound = 3 × 0.49g = 1.47g. It then moves under gravity for t seconds before bouncing a
second time. Find t, by considering the motion after the first impact using the constant acceleration
formula s = ut + at2, where s = 0, a = −g = −9.8 and u = 1.47g . This gives:
0 =1.47 gt − gt 2
2 ×1.47 g
⇒t= = 2.94 s

9 After it rebounds the particle moves under gravity to a height of 0.5h m. Find the speed of the particle
when it rebounds from the plane by using the constant acceleration formula v2 = u2+2as, where
s = 0.5h, a = −g and v = 0 . This gives:
0 = u 2 − 2g × 0.5h
u 2 = gh
⇒ u = gh

Find the height of the particle 1 second after it rebounds from the plane by using the constant
acceleration formula s = ut + at2, where t = 1, a = −g = −9.8 and u = gh . This gives:
 g
s =  gh −  m
 2

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The particle falls under gravity. Find the speed of the particle when it hits the plane by using the
constant acceleration formula v2 = u2+2as, where s = h, a = g and u = 0 . This gives:
v 2 = 2gh
⇒ v = 2gh

Use Newton’s law of restitution to find the speed of rebound:

speed of rebound speed of rebound
e= =
speed of approach 2 gh
⇒ speed of rebound = e 2 gh

Newton's law of restitution gives speed of separation from floor as e 2 gh

It rebounds and moves under gravity. Find the height the particle rebounds to by using the constant
acceleration formula v2 = u2+2as, where a = −g, u = e 2gh and v = 0 . This gives:

( )
0 = e 2 gh − 2 gs
e 2 2 gh
⇒s= = he 2

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Elastic collisions in one dimension 4C
1 a
Before collision After collision
6 m s–1 At rest 1 m s–1 v

B (0.6 kg) A (0.5 kg) B (0.6 kg) A (0.5 kg)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

0.6 × 6 = 0.6 × 1+ 0.5ν
3.6 − 0.6 = 0.5v

The speed of A after the collision is 6 m s–1.

b Total kinetic energy before collision = × 0.6 × 6 2 = 10.8J
1 1
Total kinetic energy after collision = × 0.6 ×12 + × 0.5 × v 2 = 0.3 + 9 = 9.3J
2 2
The loss of kinetic energy = (10.8 − 9.3) J = 1.5J

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Before collision After collision
u 2u v1 v2

A (m) B (2m) A (m) B (2m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

mu + 2m(−2u) = mv1 + 2mv2
u − 4u = v1 + 2v2
−3u = v1 + 2v2 (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

2 v −v v −v
= 2 1 = 2 1
3 u − (−2u ) 3u
⇒ v2 − v1 = 2u (2)

Adding equations (1) and (2) gives

− u = 3v2
So v2 = − m s–1

Substituting into equation (2) gives:

− − v1 = 2u
v1 = − m s–1

The direction of travel of particle A is reserved after the collision, while particle B continues to move
in the same direction.

Loss of kinetic energy = initial kinetic energy − final kinetic energy

2 2
1 1 1  7u  1  u
= mu 2 + 2m(−2u)2 − m  −  − 2m  − 
2 2 2  3 2  3
1 2 49 1
= mu + 4mu 2 − mu 2 − mu 2
2 18 9
9 72 49 2
= mu 2 + mu 2 − mu 2 − mu 2
18 18 18 18
30 5mu
= mu 2 = J
18 3

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Before collision After collision
6 m s–1 2 m s–1 v

A (3 kg) B (5 kg) A + B (8 kg)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

3× 6 + 5 × (−2) = 8v
8v = 18 − 10 = 8
⇒ v = 1m s −1

Loss of kinetic energy = initial kinetic energy − final kinetic energy

1 1 1
= 3(6)2 + 5(−2)2 − 8(1)2
2 2 2
= 54 + 10 − 4 = 60 J

Before collision After collision
2.5 m s–1 v

Ball (0.2 kg) Ball (0.2 kg)

After impact with the cushion the velocity of the billiard ball is v m s–1, using Newton’s law of
4 v
5 2.5

∴ The loss in kinetic energy is:

1 1
Loss of kinetic energy = × 0.2 × 2.52 − × 0.2 × 22
2 2
= 0.625 − 0.4 = 0.225 J

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5 a
Before striking sandbag After embedding in sandbag
402 m s–1 At rest v

Bullet (0.15 kg) Sandbag (30 kg) Sandbag +bullet (31.15 kg)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

0.15 × 402 = 30.15v
⇒v= = 2m s−1

b Total kinetic energy before impact = × 0.15 × 402 2 = 12120.3 J
Total kinetic energy after impact = × 30.15 × 2 2 = 60.3J
The loss of kinetic energy = 12060 J = 12.06 kJ

6 a
Before firing After firing
At rest At rest v 400 m s–1

Rifle (4.8 kg) Bullet (0.02 kg) Rifle (4.8 kg) Bullet (0.02 kg)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

0 = 4.8v + 0.2 × 400
8 5
⇒v=− = − = −1.67 m s −1 (3 s.f.)
4.8 3

The rifle recoils with an initial speed of or 1.67 m s–1.

b Total kinetic energy before firing = 0

1 1 5
Total kinetic energy after firing = × 0.02 × 400 + × 4.8 ×  

2 2 3
= 1600 + 6.67 = 1606.67 J (2 d.p.)

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7 a Let N be the number of stationary carriages, A be the approaching train and B be the stationary

Before impact After impact

V At rest 0.625V

A (30 000 kg) B (6000N kg) A + B (30 000 + 6000 N kg)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

30 000V = (30 000 + 6000 N )0.625V
48 = 30 + 6 N (dividing both sides by 625V )
⇒ 6 N = 18
⇒ N =3

initial kinetic energy − final kinetic energy

b fraction of kinetic energy lost =
initial kinetic energy
1 1  5V 
30 000V 2 − 48 000  
2 2  8 
30 000V 2
15 × 64 − 24 × 25 960 − 600 360 6 3
= = = = =
15 × 64 960 960 16 8

So the fraction of kinetic energy lost is 3


8 a
Before impact After impact
1.5 m s–1 At rest v 0.6 m s–1

A (5000 kg) B (10 000n kg) A (5000 kg) B (10 000n kg)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

5000 × 2.5 = 5000v + 10 000 × 0.6
⇒ 50v = 75 − 60 = 15
⇒v= = 0.3ms −1

b Using Newton’s law of restitution:

0.6 − 0.3 0.3 1
e= = = = 0.2
1.5 1.5 5

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8 c Loss of kinetic energy = initial kinetic energy – final kinetic energy
1 1 1 
= × 5000 × 1.52 −  × 5000 × 0.32 + × 10 000 × 0.62 
2 2 2 
= 3600 J

Before explosion After explosion
v v1 v2

A (m) B ( 13 m ) C ( 23 m )

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

mv1 2mv2
mv = +
3 3
⇒ v1 = 3v − 2v2 (1)

Increase in kinetic energy = final kinetic energy – initial kinetic energy = mu 2
1  m  2 1  2m  2 1 2 1
  v1 +   v2 − mv = mu

2 3  2 3  2 4
v12 2v2 2 u2
+ −v =

3 3 2
2v12 + 4v2 2 − 6v 2 = 3u 2 (2)

Substituting equation (1) into equation (2):

2(3v − 2v2 ) 2 + 4v2 2 − 6v 2 = 3u 2
2(9v 2 − 12vv2 + 4v2 2 ) + 4v2 2 − 6v 2 = 3u 2
12v2 2 − 24vv2 + 12v 2 − 3u 2 = 0
4v2 2 − 8vv2 + (4v 2 − u 2 ) = 0

Using the quadratic formula to solve for v2

8v ± (−8v)2 − 16(4v 2 − u 2 ) 8v ± 64v 2 − 64v 2 + 16u 2 8v ± 16u 2
v2 = = =
8 8 8
u is a positive constant so
8v + 4u u
v2 = =v+
8 2

v1 can be found by substituting for v2 in equation (1):

v2 = v + ⇒ v1 = 3v − 2v − u = v − u

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10 a
Before collision After collision
4 m s–1 1 m s–1 u v

A (2 kg) B (3 kg) A (2 kg) B (3 kg)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

2 × 4 + 3×1 = 2u + 3ν
⇒ 11 = 2u + 3ν (1)

Loss of kinetic energy = initial kinetic energy − final kinetic energy

1 1 1 1
= 2(4)2 + 3(1) 2 − 2u 2 − 3v 2
2 2 2 2
35 3v
= − u2 −
2 2
So as the loss of kinetic energy due to the collision is 3 J
35 2 3v 2
−u − =3
2 2
29 3v 2
= + u2
2 2
58 = 6v 2 + 4u 2 (2)

From equation (1), 2u = 11 − 3v

So (2u) 2 = (11− 3v) 2
4u 2 = (11− 3v)2

Substituting into equation (2):

58 = 6v 2 + (11− 3v) 2
58 = 6v 2 + 121− 66v + 9v 2
15v 2 − 66v + 63 = 0
5v 2 − 22v + 21 = 0

b Using the quadratic formula to solve for v

22 ± 222 − 4 × 5 × 21 22 ± 222 − 4 × 5 × 21 22 ± 64
v= = =
10 10 10
22 ± 8
v= = 3 or 1.4

Substituting into equation (1):

v = 1.4 ⇒ 2u = 11− (3× 1.4) = 6.8 ⇒ u = 3.4
After the collision B must be moving faster than A as sphere A cannot pass through sphere B, so
reject this solution since v < u

v = 3 ⇒ 2u = 11− (3× 3) = 9 ⇒ u = 1
This is a valid solution since v > u, so v = 3 m s–1 and u = 1 m s–1.

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11 a Let the common speed of the particles following the jerk be v m s–1.

Before the jerk After the jerk

At rest 7 m s–1 v v

B (5 kg) A (2 kg) B (5 kg) A (2 kg)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

2 × 7 = 2v + 5ν
14 = 7v
⇒ v = 2m s−1

b Loss of kinetic energy = initial kinetic energy – final kinetic energy

1 1 1
= × 2 × 7 2 − × 2 × 2 2 − × 5 × 2 2 = 49 − 4 − 10 = 35
2 2 2
So the loss of total kinetic energy is 35 J.

Before the jerk After the jerk
At rest u v v

B (M) A (m) B (M) A (m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

mu = Mv + mv
⇒v= (1)
M +m

Kinetic energy lost = initial kinetic energy − final kinetic energy

1 1
= mu 2 − ( M + m)v 2
2 2
1 1 (mu ) 2
= mu 2 − ( M + m) Substituting for v from equation (1)
2 2 ( M + m) 2
mu 2 ( M + m) m 2u 2
= −
2( M + m) 2( M + m)
mMu 2 + m 2u 2 − m 2u 2
2( M + m)
mMu 2 mMu 2
= =
2( M + m) 2(m + M )

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13 a Let the common speed of the particles following the jerk be v m s–1.

Before the jerk After the jerk

At rest 20 m s–1 v v

B (5 kg) A (3 kg) B (5 kg) A (3 kg)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

3× 20 = 5v + 3ν
60 = 8v
⇒ v = 7.5m s−1

b Initial kinetic energy = × 3× 20 2 = 600 J
1 1
Final kinetic energy = × 3× 7.52 + × 5 × 7.52 = 225J
2 2
So the difference between the kinetic energies is 600 − 225 = 375J

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14 a Let the common speed of the 40 g and 60 g masses following the first jerk be v m s–1.

Before the first jerk After the first jerk

At rest At rest 5 m s–1 At rest v v

C (0.02 kg) B (0.04 kg) A (0.06 kg) C (0.02 kg) B (0.04 kg) A (0.06 kg)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

0.06 × 5 = 0.04v + 0.06ν
⇒ v = 3m s−1

Let the common speed of all masses following the second jerk be w m s–1.

Before the second jerk After the second jerk

At rest 3 m s–1 3 m s–1 w w w

C (0.02 kg) B (0.04 kg) A (0.06 kg) C (0.02 kg) B (0.04 kg) A (0.06 kg)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

(0.04 + 0.06) × 3 = (0.02 + 0.04 + 0.06)w
1.2w = 3
⇒ w = 2.5m s−1

Until the first jerk, the 60 g sphere moves with speed 5 m s–1 through 0.6 m.
So the time taken is = 0.12s

From the first jerk until the second jerk, the 60 g and 40 g spheres moves with speed 3 m s–1
through 0.6 m.
So the time taken is = 0.2s
Therefore the time which elapses before the 20g sphere begins to move is 0.12 + 0.2 = 0.32s

b The loss of kinetic energy = initial kinetic energy – final kinetic energy
1 1
= × 0.06 × 52 − × (0.06 + 0.04 + 0.02) × 2.52
2 2
= 0.75 − 0.375 = 0.375 J

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Before collision After collision

2 m s–1 3 m s–1 v1 v2

A (4 kg) B (1 kg) A (4 kg) B (1 kg)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

4 × 2 + 1× (−3) = 4v1 +ν 2
⇒ 5 = 4v1 +ν 2 (1)

Using Newton's law of restitution gives:

v −v v −v
0.8 = 2 1 = 2 1
2+3 5
⇒ 4 = v2 − v1 (2)

Solving equations (1) and (2) simultaneously gives:

1 21
v1 = and v2 =
5 5

Before strings taut After strings taut

m s–1 21
m s–1 w w

A (4 kg) B (1 kg) A (4 kg) B (1 kg)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

1 21
4 × + 1× = 4w + w
5 5
5w = = 5
⇒ w = 1ms−1

1 1
Kinetic energy of the system = × 4 × 12 + × 1× 12 = 2.5 J
2 2

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Elastic collisions in one dimension 4D
1 a First collision (between A and B)
Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :
2 × 5 + 1×1 = 2u + v
⇒ 2u + v = 11 (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

1 v −u
e= =
2 5 −1
⇒v−u = 2 (2)

Subtracting equation (2) from equation (1) gives:

3u = 9 ⇒u = 3

Substituting into equation (1) gives:

6 + v = 11 ⇒ v = 5 [This result can be checked in equation (2)]

Second collision (between B and C)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :
1× 5 + 2 × 4 = x + 2 y
⇒ x + 2 y = 13 (3)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

1 y−x
e= =
2 5−4
⇒y−x= (4)

Adding equations (3) and (4) gives:

27 9
3y = ⇒ y = = 4.5
2 2

Substituting into equation (4) gives:

4.5 − x = ⇒ x = 4

Solution: u = 3, v = 5, x = 4, y = 4.5

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1 b First collision (between A and B)
Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :
1.5 ×10 + 2 × (−2) = 1.5u + 2v
⇒ 1.5u + 2v = 11 (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

1 v −u v −u
e= = =
6 10 + 2 12
⇒v −u = 2 (2)

Adding equation (1) to 1.5 × equation (2) gives:

3.5v = 14 ⇒v = 4

Substituting into equation (2) gives:

4 −u = 2 ⇒u = 2 [This result can be checked in equation (1)]

Second collision (between B and C)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :
2 × 4 + 1× 3 = 2x + y
⇒ 2x + y = 11 (3)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

1 y−x
e= =
2 4−3
⇒y−x= (4)

Subtracting equation (4) from equation (3) gives:

21 7
3x = ⇒ x = = 3.5
2 2

Substituting into equation (4) gives:

y − 3.5 = ⇒ y = 4

Solution: u = 2, v = 4, x = 3.5, y = 4

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Before the first impact After the first impact
6ms At rest At rest u v At rest

A (3m) B (5m) C (4m) A (3m) B (5m) C (4m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

3m × 6 = 3mu + 5mv
⇒ 3u + 5v = 18 (1)

Perfectly elastic means e = 1. So using Newton’s law of restitution:

e =1=
⇒v −u = 6 (2)

Adding equation (1) to 3 × equation (2) gives:

8v = 36 ⇒v = 4.5

Substituting into equation (2) gives:

4.5 − u = 6 ⇒u = −1.5

Before the second impact After the second impact

1.5 m s–1 4.5 m s–1 At rest 1.5 m s –1
x y

A (3m) B (5m) C (4m) A (3m) B (5m) C (4m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

5m × 4.5 = 5mx + 4my
⇒ 5x + 4 y = 22.5 (3)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

e =1=
⇒ y − x = 4.5 (4)

Adding equation (3) to 5 × equation (4) gives:

9 y = 22.5 + 22.5 = 45 ⇒ y = 5

Substituting into equation (4) gives:

5 − x = 4.5 ⇒ x = 0.5

Solution: A − 1.5 m s −1 , B 0.5 m s −1 , C 5 m s −1

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3 a
Before the first impact After the first impact
u At rest At rest w x At rest

A (m) B (m) C (m) A (m) B (m) C (m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

u = w+ x ⇒ w+ x = u (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

⇒ x − w = eu (2)

Adding equation (1) to equation (2) gives:

2x = eu + u ⇒ x = 0.5u(e +1)

Substituting into equation (2) gives:

0.5u(e +1) − w = eu ⇒ w = 0.5u(1− e)

Before the second impact After the second impact

0.5u(1 – e) 0.5u(e + 1) At rest 0.5u(1 – e) y z

A (m) B (m) C (m) A (m) B (m) C (m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

0.5u(e + 1) = y + z
⇒ y + z = 0.5u(e + 1) (3)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

0.5u (e + 1)
⇒ z − y = 0.5ue(e + 1) (4)

Adding equation (3) to equation (4) gives:

2z = 0.5u(e +1) + 0.5eu(e +1)
⇒ z = 0.25u(e +1)(1+ e) = 0.25u(1+ e)2

Substituting into equation (4) gives:

0.25u(1+ e)2 − y = 0.5eu(e + 1)
⇒ y = u(1+ e)(0.25 + 0.25e − 0.5e) = 0.25u(1+ e)(1− e)

Solution: 0.5u(1− e), 0.25u(1+ e)(1− e), 0.25u(1+ e)2

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3 b A will catch up with B provided that
0.5u(1− e) > 0.25u(1+ e)(1− e) , i.e. provided that 2 > 1 + e
Since e < 1 this condition holds and A will catch up with B resulting in a further collision.

4 a
Before the first collision After the first collision
4u 2u 3u v w 3u

A (m) B (m) C (m) A (m) B (m) C (m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

4u − 2u = v + w
⇒ v + w = 2u (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

4u + 2u
⇒ w − v = 6eu (2)

Adding equations (1) and (2) gives:

2w = 2u + 6ue
⇒ w= u(1+ 3e)

B will collide with C if the speed of B after collision with A is greater than the speed of C,
i.e. if w > 3u. This will occur if:
u(1+ 3e) > 3u
3e > 2 ⇒ e >

b Subtracting equation (2) from equation (1) gives:

2v = 2u − 6eu
v = u(1− 3e)
If e > then v < 0, and the direction of A is reversed by the collision with B.

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Before first collision After first collision
4u 2u v u

P (2m) Q (3m) P (2m) Q (3m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

2m × 4u + 3m × (−2u) = 2mv + 3mu
2u = 2v + 3u ⇒ v = −0.5u

Use this result to find the coefficient of restitution between particles P and Q.
u −v 1.5u
e= = = 0.25
4u + 2u 6u

The second collision is between Q and the wall.

Q rebounds from the wall with velocity u , as the coefficient of restitution between Q and
the wall is .

Second collision between P and Q After second collision

u 2
u x y
2 3

P (2m) Q (3m) P (2m) Q (3m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (←) :

1 2
2m × u + 3m × u = 2 x + 3 y
2 3
⇒ 2 x + 3 y = 3u (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

1 x− y
e= = 2
4 3 u − 12 u
1 1 u
⇒ x− y = × u = (2)
4 6 24

Adding equation (1) to 3 × equation (2) gives:

u 25u 5u
5 x = 3u + = ⇒x=
8 8 8

Substituting into equation (2) gives:

5u u 15u − u 14u 7u
−y= ⇒y= = =
8 24 24 24 12

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6 a
Before first collision After first collision
12u At rest v w

P (m) Q (3m) P (m) Q (3m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

m × 12u = mv + 3mw
⇒ v + 3w = 12u (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

2 w−v
e= =
3 12u
⇒ w − v = 8u (2)

Adding equation (1) to equation (2) gives:

4w = 20u ⇒ w = 5u

Substituting into equation (2) gives:

5u − v = 8u ⇒ v = −3u

After the collision the speed of P is 3u and its direction is reversed, and the speed of Q is 5u.

b Q then hits a wall and rebounds with speed × 5u = 4u

Second collision between P and Q After second collision

3u 4u x y

P (m) Q (3m) P (m) Q (3m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (←) :

3mu + 12mu = mx + 3my ⇒ 3 y + x = 15u (3)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

2 x− y
e= = ⇒ 3 x − 3 y = 2u (4)
3 4u − 3u

Adding equation (1) to equation (2) gives:

4 x = 17u ⇒ x =

Substituting into equation (4) gives:

51u 43u
− 3y = 2u ⇒ y =
4 12

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7 a i Use v 2 = u 2 + 2as downwards with u = 0, s = 0.4 and a = g = 9.8 to find the speed of approach
for the first bounce:
v 2 = 2g × 0.4 = 7.84
v = 2.8m s −1

Newton's law of restitution gives speed of rebound from floor as 0.7 × 2.8 = 1.96 ms −1

Use v 2 = u 2 + 2as upwards with v = 0, u = 1.96 and a = −g to find the height of the first
0 = 1.96 2 − 2gs
1.96 2
s= = 0.196 = 19.6 cm

ii Use v 2 = u 2 + 2as downwards with u = 0, s = 0.196 and a = g = 9.8 to find the speed of
approach for the second bounce:
v 2 = 2g × 0.196 = 3.8416
v = 1.96ms−1 [This result can also be directly deduced]

Following second collision with floor, the ball rebounds with speed 0.7 × 1.96 = 1.372 m s−1
Use v 2 = u 2 + 2as upwards with v = 0, u = 1.372 and a = −g
0 = 1.96 2 − 2 gs
s= = 0.096 04 = 9.604 cm

b The ball continues to bounce (for an infinite amount of time) with its height decreasing by a
common ratio each time.

c Ratio of heights of successive bounces is = 0.49
Total distance travelled = 0.4 + (2 × 0.196 + 2 × 0.196 × 0.49 + 2 × 0.196 × 0.49 × 0.49…)
2 × 0.196
= 0.4 + (using the sum of an infinite geometric series)
1 − 0.49
= 1.17 m (3 s.f.)

d The ball loses energy following every bounce, so an infinite number of bounces would be

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8 a Use v 2 = u 2 + 2as downwards with u = 0, s = H and a = g
v 2 = 2gH ⇒ v = 2gH

Newton’s law of restitution gives speed of separation from plane as e 2gH

Let the height to which the ball rebounds after the first bounce be h1
Use v 2 = u 2 + 2as upwards with v = 0, u = e 2gH , a = −g and s = h1
0 = 2gHe2 − 2gh1
⇒ h1 = e2 H

b Let the height to which the ball rebounds after the second bounce be h2
Before the second bounce, the ball drops from a height h1
So using the result from part a, h2 = e2 h1
So h2 = e2 h1 = e2 (e2 H ) = e4 H

c Let the total distance travelled by the ball be d, then

d = H + 2h1 + 2h2 + …
= H + 2e 2 H + 2e 4 H + …
= H + 2e 2 H (1 + e 2 + e 4 + …)

2e 2 H (1 + e 2 + e 4 + …) is an infinite geometric series with first term a = 2e2 H and common ratio
r = e2 , so
a 2e2 H
S∞ = =
1− r 1− e2

2e 2 H
d = H + 2e 2 H (1 + e 2 + e4 + …) = H +
1 − e2
H (1 − e 2 ) + 2e2 H H + e 2 H
= =
1 − e2 1 − e2
H (1 + e2 )
1 − e2

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Initial position
W1 W2

2 m s–1

B (m)

From O → W2 , B travels at a speed of 2 m s–1 through a distance m.
distance d2 d
So the time taken is = =
speed 2 4
B then rebounds with speed 2e2 m s −1.

From W2 → W1 , B travels at a speed of 2e2 m s −1 through a distance d m.

distance d
So the time taken is =
speed 2e2
B then rebounds with speed 2e2e1 ms −1.

From W1 → W2 , B travels at a speed of 2e2e1 m s −1 through a distance d m.

distance d
So the time taken is =
speed 2e2 e1
d d d d 1 1 1 
Therefore, the total time taken is + + =  + +  seconds.
4 2e2 2e2e1 2  2 e1 e1e2 

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Consider the initial collision of particles P and Q:

Before first collision After first collision

2 m s–1 1 m s–1 v1 v2

P (m) Q (m) P (m) Q (m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

2m − m = mv1 + mv2
⇒ v1 + v2 = 1 (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

v −v v −v
e = 0.5 = 2 1 = 2 1
2 − −1 ( ) 3
⇒ v2 − v1 = 1.5 (2)

Adding equations (1) and (2) gives:

2v2 = 2.5 ⇒ v2 = 1.25ms−1

Substituting into equation (1) gives:

1.25 − v1 = 1.5 ⇒ v1 = −0.25m s−1

After first collision

W1 W2

0.25 m s–1 1.25 m s–1

P (m) Q (m)

distance 2
As P travels from O to W1, the time taken is = = 8s
speed 0.25

distance 2
As Q travels from O to W2, the time taken is = = 1.6s
speed 1.25
Q rebounds with speed 1.25 × 0.4 = 0.5m s−1 1.25 × 0.4 = 0.5 m s−1.

Now let t be the time of the second collision, and suppose both particles collide at a distance d from W2

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Challenge continued

Then for particle P : d = 2 + 0.25t

And for particle Q : d = 0.5(t − 1.6)

So 2 + 0.25t = 0.5(t − 1.6)

0.25t = 2 + 0.8 = 2.8
t = 11.2 seconds

But it only takes 8 seconds for P to travel to W1 , so P will hit W1 before colliding with Q for a second

Therefore P hits W1 before colliding with Q for a second time.

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Elastic collisions in one dimension Mixed Exercise 4
Before collision After collision
u v At rest w

A (m) B (m) A (m) B (m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

mu − mv = mw
⇒ u −v = w (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

1 w
e= =
3 u − (−v)
⇒ u + v = 3w (2)

Adding equations (1) and (2) gives:

2u = 4w ⇒ u = 2w

Substituting in equation (2) gives:

2w + v = 3w ⇒ v = w

The ratio of the speeds before impact is u : v = 2w : w = 2 :1 as required.

Before collision After collision
0.25u At rest At rest v

P ( m) Q ( λm ) P ( m) Q ( λm )

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→):

0.25mu = λmv ⇒ u = 4λv (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

1 v
e= = ⇒ u = 16v (2)
4 0.25u

From equations (1) and (2):

u = 16v = 4λ v ⇒ λ = 4

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3 a Note that the boat moves in the opposite direction to the boy after the boy dives off.

Before diving off After diving off

At rest V v

Boat + boy (M + m) Boat (M) Boy (m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

0 = mv − MV
⇒V =

b Let total kinetic energy of boy and boat after the dive be KE

1 1
KE = MV 2 + mv 2
2 2
1  mv  1 2
= M  + mv
2 M  2
m 2 v 2 + mMv 2
m( m + M )v 2
= as required

c The boat is large and heavy, so there will be additional tilting/rolling motion. The boat is also on
water, so given waves, tides and currents it is unlikely to be at rest initially.

Before collision After collision
5 m s–1 3 m s–1 v 2 m s–1

P (4 kg) Q (2 kg) P (4 kg) Q (2 kg)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→):

4 × 5+ 2 × (−3) = 4v + 2 × 2
4v = 10 ⇒ v = 2.5m s −1

Loss of kinetic energy = initial kinetic energy − final kinetic energy

1 1 1 1 
= × 4 × 52 + × 2 × 32 −  × 4 × 2.52 + × 2 × 22 
2 2 2 2 
= 50 + 9 −12.5 − 4 = 42.5 J

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5 a
Before collision After collision
u At rest v w

P (3m) Q (m) P (3m) Q (m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→):

3mu = 3mv + mw
⇒ 3v + w = 3u (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

⇒ w − v = eu (2)

Subtracting equation (2) from equation (1) gives:

u(3− e)
4v = 3u − eu ⇒ v =

b Substituting for v in equation (2) gives:

u(3− e) 4eu + 3u − eu 3u(e + 1)
w = eu + = =
4 4 4

Loss of kinetic energy = initial kinetic energy − final kinetic energy

1 1 1
= × 3mu 2 − × 3mv 2 − mw2
2 2 2
m 2
u (3− e) 2
u 2 (1+ e)2 
=  3u 2 − 3 −9 
2 16 16
3mu 2
16 − (9 − 6e + e2 ) − (3+ 6e + 3e2 ) )
3mu 2
= (4 − 4e2 )
= mu 2 (1− e2 )

3mu(1+ e)
c Impulse exerted on Q is change of momentum of Q = mw = Ns

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6 a
Before collision After collision
4 m s–1 8 m s–1 v w

P (0.07 kg) Q (0.1 kg) P (0.07 kg) Q (0.1 kg)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→):

0.07 × 4 + 0.1× (−8) = 0.07v + 0.1w
⇒ 7v + 10w = −52 (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

5 w−v
e= =
12 4 − ( −8)
⇒ w−v = 5 (2)

Adding equation (1) and 7 × equation (2) gives:

17w = −52 + 35 = −17 ⇒ w = −1

Substituting in equation (2) gives:

−1− v = 5 ⇒ v = −6

So the velocities after impact are 6 m s–1 and 1 m s–1 in the direction of the 100 g mass prior to
the impact.

b Let loss of kinetic energy in the collision be KE

KE = initial kinetic energy − final kinetic energy
1 1 1 1 
= × 0.07 × 4 2 + × 0.1× (−8)2 −  × 0.07 × (−6)2 + × 0.1× (−1)2 
2 2 2 2 
= (0.56 + 3.2) − (1.26 + 0.05) = 2.45 J

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Before collision After collision
35 m s–1 20 m s–1 v w

P (2 kg) Q (10 kg) P (2 kg) Q (10 kg)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→):

2 × 35 +10 × 20 = 2v +10w
⇒ 2v +10w = 270 (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

3 w−v
e= =
5 35 − 20
⇒ w−v = 9 (2)

Adding equation (1) and 2 × equation (2) gives:

12w = 270 + 18 = 288 ⇒ w = 24

Substituting in equation (2) gives:

24 − v = 9 ⇒ v = 15

After the impact, assume that the particles move at constant speed and use speed × time = distance.

Five seconds after the impact the 10 kg mass moved a distance 24 × 5 = 120 m
It takes the 2 kg mass a time of to travel 120 m, i.e. 8 seconds.

The time that elapses between the 10 kg sphere resting on the barrier and it being struck by the 2 kg
sphere therefore = 8s − 5s = 3 seconds

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8 First consider impact of A with B, then of B with C, then of A with B again.

Before the first collision After the first collision

V At rest At rest v w At rest

A (4m) B (3m) C (3m) A (4m) B (3m) C (3m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→): :

4V = 4v + 3w ⇒ 4v + 3w = 4V (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

3 w−v
e= = ⇒ 4 w − 4v = 3V (2)
4 V

Adding equations (1) and (2) gives:

7w = 7V ⇒ w = V

Substituting in equation (2) gives:

4V − 4v = 3V ⇒ v = 0.25V

Before the second collision After the second collision

0.25V V At rest 0.25V x y

A (4m) B (3m) C (3m) A (4m) B (3m) C (3m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→): :

3V = 3x + 3y ⇒ x + y = V (3)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

3 y−x
e= = ⇒ y − x = 0.75V (4)
4 V

Adding equations (3) and (4) gives:

2 y = 1.75V ⇒ y = 0.875V

Substituting in equation (4) gives:

0.875V − x = 0.75V ⇒ x = 0.125V

Ball A is now moving at 0.25V and ball B is moving at 0.125V so ball A will strike ball B for a
second time.

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8 continued

Before the third collision After the third collision

0.25V 0.125V 0.875V j k 0.875V

A (4m) B (3m) C (3m) A (4m) B (3m) C (3m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→): :

(4 × 0.25)V + (3× 0.125)V = 4 j + 3k
⇒ 4 j + 3k = 1.375V (5)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

3 k− j
e= =
4 0.125V
⇒ 4k − 4 j = 0.375V (6)

Adding equations (5) and (6) gives:

7k = 1.75V ⇒ k = 0.25V

Substituting in equation (6) gives:

V − 4 j = 0.375V ⇒ j = 0.15625V

After three collisions the velocities are 0.15625V , 0.25V and 0.875V for balls A, B and C
5 1 7
In fractions, the respective velocities are V , V and V .
32 4 8
5 1 7
As V < V < V there are no further collisions.
32 4 8

9 a Velocity of bullet after hitting the barrier = 600 × 0.4 = 240 m s−1
1 1
Kinetic energy lost = × 0.06 × 6002 − × 0.06 × 2402
2 2
= 9072 J

b Either heat or sound.

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10 a
Before collision After collision
u At rest x y

A (4m) B (3m) A (4m) B (3m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

4u = 3y + 4x
⇒ 3 y + 4x = 4u (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

⇒ y − x = eu (2)

Adding equation (1) and 4 × equation (2) gives:

7 y = 4u + 4eu ⇒ y = u(1+ e)

Substituting in equation (2) gives:

u(1+ e) − x = eu
4u + 4eu − 7eu u
⇒x= = (4 − 3e)
7 7

b Impulse = change in momentum of B

So 2mu = 3m × u(1+ e)
1+ e =

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11 a
Before collision After collision
kV V At rest X

A ( m) B ( λm ) A ( m) B ( λm )

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→) :

mkV + λ mV = λ mX
(λ + k)V
⇒ X=

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

kV − V
(λ + k )V
= (substituting for X )
λ (kV − V )
λ ( k − 1)

b As e < 1, <1
λ ( k − 1)
So λ + k < λ k − λ (as λ > 0 and k > 1)
2λ + k < λ k
λ k − 2λ > k
λ (k − 2) > k

Since k > 0 and λ > 0, therefore k − 2 > 0

So λ > and k > 2
k −2

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12 a Use v = u + at downwards with u = 0, t = 1 and a = g = 9.8 to find the velocity of the first ball
before impact. This gives:
v = 9.8

Before collision After collision

9.8 m s–1 v1
A (m) A (m)

7 m s–1 v2
B (m) B (m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (↓) :

9.8m − 7m = mv2 + mv1
⇒ v2 + v1 = 2.8 (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

1 v −v
e= = 2 1
4 9.8 + 7
⇒ v2 − v1 = 4.2 (2)

Adding equations (1) and (2) gives:

2v2 = 7 ⇒ v2 = 3.5m s −1

Substituting in equation (2) gives:

3.5 − v1 = 4.2
⇒ v1 = −0.7 m s−1

Both balls change directions, the first moves up with speed 0.7 m s–1 and the second moves down
with speed 3.5 m s–1.

1 1
b Kinetic energy before impact = m × 9.82 + m × 7 2 = 72.52m J
2 2
1 1
Kinetic energyafter impact = m × 0.7 2 + m × 3.52 = 6.37m J
2 2
72.52 − 6.37
Percentage loss of kinetic energy = = 91.2% = 91% (2s.f.)

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13 a Stage one: particle falls under gravity ↓:
Use v 2 = u 2 + 2as downwards with u = 0, s = 8 and a = g
v 2 = 2g × 8 = 16g ⇒ v = 16g

Stage two: first impact:

The particle rebounds with velocity 16g = g

Stage three: particle moves under gravity ↑:

Let the height to which the ball rebounds after the first bounce be h1
Use v 2 = u 2 + 2as upwards with v = 0, u = g , a = −g and s = h1
0 = g − 2gh1
⇒ h1 = 0.5m

b Use v = u + at upwards with v = 0, u = 16 g and a = − g to find the time it takes the particle to
reach the top of the bounce
0= 16 g − gt
⇒t = = 0.319
So the time taken to reach the plane again = 2 × 0.319 = 0.64 s (2 s.f.) or s

c Speed of approach = g
The speed of the particle after the second rebound = e g = = 0.78 ms −1 (2 s.f.)

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14 Stage one: particle falls under gravity ↓ :
Use v 2 = u 2 + 2as downwards with u = 0, s = h and a = g
v 2 = 2gh ⇒ v = 2gh

Use s = ut + 1 at 2 to find the time to the first bounce


1 2 2h
h= gt1 ⇒ t1 =
2 g

Stage two: particle rebounds from plane.

The particle rebounds with velocity e 2gh

Stage three: particle moves under gravity until it hits the plane again ↑:
Use s = ut + 1 at 2 to find the time from the first to the second bounce, u = e 2gh, s = 0 and a = −g
0 = e 2 ght2 − gt22
2e 2 gh 2h
t2 = = 2e
g g

Stage four: particle rebounds (again) from plane.

Speed of approach = e 2gh , so speed of rebound = e2 2 gh

Similar working finds that the time from the second bounce to the third bounce is t3 = 2e 2
And the time from the third bounce to the fourth bounce is t4 = 2e3 …

Let the total time taken by the particle be T, then

2h 2h 2h 2h
T= + 2e + 2e 2 + 2e3 +…
g g g g
2h 2h
= +2 (e + e 2 + e3 + …)
g g

The expression in the bracket is an infinite geometric series with a = e and r = e. Using the formula
a e
S∞ = = , the expression for T can be simplified as follows
1− r 1− e

2g  2e   1− e + 2e  2h 1+ e 2h
T=  1+ 1− e  =  1− e  g = 1− e g

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Before first impact After first impact
u At rest v w

P (m) Q (8m) P (m) Q (8m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→):

mu = mv + 8mw ⇒ v + 8w = u (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

7 w−v
e= = ⇒ 8w − 8v = 7u (2)
8 u

Subtracting equation (2) from equation (1) gives:

9v = u − 7u ⇒ v = − u

Substituting in equation (2) gives:

16u 5u 5u
8w + = 7u ⇒ 8w = ⇒ w =
3 3 24

Let evp be the coefficient of restitution between P and the vertical place.
2u 2
So P then hits the vertical plane with speed and rebounds with speed uevp
3 3

Before second impact of P and Q After second impact of P and Q

uevp 24
u At rest x

P (m) Q (8m) P (m) Q (8m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→):

2 5
muevp + mu = 8mx ⇒ 24x = 2uevp + 5u (1)
3 3

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

7 x 72 5  35
e= = ⇒  uevp − u  = x ⇒ 24 x = 14uevp − u (2)
8 83 24  8

Subtracting equation (2) from equation (1) gives:

35 75 75 25
12uevp = 5u + u = u ⇒ evp = =
8 8 96 32

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Before firing After firing
At rest At rest V v

Gun (M) Shell (m) Gun (M) Shell (m)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→):

mv − MV = 0 ⇒ V = (1)

1 2 1
Energy released: E = mv + MV 2 (2)
2 2

Substituting for V into equation (2) gives:

1 1 m2v 2
E = mv 2 + M
2 2 M2
2 ME = mMv 2 + m 2 v 2
2 ME
v2 =
m( M + m)
2 ME
⇒v= m s −1
m( M + m)

17 a Using v 2 = u 2 + 2as downwards with u = 0, s = H and a = g

v 2 = 2gH ⇒ v = 2gH

The ball rebounds with speed e 2 gH

Using v 2 = u 2 + 2as upwards with u = e 2gH , s = h and a = −g
0 = 2 gHe 2 − 2 gh
h h
e2 = ⇒e=

b The ball rebounds the second time with speed e2 2 gH

Using v 2 = u 2 + 2as upwards with u = e2 2gH , s = h′ and a = −g
0 = 2gHe4 − 2gh′
 h Hh2 h2
h′ = He = H   = 2 =

 H H H
 h h2 H h2
h′ = e 4 H =   H = 2 =
H  H H

c The ball continues to bounce (for an infinite amount of time) with its height decreasing by a
common ratio each time.

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18 a Use F = ma to determine the acceleration of the sphere down the smooth slope. This gives:
2 g sin 30° = 2a ⇒ a = g sin 30° =

Use v 2 = u 2 + 2as with u = 0, s = 2 and a = 0.5g to find the speed of the ball when it reaches the
horizontal plane: v 2 = 2g ⇒ v = 2g

Before collision After collision

2g At rest v w

B (2 kg) C (1 kg) B (2 kg) C (1 kg)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→): :

2 2 g = 2v + w
⇒ 2v + w = 2 2 g (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

e = 0.75 =
⇒ w − v = 0.75 2 g (2)

Adding equation (1) and 2 × equation (2) gives:

3w = 2 2g + 1.5 2g = 3.5 2g ⇒ w = 2g m s−1

Substituting in equation (2) gives:

7 3
2g − v = 2g
6 4
 14 9  5
⇒ v =  −  2g = 2 g m s −1
 12 12  12

Both B and C continue in the direction B was originally moving.

b Energy lost in the collision = initial kinetic energy – final kinetic energy
1  5 2g  1
 7 2g  
( )
= × 2 × 2g −  × 2 ×  + × 1×  
2 2  12  2  6  
     
 50 g 98 g   50 g 98 g  42 g 7 g
= 2g −  +  = 2g −  + = = J
 144 72   144 72  144 24

c If e < 0.75 the amount of kinetic energy lost would increase as the collision would be less elastic.

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Initial position
W1 W2
2d d

2 m s–1 3 m s–1


Suppose point Q is at a distance x from wall W1

Consider the motion of sphere A:

distance 2d
Time taken for A to travel from point P to wall W1 is = =d
speed 2
3 6
Sphere A rebounds with speed × 2 = m s−1
5 5
distance x 5 x
Time taken for A to travel from wall W1 to point Q is = =
speed 6 6
Consider the motion of sphere B:
distance d
Time taken for B to travel from point P to wall W2 is =
speed 3
3 9
Sphere B rebounds with speed × 3 = m s−1
5 5
distance 3d − x 5 ( 3d − x ) 15d − 5 x
Time taken for B to travel from W2 to point Q is = = =
speed 9 9 9

When A and B meet at Q, they have been travelling for the same time, so
5 x d 15d − 5 x
d+ = +
6 3 9
18d + 15 x = 6d + 30d − 10 x
25 x = 18d
18d 57 d
⇒x= and 3d − x =
25 25
18d + 15 x = 6d + 30d − 10 x

18d 57d
Therefore the distance ratio W1Q :W2Q = x : 3d − x = : = 18 :57 = 6 :19
25 25

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Before string B–C becomes taut After string B–C becomes taut
At rest At rest u At rest v1 v1

A (m1) B (m2) C (m3) A (m1) B (m2) C (m3)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→):

m3u = m2 v1 + m3v1
m3u = v1 (m2 + m3 )
⇒ v1 =
(m2 + m3 )

Before string A–B becomes taut After string A–B becomes taut
At rest v1 v1 v2 v2 v2

A (m1) B (m2) C (m3) A (m1) B (m2) C (m3)

Using conservation of linear momentum for the system (→):

m2 v1 + m3v1 = m1v2 + m2 v2 + m3v2
v1 (m2 + m3 ) = v2 (m1 + m2 + m3 )
v1 (m2 + m3 ) m3u
⇒ v2 = =
(m1 + m2 + m3 ) (m1 + m2 + m3 )
Total kinetic energy = (m1 + m2 + m3 )v22
1  m3u 
= (m1 + m2 + m3 )  
2  (m1 + m2 + m3 ) 
m32u 2
2(m1 + m2 + m3 )

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Elastic collisions in two dimensions 5A

1 3 4 3
a e = , tan α = ⇒ cos α = and sin α = (from Pythagoras’ theorem)
3 4 5 5

For motion parallel to the wall:

v cos b = u cos a Þ v cos b = u (1)

For motion perpendicular to the wall:

v sin b = eu sin a
1 3 1
v sin b = ´ u ´ = u (2)
3 5 5

Squaring and adding equations (1) and (2) gives:

16 2 1 2
v 2 cos 2 b + v 2 sin 2 b = u + u
25 25
v 2 (cos 2 b + sin 2 b ) = u 2

b Dividing equation (2) by equation (1) gives:

u 1
tan β = 54 = = 0.25
β = 14.04 (2 d.p.)
tan α = = 0.75
α = 36.87° (2 d.p.)

Angle of deflection = α + β = 36.87 + 14.04 = 50.9° (1 d.p.)

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For motion parallel to the wall:

cos b = u cos 30°
7u 3u
cos b = (1)
8 2

For motion perpendicular to the wall:

sin b = eu sin 30°
7u eu
sin b = (2)
8 2

Squaring and adding equations (1) and (2) gives:

49 2 49 3 1
u cos 2 β + u 2 sin 2 β = u 2 + e2u 2
64 64 4 4
49 2 ⎛3 e ⎞
u (cos 2 β + sin 2 β ) = u 2 ⎜ + ⎟
64 ⎝4 4⎠
= 3+ e2
1 1
e2 = ⇒e=
16 4

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3 5 12 5
a e = , tan α = ⇒ cos α = and sin α = (from Pythagoras’ theorem)
5 12 13 13

For motion parallel to the wall:

v cos b = u cos a Þ v cos b = u (1)

For motion perpendicular to the wall:

v sin b = eu sin a
3 5 3
v sin b = ´ u ´ = u (2)
5 12 12

Squaring and adding equations (1) and (2) gives:

144 2 9 2
v 2 cos 2 b + v 2 sin 2 b = u + u
169 169
153 2
v 2 (cos 2 b + sin 2 b ) = u
153u 9 ´17u 3 17u
v= = =
13 13 13

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1 2
tan α = 2 ⇒ cos α = and sin α = (from Pythagoras’ theorem)
5 5
For motion parallel to the wall:
cos b = u cos a
3u u
cos b = (1)
4 5

For motion perpendicular to the wall:

sin b = eu sin a
3u 2eu
sin b = (2)
4 5

Squaring and adding equations (1) and (2) gives:

9 2 9 1 4
u cos 2 b + u 2 sin 2 b = u 2 + e2u 2
16 16 5 5
9 2 æ 1 4e ö
u (cos 2 b + sin 2 b ) = u 2 ç + ÷
16 è5 5 ø
= 1 + 4e 2
29 29
e2 = Þe=
64 8

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5 Before the impact: After the impact:

The component of velocity parallel to the slope is 8sin 30° = 8 ´ =4
1 3
Perpendicular to the slope: v = e ´ 8cos 30° = ´ 8 ´ = 3
4 2
Therefore the speed immediately after impact = 42 + 3 = 19 m s −1

6 Before the impact: After the impact:

The component of velocity parallel to the slope is 10sin 20°

Perpendicular to the slope: v = e ´10 cos 20° = ´10 cos 20° = cos 20°
Therefore the speed immediately after impact
= (10sin 20°)2 + (4cos 20°)2 = 25.826 = 5.08m s −1 (3 s.f.)

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7 a Before the impact: After the impact:

The component of velocity parallel to the slope is 5 2 sin 45° = 5 2 × =5
1 1 1 5
Perpendicular to the slope: v = ´ 5 2 cos 45° = ´ 5 2 ´ = = 2.5
2 2 2 2
Therefore the speed immediately after impact = 52 + 2.52 = 31.25 = 5.59m s −1 (3 s.f.)

b The impulse is perpendicular to the surface:

I = mv - m(-5 2 cos 45°)
3æ5 ö 3 15 45
= ç - (-5) ÷ = ´ = = 5.625 Ns
4è2 ø 4 2 8

8 Before the impact: After the impact:

3 4 3
tan α = ⇒ cos α = and sin α = (from Pythagoras’ theorem)
4 5 5
The component of velocity parallel to the slope is 7.5sin α = 7.5 × = 4.5
Perpendicular to the slope: v = e × 7.5cos a = e × 7.5 × = 6e
The speed immediately after impact is 5 m s , so –1

52 = 4.52 + (6e) 2
25 = 20.25 + 36e 2
e2 = = 0.13194!
e = 0.36 (2 s.f.)

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a Let the velocity v of the ball immediately after impact be pi + qj

Parallel to the wall: q = −3
Perpendicular to the wall: − p = e × 5 = 2.5
So v = (−2.5i − 3j)m s −1

b Kinetic energy before impact = ´ 0.8 ´ (52 + 32 ) = 13.6
Kinetic energy after impact = ´ 0.8 ´ (2.52 + 32 ) = 6.1
Kinetic energy lost = 13.6 - 6.1 = 7.5 J

c Using the scalar product to determine the angle of deflection:

cosθ =
u v
5(−2.5) + (−3)(−3) −3.5 −3.5
cosθ = = = = −0.15371
52 + 32 2.52 + 32 34 15.25 22.771
θ = 98.8° (3 s.f.)
The angle of deflection is 98.8° (3 s.f.).


a Let the velocity v of the ball immediately after impact be pi + qj

Parallel to the wall: p = 3
Perpendicular to the wall: −q = e × 6 = 2
So v = (3i − 2j)m s −1
Speed = 32 + 22 = 13 m s −1

b Kinetic energy before impact = × 1× (32 + 62 ) = 22.5
Kinetic energy after impact = ´ 1´ 13 = 6.5
Kinetic energy lost = 22.5 - 6.5 = 16 J

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a Let v = a + b, where a is parallel to the wall and b is perpendicular to the wall.

(i + j) is a unit vector in the direction of the wall
and (-i + j) is a unit vector perpendicular to the wall.

Parallel to the wall:

⎡ 1 ⎤ 1 1 1
a = ⎢(4i + 2j). (i + j) ⎥ (i + j) = ×6× (i + j) = 3i + 3j
⎣ 2 ⎦ 2 2 2

Perpendicular to the wall:

1⎡ 1 ⎤ 1 1 1 1 1
b = ⎢(4i + 2j). (i − j) ⎥ (−i + j) = × × (4 − 2) × (−i + j) = (−i + j)
3⎣ 2 ⎦ 2 3 2 2 3

1 1 æ 8 10 ö
So v = 3i + 3j - i + j = ç i + j ÷ m s -1
3 3 è3 3 ø

b Kinetic energy before impact = × 2 × (42 + 22 ) = 20
1 æ 64 100 ö 164
Kinetic energy after impact = ´ 2 ´ ç + ÷=
2 è 9 9 ø 9
164 16
Kinetic energy lost = 20 - = J
9 9
Proportion of kinetic energy lost = 9
´ 100 = 8.89% (3 s.f.)

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11 c

Angle of deflection = α + β
Consider triangle ABC
Angle ABC = 135°
Angle CAB = arctan 24 = 26.56505…°
α = 180° – 135° – 26.56505…° = 18.43494…°

Consider triangle CDE

Angle DEC = 45°
Angle CDE = 90° + angle CDF = 90 + arctan 108 = 128.54980…°
β = 180° – 45° − 128.54980…° = 6.34019…°

α + β = 18.43494…° + 6.34019…° = 24.8° (3 s.f.)

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For motion parallel to the cushion:

v cos b = 8cos 45° Þ v cos b = (1)

For motion perpendicular to the wall:

v sin b = e ´ 8sin 45°
2 1 16
v sin b = ´ 8 ´ = (2)
5 2 5 2

Squaring and adding equations (1) and (2) gives:

64 256
v 2 cos 2 b + v 2 sin 2 b = +
2 50
v 2 (cos 2 b + sin 2 b ) = = 37.12
v = 37.12 = 6.09 m s -1

Dividing equation (2) by equation (1) gives:

16 2 2
tan β = × = = 0.4
5 2 8 5
β = 21.8° (3 s.f.)

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a For motion parallel to the cushion:

v cos b = u cos 50° (1)

For motion perpendicular to the cushion:

v sin b = eu sin 50° (2)

Dividing equation (2) by equation (1) gives:

eu sin 50°
tan b = = e tan 50°
u cos 50°
Hence β is independent of u.

b If the ball rebounds at right angles from its original direction: β = 40°
From part a:
tan β = tan 40° = e tan50°
tan 40°
⇒e= = 0.704 (3 s.f.)

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3 4 3
a tan α = ⇒ cos α = and sin α = (from Pythagoras’ theorem)
4 5 5
5 12 5
tan β = ⇒ cos β = and sin β = (from Pythagoras’ theorem)
12 13 13

For motion parallel to the cushion:

13 4 13
v cos β = ucos α ⇒ v = × u= u
12 5 15

Kinetic energy before impact = mu 2
1 1 1 1 169 1 æ 169 ö 1 56
Kinetic energy lost = mu 2 - mv 2 = mu 2 - ´ mu 2 = mu 2 ç1 - ÷ = mu ´

2 2 2 2 225 2 è 225 ø 2 225

Kinetic energy lost 56
Fraction of kinetic energy lost = =
Kinetic energy before impact 225

b For motion perpendicular to the cushion:

v sin β = eusin α
13 5 3
u × = eu ×
15 13 5
5×5 5
⇒e= =
15 × 3 9

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a Impulse = mv – mu
I = m(2i + 2 j) - m(5i - 2 j)
I = m(-3i + 4 j)

I = 5m - 3 i + 4 j
5 5 )
The impulse acts in the direction of the unit vector - 3 i + 4 j = 1 ( -3i + 4 j)
5 5 ) 5

b Component of (5i – 2j) in the direction of the impulse

⎡ 1 ⎤1 1 1 −23 1
= ⎢(5i − 2j). (−3i + 4j) ⎥ (−3i + 4j) = × (−15 − 8) (−3i + 4j) = × (−3i + 4j)
⎣ 5 ⎦5 5 5 5 5
Component of (2i + 2j) in the direction of the impulse
⎡ 1 ⎤1 1 1 2 1
= ⎢(2i + 2j). (−3i + 4j) ⎥ (−3i + 4j) = × (−6 + 8) (−3i + 4j) = × (−3i + 4j)
⎣ 5 ⎦5 5 5 5 5

By Newton’s law of restitution:

2 23 2
= e´ Þ e =
5 5 23

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a Impulse = mv – mu
I = m(3i − j) − m(2i + 3j)
I = 2(i − 4j)

The impulse has magnitude 2 17 N s in the direction parallel to the unit vector (i - 4 j)

b Component of (2i + 3j) in the direction of the impulse

⎡ 1 ⎤ 1 1 1 10
= ⎢(2i + 3j). (i − 4j) ⎥ (i − 4j) = (2 − 12) (i − 4j) = − (i − 4j)
⎣ 17 ⎦ 17 17 17 17

Component of (3i – j) in the direction of the impulse

⎡ 1 ⎤ 1 1 1 7
= ⎢(3i − j). (i − 4j) ⎥ (i − 4j) = (3+ 4) (i − 4j) = (i − 4j)
⎣ 17 ⎦ 17 17 17 17

By Newton’s law of restitution:

7 10 7
= e ´ Þ e = = 0.7
17 17 10

c Kinetic energy before impact = ´ 2 ´ (22 + 32 ) = 13
Kinetic energy after impact = ´ 2 ´ (32 + 12 ) = 10
Kinetic energy lost = 13 - 10 = 3 J


a For motion parallel to the wall:

v cos(90° - a ) = 3v cos a
Þ sin a = 3cos a (as cos(90° - a ) = sin a )
Þ tan a = 3

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17 b For motion perpendicular to the wall:
v sin(90° − α ) = eusin α
v cos α 1 1
⇒e= = =
3v sin α 3tan α 9


For motion parallel to wall:

v cos a = u cos a (1)

For motion perpendicular to wall:

v sin a = eu sin a = 0.4u sin a (2)

Dividing equation (2) by equation (1) gives:

tan a = 0.4 tan a (3)

Using the identity:

tan q + tan f
tan(q + f ) = with q = f = a
1 - tan q tan f 2
2 tan a2
tan a =
1 - tan 2 a2

Writing tan a as t, and substituting into equation (3)

t = 0.4 ´ if t ¹ 0
1 - t2
1 - t 2 = 0.8
t 2 = 0.2
So t = tan a = 0.2
Þ a = 24.09° Þ a = 48.2° (3 s.f.)

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Let angle of rebound from W be β and let the point where W meets W be O
1 1 2

For motion parallel to wall W : 1

v cos b = u cos a (1)

For motion perpendicular to wall W : 1

v sin b = eu sin a (2)

Dividing equation (2) by equation (1) gives:

tan b = e tan a Þ e tan a =

Using Pythagoras’ theorem:

PQ 2 = OQ 2 + 12
PQ 2 = e2 tan 2 α + 1
So PQ = e2 tan 2 α + 1

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Elastic collisions in two dimensions 5B

a First collision: e = 0.5

For motion parallel to the wall:
v1 cos α = 2 cos 30° (1)

For motion perpendicular to the wall:

v1 sin α = 0.5 × 2 sin 30° (2)

Squaring and adding equations (1) and (2) gives:

v12 cos 2 α + v12 sin 2 α = 4cos 2 30° + sin 2 30°
3 1 13
v12 (cos 2 α + sin 2 α ) = 4 × + =
4 4 4
v1 = = 1.80 m s−1 (3 s.f.)

Dividing equation (2) by equation (1) gives:

tan α = 0.5 tan 30° =
2 3
⇒ α = 16.1° (3 s.f.)

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1 b Second collision: e = 0.5
For motion parallel to the wall:
v2 cos β = v1 cos(90° − α ) = v1 sin α (3)

For motion perpendicular to the wall:

v2 sin β = 0.5 × v1 sin(90° − α ) = 0.5v1 cos α (4)

Squaring and adding equations (3) and (4) gives:

v22 cos 2 β + v22 sin 2 β = v12 sin 2 α + 0.25v12 cos 2 α
1 1 2 3
As tan α = , by Pythagoras sin α = and cos α =
2 3 13 13
 1 3 13 4
v22 (cos 2 β + sin 2 β ) = v12  +  = × =1
 13 13  4 13
v2 = 1m s −1

Dividing equation (4) by equation (3) gives:

0.5 2 3
tan β = = = 3
tan α 2
⇒ β = 60°

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a First collision – for motion parallel to the wall:

v1 cos 20° = cos 40° (1)
cos 40°
v1 = = 0.815m s−1 (3 s.f.)
cos 20°

b For motion perpendicular to the wall:

v1 sin 20° = e sin 40° (2)

Dividing equation (2) by equation (1) gives:

tan 20° = e tan 40°
tan 20°
⇒e= = 0.434 (3 s.f.)
tan 40°

c Second collision – for motion parallel to the wall:

v2 cos α = v1 cos 70° (3)

For motion perpendicular to the wall:

v2 sin α = ev1 sin 70° (4)

Dividing equation (4) by equation (3) gives:

tan 20° tan 70°
tan α = e tan 70° =
tan 40°
but tan 20° tan 70° = 1
So tan α = = tan(90° − 40°) = tan 50°
tan 40°
⇒ α = 50°

Substituting into equation (3) gives:

v2 cos 50° = v1 cos 70°
cos 40°
v2 cos 50° = cos 70°
cos 20°
but cos 50° = sin 40° and cos 70° = sin 20°
cos 40° sin 20°
So v2 =
cos 20° sin 40°
tan 20°
v2 = = 0.434 m s −1 (3 s.f.)
tan 40°

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a First collision – let the angle the sphere makes with the wall after the collision be α
For motion parallel to the wall:
0.23cos α = 0.25cos 30° (1)
0.25 3
cos α = × = 0.94133…
0.23 2
⇒ α = 19.7° (3 s.f.)
After the impact with the first wall, the sphere moves at 19.7° to the wall

b For motion perpendicular to the wall:

0.23sin α = 0.25e sin 30° (2)

Dividing equation (2) by equation (1) gives:

tan α = e tan 30°
tan α tan19.72°
⇒e= = = 0.621 (3 s.f.)
tan 30° tan 30°

c First collision – let the angle the sphere makes with the wall after the collision be β and its speed
after the collision be v

For motion parallel to the wall:

v cos β = 0.23cos(90° − α ) = 0.23sin α (3)

For motion perpendicular to the wall:

v sin β = 0.23e sin(90° − α ) = 0.23e cos α (4)

Squaring and adding equations (3) and (4) gives:

v 2 cos 2 β + v 2 sin 2 β = 0.232 sin 2 α + 0.232 e2 cos 2 α
v 2 (cos 2 β + sin 2 β ) = 0.232 (1 − cos 2 α + e2 cos 2 α )
v 2 = 0.0529(1 − 0.941332 + 0.6212 × 0.941332 ) = 0.0241…
1 1
Kinetic energy after second collision = mv 2 = × 0.1× 0.0241 = 0.00121 J (3 s.f.)
2 2

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a First collision – let the angle the sphere makes with the wall after the collision be α , its speed
before impact be u and its speed after impact v1
Kinetic energy before first collision = × 2 × u 2
So u = 9 ⇒ u = 3m s

For motion parallel to the wall:

v1 cos α = 3cos 60° = 1.5 (1)

For motion perpendicular to the wall:

v1 sin α = 0.75 × 3sin 60° = 1.125 3 (2)

Squaring and adding equations (1) and (2) gives:

v12 cos 2 α + v12 sin 2 α = 2.25 + 3.7969
v12 (cos 2 α + sin 2 α ) = 6.0469
v1 = 2.46 m s−1 (3 s.f.)

Dividing equation (2) by equation (1) gives:

tan α = 0.75tan60° = 0.75 3
⇒ α = 52.4° (3 s.f.)

b Second collision – for motion parallel to the wall:

v2 cos β = v1 cos(90° − α ) = v1 sin α (3)

For motion perpendicular to the wall:

v2 sin β = 0.6v1 sin(90° − α ) = 0.6v1 cos α (4)

Squaring and adding equations (3) and (4) gives:

v22 cos 2 β + v22 sin 2 β = v12 sin 2 α + v12 0.36 cos 2 α
v22 (cos 2 β + sin 2 β ) = v12 (sin 2 α + 0.36 cos 2 α )
v22 = 6.0469(0.6279 + 0.13395) = 4.60685
1 2 1
Kinetic energy after second collision = mv2 = × 2 × 4.60685 = 4.61 J (3 s.f.)
2 2

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First collision
For motion parallel to the wall:
v cos β = u cos α (1)

For motion perpendicular to the wall:

v sin β = eu sin α (2)

Dividing equation (2) by equation (1) gives:

tan β = e tan α

Second collision
For motion parallel to the wall:
w cos θ = v cos(90° − β ) = v sin β (3)

For motion perpendicular to the wall:

w sin θ = ev sin(90° − β ) = ev cos β (4)

Dividing equation (4) by equation (3) gives:

e e
tanθ = =
tan β e tan α
= = cot α = tan(90° − α )
tan α
So θ = 90° − α , which means that after the collision with the second wall the sphere’s path is parallel
to its original path but in the opposite direction.

Substituting for θ in equation (3) gives:

w cosθ = w cos(90° − α ) = v sin β
⇒ w sin α = v sin β
So from equation (2)
w sin α = v sin β = eu sin α
⇒ w = eu, the speed after the second collision

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6 First impact:
For motion parallel to the wall:
v cos α = u cos 45° = (1)

For motion perpendicular to the wall:

v sin α = eu sin 45° = (2)
3 2

Squaring and adding equations (1) and (2) gives:

 1 1
v 2 cos 2 α + v 2 sin 2 α = u 2  + 
 2 6
2u 2
v =

Dividing equation (2) by equation (1) gives:

tan α = ⇒ α = 30°
So 180° − 30° − 30° = 180° − β ⇒ β = 60°

Second impact:
For motion parallel to the wall:
w cos θ = v cos 60° = (3)

For motion perpendicular to the wall:

w sin θ = ev sin 60° = (4)

Squaring and adding equations (3) and (4) gives:

1 1
w2 cos 2 θ + w2 sin 2 θ = v 2  + 
4 4
v2 u 2
w2 = =
2 3
u 3u
⇒w= = m s −1
3 3

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a First impact:
For motion parallel to the wall:
v1 cos α = 5cos 30° (1)

For motion perpendicular to the wall:

v1 sin α = 0.8 × 5sin 30° (2)

Squaring and adding equations (1) and (2) gives:

3 1
v12 cos 2 α + v12 sin 2 α = 25 × + 16 ×
4 4
v12 = ⇒ v = 4.77 m s −1 (3 s.f.)

Dividing equation (2) by equation (1) gives:

tan α = 0.8 tan 30° = ⇒ α = 24.8° (3 s.f.)
5 3

b Second impact:
For motion parallel to the wall:
v2 cos β = v1 cos(45° + α ) (3)

For motion perpendicular to the wall:

v2 sin β = 0.8v1 sin(45° + α ) (4)

Dividing equation (4) by equation (3) gives:

tan β = 0.8 tan(45° + α ) = 0.8 tan(45° + 24.791°) = 2.1733
⇒ β = 65.3° (3 s.f.)

From equation (3)

v2 cos65.291° = v1 cos(45° + α )
v2 = 4.77 × = 3.94 m s −1 (3 s.f.)

c If e2 > 0.8 and e1 remains unchanged, (45° + α) and v1 do not change; however, tan β increases,
so β increases and v2 (which depends on v1 and cos β) increases.

So the velocity of the sphere after the second collision would be greater and the angle it makes
with the wall after the collision would be greater.

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a Since first collision causes no change to the i component, first collision must be with the wall
parallel to this vector.

Considering j components only for the first collision:

2 = 4e ⇒ e = 2

Considering only the i component changes for the second collision:

5 = ep = 2 p ⇒ p = 2.5

Loss of kinetic energy =

m u −v
= m ( (52 + 42 ) − (2.52 + 2 2 ) )
1  41 
= m  41 − 
2  4 
= mJ

b Initial velocity, u = 5i − 4j and final velocity, v = −2.5i + 2j

The coefficients of i and j have the same ratio in both cases, but the signs of both are reversed: u
and v are therefore antiparallel. The sphere is deflected through a total angle of 180°.

9 a First collision – let the angle the sphere makes with the wall after the collision be α , and its speed
after impact v1
For motion parallel to wall:
v1 cos α = 2.5 cos 45° (1)
For motion perpendicular to wall:
v1 sin α = 0.6 × 2.5sin 45° (2)

Dividing equation (2) by equation (1) gives:

tan α = 0.6 tan 45°
tan α = 0.6 ⇒ cos α =
⇒ α = 30.964… = 31.0° (3 s.f.)
Substituting into equation (1) gives:
5 5
v1 =
34 2 2
v1 = = 2.0615... = 2.06 m s −1

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9 b First collision – let the angle the sphere makes with the wall after the collision be β , and its speed
after impact v2

For motion parallel to wall:

v2 cos β = v1 cos(60° − α ) (3)

For motion perpendicular to wall:

v2 sin β = 0.6v1 sin(60° − α ) (4)

Dividing equation (4) by equation (3) gives:

tan β = 0.6 × tan(60° − 30.964°) = 0.33308...
⇒ β = 18.421°
⇒ cos β = 0.9488

Substituting into equation (3) gives:

v2 × 0.9488 = × 0.87431 = 1.8997 (4 d.p.)
Kinetic energy after second collision = × 0.1×1.8997 2 = 0.180 J (3 s.f.)

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First collision
For motion parallel to wall:
v1 cos α = 10cos30° (1)

For motion perpendicular to wall:

v1 sin α = 0.7 × 10sin30° (2)

Dividing equation (2) by equation (1) gives:

tan α = 0.7 tan30°
7 10 3
tan α = ⇒ cos α =
10 3 349
⇒ α = 22.005° (3 d.p.)

Substituting into equation (1) gives:

10 3 3 349
v1 = 10 =
349 2 2

First collision
For motion parallel to wall:
v2 cos β = v1 cos(180° − 75° − α ) = v1 cos82.994° (3)

For motion perpendicular to wall:

v2 sin β = 0.5v1 sin(180° − 75° − α ) = 0.5v1 sin82.994° (4)

Dividing equation (4) by equation (3) gives:

tan β = 0.5tan82.994° = 4.0687
β = 76.192° (3 d.p.)

Substituting into equation (3) gives:

v2 cos 76.192° = cos82.994° = 4.7736
Loss of kinetic energy = m(u 2 − v2 2 )
= × 2 10 2 − 4.7736 2
= 77.2 J (3 s.f.)

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a i Vertical component of motion is not changed by collision with wall. Therefore time taken for ball
to reach floor for the first time is time taken for ball to fall 1 m from rest.
s = ut + 1 at 2
1 = × 9.8 × t 2
t= = 0.45175...

Horizontal component of motion is 20 m s−1 before collides with wall and 0.6 × 20 = 12 m s−1 after
collision. So time taken to reach wall:
s 2.4
t1 = = = 0.12 s
v 20

So time for which ball travelling at 12 m s−1 is t2 = 0.45175 − 0.12 = 0.331 75

Distance travelled in this time = vt2 = 12 × 0.33175 = 3.98 m (3 s.f.)

The ball first bounces on the floor 3.98 m from the wall.

ii Vertical component of speed immediately before it hits the floor:

v 2 = u 2 + 2as
v 2 = 2 × 9.8 × 1
v = 19.6

Vertical component of speed immediately after it hits the floor = 0.6 19.6

Maximum height given when vertical component is again zero, so:

v 2 = u 2 + 2as
0 = (0.6 2 × 19.6) − (2 × 9.8 × s)
⇒ s = 0.6 2 = 0.36 m
The maximum height after this bounce is 0.36 m.

b If the ball is hotter and e increases, the horizontal speed after hitting the wall will be greater and the
ball will therefore travel further before hitting the floor.

Similarly, the vertical component of the speed immediately after it hits the floor will be greater and
the maximum height after the first bounce will also be greater.

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Elastic collisions in two dimensions 5C

No change in component of velocity perpendicular to line of centres.

So component of velocity for A = 6sin10°
Since B is stationary before impact, it will be moving along the line of centres.

Conservation of momentum along the line of centres gives:

2 × 6cos10° = 4w − 2v
⇒ 2w − v = 6cos10° (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

w + v = × 6 cos10° = 3cos10° (2)

Adding equations (1) and (2) gives:

3w = 9 cos10° ⇒ w = 3cos10°

Substituting in equation (2) gives:


So, after the impact, A has velocity 6sin10° = 1.04ms −1 (3 s.f.) perpendicular to the line of centres,
and B has velocity 3cos10° = 2.95ms −1 (3 s.f.) parallel to the line of centres.

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No change in component of velocity perpendicular to line of centres.

So component of velocity for A = 4sin30° = 2
Since B is stationary before impact, it will be moving along the line of centres.

Conservation of momentum along the line of centres gives:

4 × 4cos30° = 4v + 2w
⇒ w + 2v = 8cos30° (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

1 4
w − v = × 4 cos 30° = cos 30° (2)
3 3

Adding equation (1) and 2 × equation (2) gives:

 8 32 3 16 3
3w =  8 +  cos 30° ⇒ w = × =
 3 9 2 9

Substituting in equation (2) gives:

16 3 4 3 10 3
−v = × ⇒v=
9 3 2 9

 10 3  100 208 4 13 4 39
A has speed (2) + 
 = 4+ = = = m s −1
 9  27 27 3 3 9

 
 2   18  3 3
A is moving at arctan   = arctan   = arctan  5  = 46.1° (3 s.f.) to the line of centres
 3   10 3   
 10 
 9 

16 3 −1
B has speed m s along the line of centres

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No change in component of velocity perpendicular to line of centres.

5 2
So component of velocity for A = 5sin 45° =
Since B is stationary before impact, it will be moving along the line of centres.

Conservation of momentum along the line of centres gives:

3 × 5cos 45° = 3v + 4w
15 2
⇒ 4w + 3v = (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

1 5 2
w − v = × 5cos 45° = (2)
2 4

Adding equation (1) and 3 × equation (2) gives:

15 2 15 2 45 2
7w = + ⇒w=
2 4 28

Substituting in equation (2) gives:

45 2 5 2 10 2 5 2
−v = ⇒v= =
28 4 28 14

2 2
5 2 5 2 5 2  1
5 2 50 5 25 25 −1
A has speed   +  = 1+   = = = ms
 2   14  2  7 2 49 7 7

5 2
A is moving at arctan  5 22  = arctan7 = 81.9° (3 s.f.) to the line of centres
 14 

45 2
B has speed m s−1 along the line of centres

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No change in component of velocity perpendicular to line of centres.

So for A, the component perpendicular to the line of centres is v sin θ .

Conservation of momentum along the line of centres gives:

mvcosθ = 2mv1 − mv2 ⇒ vcosθ = 2v1 − v2 (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

v1 + v2 = evcosθ ⇒ v1 = evcosθ − v2 (2)

Substituting for v1 in equation (1) gives:

v cos θ = 2(ev cos θ − v2 ) − v2 = 2ev cos θ − 3v2
v cos θ (2e − 1)
v2 =
1 v sin θ 3v sin θ
tan(90° − θ ) = = =
tan θ v2 v cos θ (2e − 1)
1 3 tan θ
So =
tan θ 2e − 1
2e − 1
⇒ tan 2 θ =

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5 After impact:

No change in component of velocity perpendicular to line of centres.

Conservation of momentum along the line of centres gives:

mv = mv A + mv B ⇒ v = v A + v B (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

v A − vB = v (2)

5 5
Adding equations (1) and (2) gives: 2v A = v ⇒ v A = v
3 6
And by substitution vB = v

 5 61 61
A has speed 1 +   v =
v= v m s−1
 6 36 6
1 6
A is moving at arctan 5 = arctan = 50.2° (3 s.f.) to the line of centres.
(6) 5
B is moving along the line of centres with speed v m s −1.

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a Perpendicular to the line of centres, component of velocity of A is usin α

Conservation of momentum along the line of centres gives:

mucos α = mv + mw ⇒ucos α = v + w (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

w − v = eucos α (2)

Solving equations (1) and (2):

2v = ucos α − eucos α = ucos α (1− e)
usin α 2usin α 2 tan α
⇒ tan β = = =
v ucos α (1− e) 1− e

b The path of A has been deflected through an angle equal to β − α

tan β − tan α 2 tan α
− tan α
tan( β − α ) = = 1−e
1 + tan α tan β 1 + tan α 21tan− eα
2 tan α − (1 − e) tan α (1 + e) tan α
= =
1 − e + 2 tan α
2 tan 2 α + 1 − e
 (1+ e) tan α 
Hence β − α = arctan 
 2 tan 2 α + 1− e 

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7 a After impact:

No change in the components of velocity perpendicular to the line of centres.

Conservation of momentum along the line of centres gives:

1× 2cos60° − 2 × 3cos 45° = 2v − w ⇒ 2v − w = 1− 3 2 (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

2 2
v+w= (3cos 45° + 2 cos 60°) ⇒ v + w = 1 + (2)
3 3

Solving equations (1) and (2):

8 2 2 8 2
3v = 2 − ⇒v = − = − 0.590 ms −1 (3 s.f.)
3 3 9
2 2 8 2 1 11 2
w = 1+ − + = + = 2.062 ms −1 (4 s.f.)
3 3 9 3 9

1 1
Kinetic energy lost in the impact = × 2 × ((3cos 45°)2 − v 2 ) + ×1× ((2cos60°)2 − w2 )
2 2
1 1
= × 2 × ((3cos 45°)2 − 0.590 2 ) + × 1× ((2cos60°)2 − 2.062 2 )
2 2
= 4.1519 − 1.6259 = 2.53 J (3 s.f.)

b Impulse on B = 1(w + 2cos60°) = 3.06 N s (3 s.f.)

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8 a After impact:

No change in the components of velocity perpendicular to the line of centres. So after the collision
the components of velocity perpendicular to the line of centres are 3 m s–1 and 4 m s–1.

Conservation of momentum along the line of centres gives:

m × 3 2 cos 45° − m × 5 × = mw − mv ⇒ w − v = 0 (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

2 3
v+w=  3 2 cos 45° + 5 ×  ⇒ v + w = 4 (2)
3 5

Solving equations (1) and (2) gives v = w = 2

A has speed 22 + 32 = 13 m s−1

B has speed 22 + 4 2 = 20 = 2 5 m s −1

1 1 43
b Total kinetic energy before impact = × m × (3 2) 2 + × m × 52 = mJ
2 2 2
1 1 33
Total kinetic energy after impact = × m × ( 13)2 + × m × (2 5)2 = m J
2 2 2
43− 33 10
Fraction lost= =
43 43

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Line of centres parallel to j so no change in the components of velocity parallel to i

Conservation of momentum along the line of centres gives:

−2 ×1+ 4 ×1 = 2 × s − 4 × t ⇒ s − 2t = 1 (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

s + t = (1 + 1) ⇒ s + t = 1 (2)

Solving equations (1) and (2):

3s = 3 ⇒ s = 1
And by substitution t = 0

Velocity of A is 4i + j m s–1
Velocity of B is 2i m s–1

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Line of centres parallel to i so no change in the components of velocity parallel to j

Conservation of momentum along the line of centres gives:

3×1−1× 4 = w − 3v ⇒ w − 3v = −1 (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

v + w = (4 + 1) ⇒ 4v + 4 w = 15 (2)

Solving equations (1) and (2):

4w − 12v = −4
⇒ 16v = 19
19 41
⇒v = , w=
16 16

 19 
After the impact, speed of A = 3 +   = 3.23m s−1 (3 s.f.)

 16 

 41
Speed of B = 2 +   = 3.25m s −1 (3 s.f)

 16 

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Line of centres parallel to i so no change in the components of velocity parallel to j

Conservation of momentum along the line of centres gives:

1× 2 − 2 ×1 = 2w − v ⇒ 2w − v = 0 (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

v + w = (2 + 1) ⇒ 5v + 5w = 9 (2)

Solving equations (1) and (2):

3 6
15w = 9 ⇒ w = and v =
5 5

As components of velocity unchanged parallel to j all kinetic energy lost is parallel to i

1   6  1
  3   48

Kinetic energy lost = × 1×  2 −    + × 2 ×  1 −    =

2 2
= 1.92 J
2   5   2   5   25

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12 a Let velocity of B immediately after the collision be v
Using conservation of momentum:
m(2i + 5j) + 2m(3i − j) = m(3i + 2j) + 2mv
2v = i(2 + 2 × 3− 3) + j(5 − 2 × 1− 2) = 5i + j
5 1
v= i+ j
2 2

b Impulse on A = m((3i + 2 j) − (2i + 5 j)) = m(i + 3j)

Therefore the line of centres is parallel to (i − 3j)

13 a Let velocity of B immediately after the collision be v

Using conservation of momentum:
3m(3i − 5j) + m(4i + j) = 3m(4i − 4j) + mv
v = i(3× 3+ 4 − 3× 4) + j(−3× 5 + 1+ 3× 4) = i − 2j
Speed of B is 12 + 22 = 5 ms −1

3m 2 m
b Kinetic energy lost = ((3 + 52 ) − (4 2 + 4 2 )) + ((42 + 12 ) − 5)
2 2
m m
= (3(34 − 32) + (17 − 5)) = (6 + 12) = 9m J
2 2

14 a Let velocity of B immediately after the collision be v

Using conservation of momentum:
2m(2i + 5j) + m(2i − 2j) = 2m(3i + 4j) + mv
v = i(2 × 2 + 2 − 2 × 3) + j(2 × 5 − 2 − 2 × 4) = 0

b B is brought to a halt in the collision, therefore the line of centres must be parallel to the
original direction of motion of B, i.e. (i − j)

2 2 2
In this direction, speed of A before impact = (2i + 5 j). (i − j) = (2 − 5) = −3
2 2 2
2 2 2
Speed of A after impact = (3i + 4 j). (i − j) = (3 − 4) = −
2 2 2
Speed of B before = 2 2
Speed of B after = 0
Therefore the impact law gives e = 2
3 2
+2 2 7

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15 After impact:

Before collision, components of velocity of A are 1 m s–1 perpendicular to the lines of centres and
2 m s–1 parallel to the line. The components of the velocity of B are 3 m s–1 perpendicular to the line,
and 2 m s–1 parallel to it.

Conservation of momentum along the line of centres gives:

2 × 2 − 1× 2 = 1× w − 2 × v ⇒ w − 2v = 2 (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

w + v = e(2 + 2) = 2 ⇒ w + v = 2 (2)

Solving equations (1) and (2): ⇒ w = 2,v = 0

After the collision, the speed of A is 1 m s–1 and speed of B is 32 + 22 = 13 ms −1

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Parallel to the line of centres, using conservation of momentum and the law of restitution gives:
mucos45° = mv + mw and w − v = eucos45°

By subtracting:
2v = u cos 45°(1 − e)
u 2(1 − e)
u sin 45° 2
So tan α = =
u 2 (1− e )
4 ) 1− e

θ = α − 45°
tan α − tan 45° 1−2e − 1 2 − 1 + e 1 + e
⇒ tan θ = = = =
1 + tanα tan 45° 1 + 1−2e 1 − e + 2 3 − e

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Tangent perpendicular to radius ⇒ sin α =
Initial components of velocity of A are ucos α parallel to the line of centres, and usin α perpendicular
to the line of centres.

Conservation of momentum along the line of centres gives:

mucos α = mv + mw ⇒ ucos α = v + w (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution: (2)

w − v = eucos α

Subtracting equation (2) from equation (1) gives:

2v = u cos α − eu cos α
 1
u cos α 1 − 
 2 = u× 2 × 2 = u 3
3 1
2 2 8
u sin α  
=   =
2 4
tan(θ + α ) =
v u 3 3
 
 8 
4 1  3 
−  
tan(θ + α ) − tan α 3 3 =  3 = 9 =3 3
tan θ = =
1 + tan(θ + α ) tan α 1 + 4 × 1  3+ 4  7 3 7
 
3 3  3 

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Mixed Exercise 5

For motion parallel to the wall:

cos β = u cos 45°
4u 2u
cos β = (1)
5 2

For motion perpendicular to the wall:

sin β = eu sin 45°
4u eu 2
sin β = (2)
5 2

Squaring and adding equations (1) and (2) gives:

16 2 16 2 2
u cos 2 β + u 2 sin 2 β = u 2 + e2u 2
25 25 4 4
16 2 u
u (cos 2 β + sin 2 β ) = (1+ e2 )
25 2
= 1+ e2
7 7
e2 = ⇒e=
25 5

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a The component of velocity parallel to the slope is usin α = 5.2 × =2
1 12
Perpendicular to the slope: v = eu cos α = × 5.2 × = 1.2
4 13
Therefore the speed immediately after impact = 22 +1.2 2 = 2.33m s−1 (3 s.f.)

b Impulse = mv − m( −u cos α ) = (1.2 − ( −4.8)) = 3 N s

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a Let v = a + b, where a is parallel to the wall and b is perpendicular to the wall.

(−i + j) is a unit vector in the direction of the wall
and (i + j) is a unit vector perpendicular to the wall.

Parallel to the wall:

 1  1
a = (−4i − 2 j). (−i + j)  (−i + j)
 2  2
1 1
= (4 − 2) × (−i + j)
2 2
= (−i + j)

Perpendicular to the wall:

1 1 1
b = − [( −4i − 2 j). (i + j)] (i + j)
2 2 2
1 1 1
=− × ( −4 − 2) (i + j)
2 2 2
= (i + j)
3 1 5
So v = ( −i + j) + (i + j) = i + j
2 2 2

1 1
b Kinetic energy before impact = × × (42 + 2 2 ) = 5
2 2
1 1   1   5   1 26 13
2 2

Kinetic energy after impact = × ×    +    = × =

2 2   2   2   4 4 8
Kinetic energy lost = 5 − = 3.375 J

c Using the scalar product to determine the angle of deflection:

cos θ =
u v
(−4 × 12 ) + (−2 × 52 ) −2 − 5
cos θ = = = −0.61394
20 4 130
θ = 128° (3 s.f.)

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If the component of the initial velocity perpendicular to the wall is u and that of the final velocity is v,
then the coefficient of restitution, e is given by:

Since neither i nor j component is unchanged, wall is not along one of the axes.

Impulse vector, I is perpendicular to the wall:

I = mv − mu
I = m(2i − 2 j) − m(6i + 3 j)
I = m(−4i − 5 j)

The component of each velocity perpendicular to the wall is given by the scalar product of the
velocity and the impulse vector:
u = u.I = m(6i + 3j).(−4i − 5j) = m(6 × −4) + (3× −5) = −39m
v = v.I = m(2i − 2j).(−4i − 5j) = m(2 × −4) + (−2 × −5) = 2m
2m 2
⇒e= =
39m 39

5 a

First collision: e = 0.5

For motion parallel to the wall:
u cos α = 2 cos 30° (1)

For motion perpendicular to the wall:

u sin α = 2e sin 30° (2)

Squaring and adding equations (1) and (2) gives:

u 2 cos 2 α + u 2 sin 2 α = 4cos2 30° + 4e2 sin 2 30°
3 1
u 2 (cos 2 α + sin 2 α ) = 4  + 0.25 × 
4 4
u 2 = 3.25
⇒ u = 1.80 m s−1 (3 s.f.)
Dividing equation (2) by equation (1) gives:
tan α = 0.5 tan 30° =
2 3
⇒ α = 16.1° (3 s.f.)

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5 b

Second collision: e = 0.5

For motion parallel to the wall:
v cos β = u cos(90° − α ) = u sin α (3)

For motion perpendicular to the wall:

v sin β = 0.5 × u sin(90° − α ) = 0.5u cos α (4)

Squaring and adding equations (3) and (4) gives:

v 2 cos 2 β + v 2 sin 2 β = u 2 sin 2 α + 0.25u 2 cos 2 α
1 1 2 3
As tan α = , by Pythagoras sin α = and cos α =
2 3 13 13
 1 3  13 4
v 2 (cos 2 β + sin 2 β ) = u 2  +  = × = 1
 13 13  4 13
v = 1m s −1

Dividing equation (4) by equation (3) gives:

0.5 2 3
tan β = = = 3
tan α 2
⇒ β = 60°
So the ball travels parallel to the original direction, but in the opposite direction.

c The resistance to the motion due to the floor not being smooth will result in the final speed of the
ball being slower, but the angle of motion will remain the same.

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a First collision
For motion parallel to the wall:
20 cos α = 25 cos 60° (1)

For motion perpendicular to the wall:

20 sin α = 25e sin 60° (2)

From equation (1):

20 cos α = 25cos 60°
25 1 25 5
cos α = × = =
20 2 40 8
By Pythagoras’ theorem
39 39
tan α = and sin α =
5 8

Dividing equation (2) by equation (1) gives:

tan α = e tan 60°
tan α 39 13
⇒e= = = = 0.721 (3 s.f.)
tan 60° 5 3 5

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6 b Second collision: e = 0.5
For motion parallel to the wall:
v2 cos β = 20 cos(90° − α ) = 20sin α (3)

For motion perpendicular to the wall:

v2 sin β = 20e sin(90° − α ) = 20e cos α (4)

Squaring and adding equations (3) and (4) gives:

v22 cos 2 β + v22 sin 2 β = 20 2 sin 2 α + 20 2 e2 cos 2 α
 39 13 25  52
v22 (cos 2 β + sin 2 β ) = 202  + ×  = 400 × = 325
 64 25 64  64
v2 = 18.0 m s −1 (3 s.f.)

Dividing equation (4) by equation (3) gives:

e 13 5 3
tan β = = × =
tan α 5 39 3
⇒ β = 30°
So the ball travels parallel to the original direction, but in the opposite direction.

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a First collision: e = 0.2

For motion parallel to the wall:
v1 cos α = 3cos 25° (1)

For motion perpendicular to the wall:

v1 sin α = 0.2 × 3sin 25° (2)

Squaring and adding equations (1) and (2) gives:

v12 cos 2 α + v12 sin 2 α = 9cos 2 25° + 0.36sin 2 25°
v12 (cos 2 α + sin 2 α ) = 7.45683
v1 = 2.7307 m s −1 (5 s.f.)

Dividing equation (2) by equation (1) gives:

tan α = 0.2 tan 25° = 0.09326
⇒ α = 5.3281° (5 s.f.)

Loss of kinetic energy = m(u 2 − v12 )
= × 0.5(32 − 2.7307 2 )
= 0.386 J (3 s.f.)

b Second collision: e = 0.4

For motion parallel to the wall:
v2 cos β = v1 cos(80° − α ) (3)
For motion perpendicular to the wall:
v2 sin β = 0.4v1 sin(80° − α ) (4)

Dividing equation (4) by equation (3) gives:

tan β = 0.4 tan(80° − α ) = 0.4 tan(80° − 5.3281°) = 0.4 tan74.6719° = 1.4593
⇒ β = 55.6° (3 s.f.)
Substituting in equation (3) gives:
v2 × cos55.579° = 2.7307 × cos74.6719°
v2 = 1.28m s −1 (3 s.f.)

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8 a Let velocity of B immediately after the collision be v
Using conservation of momentum:
4m(2i + 3j) + m(3i − j) = 4m(3i + 2j) + mv
v = i(4 × 2 + 1× 3− 4 × 3) + j(4 × 3− 1× 1− 4 × 2) = −i + 3j

b Impulse on A = 4m(3i + 2j) − (2i + 3j) = 4m(i − j)

⇒ (i − j) is a unit vector parallel to the line of centres.

1 3 3
Tangent perpendicular to radius ⇒ sin α = , so cos α = and tan α =
2 2 3
Initial components of velocity of A are ucos α parallel to the line of centres, and usin α
perpendicular to the line of centres.

Using conservation of momentum:

mucos α = mv + mw ⇒ v + w = ucos α (1)
where v is the velocity of A along the line of centres and w the velocity of B along the line of centres
immediately after the collision.

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

w − v = eucos α (2)

Solving equations (1) and (2):

2v = u cos α − eu cos α ,
u cos α (1 − 13 ) u × 23 × 13 u 3
⇒v= = =
2 2 12
u sin α  
=   =
2 6
tan(θ + α ) = =2 3
v u 3 3
 
 12 
tan(θ + α ) − tan α
tan θ = tan((θ + α ) − α ) =
1 + tan(θ + α ) tan α
1  6 −1 
2 3−  
= 3 =  3 
1+ 2 3 ×
1 (1 + 2) 3 3
5 3

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Using conservation of momentum:

mucos α = mv + mw ⇒ v + w = ucos α (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

w − v = eucos α (2)

Solving equations (1) and (2):

2v = u cos α − eucos α
3 4 3
As tanα = ⇒ cosα = and sinα =
4 5 5
u cos α (1− e) 2u(1− e)
⇒v= =
2 5
usin α usin α 3
tan(θ + α ) = = =
v  2u(1− e)  2(1− e)
 5 
tan(θ + α ) − tan α
tan θ = tan((θ + α ) − α ) =
1 + tan(θ + α ) tan α
3 3

2(1 − e) 4 12 − 6(1 − e)
= =
3 3 8(1 − e) + 9
1+ ×
2(1 − e) 4
6 + 6e
17 − 8e

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11 After impact

tan α = 1 ⇒ sin α = cos α =
3 3 4
tan β = ⇒ sin β = and cos β =
4 5 5

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

2 cos α + 2.5cos β )
v+w = 2⇒ v = 2−w

Using conservation of momentum:

(2 × )
2 cos α − ( 3× 2.5cos β ) = 3w − 2v ⇒ −4 = 3w − 2v

Substituting for v gives:

−4 = 3w − 2(2 − w)
−4 = −4 + 5w
v = 2− w= 2

Let speed of A after collision be vA

( ) +v
v A2 = 2 sin α 2

v A 2 = 1+ 4
vA = 5

Let speed of B after collision be vB

v B 2 = ( 2.5sin β ) + w2

 3
vB 2
=   +0
 2
v B = 1.5

After the collision, the speeds of A and B are 5 m s−1 and 1.5 m s−1 respectively.

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Using conservation of momentum:

mu(−2i + 8j) = ms(−i + j) + mr(2i + 4j)
So − 2u = −s + 2r
and 8u = s + 4r
Adding 6u = 6r
⇒ u = r and s = 4u

The red ball moves along the line of centres after impact, so line of centres is parallel to (−i + j).
Component of initial velocity along this line = 0
Component of final velocity along this line = 4u

For the white ball, component of initial velocity along this line is the scalar product of this vector and
its motion:
= u(−2i + 8j).(−i + j) = u (−2 × −1) + (8 ×1) = 10u )
And, similarly, component of final velocity along this line is:
= u(2i + 4j).(−i + j) = u (2 × −1) + (4 × 1) = 2u )
Using Newton’s law of restitution:
4u + 2u = e × 10u
6 = 10e

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13 Angle between line of centres and direction of travel is θ where:
3 4
sin θ = 5 = ⇒ cosθ =
2a 5 5

Perpendicular to line of centres the components of the

initial speeds are:
u sin θ = 0.6u
2u sin θ = 1.2u
These remain unchanged.

Parallel to line of centres the components of the initial speeds are:

u cos θ = 0.8u
2u cos θ = 1.6u

And the components of the final speeds vT and vB along these lines
are v (for the top sphere) and w (for the bottom sphere)

Using conservation of momentum along the line of centres:

mv + mw = 2mucosθ + mucosθ ⇒ v + w = 1.6u + 0.8u = 2.4u (1)

Using Newton’s law of restitution:

v − w = (0.8u + 1.6u ) = 0.6u (2)

Solving equations (1) and (2) gives:

2v = 0.6u + 2.4u ⇒ v = 1.5u
1.5u + w = 2.4u ⇒ w = 0.9u

So final speeds are:

261 2
vT 2 = (0.6u)2 + (1.5u)2 = (0.36 + 2.25)u 2 = 2.61u 2 = u
3 29
vT = u
v B 2 = (1.2u)2 + (0.9u) 2 = (1.44 + 0.81)u 2 = 2.25u 2
v B = 1.5u

Angle between paths is the difference between the angles each makes with the line of centres:
2u sin θ 1.2u 4 usin θ 0.6u 2
tan α = = = and tan β = = =
w 0.9u 3 v 1.5u 5
tan α − tan β 4
−2 14
Using tan(α − β ) = = 3 4×52 = 1515+8 =
1 + tan α tan β 1 + 3×5 15 23
3 29
Immediately after impact, the speeds of the spheres are u m s−1 and 1.5u m s−1
and the angle between their paths is arctan

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From earlier questions know that in a collision: tan(angle of departure) = etan (angle of approach)

For the first collision:

1 10 5
tan α = e tan θ = × =
2 7 7
α = 35.54° (4 s.f.)

Since this is less than 45°, the bounce is internal (see diagram) and, for the second collision:
tan β = e tan(45° + α ) = × tan(80.54°) = 3
β = 71.57°

Since this is greater than 45°, the bounce is external (see diagram) and, for the third collision:
tan γ = e tan(180° − 45° − β ) = × tan(63.43°) = 1
γ = 45°

In other words, the ball has rebounded from the first wall and is now travelling parallel to the second
wall so will not hit either again.

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b From earlier questions know that in a collision: vcos (angle of departure) = ucos (angle of approach)

For the first collision:

v1 cos α = 2 cos θ
7 7 2 74
v1 = 2× =
74 149 149

For the second collision:

2 74
v2 cos β = cos(45° + α )
1 2 74 1 2 20
v2 = × =
10 149 37 149

For the third collision:

2 20
v3 cos γ = cos(180° − 45° − β )
1 2 20 1 2 8
v3 = × =
2 149 5 149
4 × 8 32
v32 = =
149 149

Initial kinetic energy = 1 mu 2

1 1 1
Loss in kinetic energy = mu 2 − mv32 = m(u 2 − v32 )
2 2 2
m (u 2
− v32 ) u 2 − v32
Proportion loss of kinetic energy = 2 1 2
2 mu u2
4 − 149
= =
4 149

The percentage of kinetic energy lost is 94.6% (to 3s.f.)

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Review Exercise 2
1 u 1/6 u

S m T 3m

0 v

mu  3m  u  3mv Conservation of momentum.
u  3v
u  2v
e(u  u )  v Newton’s Law of Restitution.
5 1
 eu  u
6 2
6 1
e 
5 2

2 a u u

S m T km

0 v

mu  km λu  kmv Conservation of momentum.

u (1  kλ)  kv (1)
v  e(u  λu )  eu (1  λ) (2) Newton’s Law of Restitution.

Eliminate v from (1) and (2)

u (1  kλ)  keu (1  λ)
1  kλ
k (1  λ)

b e 1
Any coefficient of restitution
 1  k k  k
satisfies 0 e 1
1  2

but 0  λ   0  1  2λ  1and k  1

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3 a u 0

S m T 2m

vS vT

mu  mvS  2mvT
u  vS  2vT (1) Conservation of momentum.
eu  vT  vS (2)
Newton’s Law of Restitution.
(1)  (2) u  eu  3vT
vT  u (1  e)

b i from (2)
eu  u (1  e)  vS
vS  u (1  e)  eu
vS  u (1  2e)
but e   1  2e  0
2 Speed must be positive.
Speed of S is u (2e  1)

ii The arrow in the diagram was the

wrong way round, as shown in
b i, so the direction of motion was

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4 a 2u u

P 3m Q 2m Speed must be positive.

uP uQ

3m  2u  2mu  3mu P  2muQ Conservation of momentum.

 4u  3uP  2uQ (1)
e(2u  u )  uQ  uP Newton’s Law of Restitution.
3eu  uQ  uP (2)

Eliminating u P between (1) and (2):

4u  3(uQ  3eu )  2uQ

4u  5uQ  9eu
uQ  u (9e  4)

b Using (2)
u P  uQ  3eu
 u (9e  4)  3eu
 u (2  3e)
uP  0 Direction of motion of P is reversed.
 2  3e  0
e Use the general condition
0  e 1
 e 1

c For Q

32 1 Impulse = change of momentum.

mu  2m  u (9e  4)  2mu
5 5
32  2(9e  4)  10
18e  14

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5 For the fall, down positive:

u = 0 ms−1, a = g, t = 2 s, v = ?
v  u  at
v  0  2g  2g

Speed after the bounce, v′, is given by Newton’s law of restitution:

v  ev   2 g

For the return, up positive: u  12 g ms−1, a = −g = −9.8 ms−2, v = 0 ms−1, s = ?

v  u  2as
2 2

 12 
0   g   2 gs
 7 
 12 
2s    g
 7
1 144
s   9.8  14.4
2 49

The ball rises to a height of 14.4 m on the first bounce.

6 a Distance travelled = s, tin = 2 s, tout = 3 s

s s
When travelling towards the wall, average speed, u  
tin 2
s s
When travelling away from the wall, average speed, v  
tout 3
Using Newton’s law of restitution:
v  eu
s s
3 2
e  3s 
2 3
The coefficient of restitution is

b If the plane is rough, then the sphere will experience a frictional force and decelerate as it travels
to and from the wall.

If the times it takes to travel between the wall and P are the same as in part a, then, although the
average speed in each direction remains the same, the sphere hits the wall at a lower speed (u is
smaller) and leaves it at a greater speed (v is greater) than the values calculated.

Since the coefficient of restitution is given by e  , it would therefore have a bigger value than
that calculated in part a.

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7 a For the fall, down positive: u = 0 ms−1, a = g, s = 50 m, v = ?
v 2  u 2  2as
v 2  2 g  50  100 g

Speed after the bounce, v′, is given by Newton’s law of restitution:

v  ev
v2  e2v 2  100 ge2

For the return, up positive: v = 0 ms−1, u = v′, a = −g, s = 35 m

v 2  u 2  2 as
0  100ge 2   2 g  35 
100e 2  70
The coefficient of restitution is

b For the first fall, down positive: u = 0 ms−1, a = g, s = 50 m, t = t1

s  ut  12 at 2
50  12 gt12
t12 

For the second fall, down positive: u = 0 ms−1, a = g, s = 35 m, t = t2

35  12 gt2 2
t2 2 

The ball takes the same time to rise to 35 m after the first bounce so total time, t, is given by:
t  t1  2t2
10 70
t 2
g g
1 5
If g  9.8  
g 7
10 5 5 70
then t  2
7 7
10 5 5 70
t 2
7 7

t  10 5  1400

 
5  14 as required.

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8 a 7u u Draw a diagram.
e = 0.25
A m 3m B

x y

7 mu  3mu  mx  3my Conservation of momentum.

4u  x  3 y (1)
0.25  (7u  u )  y  x Newton’s Law of Restitution.

2u  y  x (2)
(1)  (2) 6u  4 y
Solve (1) and (2) simultaneously.
In (2) 2u  x
The minus sign shows the arrow
x in the diagram is pointing in the
2 wrong direction.
A has speed

B has speed Speed is always positive.

b K.E. lost
1 1 1 2
u 1  3u  

  m  (7u ) 2   3m  u 2   m      3m   
2 2 2 2 2  2  

1 3 2  mu 2 27mu 2 
 m  49u  mu  
 
2 2  8 8 
45 2
 mu

9 u u

A 3m B 2m

0 v

a 3mu  2mu  2mv

Conservation of momentum.
mu  2mv
e (u  u )  v
Newton’s Law of Restitution.
2ue  v

Eliminating v:

mu  2m(2ue)

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9 b K.E.lost
 v  2ue  2u 
1  
1 1 1 4
  3mu   2mu   0   2m  u  
2 2

2 2  2  2   1
 
5 1
 mu 2  mu 2
2 4
 mu 2

10 a u 0

A m B 2m

vA vB

mu  mv A  3mvB
y  v A  3vB (1) Conservation of momentum.
eu  vB  v A (2)
Newton’s Law of Restitution.

(1)  (2) u  eu  4vB

vB  (1  e)u

b Using (2):

v A  vB  eu
 (1  e)u  eu
 (1  3e)u

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10 c K.E. after impact
1 2 1
 mv A   3mvB2
2 2
2 2
1 1  3 1 
 m  (1  3e)u   m  (1  e)u 
2 4  2 4 
1 u2 3 u2
 m (1  6e  9e 2 )  m (1  2e  e 2 )
2 16 2 16
 (1  6e  9e 2  3  6e  3e 2 )
mu 2
 (4  12e 2 )
mu 2
 (1  3e 2 )
K.E. after impact  mu 2
1 1
 (1  3e 2 ) 
8 6
6  18e  8

18e 2  2
e2 
e (e  0)

d vA  (1  3e)
u 1
 (1  3  )
4 3
 A is at rest.

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11 Initially: m = 8 ×103 kg, v = 4 ms−1, kinetic energy = Eki

1 2
Ek  mv
Eki   8 103  42  64 103

Finally: m = (8 ×103 + 12 ×103) = 20 ×103 kg, v = 1.5 ms−1

Ekf   20 103 1.52  22.5 103

Change in kinetic energy:

Ek  Eki  Ekf
Ek  64 103  22.5 103
Ek  41.5 103

The loss in kinetic energy is 41.5 kJ.

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12 Initially: m = 0.05 kg, v = 2 ms−1, kinetic energy = Eki

Ek  1 mv 2
Eki  1  1  22  0.1
2 20

Once string is taut, speed of the particles, v, is found using conservation of momentum:

0.05  2   0.05  0.25  v

0.1  0.3v

and the total kinetic energy Ekf is

Ekf  1  3  1  1
2 10 3 60

Change in kinetic energy:

Ek  Eki  Ekf

Ek  1  1
10 60
Ek  1
The loss in kinetic energy is J

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13 a 2u 2u
Direction of motion of B is
A 3m B 2m reversed but speed is unchanged.

vA 2u

3m  2u  2m  2u  3mv A  2m  2u
Conservation of momentum.
2u  3v A  4u
vA   u
e(2u  2u )  2u  v A Newton’s Law of Restitution.
4eu  2u  v A
 4eu  2u  u
4eu  u

b 2u 0

B 2m C 5m

v w

2m  2u  2mv  5mw
4u  2v  5w (3) Conservation of momentum.
 2u  w  v (4) Newton’s Law of Restitution.
Eliminate w from (3) and (4)
 6u 
4u  2v  5   v B will not hit C again. You
 5  must investigate the possibility
4u  2v  6u  5v of it hitting A again.

7v  2u
v u
From a
vA   u
After the collision between B and C:

2u 2u
3 7


As speed A > speed B there will be no

further collisions.

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14 a u 0

P 2m Q m

vP vQ
Conservation of momentum.
2mu  2mvP  mvQ
2u  2vP  vQ (1)
u  vQ  vP (2) Newton’s Law of Restitution.
(1)  2  (2)  vQ  2vQ
3vQ 
vQ 

Using (2)

vP  vQ  u
8u 1
vP   u
9 3
vP 

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14 b

v wall

8ue Newton’s Law of Restitution.


5u 8ue
9 9
P 2m Q m Here, e again.
0 w

5u 8ue
2m   m  mw Conservation of momentum.
9 9
10u  8ue  9w (3) Newton’s Law of Restitution.
1  5u 8ue 
  w
3 9 9 
5u  8ue  27 w (4)

Eliminating w between (3) and (4):

3(10u  8ue)  5u  8ue

30u  24ue  5u  8ue
32ue  25u

c Q is now moving towards the wall once more.

After Q hits the wall, it will return to collide
with P once more.

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15 a 5u 0

P 2m Q 3m

vP vQ

2m  5u  2mvP  3mvQ Conservation of momentum.

10u  2vP  3vQ (1)
Newton’s Law of Restitution.
e  5u  vQ  vP (2)
(1)  2  (2) :
10u  10eu  3vQ  2vQ
10u  10eu  5vQ
vQ  2u  2eu  2(1  e)u
Find direction of motion for P, as
b From (2) if P is moving towards the wall
there must be a second collision
vP  vQ  5eu between P and Q.
 2(1  e)u  5eu
e = 0.4 in b.
vP  2 1.4u  5  0.4u
 0.8u
vP  0  P moves towards the wall and will
collide with Q after Q rebounds from the

c e  0.8
e = 0.8
vP  2 1.8u  5  0.8u
 0.4u
Q hits the wall:

2 1.8u

v wall

v  3.6uf Newton’s Law of Restitution.

0.4u 3.6uf


For a second collision

3.6uf  0.4u
0.4 1
f  
3.6 9
Range for f is
 f 1 All coefficients of restitution
9 are less than or equal to 1.

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16 a 2u u

A 2m B 3m

vA vB

2m  2u  3m  u  2mv A  3mvB Conservation of momentum.

7u  2v A  3vB (1)
e(2u  u )  vB  v A Newton’s Law of Restitution.
eu  vB  v A (2)
(1)  2  (2)
7u  2eu  3vB  2vB
vB  u (7  2e)

b Using (2)
v A  vB  eu
 u (7  2e)  eu
 u (7  3e)

1 11u
c u (7  3e) 
5 10
14u  6eu  11u
6eu  3u e 

d For B:

Distance to barrier = d
Use e now.
1 8u 2
Speed  u (7  1) 
5 5

8u 5d
Time to barrier  d  
5 8u

Distance moved by A in this time:

1  3  5d
 u 7  
5  2  8u
11u 5d 11d
  
5  2 8u 16
11d 5d
 A is d   from the barrier.
16 16

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16 e After B hits the barrier:

11 8u 11u
Speed of B   
16 5 10

11u 11u
10 10


Equal speeds, opposite directions.

 A and B will collide at mid-point of the distance from A to the barrier at the instant B
hits the barrier, i.e. they collide at distance from the barrier.

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17 a For the initial fall, down positive:
u = 0 ms−1, a = g, s = 2 m, v = ?
v 2  u 2  2as
v2  0   2  2g   4g
Speed after the first bounce, v1, is given by Newton’s law of restitution:
v1  ev
v12  e 2v 2
v12  4ge 2
For the return, up positive: v = 0 ms−1, u = v1, a = −g, and it reaches a height s = s1
v 2  u 2  2as
0  4ge2  2 gs
s1  2e2
When it hits the ground for a second time, it has travelled a distance (2 + 2 s1) m = 2(1 + 2e2) m
and is again travelling at v1 ms−1
Speed after the bounce, v2, is given by Newton’s law of restitution:
v 2  ev1
v 2 2  e 2 v12
v2 2  e2e2v 2  e4v 2
v 2 2  4ge 4
For the second return, up positive: v = 0 ms−1, u = v2, a = −g, and it reaches a height s = s2
v 2  u 2  2 as
0  4 ge4  2 gs2
s2  2e 4
When it hits the ground for a third time, it has travelled a distance 2(1 + 2e2 + 2e4) m
In general, when it hits the ground for the (n + 1)th time, it will have travelled a distance s where
k n
s  2  4 e2 k
k 1
The second of these terms includes the sum of a geometric series where a = r = e2
Since e < 1, the bounce height approaches zero asymptotically and there are, theoretically, an
infinite number of bounces. Using the formula for the sum of an infinite geometric series:
S 
1 r
 e2 
s  2  4 2 
 1 e 
 0.82 
s  2  4 2 
 1  0.8 
 16  82
s  2   4  
 9 9
The total distance travelled by the ball before it comes to rest is m
b The model is unrealistic because the ball is not a particle, so there will not be an infinite number of
bounces; it will stop once the bounce height is less than its radius. There will also be factors such
as additional energy losses following each ‘bounce’.

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18 After A hits B, A moves with speed vA, and B moves with speed vB

Using conservation of momentum:

4m  mvA  2mvB
4  vA  2vB (1)
Using Newton’s law of restitution:
v  eu
vB  vA  0.7  4  2.8 (2)
(1) + (2) to find vB, then substituting back into (2) for vA:
2vB  vB  4  2.8
6.8 68 34
vB   
3 30 15
vB  v A 
68 28
vA  
30 10
68  84 16
vA  
30 30
Since A is travelling in the opposite direction to B (and the opposite to that shown in the diagram), it
will not collide with B again. However, B is moving in the right direction to collide with C. After B
hits C, B moves with speed vB , and C moves with speed vC and their relative speed is vC  vB
Using conservation of momentum:
 2m  2mvB  3mvC
 2vB  3vC (3)
Using Newton’s law of restitution:
34 68
vC  vB  0.4   (4)
15 75

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18 continued
(3) + 2 × (4) to find vC , then substituting back into (4) for vB :
68 68
3vC  2vC  2
15 75
5vC 
vC 
vC  vB 
476 68
v B  
375 75
476  340 136
v B  
375 375

B and C move off in the same direction and neither can subsequently collide with A as it is moving in
the opposite direction. Since vB  vC , B cannot reach C to collide with it again and so there are no
further collisions.

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Let the components of the velocity perpendicular and parallel to the wall immediately
after the collision be vx and vy respectively.

Parallel to the wall The impulse is perpendicular to the

wall and so the component of the
vy  u cos  velocity parallel to the wall is unchanged.

Perpendicular to the wall

Perpendicular to the wall, Newton’s law of restitution
gives that, for the velocity, the component after collision
Newton’s law of restitution
 e  the component before collision
vx  eu sin  The component of the velocity perpendicular to
the wall before collision is u sin  .

The kinetic energy of S after the collision is given by

m(vx2  v y2 ) If v is the velocity after collision, the
2 kinetic energy of S after the collision
1 1
 m(e 2u 2 sin 2   u 2 cos 2  ) is mv 2and v 2  vx2  v y2
2 2
 mu 2 (e 2 sin 2   cos 2  )

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20 a

Let the speed of the ball before impact be u m s–1 and the speed of the ball after
impact be v m s–1

Parallel to the wall

u cos 60  v cos 30 As the impulse of the wall on the ball is
perpendicular to the wall, parallel to the
1 3 u
u vv wall the component of the velocity of the
2 2 3 ball is unchanged.

The kinetic energy lost is

1 2 1 2 1 2 1  u 
mu  mv  mu  m 
2  3 
2 2 2 Substituting v 
1 1 1
 mu 2  mu 2  mu 2
2 6 3

The fraction of the kinetic energy lost is

1 2
3 mu 2 lossin kinetic energy
1 2
 You find the
originsal kinetic energy
2 mu 3

b Perpendicular to the wall

Newton’s law of restitution Perpendicular to the wall, Newton’s law

v sin 30  eu cos 60 of restitution gives that, for the velocity,
component after collision = e × component
1 3 before collision.
v eu
2 2
As v 
1 u 3 1 1
  eu  e  
2 3 2 3 3 3

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21 a

Using conservation of momentum in the direction parallel to the wall:

3mv cos   mv cos(90   )

3 cos   sin 
tan   3

The sphere is initially travelling at 60° to the wall.

b Considering the components of motion perpendicular to the wall and using Newton’s law of

v sin(90   )  e 3v sin 
cos   e 3 sin 
1 1
e 
3 tan  3 3

So the coefficient of restitution is , as required.

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1 1 3
22 tan    sin   and cos  
3 2 2

For the fall, down positive: u = 0 ms−1, a = g, s = 20 m, v = ?

v 2  u 2  2as
v 2  2 g  20  40 g

Momentum is conserved parallel to the plane so:

m 40 g cos(90   )  m 15cos 
40 g sin   15cos 
40 g  12 40 g
cos   
15 30
  48.702...
sin   0.75129...

Considering the components of movement perpendicular to the plane and using Newton’s law of

15sin   e 40 g cos 
15  0.75129...
40 g  23
e  0.65724...
30 g

The coefficient of restitution is 0.657 (3 s.f.)

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23 a

Impulse = change in momentum

1 1
 (2i  j)  (3i  2 j)
2 2
  i  3 j
10  1 
   i  3 j 
2  10 
1 1
The impulse is of magnitude 10 Ns and acts parallel to the unit vector  i  3 j 
2 10

1 2
b Kinetic energy Ek  mv so kinetic energy lost:
1 1
Ek  mu 2  mv 2
2 2

Ek  m  32  22    22  12 

1 1 8
Ek   13  5    2
2 2 4

The kinetic energy lost in the collision is 2 J.

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24 a Let the components of the velocity of the car before the collision, with all
components in m s–1, be
As the van is at rest, after the collision it must travel
along the line of centres of the car and the van. In the
diagram in the question, XA must be the line of
centres, so you consider the components of velocity
perpendicular and parallel to XA.

Let the components of the velocity of the car and

van after the collision, with all components in m s–1, be

After the collision, the van is moving

along XA and the car is moving
perpendicular to XA.

Parallel to XA

Conservation of linear momentum

600 x  800w  w  x 

Newton’s law of restitution

velocity of separation = e  velocity of approach

w  ex

x  ex

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24 b For the van

F  ma
500  800a  a  0.625
v 2  u 2  2as
02  w2  2  0.625  45
w2  56.25  w  7.5

For the car To find w (and hence x) and y,

you need to use both Newton’s
F  ma second law and the kinematic
equation for constant
300  600a  a  0.5 acceleration, v2  u 2  2as
v 2  u 2  2as
02  y 2  2  0.5  21
y 2  21  y  21

Conservation of momentum in the direction XA   

600 x  800  7.5

800  7.5
x  10

So the speed of the car before the collision is given by

x 2  y 2  100  21  121  11 m s−1

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25 a Using conservation of momentum for component of motion parallel to the wall:

2 2
cos 45  cos 
5 7
7 2 1 7
cos     
2 5 2 5 2
  8.1301...

After the first impact the sphere moves at an angle of 8.13° (3 s.f.) to the first wall.

sin 2   1  cos 2 
sin 2   1 
1 1
sin   
50 50

b Using Newton’s law of restitution for components of movement perpendicular to the first wall:

2 2
sin   e  sin 45
7 5
2 1
7 50
2 1
5 2
10 2 10 1
e  
14 50 14  5 7

The coefficient of restitution has a value of

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25 c From conservation of momentum, component of velocity parallel to second wall, vv, is unchanged
by the second collision:

vv  2 cos  90   
vv  2 sin   2 1
7 7 50

Using Newton’s law of restitution for components of movement perpendicular to the first wall,
perpendicular component of velocity vh:
vh  euh
vh  1  2 cos 
7 7
vh  1  2  7
7 7 5 2

vh  2

Resultant speed, v, is given by v2 = vh2 + vv2 and the final kinetic energy is therefore:

Ek  1 mv 2
   2 
2 2
  0.8    2  
  7 50   35  
 
Ek  14  4  2
2 5 49  50 35  35 
Ek  2 2  2  1
5 49 50 25  
Ek  4  2  8  8  0.0013061...
245 25 6125 6125

After the second collision, the kinetic energy of the sphere is 1.31 mJ (3 s.f.).

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26 u = 2 ms−1, m = 0.3 kg, e = 0.6

First collision
Considering components of motion parallel to wall and using conservation of momentum:
2cos30  v1 cos  (1)

Considering components of motion perpendicular to wall and using Newton’s law of restitution:
0.6  2sin 30  v1 sin  (2)
(2) ÷ (1)
0.6 tan 30  tan 

tan   3  1  3
5 3 5
 cos   5
Substituting into (1)
2 3  5 v1
2 28

v1  84

Second collision
Using conservation of momentum for components of motion parallel to wall:
v1 cos 100     v2 cos  (3)

Using Newton’s law of restitution for components of motion perpendicular to wall:

0.6  v1 sin 100     v2 sin  (4)
(4) ÷ (3)
tan   0.6  tan(100  19.106...)
tan   3.7431...
  75.042...
cos   0.25810...
Substituting into (3)
5  0.15827...  v2  0.25810...

v2  1.1240...

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26 continued
Kinetic energy Ek  1 mv 2 so kinetic energy lost:
Ek  mu  mv2
2 1 2
2 2
Ek  1  3  22  1.1240...2 
2 10
Ek  0.41047...
The total kinetic energy lost is 0.41 J (2 s.f.)

27a First collision: u = 4 m s−1, v = 3 m s−1

Considering components of motion parallel to wall and using conservation of momentum:

4cos 60  3cos
4 1 2
cos    
3 2 3
5 5
 sin   and tan  
3 2

Considering components of motion perpendicular to wall

and using Newton’s law of restitution:

3sin   e  4sin 60

3 5
e 3
4 3
5 15
e 
2 3 6

The coefficient of restitution is 15


b Second collision: u = 3 ms−1, e = 0.35

Considering components of motion parallel to wall and using conservation of momentum:
3sin   v cos  (1)
Considering components of motion perpendicular to wall and using Newton’s law of restitution:
e  3cos  v sin  (2)

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27 continued
(2) ÷ (1)
e 0.35
tan   
tan  5
tan  
10  5
  17.382...

Substituting into (1)

3  5  v  0.95433...
v  2.3430...
After the second collision, the sphere travels at 2.34 ms−1 at an angle of 17.4° to W2 (both 3 s.f.)


Initial values:
u  42  32  5
v1  12  32  10

First collision:
COM: 5cos   10 cos  (1)
NLR: e  5sin    10 sin  (2)
 e tan   tan 

Second collision:
COM: 10 sin   v cos  (3)
NLR: e 10 cos   v sin  (4)
  tan 
tan 

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28 continued
Substituting for tanβ:
e 1
tan   
e tan  tan 
i.e. α = 90 – γ so the final motion is antiparallel to the initial motion
(this is a general result for equal values of e and perpendicular walls)

v = k(−4i + 3j) where k < 1

Using perpendicular components of velocity in first collision to calculate e

I  mv  mu
I  m(i  3j)  m(4i  3j)
I  3mi
u  u.I  m(4i  3 j).(3i )
u  m  4  3  12m
v  v.I  m(i  3j).(3i )
v  m  (1 3)   3m
v 3m 1
e  
u 12m 4
Substituting this into (2): sin   10 sin 
Using α = 90 – γ in (3): 10 sin   v sin 
Dividing gives:
v 5
1 v 
4 4
The kinetic energy lost is therefore

Ek  1 mu 2  1 mv 2
2 2
 
Ek  1 m  52  5 
2  4 

Ek  m  375  11.71875m

2 16

The kinetic energy lost is 11.7m J (3 s.f.)

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29 a First collision: u = 1.5 ms−1, e = 0.8

Momentum is conserved for components of motion parallel to W1:

1.5cos30  v1 cos  (1)

Considering components of motion perpendicular to W1 and using Newton’s law of restitution:

e 1.5sin 30  v1 sin  (2)

(2) ÷ (1)

0.8 tan 30  tan 

 5 3
tan   4   cos   
5 3  91 
 
  tan 1  4   24.791...
5 3

Substituting into (1)

1.5  3  5 3 v
2 91 1
3 5 v
4 91 1

v  3 91  1.4309...
1 20

After the first collision the sphere moves at 1.43 ms−1 at an angle of 24.8° to W1 (both 3 s.f.)

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29 b After second collision, kinetic energy, Ek = 1.35 J, m = 1.6 kg, speed = v2, so:
Ek  1 mv 2
1.35  1 1.6v2 2
2.7 3 3
v2  
1.6 4

Considering components of motion parallel to W2 and using conservation of momentum:

v1 cos  70     v2 cos 

3 91 cos 70  24.791...

cos   20
3 3
91  0.70452...
cos    0.77604...
5 3
and sin 2   1  cos 2 
sin   0.63067...

Considering components of motion perpendicular to W2 and using Newton’s law of restitution:

e  v1 sin  70     v2 sin 
v2 sin 
v1 sin  70   
3 3  0.63067...
e 4

3 91 sin 70  24.791...

5 3  0.63067...
91  0.70967...
e  0.80678...

The coefficient of restitution between the sphere and W2 is 0.807 (3s.f.)

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First collision
Considering components of motion parallel to wall and using conservation of momentum:
8cos 25  v1 cos  (1)

Considering components of motion perpendicular to wall and using Newton’s law of restitution:
0.6  8sin 25  v1 sin  (2)

(2)÷ (1)

0.6 tan 25  tan 

tan   0.27978...
  15.630...

Substituting into (1)

8cos 25  v1 cos15.630...
8cos 25
v1   7.5288...

Second collision
Using conservation of momentum for components of motion parallel to wall:
v1 cos 80     v2 cos  (3)

Using Newton’s law of restitution for components of motion perpendicular to wall:

0.7  v1 sin 80     v2 sin  (4)

(4) ÷ (3)
tan   0.7  tan(80  15.630...)
tan   1.4589...
  55.573...

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30 continued

Substituting into (3)

v cos  80   
v2  1
cos 
7.5288...  cos  80  15.630...
v2 
v2  5.7606...

Kinetic energy Ek  1 mv 2 so kinetic energy lost:

Ek  1 mu 2  1 mv2 2
2 2

Ek  1 1.7 82  5.7606...2

Ek  26.193...

The total kinetic energy lost is 26.2 J (3 s.f.)

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31 a Components of the velocities before the collision

Let the components of the velocities after the collision be

The direction of the component of the velocity of P along the

line of centres, here called x, is not obvious. If you put it in
the opposite direction to that shown here, you would get a
negative value of x and your solution would still be valid.

5 5 12
tan    sin   , cos  
12 13 13

This sketch illustrates that, as 52  122  132 , if

5 5 12
tan   , then sin   and cos  
Perpendicular to the line of centres CB 12 13 13

In this direction, the component of the velocity of P is unchanged and is

13 13 5 5
u sin  u   u , as required.
12 12 13 12

Perpendicular to the line of centres CB

Conservation of linear momentum

13 3
m u cos   mx  2m  u
12 5
6 13 12 6 1
x  u  u   u  u  u, as required
5 12 13 5 5

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31 b Newton’s law of restitution

velocity of separation = e  velocity of approach

3 13
x  u  e u cos 
5 12 13 13 12
u cos   u   u
1 3 12 12 13
u  u  eu
5 5

c Let the time after the collision for Q to reach C be t1

distance  speed  time

3 5d
d1  ut1  t1  1
5 3u

Perpendicular to W, in time t1 , P travels a distance s given by

distance  speed  time

1 1 5d 1
s  u  t1  u  1  d1
5 5 3u 3
Perpendicular to W, the component of the
The distance of P from W, is 1
velocity of P after the collision is u
1 4
d1  s  d1  d1  d1 , as required To find the distance of P from W, you need
3 3 consider only this component.

d Before hitting W, Q, has speed u

3 1 3 3
After hitting W, Q has speed e u   u  u
5 2 5 10

In the direction CB, the velocity of Q relative to P is

3 1 1
u u  u
10 5 10

The time, t2, for Q to travel from C to the point of

the second collision is given by
d 40d1
t2  31 1  In the direction CB, the time is given by
10 u 3u 4 
the distance of Q relative to P  d1 
3 
The time between the two collision is divided by the velocity of Q relative to
5d 40d1 45d1 15d1  1 
t1  t2  1    , as required P u
3u 3u 3u u  10 

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31 e Before hitting the perpendicular wall, P has a
component velocity u perpendicular to CB.

After hitting the wall, this component becomes

5 1 5 5
e u  u u
12 2 12 24
As Q moves along CB the second collision
If t3 is the time for P to move from B to the wall must occur on CB. So you need to find the
time it takes for P to move to the wall and
and t 4 is the time for P to move from the wall return to CB.
back to CB, then

d 2 12d 2
t3  5

12 u 5u
d2 24d 2
t4  5

24 5u
Q is moving along CB. So, for the
t3  t 4  second collision, P must travel from
u CB to the wall, which is
12d 2 24d 2 15d1 perpendicular to W, and back to the
  15d1
5u 5u u line CB, in time
36d 2  75d1

d1 36 12
So  
d 2 75 25

i.e. the ratio d1 : d2  12 : 25

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32 Let the speed of B before the collision be u m s–1

Components of velocity before collision

Let the components of velocity after collision be

Parallel to j, the components of the velocity

are unchanged and you can just write down.

Parallel to i
Conservation of linear momentum
2  3  3  u cos   2  (2)  3 z
6  3u cos   4  3z
3u cos   3z  10 (1)

Newton’s law of restitution

Equations (1) and (2) are a pair of
velocity of separation = e  velocity of approach
simultaneous equations in u cos 
and z. The question asks you to find the
2  z  (3  u cos  ) velocity of B before the collision. You do
2 not need to know z, so eliminate it.
u cos   2 z  1 (2)
(1)  2
6u cos   6 z  20 (3)
(2)  3
3u cos   6 z  3 (4)
(3)  (4)

9u cos   23
The question gives you that
u cos   tan   2 and, as you have found
9 u cos  , you can use this result to
u sin  find u sin  .
tan   2
u cos 
23 46
u sin   2u cos   2  
9 9
The velocity of B before the collision is
 23 46 
(u cos  i  u sin  j)m s 1    i  j  m s 1
 9 9 

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Let the mass of each of the spheres be m and the radius of each of the spheres be r.
Let the angle the direction of motion of Q makes with the line of centres before the
impact be 
r 1
sin       30
2r 2
Hence, the angle the direction of motion of Q
makes with the line of centres, after the
impact, is 60 .
Let the speed of Q immediately after the
impact be v and the speed of R immediately
after the impact be x.
Components of velocity before the collision

Q is turned through 30 so, after the

collision, it makes an angle of
30  30  60 with the line of centres.

Components of velocity after the collision

Initially, R is at rest and the impulse

of Q on R acts along the line of centres.
So, after the impact, R moves along the
line of centres.

Perpendicular to the line of centres

For Q
As the impulse is along the line of
u sin 30  v sin 60 centres, the component of the velocity
1 3 of Q perpendicular to the line of centres is
u vu v 3 (1) unchanged.
2 2

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33 continued
Parallel to the line of centres
Conservation of linear momentum

mu cos30  mv cos 60  mx
3 1
x u v (2)
2 2
Newton’s law of restitution
velocity of separation = e  velocity of approach

x  v cos 60  eu cos30

From equation (1), v 

Substituting into equation (2) gives

u 3 u
x 
2 2 3

u cos 60
Now x   eu cos30
u 3 u u cos 60
So    eu cos 30
2 2 3 3
u 3 u u eu 3
  
2 2 3 2 3 2
3u  u  u  3eu
u  3ue
So e 

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34 Let the mass of each of the spheres be m.
Let the speed of Q immediately before the collision be u
and its speed immediately after the collision be v. You need to introduce a number of
variables to solve this question and
Let the speed of P immediately after the collision be x.
you need to make clear to an examiner
what the variables stand for. You
can do this with a clearly labelled

Components of velocity before the collision

Components of velocity after the collision

Perpendicular to the line of centres

For Q As the impulse is along the line of centres, the
u sin   v sin  (1) component of the velocity of Q perpendicular
to the line of centres is unchanged.

Along line of centres

Conservation of linear momentum

m u cos   m v sin   m x
x  u cos   v cos  (2)

Newton’s law of restitution

velocity of separation = e  velocity of approach Use these two equations to eliminate
x, the speed of P.
x  v cos  eu cos 
x  eu cos   v cos  (3)
Eliminating x between (2) and (3)

u cos   v cos   eu cos   v cos 

(1  e)u cos   2v cos  (4)

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34 continued
Dividing (1) by (4)
u sin  v sin 

(1  e)u cos  2v cos 
tan tan 

1 e 2
(1  e) tan   2 tan  , as required

35 a Components of the velocity before the collision.

All velocity are in m s–1

This sketch illustrates that,

as 32  42  52 , if tan   ,
4 3
then sin   and cos  
5 5

The component of the velocity of A perpendicular to the line of centres

immediately before the collision is
2.5sin  m s 1  2.5  m s 1  2 m s 1
The component of the velocity of A parallel to the line of
centres immediately before the collision is
2.5cos  m s 1  2.5  m s 1  1.5 m s 1
The component of the velocity of B perpendicular to the
line of centres immediately before the collision is
1.3sin  m s 1  1.3  m s 1  1.2 m s 1
The component of the velocity of B parallel to This sketch illustrates that, as
the line of centres immediately before the collision is
5 52  122  132 , if tan   , then
1.3cos  m s  1.3  m s  0.5m s
1 1 1
13 12 5
sin   and cos  
13 13

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35 b Let the components of the velocity after the collision be,
with all velocities in m s–1,

The components perpendicular

to the line of centres are

Parallel to the line of centres

Conservation of linear momentum
2 x  y  2 1.5  1 0.5
2 x  y  2.5 (1)
Newton’s law of restitution horizontally:
velocity of separation = e  velocity of approach

y  x  1.5   0.5 
y  x 1 (2)
Solving equations (1) and (2) simultaneously:
2 x  1  x   2.5
1 3
So x  and y 
2 2
Therefore the speed of A is given by
1 −1
   2  2.1 m s

and the speed of B is given by
3 −1
   1.2  1.9 m s

 

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36 a The components of velocity before the collision
perpendicular and parallel to the line of centres are

Let the components of velocities after the collision be

Let the mass of each sphere be m

Perpendicular to the line of centres

The component of velocity is unchanged, so the component of the velocity of T

after the impact perpendicular to the line of centres is U cos , as required.

Parallel to the line of centres

Conservation of linear momentum

mU sin   mx  my
x  y  u sin  (1)

Newton’s law of restitution

velocity of separation = e  velocity of approach

y  x  eU sin  (2)
(1)  (2)
2 x  U sin   eU sin   U (1  e)sin 
x = U (1  e)sin  , as required

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36 b Let the components of the velocity of T after the impact, parallel and perpendicular
to the wall be X and Y respectively

R() X  Ucos  sin   x cos 

 Ucos  sin   U (1  e) sin  cos 
 1 1  1 1 
 U cos  sin  1   e   U cos  sin    e 
 2 2  2 2 
 U (1  e) cos  sin  , as required

R()Y  U cos  cos   x sin 

 U cos 2   U (1  e)sin  sin 
 U (1  sin 2  )  U (1  e)sin 2 
 U (2  2sin 2   sin 2   e sin 2  )
 U (2  sin 2   e sin 2  )
 U [2  (1  e)sin 2  ], as required

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3 3 4
36 c tan    sin   , cos   You can just write these down but, if
4 5 5 you can’t remember these relations,
2 you can find the sine and cosine by
With e  , the components in part b become sketching a 3, 4, 5 triangle.
1  2 3 4 2
X  U 1      U
2  3 5 5 5
1   2 9  1  3 7
Y  U  2  1      U  2    U
2   3  25  2  5  10
From part a), the speed of S following the collision is given by
y  eU sin   x
U 1  e  sin 
y  eU sin  
2 3
Substituting e  and sin   into this equation gives
3 5
2U sin  U sin 
y 
3 6
2U U U
y  
5 10 2

U sin  U  3  3U
The horizontal component of the velocity of S is given by   
2 2  5  10
U cos  U  4  2U
The vertical component of the velocity of S is given by   
2 2 5 5
Considering horizontal motion, the time taken for S to travel from
distance d 10d
O  A is  3U 
speed 10 3U
2U  10d  20d 4d
So considering the vertical motion of S , AX  speed  time    
5  3U  15 3
From part b, the horizontal component of the velocity of T is given by
Also from part b, the vertical component of the velocity of T is given by
Considering horizontal motion, the time taken for T to travel from
distance d 10d
O  B is  7U 
speed 10 7U

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36 c continued
2U  10d  20d 4d
So considering the vertical motion of T , BX  speed  time    
5  7U  35 7
4d 4d 28d  12d 40d
Therefore AB  AX  XB    
3 7 21 21

37 a Let the velocity of B before the collision be ( xi  yj) m s1 and the velocity of A
before the collision be (wi  zj) m s1
Before the collision
The components of the velocities
are in m s–1

After the collision

As the impulse is in the direction of j, the

Parallel to i components of the velocities of both A and
x  2, w  3 B in the direction of l are unchanged.

Parallel to j
Conservation of linear momentum

my  2mz  m 1  2m 1
 y  2 z  1 (1)

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37 a continued
Newton’s law of restitution
velocity of separation = e  velocity of approach
1  (1)  ( y  z )
yz 4 (2)
(1)  (2)
3z  3  z  1
Substituting z = 1 into (2)

y 1  4  y  3

The velocity of A is (3i + j) m s–1

The velocity of B is (2i – 3j) m s–1

b Consider the change in momentum of A

in the direction of j.

I  2mv  2mu The mass of A is 2m.

 2m 1  2m  (1)  4m

The magnitude of the impulse is 4m N s.

A is deflected from the direction of

(3i + j) to the direction of (3i – j).

The angle of deflection is given by

2  2arctan  37 (nearest degree)

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38 a Components before collision Components after the collision

The components perpendicular to L are

unchanged by the collision.
In this case, all of the components
perpendicular to L are u sin 45 

Parallel to L

Conservation of linear momentum   

2mu cos 45  mu cos 45  mx  2my
x  2y  (1)

Newton’s law of restitution

velocity of separation = e  velocity of approach
x  y  (u cos 45  u cos 45 )
x y  (2)

(1) – (2)
As y = 0, after the collision B is
3y  0  y  0 travelling perpendicular to L.
You will need this to solve part b.
Hence x 

The impulse on A is given by

final momentum of A – initial momentum of A

   I   m(u cos 45 )
mu mu 2mu
    2mu
2 2 2
The magnitude of the impulse which acts on A in the collision is 2mu

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38 b The direction of motion of A is given by
tan    u
 1    45
u sin 45 2

This diagram shows the paths of A and B

from the point of collision to the points where
they hit the wall. The triangle is isosceles and
the required distance is d.

The distance between the points at which the spheres first strike the wall is d.

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39 a Let the speed of A immediately before the collision be u.

Components of the velocities before the collision

Let the components of the velocities after collision be

As the impulse in along the line of

centres, the component of the velocity
of A perpendicular to the line of centres
is unchanged.

Parallel to the line of centres

Conservation of linear momentum

mu cos 60  mx  kmy As B moves along the line of centres, the

1 component, y, of the velocity of B along
x  ky  u (1) the line of centres is the velocity of B. So
to solve part a, you must find y from this
pair of simultaneous equations.
Newton’s law of restitution
velocity of separation  e  veloctiy of approach
1 1
y  x  u cos 60  u (2)
2 4
ky  y 
y , as required
4(k  1)

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39 b From (2)
u 3u u 3u  u (k  1)
x y   
4 4(k  1) 4 4(k  1)
(2  k )u

4(k  1)
The direction of motion of A is given by
u 3
u sin 60
tan    (22k ) u
x 4( k 1)

4(k  1) 3
 2 3
2(2  k )
k 1  2  k
2k  1  k  , as required The question gives you that the direction of
2 motion of A makes an angle arctan 2 3  
1 with the line of centres, so tan   2 3. This
c If k  gives an equation that you can solve for k.
3u 1
y  u
4  2  1 2

 2  12  u  1 u
4  12  1 4

The kinetic energy of the system after the collision is

m  x 2  (u sin 60 ) 2   kmy 2
1 1 After the collision the velocity of A has
2 2 components x and u sin 60 . So the kinetic
1 u 2
3u  1
1 2 energy of A after the collision is
 m    m u
2  16 4  4 4 1

m x 2  (u sin 60 )2 
1  1 3 1  15
 mu 2      mu 2
2  16 4 8  32
Before the collision only A is moving
The loss in kinetic energy is and it has speed u, so the initial kinetic
1 2 15 1 energy of the system is mu 2
mu  mu 2  mu 2 2
2 32 32

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Let the balls collide a distance x from W1 at time T1 , and the speeds of the balls after collision be v A
and vB
Using v  st for each ball:
x lx
T1  
6u 5u
5 x  6l  6 x
11x  6l
x  116 l
l l
 T1   11
6u 11u
Using conservation of momentum:
6mu  5mu  mvB  mvA
u  vB  vA (1)
Using Newton’s law of restitution:
relative speed after collision = e × relative speed prior to collision
vB   vA   e  6u   5u  
vB  vA  11eu (2)
(2) − (1)
vB  vA   vB  vA   11eu  u
2vA  11e  1 u
Therefore time, T2 , taken for A to return to W1 is:
T2 
T2  11
2 11e  1
T2 
11u 11e  1

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1 continued
Total time, T = T1 + T2:
l 12l
T 
11u 11u 11e  1
l 11e  1  12l
11u 11e  1
l 11e  1  12 
11u 11e  1
11l  e  1
11u 11e  1
l  e  1
T as required.
u 11e  1

2 For all journeys, s = 10 m and a = 0 ms−2 so s = vt = 10 throughout.
Let vn be the speed after the nth collision, tn the time taken to travel between the walls at this speed
and Tn the total time to reach the opposite wall after the nth collision.

a i v0 = 10 ms−1 → t0 = 1 s by inspection.
Using Newton’s law of restitution for the first collision:

v1  ev0
v1  0.8 10  8
 t1   1.25
 T1  1  1.25  2.25
The sphere first returns to A after 2.25 s.

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2 a ii Using the same method:
v2  ev1
v2  0.8   0.8 10   6.4
 t2   1.5625
v3  ev2
v3  0.8   0.8  0.8 10   5.12
 t3   1.9531...
 t2  t3  1.5625  1.9531...  3.5156...
The sphere returns to A again after a further 3.52 s (3s.f.)
In general:
vn  e n v0
 vn  10  0.8n
s s 1
tn  
vn v0 e n
10 1
 tn   n  1.25n
10 0.8
Tn    tn
v0 n 1
 Tn  1  1.25n
n 1
The second term in the expression for Tn is the sum of geometric series with first term, a = 1.25,
and ratio r = 1.25. Since for a finite geometrical series:

a(1  r n )
1 r
1.25 1  1.25n 
 Tn  1   1  5 1  1.25n 
1  1.25
Tn   5 1.25n   4

b The sphere returns to A for the mth time after 2m − 1 collisions, i.e. at time Tn where n = 2m – 1

So the sphere returns to A for the 20th time after 40 – 1 = 39 collisions.

Using the identities above:

v39  10  0.839  1.6615...103
T39   5 1.2539   4  30088.65...

The ball returns to A for the 20th time after 30 100 s at which time it is travelling at
1.66 × 10−3 ms−1 (both to 3s.f.)

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2 c In practice, for real pairs of objects/surfaces the coefficient of restitution would vary with speed
and tends to be smaller at smaller speeds. This means that the ball is likely to have stopped moving
before it makes this number of collisions.

3 sin   3  cos   4 and tan   3

5 5 4

a For the initial fall, down positive: u = 0 ms−1, a = g, s = 5 m, v = ?

v 2  u 2  2as
v 2  0   2 10  2   100
Momentum is conserved in the direction parallel to the plane so:
10m cos  90     mv1 cos 
10sin   v1 cos  (1)
Considering the components of movement perpendicular to the plane and using Newton’s law of
v1 sin   10e sin  90   
v1 sin   10e cos  (2)
(2) ÷ (1)
tan  
tan 
0.5 2
tan   
0.75 3
 sin   2 and cos   3
13 13
Since tanα < tanθ, α < θ and initial motion of ball after the bounce is below the horizontal.
Substituting into (1)
3 10  3 v
5 13 1
v1  2 13

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3 a continued
The vertical component of this velocity is v1 sin     and the horizontal component is
v1 cos    
tan   tan 
tan     
1  tan  tan 
tan      4 3
1 3 2
tan      1
 cos      18 and sin      1
5 13 5 13
In time t, the ball travels 4k horizontally, 3k vertically and 5k along the slope where k is a constant.
Considering the horizontal motion and using s = vt
4k  v1 cos     t
v1 cos    

Vertically, taking down as positive and using s  ut  1 at 2

s  ut  2 at
1 2

4kv1 sin     10 
4k 
3k    
v1 cos     2  v1 cos     
5 16k 2
3k  4k tan     
v12 cos 2    
4k 5 16k 2
3k  
18 4 13  251813

2k 125k 2
3k  
9 81
243k  18k  125k 2 since k is not zero:
243  18  125k
Therefore, the distance travelled along the slope = 5k = 9  5  9 m

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3 b Kinetic energy Ek  1 mv so fraction of kinetic energy lost is given by:
1 mu  1 mv
2 2
2 2 u 2  v2

1 mu 2 u2
For the first bounce, u = 10 ms−1 and v = v1  2 13 ms−1 so proportion of kinetic energy lost
100   4 13
  0.48
i.e. 48%, as required.

The ball hits the slope for a second time at a velocity v2 and at angle β to the slope.
Since there is no horizontal acceleration, the horizontal component of this velocity is:
18 36
v1 cos      2 13  
5 13 5
and the vertical component can be found using v2  u 2  2as with u = v1 sin     , s = 3k = 9  3

 
 2 13  27
v2  
  2 10 
 5 13  5

v2 2  4  108
v2  52
The value of v2 is therefore given by:

     160
2 2
v2 2  52  36
5 5
v2  4 10
From the diagram, it can be seen that tan      52
tan      tan 
tan         
1      tan 
52  3 25
tan   36 4  36
1  52  3 25
30  4 13
tan   1
 cos   3 and sin  1
10 10
On the second bounce:
Momentum is conserved in the direction parallel to the plane so:
v2 cos   v3 cos  (3)

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3 b continued
Considering the components of movement perpendicular to the plane and using Newton’s law of
ev2 sin   v3 sin  (4)

(4) ÷ (3)
1 tan   tan 
tan   1
 sin   1 and cos   6
37 37

Substituting into (3)

3 6
4 10   v3 
10 37
v3  2 37
For the second bounce, u = v2  4 10 ms−1 and v = v3  2 37 ms−1,
160   4  37 
so the proportion of kinetic energy lost   0.075
i.e. 7.5%, as required.

On the second bounce, the angle at which the ball strikes the plane is shallow.

This means the component parallel to the plane is larger than that perpendicular to the plane.

Since the former is unaffected by the collision, most of the kinetic energy is retained.

On the first bounce, when the angle is higher, the larger component is the one affected by the
collision and there is therefore a greater change in the amount of kinetic energy.

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AS Exam-style practice
1 a i

Work done by resistance  initial potential energy – final kinetic energy

 2.5  9.8 12   2.5 102  169 J
a ii Work done by resistive force = force  distance
So 160  R 12
Therefore R   14.1N

When the velocity has reached a maximum, the ball’s acceleration will be 0 m s−2
By Newton’s 2nd law, the resultant force on the ball will therefore be 0 N.
So 10  0.2v 2  2.5g
2.5g  10
v2 
2.5g  10
v   8.51 m s−1

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Power = 40 kW = 40 000 W
Power  Tv
40000  Tv
40 000
So T 

Applying Newton’s 2nd Law up the plane for the whole system  :
T  5000g sin   10000 g sin   2500  0
40 000
 5000 g sin   10 000 g sin   2500  0
Now substituting sin   gives:
40 000 5000 g 10 000 g
   2500  0
v 50 50
40 000 15 000 g
  2500  0
v 50
40 000
 300 g  2500  0
40 000
 300 g  2500
40 000
So v   7.35 m s−1
 300 g  2500 

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3 a

Using conservation of momentum for the system    :

2m  2  2mv1  mv2
4m  2mv1  mv2
4  2v1  v2 (1)

Newton’s law of restitution gives

v2  v1
 0.8
1.6  v2  v1 (2)

Eliminating v2 from equations (1) and (2) gives

2.4  3v1
So v1   0.8 m s−1

Substituting into equation (2) gives

1.6  v2  0.8
So v2  2.4 m s−1
Both particles move in the direction A was originally travelling in.

b Kinetic energy lost = initial kinetic energy – final kinetic energy

1 1 1
0.36    2m   22    2m   0.82   m  2.42
2 2 2
0.36  4m  0.64m  2.88m
0.36  0.48m
So m   0.75 kg

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a Consider the particle just before and after colliding with wall W2 .
The particle will rebound from W2 with speed eu.

The impulse on the particle = the change in momentum of the particle

So   mv  mu
  meu  m  u 
  meu  mu
  mu 1  e  , as required.

distance l
b The time taken for the particle to travel from W1  W2 is given by 
speed u
distance l
The time taken for the particle to travel from W2  W1 is given by 
speed eu
l l el  l l
So the total time taken is     e  1
u eu eu eu

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Using conservation of momentum for the collision between A and B    :

3m  mv1  2mv2
3  v1  2v2 (1)
Newton’s law of restitution gives
v2  v1
 0.9
3 0
2.7  v2  v1 (2)
Eliminating v1 from equations (1) and (2) gives
5.7  3v2
So v2   1.9 m s−1
Substituting into equation (2) gives
2.7  1.9  v1
So v1  1.9  2.7  0.8 m s−1
Now consider the second collision, i.e. between B and C :

Using conservation of momentum for the collision between B and C    :

3.8m  2mw1  3mw2
3.8  2w1  3w2 (3)
Newton’s law of restitution gives
w2  w1
 0.9
1.9  0
w2  w1  1.71
or 2w2  2w1  3.42 (4)
Adding equations (3) and (4) gives
7.22  5w2
So w2   1.444 m s−1
Substituting into equation (4) gives
2w1  2.888  3.42
2w1  0.532
So w1    0.2666 m s−1
Since v1  w1  w 2 , there will be no further collisions.

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A level Exam-style practice
1 a e0

Using conservation of momentum for the system    :

6  2.5  4  0  10v
15  10v
15 3
v 
10 2
v  1.5 m s−1

c Kinetic energy lost = initial kinetic energy – final kinetic energy

1 1
  6  2.52   10  1.52
2 2
 7.5 J

Work done by friction = loss of kinetic energy

F  2   10  1.52
F  5.625 N (1)

Friction: F  R
 R = 10g
So F  10 g  (2)

From equations (1) and (2):

10g   5.625
5.625 5.625
So     0.057
10 g 10  9.8

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2 a

Power  20 kW  20 000 W
Power  Tv
20 000
So T 
Using F  ma   
T  120  2v 2   1400a

 120  2v 2   1400a
20 000
When v  16:
 120  2 162   1400a
20 000
618  1400a
So a   0.44 m s−2

Power  20 000 W
Power  Tv  T  20
So 20 000  20T
and T  1000 N

The total force down the plane is:

T  1400 g sin 6
 1000  1400  9.8  sin 6
 2434 N

The resistance to the car’s motion is:

120  2v2  120  2  202  920 N

The total force down the plane is greater than the resistive force, so there is a
net force down the plane.
Therefore the driver will need to brake to maintain his or her original speed.

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2 c The driver places the car in neutral, so T  0
The maximum speed of the car will occur when its acceleration is 0 m s−2
i.e. when the resultant force parallel to the plane is zero.
Therefore 120  2v 2  1400 g sin 6
1400 g sin 6  120
So v  and v  25.6 m s−1

3 3 4
Since tan   , you have that sin   and cos   from the right-angled triangle:
4 5 5

Suppose the ball hits the plane with speed u m s−1 and rebounds with speed v m s−1

Then down the plane  : u sin   v sin  (1)

Newton’s law of restitution parallel to the plane  : v cos   eu cos (2)

Squaring equation (1) gives u2 sin2   v 2 sin2 

Squaring equation (2) gives v 2 co2s   e2u2 cos2 

Adding these equations gives:

v 2 sin2   v 2 co2s   u2 sin2   e2u2 cos2 

v 2  sin2   co2s    u2 sin2   e2u2 cos2 
v 2  u2 sin2   e2u2 cos2 
2 2
 3 2  4  2 2
v   u   e u

 5  5
9u 16e2u 2
v 
 (3)
25 25

Since the ball loses half its kinetic energy upon impact, you have
1 2 11 2 1 2
mv   mu   mu
2 22  4
So v 2  (4)

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3 continued
Solving equations (3) and (4) simultaneously, you obtain:

u 2 9u 2 16e2u 2
 
2 25 25
1 9 16e
 
2 25 25
1 9 16e2
 
2 25 25
7 16e

50 25
So e 2 
and e   0.468

4 a Impulse on the football = change in momentum of the football

P  mv  mu
8  5
P  0.2    0.2  
 4  2 
8 3
5  1  5
     2    
 4     6 
   5   
5 5
2 2
 3  6 45 3 5
P         1.34 N s
5 5 25 5

b Let  be the angle between P and i

 1.2 
tan    
 0.6 
So   63.4

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5 a

Consider the ball hanging in vertical equilibrium.

 T  mg
Hooke’s Law gives T 
So mg 
mgl 0.25  9.8  1.2
So e    0.196 m
 15
So PQ  l  e  1.2  0.196  1.4 m

b When the string has length 1.9 m, its extension is 1.9 1.2  0.7 m
15  0.72
So its elastic potential energy is  3.0625 J
2 1.2

When the string is in equilibrium, its extension is 0.196 m

15  0.1962
So its elastic potential energy is  0.2401J
2 1.2

Therefore the work done in stretching the string to a length of 1.9 m is 3.0625  0.2401  2.8J

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5 c

PX  1.9 , so QX  PX  PQ  1.9  1.2  0.196  0.504 m

Let v be the velocity of the ball as it passes through Q .
Using the conservation of energy:
EPE  PE  KE at Q  EPE at X
15  0.1962 1 15  0.72
 0.25  9.8  0.504   0.25  v 2 
2  1.2 2 2  1.2
0.2401  1.2348  0.125v  3.0625

0.125v 2  1.5876
So v   3.6 m s−1

d Let h be the distance travelled by the ball above point X

After travelling through a distance h, the string will be slack and its velocity will be zero.

Using the work-energy principle:

Potential energy gained = elastic potential energy lost

15  0.72
0.25  9.8  h 
2  1.2
2.45h  3.0625
So h   1.25
This is a distance of 1.9 1.25  0.65 m from the ceiling.
Hence, the ball will not hit the ceiling.

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6 a i

Using conservation of momentum for the system    :

3  3  3v1  1v2
9  3v1  1v2 (1)
Consider the final kinetic energy of Q :  1  v2 2  3.645
v2 2  7.29
v2  7.29  2.7 m s-1

Substituting v2 into equation (1) gives 9  3v1  2.7

9  2.7
v1   2.1 m s-1

ii Newton’s law of restitution:

separation speed 2.7  2.1
e   0.2
approach speed 3 0

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6 b Consider the collision between Q and R:

Using conservation of momentum for the system    :

2.7  w1  2w2 (2)
Newton’s law of restitution:
w  w1
0.2  2
0.54  w2  w1 (3)

Adding equations (2) and (3) gives:

3.24  3w2
So w2  1.08 m s-1

Substituting w2 into equation (3) gives:

0.54  1.08  w1
So w1  1.08  0.54  0.54 m s-1

So the kinetic energy lost in this collision is given by

1 1 1 
 1  2.72    1  0.542   2  1.082 
2 2 2 
 2.33 J

c P moves with speed 2.1 m s-1 and Q moves with speed 0.54 m s-1
Since P and Q are moving in the same direction, they will collide again.

7 a

i    u cos60  cos 
15cos 60 8
cos   
15 15
  57.8

ii Newton’s law of restitution

final speed (vertically) 15u
sin  15  sin 57.8 
gives: e   16   0.916
approach speed (vertically) u sin 60 16  sin 60 

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7 b

Conservation of momentum parallel to the line of centres:

m cos   mv  mw
15u cos 
vw (1)

Newton’s law of restitution:

3 wv
 15u
4 16 cos 
u cos   w  v (2)

Adding equations (1) and (2) gives:

15 45
u cos   u cos   2w
16 64
u cos   2w
Substituting cos   leads to
105  8 
u    2w
64  15 
w  0.4375u

Substitute w  in equation (1):
15u 7u
cos   v 
16 16
15u  8  7u
v  
16  15  16
v   0.0625u

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7 b continued
2 2
 15u  u
So the speed of S is given by  sin 57.769      0.795u
 16   16 
15u 15u 15
sin 57.769 sin 57.769 sin 57.769
tan   16  16  16
v 0.0625u 0.0625
So   85.5

Therefore S has velocity 0.795u m s−1 at 85.5 to the line of centres.

T has velocity 0.4375u m s−1 along the line of centres.

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