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TAB Reaction Prompts

Write a brief paragraph about your reactions to the TAB experience you went through in class.
Answer the following questions to the best of your ability...

1.) How did the TAB experience effect you as a learner?

It was nice that I had an opportunity to choose, especially when I wasn’t feeling well in
class from traveling. I got frustrated with my original choice, and I was given the option
to keep at it, or try something else. Doing something else went a lot better and was
actually relaxing.
2.) What are the strong points to a TAB based classroom/lesson set up? What are the down
It’s nice because it encourages creativity, independence, and individuality. The
downside is I can imagine it to be quite chaotic in a classroom where everyone is doing
different things.
3.) What are some educational theories of practices that are used/highlighted in the TAB
The Montessori Method: everything that the students have available is accessible to
them and laid out in a way that makes sense. Students are encouraged to explore, and
the teacher is more of a guide than an authoritative figure telling students what to do
and how. Also, it is choice-based and student centered. Students can choose what they
want to do and how they achieve that.

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